Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 04, 1919, Page 16, Image 16

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"Church With Chimes" Is
Active; Pastor Has Busy
The mid-winter communion ser
vice will be conducted at Zion
Lutheran church, to-morrow the
pastor. Dr. Herman, will he assist
ed by the Rev. Dr. Holloway. Pri
vate communion will he administer
ed during the day and Monday. For
the benelit of tYase unable to be pre
sent at the morning service, thero
will be opportunity afforded ot 7.13
in the lower church, infants will be
presented for Holy baptism. The
morning service will bpgin at 10.15.
At the evening service the pas
tor will have as a suitable New
Year theme, "Sure Foundations for
1919." The senior Sunday school, of
which Uhar.es A. Kunkel was the
honored superintendent for more
than thirty years, there will he a.
period devoted to bringing a tribute
of love to his memory. At a date
to lie determined by tlie vestry, <>l
which lie was the president, there I
will he a memorial service, to which {
the public will bo invited.
iin Monday of this week there
will he meetings of the vestry, the
Ccnchean Circle and the lloy Scouts;
on Tuesday the Lutheran Red Cross
Unit and on Tuesday evening the ,
Literary Circle of Zion will meet
with Miss Sterline, 229 State street, ;
to sew for Helgian refugees; on
Wednesday the Ladies' Aid Sooieti |
will hold a work session at 2, tlie ;
Women's Missionary Society will
meet at 3, the Teachers' Training t
(.'lass at 7, the mid-week service at |
7.15 the Teachers' Association at |
8.30; on Thursday representative j
women of- Zion will participate in |
the interdenominational meeting to j
be held in Market Square church. |
The Intermediate and Junior j
Classes in the study of the catechism j
will meet on Friday and Saturday j
afternoons. The Children's Mission- |
ary and Work Rands will resume the |
regular schedule on Saturday after
noon. The Young Peoples' Mission
ary Society will meet with Mrs. J.
K. Wheeler, 2236 North Second j
street, on Saturday evening.
Elect Officials at the
Meeting of St. Paul's 1
The annual meeting of St. Paul's |
Baptist Church was held on Thurs- {
day evening. The reports of the i
church officers and the vdrious au- j
xiliaries show that the affairs of
church are in excellent condition. |
The pastor is highly commended forj
the high state of efficiency that the
church enjoys; and for the wonderful
progress made under his leadership.
The deacons reported a member. <tp;
of 351, a net gain of fifty over 1917.,
Six members died during the year. |
The trustees reported great mater-1
ial improvements during the year, i
and a hopeful future.
The following were elected dea
cons: Walter A. Oillis, Jaines Walk
er, William Warren and John An
derson. Those constituting the trus
tee board are; Joseph Page, George
AV. Powell, Oscar Baker, Charles
May, Horace Robinson, John D. An
derson, Emiviit Huston; church
clerk, J. Edward Jenkins;
B. Y". P. U„ C. James Toomey; su-j
perintendent Sunday school. J. Ed- j
ward Jenkins; president missionary |
circle, Mrs. Sarah Payne; president;
Deacons' Aid Society, Mrs. J. Steth j
Cunningham; president of the
choir, Walter A. Oillis; president
athletic association, George W. |
Powell; president embroidery circle,j
Mrs. Carrie B. Powell; church re-j
porter, C. James Toomey. The |
church treasurer will be elected at;
a later date, as the banking system
is being changed. The pastor's sal- !
ary was increased in recognition of,
his great services to the church. lie,
will he tendered a reception by the
Church on Thursday, February 20. !
The* Fourth Street Church of God j
is arranging for special evangelistic ;
services to begin Sunday, January
12, and to continue three weeks. The i
pastor. Dr. W. N. Yates, will preach
every evening, except Saturday, and
three times each Sunday. This will
be the ninth year that the pastor has J
held evangelistic services at Fourth'
Street Church of God. and hundreds
have been converted during that i
M. A. Slgler will have charge of the
music and C. S. Aleck is chairman of
the personal workers committee.
I'hester Shelby has been appointed
chairman of the publicity committee
and there will be about twenty-live
group captains to visit the families
of the congregation.
Tee Rev. Charles W. Suyers, a
prominent V. AI. C. A. worker in Lan
caster and a returned oversea "Y"
secretary, and who had many thrill
ing experiences with the hoys during
the fierce fightir.g along the Alarne,
will speak at a popular meeting in
the Beal Avenue Church of God in
South Enola 011 next Sunday at 2.30
"Pop" Sayers, as he was called by
the boys, spoke at the men's meeting
in the Harrisburg Y. Ai. A. about
four weeks ago. Ills address was
intensely Interesting and thrilled the
This is a public meeting and every
body is invited. Come to hear liiin.
This is a rate treat for Enola, which
none should miss
For the convenience of lawyers and small
corporations we have arranged in hook form
a quantity of Accident Blanks sufficient for
a year's supply. Senr to any address on re
ceipt of price, SI.OO.
Printing—Binding—in-signing— I'liolo Kngravliu
—Die Slumping—i'lnte I'rlntlnr
Churches of C.ilij Will Unite in Great Thanksgiving Service
in Chestnut Street Auditorium
A "Victory and Merger" muss |
meeting under the auspices of the I
Lutheran Churches of Harrisburg i
and vicinity will ho held in Chest- !
nut street hail and Zion Lutheran !
Church 011 the ovening of February. \
It promises to lie the largest meet- ■
ing ever held under religious a us- !
pices in Jlarrisburg. All of llie Curb- j
eran Churches will dispense with j
their regular services and. will gite i
a fitting return of thanks for the i
glorious victory of our arms' by the !
helt> of our God, and for the har- j
monious consummation of the mer- |
ger of the General Synod, the Gen- !
eral Council and the United Synod i
of the South into the United Luther- |
an Church in America, thus com- !
bining practically all of the Knglisn- ;
speaking Lutherans in this country. !
The ,ocal churches desire o thus ■
publicly and unitedly honor the I
more than 250,000 young men of I
Lutheran faith in the service, of j
which number i pprox.mately 2.0G0 I
St. Andrew's, Market and Nine
teenth Streets —The Rev. llenry A.
Post, rector. 8, Holy Communion;
9.45, church school; 11, morning
prayer and sermon; T. 30, evening
prayer and sermon.
St. Paul's, Second and Emerald
Streets.—The Rev. Floyd Appleton, ,
rector. 8, New Year Communion; 11,
Holy Communion service and ser- ;
mon, beginning of series on practical
parish problems, "The Missionary
Problem. Offering of Gold," Frank
incense and Myrrh; 2.30 Sunday
school; 8, popular Epiphany service.
St. Augustine's. 1300 Herr Street.
—The Rev. Willoughby M. Parch- j
inent, rector. Matins, 10.30; ante;
communion service and sermon and i
Holy Communion at 11; church
school at 1 o'clock; evensong and j
sermon at 8.
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollin ;
Alger Sawyer, rector. 8, Holy Com
munion; 10, Sunday school, 11; Holy-
Communion and sermon
Vocation of the New Year;" i
evening prayer and address, "The j
Secret of Successful Christian lav- j
Marysville—The Rev. S. 15. Bid- ,
lack, pastor, will preach at 10.30, ,
"The Presence of God," and at 7.30, ,
"Our Pence Conference." Sunday j
school at 9.30. Big union mass meet- '
ing, 3.15, the Rev. George P. Main, I
speaker. Grace church male quar- |
tet will sing. I
Camp Curtin —The Rev. John If.
Mortimer, pastor, will preach at J
10.30, "Stewardship of Life," and.
at 7.30, "Taking the Bearings." Sun- j
day school at 2.
Epworth, Twenty-first and Deny.
—The Rev. J. D. W. Deavon, pastor,
will preach at 11, "The New Year—
<>u< S-i, r Vk. "
on God." Sunday school at IF.
St. Paul's. 116 Vine Street —The
Rev. William Moses, pastor, will
preach at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.
Sunday school at 1.45. Revival ser
vices will begin in the evening and
continue all week.
Camp Hill, Market and Gintrch. —
The Rev. .Joseph E. Brennetnan,
pastor, will preach at 11, "The
Church In Its Right Sphere," and
at 7.30, "An Inventory." Sunday
school at 9.45.
West Fairview.—The Rev. I. !•'.
Berkheinter, pastor, will preach at
7.30, "The Gospel of Giving." Sun
day school at 1.30.
Riverside, Third and Lewis.—The
Rev. O. J-'. Berkheinter, pastor, will
preach at 10.30. Sunday school at
2 p. m.
Dauphin—7.3o sermon by the Rev.
George F. Hess, of Carlisle; 2.30,
.Sunday school.
Park Street —The Rev. A. E. Han
gen, pastor. Sunday school at 9.30;
10.4 5, "The Mormon Menace,"
speaker, Mrs. Lulu Loveland Shep
hard, of the National Reform Asso
ciation; 7.30, "The Call to Awake,"
speaker, pastor. Beginning series of
evangelistic services to be held every
night next week except Saturday.
Harris Street—The Rev. A. G.
Flexer, pastor. Sunday school, 9.30;
church service, 10.30, "Importance
of Revivals;" C. E. meeting, 6.40;
revival service, 7.30, "The Day That
Seemeth Right." Mrs. Lulu Loveland
Shepard will speak at 3.15 in the
main auditorium on "Mormonism."
Pcnbrook —"The Greater Works"
and "The Opportunity of Advocacy,"
by the pastor, W. E. Pottieger.
Harrlsburg Mission. —W. E. Pot
tieger, pastor. The Rev. W. S. Har
ris will preach at 11 a. m. Sunday
school at IQ.
First—The Rev. William .1. Lock
hart. 10.30. Communion service; 7.30.
Bible pictures of time-born men;
Sunday school, 11.45.
St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, Walking Always
With Us:" 7.30, covenant meeting and
communion; Sunday stiliool, 12.30.
Second—The Rev. Albert Joslali
Greene. 10. prayer and praise serv
ice: 7.30. "Declaration at the Lord's
tare from Dauphin and Cumberland
I counties. The large number of men
! and women who have given unstinl-
{ edly to the various "drives" and
; types of war work will be thus in-
I eluded.
| A general committee n:is been
! appointed by the Lutheran Brother-
I hood ot Central and the Ministerial
i Association to arrunge fo.- the cole-
I Or.ition. Two of i lie most prominent
! -porkers in the United CllUrch will
j be secured and their addresses will
probably be upon the themes: "The
I Lutheran Church and Democracy"
j and "The Possibilities of the United
! Luthei an Church."
j The Rev. Stewart Wintie'd Her
| man has been elected chairman and
j Musser i). White, secretary of the
■ committee, the complete organiza
! tion of the committee will he an
! nounced later. The program coni-
I mittee will consist of the Rev. Dr.
i Herman, the Rev. Dr. Markward,
• the Rev. Mr. Lantz, M. D. White
I and C'apt. E. E. Luubcnstein.
Tably;" Sunday school, 12; Lord's !
supper, 8.30.
Market Street—The Rev. Walter S. ;
Dunlnp. 10.30, Isol d's supper; 7.30, j
"Beginning Right;" Sunday school, ,
V. M, 10.
Harris—The Rev. It. L. Briscoe. 11, i
"Fellowship With God;" 7.45, "Union I
With Christ;" Sunday school, 1.30. J
Revival services will begin Sunday j
evening and continue indefinitely.
Wesley Union—The Rev. Stephen !
A. McNeill. 10.45, "Forgetting and j
Looking Onward;" 7.45, "The Irre-i
vocable Pnst2' Sunday school, 1.
Second—The Rev. Alfred Nevin i
Sayres. 10.30, "The Religion of the
Impossible;" 7.30, "Cosmopolitan j
Christianity;" Sunday school, 1.45. I
Salem—The Rev. Ellis N. Reenter. ]
11 and 7.30; Sunday school. 9.45.
Fourtli—The Rev, Homer Skyles •
May. 10.45, Holy Communion and j
address; 7.30, Holy Communion, ser- |
mon and installation of officers; i
Sunday school, 9.30.
Tile Rev. Win, K. Conner. 11, |
"Even As He Walked;" 7.30, "Follow i
His Steps;" Sunday school, 9.45.
The Christian and 'Missionary Alii- j
ance. 10.30, "The God ef All Com- j
fort;" 7.30, "The Sting o! Sin;" Spn- I
day school. 9.30.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. t
11 and 7.30, "God;" Sunday school,
11; testimonial meeting, Wednesday,
8; free reading room, Kunkel Build
ing, 11.30 to 5 daily.
Trinity—The Rev. Dr. E. D. Welgle.
10.30, "Retrospect and Prospect;"
7.30, "The Holy Ghost in the Shape
of a Dove; Sunday school, 9.30.
Calvary—The Rev. Edward H.
Paar, It. "Jesus Only;" 7.30, "Our j
* T ,v'm.;n Hivedsw 1
scnooi, to.
Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stamtts.
10.30, "A New Years Day at Nazar
eth;" 7.30, "Possessing our Posses
sions:" Sunday school, 2.
Holy Communion—The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45, "The Innocent
Children;" 7.30, "Mountain Scenes,
First Martyrs;" Sunday school, 9.30.
Memorial—The Rev, 1,. C. Manges, <
D.D. Holy Communion at 10 and 7;|
Sunday school, 2.
Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley J
MarkVvard. 10.30. "Intimacy No j
Guarantee of Knowledge;" 7.30, "The;
New World We Want;" Sunday j
school, 1.45.
Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A. j
Hanson. 10.30, sernton by pastor;
7.30, "Loyalties for the New Year;" j
Sunday school, 2.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch. \
10.30, "Christ and Democracy;" 7.30, j
"An Easy Service;" Sunday school, 2. |
Paxton—The Rev. Harry B. King. |
11, the Lord's Supper will be ob-1
sered; 7.30, the choir will repeat the
splendid Christmas cantata, "Beth- j
lehem," The evening will be a serv-j
ice of song; Sunday school 10.
Pine Street —The Rev. L. D. Mudge. j
10.30, "The New Year—A Voice:"
7.30, "The New Year—An Adven
Division—The Rev. 11. VI. Bald-,
win. 7.45, "Go Forward."
Covenant —The Rev. Harvey Klaer.
10.307* "The Pearl of Great Price:"
7.30, "At the Parting of the Ways;" 1
Sunday school. 2. The Sacrament of]
the Lord's Supper will he observed
in connection with the morning serv- |
Inintanuel —The Rev. 11. Everett
Mailman. 10, "The Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper;" Sunday school,
11.15; evening worship, 7.30.
Olivet Presbyteriarf—Morning and
evening, by the Rev. H. M. Vogle
songer, of Carlisle.
Capital Street—The Rev. B. M.
Ward. 10.45, "Life Manifested By
Light;" 7.30. Communion will be ad
ministered; Sunday school, 12.1".
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War
den. 7.30, "Nearness to Christ;" Sun
duv school. 9
First —The Rev. N. E. Daiigtierty.
10.30, Holy Communion service; 7.30,
Holy Communion, "Christ Calling."
Sunday school. 1.4 5.
St. Paul's—The Rev. A. B. Mower.
10.45. "Our Guide." 7.30, evening
service by the choir; Sunday school,
Otterbein—The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp. 10.50, Communion service:
7 30. "Not Far From the Kingdom:"
Sunday school, 2.
Trinity—The Rev. A. R. Ayres.
10.30 and 7; Sunday school, 9.30;
Commun'on, reception of members
and baptismal services In connection
with both morning and evening serv
Stute Street- The Rev, H. F.
Rhoud 10.45. "The Divine Call and
the Human Responso—Man's Need
of Salvation;" Sunduy school, 9.30.
Sixth Street—The Rev, J Owen
Jones, 10.30. "Considered Evangel
ism!" 7.30, "The Person of Salva
tion;" Sundav school, 1,4 5,
Fourth Street—The Rev. L)r. Wil
liam N Yates, 10.30, "God's Cry
For Help;" 7.30, "Christ, Our Pass
over! Sunday school, 1.40,
Progress—The Rev, J, M, Wag
goner. 10.30, "The Rlcsslng of Con
fidence:" Sunday school, 9 30.
Penbrook—The Rev. S N. Good.
10.30. "Events n God's Grasp." 7.30.
speaker, the Rev. Charles Saycrs, Y.
Stevens Memorial Congrega
tions Plans Centenary Cam
paign For Coming Week
The launching of the Methodist
Centenary Campaign is schedulued
at tlie Stevens Memorial Methodist
Episcopal Church, Thirteenth and
Vernon streets, to-morrow morning
and evening. The calendar of events
includes the following:
Sunday. January 3, consecration
to the purpose of the centenary;
Sunday, January 12, organization
and preparation of the church by
prayer; Sunday, January 19, organi
zation and preparation of the church
for soulwinning; Sunday, January
2t>, life service day; February 2,
stewardship of property day; Feb
ruary 9, Christian stewardship and
enlistment day; February 18, stew
ardship and the world emergency
day; February 23. urawing i..*
day, with Dr. Edgar It. Iteckm in
euurge: Palm Sunday, April 13, ac
knowledgement day; Passion Week
services, April 13-20; Easter Sun
day, April 20, preparedness day; en
listment Sunday, April 27; over the
top Sunday, May 4; victory Sunday,
May 1 L
At a special meeting of the con
gregation of the Stevens Memorial
Church last Wednesday evening the
following committee was appointed
to proceed at once with the pro
gram as outlined above: Walter S.
Sell ell, chairman; John T. Olmsted,
secretary; J. D. Banks, literature
secretary; Al. K. Thomas, John E.
Affleck, James W. Barker, Warren
VanDyke, Frank B. Musser, H. H.
Byler, Eli N. Hershey. The stew
ardship and enlistment campaign is
to he directed by Dr. Clayton Albert
The 1,400 members of the church
are grouped in twenty-nine parish
districts. Sub-pastors and their as
sistants will follow up the work and
carry on the campaign until the last
person in the big congregation and
membership has been touched by
the new movement. Vital messages
on ail phuses of the Methodist Cen
tenary will be given front time to
time to the people by Dr. Smucker,
To-morrow morning at 11.15 o'clock
lie will lead his people in consecra
tion to the real purpose of the cen
tenary and administer the Holy
Communion. In connection with the.
morning meeting, special music is
to feature the program. Sergeant
Humphrey J. Roberts, tlie noted
Welsh singer, and the big male
chorus are scheduled for the gath
ering at 7.30 o'clock. This evening
service to-morrow night will be very
interesting, since a number of musi
cal surprises are booked.
It is understood that Prof. Hilton
Ira Jones, scientist, will lecture in
Stevens Memorial Church, Monday
evening, January 13.
M. C. A. secretary. Sunday school,
Nagle Street —The Rev. Elmer E.
Kauffinan. 10.30, "The Travailing of
Zion;" 7.30, "An Invitation by
Moses;" Sunday school, 1.30. At the
evening service an ordinance service
will be observed.
Linglestown—The Rev. James M.
Waggoner. 7, "Clu 'st's Humiliation;"
'i *
wimp Hill—The Rev. Raymond A.
Ketch ledge. 11, "The Christian of
To-duy and To-morrow;" 7.30, "The
Sixty-fifth Psalm," illustrated ser
Westminster—The Rev. 11. Ever
ett Hollman, moderator. The Sacra
ment of the Lord's Supper will be
celebrated at the morning service,
10.30. evening service, 7.30, the Rev
Edwin Robison, of Dauphin, will
preach; Sunday school, 1.45
Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Lyl
ter. 10.30, and 7.30, sermons by the
£.?;• ? eo .L ge K (!uille ' " f
Bible Institute, Chicago, ill; Sunday
school, 2.
Music in the Churches
Morning—Prelude. "Offertory in !
D, Batiste; anthem, "Lift Up Your
Heads, Ilanseonie; offertory. "Her
reuse in A," Delbruck; postlude, i
Overature" in E flat, Faulkes
Evening—Prelude, "Meditation" in i
It minor, Guilmant; anthem, "The 1
Kadiant Morn," Woodward;' offer-1
tory, "Dreams." Guilmant; soprano I
solo, selected, Miss Keeney; postlude i
Fugue in 15 minor, J. S. liac-h. Edwin
\\ . \\ ase, organist and choirmaster. |
Morning —Prelude, "Now That!
Daylight Fills the Sky," Standiford: I
anthem, "If Ye Love Me," Simper-I
incidental solo, Mrs. Ada Culp Bow
man; anthem, "Trust in the Lord" l
Handel; postlude. "Grand Chorus'" I
Evening—Prelude. "Meditation."!
Capocci; anthem, "Jesus Lover of Mvl
Soul," Beebe; anthem, "O Clap!
Your Hands," Stainer; postlude i
March in O, Clark.
Morning—Holy communion; orgun!
prelude in G major," Mendelssohn:
offertory, "Communion," Tombelle;
organ postlude, "March PontlHcale,"
Evening—Organ prelude, "Christ-
MKUS Pastorale," Merkel; tenor solo !
"Teach Me to Pray (Jewitt) William !
Watson; offertory, Andante in F,
Thorne; quartet "O Gladsome Light"
Mrs. Decevee, Miss Bennett, Mr. Fei
lert and Mr. Smith; organ postlude.!
"And the Glory of the Lord", (from
"The Messiah"). Handel. Mrs. K. J.
Decevee, chorister; .Mrs. William
Bretz. organist.
Morning Prelude, "Apassionata
and Adagio"(sonata), Krugell; an
them, 'Eye That Not Seen," A. 15. <
Gau , arr. by (ieorge B. Nevln; inci
dental so o by Mrs. Howard E. Gen
sler; offertory, Offertory in <', Loud;
postlude. "Postlude," iiolloway.
Even ng—Prelude, "At Evening,"
Buck; anthem "Dear Refuge of My
Weary Sou ," L-\ C, Baumnnn; oftc -
lory, Arln In F. Handel; postlude,
"Postlude," Batiste,
Morning Prt lude, ' Intermezzo,"
Major; anthem, "Peace Which bass
et h Cndeißiand ng. ' William L>. stor;
offertory, "Adoration." Lin menu;
Lemmens; untlieni, "Spirit of God "
Htimason; postlude, "Hoßhnn.i,"
: Fuulketi..
Evening- - 'Grave and Adag o"
, (Sonata 11) Monde s-olini u'them,
"Hear My Cry, o Lord," Grouun
Ualcli N'ev.nj offertory, "lie.cusis"
Kretser; solo, '.i y God and Fa hoc
While I Stray" (Man'ton), .Urn Sui
deis; postlude. M .dciuto In D, S nail.
Morning—Prtluih. • onimun cn it
C, Slius; "Romtinzo, Sariirt-G ens n:
ofte.toiy, Jic.tr. c in G, Ai.n.i C.
Baldwin; post'ude, "Marche llelig
lense," Bocllmann.
Evening Prelude, "Toccata,"
Mail.y; "Sunset," Demarest; offer
• "Pastorale." Flagler; solo,
I'aith," Terhune; postlude, Finale
In F, Stern.
Morning— Allegro Moderato So-
I rioso (Sonata I), Mendelssohn: un
; them "One Sweetly Solemn Thought".
Ambrose-Spieker; inc.dental soio,
Mrs. Myers, soprano solo, "O Lord,
Be Merciful" (Bart ett), Mrs. Wil
■ liam R. Heisley; "Allegro Assai Vi
vace" (Sona 1), Mendelssohn.
Evening—"Even Song," Johnson;
banthem. "Set k Ye the Lord," re
! quested (Roberts), Mr. Wil iams and
j choir; "Maiche." Ganne.
At the Sunday morning services
| during the month of January, the
j Rev. Floyd Appleton will preach a
j series of sermons on "Practical Par
ish Problems" at St. Paul's Episcopal
Church, Second and Emerald streets.
; The four problems ho intends to dis
■ cuss are the Missionary, the Flnan
. cial, the Social and the Educational,
and they are subjects which all
I thoughtful Christians should give ut
i tention to.
WAR WEEKLY Cut Om auil Mall to Your Sohller WAIt WEEKLY
Vol. I, No. I!>. Hiirrlsburg. ln., lice. gM-Jan. 4. Our Yunk Edition
A Man in a Million
. ~— —_ I WAS WORK IMC. 0-y THE "lEAK I ,
; Saturday, December 28.
Funeral services held for "Chiefy"
j Gilner, many beautiful floral tributes
■ being laid on the Coffin.
Entire family of six are taken to
I hospital ill with influenza.
Walter ShaeKer, Dauphin aviator.
| shot down by the enemy, writes home
that he was royally treated by the
Belgians after being released from u
Hun prison camp.
George Greenabaum, former yard
master for the Pennsylvania Railroad
and city park guide, dies.
' Official confirmation received of
death of Ensign 1,. D. Smucker in
foreign waters.
F. 1,. Moi-genthaler elected presi
dent of Central Democratic Club.
; Army airplane carrying mail is
wrecked when it hits tree near
I Selinsgrove.
F'our boys arrested for stealing re
■ volvers and knives from hardware
I store.
Monday, December 30.
Local food administration board
quits when Donald McCormick, ad
ministrator, thanks people of Dau
phin county for their co-operation in
J. 14. Bowman's light touring auto
mobile is stolen for second lime in
two weeks.
1 John .1. Hargest, Sr., is named war
den of county jail, succeeding Wil
liam A. Mcllhenriy.
Mummers announce there will be
no formal celebration of New Year's
Governor Brumbaugh accepts sorv
j ice in equity suit brought by Walter
: H. Galther to restrain him from serv
j ing as state historian at SIO,OOO a
I year.
Police Chief Wetzel urges n.oro
stringent ordinances for control of
traffic al crossings.
City firemen honor members who
have died in battle with impressive
service in Chestnut street auditorium.
| City Commissioner Lynch an
; nounces big program for repair and
extension of street paving for 1019.
W. A. I'atton, assistant to president
of Pennsylvania Railroad, retires
j after 54 years of service,
i County court names guardians for
I two minor widows of soldiers killed
: in France.
i John J. Cole, Jr., killed when run
; down by automobile.
Tuesday, December 31.
George F. Relnoehl elected presl
-1 dent of Chamber of Commerce, suc
ceeding A. S. Patterson.
| Warren II Manning, park expert.
goes over low Italian park district
I soon to b'o taken over by city.
Penn-Harrls hotel is thrown open
1 with great banquet for stockholders.
I Magnlflot fit new dining rooms, lodge
l halls and lobbies meet with Instant
I ipproval. Nearly every room ready
i foe occupancy is rented first, day,
Community song service planned
, for Christmas eve and postponed be
icau.-e if rain until N< w Year's eve
1 abandoned again becruse of rain,
j City plans to collect own ashes
\ nder plan similar to that of sweep
[ lie streets because bids nrf! too
; high,
Smoke arising from a brush lire at
! Marsh Run government warehouse
gives rise I > rumor of lire.
Solomon I la, ner. Kl. one of New
' Cumbei land's olih st resident ', died,
Beinard Schmidt sella Carlisle
: bakery.
Dan Cupid ' kept the mat-nrge
license < I'Wk bti y during the year
.Just (li d( s;ii i th- wa . 1494
lie- risi s : ing ssueJ.
Greatly ii.cm.-uel hunk (louring*
prove year ust closed whs most
j pi o p-roi.s In hit '■(>' >
; A. it tor. 11. Peace la . ; cle. presi
dent of ll.il•:iaourg Ucpublicuii C.t ;>.
Protracted Meeting to
Be Held at Nagle Street
The Nagle Street Church of God
will began a protracted meeting
starting Sunday evening. It will
open with an ordnance meeting
and reception of members. Begin
ning with Monday evening, the pastor
will preach a series of sermons on
"The New lllrth." Monday evening,
"The Nature of the New Birth";
Tuesday evening, "The Nature of
the New Birth." continued; Wed
nesday evening. "The Necessity of
the New Birth"; Thursday evening,
"The Author of the New Birth";
Friday evening, "Evidences of the
New Birth."
There will be services on Saturday
evening. These services will con
tinue indefinitely.
In the Enola United Evangelical
Church to-morrow evening at 7.30
o'clock. Miss Graeff, of Harrisburg,
will give her lepture on foreign mis
sionary work, showing about 100 lan
tern slides that tell of missionary
work, schools and hospitals in China
and Africa.
Wednesday. January 1.
- Benjamin Demmlng. chief clerk in
| adjutant general s office, and all
members of bis family ill with in-
I lluenza.
Police recover much of goods stol
|on during year, a total of 2 245
LarrcKts being' made.
Ijieut. Richard Miller, wounded
I when a shell hit his hospital unit
s home from France.
<narlch ivuiiKei, president of
I Mechanics Trust Company and promi-
I n , n,an . v lines of endeavor, dies
after short illness, ag:ed 72.
Mayor asks civil service board to
examine more women applicants foi
police matron.
F, lr B e Kc lOS . s for year is estimated at
$341,855, two persons having been
killed in blazes.
ni F i rst ~ U' e of - voa '' occurs in The
I Globe Clothing' store where flames
1 i'J osusc estimated loss of
I Samuel Hurley is arrested for I
W. W. tendencies and is held pend
ing an investigation as to whether
lie took part in recent Philadelphia
i bomb outrages.
Typhoid fever outbreak in Hunt
ingdon is reported serious.
Trinity Reformed church, Marys
vine, celebrates fiftieth anniversary
of founding.
.John T. Brady, prominent attorney,
i tenders Ills usual New Year's break
j fast.
! NVw Year's morn Is greeted by
tremendous din of bells and whistles
I despite the inclement weather.
| Thursday, January 2.
Captain R. E. Krieclibauin. com
mander of Company C, 112 th In
| fiintry, writes home detailed history
of the unit's a. tion in battle. The
1 letter makes one of the most stirring
; bits of war history yet received in
Peculiar thief steals the four
I Wheels of a wagon and touches noth
j ing else.
Building record for 1018 fell off
I fifty per cent, because of the war.
! Bishop J. H. Darlington, of the
; Harrisburg diocese of the Episcopal
church, cited to high rank in the
i French Legion of Honor for his war
j services.
; Harry W. Keeny is to get post as
assistant city assessor.
Wine shortage is not feared In
local dealers and champagne at ll'o
a quart is not moving fast.
City is being considered us possible
| landing plae e for proposed govern
| men! aerial express route.
New post office already is getting
I too small for Harrisburg's needs and
I Postmaster Frank C. Sites is sug
gesting plans for big office in rall
| road station.
Dr. F. E. Downes, superintendent
of city schools. Is elected president
! of State Educational Association.
j Friday, January 3.
Nine Inches of heavy, wet snow
I fulls in first storm of winter. First
: re-illy cold weather arrives.
Plea Is made for Harrlsburgers to
| c.-ilter brtnd crumbs on snow to
j keep birds from starving.
I City sho" dealers send :n hurry
' calls for bropd toed shoes liec-iu V
, men returning from army service
i will have nothing of 'ld "E igl'sh"
j models,
I Council passes final 1919 huh gel
j with general salary raiser attached
Salt .< of al Pile during year
just cioit'i! ! vc.-.l' T re--orris.
Amos Giv mm. Wafts S.stioo, com
. pi, t( r, 1 ei < w'l'. Ilie Marietta
Fu i-Miir
Al. S I'OO.II- , as; islam ts;-
libra i-.ar.-, .in a mem he of pii.-n
--• p clll a b sard.
. c.'' 'llfl'JC 7. i-i-.d' all . 0.-I lieu
, v-it..-a (. upLcl- nenily $7,001
Messiah Lutheran Pastor Will
Talk on "Palestine and
the World War"
What is tHo futuure of Pales
This is the question to he discussed
by Dr. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor
of Messiah Lutheran Church in an
address before the men's mass meet
ing to be held in Fahnestock Hall
to-morrow afternoon under the aus
pices of the Central Y. M. C. A. Dr.
Hanson will talk on "Palestine and
the World War." His address will
he a study of the first century and
the twentieth century, also consid
ering what will bo the future of Pal
estine. Beautiful slides will illus
trate the talk.
Special music will he given by tHo
Messiah Lutheran choir under the
leadership of Abner W. Hart man.
Mrs. Emma Hoffman will assist at
the organ.
The meeting is one of a series be
ing held each Sunday afternoon dur
ing the winter season. A cordial in
vitation has been extended to all
men to attend.
%Wi Third and Pine Streets >§j£ %
f|f* Sunday, January 5, 1919 ilif
|hf • Ifcacher, REV. I, S. MVIK3E, 1). I) . Pastor fj |
I f if The New Year —Your Best Year j $
•; y Hear How to Make It So 5$
lj| 10:30 A.M. |[;ij
"The New Year —A Voice"
7:30 P.M. {lf
"The New Year —An Adventure"
I'.: , Itt'V. Dr. Patton Lectures in Tills
fix fy Church Tills Week —He Sure
JS.I ;i and Hear Him Eaeli Evening .•; >
I L i
' J
Take Heed
How You Build
FOR other foundation can no man lay, than is
laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1 Cor. 3:10
Individuals and nations must choose wisely a
proper course. A false decision will endanger
future happiness as well as permanent peace.
I'rayeis won the war, and prayers are needed to
preserve the Victory.
"Sure Foundation For The Year 1919," theme
for Sunday 7.30 P. M...Sermon.
The Cord's Supper will lie cele
brated tomorrow morning. Colli
or inclement weather should not
keep jou from this important service
Zion Lutheran Church
South Fourth Street, Near Market
S. VV. Herman, 1). 1)., Pastor
'Palestine and the World War"
Subject of a Beautifully Illustrated Lecture By
Br. Henry W. A. Hanson
Pastor Messiah Lutheran Church
A Study of the First Century and the Twentieth
Century, also Considering what will be
the Future of Palestine.
;,,i iu> Messiah Lutheran Clio eh Choir, assisted b.v Aimer W. Hurt
, au Ch >n Director a,.., Mrs. 1..11111U ttoiiiuiill. Oigai.lit,
Hail, Y. M. C. A.
Sunday, Jan. 5, 3.30 P: M.
>. Ah AMI uliM STHKfc'l s W.I. MI'.N INVITED
Christ Lutheran Church to B(
Scene of Annual Observ
ance Next Week
The mid-winter Week of Praye
will be observed at Christ l.utherai
Church beginning Sunday, Januar
5, and culminating with the Ildl
Communion on Sunday, January 12
Week day services at 7.4 5 o'clocl
each evening.
Dr. Thomas Keiseh, pastor, wil
preach Sunday morning at 10.3(
o'clock on "Christ and Democracy'
and Sunday evening at 7.3 0 o'clocl
on the subject, "An Easy Service.'
The pastor will be assisted durint
the week by visiting ministers, a;
follows: Monday evening, the Rev
J. H. Keller, Oberlin; Tuesday
evening, the Rev. A. M. Stamets, o:
the Augsburg Church, this city
Wednesday evening, the Rev. U. ic
Luntz, Shirenianstown; Thursday
evening, the Rev. U. X. Lauffer,
Friday evening the pastor will
conduct the preparatory service
Each service will begin with lifteer
minutes of song and praise.
Mrs. Lulu Shephard to
Speak at Market Square;
Communion Tomorrow
The mid-winter observance of the
Lord's Supper, us .celebrated by the
Market Square Presbyterian Church,
will be held to-morrow morning. A
number of new members will be re
ceived at this time. Though the
last public reception is scarcely
more than six weeks past, there
have been several new members re
ceived by the Session.
One of the most interesting serv
ices in the city to-morrow evening
will be the citizens' meeting held in
this church at 7.30 o'clock. Mrs!]
Lulu Shephard. of Salt Lake City,
will speak on "The Menace of Mor
monism." Mrs. Shephard has lived
among the Mormons and is well in
formed on all phases of this subject.
She is one of the best-known and
most able woman speakers on the
American platform.
Sunday evening at C.30 Miss Miriam
Brown will be in charge of a special
booster service at the Stevens Mem
orial Epworth League. A number of
active leaguers from other chapters
will attend, anil a male quartette
composed of 1,. H. Smith, Carl Heef
ner. W. F. Steever and Charles it.
Storey will render special music. A
large attendance is expected.