Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 09, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Published evenings except Sunday by
rtlempk BalldlaK. Federal Square
President and Editor-in-Chief
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.L R. MICHENER. Circulation Manager
Executive Board
Member of the Associated Press—The
Associated Press is
titled to the use for republication of
all news dispatches credited to it or ,
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and alsd the local news published j
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, Member American !
, Newspaper Pub- j
_ —Chicago, lib
Entered at the Post Office in Harris
burg. Pa., aa second class matter.
Bv carrier, ten cents a
"week: by mail, $3.00 a
year in advance.
To-day, well lived, makes every
yesterday a dream of happiness, and
tvery to-morrow a dream of hope.—
EVERYBODY who has given any :
thought to the subject or who :
lias had experience in recent j
months with.the overcrowed condi- j
tions at the Harrisburg Hospital will j
be in hearty sympathy with the
resolutions adopted at the suggestion
of Dr. John B. McAllister by the
Dauphin County Medical
Tuesday evening recommending the'
erection of a new hospital for Har
Dr. McAllister believes that a
huge, well equipped, properly sitti- |
aied hospital would be a splendid
memorial for the men who repre- j
seated the city in the war with Uer- j
many and with that there would be i
few to disagree, but whether it is
built as a monument or simply to
fill a growing need it must come
shortly if the city is to do its duty
by its people. p
Without any thought of adverse j
criticism it may be sqjd that the ,
Harrisburg Hospital is no longer
adequate to meet the needs of the j
community. It is old and badly lo- .
cated. It cannot be enlarged except j
in a haphazard way that would never
be satisfactory. What wc need is a
big, metropolitan hospital situated j
on the outskirts of the city where '
tlieie is open space and pure air j
about but which can be reached
from the industrial centers and the 1
heart of the city over paved thor
oughfares in a very short time.
The physicians have been slow to
turn their backs on the old hospital |
building. They have stood by it !
nobly fqr years, giving freely of their j
time and ability, urging changes and
improvements to tide over the ever
pressing needs. Now they see the im
possibility of going farther. They
have asked that they be given prop
er quarters and proper surround
ings in which to perform their work
of mercy. The people must heed or
pay the penalty in suffering and
it is not that' Americans are opposed '
necessarily to a League of Nations, j
but that they want peace first and I
consideration of a league afterward, j
THE liquor interests are like the
Germans They think that pro
hibition is coming simply be
cause they did not spend enough
money to prevent it, just as the
Junkers believe they were defeated
because they did' not put physical
force enough Into their military
preparations. Neither can under
stand that there is in the world such
s thing as moral force and public
opinion, which combined are irre
Theodors Roosevelt proved very
conclusively that not alldhe money
In the country is as powerful as the
government of the United States
when he made his famous fight
against corporate control at Wash
ington, and the government of the
United States is merely the will of
the people as expressed at the polls.
On the same plane is national pro
hibition. Public opinion is against
booze and the great moral forces of
the country have gotten into motion
agalnat it. Nothing can prevent its
•nactment into law.
„ The liquor men are said .to have
pledged & billion dollars to balk the
■will of the voters. They will find the
•um is not big enough. Indeed there
is not enough money in the United
States to "throw" this plectlon. The
liquor makers and sellers them
selves admit, down in their hearts,
that the business is not good for so
ciety. They know in their souls that
the end is in sight. Every dollar they
spend will be so much money thrown
away. When a majority of the peo
ple of the United States decide se
■piously upon one course of aotloa
tktra Is no powtr short of divinity
that cob prevent them attaining th*
end sought. And just now they are
determined to have national 'prohi
Unquestionably, Governor Brum
baugh's farewell message is Che best
he has written, and contatns many
things that the Legislature might do
well to consider.
AMONG the latest of his mes
sages of hope and encourage
ment was a letter from Col
onel Roosevelt to Ivan Nafodny,
vice-president cJ the Russian-Arner
' ican-Asiatic-Uorporation. In this let
j ter the former President compli-s
| mented his friend upon a translation
j of Plsk's "Critical Period of Amerl-
I can History," and added.
"Like every good American, all my
j instincts are for friendship and ad
j miration toward Russia. I welcomed
! the revolution which overthrew the
• autocratic and bureaucratic tyrrany
'of the Roriianoffs. I was saddened
j and rendered indignant by the ty
-1 rany and anarchy with which the
| Bolshevist leaders supplanted it. I
' now most earnestly hops to see a
genuine republican Russia, a demo.
I cratlc Russia, the United State of
I Russia, a democratic Federal Re
j public of Russia come out of the
| present chaos. The motto must be
Justice for nil and an abhorrence of
class tyranny of every kind."
In all his public utterances and in
the many things that he wrote the
'lamented leader of American thought
and American Ideals showed an abid
ing friendship for the struggling peo
ples of earth. He seemed to sense
the aspirations of those who have
striven and are striving toward the
light, and liis appreciation of the
conditions in Russia was clearly
demonstrated in much that he said
and wrote during recent months.
Like many public men who are
concerned with the world-wide con
ditions, he foreshadowed the great
ness of Russia and manifested confi
dence in its ultimate regeneration.
I Men familiar with the inside de
velopments believe that Russia Is
■ bound to throw off the shackles of
■ ignorance and emerge into a sane era
I of development that will make of the
! millions of oppressed people a happy
! and contented family under leader
| ship that will point the way to a
I higher and better civilization.
Had Colonel Roosevelt been sent
; to Russia at the time of the revo
! lution as Mr. Xarodny and other
i prominent Russians urged at the
; time, as the head of the United
States mission, it is believed he
; would have been able, owing to his
' great popularity, to have saved the
■ situation and prevented the break
: down which followed the plotting at
i Berlin and the reign of Trotzky and
| liis infamous group of traitors.
surrounding .himself with a
strong cabinet. The selection of
former State Senator John S. Fisher,'
for the post of State Banking Com- )
missioner is another move in that
direction. Mf. Fisher's record in the
Senate is a recommendation and his
experience in corporate. banking|and |
trust company management admir
ably fits him for the place. Fisher i
it was who headed the Capitol graft
probe, and it was he who signed the 1
report on which the State's suits
were based which brought the guilty ;
persons to justice and large sums of \
stolen money back to the Common- |
wealth. He has a fine reputation as j
a financier and is especially well j
equipped for the office he has ac- i
Prqf. Rasmussen, the new Secre- I
tary of Agriculture, is not so well
known generally, but he holds a high j
place In the estimation of agricul-,
tural experts who look upon him as
one of the foremost young men of
his calling in the country. Evidently
Governor-elect Sproul picked him be
cause he believed him to be the man
to lift the Department of Agriculture
from the slough of' despond into
which it has falle, not through any
fault of anybody in particular but
largely because of division of re
sponsibility and other faults of the
laws under which it operates. Noth
ing of politics enters into the selec
tion, which is a good thing, for if
there is one department on Capitol
Hill that should be free from politi
cal bias it is that which administers
to the needs and developments of
the agricultural interests of the State.
| O'NEILL, long a popular of
ficer in the National Guard of
Pennsylvania, will be retired with
the rank of major general. This is
a worthy honor for the brave soldier
who as "Bucky" O'Neill endeared
himself to every one in the old guard
and in the new army during service
on the Mexican border and later in
the southern cantonments.
We salute Major General Christo
pher T. O'Neill and trust that the
gooil(hunior which constantly per
vaded hla presence may continue to
brighten the lives of all with whom
he comes into contact General
O'Neill ia ao well known in Harris
burg that the honor which has now
come to him is quite aa much ap
preciated here aB at hia home in
WHAT shall we do with the
'cootie?'" asks a London
i exchange after relating that
'the little parasite has been respon
| sible for the deaths of a large num
ber of and the illndss of
many others Curing the war. Well,
'cootie' hunting la said to be a .pop
ular pastime in the camps, and
wouldn't It b# a good thing to drop
'em, one by one. Into long .distance
sheila and drop 'am over among the
Bolahevikl of Germany and Russia?
Or would that be regarded as too
harsh treatment even for a 'cootie?'
• I
By the Ex-Committeeman j
It is generally agreed among Re-'
publicans active in politics that
Frank A. Smith is to have no oppo
sition as candidate to succeed Sen
ator E. E. Beidleman when the Dau
phin county leader is elevated to the
Lieutenant Governorship. Senator
Beidleman and Mr. are very
close friends und have been fat"many
years. Smith was chairman during
the strenuous campaign of 1912
when Beidleman won the Senator
ship for the first time in a three
cornered fight that has no equal in
the history of the county. Smith's
devotion and skill in handling the sit
uation were very lurgely responsible
for the Beidleman majority and
Beidleman, who forgets a
friend, would do anything for Smith
within his power. So he is more than
willing that Smith should be his
successor. Incidentally, it is pretty
well known that Smith is thoroughly
"dry" in his sentiments and that he
will vote for, both prohibition and
suffrage if he gets the opportunity.
■ —The newspapers of the state in
that Governor Brum
baugh's farewell message to the
Legislature was the best he ever
wrote and that it contains matters
to which the Legislature might well
address its attention. The Philadel
phia Press says of it: "The Legis
lature opened yesterday with a great
show of harmony. Insofar as it dis
penses with useless wrangling and
time consuming contests, harmony is
a good thing but it may be a bad
thing, too. It may primage unity of
purpose and oneness or mind in pur
suing an entirely vicious course of
legislation. Our best Legislatures,
judging them by their work, have
not usually been the most harmoni
ous. If, however, the present Leg-'
islature is hgrmonious in following
the counsel of Governor Sprout the
state will approve both its harmony
and its action.
"The election of Robert S. Span
gler as Speaker of the House of Rep
resentatives and Clarence J. Buck
man president pro fern, of the
Senate was a good beginning. Gov
ernor Brumbaugh's retiring message
is the best he has written and the
most futile. The Legislature pays no
attention to an outgoing Governor.
But some of the recommendations of i
Governor Brumbaugh might well be |
taken up by Governor Sproul and
made effective. His suggestion of a
World's Fair in Philadelphia in 1926
is one that is not too early to medi
tate upon and take preparatory ac
tion. The San Francisco fair was
marred not a little by the breaking
out Of the European war. The pres
ent is no time for a World's Fair any- !
where but the 150 th anniversary or!
the Independence of the United j
States is still seven years off. The |
wounds of the great world's war.will j
be in large measure healed by that j
time. A World's Fair in Philadelphia
will be' in order and it is not too!
early to begin to make preparations!
for it.
"Most of the recommenda- ;
of Governor Brumbaugh are ex- |
eel lent. It Is a pity they do not come I
before the Legislature with some!
force behind them rather than 'be \
only mildly warmed by the Gover
nor's exhaust steam. The experiment
in the Constitution of 1574 of hav-I
ing the retiring Governor's term'
overlap by two weeks the term of |
the Legislature chosen with the in> i
coming Governor is a fanciful idea j
that has never justified itsilf in prac
tice. The new Governor should have
been sworn in yester'duy and in rec- I
ognition of this the Legislature hav-1
ing convened as the Constitution re- j
quires will adjourn until it can sets
and work under a Governor of its;
own political generation."
—The Philadelphia Record says: i
"An outgoing Governor cannot ex- I
pect that his words shall be listened
to as eargerlji as those of an incom-1
ing Governor —as eagerly as his j
own words were four years before.
It is not that Governors necessarily,
deteriorate in ortice; their last mes
sages may be better than their first.
But the rising sun is a summons
to alertness and action, and the set
ting sun haS somnolent associations.
"Governor Brumbaugh is justified
in hitting once more a grave legisla
tive ln appropriating more
money than is available, leaving it to
the Governor to reduce the coat to
the dimensions of the cloth. By this
process members of the Legislature
assume the popular role of voting
money at every one's request, and
leave to the Governor the unpopu
lar duty of cutting items down or
out. The abuse will probably go
on so long as the Constitution re
mains unchanged. The power of the
Governor to rectuce or exclude an
item without sacrificing the whole
appropriation bill was hailed orig
inally as a great step forward, but
one of the discouraging things about
reforms is that every one of them
brings in some new abuse.
"The Governor's suggestion that
the state should provide the tuition
in a college of this state for every
man mustered out of -the arniy and
navy who desires to have a college
education is interesting, and not at
all impracticable. Many of the men
are over college age or lack college
preparation or tastes, and the pro
posed expenditure would be only
for tuition, not for maintenance. It
would probably not involve a very
large expense. The Governor makes
the also interesting suggestion that
the state forests would provide 5,000
men with employment and market
1,000,000 feet of lumber.
"The substantial reason for good
roads, we presume, is that they re
duce the cost of hauling from farms,
and forests and mines to the rail
ways, but it is quite characteristicof
Dr. Brumbaugh's soaring thoughts
that he finds another and a more
esthetic reason for an improvement
in which he is greatly interested. He
speaks enthusiastically of the pros
pects for furthef development In the
near future when "tourists, as well
as our owb people, will And good roads
an incentive to view the many
matchless miles of scenic splendor
with which Pennsylvania is so rich
ly blessed."
—Samuel S, Castles, who has been
appointed deputy sheriff of Lacka
wanna county by Sheriff J. ft.
Schlager, has been in business in
South Scranton many years, lie has
been president of the South Scranton
Republican Club and secretary of the
County Republican Committee. He
was exaltad ruler of the Elks and is
active in Masonic organisations.
, . aoothEß BeUIEUE M£ - VLL I TS LITTLC CUD P I "fiSLf 0 ?, A.'iS'*
WfcLL ntK _ i iiz-k-v "Tn wni n iuiv ev/CwtY VWCCK HAPPY LI~TU(3
I £>T*L HANG ON op Tna W.Jtlr ' SSTTiR - HOPC IX4B /=V® UF ® WH 'h E
/* Malcolm' You Don t ' look^N? Voo Go >6ht im " rue f You HwOW vjfiY vaJCLL ThaTLl)
L —__. —y MT r w x% A Kt SJJ s. yo^
s You <iu,T Hr —<s
.1 Brave Correspondent
It was early morning and the j
broken roads were miry. We sat
and smoked our pipes in the gray ;
car of the British War Ofllee, wait- j
ing till the way was "a bit less un- j
healthy." We were both feeling |
something of the monotony of war,
for even an artillery duel become
The old soldier with the tanned j
and crackled cheeks Began to.
chuckle. "You know Thingamy?" j
he asked.
I did not know him personlly. But j
he was a famous newspaper corru- j
spondent who wrote fervid descrip- ,
tions of battle which made the blood !
pulse as one read them. I admired j
his brilliance, and said so.
"He was along with me in this j
very car last Sunday morning," said !
the Colonel, still laughing. "\ye j
were held up as you aud I are held ,
up by the bochg. He's a great, writ- j
er, is Thingamy. You see, when we
got back w> General Headquarters
I had to censor his stuff."
"Well?" „
"Well, it was deuced funny. We 1
were having as lively a time as you i
and I are having; but it was won
derful. I didn't know till I rqad 1
that article that we drove along,the j
road with shells bursting by the ;
dozens all round us, and that I was j
nervous and pale, while the news- |
paper man insisted that we drive j
otlf though the car rocked with the j
convulsions of the explosions. It i
was good reading, exciting, though j
Thingamy did suggest I was a |
coward and he was very much of a i
hero." He chuckled again. •
"And when you censored the ar
ticle 1 suppose you cut onfall that
"Not a line. Don't you know that
it is not the business of a military
censor to cut out lies? His job is
to prevent unwise publication of the
truth. I think we might slowly push
on. Don't you?"— Sir John Foster
Eraser in Harper's Magazine for
(From Answers, London)
Napoleon was a prolific war
maxim maker. His maxims number
more than a hundred. Many of them
are as true' to-day as when they
were made.
"In war," said Napoleon, "there
is never more than one favorable
moment. The great art is to seize
it and use it well.
Foch seized the "favorable mom
m.ent and in a month not only saved
the situation, but turned the tables
on the enemy. He "concentrated his
troops and acted with energy," as
Napoleon laid down.
Common sense—the application
of wisdom to circumstances —is
Foch's*maxim, as it was Napoleon's.
Napoleon wrote: "Plans may be
modified ad infinitum, according to
circumstances, the genius of the
general, the character of the
tropps, and the features of the
Napoleon Insisted upon the study
of past campaigns. "The science of
strategy." he said, "is only to be ac
quired by experience and by study
ing the campaigns of all the great
Foch has been a lifelong student
of military history. In the spring
he was acting up to Napoleon'.j dic
tum —"the measure which is not
profoundly meditated in all Its de
tails produces no result." When
Foch was ready he "dared at the
right moment." For twenty years
past Foch has been "profoundly
meditating" the details of the stra
| tegy which has given him such sig-
I nal success.
Canadian trade unionists have
protested against the Lemieux act.
claiming that employes use it to
their advantage because of delays
before an award is made.
Portland (i)re.) meat cutters are
demanding an eight-hour day, a *36,-
a-week minimum and $25 a week for
women employed as sausage makers
and on counter work.
The first organization of its kind
in the UnUed States to advocate ex
tensive Fdieral ownership of public
utilities is the Ohio Federation of
i 1-abor. •
f \ *
i Thousands at women have invaded
I the realms ofenan in the machine
shop and various other lines of em
ployment which heretofore have
been operated exclusively by men.
Experiments with paper textiles
have proved successful In Norway.
Bartlett Airplane Expedition
May % Find the Polar Continent
Plans Now Arc Completed l>y tlie Arctic Navigator to Fly, From
Cape Columbia to the Siberian Coast, Willi Fuih,
Greenland, as His Base of Operations
THE exploration by airplane of
more than one million square
miles of territory never before
seen by a white man, and incidental
ly a visit to the North Pole, is the
daring project of Captain Bartlett,
who was the commander of Admiral
Peary's ship on his last voyage, and
for years a wanderer within the Arc
tic Circle.
Were the plan the product of the
mind of just one man, even of such
a man as Captain Bartlett, the world
would dismiss it vj'ith a few caustic
comments about the danger of read
ing too much of Gerne, Poe and
Wells. But back of Captain Bart
lett, nof only theoretically, but finan
cially, and at the risk of their repu
tations, stand such men as Rear Ad
miral Robert E. Peary, the iirst man
to reach the pole; Alan R. Hawley,
president of the Aero Club of Amer
ica; Rear Admiral Bradley A. Fiske,
Rear Admiral William N. Dittle,
John Hays Hammond, Jr., and other
members of the special committee
of the Aero Club of America, who
have announced their belief in the
success of such a plan and their will
ingness to finance the expedition.
The cost will be borne by the Aero
Club* and possibly by geographical
and other scientific organizations in
terested in revealing the hitherto un
solved mysteries of the North.
An Oiliccr of the Navy
Captain Bartlott, a Newfoundland
man, although a citizen of the United
States since 1911, and at present
an officer of the United States
Navy, has a becoming amount
of respect for his birthplace's indus
try, so he has selected to bear hint
and his party to Etah, Greenland,
one of those stout wooden New
foundland craft which are almost
uncrushable in the most menacing
ice packs.
The name of the vessel is still
withheld, as are tlio names all
members of the party except Cap
tain Bartlett himself. The vessel,
howevfer, is 125 feet, long, thirty feet
of beam and draws fifteen feet of
water. She is equipped with a 250-
liorsepower oil engine, but will rely
mainly on her sails. She will be rig
ged as. a three-masted schooner, it
is probable she will leave New York
about May 31.
The vessel will carry in her hold
folded up one large airplane, pos
sibly of the type known as seaplanes,
and several smaller planes. In ad
dition she will be fitted with all the
latest and best scientific Instruments,
and will become on her arrival at
Etah a lioating laboratory.
At Etah, which will bo reached In
from ten to thirty days after setting
sail from 'New York, depending on
ice conditions, the smaller airplanes
will wing their way north 350 miles
across Ellesmere Land to Cape Co
lumbia, where a cache of gasoline
and supplies will be made. Then as
the weather moderates the ship it
self will be used to dredge the Polar
seas for the submarlno flora and
fauna of the Arctic Basin.
Planes to lteplace Dog Sleds
Skilled meteorologists will study
the air currents with the aid of
small balloons and airplanes that
travel hundreds of miles a day
where In former years dog sledges
crawled miles.
Cape Columbia, the point from
which Peary made his dash to the
pqle in 1909, will be the base for
the exploration of the vast territory
to the westward. Eroirt Cape Colum
bia h'e will make d flight in a huge
airplane across the Polar Sea to Si
beria. It is known that coal, mica
and many minerals are abundant in
some of the explored portions of the
North, so it Is within the bounds of
probability that this region. If it is
above w%ter, 'may be rich In valu
able minerals.
The great mineral wealth of Al
aska Is widely known. As the unex
plored portion of the Arctic le north
of Alaska and Canada, those foster
ing the Bartlett expedition believe
It logical to assume that minerals
exist here also. The primary pur-
I pose, hovgevor. is not a search for
mineral wealth but merely to dispel
the ignorance of man concerning an
area of the globe greater than the
United States east of the Mississippi.
The exact, character of the air
planes which will be used In explor
atlon has not yet been determined,
but as many experts In airplane
construction are members of the
Aero Club and deeply Interested In
the project, the planes selected will
undoubtedly be unique of their kind.
Plan Discussed Two Years
The exploration of the Polar basin
by airplane has been a topic ot' dis
cussion and argument at the club
for two years and much valuable
data has been uncovered.
For a man who lias followed the
sea and fought the North since his
first trip with Admiral Peary in
189", Captain Bartlett is surprisingly
up to the minute. To him airplanes
ure not "new-fangled contraptions"
of extremely doubtful value, but ma
chines of the greatest possible use
fulness. Despite his weather worn
face, scored by the winds of the
Arctic Circle, he appears to be a
mnn in his early 30s. although by
calendar count ho is 43. His opin
ions and view of life, too, seem
those of a much younger man.
"The airplane is the big thing of
the present age," he says, confident
ly. "There are machines in Europe
of which we are Just beginning to
get an inkling, and they are going
to be big things mighty soon. Dong
distance records have been made
over there which are about the most
astonishing things of the war."
In addition the former followers
of his fortunes, Captain Bartlett will
ship on the schooner several avia
tors —possibly army and navy men
who have shown their courage, skill
and endurance on theother side.
This is the way Captain
sums up his project;
A Three-fold Enterprise
"We have three important mis
sions to accomplish. The first is to
fly across the top of the world from
Cape Columbia on 'the American
side to Cape Chelyuskin on the Si
berian side; the second, to conduct
extensive soundings in the Polar
basin p.nd make a map of the floors
of the basin and collect the flora
and fauna of the ocean bottom: and,
third, to send up sounding balloons
and explore the upper air of the po
lar regions.
"So you see," the captain con
cludes, "we intend to do it thor
oughly; submarine, surface and
aerial exploration. There are more
than one million square miles of
territory in the Arctic basin, par
ticularly that part north of Canada
and Alaska, which still remains to
be explored. It is possible wo shall
find'land there, for Admiral Peary
on his trip to the Pole did not tra
verse this territory. He found no
land from Cape Columbia to the
pole, but further westward there
might be a continent, for all we
know."—New York Sun.
(By Aline Michaels)
It stands upon my table there
With such a quaint and artless air.
Within its yellow garden-close
Twin turquoise ladies, so demure,
Tread purple bridges miniature,
To pluck a glowing, golden rose.
One would not dream to see them
Those turquoise maids with witch
ing wile,
That some six hundred years have
Since first they saw Spring's blos
When came the dynasty of Ming,
And Kublai Khan's hordes fought
and fled.
Hung-Wu, the Son of Heaven, is
His temples dust, his glory fled;
That potter,. too, at King-te-chen,
Who wrought with such consum
mate art
In centuries past each smallest part,
Will paint nor rose, nor maid again.
Strange, kings and dynasties are
And still this fragile thing lives on.
As tho Death's self it could defy!
The mind that planned, tho hand
that wrought
Are naught, ay, even less than
To beauty's immortality.
We'll Complain to the Janitor
Tho Grandmother of the Russian
revolution Is on her way to the
United States. We she Isn't
bringing the kid along.—From The
Detroit News. ,
JANUARY 9, 1919*
With all respect to the venerable
John Burroughs, who says that the
time lias come for Germany to re
pent openly, we would suggest that
repenting openly is one of the easiest
things a sinner does—it is repenting
Inwardly that counts. We should
see to it that Germany repents all
the way through.—Chicago Daily
Taxes are heavy, but not as heavy
as the crops.—Washington l'ost.
The Hohenzollerns' and the cooties
aro sorry the war is over.—Syracuse
Having landed In France, Presi
dent Wilson may proceed to land
on Germany.—Chicago Daily News.
The Dr. Jekyll of Berlin now has
fears for safety of his Hyde.—
The Gamecock (University of South
Carolina). ' •
It looks as if repairedness were
going to cost Germany more than
preparedness did.—Columbus Ohio
State Journal.
(From the Philadelphia Ledger)
No discussion of tho naval pro
gram outlined by Secretaay Daniels
before the House Naval Affairs Com
mittee will deal fairly with tho sub
ject or justly reflect American naval
policy which fails to givo due em
phasis to the proviso which accom
panied and conditioned the an
nouncement. It is not strange that
foreign commentators should' have
seen only the threat in that propo
sal of the Secretary of the Navy. No
secret was made of its purpose to
bear on the coming peace conference.
It was a notice to the maritime pow
ers of the world that unless a full
and satisfactory revision of the laws
of warfare on sea shall be brought
about and unless there shall be cre
ated a league of nations to enforce
the laws agreed upon then the
United States must hold itself free
to safeguard its own interests and
do its own policing of tho seas. But
that notice was accompanied by the
express provision that any enactment
by Congress should be • subject to
suspension by the President in the
event of concord among tho powers
on the subject of the freedom of the
i Opinions may differ as to the
timeliness of the Daniels announce
ment. in the face of conditions *n
Europe, and especially with the
echoes of British election manfes
toes fresh in mind, the intimation
that the United States has in delib
erate. cornemplation a challenge to
Britain's traditional command of tho
seas has a significance so terrible
that the great mass of English
speaking folk will shrink with hor
ror from Its contemplation. For the
execution of that threat would mean
an ultimate repetition of tho stupen
dous horrors of the last four years
on a vastly greater stage, a fratri
cidal contest the possibility of which
is unthinkable.
(Cleveland Plain Dealer)
The Americans at Coblenz have
requisitioned a number of Rhine
steamers, and the doughboys are
going to have a good time this win
ter "seeing the Rhine." Sightseeing
trips of three and live days are ar
ranged, which will be open lo offi
cers and men on leaVe. They will see
Bingen and the rock of the Lorelei
and all the other famous places of
myth and history. It will tend to
make the winter in Germany rather
The trips will take the Yankees
far beyond the American jurisdic
tion. But they will not take them
into German Jurisdiction. There is
no German jurisdiction on the
Rhine. North of the Americans are
the British, south of the Americans
are the French. Wherever the
doughboys go they will be assured
of a cordially friendly reception.
And this Is the great German
rl\#r; the German river of story
ana devotion. Now a Yankee, who
has been trained for the business
and has been provided with a big
megaphone, stands on the deck of a
requisitioned German steamer and
draws attention to tho points of in
terest. And the other Yankees
placidly chat and "rubber." It is
to this that the Kaiser's war has
brought proud Germanv, Tho ghosts
of old kings and Rhenish barons
may well marvel at "der tag."
Standing the Watch
I will stand upon my watch, and
set me upon the toarer, and will
watch to see what he will say unto
ws, and what I shall answer when I
am reproved.—Habakkuk 11, i
ifctfenmg dipt
N |
The Harrlsburg W. C. T. U. has
determined to continue the custom
of holding New Year's servicos in
the county Juil. The altair on Now
Year's day was so auspicious that
it has decided to have another next
yeay. Harrlsburg, Higlispire, Steel
ton, Penbrook and other nearby
towns wefe represented among those
who had charge of the and
the day was brightened for the pris
oners bv gifts of cukes, tipples, can
dles, holiday cards and reading mat
ter. Few people realize how much
of this kind of work the women of
the W. C. T. U. do. The efforts of
tho members have been so * much
along tho lines of prohibition that
nfmny persons believe that to be tho
extent of efforts, but such is
far from the fact. They are en
gaged constantly in all manner of
up-lift and educational enterprises.
Thoy have seen prohibition develop
from a mere theory to what In a very
short time will be an actuality, and
they now feel that their work along
this litie is in such good hands that
they can safely turn their attention,
at least in large part, to other lines
of endeavor.
Ho was a French visitor in a Ha.r
risburg home and the Inevitable dis
cussion of the- English and French
languages came up. Said the French
man, "You have a funny language.
You spell your Secretary's name
L-A-N-S-I-N-G and pronounce It
House!" Who said the French wit
was without subtlety?
Already an "Amen Corner" has
been established at the Penn-TTarrls
hotel. During the present week the
northeast corner of the main lobby
has been appropriated by Senator
David Martin, of Philadelphia, and
other old-timers who just naturally
gravitated to that corner of the big
hotel. Years ago the "amen cor
ner" of the old Fifth Avenue Hotel
in New York City was the dally
meeting place of the most prominent
leaders of the nation and the "amen
corner" of the Penn-Hurris prom
ises to be no less famous as the
gathering spot of the prominent men
of Pennsylvania. Incidentally, tho
hundreds who came here for the or
ganization of the Legislature are of
one mind regarding the high char
acter of the new hotel and there was
universal praise.
David B. Kraybill, a recent addi
tion to the vocational section of the
Pennsylvania State Educational De
partment, assumes his new duties
after a record of high achievement
in t'his kind of work and is well
fitted for the position. Before en
tering the United States service from
which he was released during the
latter part of December. Professor
Kraybill was director of the East
Lam peter, Lancaster county, voca
tional school, ono of the leading
schools of its kind in Pennsylvania.
He made an enviable record as head
of the Lancaster county institution
and was largely influential in having
a handsome new structure erected
for the school. Ho was graduated
from Franklin and Marshall College
in 1911, and while an undergraduate
was prominent in college affairs, lie
is a member of Ihe Lambda Chi Al
pha fraternity. He was principal of
Camp Hill schools for several years
after his graduation from college.
The change from tho cash to the
chepk plan of paying railroad em
ployes promises to add quite an
amount of extra work for banks
and their employes. In some cases
banking officials are planning lo
keep their institutions open on tho
first of the payday evenings in order
to cosh checks of employes of their
They will be compelled in addi
tion, officials say, to have on hand a
larger amount of currency than they
ordinarily carry in order that they
may favor the railroaders without
unnecessary delay. A bank in one
of the smaller nearby railroad towns
in which tho payroll amounts to
117,000 every two weeks expects to
be obliged to carry $23,000 more In
paper money and specie than it or
dinarily docs.
Rome employes are well pleased
with the change in the system, but
others are not altogether satisfied.
Considerable inconvenience will be
occasioned for many of them. Em
ployes In places without banking in
stitutions expect to have consider
able difficulty in having their checks
Just as certainly as you can be
sure that Christmas is really bore
when the magazines put in their
spring numbers, so you can be mo
rally certain that at last it is really
the heart of winter, by the appear
ance in fashionablo women's shops
and in the streets, of the flrsfcstraw
hats for women. New Year s day
was featured by a number of new
straw or near-straw hats, worn by
Harrisburg's impatient, season-rush
ing womankind. True to tradition,
even though the days are cold, and
the winter is only a few weeks old.
matrons and maids sally forth in
straw trimmed hats anil silken chap
eaux docked with velvet carrots,
radishes, celery and other garden
products. All thediats are small and
unusually bright in coloring. Just
why women should tell themselves
that January 1 is the time to begin
wearing straws is a matter which
no mere man can understand. Fash
ionable shops have them aplenty,
and men stand and gape. The poor
ignorant fellows imagine they are
merely advance models on show to
furnish tho female of the species
with an idea of what will be worn
next spring. But she scoffs at her
husband and informs him that when
spring ilnaVly does come, those hats
will be as much out of style as this
winter's snow. In fact, it Is an un
deniable tact that one or two stj-aw
hats whoso owners for financial or
other personal reasons failed to
relegate them to tho ragbag, found
their last slimmer straws clashing
with next that is to say this
spring's straw hats.
Park officials all over the United
States are kept busy each year de
vising schemes In shrubbery plant
ing to prevent the crowds enjoying
public parks from making "cow
paths" by taking short cuts across
the grass plots. In Harrisburg folks
are no different than in other cities,
officials say, and will trample the
grass and soon have a path unless
something is done to prevent it
During the fall planting by the Park
Department, it was necessary to
place scores of shrubs along the
walks at street Intersection*,in tha
•River Front Pn.rk so tnttt pfluWtn
ans would use the walks which bave
been laid out and rot cut across the
grass an<f make unsightly barren
Permanency Desired
"Wc are down and out; isn't that
enough?" remarks the crownless
prince in one of his Interviews.
Everybody knows that they are
down, but what must be made sure
for all time is that they are out—
[Utloa Observer.