Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1919, Page 18, Image 18
18 ENTRUST A THRIFT ERRAND TO A CLASSIFIED) AD) 01 HIS PAGE Deaths II MMKI. John K. Hummel died January 3. 1919, at his residence 821 North Second street, aged 61 ea™- Funeral services Monday at 2 o'clock. Kelatives and fi tends are invited. Interment private. UISSKUI. in Washington Thurs day, morning. January 2, 1819.. betlt Fisher Itussell, widow of uen i.rui \ I. Itussell. Interment at the lory after the arrival of the lain due from Washington at l. P. -•, Saturday. January 4, CI VMNUHAM Mls Clydc H Culi nlnnham wife of J. Bi. Cunning ham, passed away Thursday mum- Funeral Saturday. J a, p >: p M from the Market Presbyterian Church. Interment private. Please omit flowers. WEIULKY George B. Welbley died Funeral Saturday. January 4. J 9 '?; hi •• P M.. from the residence ofh" mil North Second street. Kelatives and' friends are Invited. Interment private. IX MEMOKIAM IX sad. but loving remcmbrance of to-day. January J. i#k. Gone, but not forgotten. in the cold, dark earth we laid her. a mother dear to .'" e ' lh Uie sod. s ... Sy'it ICHARD SNlll-n '"in MEMOBIAM - in %ad. but lov ing remembrance of ou ted from D. Wagoner. Jr.. h M, s this life January 3. 1* 8 - The month of January once more is To us uTsaddost of the year. Because it took n i"?^ r "ago to-day. Our dear son, one year at. You are not forgotten, dear son. nor We often sit and think, ot we are atl alone; , hat F ° r "grhSTcai call its own. „„ PARENTS, SISTERS AND BROTHERS. LOSI AM) FOFXD iOST*~—- Bunch of key^o? Reward to Telegraph Of fice. Uerland. Se^"cro**'llea. dq u art er a Re tl„ nee to Red Cross ' Return ward will be given to find*r. to Box 7220. care of " ((ST r one thirty-four-inch Ore l i!oom fieldT Pa" R'icgel. New Bloomtleld. Pa please call Dial phone J46b. JCteSftSSIFKS "' R - !";% "TL "■ S'„.Va*"T.*uri..<l . "■ INSTRUCTION'S INDIVIDUAL HROM ,HTL° N Shorthand, Typewriting. uhmet ic. Book keeping. Penmanship. OPE N etc. DAY AND NIGHT BeU ART. YEAR. Enter any time 694 R. Dial 4°lß. s CO LLEGE. BEOKI.r.V- c k , ey !21 Market St. cnas. ir 11 F. I.l* WA.VTr.ft —MADE ... . VTI-T) Two boys, for counter and tloor work. ApPiy lUistic Dairy Bunch. 5-7-9 South Third. WANTED A chauffeur to drive truck. at Rose's. Second and Walnut streets. \V ANTED All-around Dutchei. WaVes N s2l per week CaU at Helch ert's Meat Market, ill Race stieet. W \NTED Storekeeper, construc tion wolk. with some mechanical abU itv Permanent work. Raymond Con crete Tyle Co.. Bethlehem steel Co. Apply at Merchant Mill Gates. WANTED. AT ONCE Two opera tor.* and two cranemen for'O-ton Bttcvrus Steam Shovels, call Bell phone l-R-2 Bell. Palmyra. Pa., or write Norman J. Wilgus. Palmyra. 1 a. WANTED A strong, young man, with experience in furniture deliv ery. One who can drive truck preferred. Good salary. Steady employment. HOOVER FURNITURE CO.. 1415-19 North Second St. THE services of a bookkeeper and office manager; one who can dictate good business letters dictaphone used. A young man preferred; one who want* to get into a good manu facturing business. A permanent po sition for the right man. Address H.. 1838 Belleville. Pa. WANTED Bo.vs over 16 year*. Perma nent position. Good pay. Ap ply DEVINE &- YUNGEL SHOE MFG. Co- Sixteenth and State Streets. \ Owner Leaving City MUST SELL AT ONCE Immediate Possession No. 704 North Eighteenth Street, a 2 M -story brick and stucco property: seven rooms and bath; electric light; steam heat; cemented cellar, with hot and cold water; lot 19.6x96 feet. For further information, see Miller Brothers & Co. neal Estate Insurance Surety Bond* Locust and Court Street* 'leather* Hhg. Renl Rotate Board V FRIDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ONE OR TWO YOUNG MEN l.ocal business institution re quires tlie services of one or two energetic young men with good education, who desire* to learn u business that offers big oppor tunities. Address in own hand writing, stating past employment, salary expecteu, etc.. Box L 720U, care of Telegraph. All communi cations strictly confidential. SALES OPPORTUNITY A man desirous of connect ing with a large and success lul business house will find an opportunity to develop as a salesman. Reply, stating age. height, weight, experience. P. O. BOX No. 149. WANTED Field timekeeper. None but experienced need apply. Give experience and salary ex pected. Address BOX H. 7219.^ Care of. Telegraph. WANTED Auto repairman; also repairman's helper. Permanent posi tion. Good opportunity. Inquire 103 Market street. WANTED Bright, energetic, young man. with High school education, to learn newspaper advertising. A fair salary to begin with and an excellent opportunity tor advancement. Address ADVERTISING. '"are ot Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED District and local agents in every city and town in Pennsylvania. Automobile insurance. Excellent policy. 40 per cent, more coverage, 50 per cent, less cost. Big proposition. Address Y„ 0894. care of Telegraph. WANTED Two young inen. Must he over* 10 years lo 25, tor collectors. Apply City Star Laundry, 1005 North Sixth street. YOUNG MEN. 16 anil over, are eli- j Sible tor Government Hallway Mail i Clerks. J'.'!! month. Examinations | soon. For free particulars, write J. L. ! Leonard (former Civil service Ex- i uimnerj, 436 Kenols Buiiuing, Wash- j ington. WANTED A young man, over 16 years of age. for othce lioy with a large corporation. Duties are j to run errands and do clerical work. A very good chance for a steady, young man to work into a good position. Address, in own handwrit- j ing, to BON W.. 6925. Care of Telegraph. WANTED A young man, experienced in figures, for a clerical position with u large corporation. Good chance lor advance- I ment for one who is quick and accurate at figures. Only those who are willing to work and advance to j higher positions heed apply. Address, in own handwrit ing, to ' BOX Y. 6927, . \ Care of Telegraph. - ! WANTED A good blacksmith and horseshoer for our shop at Puxtang. Apply llutherford Bros.. Paxtang. fa. WANTED Five good Linotype Opeialor*. Good working conditions. Apply to HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. |— j ANTED Boy, Cor delivery work | Apply Monarch Wall Paper Co., 9 | Aberdeen street. | SHOW CARD WRITER AND WIN DOW TRIMMER WANTED Apply !'\ W. Wool worth Co. ! SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M„ 6541. Care of Telegraph. I A SCHOOL of Higher accounting is having more calls for qualified ac countants than they can till. By tak ing four lessons per week you can complete the training in six months. I Our graduates are thoroughly quali fied to pass the C. P. A. examination. Will make terms to suit you. as we need the men. Also have some posi tions fur wotnen. If you desire to fill a high-class accounting position, ad dress Box 8.. 6916. rare of Telegraph. WANTED—Two good, strong boya to learn trade Apply Superintend ent. The Telegraph Printing Co.. Hsrrlaburg - WANTED Experielced operators and learners. Apply Shearer Mfg. Co.. i 308 Hamilton slrceL HE Ll* WANTED —FEMALE ANSWERED A PERSONAL PROBLEM for' young women who are seeking a good place to work. It is lor your Interest before making a decision to ASK YOURSELF THESE . QUESTIONS Is the position permanent? Is the pay satisfactory? Is there chance for ad vancement ? Am I going to be happy in my work? THESE ARE ADVANTAGES WE OFFER TO AMBITIOUS YOUNG WOMEN Permanent employment. Good salary—Periodic increases. Excellent opportunity for promo tion. Delightful homelike rest room. Inexpensive hot lunches. Carefully chosen associates. < Apply to Miss Kline. Operators' Employment Dept., 208 Wulnut St. THE BELL TELEPHONE COM- PA NY OP' PE.X.XA. M ANTED Girl for general house work one who is able to cook. Small Y!" 1 . 000(1 wages. Apply evenings at JJV Forster street. M E have a good position open for a young lady to learn the wholesale optical business. Experience not nec essary. Capital Optical Co.. 25 South Ihird street. WANTED Young luuy stenographer,, who is wining to assist with office work. State experience and salary expected. Address -M ■ .111, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. — Girl for cooking and downstairs Work. Apply at once. 211 leal 1 i 7Ji nt ,, street - between 12 and 2 "i t, to >p. or Cltll Ut ,„ phone STENOGRAPHER WANTED Call between 10 and 12 at 213 Dauphin Building. Bell telephone 2071. OPERATORS WANTED ln addi tion to paving the best prices in the city on piecework, we will pay. be ginning January 2, a bonus of 20 per Third Vi at Harrisburg Apparel Co.. H mint . City •" lui Laundry j uilding, sixth and Herr streets. j| oarnels Paid while under instruc- Sn^i^rfl TEU 7~ K * tr * salespeople for Saturdays. Apply Stern's Cut-Rate Shoe store. 209 Walnut street. \\ ANTED ... maid for general housework. No washing. Small fam .. Good wages. Reterence requir- X 1 Sorllt Second street, or call BeU phone 2521 J. LONG-DISTANCE OPERATORS WANTED Apply to CHIEF OPERATOR. CUMBERLAND VOLLEY TELE PHONE CO.. 227 Walnut Street. WANTFIJ IEN A ISO . SALESLADIES Co ~~ pp y ' VV ' Wool worth .TO First and second maid, white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. . W A N"TEp Girls between ages of 18 and 28. We are in need of a number of girls for bookkeeping ac counting and clerical work. Girls of ordinary intell„. v we will train for clerical work. Excellent opportunity Previous experience unnecessary Am bition and energy only qualifications required. Good pay while learning Apply U. S. Employment Service. Third and North streets. Harrisburg. Indus trial concern. Elliott-Fisher Company South Cameron street. Harrisburg SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. BLOLGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Reily and Fulton Streets. WANTED Girls in our Printing Department. Experi enced girls preferred, but not required. Apply Mr. Bern heisel. General Printing De partment, The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrlsburg.. Pa. WANTED Operators on power sewing machine. Many orders for our goods guarantees steudy work at good wages, paying 40 per cent, bonus. Those beginning now will participate in our new profit-sharing plan JENNINGS MFG. CO.. 2012 North Fourth Street. CROCH BITERS WANTED Posi tively no canvassing; stamped ad dressed envelope for particulars. Mrs. Meixel. 517 Lycoming street, Wil liamsport. Pa. WANTEb A girl, for general of fice work. Must know how to Hie and also to operate a typewriter. Ad dress P. O. Box No. 221. WANTED si good housekeeper; one between 35 and 50; do not ob ject to one child; good wages and good home to the right parly. Must oe able to give good reference. W. E Van Sciver, lllh Street Wharf | Sv ashing ton. D. C. ' WANTED Experienced knitters and girls to learn. Good pay and steady work. Harris Hosiery Co.. Cal der and Marlon streets. WANTED Experienced girls to work in book bindery. Apply Mr I Fisher, the Telegraph Printing Co Harrlsburg. Pa. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrlsburg. December 7. 12.000 women clerk* needed. Salary. 11,200 Experience unnecessary. Women de .-•ring government position* write for free particulars. Raymond Terry llviraer Civil Service Blxaniiner). 467 Columbian Building, Washington. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH t ~ ! YCfU CAN GET A GOOD I'RIGE {or that used article —based upon its present value. If it's an article of of fice furniture or equipment, which you no longer need, you may find a ready market for it and really do a service to the buyers. Describe it in a classified ad. , i HELP WASTED —FEMALE YOUNG WOMAN Wanted to assist, in confectionery and ice cream parlor. Apply Store, 29 North Second street. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To learn shoemaking. Leurners are well paid and euru good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co.. 14U2 Vernon street. IIELI* WANTED—jlulc ami Female BANKING INSTITUTION WANTS STENOGRAPHER Man or woman. Must be competent. Apply, in own handwrit ing, slating salary expected and references, addressing communication to P. O. 'BOX 167. Harrisburg. ARTIST WANTED for Cartoons and illustration, part time, piecework at home. Phone, write or call. ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT. ELLIOTT-FISHER CO.. Cedar and Cameron Streets. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE WANTED Position as auto me chanic by chief mechanic of Tanks Corps at-Gcttysburg. Address C.. 6922, care of Telegraph. EXPERT AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Fifteen years' experience. Repair jobs called for and delivered. North, Fourteenth und Herr streets. Phone 2578 W. WANTED - Young man desires po sition driving car for private family; experienced; references. Address Box X. 6543. care of Telegraph. WANTED Experienced truck driver desires position driving truck of any Kind; references furnished. Ad dress Box X. 3156. care of Telegraph. PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAN Experienced office man and executive, offers his services, with some cash capital, to a live manufacturing proposi tion or going business. Refer ences exchanged. Address H.. 7208. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Middle-aged man of good, sober habits, would like light work of any kind. Address or call. B. F. 8.. 216 Mulberry street. City. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Clerical Work by refined young woman who has had three years experience in general oitice work and can turnish ueat of refer ences. Address box E. M., care Tele-- graph. YOUNG colored girl desires wash ing 'and ironing to do at home or out. Inquire at 124 Keily street. WANTED Farm work or house keeping for widower, by middle-aged woman, with boy 16 years old. In quire 212 East Mulberry street. WANTED By Half-grown color ed girl, a place to work between school hours. Call, or write, 426 llerr street. WANTED Widow wishes posi tion as housekeeper for widower. Ad dress £.. 2134, cure of Telegraph. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home. Children's sewing u specialty. Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell phone 1505 R. ROOMS FOR RENT FOIt RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Kent, 85.50 per week. Apply 326 South Front street. . FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, on second lloor; ulso one furnished bedroom; all conveniences. 335 Pine street, Sieel ton. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT For light housekeeping. Steam heat. All conveniences. No children. Apply 1814 Green street. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT For light housekeeping. Steam heat. All con veniences. No children. Apply 1814 Green street. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping on second floor, use of bath, heat furnished. One-half block from 14th and Berry liill streets. Apply 12 Argyle stieel, Harrlsburg, Pa. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS and one furnished room. Call 1827 North Third. Bell 521. I UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Single or communicating: kitchenettes. stoves furnished free. I Strictly private, l-aundry, phone and I bathroom privileges. Inquire 428 I Broad street. i FOR I<EN*l —' fin* turgr tiedrnnm for gentlemen only. Rent reason able \ pjdy ?? ml ess street. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS—On third floor, for light housekeeping. No children Apply 1612 Chestnut. FOR RENT Furnished rooms. centrally located; all conveniences; also furnished housekeeping apart ment of three rooms. Apply 9 North Front street. Dial phone 6775. KOOMS FOR KKNT frOK RKN'T Two rooms, furnish- ! ed or unturnished, on third lloor, lor; light housekeeping; well heated; an conveniences; use of phone and nam. ' inquire 1414 Market street. TWO FURNIBHKD rooms for light ■ housekeeping, well healed, use ff I bam unu iieii pnone. Cail ai I North bccond. TWO UNFURNISHED und one fur nished rooms in Pest part ot city steam heat and ail modern con- j vcniences. Apply in person, siii Norm diAteeuih street. FOR KE.\'T Furnished rooms. : $-.i>U per week and up; warm looms, running not and cold water; light' housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments. No. Ha South Third — . ROOMS WANTED ROOMS \\ ANTED Man and wife desire several furnished rooms for I light housekeeping. All convenience. I Siute particulars. Permanent. Au-I dress Put T. 7m7. care of Telegrapn. , WANTED a ttirnished or unfur-! nlshed room in private family, where lliere aie no other roomers. Perma- ' nent if satisfactory. Address Box K 6923, caie of TeicKiapn. WANTKI) Three or four furnish - t ed rooms, for light liousckeplng I Would consider small. furnished house. Address Box P. 6926. care f . Telegraph. • WANTED, TO ItKXT Four un- ' furnished rooms for light housckeep ing. Address C.. 710 S. care of Tele- ! graph. A I'AK'IMENIs FUR UEN'I 424 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH ST. * One bright front room apurtment of two rooms, furnished complete for Adults. $25. Bell! REAL ESTATE EOU SALE 413 KELKER STREET Vacant; 2 rotuna. all improvements. Price, 7, ~u l- ' L'aley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. i Bell 083. ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX CHANGE Farms. Suburban and ! city property. 2-story bricks, ail im- i provements; pay as rent. 3-story 1 brick, on Green street, steam heat.' Several business places, with store i rooms. Several small houses paying 10 per cent, clear. Several 2 Mi-story ; bricks uptown and on Hill. Lots for [ sale, suburban and in city. c. H. : Corder. 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. ; . , * I I FOR SALE Three-story brick mill property, fully equipped with latest water power machinery, also consists of hydraulic cider, press and large lumber mill. 20 acres of farm land; 3 dwelling houses and all nec essary outbuildings. Will be sold very reasonable, owing to death of owner For information, address Owner, lie South Market street, Mechanicshurg Pa. J2.500 WILL PURCHASE a brick house with six rooms and bath, gas and furnace. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Building. THAT most desirable vacant bouse, 803 North Seventeenth street; brick and stucco; most modernly equipped. Inspecd it at once. Bell Realty Co.. Bcrgner Building. $2,200 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow. with six rooms nnd bath; gas light; hot water heat. Bell Realty Co., Bcrgner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE—i On easy terms. Get particulars at once, as the opportunity will not last! long. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. , SEVERAL BRICK MOUSES FOR SALE Close to all-night street car service; nil Improvements. Prices $3,400 to $3,600. Bell Realty Co.. Herg ner Building. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE For $2,650; 8 rooms, bath. gas. furnace, porch front, cemented cellar; drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Building. THREE BRICK DWELLINGS OX POIJTH CAMERON STREET FOR SALE At $1,700 each. Particulars from Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE About 30 acres Timber 9O per cent, oak 6 miles from New Cumberland. For further particulars ad dress M.. 7103. Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Brick and stucco house at 904 North Sixteenth street; well built: modern: splendid hentlng: coal in cellar; part cash. Inquire on premises. , HOUSE FOR SALE— vt ;526 Berry street. Communicate with Bell phone 2205. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE— All improvements; In city; front porch: ba.v w(ndow; nice yard to drive alley, 5100 down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. • • C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560J i HOMES FOR COLORED families [ Thrce-storv brick house. w<h all | m . provements. I*nt. 14X100 Good loca tion. Price. ? 300.00. Easy Payments LINCOLN REALTY Co' Open Evenings Unttl 8 O'clock. 1129 Seventh-Street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE j BUY YOUR HOME on our rental' payment pian. Small cash or Liberty j i Bond iirsl payment required, bulunce | i as rent. We have houses In e very I - part of the elty and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doraill, 1225 North Sixth Street. , Real Ksttte for Sale or Exchange ' i WANTED—Vu RENT We ate DttviUk <* aumoci oi uppu taiiuiia al un© Utile lor lurin&uttj ; iiuuitfl, apuiluien t© ana loom©. v\ iiai | uo )UU QuV LO oiler i AUUies© Mil- I ■ .ti uiulntiß ik Company, uocua,i a uu oUI'l Uc*3lS. Real Estate for Suit—Suburban 1 * I FACTORY SITE Suburban of llarrisburg. One of the best in tHe coun try. on two ruilrouds, the Pennsylvania and the Read ing. Tracks laid direct to the I sue. Contains about 3 acres, J with several buildings there on. Sewered. uiul paved streets ud three sides. One block to trolley line. For information inquire ot C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT ln Steelion, 7 rooms. Rent, sl3. Apply 31 South Front street. Slcelton. FOR RENT l-urge. 3-story brick building central location, suitable for garage. D. A.Oaley. 7U7 Kunkel Building. Bell 589. FOR RENT Completely furnished new bungalow all improvements large lot desirably located in Me chuiilcsburg. Hopple & Swartz, Me chaiiicsburg. Pa. FOR RENT—No. 2000 State street;' corner brick house with all improve- i meats; store room and large garage.' Good poolroom location. Rent $35! ; J. E. Uipple. 1251 Market street! Kbit RENT Two piuute garages ! r.a> I6m". Swatara street. Rent each. J. E Gipple. 1251 Market street. ! REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rem ! HOUSES AND GARAGES—At Fifth' and Curtin Streets; possession of some! of the houses 011 thirty days' notice I Fred C. Miller, 21 Norm Second. Ueli ; phone 30TJ. REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED | ime.^.' ,a a Ve i, so '? le ., leacl> ' Purchasers for in piovvd Leal Estate. Let us know what you hat e to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 1129 North Seventh Street. WANTED, TO BUY a dwelling north of Kelker street: give price ami location. Address K, 6918, care of '1 tgegiaph. 1,1 FELONG FARMER wants to rent a larm for cash rent; best of refer ence. Box lul, Miduletown, Pa. Bell ptione 14K3. ' HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop erty in any section of tne city, it cheap. What have you to offer'.'. CHAS. ADLEK, 1002 N. 'third Street. OFFICES FOR RENT—Furnished I or unturnished, single or en suite ot ! two or three rooms. Apply 11. and L.! Lowengard, 210 North Third Street. Offices and Stoi erooms for Rent 1 OFFICES hot; itEN 1' Furnished i or unlui nislied. single or ensuite ot I two or three rooms. Apply ti. & L I Loweiiguru 21 0 North third street. j FOR RENT BOARD OF TRADE AUDITORIUM, For meetings, conventions, Banquets, Dunces and parties. Use of piano free. Kitchen attached. H. C. CLASTER, Jeweler. 302 Market Street. ■ ' MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market Street. CIIAS. ADLEK. ICO2 North Third Street. FARMS 3 acres, good house. $550. ; 40 acres, good buildings. SI,BOO. 5'J acres, good buildings, $3,500. | 20 acres, good buildings. $2,500. 42 acres, good buildings. $1,700. 23 acres, good buildings, $1,700. 150 acres, good buildings, $4,500. 109 acres, good buildings, $3,700. Call at 107 Chestnut St. SMALL FARM FOR SALE Locat ed within one car fare limit. Apply ! A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Ten shoals. four months old. Inquire 2819 Banks street, ; Penbrook. FOR SALE An attractive set of , finest grade Baby Mink Furs, reusun ' alile. by responsible private party. I Write, or call at 210 Pine street. Har rlsburg. FOR SALE One baby stroller and kiddie coop; ulso davenport, in good condition. Apply 25 South Front street. First Apartment, after 11 A. M BULLDOGS Dark brindie young bilcli —Winner at Philadelphia.! Muleu . December it to an imposed winner. Also three Pekingese females, all under 5 pounds. Davies, lboo North j Twelfth street, Harrisburg, Pa. | HOMERS FOR SALE Large Squab-breeding Belgium Homing | Pigeons. $2.00 per pair. Henry Rlegel, New Bloomfield, Pa. j FOR SALE One French Plate Pier Glass, height 10 ft., width 3 ft.. 1 gold-leaf fruine. In fine condition. I Cost $200.00. Selling because ceiling In present house is too low to place same. Phone 4292 J. 600 BUSHELS FINE PENNSYLVA NIA POTATOES at 1336 North Sixth street, close to Broad Street Murket. Fine Cooking Potatoes ut $1.76 und $1.85 per Bushel, and' fine Plunting ; Potatoes. $1.85 and $2.00. I FOR SALE Lady's mixed cloth covered raincoat, good style and con dition; auto hlnnket and toilet sets; coverlet and quilt. Call at 1314 Green street. ' FOR SALE One American Radi : ator Company 900-foot furnace, used two years, practically new. Apply 1 Chas. S. 8011. Room 65. Union Trust 1 Building. > ■ j FOR SALE -r OnV large Hotel ! range, one hand-power freight eleva -1 tor. one laundry dry room, one 14-H.- 1 P. high pressure boiler, 24-plate Static X-Ray machine, complete sterilizing | and operating room outfit. Apply No. i7OO North Second street. JANUARV 3, 1919. FOR SAt.R—M IsCKLLAX KOUB FOR SALE Few cheap, used sew ing iiiucuii.es; - also new singers, in quire Air. Eui nui-l, 520 Curiin street. FOR SALE A *6O Vlctrolu, with eleven-records, ail good as new. Cheap to a quick buy. r Call 434 Hummel street. City, uell phone 4087 R. FOR SALE One brand new elec tric furnace olower for sale cheap. Apply 2006 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4667, CANN EL COAL 88 85 J. B. MONTGOMERY Just Plione. FOR SALE 1919 CALENDARS Big Barguins in Samples and Job Lots. Orders promptly tilled. First come first served. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO., I Third and Cumberland Streets ! Bell phone 1577 R. (Above Shoe Store.) FOR SALE Magazines for No. I Linotypes. : A rare bargain for u plant with it No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COM PAN Y. Harrisburg, I*a. MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. High prices paid for furniture. Morris Schmertz, 103u Market. Bell 3971 R. SIMON MICHLOVITZ offers for sale the machinery and contents of the Pennsylvania Reduction Company, of Harrisburg Pennsylvania, which he bought some lime ago. It anybody is interested I l any of the material in or about said plant to apply at his office. Paxton street and Pennsylvania 11. R„ Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Leather davenport. 820.00; roll-top desk. 815.00; combina tion gas and coal range. 820.00; soap stone stationary wash tubs. 88.00; gasbline mangle, 815.00; laundry table, 8 ft. by 3 ft., 85.00. Inquire 211 Wal nut street FOR SALE Store fixtures, solid oak. Cost, BL3OO. Sell cheap. All at 916 North Third street. Apply D. A. Bueliler. 1101 North Second. FOR SALE Large, golden oak cabinet Rishell machine. plays all makes of records, and 20 pieces of latest mustiv. also 1918 model sewing machine. Address Box B. 6924, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Large mahogany cabinet Victroln and u nice, selection of music; also a large Weaver organ, good as new. Cheap to quick buyer. Address Box A. 6925. care of Tele graph. TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOR CASH ALE MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 DOC UST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES j.'OR SALE A Reed Stroller, prae- j tlcally new. Apply 1123 North Sixth I street, or call Bell phone 3677 W. BARGAINS! BARGAINS! The Store across from Y. VV. C. A. offers you the Biggest and Best Bar gains in Men's and Boys' Suits, Over coats, Mackinaw Coats, Underwear, Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us a trial. OUTLET CLOTHING CO., 23 North Eourth Street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED. TO BUY Second-hand player piano. State price, condition and where it can he seen. Address C„ 6558, care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark & Cown, 30S Broad Street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 936, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone ron <si Metal to., Broad and Currant stieets. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all Kiiius ol empty barrels und Junk. Call Bell phone 4275. B Abranis Son. 524-b32 North Seventh stree^ PAH'l't OWNING well-located vacant property in tar city, would like to get In louch with a responsible contractor and builder. On* iv' i would be interested In developing the property. For pal liculars address M . 3211, Care ol' Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. A pply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, Cranberry St., near Second. Harrisburg, Pa. MAN ,-MKLIT secoiiu-nctid furniture bought and told. Highest cash prices paid. Call 1 Bell 1381 or Dial 3847, or drop a pos lal to Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street. ■ Will call, city or country. ELECTRICIANS Will Und an opportunity In (he 1 sale of pi oil ia hie News Agency in j thrlvtng suburban town. Influence has deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec ; irical Supply Store in town. Start a business here. The Newspaper Agency will get you acquainted with the people. BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. 1,. COHEN & COMPANY, York and Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for rags, paper. Iron, barrels, rubber and metal and old machines. Send postal | or call 3221 W Bell and Dial 6225. Money to Loan | • MONEY If are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency. I call to see us. We lend money i in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' I/JAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDU.. j THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE. WE I.END MONEY In compliance with Act of June 17, 1916. to Individu als In need of ready cash: smsll loins s peclalty..business confidential, pay i ments to suit borrower's convenience, j positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO., Walnut Street. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITAR BANJOS, Hand and Orchestra Instri inciila promptly and carefully jenal ed. OYLEIt'S, 14 South Fourth atre TALKING MACHINES promptly at caretully repaired by an expert our OlLKi.s. 14 Soutli Fourth streeL IF your Talking Machine needs r< pair.-.. Just call Uell Phone 3242 J. A expert will be at your service at one Or bring machine to 1213 North Thlr street BUSINESS t'LKSOMALS PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER _ Lolfi of Hotel Columbus. EKING Of hi kind. Work guaranteed. We call .. i deliver. 308 Broad street Dial phoi IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENI .pr nnoted. Send particulars. Hor Promoting Agency, Llnglestown, p 1 EXPERT AUDITOR AND ACCOUNT ANT I Efficiency Methods and Cost Sv | terns Installed. Income and E*o! Protlt Tax Statements prepare Books opened, closed or audited i E. MacCloskey, 403 South Thirteen! street RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED I Single edge, 25c doz; double edge 31 doz; razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. | DIAMONDS bought for cash P i Caplan Co.. 206 Market street " ; QUININE—Look out for that grlDt I feeling, likely to catch you th I changeable weather. OUR LAXATiv | PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It o llf taken In time. Groaa Drug stnr 1 US Market s.reet. IIUSI N ESS OPPORTUN'ITIES I FOR SALE Millinery Shop got I will, stock and fixtures. Old rellab ! stand, doing good business. m ■ Market street. I FOR SALE Goods and fixtures i I a general slore. Trade estabiishe j Reason for going out of business ! poor health. Address Box 113, Lewi 1 berry. Pa. • STARTLING DISCOVERY •Makes old tires new; guaranteed 1 ! old-established firm for addition I 5.000 miles at half the price of ne I tires; not a rubber Retread; som thing new and different; punctui ! and blowout proof; used throughoi I entire Europe; practically new | America. Men with nliili'ty want j to establish one or several retreadfi j stations in your territory. Statioi should do big business fr'om day dooi 1 are open. No experience necessar 1 Capital rquired, SI,OOO up. Mechanic | Machine A- Tool Works. 314 St. Pa i Street. Baltimore. Md. I I FOR SALE Fruit, confectionei ! and cigar store. Reasonable pric ! Roasting coffee nnd peanut tnaehln , Good scales. Inquire at 614 Marki 1 street. S HAULING AND MOVING j GENERAL HAULING AND FAS EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towt j with auto trucks. Only experience •and careful drivers. Call Bell 33- j or Dial 2265. | HICKS Local and long-distani | balding. 424 Reily. Both phones. j AUTO HAULING—LocaI or lon ; distance. Furniture and piano movin j a specialty. Blue Line 'Transfer, 01 j Capital street. Both phones. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE—LoraI an long distunce. F. J. Marter, Bell 30- Steelton. j AUTO HAULING—LocaI and lon distance. Furniture moving a spc cinlty. Rates reasonable. Promt j service. Call Bell 623 J. AND LONG - DISTANC I HA I LING Prompt service. A A- 1 j Motor Express. 917 Capital Stree 1 Bell phone 16S6J. | ALL KINDS OF HAULIXt AND MOVING DONE j CONRAD BROS.. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. WE MOVfc Anything—anywhere—any time. Dial 4390. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. J : 912 North Third Street. City. HKAV N HAULING—FuIIy equippe for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careft driver. Rain and dustproof body. . E. Grubber's Truck Service. Jrvi Aungst, manager. Hershey, l'a. Re phone 15R6. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. BTOUFFERS RESTAURANT—Horn cooking served to Businessmen an Ladies in separate diningrooms. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Prtvat rooms at ressonable rates. Also haul Ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Cc Roth phones. STORAGE —In brick building, rea 408 Market. Household goods in cleai private rooms. Reasonable rates. I G. D'iener, 408 Murket street. STORAGE Private rooms fo household goods in fireproof ware bouse. $3 per month and up. Lowe storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrisburg Storage Co.. 437 445 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER. FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. PELT. 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral nirector and Embalmer. RII North Second Street. RF.I.T. 252 DIAL 214S CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY - Reiiutifullv situated on Market stre east of Twenty-sixth, and on th nort.l end east faces the new park wav. The prices of lots are moderati Mll'er Rrns A Co. Agents. Cleaners and Dyers IT PAYS to nave Clothes Cleane< Pressed Dyed or Repaired st the bei nlc.c In town Call and deltvs Goodman's. 1306 H North sixth. Bot Phones. ' AUTOMOBILES AUTO FOll SALE Late 1916 Mas well. 5-passenger touring car, full euulnoed. demountable rim, In Al cot dltlon Bargain to quick buyer. Aj n v Edward W. Evans. 36 North Thit street Bell 1390. Dial 3573. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page