Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1919, Page 8, Image 8
8 CAPT. DRAKE DEPICTS TRIP ' Describes Journey of National Guard Unit From Camp Hancock to France Captain George P. Drake, of tho American Expeditionary Forces, In a letter to his wife, Mrs. George P. Drake. 2218 North Fifth stret, nar rates a number of Interesting experi ences In the Groat World War. Ho says: "We spent a very pleasant Thanks giving day. Tho (lay was rainy and the evening more so. It was declared an absolute holiday for the tnen and only tho necessary military work Was done. About the only thing I had to do was to send the headquarter truck to Huldecourt for rations. We do this every day, rogardless of any thing olse. Tho men must eat, you know, and wo have to make this trip every day as rations are drawn from flay to day. In tho morning the chap lain held church services in tho theater and he preached a very fine sermon. We had an ordinary lunch at 1 o'clock and at i o'clock we had our dinner. Wo had no extras is sued and what we had out\of the government Issue wo had to fecrape up wherever wo could. Captain En nis, the mess officer, went to Bar-le- Duc for the pig and some other things. This Is the menu: "Cauliflower with milk dressing, roast pork, baked beans, celery hearts, pickles, sliced onions Dandruffy Scalps Ruin the Hair and Make It Fall Out Parision Sage Keeps the Scalp Clean, Quickly Stops All Itching and Stimulates New Hair to Grow or Nothing to Pay. See the Bald Spot. That Shorn What Dandruff Will Do If you have dandruff you must get rid of it quick—it's positively dan gerous and will surely ruin your hair if you don't. GUARANTEED RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM, LUMBAGO AND ALL MUSCULAR SORENESS 20th Century Liniment Guaranteed by all go.od druggists. Pit it oa full strength right out of the bottle. It goes right to the spot and brings soothing relief. ,It does not burn, stain or leave a greasy resi due, but it certainly puts an end to ail Rheumatic Pains, Lumbago,- Sci atica, Neuralgia and Pleurisy Pains. It acts quicker and better than any thing you have ever tried. And does it so surely and speedily, it scums almost like magic. A single Misery writes: "I have such a very ■*'• e cough and cold and have not been able to get anything to help mm. It Is weakening my system." j Answer: Use the following and your cold and cough will vanish and you will soon be strong again. Get a at* o, bottle of Concentrated Es sence Mentho-Laxene and take every hour or two. This can be taken puro or mad* Into a full pint of home made syrup. Full direction as to tfse will be found on bottle. This Is b mild laxative and will drive the eold from the system. • • • Lucille asks: "I have tried to cur* dandruff, Itching scalp, falling hair ahd baldness with numerous tonics, etc., but in vain. What do you recommend? Answer: I have been recommend ing Plain Yellow Mlnyol for the past seven years and scores of my patients are delighted with the quick, pleas ant action of this remedy In stopping Itching, falling hair, dandruff, etc. It glvee the hair health, lustre and vigor as nothing else does. Obtain In 4-oz. jars with full directions. • • • Maud* writes: "Can you please prescribe modtclne which will relieve me of such distressing symptoms of kidney and bladder, as the following: Pains in small of !>ack, soreness in region of bladder, frequent calls at night but scanty flow with pain, burtiing and foul odor, puffing of Urns, etc." Answer: Those seeking relief from kidney and bladder disorders should begin" taking Balmwort Tablets,, a verv Successful formula sold in •eaied tubes with full directions. * * * Gerry asks: "For several months i I have not town feeltng well. My I ekln Is sallow, my tongue is coated, • . TUESDAY EVENING, and salad, toaat and Jam, coffee or chocolate, champagne. "Not such a bad dinner at that, conatderlng that Bar-le-Duc la about forty-five klloa away and not much to be bought after you gat there and that everything you buy la vary high. Over the table we had a wooden chandelier with candlea all over the top and candlea on the table and a big tire going In the fireplace. 80 taking everything Into conalderatlon wo had a very enjoyable Thanksglv lng. "I don't believe I have ever told you all about our thp from Camp H&ncock to France, and aa tha cen sorship has ben lifted somewhat I will try and tell you juet where we were at. and about when. Wo left Camp Ilancock, Augusta, Ga., on Sunday afternoon. May 12, 1918, at 3 o'clock, and arrived at Camp Mills, L. 1., on Tuesday morning We left Camp Mills Saturday afternoon. May 18, for pier 60, New York, and board ed tho steamship Ceramic, which was a British boat and has since been sunk by a submarine. I might say that from the time we arrived at Camp Mills until we left It was noth ing but a continual grind getting the equipment for the men and all day Friday, Friday night and Saturday was some of the busiest times that I ever put in, although on Friday night I did turn the work of issuing stores over to tho sergeants and went to New York, where I called you on tho telephone. I tried to do it from Hempstead, but I believe everyone In Camp Mills wanted to use the fey stations there. "We sailed from New York at about 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon. May 19. Wo dropped down the river to Sandy Hook, where there were fourteen other transports loaded with soldiers waiting for us. We were the last to join the convoy and we im ■ Dandruffy heads mean faded, i brittle, scraggly hair that Anally I dies and then you are hairless and i nothing can help you. The only way to abolish dandruff I for good is to destroy the germ that causes it. To do this quickly, surely | and safely, and at little expense, | there is nothing so effective as Parls | inn sage, which you can get from ! Kennedy and good druggists every | where. It'is guaranteed to banish dan- Idruflf, ,stop itching scalp and falling | hair, and' promote a new growth, or j the cost, shall as it Is, be refunded, j Tarislan sage is a scienttAc prepa j ration that supplies all hair needs— ian antiseptic, delicately perfumed | liquid', neither sticky or greasy, easy to apply, and guaranteed not to col or the hair or scalp. Good looking hair is half the bat tle in any man's or woman's persoiml appearance. , Neglect means dull, thin, lifeless hair and Anally bald ness, while a little attention now in sures thick and lustrous hair for years to come. | No matter what your hair troubles try a Parisian sage massage to-night —you will not be disappointed. application will prove it in almost every instance. Remember, there is nothing so good for bronciritis, sore throat, stiff neck, lameness or sore muscles, and that results are guaranteed. If you don't find quick relief, take the bottle back to your druggist and get your money back. What this truly wonderful liniment has done for others it can do for you also. Step in and get a bottle to-day. Any druggist can supply you. TWDOCKKS I The questions answered below are general In character, the symptoms lor diseases are given and the an ! swers will apply in any case of elm | ilar nature. Those wishihg further advice, free, : may address Dr. Lewis Baker, Col ! lege Bldg., College-Elwood streets, Dayton, Ohio, enclosing sclf-address 'ed stamped envelope for reply. Full 1 name and address must be given, : but only Initials or fictitious names will be used in my answers. The pre scriptions can be filled at any well stocked drug store. Any druggist can order of wholesaler. have headache, am sleepless, nervous and bothered with chronic constipa tion. Please help me." Answer: neod a laxative blood cleansing treatment in the form of Three-Grain Sulpherb Tab ets (not sulphur.) Overcome the tendency to constipation and gradu ally your good health and pure blood will return. • • • Mrs. B. writes: "I hesitate to ask advice as my case is so unusual. In a word, I am tired and worn out all the time. Rest does not refresh me. I have been married over a year and formerly did not know what It was to be tired or nervous. Sometimes I feel hysterical. I fear I will become a nuisance to my husband if this continues." Answer: Your nervous system has been depleted. You need a tonic in vigorating medicine that will aid In supplying more food-energy, to your nerves. Take Three Grain Cadom ene Tablets regularly for several months. NOTE: For many years Dr. Baker has been giving free advice and pre scriptions to millions bf people through the press columns, and doubtless has helped In relieving ill ness and distress more than any ■ingle Individual In the world's his tory. Thousands have written him expressions of gratitude and confi dence similar to the following: Dr. Lewis Baker, Dear Sir: . In reading your good advice to others I have found relief. I enclose stamps, and please send me your "Great Guide Book, and Beauty," and I thank you for advice to others which/ so helped me. May your good work go on. You will get better reward than money In helplna so many who suffer and often canflot get a doc tor, us there Is no money to pay one. One of your many well-wishers. Sincerely, i MISS C. 11. WHITE, 150 Free street, Portland, M. mediately etarted our journey acroaa the ocean. We were convoyed by an American oattleajilp and English converted orueer all the way acyroaa. We had an uneventful trip except on the I Oth of May one of the ahlpa sighted a submarine and they dropped some depth charges. We didn't see any more and X don't know whether they got him or not. During the last two days of the voyage we were escorted In by airships, air planes, torpedoboata and other small armed boats. In all there were about forty of these boats around us. and they were especially watchful when we were going down the Irish coast. The ship docked at Liver pool early on the morning of May 31 and we remained on ship all that day. Our baggage was taken off and I, was off the boat and went up to the railroad yards to see that It was loaded in the cars. It was my first sight of English freight cars and they certainly looked funny. They I have only four wheels and are only 'about twelve feet long and hold about ten or twelve tons of freight. We left the ship on the Ist of June for Rumsey, which is an English rest camp. The baggage-loading detail and" myself left from another station than the rest of tho train and ar rived at Rumsey about 2 o'clock the next morning. > "We stopped at Derby for coffee. It was about a twelve-hour trip through a very beautiful part of England. A lieutenant and myself had a compartment all to ourselves and the men were about eight to the compartment with their equipment which made it a little crowded for them but they got along all right. You know all the passenger cars are called carriages, freight cars, vans or wagons. The carriages have three, four or five compartments. In all that distance I saw only one grade crossing. The railroad goes either overhead or underneath a road and the entire railroad Is fenced In, all of which Is a good Idea. , "We left Rumsey June 5 and marched to Southampton, a distance fo about eight miles. It was a very easy march over fine roads and the Colonel took It easy. Wo crossed the English channel that same evening on the channel boat. Prince George. We were very crowded as the capac ity of the boat was 700 and we had 1,295 men, so you see there was not much Toom left. We received an is sue of thirty-nine pounds of cheese and several boxes of crackers for 1,295 men for breakfast tho next morning. You can figure for your self how much each man got. The English ration Is not very liberal. "We disembarked at LaHarve, France, in the morning of June 6. We marched through the city, up a steep hill to another rest camp, up a camp is near the edge of the city and I was able to go In and see the city for about two hours. "We left I.a Ilarve at 2.30 a. m., June 8. for Camp de Meucon, Vannes, Morbihan. This was an artillery training canip. Here we underwent extensive training, received our horses and equipment and attended schools. Vannes 1s a very old city and this"part of France is inhabited by the Britons. Their dress Is very peculiar and very ancient. Wo had an Interesting stay in this town and while there I was at St. Nazal re to get stores, also went with the colonel and the chaplain to Nantes, also to Port Navalo, which is a sort of sum mer resort. "We arrived at Mezy railhead at 12.80 a. m„ August 8, and the firut thing we heard the railhead officer say was " put out those lights." The airplanes have been busy at this point and only that evening they had dropped a few bombs. You know a railhead or ammunition dump is a favorite place for the Jerrys to work in. "We went into camp in the Eols vent Jean Guilame or William woods and Joined Companies A and B, which had left us at Vannes the dav after we arrived. They had been to thf front since early in July. This is the place where I received the telegram from General Beary telling me of the arrival of Jean, hence the name Jean. We were here until August 12 when we moved a little nearer the front to the Bois Muniere, where the ammunition train got* down to real work in hauling the ammunition up to the front. The Jerrys dropped bombs all around us while we were here, but we al ways escaped. I guess because we were In the woods and pretty well camouflaged. You know camouflage is a great thing over here. Always keeps everything out of sight. This camp was not a great ways from the Vesle and I got up to the front pretty often We left the Bol Muniere on September 13 for the rest period. We arrived at Epernay on the evening of the 13th where we camped for the night, left Kpornay 14 and cat hP e d for night at Hellze, passing through Vitry-le- Francois. arrived at Chaminob, where we were to spend a thirty-day rest period. The men were quartered in the town and headquarters was at the Chateau Troise Fountaine. We did not stay here long for on the 18th we were ordered to the Argonne sec tor. "We left Cheminon on the 18th and camped at l'vorflmon where we stayed the 19th. We left Yvonlmon on the .9th and camped near Les Islettes. We were here two days, leaving on the nd and camped in the Bois Chalade, Argonne, about Ave kilos from the German lines. The motor section was about a mile from the horse section, and on the 24th the horse section was shelled and we lost eighteen men wounded, and 131 horses killed, wounded and evacu ated. Some start for them. The mo tor section also lost three men killed while at this place and this Is the place where some time later Vohn Bausch had his leg broken. Cap- Jni! n an d I were in a dugout The men were in dugouts on the side h i U ~ r in a "y "belter they could And. On the morning of Sep tember 25 the bombardment began when hundreds of gujis began firing and let was & terrible roar for a few days. Something one will not forget. It was at this place I had my twenty three-hour trip in trying to go from the woods to Varennes. The infantry division was relieved on the 10th of October, but the artillery brigade and ammunition train was held in reserve. 1 will not tell of all the things that happened while I was In the Argonne, only our movements "The woods was very wet and damp and a great many men were getting pneumonia and on the 17th of October ws were moved to Les Islettes and went Into billets. The chaplain. Captain Moyer and my self were in a nice room with a ffre placo and It certainly was an agree able change. While we were at this place a Jerry bombed the town but did no ..damage. He missed calcu lations and- dropped them on the edge of town. While we were af this place we were detached from the Twenty-eighth Division and attach ed to corps and hauled for the Sev enty-eighth and Seventy-ninth Di visions. Our artillery and our two caisson companies were ordered to Belgium and we have not seen our two caisson Companies since, I un derstand they were in another bomb ing raid, having lost seventeen men and forty horses. Major Rsnnlngsr is also sick and has been evacuated HXRRISBURG oSSA* TKLEGRXPH to the rear and In all probability will go home. "On October 23 we left Des Islettes for Bute vine. In the St. Mlhlel sec tor, but aa this plaoe was pretty near the lines we were stopped at Beucom villa, where we lived with the rats for a few days. I had to even chase the rats oft my bed at night. "On October 29th wo moved to S&vonleres, where we are now at. The ammunition train did good work here and since the ammunition haul ing has stopped they" aro salvaging i the divisional area." Reception Tendered the Returning Yanks Pleases Uncle Sam's Doughboys Arthur G. Black, a soldier from this city, who Was among the re cent to retuVn to this country from the .European front, has written his* father, George W. Black, 1940 North street, a letter In which he describes his trip across and gives a vivid description of the recep tion tendered the returning soldiers at New York City. The letter was written on Christmas Day from Camp Merritt, and follows: "I thought X would write to you and let you know that I am well, and hope that you are all the same. Trust that you got the telegram which I sent yesterday. X left Brest, FVance on the 17th day of December to sail for the states. We got on the boat on the 16th, and sailed the next day at 7 p. m. Sailed on the ship named "Prance," you may see the picture of it in one of the papers In the next few days, it was in the New York Herald to-day. "We had a nice trip- across, ex- ! cept the second and third days wet were caught In a storm and It was very rough. The waves were as high as the B deck of the ship, and the way it rocked was something awful. There were about four thousand i troops on board, and about three thousand of them sick, and I was : one of them. But In a few days I ' was all right again and did not care i how much It rocked then. The last two days of the trip the ocean was very calm. It looked Just like a big sheet of glass, and then wc made good time. You could not tell wheth er we were on water or on a train, . it went so smoothly. I will send you 1 a card with the picture of the ship on it. The ship was 667 feet long, but sometimes It seemed as If it was | only ten feet long tbe way it rocked. "X will never forget the day we pulled In the harbor. It was on the 24th of December, the day before Christmas, at 12.30 p. m„ when the noise started. There) were at least five hundred ships In the harbor, big and Bmall together, but they all made noise and it was so loud that j we could not hear each other talk ; when we were right beside each | other. All whistles of the boats, ships , and trains, factories and mills were blowing, and It lasted from * 12.30 | until 'way af\er 2 o'clock. i "It took twg boats to tow us into the dock. When we got there, there were band concerts and every thing else. There were bands on the ships, and an army band op the dock, and lots of people. They were playing from the time they saw us 1 until we got off the boat. That was not all, there were lots of people | in the building cheering, and out of the WoolwortU building and the Na tional Biscuit Company windows there yre re paper flying from all di rections, till the streets below look ed as though it had snowed. "They also had a big Are boat in the harbor and had half a dozen lines of hose spraying water on It. Believe me, It was the best day of my life! But that was not.all. When we got off the boat there were all j kinds of things for us, and it did i not cost us a cent for anything. Be- I fore we could start to cat anything ! or get it into our pockets, there was some ole coming with something else. "The Salvation Army, Red t Cross, Knigths of Columbus, and Y. I CHILD GETS SICK CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED Look at tongue! Then give fruit laxative for stomach, liver, bowels. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm children and they love it. Mother! Tour child isn't naturally cross and peevish. See if tongue Is coated; this is a sure sign the little stomach, liver and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat, sleep or act naturally has stomach-ache, diarrhoea, re member, a gentle liver and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment given. Nothing equals "California Syrup of Figs" for children's Ills; give a teaspoonful. and in a few hours all the foul waste, sour olle and fer menting food which Is clogged In the bowels passes out of the system, and you have m well and playful child again. All children love this harm less, delicious "fruit laxative," and It never falls to effect a good "In side" cleansing. Directions for ba bies, children of all ages and grown ups are plainly on the bottle. Keep it handy in your home. A little given to-day saves a sick child to-morrow, hut get the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "Cali fornia Syrup of Figs," then see tlAt it is made, by the "California Fig Syrup, Company." I ATTENTION * Members of BAYARD LODGE No. 150, K. of P. Meeting of Importance THURSDAY EV£., JAN. 9, 1919 Your Attendance Requested W. A. Sower, C. C. James L Baker, K.-6C Rwanda. I M. C. A. all had candy, clgarets, chewing gum, coffee, biscuits, cakes, frnlt and lots of other things. We noVer had a time like It dnywhere before. "These organisations did the beat P*"•of the work In the army for the Doughboys. They were up on the lines where the shells were flying and bursting around them, serving hot chocolate, cigarets, candy chew lnggum and cakes, all the time dur ing the war. No matter where we Wcro, they were with us all the time. I got off the ship at 3.15 p. m. at pier 67, and from there I went on the ferry across the river and got on the train for Camp Merritt, SPUTTER'S 25 CENT DEPARTMENT STORE Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because fiualities Are Better Great Has Been the Success of Cur Eighth January Sale * % From the time our doors opened on this big event Tuesday there has been a steady flow of patrons, who have been eager to avail themselves of the exceptional values offered. Generous stocks provided in anticipa tion of active buying afford to week-end buyers the same wide range of ► assortments and prices as prevailed on the opening day. Come and profit. . * January Sale Specials in January Sale Specials in Embroideries and Laces x Ladies', Misses' and Children's Muslin 75c vain. 37-Inch Swiss cmbrold- 12M-C, 15c, 19c, 35c and 29c valnc cry flouncing with hen and rufllc. narrow Swl.a baby edge. Sale f T_. .1 ... falc price 50c price ....Bc, 10c, 12>ie, 15c aad 17c UnQeTWcar 85c valnc 27-lncb Bwlnn cmbrold- 18c, 25c and 29c value convent 8 ," le J" r ! ce *} yc edge. Sale price . .15c, 17c and 19c Freih, New Merchandise of First Ladles' gowna. Sale prlcca ..860 BOc and 30c value Swla* and anln- „„ .__ ... ... , Unnlltv. - D ok embroidery flounclag. Sale il,c " nd 3Uc value C|BI JJ . ... , Ladles' camisole*. Sale price, $l.OO prlcca 3c and 25c . „ 19c aad 25c Ladles' drawer., plain, lace and ... . . " Sc value naln.ook embroidery. "™ d embroidery trlmmtd. Sale prices. Children a drawers, plain, lace and Sale price 25c •■■ertlona. Sale price -5c aad 89c embroidery trimmed. Sale prices, 50c, 75c and 91.00 value nil-over 39c, 50c and 75c valnc venlae lace - 19c, 25c, 29c, 82e, 35e. 45c and 4Sc embroidery. Sale price, nnd bandings. Sale price - Corset covers, plain, lace and em- ' ' ° ' °°® *** " nd 4 *> :i9c, KOc aad 75c 25c, 38c and 6*c broidery trimmed. Sale prlcca, Chlldren'a bloomers. Sale price, 35c. 45c and 50c value corset cover l"t, 19c, 25c, 29c, 30c and 48c valne 29c, 39c, nnd 50c 50c and 59e embroidery. Salo price, narrow vcnlse Sale price, Braaalcrea, Sale prlcca, 50c and 5c Chlldren'a bodies and nndervesta. S9c valne baby crabr&ldcry'yekcn. g c , 15c, 19c,* 38eT' ' 1 B "' e TT 1 "" ''' 23 c' 89c ' 50c " nd r,9r >• 29c !., white and eeru. Sale prior. embrold > Tao.ndSl'oO Chlldren'a aklrts. Sale prica, J 10c, 25c and 35c value embroidery 6c, 10c, 13Hc. 15c, 19c and 35c ' , ~ , . ' To ®. nd jm- 1 Insertion. Sale price, 5c valne val lares Sale Drier 3 Ladles' aklrts, lace and embrold- . . ' j L 12y-e, 16c and 35c yards for .vffloc ery trimmed. Sale prleesj_ ChHdrena Prlaeesa slips. Sale H * 25c, 20c and 35c value embroidered 10c, le and 25c "value vai iacea 08c ' Bnd ® Sc Price* 50c and OBe j k cornet cover edges. Sale price. Bnd Insertions. Sale price, ~ 17c, 19c and 25c sc, 12MtC and 15c L, 7c valnc embroidery foot edges. 89e. BOc, 50c and 75c value Orlen r Sale price 5c tal lacea. Sale price 25c, 38c, 42c, s©c | - , _ , , , ► ; January Sale Specials in y January Sale Specials in / the Household Department Dry Goods Department price T * ,U * ° ap * ■ nd ~,cen' s "y® value china vasea. Sale prica, loc value 30-Inch unbleached mns- 5c value khaki Tarklah towels. o , 00c „J" ln ® rt P^ ,ce, * t,, p,,cher *' 3 ®c value ehlna platea. Sale price, ► I '"sqVaVnc Mrinch n Jb'eaekeil' rani- '"isy^c'v'utiie ' mercerised* " h'emmc* " '"T ▼ nln ® bread slicen. Sale pr^s" ""l'oc v"\ue P 3a-h.ch bieached musl'lm "(5* "iloc'mefcirfzc'd "table dam- lS Vine"XiiVfia* 8 c. 1 , 8 ® J? 1 "* m " fc """ ny candlesticks" short ends. Sale price 14c ask. Snle price 09c Ta, " e lnta. Sale Sale price IKe 25c value 80-Inch bleached mns- 91.00 value mercerised table dam- *,/ V ' i,"" ' '7',''.'' J' 25c value castor sets. Sale price, lln. Snle price 10c ask. Sale price 85c 10c >-,ue bn " er Plate*. Sale price m^T.-:'fl".".e , Vric 86 :!"T h .. b,e " erIS. V "s.e VrVoV" . . "'"Mi J* ?"•' P ° , " ,,> & X'.u-cb'bZx^TY.S ,l£ ~ , T.".T'" b r , "..T^"";.. H ?95 Vn\Tr"e r "" b " r r.. b,e .". C Td,n ® ' kVblcti." " Snle 9c 35c vaine Lonsdaie cnmbrlc mns- 7e'vnlae lace curtains. Baie price, VnluW dish 'BODS' ' '.u 'DRI7 J ' 10C T " ,oe bre " d Sa,e Price, lln. Sole price 20e pair 50c .c valne dish pans. Sale price, Sc. 15c value buck towpls. Sale price, 33c value light and dark outing |. t . .1"' 25c ~lue Palters. Sale prlec. 10c loc flannels. Sale price 25c bifttrr dishes Jrld- 23c Tnlue b ®ry spoons. Sale price, 25c value huek towels. Sale price, 3 0c value bleached domet flannel. Borcelsln batter dishes. Sale price, I#c 15c valnc honeycomb towels. SnU B "iSc 'vn'lne npron "ginghsmiii ' Sh"e 43c valne fancy china. Sale Sale price .*l*! .f!?. 29c P, i"e value' Turkl.b ' iiWris'.' s!.U j v.iuc apron ,V„gbms. ' Swtw 390 <*' "•'*' iVl"c Vrict" "'lSe' P r ce 10c ■ price 19c 39c value chlnn vases. Sale price, 39c valne china powder boxes. 29c Sale price 25c January Sale Specials in ' Art Needlework January Sale Specials in pr£ ,BCh ., r " ler . p,e "".. s £c 1 co^ e r.: , "":.; I p™?; d . m " 4e :" p . White Goods and Wash Goods * l *Pe comb,Bßt,# " ""Jgi droaTe <P flai^nrlce e ~ ,,P "oSe ,27c value longolotb. Sale price 21c .. 39c T ., ue white voiles, L. .""J". sc dren'a gowns. Snle price 5., c * 3 sc vulne longclotb. Sale price 39c 91.2j value batiste gowns. Snle | 49c value mailc-np clothes pin 3Dc valnc longclotb. Sale price 33c price z.-c Price 98c aprons. Sale price 35c 50c value longclotb. Sale price 30c value 45-Inch white mercerls- Stamped nadc-np chlldren'a drrs- 2Sc valne stamped aprons. Sale 29c value nainsook. Sale price 31c ed salting. Sale price 39c aes. Sale pricen 39c to 75c price 10c 35 value nslnsook. Sale price 20c 20c tmncr Mrlpt . WOTen tu . 23e value 18-Inch stamped center 30c valne made-up cretonne cash- -£ , "i, ® ",f P"®* encs. Snle price 10c pieces. Sale price 19c lon slips. Sale pr.ee 25c Me value rrlnkle fir iadlc.' 39c value mercerized poplin, aU 23c value 18-lnch ntamped center 10c to 25c value Instruction books, nnderwear. Sale price 29c colors. Sale price 25c P'*?—' Sale price 19c Sale price - .....7c 28c value fane atrlpe voiles. Sale - 89c valne percales, light and dark 25c value fleeced slipper aoles. Lot of crochet cotton, slightly price 19c colors. Sale price 24c Sale price 15c aolled. Sale price, ball 9c 89c vahin. "Harrlsburg" felt pen- 26c value 10-la. and 14-ln. knlt nants. Sale price 35c ting needles. Sale price, pair, 16c ————— —M — SD— — 25c and SBc valne stamped linen 98c value stamped luncheon sets. , pin cushions. Sale price 10c Sale price 9c • O 1 £S • 1 • 25c valne work baga, stamped. 60e vulne hemstitched scarfs. Sale JCUIUftrV Oale oD€CiaiS 111 Sale price * 12/ 3 c price 89c ' C pr?c°c" r-r.. cn ' bfln .. "• rd ":. 8 % pr!. , - 40 s;, B . ,n p"r, , c-c d ""'. ■ Bed ". Odd Lot* of Merchandise 30c value stamped ercpe combing 95c value ladlea' caavaa aole ellp jacketa Snle price 25c pers. Sale price 76c 10c valnc ladlea' colored border Lot of 50c valnc chlldren'a flaa handkerchlefa. Sole price 5c le | tl(e sleepers. Sale price 19c eh?-f V "iT- Li'!!:"' ,ot ot 30c valne ladles'" brassieres. January Sale Special, in £• SLTSti.'^..i.^ r P Hc f .... ... ' r tray la General Perahlug and Mar- d °c valne colored sateen skirts. Men ft nnrl RAVI' Warp p 11 " 1 s "'e d# c priee sse * * 15e value Palm Olive snap. Sale 29e valne / chlldrea'a knit toflnea. 60c value men's kalt gloves. Sale) 15c valae men's linen collars, P *|" ; _ l9e S "'' pr,c ® ....... - price 19e aalled, and dlscontlnned styles. Sale _ valae ladlna' earrings. Sale 75c valne knit shawls. Sale priee, 75c and 85c valne boya* shirts and price . 5o P 25 50c dravera. slightly soiled, fleeced lln- T|)ae men's snspendera, Icatb- ®° c value broach plan. Sals price, 50c valae kalt shawls. Sale price, ed and ribbed. price, each. 39c , r Sale riee 95e ' 25c 35c B X oi- , "Drlce y " .. tSS valae men's silk neckwear. . _* 1 ; 00 vn!oc long string pearl 4Sc valne chUdren'a gingham 2t£ valne men's pad garters, ' Side wide ends, large assortment of pat- b -*' s " ,e prlpe aprons. Sale prlea 29c price 17c 4*' an. Sale price -r-390 50c valne black beads. Sale price, 30c valne children's percale 25c uad 68c value boys' gloves, 39e Valae men's base, black, lav- 25c aprons. Sale price 33a ganatlets, raits aad leather gloves, endar, gray and brown. Salo price, 60c valne roasnry beads Sale price 39c valne children's flanneletta (lair price 15c 21c , 39c skirts. Sale price 25c January Sale Specials In January Sale Specials in No*e Our L adf"Hau d Dre " sakmd WoclDre " GoodB STORE HOURS Trimmed and natrlmmed, and all 91.4S valne, 30-inch black nllk 30c value silk mouanellne, all eel- - -_ A . M this season's beat goods. meosallne. Sale price Lli •" PHce 20c MOFe OpeHS 8.30 A. M. 9OAO to 98.00 valuca. Sale value 30-lneh black silk 78c Vnlaa silk pop!las. b|ack, navy. Q n, |V .sr r 93.50 to 95.00 values. Sale priori hWMllw. Sale price 9c r... sad brcwa. Salc pricj. StOrC Cl0e8 DaiiyExCept •J'™ Tsc value black wool oergc. Salo 91.00 valae 9-laeh silk poplin, Sahirdav IAA P M 92.00 to 93.00 valuea. Sale prims rase aad garnet. Sale price ..79c OaiUrCUiy D.UU I. In* 92250 value children's hats. S.lc valnc 80-laeh hlaok and white '"fiat StOTC Open Saturday price 08c shepherd cheeks. Sale price ...48e pt.oB v.SO-tach hiiUk taffeta . ' 91.50 valne children's hata Sale 91.90 cerdnreys. Sale price ..48c silk. Sale price 91.48 c EVCUIIIgS Soutter's 25c Departnent Store Where Every Day la Bargain Day i] : 215 Market Street Opposite Courthouse^ a., A A fl ft ft IflldddMdddt ftj where we will bo for about three or four daya. Then we will leave for a camp cloaer home, so It will not be worth while writing to me now until I know where I will be. It may be that I will be home in about two weeks. I did not lose any weight In the army. Weighed myself to-day nnd tipped the scales at 16G 1-2 pounds without my overcoat. "We had some dinner to-day, the first good dinner we had since I have been in the arpiy. 1 had all the turkey I could eat, pie, cake, olives, hot chocolate, asparagus, beans, or nnges, bananas, apples, candy, all kinds of nuts, celery, turkey filling, grapes, bread, butter and jelly, and when I got all this stuff put away JANUARY 9, 1919. they came around and wanted to know whether I wanted any more. They told us they had plenty of It, and they sure must h&Ve, the way It was piled up In froht of Us. "The best part of It was wo did not have to go apd get our things ths way wo have been doing for about six months. They had men there to put It right on our plates, and all we had to do was to see that It would get off. But they would not let our plates get empty. They also made UB fill our pockets with candy, nuts and fruit, and we sure had one big time. A Christmas that X will never forget. "Well, I guess I will coleo this time. This Is abo.ut the flrst big let ter that I wrote to you for a time. J wish you all a Marry Chrtat tnaa and a Happy Now Yaar. Ehpect to too home In a few daya, ao ood bye. "Youra, "ARTHUR O. BLACK." cheat— are beat treated ||P. NEW PRICES—-30c. 60c. 61 JO