Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1919, Page 19, Image 19

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Mventure of a Famo Who
I Now a Letter Carrier in Chicago
iat becomes of the famous box
rhen they quit the ring for
? It would take a long book to
ite this in detail but some odd
is crop up on the subject, par
tly concerning pugilists who
temselves go to pieces,
w this sort is a mall carrier in
igo who was tramping along
tly with his heavy sack
ime across a typical bully bcat
i little fellow," as related by
ran observer."
old on, there," said the letter
sr to the bully. "That little fel-
J no match for you."
erhaps you are." said the bully,
ng a pass at the letter carrier,
atter dropped his sack from his
stepped forward, and as the
came again- the letter carrier's
hot out. It landed with a crash
e bully's Jaw, and he fell like a
e letter carrier picked'up his
sack, slung it across his slioul
md walked away without a
ho was that fellow that hit
asked the bully, as soon as he
regained his equilibrium, of
Dolan, of the Unity building
eerlng staff.
lat's Frank Garrard. You're
y lucky he didn't knock the top
ur head off."
'ho's Garrard?"
h, he used to be a great box-
r hy, he's fought and beaten fa
boxers like Joe Gans, Young
>, Matty Matthews, and a lot of
great fighters. But he's in other
ess now."
ell, I'll be 1" said the bully,
tway he went.
Fought TopnotclicXs
ere was a time when Frank
ird was one of the best-known
•s in the worldi
len Joe Gans, Yourtg Griffo',
Matthews and other famous
veights of the long ago were
eir prime, Garrard met them
tave every one of them as good
ey sent.
ns, the old lightweight cham
the conqueror of Battling Nei
ind other famous fighters, was
f the first men to face Garrard
he set out on his career as it
rrad, who is now 47 years old,
ivho still could give any of the j
nt-day lightweights the fight :
eir lives, was first brought into !
lugilistic limelight by Harry I
e rather dreary day Garrard j
ered into Gilmore's gymnasium,
t was on Clark street, paid his
bership fee and started train- !
more liked his action, took an
est in him, taught him the fine j
s of the game, and within a
s time Garrard was beating
man who faced him in the
Matched With Gans
more figured Garrad was tough
fh to take a fling at the title,
:oaxed Joe Gans into a 20-round
i in Cleveland.
e dusky champion figured he
pick up some easy money by
ng Garrard, and the tans flgur
oe would pick up some easy
y, too. But it was not so easy,
rrard was a freakish-looking
:r when he crawled through the
r rom
$25 up
on Baum
rod 3A N. Fourth St
ln the old Cleveland Athletic
Club on tho night of the battle, and
the ringside laughed at him.
Gans smiled slyly as he looked
across the ring at the lanky light
weight, but the smile left the faces
of the 3,000 men in the arena be
fore the first round was half finished.
Grim wrinkles replaced Gans' con-
I fldent smile, too, for the lanky freak
: was slashing the dusky dancer at
' will and made Joe look bad as a
I champion.
Those who had backed Gans soon
were aware of the fact that they had
underrated the white man's abillty
i and punching power.
Made Gans Weep
The second round was one of the
blackest that Gans ever feathered j
in his career. From the tap of the I
i gong Garrard tore into Gans drove j
j him about the ring and punched him
fso hard that tears came to Joe's !
! eyes.
| In the last minute of the second j
I round Gans went into a clinch in the
i middle of the ring to save himself ]
j from tliesevere punishment, and j
! when they broke away Garrard, |
1 swinging a terrific left to Gail's jaw. J
j sent the champion to the floor.
Garrard thought he was the new j
j champion and turned away to his j
corner. s
I The crowd stood up and started to j
I move toward the exits as the referee
j counted up to nine, but Gans man
' aged to* get to his feet, and as he
i stood there dazed the bell saved
' him.
; Gans was revived in his corner,
; and after this fought the most cau
| tious fight of his life.
In the twelfth round Gans cut
I open some old scars over Garrard's
' eyes which bled profusely, and the
I latter was nearly blind in the fif
teenth, but was standing Gans off
when the chief of police ordered the
fight stopped.
Many Cliicagoans who saw Gans j
fight Garrard and later battle Nel- J
son 45 rounds, declare that Gans j
was more firiglitened and fought
j more cautiously against Garrard
| than he did when he beat the Dur- .
able Dane.
Many efforts were made after this |
to rematch Gans for another cham- [
pionship battle with Garrard, but
the dusky fighter always shied clear
of the freak lightweight who maul
ed him so unmercifully right up to
the fifteenth round.
Gans has fought his last fight, but
Garrard, his old opponent, looks as
healthy and sturdy as ever, and be
sides being a steady-going letter
carrier he is able to act well the •
part of a peacemaker when ever j
called on.
France Makes Gen. March
Grand Officer of Legion;
* Others Also Decorated
Washington, Jan. 10. General
Peyton C. March, chief of staff, was
informed yesterday by the French
embassy that the French govern
ment had conferred upon him the
decoration of Grand Officer of the
Legion of Honor, in appreciation of
the distinguished service he had
rendered during the war for the
common cause of the United States
and the Allies. This Is the second
highest military honor in the gift of
It alsb was announced that Ma
jor Generals Frank Mclntyre, Henry
Jervey, George W. Goethals and
William C. Gorges had been named
commanders of the Legion of Honor,
and Major General C. Williams,
Brigadier Generals Marlborough ;
j Churchill, Lytle Brown and Frank
T. Hincs and Colonel Constant Cor
i dier had been named officers of the
I Legion of Honor.
De Luxe Basketball
at Chestnut Street
on Saturday Night
"Jimmy" Brown, who led the
Eastern League in scoring in 1917
and 191S, will be here Saturday
night with the St. Elizabeth club.
"Tom" Dunleavy, who was a sen
sation with the Wllkes-Barre club
In the State League, will be at the
other forward position with Brown.
"Jack" Lawrence, who is consid
ered one of the greatest centers
in the cage game and formerly of
the Trenton Eastern League club,
will be pivoted with the local fil
ter, "Big Hoss" Haggertv. Har
graves and Deitricb, who have been
playing on the club for three sea
sons, will be on guard duty for
the visitors.
The St. Elizabeth club defeated
the locals here on Thanksgiving
night In one of the greatest ex
hibitions ever staged before the
basketball fans, and the game on
Saturday night with "Big Hoss"
Haggerty in the local line-up
should even prove a greater mix
Merle Gerdes. who has been in
bed with the flue for the past two
weeks, is up and around and with
the addition of Gerdes in the local
line-up the Independents should
give a good account of themselves
on Saturday night.
Dancing will immediately start
after the game.
St. Elizabeth Independents
Brown, f. McCord, f.
Dunleavy, f. Wallower, f.
Lawrence, c. Haggerty, c.
Hargraves. g. Gerdes. K .
Deitrich, g. G. Ford. g.
Referee —Clint White.
Men's half-soles sewed £1 CA
and rubber heels, ~wIOU
Ladles' half-soles seWeddjl nr
and rubber heels ® I'Av
Children's half soles
and heels 91 up
Ladles rubber heels,.., 4Qc
Work done while you wait
1820 N. Third Street,
Cor. Third and Dauphin
Best leather used. Work guaran
teed. Free deliveries
SNOODLES Hungerford
Sue*i FOOT -> ( MISS SKfNNEftS MCAEP MgJ -- "'i. " --r * "'"*' ———. p. 1 1 -■ ■
MGET Miss I SPEAK OPTO* OV YOUft. 1 MN j C\ ,oe- I
' ±J~, wo!S Aa , - jfck - SHE kin
a, -QL] T§77 ?s'2k , f 6 "*J@ f? ?!;%***
J& jgeITSS ~ % wofr £*<_
s : • ** * I'M l_i_ *
Claiming That Troeli, Beaten
by Heer, Is Best, Demands
Another Tourney
That Frank M. Troch, of Vancou
ver, W asli., is the best trapshooter in
the land, notwithstanding his defeat
by Billy Heer. is the opinion of the
trapshooting fraternity along the Pa
cific coast.
Troch and Heer, it will be remem
bered, shot a 500-target match last
June as the feature event of the
Northwest Sportsmen's Association
tournament at Seattle, Wash. Heer
won by four targets and his backers
gathered in a bushel of Liberty
The sportsmen who backed Troch
believe that the rightful home of
those Liberty Bonds is on the west
coast, and they are confident that if
Troch is given another opportunity
he can bring them back to their
proper roosting place.
The Northwest Sportsmen's Asso
ciation tournament this year will be
held under the auspices of the Port
land (Ore.) Gun Club at Everding
Park, in May, and the feature event
once more will be a match between
Frank Troch and a trapshooter to
be decided by the country at large.
In due course of time the North
west Sportsmen's Association will
Issue a defi in behalf of Troch, and
will at that time name the conditions
under which the match wil be shot.
The idea at this time is to issue a
challenge to any shooter in the world
—amateur or professional—for a
500-target event, spread over three
days. Instead of the two contestants
shooting, however, three other liigh
class amateurs shooters —the best
that can'be procured—will be placed
in the squad, making five men at
the traps.
Last year Troch and Heer shot
" There is a feeling that Troch is a
better shooter in a squad than he is
in a competition tn which only two
are shooting. This may or may not
be true, but competition in which
only two are shooting better when
in a squad than when participating
in an individual match. Many shoot
ers are much better in squad shoot
ing than in Individual match shoot
ing—and know some others who can
break more targets the faster they
Anyway, the Northwest Sports
men's Association is going at the
event early enough to get a number
of stars on the heels of Troch before
the snow gets oft the ground.
Names of Aberdeens
Purged of All Taint
in War Fund Efforts
By Associated Press
New York, Jan. 10.—The names
of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, men
tioned in connection with an in
vestigation by the district attorney's
office of an entertainment given
here last May for the benefit of the
Child Welfare "Association of Eng
land and Ireland, have been re
moved by District Attorney Swann,
it was announced yesterday from a
list of persons suspected of wrong
,ly collecting funds for purported
war charities.
It has transpired that through the
war work of the Aberdeens, now in
England, more than $lOO,OOO was
turned over to officers of the fund
they represented and that the two
paid their own expenses after com
ing to this country for the fur
therance of the charity.
: Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 10.—After being]
gassed, suffering from shellshock i
and spending more than a month at
! the front, Private Moran E. De- \
I Lancey spent a brief furlough at
! the home of his sister, Mrs. J. 11.
• Casey, 424 North Pitt street, recent
! ly. His mother, Mrs. E. E. De
1-ancey. has made her home with
i her daughter, Mrs. Casey, since the
; soldier donned the khaki.
[ Private DeLancey is a member of
] the famous Company G. He went
! over the top July 25 and helped to
I fight against the Prussian Guards
when their famous organization was
: turned toward Berlin.
: The Carlisle soldier is now sta
tioned at Camp Meade. He expects
to be mustered out in a few days.
National War Aid to
Hold Annual Session
Election of officers and reports
of committees will be important fea
tures of the' annual meeting of the
National War Aid to be held in
Fahnestock Hall Tuesday evening,
opening at 7.45 o'clock, it was an
nounced to-day by Mrs. William
Jennings, chairman.
An interesting part of the pro
gram will be that devoted to the
• Harrisburg boys who have given
i their lives on the altar of demo
-1 cracy. The roll of honor of these
young men will be read and Bishop
i James Henry Darlington will speak
and offer prayer. The reports of the
I year's work of the National War Aid
I and of the Navy Leagued will be
• read.
Under the direction of Misses
Dora W. Coo and Almeda Herman
a aeries of war and Red Cross post
er tableaux will be presented. Spe
-1 etal musical features will be in
cluded on the program.
Lancaster Gets Cold Feet
Declining Tech Game;
Soldiers Play Tonight
Tech High School basketball toss
ers were to open their Central Penn
basketball schedule this evening,
playing Lancaster High School, at
Chestnut Street Hall. The varsity
contest will begin at 8.15, with Dave
McConnell officiating. Prior to this
affair, the Sophs will oppose the Jun
iors, starting at 7.30. This contest
will be played to a conclusion before
the big game.
Scheduled to play Lancaster, the
Maroons will not meet the Red
Roses, but patrons will have a
chance to see the Marsh Run Army
Reservation team' in action. It all
happened this way:
After dilly-dallying around for
several years, Lancaster High School
finally got together five players to
represent the institution in the cage.
That was before they knew Tech
had been making athletic history.
Now they; seem to be looking for an
excuse to get out of the league, or
at least to keep from playing Tech,
so-ffiey dropped Percy Grubb several
telegrams and night letters dictating
terms and refusing to play if one
Carl Beck was in the same cage. The
read one of these yellow letters they
sent this way would lead one to think
Lancaster owned the league, and
that the league would just simply
"bust" without them.
Well, to make this story short.
Beck has ceased playing with the In
dependents and has donned the Ma
roon. The case was placed before
the executive committee of the P. I.
A. A., and that body decided that
playing on two teams by members of
the league must stop at once. And
that players who discontinue playing
will be In good standing in the
league. Miller, of Lebanon, has been
doing the same as Beck in playihg
with the Lebanon Professionals. Just
If you have a heart for bird life,
put some suet out in your yard, where
the feathery little ones can snatch a
bite of fat, which warms their tiny
bodies and is a practical lifesavor
with snow on the ground and every
thing frosen. Even sportsmen this
season are showing a kind heart for
the birds, many of them refraining
from shooting quail because they are
New York's new Governor, Smith,
of Brooklyn, made the Gotham box
ing fans happy yesterday, saying if
the Republican Legislature passed a
bill legalizing boxing in the state he
would approve It. It Is practically
certain that all DemocAts in both
houses would vote to re-est iblish
boxing. There are fifty-five Demo
crats in the Assembly and twenty
five in the Senate. With the votes
of these members certain in support
of the measure, it will be necessary
to recruit twenty-one Republicans in
the Assembly and four in the Sen
ate to put the bill through and pass
it on to Governor Smith for his sig
Cleveland, Jan. 10. What is
claimed to be a world's record for a
woman bowler was made by Mrs.
Goldie Greenwald. In three game*
as captain and anphor bowler of the
Eagles women's bowling team. Mrs.
Greenwald made 257, 210 and 265 for
a grand total of 732.
In the final game she made eleven
out of a possible twelve strikes and
was only beaten out of a perfect
score by a 6-7-10 split in the third
frarpe. Her score of 732 is a reco:d
for the alleys, the previous high to
tal, 682, being made by the proprie
tor with a loaded ball.
Mrs. Greenwald's team ran up a
score of 2,818 to 2,745 scored by a
men's team opposing it. They took
two out of the three games.
Glenn Killinger, well-known local
athlete, has just received his 'varsity
"S" In football qt State, where he
was quarterback last fall. A novel
ty in the awarding of letters this
time was that of two freshmen get
ting the honor, MacKensle and
The Commonwealth Travelers, a
newly-organized and very fast bas
ketball team, are looking for a game
.to-morrow night .taking on any ha.l
- ( "Dave" Bowman can be
called by phone at the Common
wealth Annex to arrange things.
Flokes' alleys staged the Lemoyne
League battle last night, with the
Fickes 174 152 152 478
Danzelo 108 115 107 — 730
Atkinson 75 155 105— 335
R. Reeser- 185 129 86— 360
Hammaker 163 138 149 450
Totals 665 689 689—1943
Fox 138 124 135 392
Witman 108 133 107— 348
Stettler 149 103 108— 360
Prowell 124 129 112— 365
Gibson ... 142 152 116— 410
Totals 661 636 578—1875
Chicago, Jan. 10.—Perry McGilliv
ray clipped three-fifths' of a second
from the world's swimming record
for the 100 yarde back stroke last
two weeks ago Reading High School
played an alumni team made up of
professionals. The Teeh manage
ment refused to allow Beck to play
so long as he participated With the
Independents. Now thut the Tech
athlete has decided to place school
spirit first, it would r>e unfair to him
to keep him out of the Tech lineup.
At that rate, he would be playing
with neither quintet.
Tech is anxious to meet Lancaster
and would have shown the visitors
every courtesy. But when it comes
to dictating terms, especially con
cerning the contest in this city, Tech
wants something to say. The rules
of the P. I. A. A. gover l the Central
Penn League, with the executive
committee in control. With consent
coming from that committee making
Beck and Miller eligible, providing
they cease to play at cncc, Tech is
breaking no rules of the league, and
Carl Beck is going to play.
Should Lancaster decide not to
take a chance, patrons will see just
as good a contest with the Marsh
Run Army Reservation team as a
substitute. There will positively be,
a game and Carl Beck will play.'
Johnny Beck will also play. This lad]
is a whirlwind and the guard who
tries to cover him won't suf.or in the
least from the zero weather. Fol
lowing Die contest "Suds" Sourbier's
eight-piece "jazs" orchestra will
l(ven up the crowd with some pep
pery music.
The lineups:
Tech. Lancaster.
Llngle, f. Manby, f.
J. Beck, f. Sawyer, f.
Wilsbach, c. Deen, c.
C. Beck, g. T. Garvey, g.
(Smith) (Dougherty)
Kohlman, g. Ktnn, g.
CBihl) (Sullivan).
flight in the annual interscholastic
events at the Illinois Athletic Club.
His time was 1.07 4-5.
New York, Jan. 10.—Miss Molla
BJurstedt. the Norwegian tennis
player, winner of the United States
woman's championship annually
since 1915, is planning to compete
for the English title next summer, it
was learned to-day. She expects to
sail for her home in Norway this
spring and later will try to capture
the English woman's championship
in the tournament which will be
played at Wimbledon late in June.
The revival of the English tennis
championships is expected to attract
prominent players from many na
tions. Miss BJurstedt will probably
face Mile. Lenglen, the French star,
and one or more of the best of the
American women players may com
pete. Similar conditions are ex
pected to exist in the men's singles
and doubles titular play If the final
peace terms are signed before the
opening of the tournament.
Drinkwater .. 128 139 154 421
Stoner .. ....... 122 143. 89 — 354
Adams 144 161 131— 436
Darr 119 112 102— 333
I.echthalcr .... *l7l 160 168 — 499
Totals .. . . 684 715 644—2043
Grissjnger .... 148 146 162 456
Easton 96 158 138— 392
Shee3ley 178 118 151— 447
Hare 133 134 133 400
Totals 714 702 732—2148
Standing of the Teams
'W. L. Pet.
Open Hearth 19 11 .633
Accounting Dept 15 15 .500
Sales Dept 15 15 .500
Purchasing Dept 11 19 .367
Clnclanatl. Jan. 10.—August Herr
mann, president of the Cincinnati
National League club, announced yes
| terday that the Cincinnati team
would train at home next spring, as
the regular sfason will not start un
til May. The entire month of April
win be devoted to practice among
the home team players, but It may
be that inter-league games will be
arranged with several American
League teams.
"1 do not see why we should send
our team South in April, when the
v eather is just as pleasant at home
as it is in the South," said Herrmann.
"It looks Uke both the National and
American Leagues will adopt a 140-
game schedule at the joint meeting
in New York on January 16 and this
will mean that all the teams, except
those in seacoast towns, will spend
the month of April at home practicing
for the opening of the regular play
ingl season. It will mean a great
saving tjo the club owners."
Kaii Francisco, Jan. 10.—Baron
Allardt von Dem B. Muench, a
nephew of the former German Am
bassador, Count von Bernstorff, was
sentenced yesterday to three months
in thecounty Jail for perpetrating a
fraud upon the government by at
tempting to enter the country with
a forged passport.
[Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad,
Unable to Locate Son
in Service in France
No word has been heard from Law
rence Zeigler, son of Mf. and Mrs.
Jerome Zeigler, of North Spring
street, who is at the present time lo
cated with the American Army in
France. His last letter was dated
September 17. 1918, and a letter writ
ten to, him by his parents was. re
turned from the dead letter office
marked "cannot be found." Efforts of
the parents to secure information re
garding their son from Washington.
D. C., proved futile.
The Middletown Chapter, of the
American Red Cross, held a meeting
yesterday afternoon at the headquar
ters. in South Union street, with a
large number of members present.
During the afternoon a large number
of pneumonia Jackets were complet
ed, in adultlon to a number of bed
socks. The members will work at the
rooms this evening.
The members of the Mothers' Con
gress Circle, of town, will hold a
meeting this evening, at 7:30 o'clock,
at the home of the president, Mrs. D.
P. Deatrlck, in North Union street.
The newly-appointed fire chief and
his two assistants will appear before
Burgess Samuel B. ■ Gingrich, at his
office. West Ann street. Saturday af
ternoon. to be sworn in. Former pa
trolmen will be requested to turn in
their, badges by Saturday afternoon.
The Women's Missionary Society, of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, was
entertained last night by Mrs. John J.
Groupe at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kurtz, South
Union street. A large number of the
members of the organization were
present. A short program was given,
consisting of a selected reading, by
Miss Blanche Churchman, and two
musical selections (instrumental),
"Tarantelle," by Peiczonka, and "Ber
ceuse." by lejinsky, by Miss Nancy
Hanna, of West Water street. Re
freshments were served.
Lieutenant Bruce Peters arrived in
town last night and will spend some
time with his parents, in East Water
street. Lieutenant Peters has been
mustered out of service after being
located at a local training camp for
the past several months.
Herman S. Lewis, of New York City,
•has purchased the 2-in-l grocery
store, in South Union street, which
was formerly owned by Krauss Brotli
s. Mr. Lewis took charge of the
~iore yesterday.
Many boys and girls of the borough
are found each night in the North
Union street hill, where the coasting
is fine. Many coast also on the West
Main street hill, and in the High
school grounds.
Mrs. D. B. Keiffer, Pine and Main
streets, has been taken to the Jeffer
son Hospital. Philadelphia. bv her
husband and daughter. Miss Goldie
Keiffer. She underwent an operation
yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cooper, of Au
burn. Me., spent sever&l days here as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E
Baxtresser, In West Main street. Mr
Cooper is a junior member of the
Wise and Cooper firm of a grade of
ladles' shoes, and is at present located
at the Ordnance Depot, west of the
borough. Mrs. Cooper came here from
the South, where she had been spend
ing some time as the guest of her
N. C. Fuhrman, the barber, will re-
at you•.
A bad bargain in clothes
not only keeps making faces
at you, but frightens away
the folks who would like
to be friendly toward you.
You can improve your
appearance at the cost of
little money if you will visit
our clothes shop.
s2|- 50 $29 50
$2O to $37.50
HOLmAm /v
228 Market Street
JANUARY 10, 1919.
turn to his home, in South Union
street, this evening after spending the
past several days at Philadelphia,
where he was the guest of relatives
and friends.
Mrs. C. Croll Nialey. who has been
spending some time at Palmyra, has
returned to the home of her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Beard, in
East Main street.
Miss Helen Belstllne. who resides at
the home of Charles Houser, In West
Ann street, has secured a position at
Bowman's Department Store, at Har
Miss Minnie Lehman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lehman, of Swatara
Hill, east of here, spent yesterday in
town as the guest of relatives and
friends. Miss Anna Lehman, of Swat
ara Hill, left last week for Cham
bersburg. Cumberland "county, at
which place she is employed in a de
partment store.
Lieutenant John Croll, who lias
been stationed at Camp Funston, Kan
sas, for the past several months, has
returned to his post after spending
the past several days in the borough
as the guest of Ills parents. Mr. and
Mrs. John Croll. Sr., in West Main
Miss Mary Holman, a head nurse at
a hospital at Philadelphia, has re
turned to that city after spending the
past several days in town as the
guest of Mrs. Jennie Slack'and daugh
ters. Mrs, C. Lloyd Lindemuth, on the
corner of Kmaus and Pine streets.
Recent births announced in town
follows: A son was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Karl F. Bowers, at the home
of the former's parents. Dr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Bowers, in Swatara street.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bowers reside at
Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. William
Crown, who reside In Susquehanna
After New Year Sale
Now in Full Blast
Great Reductions
TAKE NOTICE—With every suit ordered now from
us, we will make to measure an
Same material as suit ordered, or from an other fabric
equally as good.
Overcoats! Overcoats! i
Full winter weight and all wool, from $25.00 and up, j
and a pair of pants, value $B.OO to $15.00 made to meas
ure free with every overcoat ordered.
The extra free pants we make for you, are worth from
$B.OO to $15.00 per pair (according to suit ordered), and
will surely give your suit double the wear.
Come early and get the best pick.
Come and look them over, you are entirely welcome and
you will not be asked to buy.
Standard Woolen Co.
103 North Second Street
Two Doors Above Walnut Street
Liberty Bonds and partly-paid Liberty Bonds cashed.
Play Safe-
Stick to
Because the quality is as good as ever It
was. They will please and satisfy you
7c— worth it
street, announce the birth of a son, or,
Wednesday, January S. Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Stevens. 43 East Main street,
announce the birth of a son, Wesley
Gervlne Stevens, on Friday, January
3. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Stev
ens was Miss Catherine Key.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Books are
spending some time in the borough at'
the home of the latter's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Myers, in North Pine
street. Mr. Books was employed on
government work at Hopewell. Va..
but owing to the suspension of opera
tions at that plant, Mr. Books has re
turned to town. He will leave for
State College, where he will com
plete his-course.
Basketball at Steelton
Tonight With St. Mary's
and Oberlin Ex-High
A lively time was planned for
to-nlKlit on the Orpheum floor,
Front street near Locust, at Steel
ton where St. Mary's basketball
tea mwas scheduled to play the
Oberlin Ex-high squad. Man
tineili's orchestra is engaged to
furnish the music for the dancing
which will follow the battle.