Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 03, 1919, Image 15

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Machines For Bombing
■ Hun Capital Ready For
■ Work in Last Hours
Jan. 3.—-Major General
commander of thEe in
dependent air fore*, in hie report on
work of that body, makes an in-
revelation of how Berlin |
escaped being bombed by j
H squadron under the Canadinn i
Commander R. 11. Mulock, I
B"The twenty-seventh group was
in England," says Gen- j
Trenchard, "under the com.
■and of Commander Mulock for'
purpose of bombing Berlin and j
centers. This group only re- 1
machines capnblo of carrying
Hit this work nt the end of Octo- |
and though all ranks worked
■ght and day to get tlie machines
for attacking Berlin, they only
the work threo days be-
the signing of the armistice."
■unition Plant Explosion
■ Will Cost U.S. $3,658,000
H Washington, Jan. 3.—Approprla
lons necessary to pay for private
Hroperty destroyed in New Jersey
Hy the explosions Inst October at the
Hlllcsplc shell loading plant will ap
proximate $3,658,000, the War D-
Hartment yesterday reported to Con
■ress. The department estimated
Hiat 10,000 claims will be filed.
rGure Your
I Rupture Like
I > I Cured Mine"
Rid Sea Captain Cured His Own
■ Eupture After Doctors Said
I "Operate or Death."
I I Els Remedy and Book Sent Free,
H Captain Collings sailed the eens for
Biany years; then he sustained a bad
■ouble rupture that soon forced him t
■tot only remain ashore, but kept him
Bedridden for years. He tried doctor
■fter doctor and truss after truss. No
■esults! Finally, he was assured that
■e must either submit to a dangerous
■nd abhorrent operation or die. He did
■either i He cured, himself instead.
[if i|Bijl
"F.ilow Men end Women, You Don't Have
To B. Cut Up, and You Don't Have
To Ba Tortured By Trusjei."
Captain Collings made a study of.!
Ilmself, of his condition—and at last h
was rewarded by the finding of the
method that so quickly made him a well, j
itrong, vigorous and happy man. ]
Anyone can use the same method; ,
!t's simple, easy, safe and inexpensive. :
Every ruptured person in the world
should have tho Captain Collings book>
telling all about how he cured himself,
Ind how anyone may follow the same!
treatment in their own home without' 1
iny trouble. Tho book and medicine are i
FREE. They will be sent prepaid to I
iny rupture sufferer who will fill out, I
the below coupon. But send It right
away— now —before you put down this j
Capt. W. A. Collings (Inc.)
80x2130 Watertown, N. Y.
Pleas- send mo your FREE Ruptttro I j
Remedy and Book without any ol>H- |
gutlon on my part whatever.
Name .j,...
Address !
Rev. Moyer Labors
For Best Results
Rev. H. K. Moyer, 4 813 North
Fifteenth street. Philadelphia, says
he believes in putting his labor to"
the best uses, and he recommends
Tanlac as giving him the best of re
sults. '1 suffered from stomach
trouble," he says. "My system was
run down and f lmd a nervous break
down. I read about Tanlac and the
first bottle quickly demonstrated 1
was on the right road to recovery. In
fact, the first few dosos made me
feel better. The excessive nervous
condition began to subside. My ap
petite became better and I found 1
could sleep for a longer period."
1 lie genuine Maniac, which bears
the name 'J. I. Gore Co." on outside
carton, is now sold here by George
A. Oorgas Drug Stores. Georges
Drug Store. Churles F, Kramer, VV.
F. Stevers and other leading drug
gists. Tanlac, the celebruted Vege
table tonic, stomach and health
builder, is also sold in neighboring
cities and towns. Ask for it
Women Workers
In almost every line of war activ
ities the women of this country have
done well and have taken front lank
for doing work that released thou
sands ol men for service overseas
Some women have been over-ambi
tious, and, at the expense of their
health, have tilled places once occu
pied by men. Kvery woman who
because of overwork, lias brought on
some ailment peculiar to her sex
should depend upon Dydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound to re
store her health and strengh, as this
remedy is now recognized us . the
standard and has restored multi
Break All Record and Keep j
Commissioner Foust and
Force Busy
Dairy and Food 1
ft \ \ £ //M Comm is s loner
l\ \\ James Foust and :
tf'jv. I oVert ' me since be
-3 HPra/WUmM I fore t,le dose of
I I the year trying to
I sued as compared
with 3,300 for the same period last
I year. The month of January will
approach within 1,000 of the total
j number issued in the whole of 1918. !
Opinions Kondcrcd—■Deputy At
-1 torney General Emerson Collins, in ;
an opinion rendered to-day to Wal- :
I ter Nichols, Acting Commissioner of
I and Industry, decides that
"the boiler of a steam threshing ma
chine is not subject to boiler inspec- i
tion under the provisions of the act'!
of 1905 where its use is limited to'
the operation of a threshing ma- !
chine. The question was ruised by i
Mr. Nichols.
"The cost of telegrams and tele- !
phone messages made necessary by I
tho influenza epidemic should be
out of the general fund appropriated
i to the Department of Health,-' Dep
uty Attorney General William M. j
Hargest notified George A. Shreiner !
in an opinion rendered to-day.
Benjamin W. Demming, of the
State Armory Board, is,notified in an
opinion rendered to-day by Mr. Har- |
gest that there is no law for the
appointment of a policeman for the
protection of a state armory prop
erty. Xhe question was raised by the
fact that for thirty years the city of
Philadelphia paid the salary of ail ;
officer to care for armory property !
there that has since become state
property and lias no caretaker. I
Appointments Announced Phillip
B. Linn, Lett ishurg; Mrs. Elizabeth C.
Birnev, Philadelphia. and P. J.
Blough, Hooversville, were to-day re
appointed by Governor Brumbaugh
as members of the lloard of Managers
of the Pennsylvania Village For
Feeble Minded women at 1-aurelton.
I. Harvey Brumbaugh, Huntingdon,
and Morris Jastrotv, Philadelphia,
tvero reappointed members of the
Free Library Commission.
Complaints Flletl Strotldsburg !
and East Stroudsburg to-day eom
•fdained against the increased rates '
or the Citizens Gas Company of i
Stroudsburg, uskins the Public Serv- I
ice Commission to restrain the com- i
puny from putting them into effect. I
Complaints by the borough of Far
roll were tiled against the -Mahoning 1
and Shenango ltailway and Light i
Company, the South Sharon Water j
Company and the Sharon and Wheat- '
land Street ltailway Company, alleg- I
ing inadequate service. A citizen of !
Farrell, Nick ISilvisich. complained '
that the united Natural Gas Company
has not given him service for five
The Central Pennsylvania Lumber
Company. Williamport. asks for the
return of . $39.84 alleged unjust
switching charges collected by the
Pennsylvania Hai 1 road.
Two Children Orphaned
by Death of Parents,
Who Die of Pneumonia
After a week's illness. Maurice T.
Bowman, of Lucknow, died of pneu
monia yesterday morning at 11
O'clock. Four hours later his wife,
j Mary, died of the same disease. Two f
; small daughters are left orphaned, j
j They are Esther and Sarah Louise
Mr. Bowman was employed by the
, Pennsylvania Railroad Company as
a car inspector. He is survived by
It • o brothers, Louis and Charles
j Bowman, and three sisters, Mary,
I Gertrude and Efiie Bowman, of this
city. Mrs. Bowman is survived by
I her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George j
j W. Houser, three brothers. George
j Michael and Harry Houser, and one 1
; sister, Rebecca Houser.
4 .\ double funeral service will be
i held at the home in Lucknow, in Old i
; I'orge lane. Saturday morning at 10!
I o'clock. The Rev, J. H. Davis, of ;
j Coxestown Church, will officiate. !
{ Burial will be made at Shoop's
I Church Cemetery.
American Squadron Goes
After Prisoners of War
Washington, Jan. 3.—Announce
| ment was made yesterday at the !
State Department that tin American !
squadron, composed of the scout !
cruiser (. Hester and the destroyers!
A\ lwin and Wickes is in Baltic '
, waters to assist in the evacuation of j
Amerian prisoners of war in camps '
of North Germany..
The squadron is commanded by I
Rear Admiral Andrews. Its depart- |
ure for German ports was reported I
o. few days ugo from Copenhagen.
Senator Urges That U. S.
Buy Lower California
Washington, Jan. 3. Senator j
Ashurst, of Arizona, introduced a
resolution requesting tho Resident to !
open negotiations for the purchase i
from Mexico by the United States of j
Lower California and of about 10,000 j
square miles of other Mexican terri- i
tory lying north of 31 degrees lati
tude in the state of Sonora.
Tlie resolution went over until !
2,000 French Soldiers
at Hungarian Capita!
Paris, Jan. 3.—Two thousand
French soldiers entered Budapest the
Hungarian capital, according to a
telegram from Zurich to the Tempp.
One detachment occupied the
castle of Count Karolyl, where Field
Marshal Von Maekensen, of the
German army, is interned. Other re
ports reaching Zurich from TJuda
pest say there have been several
brawls there between Rumanians
and Magyars. •
Delhi, India, Jan. 3.—ln his presi
dential address beforo the national
congress yesterday, Mohan Mulaviya,
member of tlie vice regal council,
offered loyal and dutiful greetings to
the King Emperor upon the success
ful termination of the war. Ho ex
pressed tlie hope that the principles
of uulonomy Knd self determina
tion would be extended to India.
By Associated Blest
Washington. Jan. 3.—After being
closed to the public for nearly two
years because of the war, the White
House was reopened to visitors to
day to allow wur workers and sol
diers a chance to see tlie historic
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable " .J
January Clothing Reductions I
The response to our January Clothing Reductions have been re- . 5
markable and this very busy store seems to be the favored spot for good clothing Come in J
when you will, you can always find the eager clothing buyers spending their money in this "Live Store" because ||
they have learned long ago that they get most for their money HERE. *
It's a wonderful thing to have the confidence of the
people to as great an extent as is OUR pleasure and you scarcely know there
p* is another clothing store in Harrisburg lf you mention clothing to the average person you
meet anywhere throughout Central Pennsylvania they'll immediately think of Doutrichs. *
I This Is the Store Everybody Is Talking About 5
J Hart Schaffner & Marx I
I Kuppenheimer & I
I Society Brand Clothes r i I
Wish you could see the Soldier and Sailor j -fo V; "iMp
boys who drop in HERE on their way home—Every day you [_ '
can count several boys in "khaki" or "navy" who come here for depend- | - J
able clothes, saying they have heard so much about this "Live Store" in -
the various camps and cantonments that they want to find out "why" \v | mK* ar
everybody talks so much about Doutrichs. \ i"'f V P\!l
Its no secret why we enjoy this enviable wgfr'ifF j|
reputation When you do business "on the level" by honest
representation, square-dealing and guarantee with every purchase, then It'^9
see that it's "backed up" to the limit as we do HERE, there's nothing
| Every Suit and. Overcoat Reduced ftps l|
$20.00 Suits and Overcoats $16.50 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats $32.50 ff||
gj ' $25.00 Suits and Overcoats $21.50 $45.00 Suits and Overcoats $37 50 IIP ||l I
$30.00 Suits and Overcoats $24.50 $50.00 Suits and Overcoats $41.50
I $3 5.00 Suits and Overcoats $28.50 $55.00 Suits and Overcoats ' $46.50 iiSSlIk 1
$38.00 Suits and Overcoats $31.50 $60.00 Suits and Overcoats $49.50 1
I All Boys' Suits and Overcoats Reduced j
| Jrousers~~~*t Mackinaw I
II All $4.00 Trousers $3.25 | All $6.50 Mackinaws ; $5.25 J 1
) All $4.50 Trousers $3.75 ' /All $7.50 Mackinaws $6.25 J
| All $5.00 Trousers $4.25 % I All $8.50 Mackinaws $7.25 I
| All $6.50 Trousers $5.25 % ( All SIO.OO Mackinaws $8.25 (
J All $8.50 Trousers $7.25 5 . i All $12.00 Mackinaws $10.25 f
| All $9.50 Trousers $8.25 ) I All $15.00 Mackinaws ..$12.50 {
304 Market Street 304 Market Street I