Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 01, 1919, Image 5

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    I Liitest Casualty List'
' | Made Public Today
Mkshington, Jan. I.—The Casual
ty It made public by the 'War De
parjient to-day Is one of tl • llght
es' Tver given out. there ng but
a tial of 219 names report 1. The
tote] the Marine cast, Itles is
1491 Only thirty-two P rwylva
nh'*s are reported In all lie'.'', etght
eenfin the Army list and fo rteen in
the Marine. One Hurnbed and
twme were this morning reported
I severely wounded and this after-
I noo) -wounded severely, which
I mal* up the total of 219 for the
I da* Those reported this morning
r follow:
t Privates
Bdward W. Trielo, Philadelphia.
George O. Warmkessel, Pottaviile.
George IV. Barum, Pittsburgh.
Q. ;<e Bogdansky, Connellsville.
Amos K. Geikler. Philadelphia.
Patrick L. Gibbons, Minorka.
Harry Heffelflnger, Summit Hill.
Robert William HI ,-pensteel, R.
F. D. No. 9, Carlisle.
Daniel Luvisl, Philadelphia.
Pennsylvanians reported this aft
ernoon follow:
John P. Bieleaswiez, Sh.-nandoah.
Ralph Adam Brunner, r ttsburgh.
Charles Gardner, Philadelphia.
Charles F. Gordon, Sun' ury.
Charles F. Schults, Eri>.
Walter B. Shaw, North East.
Harry Stein. Philadelphia.
Ralph,, A., Wenrich, Rexmont.
Elbirt H. Winesbnrg, Crothers. ,
The following casualties are re
ported by the commanding general
Sketect t
Th Old Reliable " Ask for and GET J ■
■gjg, Horlick's
I H Malted Milk
■ a fMf) a *sed successfully everywhere, nearly Vi century
V /V lTude under aarltiry conditions from clean, rich
• with extract of our specially malted grain.
L a 'nsiantly prepared br stirring the Food-Drink In water,
; nfanto and Children tSrivt on it. /pvti with tha
aakett stomach of tho Invalid and Aged.
" Itn 'ff oratin as a Quick Lunch at office or table.
Ask for Horlick's Ik* Orifflnat
Thus Avoiding Imitations
h*aate<i *t ßacine, u.s.a. Substitutes Cost YOU Same Price
New Cumberland
Thanks you heartily for an unusually
large patronage during 1918, and sin
cerely hopes that 1919 may be a very
happy and prosperous year for you.
A Vigorous, Healthy Body,
Sparkling Eyes and Health-Col
ored Cheeks Come in Two
Weeks, Says Discoverer of Bio
feren. . - N
World's Grandest Health Build
er Costs Nothing Unless It
Gives to Women the Buoyant
Health They Long For.
It la Bate to say mat right here
In this big city ar tens of thousands
of weak, nervous, run-down, de
pressed women who in two weeks'
Ume could make themselves so
healthy, so attractive and so keen
minded that they would compel the
admiration of all their friends.
The vital health building elements
that these despondent women lack
are all plentifully supplied in Blo
Evening Commercial School
A Conducted by
Harrisburg School District
courses will be given In Buslneas Enallah Shorthand
IZTiZ ? 0 T' r l aI > ; rlthmttlo and Bookkeeping. Clae,
£.9 30 a , nd T w r<sSay from 7.30
oJJs , at ter an CaplUl streets.
Classes begin Monday evening, January 6, mg
.„rrrr; i — j
. AmeHCan ®* x P®ditlona -y
in action ••• v - 4
ifoiti 0 ' wounds received in ac- . .
£ P < ' 3
disease 2
Uy 0 .-.ded in action (severely) 33
in action 107
f Total * 149
I i w - Elliott, Pittsburgh.
First Lieutenant
jMpjlol W\ Bender, Philadelphia.
' { Private
J ffiWlos W. Eckeles. Midland.
p:' T. Hurley, Ardmorc.
f mrry R. Roarabaugh, Kearney.
; W. Buck, Palmyra,
h E' ood F - Engle, Philadelphia.
H'.iam Evans, Wheatlnnd.
vi'l F. Kraft. Sellersville.
yyatley D. Lewiß, Philadelphia,
jiiies S. McFall, Philadelphia.
j f :a George Rogers, Oil City,
j.: A. Thomas, Franklin.
YEAR $341,855
[Continued from Fifst Page.]
can lyptlne, a highly inflam
n.at.< P a 'nt, stored in the paint
sbor 1 part ot the cylinder finish
ing I" 111 *- The flames spread in a
flash through the t cylinder finishing
plan: the rough turning plant,
| ind the- electric transformer, com
. cans"' a (treat loss duo to the de
i struction ot much valuable machin
Ont thousand men who were em
ployed In the plant, and other work-
If you are ambitious, crave suc
cess in life, want to have a healthy,
vigorous body, clear skin and eyes
that show no dullness, make up
your mind to get a package of Blo
feren right away.
It costs hut little and you can get
an original package at any druggist
Take two tablets after each meat
and one at bedtime —seven a day
for seven days then one afte.
meals tm all are gone. Then II you
don't feel twice as good, look twice
as attractive and feel twice as strong
as before you started your money
is watting tor you. It belongs to
you, for the discoverer of Bio-feren
doesn't wart one penny of It unless
It fulfills all claims.
Note to Physicians: There Is no
secret about the formula of 810-feren.
it is printed on every package. Here
it is: Lecithin; Calcium Glycero
phosphate; iron Peptonate- Mang
anese reptonate; Ext. Nux Vomica;
Ppwd. bentlan; Phenolphihaltla;
ulearesln <'apicui. Kolo.
men, quickly replaced the Buildings
In thirty-one days. Two mtn, Clar
ence Dickey. 1117 Grape street, and
Mervln Sherley. R. F. D. 4, Harris
burg, were badly burned nd had
to be taken to the Harrlsbfrg hos
pital for treatment.
The next disastrous conflagration
was at the City garage, wklch ex
tends along River street, opposite
the Public Library, from Walnut to
Strawberry street, early In the morn
ing of March 25. Seventy-five thou
sand dollars damage was caused.
C. K. Wolfe is proprietor of the gar
age, and his loss was heavy. Fif
teen new Bulck machines, owned by-
George B. Zech, the local Bulck
dealer, were destroyed besides sixty
other machines stored in the build
ing. The oiflce of the Remington
Typewriter Company, In tho first
floor, also sustained heavy damage.
Paul Guyer, a fireman, belonging to
the Royal Fire Company, was in
jured .while fighting the flames. The
building belonged to the Valley-
Traction Company and is rebuilt.
More tfian $3,500 was lost In a
blaze which started in an oil stor
age tank, m which is stored the oil
feeding thff open hearths, at the
Central Iron ftnd Steel Company. A
spark from a passing locomotive fell
into a shallow reservoir under the
tank, igniting the oil that had drip
ped there, and the heat caused the
35,000 gallons of oil in the tank to
flame with a sudden blast, which
brought hundreds to the scene.
Brakcman Is Killed
When a draft of two freight cars,
about 1:30 o'clock in the morning
of August 3, were switched into
three oil cars on the SK hump in
the Maclay street yards of the Penn
sylvania railroad, the plugs from the
oil cars were knocked loose, and the i
naphtha which spurted out was ig- j
nited from the lantern carried by-
Albert Burkholder, 270 Peffer street, j
the brakeman, who was riding the;
draft of freight cars. The flames
spread to other freight cars stand
ing by, and the loss was consider
able. Burkholder's clothes were
saturated with the blazing naphtha
and he died a few days later in the
Harrisburg Hospital.
The next person who fell a vic
tim to fire in Harrisburg during 1918
lost her life in tho fire wjiich broke
out in the rear of the cellar of Hor
ace M. Witman's home at 2101
North Second street September 10,
spread up the back stairs and de
stroyed the rear of the house. Mrs. !
Laura Loekhart, the maid, who was
sleeping in the tear room on the !
the third floor, was smothered to I
death as she wakened from her j
sleep. The remaining four occu- j
pants of the house, Mr. W.itman and
his three children, were saved only j
through the heroic efforts of Leo, j
Ralph and Frank Harris, who were !
staying with their mother next door, j
and who brought a ladder in the i
nick of time and rescued the im
periled family from their precarious
predicament. Thirty-five hundred
dollars was the property loss.
Oil Reservoir Blazes
Tlie Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe :
Bending Company was the scene of j
another expensive fire September 15, I
when the oil in a reservoir was ig- I
nited, and 40,000 gallons of quench- |
Ing oil, valued at $lO,OOO, went up;
In flames. The fire was started when
workmen giving hot steel the j
quenching oir treatment to cool and j
draw it, fed the steel too fast.
The last fire of considerable pro
portions occurred at the confection
cry and tobacoo warehouse of Smith
and Keffer, at 411 South Cameron
street, December 21. where a fire of
inexplicable origin swept the rear of
the first floor and caused $B,OOO dam
age to the stock and building. A sec
ond fire was caused three days later,
when a fuse blew out in the eleva
tor mechanism, but little damage re- r
i suited.
With the exception of the small
i Keffer blaze, the last three months
j have been featured by an epidemic
of false alarms and Insignificant
| blazes which caused little damage, *
j but kept the fire companies busy.
A complete' resume of the fires
which occurred during 1918, as tab-;
ulated by Chief Kindler, follows: ,
Jan. 1, 1006 North Seventh, dam-'
age, $10; Jan. 2, Tenth and Herr
streets, Pipe Bending Company,
$210,000; Jan. 3, 1703 Elm, $5O; Jan.
3, 38 Balm, no damage: Jan. 9, 1210
Mulberry, $25; Jan. 12, 7 North
Third, damage slight; Jan. 18, 89
North Seventeenth, damage $200;
Jan. 21, 404-406 Verbeke, $1,750;
Jan. 22, 135-137 Linden, $1,200; Jan.
28, 1409-1411 Marion, $6OO.
Feb. 2, 2301 North Sixth. $250;
Feb. 3. 1631 North Sixth, $2,000; Feb.
12, 316 Herr, damage slight; Feb. 13.
false alarm; Feb. 14, Eighteenth and
Derry, $6OO. Feb. 15, Lemoyne, Hope
Fire Co. extinguished $2,000 fire at
Frank Miller's butcher shop. Feb. 18,
1607 North Fourth, slight; Feb. 22,
1131 Mulberry, $10; Feb. 22, false
alarm turned in after wreck at Phil
adelphia and Reading pasenger sta
tion; Feb. 23, Twelfth and Dock,
$700; Feb. 24, 1507 North Third,
March 6, Sixth and Pear, slight; •
March 12, Senate Hotel, $2,000;
March 13, false alarm, slight; March
18, Senate Hotel, slight; March 1,
false alarm, slight; March 19, 629
Boas, slight; March 20, State and
Cowden, slight; March 22, Nine
teenth and Swatara, $900; March 22,
Twenty-sixth and Woodlawn, $1,700.
March 22, false alarm. March 23,
1010 North Third, $250; March 25,
1817 North Cameron, $1,000; March
27, Walnut and River, $75,000.
April 1, 912 Hemlock, $3,000; ■
April 6, 1735 North Sixth, slight;
April 7, 421 Market, slight; April
10, 1202 North Third, slight; April
11, 1735 North Sixth, slight; April
20, 19 South Fourth, $300; April 20,
112 Ann, $300; April 20. 11 North
Fourth, slight; April 26, 628 Hamil
ton, slight; April 27, Nineteenth and
Derry, slight; April 29, false alarm.
May 7, false alarm; May 7, 1132
Wallace, $lO. May 8, Central Iron
and Steel Co., $3,500. May 10, 32 5-
327 Verbeke, $150; May 14, false
alarm: May 22, 1022 Fox, $10; May
22, 211 Verbeke, $2O; May 31, 587 i
South Front, $lO.
June 8, false alarm; June 12, 1707 '
North Seventh, $5; June 15, false
alarm; Juno 16, 708 North Seventh,
$25; June 24, local companies
fought fire which caused $B,OOO to
barns of Jacob Wolf, Lawrence
Westfall and John Westfall and Mrs.
Elizabeth Bretz at .Camp Hill; June
30, 136 Indian, slight
July '■
July 4, Green and Forster, $25;
July 5, 1111 Plum. $3O; July 10, 1333
Willlan> $5O; July 12, false alarm; I
July 18, 302 South River, $25. July
19, 1817 North Third. $6. July 29.;
Thirteenth and Paxton, dump.
Aug. 2, 434 South Tenth, $10; !
Aug. 8, Pennsylvania railroad yards,
damage unknown; Aug. 4, false
altfl-m; Aug. 14, 610 Buttonwood,
$300; Aug. 17, false alarm; Aug. 20,;
434 Kunkel, $BOO. • -I
Bept t, 116 Dock, $250; Sept 10, j,
2101 North Second, $3,300; Sept 10,
false alarm; Sept. 12, 647 Race, $5O;
Sept 15, false alarm; Sept 1%, liar- |
risburg Pipe and Pipe
$3,000; Aug. 22, 677 Reily, SSTST
Aug. 24, false alarm.
Oct 9, fire on Rudy street dump;
Oct. 9, false alarm. Oct 10, false
alarm. Oct 12, false alarm; Oct 14,
187 North Fifteenth, no loss; Oct.
18, firo on dump at Front and
1 Greatest Clean-Sweep Sale InOur Business History i
I Buy All You Need W\mj Why You Will Save |
1 Never before has the Clean Sweep I This is the sale that everybody for ®j
j| Sale meant so much to the people L miles around knows. It needs no [0
bi of this Community. Thousands introduction to the thousands of ®
lof families will have the oppor- Q [ thrifty families in this vast com- |
b tunity in this great sale to buy at 1 munity. The entire stock is gone ||
enrnr; P ;nn/„U/,aom,;n 7 'ii over for this occasion, and prices |j
IJf FJ F large savings and will OB are brought down to Clean-Sweep 1
i 4i° C , U P f or m t ?• c ° me t Wl th level regardless of former cost or U
|j the best merchandise obtainable j||f J|| value. Every article in the sale is |j
b for personal wear, general utility |lf ; * ||| less than regular price, and every II
b and household service. Every de- # ffi; Jpfc article is reliable, up to the minute M
b p art ment will be brim full of Clean JS? 0 ||i merchandise. The store will be full |j
i Sweep Specials. . , ar d a^ns • |j
IBe Sure to 1
the Broom Details I
Advertisement n Clean j
To-morrow Sweep!
and Mj ® Jf ® Sale |
If W'fU 111 Ail These Lines: n !|
W ltn J j Women's and Misses' Coats, Suits and yJ\ i
You II / Presses Girls' and Children's Coats, vt . p n L i
II I Dresses —Men's and Boys' Clothing and. Fur- Pi:
No /// nishings—Hosiery and Knit Underwear — \ hedi
If I Musiin Unaerwear, Corsets, Infants' Wear, b
Brooms jjl I Kimonos, Aprons, House Dresses, Petticoats 1 In 1
nil Jw / Millinery, Waists, Women's and Children's Shoes — XU* ®
11, Leather Goods, Neckwear, Gloves and Notions I ||
With- If And Household Goods in the Bargain Basement. Paper
out j ll / Our Store Will Be \ 4 To-mor-l
the Ii /Closed All Day Tcmorrow\ u row l
Coil- // /to Re-mark Merchandise &. Arrange Stocks\ \1 Even- 1
is pon If / Sale Bepns Friday Morning At 9 O'clock \ P W I
i Woodbine streets* Oct. 27, false
November 2, fa'so alarm; Novem
ber 3, 312 Boas, $400; November 4,
1618 Market, $160; November 9,
false alarm; November 9, false
alarm; November 9, 1935 North
Third, slight; November 12, Drum
mond and Brook, $550; November i
13, 017 Green, $250; November 18,
1733 North Fourth, $5; November
21, 1042 Herr, none; November 21,
722 North Sixth. $25; November 25,
1423 South Thirteenth, $500; No
vember 25, 601 Clinton, $5O.
December 3, Second and State,
$600; December 4, 1105 Sev
enth, $25; December 7, 19$^ Jloltke.
none; December 7, 425 Sodtn Four
teenth. $500; December I#. false
alurm; December 17, Harrisburg
Brass and Foundry Company, slight;
December 18, 1404 William, none;
December 12, 1402 Green, no lire;
December 18, fire on Paxton stroot
dump; December 17, false alarm-J
December 19, 331 Market, $200; D®-(
cember 21. 401 South Cameron,
$8,000: December 22, 120 Paxton,
$400; December 24, false alarm; De
cember 25, 417 Walnut, $66; Decem
ber 26, 618 Kunkel, no loss; Decem
ber 30, 1605 North Fourth, no lose;
December 30, false alarm.