Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 10, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
I Bby Scout News | IsCOUT BUXBAIM I WINS HIGH RANK units of Prizewinners in ■ w. S. S. Contest Are ■ Announced All Scouts in tlie city whether Hthcv took part in the W. S. S. cam- the last week in December or will he interested in knowing Hvho are the winners of the prizes through the kindness of Sites. ln the troops as a whole, Troop ■l 1 comes first with a total amount 5768.00; Troop 26 is next with total of $219.75 and the third goes to Troop 8 with a total H,f $218.00. You will notice that a rivalry must have existed be- Hween 26 and 8 since 20 had an ad ■ ance of only $1.75 over Troop 8. Troop prize won by Tr§op ■ onsists of an American Red Cross aid box. Congratulations, ll. The individual winners Hoe as follows: ■ Scout. Troop. Amt.Sold chard Buxbaum .. 11 ■ oseph Steele 2b 1-9 00 Haar cS'o? Christian Brandt ??•;. ■ icorge Hopkins '"?•*? Hart Mocker 28 <®'*f ■ 'lcon Criswell 18 '•. Bard 26 Sl'-U ' ■ amcs Parsons -6 . -•- . Hagar 13 - V Here are the' prizes; First prize, uniform: second prize, alumi ■nim cook kit or featherweight ■>helter tent or Ceebynite compass, prize, magnnpole compass, ■'ourtli and fifth prizes, Scout Jewelry ■ets; sixth to tenth prizes, souvenir Scout Diary. ■Troop Sixteen Elects ■ Officers at Meeting We had some meeting last week ■ t Troop 16. Every fellow on the list prcsont on time. After devotional exercises and Inspec- we elected officers resulting as ■allows: President, Frank Foose; ■ ice president, Joseph Machlan; ■ rihe. Cloon Criswell; treasurer, larold Grand: chaplain, tv illlam custodian, Russel Brown. matter of merits took our at- for a little while. "VVe de- to give twenty-five merits for an acceptable new inem- Hr. Charles Foelich was appointed of the committee for our ■text luncheon. lie named the fol- comittec: Cleon Criswell. Foose, Oliver McGary and ■ iobert Cunkle. The Court of Honor immediately after the meeting | discussed the lack Of Interest of of the officers, and re-arranged patrols. To-night we shall have pleasure of bearing Captain ■ames T. hong, 112tli Infantry, 28th who was in the second bat ■lc of the Marne, and whose com- H>any entered Chateau Thierry a few after the Germans left, tell of ■lis experiences in that great con- Captain Long is a very intcr- talker and we feel highly li°n- that lie lias consented to talk us. We will give him a rousing ,, , Bag To-morrow, weather permitting, a Hanie of hare and hounds over a six- course in the York hills. The will leave |he Square on the |H: 15 New Cumberland car. and the will follow on the 1:45. Each should bring fourteen cents and a lunch. We expect to the Square not later than .H: 80. You know what will be found ■ t the end of the course, so don't it. 16 CLEON CRISWELL, Scribe. ■Troop to Go on Hike II to'HummeUtown Cave ( M Trbop 26 held its regular weekly j Monday with very nearly entire troop membership pres- After opening the meeting the gave a short talk on the performed by the troop during §HIS and predicted a year of activity I the coming year that would Troop 26 far, in tlie lead in awarded to the follow ing scouts tlie sale of War Savings Stamps, the promise of more to come, Ace Medals for at least the I scouts decorated, Joseph James F. Parsons and Chas. The 100 per cent, duty 1 ■i„ for December was awarded to • Bard and will be bis to wear) IHntll won by another scou*. During meeting Mr. Sparrow took over | duties of assistant scoutmaster was. assigned io instruction in' 00l^cra i ■. i The troop will go on a hike to the i at llumnielstown Saturday af-j ■.men where firemaking and cook-, test will be giyen to those ■." nts who are ready to take it. A'.' 1 iiius going along should bring a j or candle and be dressed \ ■ old clothes and shoes. Scouts | ■ ishing to attend the nike will re- ( ■ ,rt at tlie church at 1 o'clock Sat- . jp, H. JT. COUUTCOTT. S out. Hcouts Hold Interesting m Debate at Their Rally BH The Scouts of Troop 9 held a rally January 2. Everyone ■ho attended had a grand time. Mr. was with us and gave us a Our visitors ulso included Davage Brown of Troop 11, ■,rk. and Scouts Charles Dlggs. ■ üburt Strain and Boyd Strain, of oop 23. Ilarrisburg. One of the ■ost interesting parts of tlie p:0- was a debate on the following "Which is the stronger of ■ e United States fighting forces, ■e army or the navy?" The atflr- side consisting of Edward and Ross Cooper won over negative side which was de ■ nded by Beverly Ward and Walter Broop Eight Attends El Services in Christ Church Last Monday evening about seven, members of Troop 8 went to a R^H. nm union preparatory service at Lutheran Church. After the IBurch service there was a short in which the new constltu. |H a was read. This constitution many good clauses, among being one which states that candidate can enter Troop 8 tin- he has the consent of the Scouts the Troop and Is ready to become ■IH Tenderfoot at the first ihocting he attends. h E. A. SPOTZ, Scribe, i Scout News on Page 17.] ''''The Live Store" "Always Reliable" • | v *\ t • , Doutrichs is a "safe" store for you and your friends at all times because you always have a "come back" in case you are not satisfied, our guarantee is so sweeping that it takes in everything and leaves no doubt whatever in your mind, the whole transaction is entirely in YOUR hands, when ♦ you are pleased and satisfied, then and only then do we consider we have served you the way we should. , ' f ' V * Doutrichs Januaryßeductions A great many stores will guarantee but We press on still using our original methods to "carry it out" is where a great many "hedge" Sometimes a of obtaining the "good will" and confidence of the people. store will guarantee for a short while until they probably feel that they That is by square'dealing, honest representation and greater values—Take have the trade coming their way and they can "slacken up" a bit But do January reductions, you'll find it just as a customer told us yesterday you notice we continue to say "Always Reliable" as aggressively as ever you don't seem to make much "fuss" about your values yet they're the before with unabated interest? best to be found anywhere. • T •, 1 > * '> ' , . ■ Hart Schaffner & Marx Kuppenheimer & Society Brand Clothes _ We've been "checking up" for several days and >/ you'll be surprised to see the number of customers who have 1 : been here the past few days who came HERE after they had been disappointed elsewhere We have the merchandise and when you go to another store and Every Suit and Overcoat Reduced All $2O Suits and Overcoats<j;i fiflfl All $4O Suits and Overcoats<j;3 2SO All $25 Suits and Overcoats 21.50 All J545 Suits and Overcoats<|}37Jso All $3O Suits and Overcoats <|}24.50 All $5O Suits and Overcoats<£4J gQ All $35 Suits and All $55 Suits and Over coats <£4g # 5 Q All $3B Suits and *[ fif) All $6O Suits and r /| Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws All $6.50 Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $5.25 | All $7.50 Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $6.25 All $8.50 Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws $7.25 All $lO.OO Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws .... $8.25- All $12.00 Boys' Suits, Overcoats and Mackinaws .... $10.25 All $4.00 Trousers $3,25 All $6.50 Trousers $5.25 \ All $4.50 Trousers $3 J 5 All $7.50 Trousers $6#25 1 All $5.00 Trousers 2S All $8.50 Trousers 25 ' 304 Market Street • ' Harrisburg, Pa. ' ' ' . J il' I .mi - _■*_ FRIDAY EVENING, WXTUUSBTTRO JANUARY 10, 1919. " 13