Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1919, Page 15, Image 15
[TECH ON EDGE FOR LEAGUE OPENING; CAMP HILL MAIDS READY TO TACKLE FEMININE FOE Tech Opens League Schedule At Chestnut Street Tomorrow Technical High school's basket >all quintet will open its Cenaral >enn League schedule to-morrow .ancaster High school being the at raction. The big contest will be in at S.lO and will }*ave as a pre iminary a sopliomore-junior inter lass league atTair. This battle will tart at 7.30 and will be played to finish before the varsity game. | 'ollowing hostilities in the cage i Suds" Sourbier's orchestra will i jazz" for the dancing. The sophomores elected "Snaps" | Imanuel'captain of the second year j •am at a meeting held yesterday. ( Imanuel will have as members of : is team Weidman, Taylor. Garrett, j ierrick and several other Sophs who , an handle themselves well at the i opular indoor game. The juniors ] ave "Bus" Snyder, "Red" McCord, j Bill" Syltes. Fleam and Aldinger. j t will be the first contest of the class j AROUND THE BASES -Chicago, Jan. 6. —Augie Kieck-i efer retained the three cushion [ illiard to-night by' efeating Pierre Maupome. Mexican hallenger 130 to 141. It was the iventh time Kieckhefer had success ally defended his title since winning last February. Kieckhefer played 191 innings, 'hile Maupome went through 190 i their match, the third block of hich Kieckhefer won to-night, 50 a 45, in sixty-one innings. The h amp ion's high run to-night was ve. He had two runs of eight last: ight when he won the second block 5 to 46 in sixty-four innings. Mau ome won the first block. ... The New Jersey Athletic Commis on has approved the seating plans C the Newark Sportsman's Club in le First Regiment Armory, Newark,! >r the Benny Leonard-Johnny Dun pe boxing bout on January 20. The lans provide for 8000 seats on the lain tloor and 3000 in the balcony. | • • Boston, Jan. B.—Kid Norfolk, of altipiore, knocked out Clay Turner, f New York, in the fourth round f their bout here to-night when he .nded a right hook on Turner s jaw. he men are heavyweights. ... Talk about days of sport. Ken-. lcky paper tells of youthful trap era at Mt. Sterling who formed the laniel Boone Polecat Club, com-i lenting: "After a successful day. ae mothers get the scent long be- L >re the Nimrods show up." ... Chicago. Jan. S.—John M. Powers, resident of the Los Angeles base- • all club of the Pacific Coast, eague, to-night joined President | iokey, of the American Association, td A. R. Tearney, president of the | hree I League, in the movement, >r minor league representation on te National Baseball Commission. Powers will represent the Pacific oast League at the meeting of the j ational Association of Minor; eagues in New York on January 14. i e denied reports that the Pacific, jast League was apposed to the pro- ( ostd invasion by the Chicago Na onals and the Boston Americans ' California on a spring training ip, and stated Pacific coast clubs; ould extend the use of their parks; r exhibition games. ... Pekin, 111., Jan. B.—Although past; ie allotted three score and ten mit, I". J. Albertson of this city Is(. ill active as a Nimrod, and never! >es duck hunting without getting' e limit —fifteen ducks. Mr. Albert-; n. who was a former members of. e Lower House in Congress, be ngs to the Duck Island Gun Club, I hich has the distinction of having id for members Benjamin Harrison : id Grover Cleveland. ... Johnstown, Pa., Jan. 8. —John A. evdler, of the National League;' in Johnson. *of the American •ague, and President M. H. Sex-' n and Secretary John H. Farrell, the National Association of Minor, -agues, have been asked to attend e annual meeting of the National iseball Federation, the sand lot iverning body of the country, at eveland, Saturday, January IS, id confer with the sand lotters rel ive to further co-operation. Secretary Tom Nokes, of the sand; tters' organization, is now in the jst making a survey of amateuri id semi-professional conditions in e leading centers. ... ' Y'esterday marked the passing of once famous big-leaguer, James O'Rourke. For 13 years Ills bat ig average exceeded .300. After iving fast company he was identl d a long while with the Eastern ague. P • * * The poor fox has a swell chance se days in England. Aviators low lolw the hunt in their swift cloud mbers and. of course, out travel; Bn the hounds. * ... Violently the loving wife shook r husband's shoulder. "Wake up, George," she said, he doctor has just sent your • For Winter Driving GOOD Quality ; MEDIUM Quality and DE LUXE Quality AUTOMOBILE ROBES "Good service and service from | the goods we sell." E. Mather Co. 204 Walnut St. Harrisburg, Pa. •TRY HARRISBURG FIRST" J THURSDAY EVENING. league and class numerals will be awarded to the winner. Coach Mil ler depends upon this league for former material. Faculty Director urGbb will be in charge of the team Friday inght because of the absence from the city of Coach Miller, who is attending a meeting at Atlantic City. Tech will | try hard to defeat Lancaster. The latter team is making its debut after : being absent from the league for i several years. Coach Weller is in I charge. The probable lineup will be: Tech. Lancaster. Lingle. f. Manby, f. (Ebner) Sawyer, f. | "Wilsbach, c. Deen, e. (Frank) Garvey, g. j C. Beck. g. (Dougherty) (Smith) Kinn. g. 1 Kohlman. g. (Sullivan) (Blhl) Rockefeller and Camp Speak Loud For Sports Walter Camp Is shoulder and shoulder with the industrial con cerns. like Bethlehem Steel, which believe in athletics to help the worker. Says he: "American industry is full from top to bottom with athletes. That is why it has developed such amazing rapidity. That is why it made such a, memorable record in the war. None but men trained all their lives to the outdoors, men accustomed to athletics, could have withstood the strain of providing the American forces with the sinews of war. "You will find that this athletic spirit, this buoyancy, is going to be the biggest factor in putting America back on its feet without a Jar, and in the process sports wil lloom bigger than ever." sleeping draught."—Chicago Herald.[ • • Prince Alberg of Monaco has pil- j loried ex-Kaiser Wilhelm of Ger- j many as the inciter of the world war ] in a letter to the former Emperor, j The Prinje in his remarkable docu- 1 ment recalls to the ex-Kaiser, whose | guest he was at Kiel, conversations j held at the time in which Wlllian* raged at the British fleet which saluted him in Jar.ue 1914, with the statement: "I+. they oblige me to make war, the world will see what it has never; known before." M ... ' You said it, Mr. Murdering Hun; .. Y'ourllke none ever knew. That's why no one can figure just What Hell will hand to you. School Architect Gets Letter of Commendation From Surveying Expert Charles Howard Lloyd, the well known school architect of this city, has received from J. H. Van Sickle, superintendent of the schools of Springfield. Mass.. and an expert, a i letter which he prizes very highly. It | is a commendation of Mr. Lloyd's; plans for the Kdison school, which he saw on a recent visit to Harris burg, and later wrote for, to be used I *in the development of two new junior j high schools at Springfield. The letter is as follows; "Thank you very much for sending me plans of the Thomas A. Edison in- j termediate school. I regard this plan I as representing about as nearly what a v junior high school, as we call it. should be as any thta I have seen. Harrisburg is to be congratulated on I its recent school developments." > Mr. Lloyd is especially proud of , this letter, in view of the very lively ' controversy on school architects and I I their relative efficienc and inefficiency ; j a year or two ago. Local Businessmen Willing to Give Jobs to Men Wounded in War Local businessmen have assured C. i J. C. Clarke, in charge of the Har risburg office <jf the Federal Bowrd j For Vocational Education, of their ; willingness to co-operate In secur -1 ing places for wounded and disabled soldiers, following their re-education jby the Government. The bureau also will find places for men who have seen service in this country, as well as overseas. The Federal Board of Vocational Education will pay wound ed soldiers $63 a month while they are being educated. This is paid from the money paid into the War Risk Insurance Fund. The tuition also is furnished by the Government, Dr. Patton Tells of Soldier Unrecognized In an eloquent address before an audience of more than 500 persons in the Pine Street Presbyterian Church last night Dr. Francis L. Patton, president of the Princeton Theo logical Seminary, said there are hun dreds of men who deserved the Vic toria Cross but have never received any recognition. "Some day they will receive honorable mention," he said. ... . Commenting on the church and the war. he declared the church has been helped greatly by the great war, which has brought thousands back to religion. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED ! BY MEN'S BIBLE CLASS The annual business meeting and social of the Men's Bible Class of the First United Brethren Sunday School at Boas and Susquehanna streets was held Tuesday evening. After reports • from the officers and addresses by some of the members, the nominat ing committee presented the follow ing names as officers for the ensuing vear- President, C. A. Sullenberger; vice-president, F. S. Whitmyer; sec retary H. H. Baer; teacher, the Rev. Dr W. E. Daugherty; treasurer, J. H.'Burke; librarian, George M. Stoll. HF.I.D Foil THEFT Joseph Williams, who was arrested at the Pennsylvania railroad station b>*- police last night on the charge of sealing $5O from a man at Wood land. will be sent back to that place for a hearing. SNOODLES By Hungerford \ JwiNO < Gosh! this || IT ' ft A ( TJie ScaMts A DOR 6 wont Bodge! ———- —=- ' IN JHOOLes >T AINT IXkN-os A 7' LOOK. HERE. SNOO DS J Mow > NOW fA KNOW ~-rp'VlTlC - IS 'SPOSEP TO BE ICe .YA KNOW - AN* 31C ?)ST'SPOSED | IM OFFA \vjNK) 1 * = UM SPOKD Toße EUSHEA CftoS&N' I To'CHASE MB |( > -"fr.' xr c I ono<ontM = "T>l* ice - AN' THAT THER6 DORfr IS OLE BOY* \ TILL fUJfT OFFA MH CE J ) 'SPoseo To COM 6 AFTc Me it ir A . m i.. J —ru l ,ce herg „ • T<Nsh\* ►, 3LOOPHOUN' yl LIH-HOH/ , A DOLLARS WORTH GV RAW '/, K /~ H • 7T^ — SeEF - y, , I Jjj, ? Middietown Police Chief Confined To Home With Influenza Chief of Police Charles Houser, of town, is confined to his bed at his home, in West Ann street, suffering from influenza. Houser's condition is reported to be better during the past twenty-four hours. Constable Daniel E. Stager, of town, is the act ing chief. Marion C. Fry. 14-year-old son of Mervin Fry, who resides on the Hoff man farm, near Bainbridge. died on Monday afernoon from an attack of pneumonia, after several days' ill ness. The mother of the child was buried one month ago, dying from in fluenza. The funeral services for the child were held yesterday after noon and burial was made in the Reich Memorial Cemetery. Private Abram Stamey has return ed to the borough and resumed his duties as principal of the Middietown Central Grainmas School, being mus tered out of the service, after being stationed at Camp Lee for four months. Professor Stamey was se lected for service at the beginning of the school term. The Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of West Ann street, will be entertained at the home of Mrs. John J. Groupe. at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Kurtz, in South Union street. A feature of the evening's en tertainment will be several instru mental selections by Miss Nancy Hanna, of West Water street. K. L Young has returned to his home in the borough after spending the past several weeks at Bethlehem, at which place he was the guest of his son. Delamson Young. At a meeting held here last night the organization of the membership of the Methodist Episcopal Church, according to the plan of the Mission ary Centenary, will be effected. The meeting last night was largely at tended and the following group of leaders were appointed: Professor H. JJ. Wickey, A. G. Banks. X. C. Fuhr man, Mrs. D. W. Huntzberger. Mrs. JJohn J. Groupe. Mrs. Harry S. Roth, Mrs. Jennie Slack. Mrs. C. B. Erisman. Mrs. Edward Beck and Mrs. A. G. Banks. B. W. Kurtz. C. B. Erisman. 11. J. Wickey, A. G. Banks ad George Core have been appointed minute men and will make short addresses at the various church services Mrs. Jennie Slack and daughter. Mrs. C. Lloyd Lindemuth, Einaus and Pine streets, are spending some time at Harrisburg. at which place they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Slack and family. At a recent meeting of the various delegates appointed by the Liberty, Union and Rescue Hose Companies of the borough, held Tuesday even ing at the Liberty Hose House, in j Catherine street, the fire chief and j his two assistants were elected as i ' follows for the ensuing year: Hire chief, Clarence Welrich; flrst assist ant, .John A. Peters, of the Union: and ' second assistant. George W. Thomas, j of the Liberty. The name of the new j chief will be brought before the borough council at the next regular ,] meeting for confirmation. The regular monthly meeting of the Sunday School class of the St. Peter's Lutheran Church, taught by Professor A. S. Quickel. will be held this evening at the home of Mrs. Charles Nobbs, in West Water street. Final reports for the year will be read, and all members have been re quester to attend. Miss Blanche Thompson, of North Pine street, and John Staub, of Brown street, have returned to their respec; tive homes in town after spending some time at Biglervilie, at which place they were the guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Staub, Sr. The meeting of the Royalton bor ough council has postponed. The meeting will be held next Tuesday, owing to the fact that quorum was not present at the regular meeting ! night, last Monday. Word was received in town yester- I day from Sergeant Claude F. Garver, who is at the pre3ont time located in Germany. Young Garver enlisted at the outbreak of the war and has j been stationed in France for about : nine months. At the present time he ; is with the American Occupation . Army in Germany. Mrs. J. W. Rewalt, of North Union , street, is spending some time in Phil- ■ adelphia and New York as the guest of relatives and friends. The members of the Middletown | Jitney Club held a meeting at the home of Miss Dorothy George, in j North Spring street. Plans will be ; made for holding another danfce in the near future. The dance held | last week under the auspices of the j JiJtney Club was attenedd by sev eral hundred couples. The proceeds j of the dance will be given to the local | chapter of American Red Cross. . Members of the local Red i.'ross ; chapter turnout eacii evening to j work at the rooms in South Union | street. Stress is being put on the fin ishing of pneumonia jackets and bed socks. Several ladies were out this afternoon to finish the work started several nights ago. Vital Statistics in Germany Coming Out { Amsterdam. —Germany's vital sta tistics, long suppressed by the tnili tar- censorship, are beginning to see the light of print. The startling drop in the birth rate is indicated by the following birth statistics for Greater Berlin: 1913. 42.493; 1914, 39,032; 1915. 32,249; 1916. 23,638; 1917, 19,158. Germany's increasing war death rate is indicated by the following death statistics for Berlin, in connec tion with which it must be borne in mind that Berlin's war population i was some 300,000 less than in peace time: 1914. 29.66*7 1915, 28.572; 1916, 27,147;.1917, 34,122. . The full significance of these fig ures is gatherable from the fact that they Indicate that during and as a re sult of the war Germany's human credit balance has turned to a debit balance. In Greater Berlin births ex ceeded deaths in 1913 by 12,766, in 1914 by 7.829. In 1915 by only 2.4)1; whereas in 1916 for the flrst time i deaths exceed births by 4,400. while In 1917 the excess of deaths over births was 15.397. CALLED FOR HEARING Edward Seller, 416 Granite street, who was released by the police fol lowing his arrest early Wednesday morning on the skylight of the! apartment at Third and Harris streets, was called to police court to-day to receive a bearing. Howard Barnes, who held him until the ar rival of policemen, demanded a trial when the police freed the prisoner. BDtRRJ&BmRG TELEGRAPH Fair Maiden Athletes of Camp Hill To Tackle Beckley Business Girls Over at Cahip Hill, where the wintry windSyblow great guns, the fair maidens of the High school will ginger up the population to-mor row evening with a de luxe exhibi tion of basketball, this on the an nouncement to-day of faculty di rector, A. R. Kurtz. About seven freshman girls and a few grammar school girls have practiced regularly during the past few months and although practically all are inexperienced these girls have develqped into a fairly good team. During the week some of the girls of last year's team, again I Eruption of Kilaufea Volcano Expected Soon Honolulu, 11. I. American who have driven over the automobile road that leads to the crater of Ivilauea. tile volcano which Is at the one time the pride and dread of Hawaiians, will regret to learn the famous moun tain is again showing signs of intense internal restlessness. As in last February, it is marked bv the rapid rising of the lava lakes, which the observatory reports state are greatly enlarged. The rise is in a southeasterly direction and an over- t How is expected on that side. If it comes, as in all probability it will. It will still further damage lh£ automo bile road. Tue rise in the present movement is already 134 feet over the recent level, and the main lake is now 116 feet below the rim of the crater. , - There are magnificent displays ot fountaining lava and minor overflows j of the smaller lakes. Local earth quake shocks have been rather fre- j quent. To Establish 25 New Fur Stations Within Year V Seattle, Wash. Twenty-five new fur stations are to be esablished with in the next year by an American firm along/ the far northern CanUian Mackenzie river, according to Cap tain i/ouis I/ane, a pioneer skipper of Aetlc waters. The company has twenty-eight sta tions in the Far North. Captain Bane j left here recently to visit the posts. Before he left he said he expected to , travel up the Athabaska river and j "mush" 2.000 miles into the Peace i river and Great Slave districts, and then over thCTHvide and down the ! Mackenzie river to where it flows into the Arctic. Maurice Leon Decorated by French Government ■ y atjwKinnin ai— u - na—m—l | ' ■ . , . . t. , , JTAtwei ex tcaM t | Maurice Leon, noted lawyer and j an authority on international law. has been honored by the French j government. Mr. Leon lias been | honored wit hthe Cross of Knight of j the Legion of Honor, for his serv | ices to the Allied cause. Mr. I.eon | aided greatly in floating tho first j French loan here. England Is Intense For Compulsory Athletics in Town and City The movement for compulsory athletic training in schools is spread, lng rapidly, "rtic war proved the ne cessity for sound bodies as well as sound minds in the children and youngmen and women of all the warring countries. British observers of passing everts are determined that in the future the children shall become strong and hearty, rwilly nilly. A definite step in this direction will be made by a special conjmiltee of the Amateur Athletic Association, which corresponds to a great extent to the Amateur Athletic Union Df the ; United States. The A. A. A. has been the ruling organization in British amateur sports since it succeeded the Ama teur Athletic Club in 1880. Much fault has been found with the A. A. A. in the past, but, on the whole, :it has done excellent work. At present it is confronted with the huge task of retnving and con trolling amateurism, but it Is going I further and advocating a national i policy. Its reconstruction committee ; was appointed last April to prepare I for after the war, and that body being physically qualified, have re- | ported for practice and will add con- j siderably to the strength of the j team. The game has been scheduled with i the fast Beckley Business College girls. Owing to the fact that these | girls beat the Camp Hill girls on j the business college floor by a score of 14 to 7, the Camp Hill girls are j determined to win on their home floor. Everybody is invited to attend this j game which is assured to prove very | interesting. Admission, nominal. j also season tickets accepted. Game ! called at 8 o'clock. : Women Want Legislation Against "Whisky Locals" Madison, AVis. A petition from the Sun Prairie Woman's "Club to ! Governor Pliilipp and the AYiscon- j sin Legislature will ask for more | stringent laws covering the carrying of liquor, both internally and exter nally, by passengers on trains be j tween Sun PrairiO and Madison. The i | law states that any one found drunk ton a train shall be. placed in the • } hands of an officer at the station next to Sun Prairie. Every night, it is said, the wo- I men's waiting room in the Sun I Prairie depot is crowded with men | —drunk, staggering and swearing. —waiting for a train to Madison, j National War Aid to Hold Annual Meeting The aimual nieeitng of the Na tional War Aid will be held Janu ary 11. To prepare her report for this gathering. Mrs. Meade D, Det weller has issued an urgent appeal for the records of soldiers and sail ors dying during the great war. In response to a recent call from Mrs. Detweiler, forty-five records were received, approximately a third of these coming Vrom Harrisburg. CORPORAI. VISITS HERE j Corporal Raymond Piatt, who en ' listed with Company Aof the old ; Eighth Regiment, declared that many | of the men In that company were j wounded or killed during the Cha | teau Thierry engagement. He is vis ■ iting his brother, Ralph Piatt, 916 | North Sixth street. Piatt was I wounded in the Argonne woods, | when he was struck by a piece of i ] the head and, in falling, ! spine near the base. ! Since then he has been confined to j hospitals. I ! STEEI/TON VARSITY WINS George Cockill's Steelton High j school varsity chaps put it over the ! alumni last evening in Felton's hall, j 36-33. As in football the doughty I Weuschinski made a fine showing; j likewise, Sellars. Of the old gradu ; ates Dayhoff and Keirn held up their ■ end and kept the score close. The I dope: i STEELTON ALUMNI j Snell, f. E. Krout, f. Sellars, f. C. Krout, f. C. Dailey, c. Keim, c. Weuschinski, g. Dayhoff, g. Tuptanoski, g. Gardner, g. Field goals, Snell, 4; Sellars, 6; ; Weuschinski, 4; E. Krout, 4; C. ! Krout, 1: Keim, 5; Dayhoff, 2; Gard | ner, 1- Fouls, Snell, 8; E. Krout, a. ! Substitutions, Hucceri for Tuptan j oski. Referee, Clint White. BETHLEHEM LEAGUE BOWLING BALDWIN McKee 162 164 130— 456! Fisher 127 135 97 359 I Kuntz 100 115 137 352 1 jKnney 117 156 122 395 j | Books 151 V 8 171 — 500 j Total 657 748 657—2062 ELECTRICIANS Riley 100 115 97 — 312 Snyder 95 120 143 — 358 Clark 148 120 121— 389 Hornberger . 136 134 111— 381 Brown 147 128 138 — 413 Total 626 617 610—1853 i will strongly urge that athletics be ' made compulsory in all elementary | schools. j This recommendation, taken in ! connection with certain provisions ! already in the new educational act, | is expected to result eventually in the systematic physical training of | every child in Great Britain under I the eyes Of trained experts, j It is known here that similar ! views upon the nationalization of school athletic training are enter i tained by many of the prominent ! educators in the United States, and i one country will probably react upon I the other. Meanwhile, the A. A. A. is actively I booming a scheme for county, town and village championships, which is meeting with much approval and may be counted upon to aid tremen dously the cause of all sports. The A. A. A. is not a promoter, and is merely a governing organization, but it acts us a sort of moral promoter by encouraging its clubs to hold meets that will bring out the athle tes. It also controls handicappers I with more or less success, and pass jes upon claims to new records. Attempts to Measure "Psychic Force" A Belfast Doctor of Science Finds -That When a Medium Levi tates a Table Her Own H eight Increases by the Amount of the Table's Weight By Garrett I*. Serviss I have just been reading a book which purports to furnish evidence on a basis of scientific investigation of the "reality of physchic pheno mena, raps, levitation." etc. Being the first work that I have heard of which records the results of direct measurements of "phychic force" by means of physical instruments, such as weighing machines, bal ances, phonographs, electric bells and manometers, and the author be ing a "doctor of science" and an in structor in mechanical engineering in the Municipal Technical Institute and the Queen's University at Bel fast, Ireland, I naturally took tip the book with keen, if unsettled ex pectation. We have had more than enough of the sort of thing that various | 'mediums - and "sitters' regard as i communications from the dead. One would like to retain a respect for the dead, which would be im possible if their alleged utterances at "spiritual seances", were ac cepted for genuine. But the prom ise held forth by this book seemed j to rest on a totally different founda tion, and I opened it with eager curiosity. Now, at last, I said to I myself, here is a real test of these ! mysterious phenomena by verifi able scientific methods, and the prospect gave me lively satisfaction. | But when I looked at the preface with which the author, Dr. W. J. I Crawford, opens the book my antic- | ipations dropped like the mercury in zero weather. I found there this j sentence: "X do not discuss in this , book tho question of the identity of the invisible operators. That is left for another occasion. But in order that there may be.no misap prehension I wish to state explicitly that I am personally satisfied they are the spirits of human beings who have passed into the Beyond." There! At those words the scales dropped from my eyes, and I saw that this was, after all. not a true scientific investigation of the sub ject, for observe that Dr. Crawford, with strange futility, begins by begging the whole question, and that without any advantage to his case, but with the certainty of awakening gkepticism on the part of the thoughtful readers for whom his book was presumably prepared, lie sets out, ostensibly, to make a strictly scientific investigation of the nature of the force that causes 1 raps and levitates tables, and then instead of holding his mind open and confining his attention to the 1 observation and accumulation of unquestionable facts he starts with an assumption—viz., that spirits of the dead are the "operators" of the ' phenomena under investigation. It is apparently this unfortunate preliminary step which has forced upon him a very far-fetched and unnecessary theory concerning the supposed mechanism by- which the phenomena are produced —viz., the theory of a "cantilever" action be tween the medium and the table or other levitated object. All through the book the experimenter and tho "operators" exchange com munications .by the well-known methods of such things. Nevertheless, Dr. Crawford has succeeded in recording some ex ceedingly interesting facts, which may eventually lead to very im portant conclusions, if follo.wed up I by investigators who do not start j out with the assumption that some i other source of "psychic force" is concerned in the manifestations than that included in the bodies of the medium and her coadjutors in the "circle." It seems, for instance, an inipor -1 tant point of knowledge gained I \\hen Dr. Crawford's weighing ma ' chine, on which the medium sits dur | ing the experiments. invariably ' shows an increase of her weight al j most exactly equal to the weight of • the table suspended in the air before I her. In other words, as the table rises from the floor its weight seems to be added to the weight of the medium, as it would be if she simply lifted it with her hands or feet. Dr. Crawford assures us that she did not touch the table in any way; and if we accept his statement on this point, then the increase of the medium's weight when the table is levitated becomes certainly an ex ceedingly curious and suggestive fact. Quite as curious is his state ment that whenever the table was ! moved in some other way—for in i stance, drawn horizontally over the floor by "psychic force" —the weight of the medium was increased, though by a much smaller amount than when the table was raised bod ily into the air. The experiments with compres l sion balances, electric bells, etc., by I means of which Dr. Crawford dem onstrated to his satisfaction that the ! mysterious force operated mainly I under the table, but did not react i upon the floor; that it emanated I principally from the lower part of I the medium's body, and could be de tected both as a for<* directed away from her and one directed upward when it came beneath tho table; that its intensity varied usually from twenty-five thousandths to four hundredths of a pound per square inch, rising in one special case to several pounds per square inch, and always attended by a change in the weight of the medium —all tlUse things, it must be admit ted, are extremely interesting, ar jd if Dr. Crawford's results are verified and corroborated by other investi gators, much more serious attention will have to be given to "psychic phenomena" than they have hitherto received in scientific circles. Aasumings the correctness of Dr. 1 JANUARY 9, 1919. Crawford's measuremments of the charge of weight of the medium and assuming also the absence of all fraud, conscious or unconscious. I commend to thinkers on the subject the remarkable conclusions that profound students of the nature of matter and electricity have recently been led to concerning the variation of mass with speed. Suppose that the atoms of the medium's body be come more massive when she exerts the force called "psychic," then the mysterious increase of her weight in proportion to the apparent mechan ical effect produced would be ac counted for. Names of Every Dauphin County Soldier Desired by War History board The Pennsylvana War History Commission, which Governor elect Sproul is chairman, has re quested certain data relative to every j boy front Dauphin county who en- I tered the war in any capacity, for the purpose of Including their names and any interesting information in the history that is being prepared i under the direction of well-known ] men from different parts of the state. For thiS purpose blanks have been prepared, and efforts are being made to get them into the htmds of the friends of every soldier or sailor, whether he went overseas or re mained in this country. No excep tion is being made as to the rank of these men, and the blanks are all uniform. Those who are interested in seeing their son's or brother's name recorded and perpetuated are requested to see that ths blanks aro proprly filled out. These blanks contain spaces for all the information that the com mittee desires, and if possible, it is asked, that they be accompanied by photographs, sketches of life, war experiences, letters, diaries or any other interesting data surrounding each boy. Blanks may be obtained from W. H. Gaither, 205 Bergner building, who was secretary of the local committee of the Council of National Defense, or at the follow ing places: Harrisburg-l-Y. M. O. A., Second and Walnut streets; George M. Harry, Third and Walnut streets; C. F. Kramer, Third and Verbeke streets: William F. Thompson, 2027 North Sixth street; P. G. Leidicli, 333 South Front street; F. J. Althouse, 1276 Market street; W. B. Goodyear, Nineteenth and Derry street. Steel ton—St eeiton Trust Company; Peo ples Bank: Steelton Store Company. Dauphin—l. M. Long; Halifax— A. M. Smith; Millersburg—H. M. Fairchild; Elizabethville—James IS. Lentz; Lykens—D. V. Randall; llura ntelstown—Edward Blessing; Mid dletown-—A. 11. Luckenbill; Wil onisoo—lsaac Messip; West Hanover —J. H. Kuntz; Hershey—Hershey Stores Company; Penbrook—S. A. Fishburn; Paxtang—H. F. Kramer; Linglestown—C. B. Care. Republican and Fighter Was Pershing's Father Chicago. —As to the political faith of General John J. Pershing,com irander-in-chief of the American ar mies in Europe, over which there has been much discussion of late, this leaf from the family record may throw some light: His father, John F. Pershing, raised the first Republican banner in Laclede, Linn county, Mo. It was at the beginning of the Civil War. Some of his pro-slavery neighbors sent word that if he expected to re main much longer on this earth :t lcinda looked like as how he'd better haul the Lincoln flag down. The father of John J. sent back word that the flag was up to stay and suggested to them that if they thought they could haul It down for him they had better bring their (cof flns with them to avoid unnecessary exposure. The flag stayed up throughout the Civil there was no funer*. at the Pershing homestead, either. Play Safe- Stick to v KING OSCAR CIGARS Because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you 7c— worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers 15 Nothing in Bible About Subject; Didn't Register Fort Worth, Tex. — Though he searched from Genesis to Revela tions, W. D. Johnson, negro preacher of Corsieana, couldn't find a lino of Holy Writ that called on him to register under the draft law. So when 13,000,000 Americans of all colors and creeds signed up to put the finishing touches to the Kaiser, Johnson's nufue was not on the list. Johnson" is a pacifist with a large P. He says he wouldn't hurt a living thing, and besides there is in the rules and regulations of the "Church of God," of which he claims Ito be a duiy appointed agent, cer | taininhibitions against the fighting game. War is absolutely abhorred by tho sect with which Johnson is identi fied, and when he was taken befo-.W a draft board after the day for reg istration passed he still held out that the Bible gave no such authority and steadfastly refused to comply with the law. It was then that Johnson was ar rested and was up before Judge West in the federal court to answer for his failure to heed the call of Uncle Sam. Judge West rebuked the negro for his lack of patriotism and sentenced | him to six months in jail. IT'S FOR YOU TO SELECT the style of monument you pre i fer. Be it simple or elaborate j we will execute your order with promptness and skill. We can carry out any design to the last detail and pay especial atten tion to the setting. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and Tile 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST. Ilnrrtsburg, Pa. *- -* 15 DAY SPECIAL SHOE REPAIRING I PRICES I Men's half-soles sewed df Cf| and rubber heels, . j Ladles' half-soles OC and rubber heels Children's half soles 11n | and heels & 1 U P Ladles rubber heels,... 4Qc Work done while you wait GORDON'S ! 1820 N, Third Street, Cor. Third and Dauphin ! Best leather used. Work guaran teed. Free deliveries