Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 08, 1919, Image 4
Sergeant J. A. Cassel < Tells of Experiences After the Armistice V letter has t>een received fropi Sc Jonas A. Cassel, in which he states that he is located in an old French fort at Langres, France. Sergeant Cassel tells of some of his experiences before the signing of the •armistice and afterwards. The let ter, which is addressed to his father, H. B. Ulrich, 1270 State street, fol lows : "Thought I would drop you a few lines to let you know 1 am well, as usual. There is not much news to tell, except that I am now attending an infantry specialist school at X<angres, and this is some place—an old French fort on the tip of a mountain. It snows here quite often and Is very cold. "I have been on the linos in every drive our division was in. and at times my platoon was pretty well shot up, although we gave a. good account of ourselves and made the Huns run quite often. I was very lucky myself, getting through tills big game without a scratch, except a little gas a few times, but never went to a hospital. The day the The Proof of the Butter Is In the eating, and by the time honored gastronomic test Benefit Brand "Sweet Nut" Margarine, the new Nut Butter Luxury, stands su preme. When served it looks and tastes exactly like the choicest dairy product. Made from the white inner meat of the cocoanut churned with pasteurized milk 33c a lb. Sold onlv at Tamsui Tea Co.'s yellow front store. 331 Market St., up one flight. Harrisburg, where Benefit Brand Teas, Coffees and Grocery Specialties are retailed at whole sale prices. Ixiok for our store in your town. Sweet Nut Margarine ARE You LOSING YOUR GRIP Your Blood May Be Starving for Want of Iron—Making You Weak, Nervous, Irritable and Exhausted. Xuxnted Iron !n>r!MHh Red Blood Corpuscles nnd bulliU up Ihc strength, energy noil endurance delicate, run-down people In two weeks' time in many instanees. Thousands of men and women are impairing their constitutions, laving themselves open to illness and literally losing their grip on health, simply because their blood is thinning out and possibly starv ing through lack of iron. Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hos pital Outdoor Dept. , New York, and the Westchester County Hos pital. says: "Lack of iron in the blood not only makes a man a phvsical'and mental weakling, nervous, irritable, easily fatigued, but it utterly robs him of that virile force, that stamina and strength of will which are so necessary to success and power in every walk of life. It may also transform a beautiful, sweet-tempered woman in to one who is cross, nervous and irritable. To help make strong, keen, red-blooded Americans there is nothing in- my experience whhh I have found so valuable as organic iron—Nuxated Iron. It often increases the st'cngth and endurance of weak, nervous, run down people in two weeks' time. ' Nuxated Iron is now being used bv over three million people annually, h.cluding such men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary <,f ii, e Treasury, and IJx Governor of Iowa; former Un'icd States Senator and Vice-Presidential nomi nee. Charles A. Tov ne United States Ucuunissioner of Immigration fclcii An'hony Cam r.ette; also United States Judge, (1. V.\ Atkinson yf the Ccurt of Uiarui® of Washington and others. •i f The manufacturers guar if ante? successful and en- HOW WEAK, NERVOUS WOMEN QUICKLY GAIN VIGOROUS HEALTH AND STRONG NERVES 7 A DAY FOR 7 DAYS A Vigorous, Healthy Body, Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col ored Cheeks Come in Two Weeks, bays Discoverer of Bio feren. World's Grandest Health Build er Costs Nothing Unless it Gives to Women the Buoyant Health They Long For. It la safe to say that right here rfn this big city are tens o( thousands of weak, nervous, run-down, de pressed women who In two weeks' time could make themselves so healthy, eo attractive and so keen tninded that they would compel the admiration of all their friends. The vital health building elements that these despondent women lack are all plentifully supplied in Bio feren. Warner's Safe Remedies A Constant Boon to Invalids Since 1877 D Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Remedy. Warner's Safe Diabetes Remedy. Warner's Safe Rheumatic Remedy. Warner's Safe Asthma Remedy, Warner's Safe Nervine. Warner's Safe Pills, (Constipation'and Biliousness) The Reliable Family Medicines Bold by leading druggists everywhere. Sample sent on receipt of 10c. WARNER'S SAFE REMEDIES CO., Dept. 266, ROCHESTER. N. Y. WEDNESDAY EVENING, armistice was signed I had my squad on the lines, and a few minutes after 11 o'clock my whole bunch went over to see the Germans and exchanged relics, and they sure did seem happy over the war ending, and they said the Yanks sure were some scrap pers. "My platoon had a big loss at Fismes on August 7, when we put a one-pound barrage over for thirty eight minutes. Just four minutes too long. nid they got our range. I lost my gunner, loader and driver and hpd three men wounded and four men gassed, and there were only two of us loft, and X consider myself lucky in being one of the two. One in stance. our crew spotted a dugout with ten Germans in it. and we got every one of them, as they were afraid to come out. and that was what wt wanted. After we had their •range, we dropped shells in their dugout as pretty as could be. "I have seen some awful sights over here, men killed just a few feet away from me and some of the shells make holes big enough to bury horses in, and plenty of these shells came our way. I have also seen a few good air fights, which sure were great. Well. I will close for this time.'and when I get back to those 1 good old States again 1 will be able | to tell you mote. Give my best to all. Hoping these few lines will in- j terest you, I remain. "Your son. "JONAS." WOUNDKD SOLDIER HOME llallnm, Pa., Jan. B.—Mervin Paules, son of Mr. and Mrs.. W illiant , Paules, who was severely wounded j in action in France, has been ] brought to this country, and is now at a base hospital in New Jersey. | Another brother, Ellwood Paules, i is in a base hospital overseas, being i confined to bed by sickness. ELECTED CASHIER llillsbtirg. Pa., Jan. B.—Chester j Harbold. of Mechaniesburg, has been! elected teller in the Farmers' and j Mcchants' Bank to succeed L. L. Bentz. resigned. If you are ambitious, crave suc cess in life, want to have a healthy, vigorous body, ciear sain and eyes that show no dullness, make up your mind to get a package of Bio feren right away. It costs but little and you can get an original package at ung druggist anywhere. Take two tablets after each meai and one at bedume—seveu a day tor seven days tbeu one utter meai* till ull ate gone. Tinhi it you don't *eel twice us good, toou twice as attractive and feel twice as strong as betoie you started youi money is waiting tor you. It belongs to you, tor the discoverer ot Bio-teren doesn't want one penny ot It unless it fulfills all claims. Note to Physicians: There Is no secret about tile lonuuta ot Bio-teren, it Is primed on every pacaage. Hers It is: Lecithin; Culcium Glycero phosphate; iron Peptonate Mang anese Peptonate: Ext. Nux Vomica: Powd. Bentian; Phenolpbinalem; Oleuresin Capsicum: Kolo. BRIEFS FROM THE BIG NEWSEVENTS By Associated Press New York.—For delivering coal without a permit the Wilkes-Barre Coal Company of New York, con tributed $5O us a penalty to the New York County Chapter of the Red Cross/ Washington.—Formal notice has been given- the State Department by the Serbian legation that It had be come the legation of the new joint kingdom of Serbs, Slovenes and Coats. Washington.—General increases in ! class and commodity rates in east ern and central trunk line territory to and from Virginia cities designed to bring the charges of nonfederal controlled railroads up to the level of last spring's increases have been approved by the Intestate Commerce Commission. Baltimore. —Peace finds American agriculture on a substanially sound foundation and developing in the right direction. Secretary Houston said to-day in an address to the As sociation of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. Bethlehem. —The mbtorman and four Bethlehem Steel Company workmen were injure*} this morning when a car on the South Bethlehem and Saucon Street Railway Com pany's line jumped the tracks, at "Dead Man's Curve" in this city, due to slippery rails. Now York.—Charles M. Schwab, who resigned recently as head of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, has been decorated by the French gov ernment with the Order of the Leg ion of Honor, it was announced here to-day. Standing of the Crews HARRIKRIRG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 109 crew first to go after 4 q'clock: 132, 104, 112. 113. 107. Engineer for 112. Firemen for 104, 112. Brakemen for 112 (2). 113. * Engineers up: Peters, Gaeckler, Steffy. Firemen up: Detwiler, Gingrich, Moyer, McKonley, McCrane, Mnrkle, Vcglesong, Bakner, Wenzel. Brakemen up: Silks, Ambrose, Tines, Straw, Leightner, Werdt, Mur phy, Bolton, Burns, Bclford, Weeb ner. Singleton. College. Middle Division —The 37 crew first to go after 1 o'clock: 29. 33, 25, 23. 16. 31. 39. 30. Engineers for 33, 39. 30. Firemen for 33. 23, 16 I ,' 31. 39. Conductors for 29. 25. 23, 39. Brakemen for 37. 16. 31, 30 (2). Engineers up: Nissley, Kauffman, Moretz, P. L. Smith, Neekles, Loper, Sheeiy. O, W. Snyder, Gladhlll, Fish er. Dunkle, Cope. E. R. Snyder, Strickler, Rathefon, Shejly. Firemen up: Troutmnn. McMur trie, Svviler, Ulsh, Hertzler. Bell, I Turnbaugh, Jones, Moretz, Shellen berger, Dolln, Humphreys, Hubbert, ] Kiner. Myers, Dennlson. "Conductor up: Ross. Brakemen up: Deaner, Trego, 1 Gross. Clouser, Deckardt, Lentz, Young, Dennis. Zimmerman, Stidfole, Depugh, Forbes, McNaight, Linn. Ynrd Board —Engineers for 3-7 C, 12C, 51C. Firemen for SC, 1-7 C, 3-7 C, 10C, 18C. 26C. Engineers up: R. B. Miller, Rif fert. Waltz. Descli, Fry, Dougherty, Eyde, Ewing, Snell, Fleisher, Richter. Firemen up: Russell, Drake, Lit tle, Attlck, Patrick, Bovvers, Fackler, Rhoads, Lake, Shawfield, Shaub, Lewis, Ettinger* KXOI, V SIDE Philadelphia Division The 216 I crew first to go after 3.45 o'clock: j 227, 245, 256. 244, 237, 205. 222, 202.! 206. 238, 254. Engineers for 227, 245. 222, £O2. Firemen fdr 216, 238. Middle Division. —The 115 crew first: to go after 2.15 o'clock: 101, 120, ' 121, 107, 118, 119. 122, 106, 113, 111, 109. Engineers for 121, 107, 118, 106, i 111. Firemen for 111, 120, 121, 106. 113. I Conductors fro 115, 101, 113, 109. j Flagmen for 101. 107. Brakemen for 111, 122 (2). 109. I Yard Board —Engineers for 145, j 2nd 126, extra, extra west end, 2nd J 104, 118, change crew. Firemen for 145, 2nd 126. 3rd 126, Ist 129, 2nd 132, extra, extra west er.d, change crew. Engineers up: Bair. Books, Kaw ell, E. F. Brown, Hall. Smith. Firemen up: Miller. Kreitzor, Eichelberger. Pierce, Stephens, Stoll, Chapman. Ready, Henderson, Mc- Curdy, Jenkins. PASSENGER SERVICE Philadelphia Division Engineers up: B. A. Kennedy, S. M. Holtry, H. J. Shenk, R. B. Welch, 11. Smeltzer, J. G. Davis, M. Pleam. Firemen up: J. Cover, L. E. Ever hart, W. L. Spring, B. P. Baston, F. H. Cook. Engineers for 578, extra 6.45 P. M., extra 7.15 P. M. Firemen for extra 6.45 P. M., ex tra 7.15 P. M. Middle Dlvlsloa —Engineers up: R. E. Crum, W- C. Black, D. Keaqe, R. M. Crane, O. B. Cassner. G. D. Hol lenbaugh, J. J. Kelley, H. E. Waream, Jas. Keane, J. Crimmel. j Firemen up: T. W. Derlck, P. W. Beck, H. S. Olevvine, J. E. Putt, W. I'. I Primm, C. M. Steele, G. Howard, C. i Linsenbach, F. V. Pensyl, H. W. Sny j der, M. E. Horning. C. L. Sheats. E. It. I Pierce, G. G. Snyder. C. K. I'eterman. I Engineers for P-21, 33, 47, 31, 11, 3. 55. Firemen for 25, 665, P-21, 47, 31, 3, 37. THE READING The 22 crew first to go after 12.45 o'clock: 5. 6, 18, 11, 69. 54, 61. 59, 7, 4, 60, 64. 3, 14, 21, 15. 5, 2. Engineers for 61, 64, 4, 6, 22. Firemen for 52. 59, 61. 3, 4, 6, 21. Conductor for 59. Flagmen for 57, 60, 21. Brakemen for 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, 3, 9, 11. 14. 21, 22. Engineers up: Wyre, Hoffman, Beeeher, Ruth. Felix, Lackey, Grif- Ifith, Blltlg, Bowman, Herr, Boyer. Bruaw, Chroniater. *Firemen up: Winters, Stone. Saul. , Parmer, Cooper, Shay. Looker. Schue, Harrison, Leitner. Steele, Welse. ! Conductors up: Baschore, Eshel -1 man. ' Flagmen up: Keener, Klchman. i Lelbtrcu. Pottelger, Wickenhelser, J Trenter. Stahl, McLaughlin, Spangler. Brnkemeti up: Epler, Weaver, ! Chronister, Ryan. Brlcker, Culltson, [I Yingst, Heagy. MonaaUler, Clipper, [J Parthemore, Frp. fiXRlUHBtma MM* TKUEGKXPH Capital Hill Notes Pardon Board Meet* —The State Pardon Board tn executive eeaaton has cleared its calendars of all Im portant cases upon which hearings had been held and the new board will take over the remainder of the business when it organizes In February. The following decisions were announced: Russell Fields. Fayette county, assaolt wlph Intent to rob, sentenced to 18 months In .h Allegheny workhouse, appllcal cation refused; John Ntew, Phila delphia county, ngravated assault and battery, sentenced to seven years In the Eeastern Penitentiary, June" 27, 1917, pardon recommended; Sheliab. Allegheny county, bur glary, sentenced to 12 months In ehe western penitentiary, refused; Frank Doran, Montgomery county, felonious entry, sentenced to seven years Jn the Eastern penitentiary, held under advisement; Jackino Mlraco add Mary Mlraco, Delaware county, murder, second degree, sen tenced to' eightenced to eighteen years In ~ho Eastern penitentiary, held under l , advisement; George Dauphin county, felony, sen tenced to Huntingdon reformatory, refused; Mays and Edward Ellison. Lancnsttr counyt, recom-1 mended; Preston Yates, Philadel phia county, burglary, sentenced to ! Ave years in the Eastern peniten tiary, rehearing allowed; Jennie Ilgenfritz, York county, felony, sentenced to six years in the East ern Penitentiary, refused; D. Frank Kline. Lancaster county, felony, sen tenced to live years in fhe Eastern penitentiary, rehearing allowed; Charles Valentine, Chester county, felony, sentenced to three years in Eastern Penitentiary, refused. Two Important Kcscrvals—Two Important lower court opinions re lating to the Dairy and Food Divi sion have been over-turned by the Supreme Court. One, an Allegheny county case tried before Judge Car penter, permits the Dairy and Food Division to seize all products held in cold storage beyond the legal limit. This was a suit brought by Edward S. Nolan, of Allegheny,~agalnst Com missioner James Foust and his agents to restrain them front seizing butter held beyond the limit pre scribed by law, claimtng confisca tion of property. Judge Carpenter took sides with Nolan, but thp Superior Court held the law to be constitutional and the state acting within its rights in seizing the but ter and the Supreme Court upholds the Superior Court. The other de cision rules out of Pennsylvania all canning compounds in which there Is boric acid. Judge Bailey of Bed ford county gave It as his opinion that Mrs. Price's Canning Compound mgiht be sold legally in t^ l ' 3 state and the Superior Court upset that decision. The Supreme Court up -1 holds the Superior court in the re versal of Judge Bailey. Alkali In Soap Bad For the Hair I Soap should be used very carefully, ; if you want to keep your hair look ing Its best. Most soaps and pre pared shampoos contain too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins It. The best thing for steady use Is Just ordinary mulsifled cocoanut oil (which Is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough ly. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in. ft makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and It leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and easy' to munage. You can get mulsifled cocoanut oil at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every mem ber of the family for months. "Main Factor to Good Health Was Tonall" "I had Indigestion and stomach ; trouble for years." says John S. ! Chillas, of Windsor, Pg. "1 could barely get around to at [ tend to my duties, I was losing weight, was nervous, and had no I • appetite. I was a Physical Wreck I when I began to take Tonall, which was highly recommended to me. "Now I feel better, my appetite ■is restored gaining weight and [ strength, and the dizziness has gone. M.y nerves are good and in fine condition. "I recommend Tonall to all my friends and neighbors." This testimonial was given Decem ber 20. 1918. Tonall is sold at Gorgas* Drug Store, Harrisburg. and all leading | drug stores in Eastern Pennsylvania. | Spanish Influenza can I be prevented easier than it can be cured. At the first sign of a shiver or sneeze, take CASCARAK QUININE Standard cold remedy for W year*—ln tablet I I form —aafe, aurc, no opiatei—brcaka up s cold in 14 houra—relicvea grip in 3 dnya. Money I back If It faUi. The genuine bos hat a Red top I with Mr. Hlll'a picture. At Ail Drug Stores /Sk 60 >Jir V 30 Pom X X C*"* JUNIPER TAR I FOR COUGHS, COLDS, SORE THROAT AT Jtfx pmfroaMTs j &otvma>t<s3 BEI.L IWI-WW UNITED t U A „ _. ' HARRIsnURG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1019. • - FOUNDED 1871 —and Tomorrow e Include the Manhattans In Our Skirt Sale This Will be of Special Interest to Thousands of beautiful shirts suffer a price-cutting. Exclusive weaves and a splendid assortment of colorings, stripes, plain colors, etc. This sale will bring hun dreds of men to this popular section of the store, for thrifty men of Harrisbure realize the values and styles Tn these fine shirts. $1.85, $2.15, $3.15, $3.85, $4.85 Many other shirts at reductions that make ,the price of shirts less than the cost of material would be at present prices. Colored negligee shirts, soft and starch cuffs, in cotton. 75c, $1.05 and $1.45 Silk Fibre Shirts Finest Quality Silk at $3.55 and $4.35 Shirts at $7.85 ~~~~~~~ ' ~ *— +: 7ZZZ ~ 7, ~ I I In the Aeolian-Vocalion 130 Handkerchiefs i v „ , j and new Vocalion Record, phonograph | 'i 'III fr'jplt perfedtion has been achieved. Gone Which Were Soiled During Our M Holiday Rush |||l V . . .. . . . V r.l 1 i plainer models have the "graduola'V- Among the lot is fine linen, Madeira, fine ba- .1, l| a . device that enables you to shade . . . .. , - ' u-j J /i IJ 1 Lrtf ..the tone,., as you do with a playdr iste and lawn in plain and fancy embroidered. j wJU pj ano These handkerchiefs at Half Price. Prices range | J | style S, $9O; Style G, $115; " r i At r' in t , ! I| Style H, $175; Style J, $285 d from 5c each or 6 for 2oc; 10c each, 20c each and 1 25c each. . Special Combination Offer > Style G—Qak or mahogany with $lO worth of records of BOWMAN'S —Main Floor, ' your own selection, complete outfit $125.00. Terms as low as $5 monthly. • ,1 ——BOWMAN'S —Fifth Floor. January Clearance of Dress Goods We have made many price changes on a large number of our dress goods and coating in order to effect a quick clearance, as we wish to make room for the incoming Spring materials, also to make less wosk for stock taking. This is the time for thrifty persons to save "for that next bond issue" by buying these splenditj fabrics at ONE-THIRD less than they should be. r _. 54-inch Suede Velour and in. an extensive color li^;* • , of the most wanted shades. Special, $3.95 yard. Kpb N\ 54-inch shell cloth for coats and suits —has a superb finish and all the dc; Sjr %i \A sirable qualities for service and durability. Colors of black, navy, wine, sea [ J) hV brown, and reindeer. Special, $5.95 yard. ! ■. _ .. J; t f, | 52-inch broadcloth with exceptional fine finish in black, navy, brown ' —— - If taupe and reindeer. SPECIAL, $3.95 yard. |=3 ■WBm—'l , 54-inch all wool black and white check velours and 1-incj I I check. Suitable for coat, suit,,or skirt. Special, $2.50 yard. ~ H 48 and 54-inch all wool skirtings in smart plaids or stripes in two-ton< At effects. Special, $3.95 yard. c 38-inch all wool taffetasa very durable fabric for dresses or skirts. Gotx vff'P ÜBrfifßjUM ' h* ie of colors; plenty of navy and black. Special, $1.69 yard, l CF* BmSSwaß $ 36-inch silk and cotton poplins—light and dark shades. Color 'assort ' 40-inch silk and wool poplins fri a very extensive color assortment. Spc ■ 40-inch wool back charmeuse —has an excellent finish and good wen 'Pi ing qualities. Special, $2.95 yard. • 36-inch foundation silks wiflifiu^.lustrc— larg[e range of colors. 48 ' y 40-inch Bengaline suiting ift the most vfanted shades for fall, $2.95 36-inch French I eawuaa-n. faoaSa. rata* .•*** • ■■■• .. . . JANUARY 8, 1919. N • • v :rz