Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1919, Page 17, Image 17
ree New Troops tb Be Formed Very Soon hree new troops will soon take ir place in sooutlng In the olty. op 29, under the scoutmaster > of B. F. Dickinson, will eoon started at St. Paul's Episcopal irch, Second and Emerald iota; Troop 81 at St. Matthew's heran. Sixth and Maclay, will start out under the direction W. E. 11. Hunk as scoutmaster, op 30 at Market Street Baptist soon have completed Its rogls lon and In the near future a >p will be organized at St. John's ormcd Church, Fourth and Ma /. All tho preliminary arrange lts have been made, and papers now before the tentative troop lmlttee. number of other churches are ious to form troops and are only ting for the right man to come ng to take charge. IHEI'M ATISM No rtmidr nsi reiitMd o man* of theamaiuai Sou and Locntifo it Muoyoa • Rhtam* >m Rtmedy 1*1? It snd *nea b a gocd-bv* 'o ratchet caott tra paint I'doetnoi mt the dtieate to ileep, but dritet It rota the lytiem Re!ieet pain !o rem one to three hour* Price, 30ca lottle Send foi D'ei ar.d Care Chart dunfon'i Labotaiotiea, 34th and rolombis Ate., Pn.la ■L Jr x/ gvggnouvncKT- HAJ wrrccxmTncDamwowtr lffiF—rwwfWUi I^LIR I Sensational Cut In Prices At Our Our Big Clearance Sale is now on. No matter what your needs may be in wearing apparel this sale will save you money. If you wish we'll charge ypur purchases at the sale price. Women's Coats - Waists jb |J ' SbtoFm 'Jm \ J| I | Men'* and Yoartg Men'* llj, W Suits 3 O'Coats JBm ffl *** Boys' Suits L-ZtyJ £ * ■ Get here early for these attractive specials Ladies' Department [~ $2O SILK DRESSES NOW $10.98 Men and Young Men $25 SILK DRESSES now $12.98 - . A fine $3O SILK DRESSES NOW $15.50 mts and Overcoats $lB COATS now $12.98 S2S<*)ATS now $15.50 $l5 sls s£o $25 $4O COATS now $24.50 ink.nic.mmta.ii.iii> $25 SUITS now $16.98 ' $35 SU IT S now $24.50 BOYS' SUITS - very fine value* $5O SUITS • now $32.98 $5.95 and $7.50. All size*. You Don't Need The Cash Charge Your Purchases 36 N. Second Street, Corner Walnut FRIDAY KVRMNG, Be Loyal to Your Six, Urges Scribe "A cub does hot viva In to him aolf." Thla la tha second cub law and la printed hero tot tha benefit of tha live absent and two tardy ouba of Pack Two laet Frldhy. Bo loyal to your Six—lt Isn't fair to the other fallows to pull down tho standing by being absent. Unless you have a good excuse It menne ten points to the bad. You missed a good meeting. The Cubmaster ar ranged tho following Sixes! Grey, Huston, sixer; Crcgo, Hess, Adams, McCaulcy and Hockwood! White, sixer; George Doak, Charles Honk, ltecser, Ksslg, Ronemus; Brown, Cunkle, sixer. You seo Cunkle Is tho whole aix Just now! but give him a chance and seo how long It takes him to get the other five. There's n new game on for to night— "Pass tho Holt" and a quis and more Tendorpnd tests and ono star work. Wo are Invited to hear Captain Hong's talk to Troop Six teen ut 8 o'clock. I.et evory fellow make a big effort to bo present to night, and please romember that the setting up eArclses begin at ®;25 sharp. CUB HUSTON*, Scribe. Troop Seven to Hold Important Meeting Tonight A very Important bus.ness meet ing of Troop 7 will be held this evening promptly at 7 o'clock. Elab orate plans will bo made relative to the scout anniversary week and the second troop anniversary entertain ment which will also take place some time during the month of Feb ruarys The troop will then enter Its third year's work. The Beaver Patrol will take charge of the stunts for Friday evening. Several weeks ago the First Aid patrol gave an Interesting stunt entitled "First Aid to the Hungry." It certainly was enjoyed. The Crow Patrol gave a picture travel Including post camp scenes. Scout diaries will be given to all Scouts present at to-night's meet-. lng. These were greatly appreciated I last year. Every true Scdut is al-1 ways anxious to have one. . f NEWS MM? NOTES OF THE j SCOUTMASTER FOR TROOP TWENTY J. W. McMorrlg Takes Leader ship of Livo Organization i Scouts on Hike Troop 20 at laet has a Scoutmaster after several months of waiting. He Is J. W, McMorrls and promises to, be a real live scoutmaster, and one who will be liked by every member of the troop, Our troop for tho past year has been using tho merit system with very good results, giving suitable re wards* for the throe highest scouts each month. Wo have made an ad dition to the system in which awards are given the two patrols having the highest number of merits and de merits each month The patrol hav ing the highest number of points gain (merits minus demerits) Is awarded an honor emblem which is a large red dot about the sizo of a quarter which Is sewn on tho patrol flag. TJie patrol having the highest number of demerits each month is awarded the janitor's cmblenv—a broom which thoy must use to keep the troop room looking splo and span for a month. This month the Reaver patrol Is keeping the room clean, while the Crow Patrol won the honor emblem. The patrol hav ing the most honor emblems on their dag by June- 4 —the troop's birthday— will be awarded some special prize not yet decided upon. On Tuesday, December If, the troop hiked to Oyster's dam where they spent the greater part of the day passing outdoor requirements. In the afternoon the troop camped under the bridge while It was raining and also played games. Scout Spotta, of Troop 8, gave the scouta Instruc tion In tracking. At the meeting this evening all Indoor requirements for second class may be taken. The troop sincerely hopes that the scribe, Henry Baer, who has been taking a vacation for the last three weeks will let us hear from him through tho gcout page some time soon. G. PARK WEAVER. Scribe. fcjomißßTrßG ifißb Ysmaitxprf The Wigwam SCOUTING Weil, here we are again, fellows. Now to eee who came eut With their work. Maybe Seme ot you fellowe do not knew what Scouting Is while some other Scents will give a differ ent solution. Well, Boeuts, here is one which maybe some explanation of what Scouting Is I anyway we'll leave It up to you, The other day when coming home from market, 1 saw a boy helping an old man to get his heavy wageh load of working tools across the busy seetlon of the down town street, Perhaps this man was a hard working man and his little wagon whlah he used to haul his tools to work with was un doubtedly many years old and was about falling apart, The man was old and was very weak andHhs Good Scout practicing his Good Turn every day did his by helping the eld gentleman across the busy Intersec tion of a downtown corner. What Is making Scouting a success 7 Is It the big men that are with us 7 Is It first class and otbsr ranks of Scouts that is helping to boast our great organization? Well, perhaps you have your Ideals but my opinion of success Is the fact that a Good Turn Is done each and every day and this Itself helps to make the boy great and feel confidence In himself know ing that he helped a weaker brother In his every day labor. Db YOUR great big Good Turn every day and don't stop at one but do a hundred and then feel satisfied and then you are one of us In our great big or ganization. That's me all over, fel lers. Do a good turn daily. A THREE-MILE WALK (By Red Cloud) It was afternoon on a cold, som ber day in the late autumn when my companion and 1 left Pen brook by the Hoerncrstown road. A light snow flurry died away as golden shafts of sunlight pierced their way through the thick clouds. A cold, stinging wind prevented any feeling of warmth tn the sunlight and the bright rays served only to add to the beauty of a golden landscape. The fields lay sear and brown; the dry, brown leaves rustled on the oak trees and the woods and hlllls were' shrouded In a purple haze. About a mile east of Penhrook along this road there stands the ruins of an old church building. The entire western wall has fallen out: the roof hangs by one side only; bits of plaster and broken brick lie among the tall weeds and the at -1 moephere of the place Is one of desolation and neglect. Back of the i building is the usual graveyard. The j old weather-beaten stones which i now stand at all- angles were placed there many years ago. We walked among them and fn ' the Inscriptions read such as these: 1738. ITS 7. 1738. 17S and 1778. It came to my mind that the date first mentioned above was the year of Washington's birth. One whose body hea burled here was born fn the days when the tittle American Army lay starving and freezing at Valley Forge. Ashes from wood fires lay at sev eral places in the churchyard. An empty whisky bottle stood on a fallen gravestone. Weeds grow In wild profusion without a friendly hand to check them. As we walked away, a farm wagon rattled by. The driver who passed within ten feet of the old graves never turned his head. Hs probably passes here day after day. but I venture to say that he does not know how many, many years before his time the old stones were lovingly placed at the heads of the graves that axe forgotten and passed by, unnoticed. As we walked toward Progress, fleecy particles of snow again danced hi the air.. Tangles of black berry bushes grow along tl™ rail fences that run beside the road. Here and there at the foot of a fencepost Were the red and green leaves of wild strawberry plants. A gust of wind carried on Its breath a shower of oak and chestnut leaves. About half a mills front Progress there Is a ptenia grove known aa "Flßhburo'S Woods." Fifty yards to the east of this grove there Is an other patch of woodland and the casual stroller who tramps the road between the two patches does not know that tn the smaller' one there is an old cemetery.. Many of the stones that once marked graves have disappeared. Two markers standing in the woods boar Herman Inscriptions and the dates 1748-4,813 and 1780-r8430.. Two others, lying on the ground, ore cov ered with moist earth and fallen leaves. The one Is broken in two. The dates on the stones tell that the persons for whom they were erected were born in the years 177.8 and 1747... This little graveyard prob ably holds an Interesting story In connection with ths early history of Dauphin county.. A walk of another mils brought us to the old graveyard that lies along the Jbnestuwn rood, apposite Shoop's Church,. The sun, low be the west, made a last, brave effort bo shine through the clouds and the windows of church and farmhouse were tit by the reflection of a dull red glow.. m this burying ground, amid clumps of boxwood, we found twelve stones bearing dates between 168-? and 1788.. On many stones the dates have been obliterated by wind and rain. It was by turning ever fallen markers and scraping away the moist earth that we were abto to find such dates as 17XL, 1754 and 1780,. Ths majority of these ■tones too bear German Inscriptions. A white-haired student of history,, who lives in the neighborhood, vol unteered the Information that the first person burled In this graveyard was a woman who had been scalped by Indiana He Also told of the days when the funeral processions were made up of hayiadders and men on horseback. In later days come the picturesque Conoetoga wagon and after the Conestoga wagon, the buggy.. He toM amusing stores of the days when gal Ants and country lassies came riding, two on a horse, to church or to country picnic—but that may make another story.. < By this time the sun had disap peared behind the western hilla lights began to glow tn farmhouse windows and as daylight faded the air grew colder and cotderv Over the hill glowed the light from a Lin glestown car, hut to have ridden ome tp. such a prooaio conveyance, after having spent the afternoon In an atmosphere of long ago, would have seemed entirely out of place— almost eacrellglous. Down the road In the gathering dusk came ft farm wagon nnd despite the vjr'nd and the growing eliill, We eltmbed In beside the driver and rode along, perfectly satisfied with the rattle of the wheels and the pounding of hoofs on the frffoen road, RED CLOUD, Scoutmasters Plan For "Anniversary Week" At a meeting of the Scoutmasters' Association last Tuesday flight a thorough discussion of the eomlng anniversary week took place. The majority of troops In the olty Were represented, and It whs the opinion of all that this week should be made a most memorable one for scouting In Harrlsburg, Among the commlttoei appointed was one on Troop "Stunts'" at the "Father-Son" banquet to be held at the Penn-Harris Hotel the night of February 10, consisting of John German, Troop 13, and Lewis Jen kins, Troop 8, Scoutmaster L. E. Vnnaman, of Troop 26, was appointed chairman of a committee to arrange for a unique first aid contest, nnd J. Car- Vet Sparrow, assistant scoutmaster of Troop 6, to arrange for a flrfe maklng contest. V. L. Huntsberger, field executive, was made chairman of "Publicity Day" to be held on Wednesday, February 12. On this day it Is planned to have demonstra tions ot scouting in all Its varied forms In store windows and on the Square. The meeting closed with a lecture on first aid by Paul Kohl haas. [Additional Scout News on Page IS. J | Swift's Premium | -- I j|sj •aa in Roast Beet Oleomargarine If . " 9 I 5 ** contains 3710 calories to the pound § I w —three times the number in roast || | W • beef—twelve times the number in chicken II ' —six times the number in eggs —three a I !§J Twelve Thnes as ManyCaiones times the number in white bread ' fc? ,IW as in Chicken. t IS? Swifts Premium Oleomargarine ha& a? |8 the elements for growth that all children ® \m need life It has the better flavor. It is delicious, \ I Sue Times as Many Calories aa Sweet, pire and clean. IS I Hi Eggs. Z I gj Saves 20 cents or more a pound IjjJ I 5 Fine tor cooking and baking. Not S I Sj touched by hand in manufacture or pack- IS U® \mMl ing. It is easy to get—the most widely ft I g y distributed brand of Oleomargarine. M I jS Three Times as Many Calories r M IS % a in White Bread. f Other Quality Brand* I J*' Fancy White Olcomargarino Mad* From Nutsund Milk S \ J Swift & Company, U. S. A. Iff [ n. y' Karrisborg Local Branch I Seventh and North Streets S£i I F. W. Covert, Manager SCOUTS BANQUET VERY ROYALLY Members of* Troop 4 at Big Feed} Scout Executive Virgin Present At the first meeting In the new year of Troop 4 a new thing- was ilone In the way of appointing *oouz Qraeffe to tell na at the next meet ing all the eurrent events of the weeki Our scoutmaster gave us a tr.lk on the greatness of .Roosevelt. The final event on the program) and by far the most amusing was a mock trial which was held) Alex Wleland was the prisoner up for stealing a scarfi John Hobart was the pris oner's defendant and Harold Eylcr was the prosecutor's attorney) We had a great time for hg|f an hour fighting It out. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to throe years in prison. On Friday night, January 8, we held a big banquet. Scout Executive Virgin wus with us as the guest of honor. The eats oonslsted of little cakes, big cakes, ice cream, and cocoa with marshmallow whip, Everybody had a good time. When we were about half way through our feast the scoutmaster called a halt to have a few speeches, but we didn't mind that for we had eaten so much that we needed a little rest. The sales of W. S, 8, In the troop amounted to |Bd. The team cap tained by John Hobart won over the team captained by Harold Eyler, The troop has been trying to get a basketball floor but we have been unsuccessful so far. Anyone know ing of a floor which wo could ob tain will do us a good turn by com municating with Mr, Virgin who will tell us. AI,EX. WIET.AND, Scribe. JAmMfcY 10} 1910: Jehu Martin Elected Petrel Leader of "28" On Thursday; December 26; scteit members of our troop nnd our as sistant scoutmaster; Amos. Nye; who was home froni* Philadelphia: tweF fhe holidays took a hike to the lane on Boyd's farm: Bome Interest!'"? pictures, trerp taken, and some, fine specimens of stalhctltcs-secured,: At the meeting for election of of ficers the following Seouts were elected:. ' Patrol leader; John Martin, Lion "My Little Pets Love Cascarets" , TO MOTHERS 1 If you will learn to give > this harmless candy cathartic to your children, in* stead of castor oil, calomel and pills, you will save money and avoid lots of worry and trouble. Truly 1 When one of the kiddies has a white tongue, a tainted breath, sour stomach or- a cold; when bilious, constipated, feverish, remember, a Cascaret to quickly "work" away the nasty bile, sour fermentationi and poisons should always be the first treatment given. Children really like to take candy Cascarets and they never grips the tender bowels, never injure, and never disappoint the worried mother. Give Cascarets to children one year old and upwards. Each 10 cent box contains full directions for children and adults. Patrol: assistant patrol leader; IrA Howard; Lion Patrol; Patrol leaden Weston Smith; Flying Eagle Patrol; assistant patrol ' leader: Style# Summy"; Flying Eagle Patrol: Jacob Matter was Heeted scribe and Btyies Bammy ks big ksslstant: Wllmer Powere was chosen as tjuari termaster knd Henry iToomey; bug ler: William of 'Troop 6; wag named as an 1 istrtictor for the troop: Four new members are Id sight: JACOB MATTER, Serlbe; 17