Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
NEW HEARING IN STEELTON CASE ' Compensation Board Will i Require Widow to Prove Her Dependancy —r—j —, Whether or not i\V e yyl Mrs. Mary alary- ■, vv\\ anovic, of Steel- . \vsN\i?*, on ' widow of *4 George Maryano- I vic > killed while in the employ of P7nQQQftV< the Bethlehem I IsffSpihfyfotfl steel Company, - J-JljU V* Steelton, was de r. J pendent upon her 3 husband for sup- j port at the time of his death Is to be decided by" the State Compensation Board at a hear ing to be held in Pittsburgh. Com pensation was originally granted but a doubt has arisen and a new hear ing has been granted in an opinion ; handed down to-day. Other cases decided by the Hoard to-day: William T. Noblett, JeTsoy Shore, vs. Bennett's Brabhc Coal Company, appeal front award dis- ; .missed; Mary E. Tarry, Pleasant ! Unity vs. Ilecla Coal and Coke Com- / pany, Pittsburgh, appeal from award j dismissed; Domenic Fornatti, AIH-J son, vs. Tower Hill ConnellsviffeT l.'oke Company, Uniontown, appeal | from decision of referee refused; j Totmyo Marolls va. Peter Ulekes Company, Pittsburgh, compensation ' agreement modified and eompensa- j tion provided at the rate for total disability and for maximum period payable as wages tvero paid; Vin- j cent Tacliet, Bcaverdale, vs. Penn- i sylvania Coal and Coke Company, ! Bcaverdale, compensation payments I temporarily suspended in order to , forco claimant to attempt light work for which physicians say lie is cap- ! alio; revision then to be made; | George Mited, Belle Vernon, vs. i Pittsburgh Coal Company, apt>eal j front decision of referee refused; j Sante Belflglio vs. State Workmen's Compensation Board, appeal front 1 award of compensation, findings of 1 referee are confirmed; Perfur Pozgay, ! Kice's Banding, vs. Crucible Steel H Company, agreement to terminate | compensation set aside and employ- , er to file petition to terminate at i such date as proof may be available j that disability has ceased: John B. j Harris, Smithton, vs. State Work- j men's Compensation Board, appeal | from award of referee, new hearing j I granted; Angelo Mattei, Jessup, vs. i Moosic Mt. Coal Company, uppeatH from award of referee dismissed; 1 | Ruth A. Searfoss, Scranton, vs. Cen- j | tral Railroad of New Jersey, appeal from award of compensation, new hearing granted; Mrs. Harriet Jones, ! Buffalo, vs. A. J. Sardoni, Forty Fort, \ appeal from disallowance of widow confirmed and compensation reward- i ed to children. Work on Grandstand —Work was j started to-day on the erection of a 1 grandstand at Third and State streets for the inaugural ceremonies. Dill.sburg Advance The Public' Service Commission was notified to- | day of advances in rates by the Dills- | burg Bight, Heat and Power Com- i pany, operating in Dillsburg and Williams Grove. Meet in Philadelphia—The Public Service Commission has llxed Janu- j ary 28 as the date for a hearing in Philadelphia on complaints against continuation of the "skip-stop" sys tem in operation there as a result of the effort to save fuel. The* conten tion is made that the need is ,past | and that the Philadelphia Rapid j Transit Company should go back to i the old schedule. State Can Lead Nation in Building of Roads ; Washington, Jan. 9.—Pennsylvania, | with its legal provision for the ex tension of public works during pe riods ■of uncertainty and industrial depression, is in shape to take the . lead among the states in the intern I sivo road building which must ac- | company reconstruction, according j to the new division of public works of Hie Department of Babor. It is the view of Babor Department ] officials tbat with deferred road con struction due to the war, and an in- j crease in road building strongly i urged in order tbat greater use may | be ihade of the parcels post system, | the amount of road building upon i which the nation should count during j the after-thc-war period will ap- j preach $1,000,000,000. * In pointing out the advantageous position of Pennsylvania, a statement j issued hy the Babor Department to-! day as follows from tlio let- I ter recently sent to County Commls- j sioncrs and Mayors of cities by thej Pennsylvania Emergency Public Works Commission: "A sound program of public works wiil see the transition from war to peace. The aggregate of the public worku of the counties and cities is greater than that of the state and federal governments combined. Not only will your necessary public works employ workers in your own locality, not only will they help to steady ihe employment of workers now engaged in certain important industries; but they will also enable these industries to take on additional workers from among returning soldiers' and mu nition workers. Consequently the benefits of any necessary public works done by your county during a period of unemployment will ex tend to the whole nation." "" Police Break Up Annual Class Fight at F. and M. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 9.—The annual fight of the Franklin and Marshall underclassmen was broken up yes- I terday by Lancaster policemen and | one of the participants was arrested. | Several efforts were made to stage ' the meleo on the streets of the city | but the police intervened. Finally by mutual agreement the two classmen met on the college campus to stage a free-for-all fifteen-minute list fight. Fifty -one members of the two classes, thirty-five Sophs and sixteen Fresh, wore merrily engaged in combat With upper classmen acting as time keepers., when the police again hove In sight, broke up the affair and took one youth Into custody, 8. A. T. C. regulations and the fact) that the Student SA'Ute, which or-1 dlnarlly arranges the affair had been abolished, contributed to prevent the I staging of the annual class fight. The two classes were eager for the melee I and took matters in their own hands. KEEKS HIS KATIIEH L Clarence Myer. 41 Campbell street, | Caldwell,' N. J„ nun written to Chief of Police Wetzel, requesting him to aid In the search for his father, Charles R. Myer, whom he has not ' seen for ten years. Young Myer, who Is about 17 years old., says In his letter to the chief that he lias been Informed that the elder Myer is residing In Central Pennsylvania. THURSDAY EVENING. || THE GLOBE Everybody Is Going to The Globe THE GLOBE l^ 1 1 Those Three Words Express the Results of Yesterday's Business in i I Gigantic Clothing Sale | Our $lOO,OOO Stock 11 ' of ' * x Ijj 1 1 Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats, || I Furnishings and Women's Coats I Pi X ? II We naturally looked forward to "great People who came here yesterday were 1 j 11 crowds, but the continuous rush of yester- amazed at the fine condition of our stocks— 11 || I day greatly exceeded our most sanguine not a sign of fire anywhere and very few 11 | § hopes. . traces of smoke. I | || We doubt if ever any other clothing NONE OF THE MERCHANDISE || 11 store in this city ever did as much business WAS BURNED. Nevertheless the stock § j || in one day as THE GLOBE did yesterday. is being sold at .SACRIFICE PRICES— 11 || We never thought it possible. prices that talk for themselves. 1 F 11 By all means attend this greatest of all money-saving sales—supply your I 9 own needs—and your Boys'—and buy Women's Coats NOW while the 11 SACRIFICE PRICES are in force. . • 'll | | The following list of standard goods that everybody knows and which are in this great | § 1 1 . sale will convince you of the quality and kind of merchandise we carry, and when you I | learn the prices at which they are being sold you will simply be astonished. I i Fashion Park Clothes Carhartt Overalls Arrow Collars Brighton Garters Griffon Ultra Clothes Manhattan Shirts . Carhartt Gloves President Suspenders Patrick Mackinaws . Peerless Union Suits Stetson Hats Signal Shirts Dutchess Trousers - Duofold Underwear Schoble Hats Right-Posture Boys' Clothes Holeproof Hosiery Faultless Pajamas Paris Garters Wool Wear Boys' Suits || Conditions of the Sale— . IS || INo Goods Charged No Goods Exchanged ' No Goods Sent C. O. D. II II None Sent on Approval No Money Refunded Every Sale Final SI | Free Alterations on Suits and Overcoats Only II || . 322-324 Market St. 'TUP 322-324 Market St. II 11 Harrisburg Pa. A JUL JiJCli Harrisburg Pa. II HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH JANUARY 9, 1919. 11