Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 08, 1919, Page 6, Image 6

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Rotary Club Gets Behind Gov
ernment Movement in Be
half of Disabled Soldiers
The Rotary Club of Harrisburg at
its meeting in the Y. M. C. A. en
dorsed the movement of the Federal
Board of Vocational Education for
the re-education of disabled soldiers
ar.d offered to co-operate heartily fo>-
the re-employment of these trained
men in positions for which they are
This action was taken following a
discussion of the subject by C. J. C.
Clarke, the Government representa
tive, who made a deep impression on
the members.
"You men must find jobs for these
re-educated men." said he. "else the
whole plan will fail, but I feel sure
that it will succeed mightily. You
can't be of service simply by talking;
you must act. We will train the
nen and guarantee they will give
satisfaction or you need not keep
them. We will even permit you to
train them in your own places of em
ployment, paying them what they are
worth while they are learning and
fair wages after they have learned
and the Government ceases to pay
them an allowance."
Mr. Clarke, who has his headquar
ters at the Boy Scout offices in the
Calder biuldlng, says that some able
bodied soldiers have been unable
either to get their old Jobs back or
something Just as good. He cited
several cases and asked the club to
do what it can for them.
Women's Might
The club planned for a women's
night some time in February, when
a dinner will be served at the Fenn-
Harris. Norris S. Longaker will
have charge of the event.
It cost the club nearly 4600 to give
the Big Brother dinner on New Year's
Day to children of Harrisburg and
a deficiency of $75 was made up in
five minutes.
The club will continue to hold its
weekly luncheons at the Penn-Har
ris. It was decided upon by a vote of
the members, transferring its quar
ters from the Y. M. C. A., where it
has been well served for the past
year or more.
WaslUiigton, D. C„ Jan. 8.-—ln
junctions restraining the use of the
name Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order
of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine by
an organization of negroes, on the
ground that it is an imitation of the
name of Ancient Arabic Order of
Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, were
in effect made permanent to-day by
the Supreme Court, which refused
to review proce°dings in the Georgia
State Courts. The negro organiza
tion was enjoined from ustng its cor
porate name, badges, emblems and
For All Occasions
Floral Decorations
Wedding Flowers
Party Flowers
Funeral Flowers
cttteberruhill I
Members of
No. 150, K. of P.
Meeting of Importance
Your Attendance Requested
W. A. Sower,
C. C.
James L. Baker,
K. of R. nnd S.
Become a Member of Our
You Will Be Surprised to Learn How
Fast and How Easy You Can Save Money
25c starts an account that pays $12.50
50c starts an account that pays $25.50
$l.OO starts an account that pays $50.00
$2.00 starts an account that pays $lOO.OO T ITU_I
We also have a number of other classes
t join one, or as many as you like.
Take out membership for yourself, your
wife and the children. You can enroll for an
employe or a friend, a society or a charity.
You get back every cent you pay in.
If you make your deposits reg
ularly you will also get interest.
Write or Call for Full Particulars—Join Now
Everybody Welcome
• \ . - . • . .
Polyclinic Hospital Aids Elecl
Good Workers and Form
Needlework Guild
I The Woman's Auxiliary to the
I Polyclinic Hospital met yesterday
i afternoon in the Nurses' Home, 1524
1 North Second street, for the annual
| business meeting. Mrs. Samuel Z.
| Shope, who has so efficiently served
as president, was re-elected to that
j olfice for the coming year, with the
I following able assistants: Vice-presi
dents, Mrs. Edward E. Ewing, Mrs.
| C. C. Fritz, Mrs. J. C. Harlacker; re
cording secretury, Mrs. G. A. Zim
merman; assistant, Mrs. J. E. Dare;
corresponding secretary, Mrs. Ralph
Esslg. assistant, Mrs. Harry Krelder;
financial secretary, Mrs. D. G. Bow
man. assistant, Mrs. J. A. Warner;
treasurer, Mrs. Klrby Lawson; as
sistant. Mrs. G. C. Koster.
Form Needlework Guild
A needlework guild was organized
to meet the third Friday of every
month at the Nurses' Home. All
sorts of fancy work will be made,
the articles to be sold for the benefit
of the home at a bazar held prior
to the holiday season, every year.
This auxiliary does excellent work
for the hospital in ways that only
women can serve. For the first time
the hospital is able to afford an in
terne, or resident physician, and has
secured Dr. Robert Saunders, of
Philadelphia, n graduate of the Jef
ferson Hospital, to fill tho position.
Bible Class Reunion
With Mrs. Arthur Bailey
Mrs. Arthur 11. Bailey, of Pax
tang, was hostess yesterday for the
annual social meeting of the Louis
Yeomans BOyd Bible class of the
Paxton Presbyterian Church. Lunch
eon was served at 12.30 and the busi
ness meeting followed. At 3 o'clock a
number of additional guests came to
hear the Rev. Dr. Robert Bagnell
speak on "Christianity and the New
Europe." Refreshments were served
after the address whicH was deliver
ed to an audience of over one hun
dred. The members of the class are:
Mrs. S. F. Barber, teacher; Mrs. H.
L. Holmes, president; Mrs. James B.
MacClure, secretary; 'Mrs. J. A. Lutz,
Mrs. Arthur 11. Bailey, Mrs. Daniel
Rlcker, Mrs. James Pearl, Mrs.
James Ruth, Mrs. Thomas Small
wood, Mrs. R. M. Hosier, Mm. Wil
liam Martin, Mrs. J. H. Sheesley,
Mrs. W. 11. Shetron, Mrs. John Elder,
Mrs. Harry B. King, Mrs. William
Myers, Mrs. H. F. Kramer, Mrs. John
Fought, Mrs. J. A. Rose, Mrs. George
Martin, Mrs. William Grunden, Mrs.
Frank Meyers, Mrs. B. Owen, Mrs.
Kent, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. Geyer, Mrs.
James Walker, Mrs. E. M. Forney,
Mrs. Samuel Peace. Miss Katherine
Delss, Miss June Rutherford, Miss
Wiley, Miss Lizzie Bealor, Miss Elea
nor Rutherford and Miss Elizabeth
The Beck-Bell Wedding
Takes Place New Year's
Another of the marriages of New
Year's day was that of Miss Gertrude
M. BeiJ, 1287 Swatara street, to
Corporal Aron S. Beck, of 1208 Reiiy
street, taking place at the home of
the bridegroom's parents, with the
Rev. Homer S. May, of the Fourth
Reformed Church, officiating. The
attendants were the bride's sister,
Miss Leola Bell, and Lester Schultz.
Only the immediate families were in
attendance, and after the service a
wedding supper was served.
Corporal Beck, who is stationed
at Camp Lee, Va., with the Signal
Corps, is spending a fifteen days' fur
lough in this city.
Sergeant Herschel V. Johnson, of
the Utilities Detachment No. 2, M. C.,
stationed at Camp Taylor, Kentucky,
| is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clement B. Johnson, at 913 North
Second street.
Thirty-Nine Women Receive
Diplomas For Efficient
Work in the Course
One of the largest and most effi
cient first aid classes receiving their
diplomas met last evening for a so
cial time at tho home of their di
rector, Dr. Louise Hertig Taylor,
1800 North Third street, receiving
their certificates and spending many
happy hours together.
The class was organized last sum
mer, and, while disbanding owing
to the "flu" epidemic, the members
did good work nursing and helping
in various ways.
Games, contests and a most deli
cious supper were thoroughly en-
Joyed last evening by the following
people: Miss Margaret E. Burgoon,
Miss Sara E. Burgoon, Miss Ellen
McK. Choate Mrs. S. F. Chronister,
Mrs. P. R. Dickinson. Mrs. Emma
C. V. Grlsslngcr, Miss Carrie R. Hol
steln, Miss Florence E. Huber, Miss
Mary G. Huber, Miss Ruth I. McGee.
Miss Gertrude McDevitt, Miss Mary
L. McPhilllps, Miss Anna O'Connell,
Miss Katharine Dubbs, Mrs. Truman
P. Ettele, Miss Pauline A. Farrluy
Mrs. H. E. Fetrow, Miss O. Miriam
Goshorn, Miss Loureda Gemmill,
Miss Margaret K. Gough, Miss Mary
M. Sellers, Miss Anna K. Green, Miss
Grace McLaughlin, Miss Nettle V.
I-eighton, Miss Rae B. Ludwiek, Miss
Carrie A. Paul, Miss Mary A. Pllkay,
Mrs. H. G. Powell, Miss Maria L.
Robinson, Mrs. Emma A. Rudy, Mrs.
A. G. Achantz, Miss Claire Sc-hutzen
bach, Miss Julia M. Schlayer, Miss
Mary Gertrude Trace, Miss E. Claire
Yahn, Miss Jane E. Balthaser, Mrs.
S'. P. Barnhart, Mrs. E. V. Lucas,
Mrs. H. G. Welgel. The class presi
dent is Miss Grace McLaughlin.
Little Girl's Birthday
Is Merrily Celebrated
Little Miss Lenor Gross, of IGOO
Market street, happily celebrated her
sixth birthday yesterday afternoon
with a little party. There were dec
orations of pink and blue, and the
table centerpiece was of cyclamen
and fern. The favors were tiny Kew
pies and little baskets of candy to
delight the heart of each child.
Games and music were followed by
Those present were Lenor Gross.
Betty Sweeny, Janet Troup, Vernice
Barber, Isabel Rhine, Reba Ebcr
sole, Sara Elizabeth Knauss, Geral
dlne Smith, Ruth Ebersole, Ernes
tine Snyder, Kathryn Knauss, Mary-
Gross, Bobby RcilT, IVayne Heckert
Jr., Jay Gingrich, Haxold Brough,
Billy Potts.
Reading Artist Visits
Friends in Harrisburg
It is not generally known that Miss
Ruth A. Riske, of Reading, who at
tended the recent performance of
"Alda" here, is a kinswoman of Jean
and Edouard de Rezke, the noted
French singers. Miss Riske was
visiting Miss Katherlne Matchett,
2137 North Fourth street. She was
asked by a friend what the middle
initial in her name stood for and it
developed that it was "Altliouse"
and that her mother is closely re
lated to Paul Althouse, the great
singer. Miss Riske is also talented.
Her work as an artist has brought
high praise from kindly critics.
! The College Club will meet Tues
day, January 14, as the guests of
Mrs. George B. Kunkel, 118 Locust
street. Dr. Edward M. Green, su
| perlntendent of the Pennsylvania
I State Lunatic Hospital, will give a
talk on "Shell Shock." Dr. Green v
I who succeeded Dr. Henry L. Orth at
! the State Hospital, was formerly
j head of the Georgia State Hospital
I for the Insane, at MilledgeviUe, Ga„
I and was recognized as the pleading
I alienist of the South.
Mrs. Lydia Wilt entertained at
dinner last evening at her home, 346
Pine street, Steelton, with the fol-
I lowing guests in attendance: Russell
Wilt, Lee Wilt and family, Harry
Wilt and family, Robert Wilt, Mrs.
Kathryne Wilt and daughter, Mrs.
Viola Wilt and children, Lydta and
Dorothy Wilt, Mr. Deik and family,
Miss Sallie Gross and Mrs. Schaff
Mrs. Meade D. Detweiler, 21 North
Front street, has received word of
the promotion to captaincy of her
son, Meade D. Detwieler, Jr., who
lias been serving with the Ambulance
Corps at the Italian front. Captain
Detweiler writes that he hopes to sail
for home about January 14.
An afternoon tea from 2 to 5
o'clock will be held to-morrow In St.
Paul's Parish Hquse, Second and
Emerald streets, in the interests of
missions. There is no formal pro
gram and the event promises to be
a delightful one-
Miss Alice Bentz Heyser, field In
structor for the Pennsylvania-Dela
ware division. American Red Cross,
visited the local Red Cross chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Thompson
have gone home to Wilkes-Barre
after a short visit with their rela
tives, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Scott,
of Green street.,.
Miss Belie Schwarz has resumed
her duties as nurse in training at the
Post-Graduate Hospital, New York
City, after a brjef vacation spent at
her home here.
Kenneth D. Clyman and small son,
George B. Clyman, of Baltimore, are
in town for a little visit among rela
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Daniels and
small son, George T. Daniels, went
home to Jersey City this morning
after a ten days' visit among relatives
i in the West End.
Mrs. C. Landls Rudy, 141 North
Thirteenth street, went to Philadel
phia tMs morning to spend several
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodney, of
Chioago, are visiting their relatives,
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gregory, of
Green street.
Mrs. John W. Reiiy, of Fort Hun
ter, is enjoying a midwinter stay in
Atlantic City.
Miss Hester Farmer and her sis
ter, Miss Dorothy Farmer, of Brook
lyn, are sfcpping for a while with
their sister, Mrs. Daniel Gaines, of
North Sixth street
Miss Marguerite Britain Kent and
[ Miss Isabella Marlon Kent returned
to their home'in West Philadelphia
to-day after a stay of several weeks
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Landls Rudy, 141 North Thlr r
tecnth street
Spanish Club Members Have
PleasaAt Time With Mrs.
Menges Yesterday
The committee on the January en
tertainment of the Spanish Club were
guests of Mrs. Melvin Menges yes
terday afternoon at a Spanish work
ing party given in the club room of
the Y. W. C. A.
After playing "A Espana Voy,"
the ladies, accompanying each t move
and each object with its designation
In Spanish, prepared the tea table,
finding everything In readiness in the
kitchenette of the club room. The
following menu was served:
Costillas de pescado, Peplnos
encutidos, Panecitos calientes con
mantequllla, Dulcecitos, Conservas
do presas, Te con azucar y limoh,
Agua ciara.
In spite of the flu and the war this
has been the best Spanish year In
Harrlsburg's history and the plans
laid for the club work from now un
til June include more interesting
things than ever before in the way
of plays, games and original literary
productions by the students.
The members of the committee are
Mrs. Henry L. lialsli, Mrs. Karl
Schaffle, Miss Teresa Martin, Miss
Julia Bishop, Mrs. S, J. Harris and
Miss Catherine Heinen.
The Authors Club met last even
ing as guests of Mrs. L. Fttzimons,
1934 North Second street. Those who
took part in the program were Mrs.
Martin H. Thomas who spoke on
"Bake Titicaca;" Mrs. Harry E.
Todd, "The Trip to Bogota," and Miss
Mary Orth, "Carthagena."
Ushers' League Holds
Its Annual Meeting
The Ushers' League of the Fifth
Street Methodist Episcopal Church
held a very successful banquet last
night in the social hall of the church
for the. members, their wives and
friends, after which the annual elec
tion of officers was held. The hall
was very prettily decorated along a
patriotic line, w;ith the flags of the
Allies at each table. The league has
a membership of cighty-flve, with
four in service in France. After the
banquet, the members and their
firends enjoyed a very delightful ad
diess by the Rev. Robert Bagnell
and two readings by Mi£B Wilhelmina
tVohlfarth. During the business ses
sion the ladies were entertained by
a Vlctroia concert. The following
officers were unanimously elected
for the' present year: President,
Norman G. Manahan; vice-president,
John E. Rowan; secretary, W. Leßue
Shaub: treasurer, David H. Wise;
chief usher, Albert L. Crane,
The league wishes to thank all who
helped to make it a success and the
C. M. Sigler Co., Inc., for the use
of the Victrola.
Marysville People Plan
For Annual Chautauqua
Marysville, Pa.. Jan. B.—The annual
Marysville Chautauqua, under the
auspices of the Swarthmore Chau
tauqua Association, will be held in
Marysville this year on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, January 29, 30
and 31. Fifty-two townspeople are
enrolled as guarantors.
The guarantors have oragnized,
with E. B. Leiby as president; the
Rev. S. B. Btdlack, vice-president; J.
I*. Lilley, secretary, and F. W. Geib,
treasurer. J. W. Beers and E. B.
Leiby have been appointed on the
advertising committee; N. C. Lid dick,
H. E. Walters and C. P, Kintcr, on
the ticket sales committee for the
; Pennsylvania rialroad; Miss Stella
i Eeckard, chairman of the salos com
n ittee in Marysville, with the privi
lege of appointing her assistants.
I The Cliatuauqua will be held in the
r Galen Theater. Adult tickets will
cost 31.25 and junior tickets 90
cents. Seats will be reserved, com
i mencing on January 28 at 8.30
o'clock, in th offices of the Marys
j vllle Water Company.
Memorial Services For
Roosevelt at Marysville
Marysville, Pa., Jan. 8. —Services
as a memorial to Theodore Roose
velt will be conducted this evening
in the Zion Lutheran Church in the
series of annual union prayer meet
ings that are being held as a part
of the natiopal movement this week.
| To-night is patriotic night in the
series and the several ministers.*of
town will pay a tribune to the late
President. Last evening's subject,
"Church Unity Throughout the
World," was discussed by three min
j isters.
State Magistrates to
Meet in Harrisburg
Legislation "of interest to the mag
istrates of Pennsylvania will be dis
cussed at the annual meeting of the
State Association of Magistrates
which will be held in Ilarrisburg to
morrow at noon. Members from
practically all the larger communi
ties of the state will be present. The
sessions will be held at the offices
of Alderman Hoverter, the president.
Harrisburg Lodge Has
Pastmasters' Night
Harrisburg Lodge, No. 629. Free and
Accepted Masons, held its first Past
masters' Night, last evening at Ma
sonic Temple. About 400 members
and guests were present and a most
enjoyable evening was spent. After
lodge exercises rfresliments were
served. In the banquet hall the
worshipful master, Charles C. Stroh,
presided, and the following spoke in
commendatory terms on the progress
nnd prosperity of Harrisburg Lodge:
District Deputy William S. Snyder.
Pat Grand Master W. Luther Oorgas,
Spencer C. Gilbert. Luther L, Banks.
Edward Z. Gross, Warwick M. Ogclsby
and Frederick J. Smith.
Philadelphia, Jan. B.—After a long
consultation with ex-Judge James
Gay Gordon, District Attorney Kotan
yesterday announced that the trial of
Mayor Smith had been set for Wed
nesday, January 22, before Judge
Audenried. The trial of the Mayor,
who has been Indicted on charges of
conspiracy to violate the Shern law,
contempt of Court and misdemeanor
in office, was held up awaiting the
disposition of the cases of Ike
Deutach, Lieutenant Bennett and the
five policemen who were tried In
i West Chester.
Noted Lecturer Says
Christians Triumphed
"The War and Christianity," was
the subject of the second of a sertea
of Ave lectures being delivered every
night this week by the Rev. Dr.
Francis L. Patton, widely knowi\
lecturer and formerly president or
Princeton University, in the PinoJ
Street Presbyterian Church.
Dr. Patton emphasized four fac
tors in the effect of war upon i
Christianity, first, that Christianity I
does not unfit a man for battle; sec- I
ond, that war made It evident that |
Christians have the courage of their i
convictions, and fight for them; and
third, that the war was not started |
by Christianity.
The speaker declared that the •
only remedy for war is the construe, i
tlve teaching or Christianity. He said
that the achievements of the Allied
armies against the Huns is sufficient
evidence that Christianity is a pre- ,
dominating force in war as well as i
The third lecture, "The War and i
the Church," will be delivered to- ,
night. There is no charge for admls.
| ston, or collection, at the meetings.
Soldiers Get Welcome
Hand at the Y. M. C. A.
During the past six months, ac-
cording to a report 'made public
yesterday by Robert B. Reeves, gen
eral secretary of the Central f. M.
C. A., 2,173 soldier boys were lodged
in the association building. Of this
number, 500 were unable to pay ,
their night's lodging but were cheer- '
fully welcomed. To these men as well I
as to those who paid their lodgings, !
were extended the privileges of tho I
building, including recreation rooms, j
' shower baths, reading rooms, etc. •
! The expenditure for tho lodging of '
ithe boys amounted to $6OO. Th'ei
I total receipts were $419. leaving a
j deficit of almost $2OO.
; Mrs. J. Frank Slike
Entertains S. S. Class
j Mrs. J. Frank Slike, 2155 North
! Fourth street, last evening enter
tained the members of her Sundav
school class of the Otterbein United
j Brethren church. After a business i
meeting including the election of i
| officers for the year, a social hour I
( was enjoyed and refreshments were i
! served to:
1 Mrs. Marie Greene, Mrs. Sarah
i Boyd, Mrs. Minnie Warfle, Mrs.
i Ruth Steele, Mrs. Katie Bowers,
I Mrs. Mary llunsicker, Mrs. Efla
jSherk, Mrs. Mae Hoover, Miss Made
j line Kitter, Miss Bertha Kinslnger,
i Miss Helen Eicheiberger, Mareda
| Bowers, Anna May Sherk, Donald
jand Pierce llunsicker, Mrs. Alice
! Miller.
[Continued from First Page.]
tions between President Wilson and
Colonel House last evening.
President Wilson will hold in
formal conferences with David Lloyd
George, the British premier; Pre
mier Olemenceau, of France, and
Premier Orlando, of Italy, later this
Premier Orlando and Foreign Min
ister Sonnino, of Italy, and Premier
Lloyd George and Foreign Minister
Balfour, of Great Britain, are ex
pected here sqon to confer with Pre-
I mler Olemenceau and Foreign Min
ister Pichon.
The American delegates to
the world peace conference have
taken note of the "American plan"
for a league of nations as outlined
by the Paris edition of the Daily
J Mail. It is said they have no knowl
edge of it beyond what they have
read. The members of the commis
sion declare it did not originate with
The American plan, it is declared,
is not yet definitely formulated and
will not be until the President fur
ther examines various tentative sug
gestions, Including several from al
lied governments. It is added In
authoritative quarters that the state
ment that the British government
has accepted the plan outlined by
I the Dally Mail is incorrect.
M. Bourgeois' plan, embodying the
French point of view, while general,
also embraces a number of specific
details. Including compulsory arbi
tration, restriction of excessive arm
ament, an International tribunal and
a series of sanctions or penalties for
! enforcing observance of the league's
i decisions. These sanctions include
various diplomatic, judicial and eco
nomic mensures, whereby the united
nations may enforce their decrees.
The American viewpoint, now be
ing formulated by the specialists as
the groundwork for the President,
seeks to reach an accord on funda
mentals on which all agree, and pre
sent them in simple working form.
One of the chief of these fundamen
tals is the formation of a league
which will embrace all the nations
of the world, but not one which will
establish any balance of power
among a group of nations.
Care also is being taken that the
influence of the various nations in
the league would be In accordance
with their size and importance, so
that the great powers and the small
powers would have voices according
to their standing.
Another feature especially con
cerning small undeveloped nations
is to be established, uccording to the
American plan—a system of inter
national trusteeship' whereby the
various larger nations having a de
veloped and stable civilization will
act as trustees for the Society of Na
tions in fostering the progress and
development of undeveloped commu
Winter Driving.
GOOD Quality
MEDIUM Quality
DE LUXE Quality
"Good service and service from
the goods we sell."
E. Mather Co.
204 Walnut St.
Harrisburg, Pa.
, V-
Governor Brumbaugh's
Tribute to Pennsylvania
"Pennsylvania Is an Imperial
'Jommonwealth. It has sent into
this war more volunteers than
iny other state. Its entire sol
diery exceeds In numbers all the
forces. Federal and Confederate,
that fought at Gettysburg. Its
volunteer division, the Twenty
eighth, will wear the Red Key
stone and live In history as the
Iron Division. Her entire army
and navy complement has gone
forward and gained undying
fame, both for themselves and
for Pennsylvania. Her leadership
In this, as in the Civil War, Is
manifest to the student of her
achievements. Her population Is
double the entire population of
the British colonies when they
won Independence In the War of
Revolution. Her laws are general
ly respected and enforced. She
has no Internal strifes. Her peo
ple are prosperous. Her eco
nomic outlook is admirable. Her
fiscal resources matchless. Her
spiritual activities well establish
ed and freely functioning. It has
been a great privilege to serve her
people her great. wonderful
groups of people—who, In the ag
gregate .are the Commonwealth,
and whose welfare I have dally
kept in mind. For them and
against those thnt would exploit
them unworthily I have labored,
and in them I confidently trust
that they may, through you. con
tinue to keep the fair fame of the
dear old Keystone State unsullied
and to make all of us who call
her home proud to be a part of
the finest Commonwealth God
ever carved out of his love for
ernor's farewell message to thet
the dwelling of men."—From the
Governor's farewell message to
the 1 Legislature.
Antisaloon League Opens
Headquarters in City to
Direct Prohibition Figh
The fight to mgke Pennsylvania on
of the first thirty-six states to ratif
the national prohibition umendmen
opened here to-day when the Anti
j Saloon League, of Pennsylvania, wit
iState Superintendent C. F. Swift 1:
j charge, opened Its headquarters in th
new Penn-Harrls Hotel, and startei
I Issuing bulletins showing the nine
teen states that have thus far ratlfl<
the amendment. With 100 members o
the House said to be committed t
the ratification and twenty-thre
Senators, the dry leader is close t'
the goal of 104 votes In tho House am
twenty-six in the Senate, necessar;
for ratification.
Superintendent Swift believes tha
before the Legislature reconvenes, oi
January 20. at least twenty-five <1
more states will mtve ratified th<
amendment and that Its positive rati
llcatlon by the necessary thlrty-sl:
states will he so apparent that somi
undecided legislators will fall In 11m
and assist in carrying the vote fo;
i The liquor forces have some bllli
of their own that are scheduled t(
appear early In the session. Thej
want a short term license bill, so tha"
tlipse who desire license will onlj
have to pay the pro rata to July 1
when the sale of liquors pending th<
demobilization of the Army, Is sched
uled to cease.
James R. Rettinger Dies
After a Short lUnesi
James R. Rettinger, aged 19 years
is dead after a brief Illness. He was
the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ret
tinger. 2450 Reel street. He Is sur
vived by his parents and a sister,
Mrs. F. If. Davies, of Harrlsburg. He
joined the Navy In the torpedo serv
Do you want a better situation?
" " ?more than ever before in our history merchants and
Manufacturers must maintain the most efficient organization
possible. v V- 1, JS
Each one of us should do the work he can do best.
Today the employer is using his best efforts to secure reliable
and experienced helpers so that the organization may be the '
best obtainable.
Because , the great demand for "the right man in the
right place" and because there are thousands of workers in all
walks of business life who are capable of filling better positions.
The Harrisburg Telegraph
i * - •
will start a new classification in its want columns to enable the ambitious
employe to tell the employer of his ability and experience. To tell the
employer what he can do best —in what position lie is worth, the most
„ money.
Here is the heading of this new classification:
This column has two objects; first to help men and wo
men who are now employed to secure better positions,
second, to put employers in direct touch with an am
bitious class of workers.
Remember this new classification is for the purpose of enabling
ambitious workers to tell employers'about their ability and experience so
that they may secure a better position. ■**+;■■.:+ .. i
Get your advertisement in early for next Thursday's issue.
Copyright, ISIS.
rr— • T ' " - T
JANUARY 3, 1919.
i 1 Ice at Newport. R. 1., January 3 of
i last year, receiving an honorable dls-
I charge because of defective eyesight.
I He was employed In the bridge and
construction department of the Beth
lehem Bteel Company at* Louisville,.
Funeral services will be held to
morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the
Rev. A. M. Stamets, pastor of the
Augsburg Lutheran Church, officiat
ing. The Rev, C. S. Jones, pastor of
the Zlon Lutheran .Church, Lykens,
will usslst In the services. Burial
will be In the Paxtang cemetery.
After keeping the marriage license
• J
o Salespeople ;
? Competent to
| Select Mourning £
0 A pparel j
A In time of bereavement it is im- • *
1 possible to devote thought and atten•
V tion to the selection of clothing. It 0
0 is at such a time one will appreciate Q
ft the advice and judgment of a sales- A
A person tvho is competent to accept •
. the responsibility of selecting an ap- •
0 propriate costume. ;
All my assistants are trained for •
" their work. You can rely upon their ;
0 taste and judgment; upon their abil- 0
ft ity to select an entire wardrobe. 0
• A
0 You can be fitted in one of my 0
ft private salons. And any alterations Q
A needed in mourning attire will be A
made within a few hours,
| lj
A 1 I hT one or two position* IA
U for high grade saleswomen.
Issued to her and to Jovan Solar al
most three week*. Mllka Vuletic. of
Steolton, returned It to-day to the
count)' recorder's office and told the
clerks she did not want Javan for
, a husband. The couple applied for
the license December 21.
Beautiful Spray, $3.00
Keeney's Flower Shops
Ilarrtobera Steelt.e J