4 NEW MONTHLY , TICKET RULING HITS COMMUTERS 60-Trip Tickets to Be Good Only During Calendar Month Hundreds of commuters working In Harrisburg and living In nearby communities are affected by the lat est order of the Federal railroad ad ministration, changing the basis on Which the sixty-trip monthly com mutation tickets are now sold. In stead of being good for thirty con secutive days as they now are, they will hold good only for one calen dar month. The new arrangement will be ooine effective dte February 11. Tickets already pm-chased may be used until their expiration, but tick ets purchased after this month will he good only in the calendar month in whiflh they have been purchas ed. Under this arrangement, many ISSiyilr I 209 WALNUT ST. i I A Big Friday Special to Go With Our APPRECIATION SALE of Good Shoes * About fifty pairs of Women's Novelty Boots that sold up to $5; mostly small sizes; on sale Friday $1.98 I ¥ i Women's Rubbers, $ \ " * We're Making Speedy Headway In Harrisburg's Newest Bakery The success of our new plant is certainly assured judging by the satisfactory way our bread is being received by the public of this city , t|f Well, things are shaping up to the way we Cj Every drop of milk in our bread is the very want them so that we'll be able to give finest the dairymen of our section procure the people of this community real bread —and you know that this section of the —Gunzenhauser's bread. great state of Pennsylvania produces the J Every baker has his own idea as to how fine,t | I 90 SUITS, FRIDAY AT / | 35 SUITS, FRIDAY AT $18.95 | I 242 OVERCOATS . 1 f Every new and desirable model for men and 1 P young men—and all sizes in the lots— 1 ||j 130 OVERCOATS AT $9.95 I 62 OVERCOATS AT $12.50 1 | 48 OVERCOATS AT $14.95 1 170 OVERCOATS AT $18.95 ||j§ | 1 32 OVERCOATS AT $22.95 SH 1 IYI ————________ TT HfH". |j||j b| One Lot of Ten 95 jfk \Jjftg® hj I Sheepskin Lined *l|±! 1 ii| COATS, Friday at. MIS JOTI $7.95 § Is Several Hundred Pairs Men's Pants Special Friday § liy One Hundred Pairs $ | 7Q Two Hundred Pairs $0 aq, Three Hundred Pre. $ O AQ |j| i| Men's Odd Pants *•• * Men's Odd Pants Men's Odd Pants O.*±U !§! Lined Corduroy, Worsteds, MJ IS] Worsteds and Corduroys ' Cassimers and Worsteds I Cheviots. J?] I Boys' Specials on Friday, Tomorrow] 1 1 To Start Second Week of Clean Sweep Sale 1 Boys' Corduroy Pants, Boys* Knit Toques Ofl Boys' Odd Blouses—Per- p 6to 16 years, GQs A dozen shades . ca l e an( j Madras, jtfl jtl strongly made, . VJC tapeless 4ifC | . „ , Boys' Corduroy Suits, 7 ——— IjH ? n T CO £*f, Wl ! h to 17 years, made of drab Boys' Norfolk Suits, 7to bj Leggings and Hat to flu match, made of heavy shade cord : P ants cut 17 ears I B ood 13 beaver frJ QT full; trench Q/" cheviot; new d>£ Q[* fijl cloth iivO model trench coats , Vwwv Men's Furnishings For Friday I Extra Specials to Start Second Week of Clean Sweep Sale i MEN'S WHITE MEN'S LINEN MEN'S MEN'S MEN'S [jU DUCK COATS COLLAHS SUSPENDERS lIANDK'RCHIEFS COTTON BOSS || Small sizes only. . .. Oood webb. Plain white hem- . . . g] Suitable for paint- 4 - p, y Unen ' aU ... 4 rtltched- .rood nual B,aOK f " t hi ® rs . styles and sizes. leather ends, cast • 1 co i or . good weight. |W Only 36 In tho lot. off buckle "y- g*l Sa,e 1 fir 80,0 lOr Sale 91 „ Sale Sale 10//,- II Pricx; lOC Price AUC ZIC Price 5C Price IZC ®| Men's Work f 7'7 n Men's Union 01 /§Q Men's Heavy GO o*7 j§| bi Shirts, Friday... ' ' Suits, Friday Coat ** * la Men's Blue Work ShirU, dark Men's Fleece Lined Grey and Men'a Extra Heavy Rope Stitch h| or light blue, cut full; ail szes, Ecru Ribbed Union Suits, first Coat Sweaters in blue, maroon Ig u t n 17 quality and good heavy winter and brown, extra high storm col- 21 * weight larj values up to $6. j FHHnv 88 55c Men ' B Union C 7 4?Q Ladies' Slip- C? J?Q 1 m J l,' tA. .ft Suits, Friday Sweaters 1 Men s Dreaii Shirts, soft and v 110 l laundered ruffs- made of nercale tt . n ,*® nuln About twenty-flVe Ladles' AH- SI laundered cuffs, made or percale union Suits, all sizes and the wool Slip-on Sweaters; values up hi and soft materials. best garment on the market. to <8.98. Hi JANUARY 9, 1919. Finishing Department and Projectile | Forge Department, and the Coil Shop] vs. the Transportation Department. A volleyball contest between the Maintenance Department and Projec tile Finishing Department will be given. There will be indoor baseball between the Rolling and Blooming Mills 'and the Open Hearth Depart ment. A boxing match, with "Bill" Sawyer against "Tom" Zwelfel will be given, F. V. Larkin acting as referee. In the auditorium a number of in teresting acts are scheduled, among them being a concert by, the Harris burg Pipe and Pipo Bending Company band, J. L. Sprenger. director; moving pictures: singing, by the famous Pipe and Pipe Bending G"ee Club. George D. Kltnelftle, director; F. McQuade, humorous monologist; E. OBborne, cartoonist and magician; A. Delone. xylophone, accompanied by R. Shuey, pianist; "Budd" Martin and George Martin, blackface comedians, and G. Chartrea, Scotch songs. Refreshments will be served. There is no charge for admission. 0 8 8-Year-Old Nurse Is Roosevelt Mourner New York, Jan. 9.—One mourner who was invited to the funeral of Colonel Roosevelt and who could not attend was Mrs. Mary D. Led with, 88 years old. of this city, who for more than fifty years had been a nurse and governess in the roose velt. family. In tears the aged woman said she had sent a niece, Mary Flynn, to represent her at the obsequies In Oyster Bay because she had been prevented from attending herself by the infirmities of age and the weath er. Colonel Roosevelt's chief - charac teristics, said Mrs. Ledwith, were h)s "intense devotion to his famllj When Mr. RooseveU married Miss Edith Carow, in 1887, the old Irish and his great love for his fellow nurse accompanied them to Londoi on their honeymoon and visited Eu rope with them twice afterward. "Cold in the Head" is an acute attack of Nasal Catarrh Persons who are subject to frequen "colds in the head" will find that th< use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDI CINE will build up the System cleanse the Blood and render then less liable to Colds. Repeated attacki of Acute Catarrh may lead to Chron ic Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICIND li | taken internally and acts througl I the Blood on the Mucous Surface; j of the system. All Druggists, 75c. Testimonial; free. $lOO.OO for any case of eatarrl that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINI will not cure. F - '• Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio