Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 31, 1918, Image 19
ENTRUST A THRIFT ERRAND TO -A CLASSIFIED Al ON THIS fill I MEATUS ■ < ,„7K —*On December 29. 1918, John F i Hole afftd T® yoifv. f Funeral service.* on Wednesday k evening, at •30 o'clock. at the home his parents, Mand Mrs. Israel . ~06 .South .Twenty-fourth t .ireet. lntermehti Wlhiainstown, Pa. I ir. relatives ana friends are Invited I to attend with..ut\yaither notice. ft mix LEV Washing I *' . -nyder Man- I aged 62 Ttwral on Thut day afternoon, at ' "clock, from iris '""I residence, icknow. Pa- 1 itenmjpit He. kton ,nietery. The r> iatlvand friends are invited t" attend ... M il - Edna May i fa r. daugh .*( Mr. and Mr Peter ltener, n Tucxdav Liecenber til. 1918, at he* home, *?OS lteg na Jreet. aged Pr i v a?e *' funera 1 her Pluvton I 'SrnuVkef' "hoiati, g. Inter ment"" Kast Han .share ■ 'emetery. r/. Uo ceniber 29, 1918.f nti4ry 1 1919. But al W ednj - > •.> ,V, h 'li life Stat^Koad ' High"" notice. I.OST AN ' ol * l> _ BI..TVnJ 0S. Mon feJSWJKA street. The party .but found a LOST 3he l' }- street. Cam suitcase between I k'l-1 teeuth street UrtryldU k^ r *;V,d i, a d better k MoV Street to save .further trouble. / . ftfToTF-- A lighfLreen Jade ear- L INSIJHVSONS WTwivilT'A/ • u'irlON Shorthand. (T: Pewr|ng. Pook D kee ? ing.Jprnn,anlPi OP KN ■ \U< YEAR. Enter aft' tune. MIfLYV'.IUSINKfc COU-KOB.. Hlll l P * ■"TTFD ■ . -I Tv. ■ opera r write Norman V ujus.lalm' ra. ia. I WANTED Elrsl-clai meat cut- I ter. No oti er need.appl. 1 all at Iltueh er Hro 432 Nftit kcl stt- et. WANTED Man reilir automo biles. App Fee- iVI qrag:. ISO. North Seven sir. ail phone £!: -J—- H \ SEVERAL SALI3MI N for door-to-door plopo itiot. I Newspaper experience lesi*- 1 sble. Address 1 M.. 6541. 1 '"are if Telegraph. s WANTED First-class iwiret.tan. Apply at once. Columbih Elect; ic Co., 1253 Market street. WANTED A good blacksmith and horseshoer for our shop a" P.iXtang. Apply Rutherford Bros.. Psrtanv. l'a. . WANTED Strong. actP' young man. Good pay. Oo hours. Apply Superintends, The Telegraph Printing Co., 1 Harrisburg. Pa. i WANTED Boys < ver 16 years. Pjrn I nent positit n. Good pay. Ap ply 1 DEVINE A- YUNOEL SHOE MFG. Co.. Sixteenth and State St rests. s I WANTED ■ Five good Linotype Operators. Good working conditions. Apply to V HARP.Y A. FRY. J Telegraph Composing P.Ooia. f W.V.ViKL W AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS U \ . AND TRUXTON UNITS. MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. \ x 17 SOUTH THIRD ST. |Z_ —. FOR SALE I NO. 2126 PENN ST. F Immediate Possession 3-story brick, corner house on west side of street, 8 ■ rrjoms. -batii and pantry. 1/ 'ront and back porches, and LIIALCONV. Cemented cellar. HfSteam heat. Electric lights. K|.ot 16x65 ft. ft AT A BARGAIN ftiller Brothers is Co. Ileal Gilale r re surety Honda ■ , . ..y. snd Conrt streets ■ Ural daril TUESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 31, 1918. Tf HKU' WANTKI)—MALE — A SCHOOL of Higher accounting LI i having more calls for <iualitled GC . countants than they can nil. By tak mg four 'LESSONS per week you cai I complete the training in six months j Our graduates are thoroughly tiuall fled to pass the C. P. A. examination , Will make terms to suit you. as w< , need the men. Also have some posi Hons women. IF you desire to til a high-class accounting position, ad , dress Rox B„ 6916, care of Telegraph MEN WAXTEtt—To load'stone, 2! ! cents per tou. Can earn 625 to $35 pei weelc Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED— Two good, strong boys IO lea; N TRADE Apply Superintend CIJL The Telegraph P-inting Co. Harrisburg. ; TWO first-class shoemakers wanted ; Apply Greek-American Shoe Bepai, shop. Sou North Third street. : MAN To canvass Harrisburg ♦ wanted; also one to go out of towi las our district agent. Al propositloi .to the right party. Apply Mr. Cowan Room 410 Patriot Building. CLERKS AND BOOKKEEPERS Desiring to qualify for accounting , positions paying "150.00 per month OI I more, address, in confidence, to Bos D, 7205, care of Telegraph, giving age education and nearest phone number I Previous experience not essential. HELP WANTED—I'EMALE WANTED Extra salesladies foi our big Clean Sweep Sale. Apply ■Thursday morning, between 9:30 and 11, to Mr. Lloyd, Superintendent. Kaufman's Underselling Store clos ed for business Thursday, but appli ■ ants will be admitted. SALESLADIES WANTED Experi enced preferred. Apply at once to Mr. Lloyd. Superintendent. Kaufman's Un derselling Store. WANTED Good, reliable white woman for day's work. Apply 16 North Nineteenth street. WANTED A girl to assist in gen eral housework alter school hours and Saturday and Sunday. Address Box R.. 7110, care of Telegraph. WANTED Child's nurse. Must have reference. Apply at 2011 North second street. WANTED Dishwasher. Apply at Railroad Cafe. 1302 North seventh street. GIRLS WANTED For work on sewing machines and in other depart ments. Belgrade Knitting Mills, New Cum be .'land. WANTED Girl at McNeal's Con fectionery Store, 1015 North Third street. WANTED First and second maid, white preferred, for small family. Ap ply 2138 North Third street. WANTED White woman for housekeeper. No washing nor iron ing. Plain cooking. Uood home. Must come well recommended. Address H„ 721.7, car.- of Telegraph. WANTED Diningroom girl. Ap ply at Railroad Cafe. 1302 North Sev enth street. WANTED Cook. Apply at Rail road Cafe, 1302 North Seventh street. LADY CANVASSER For Harris burg wanted. Four orders per day will net you $23.09 per day. Apply. at Room 410 Patriot Building, City. SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. ELOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Reily and Fulton Streets. WANTED Girls in our Printing Department. Experi enced girls preferred, but not required. Apply Mr. Bern heisel. General Printing De partment, The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg. I'a. WANTED Woman to wash and rou. Apply 1621 North Second street. Phone 2290. ; WANTED Experienced cook and I house maid in private family. Apply 80. 1,6913, Harrisburg. WANTED Operators on power sewing machine. .Many orders tor our goods guarantees steady work at good . wages, payiug to per cent, bonus, i I Those beginning now will participate i in our new protit-snaring plan. JENNINGS Mbo. CO.. 2012 North Fourth Street. CROCHETERS WANTED Posi- i tlvely no canvassing; stamped ad dressed envelope for particulars. Mrs. VD-Uel, 517 Dycoming street, Wil- i iamsport. Pa. ""WANTED Experienced knitters , '.nd girls to learn. Good pay and - eady work. Harris Hosiery Co., Cal- ' . dtr and Marion streets. WANTED Girls betw*een ages' of 18 and 28. We are in need of a I n mber of girls for bookkeeping, ac- i '•■ i inting und clerical work. Girls of ' oi 'inary intelligence we will train fori ■ I rical work. Excellent opportunity.! Pi' vious experience unnecessary. Am- j bit on and energy only qualifications rei ,ired. Good pay while learning, i Ap !>■ U. S. Employment Service, Third j in i North strePts. Harrisburg. Indtis ' tr a - , concern, Elliott-Fisher Company, South Cameron street, Harrisburg. WvNTKD A good housekeeper; | one oetween 35 and 50; do not ob ! jeet to one child: good wages anil good home to the right party. Must bo able to give good reference. W. E. Van ,Sclver, lllh Street Wharf, Washington, D. C. WANTED Experienced girls to work in book bindery. Apply Mr. I Fisher. Ihe Telegraph Printing Co.. j Harrisburg. Pa. STENOGRAPHER WANTED For ! local office. Must have experience. I None others need apply. Good wages tto right party. Address Box H. 6565. ■care of Telegraph. CIVU. SERVICE EXAMINATIONS | Harrisburg. December 7. 12.000 : women clerks needed. Salary, 51.200 | Experience unnecessary. Women de ' -Irtng government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry | (former.Civil Service Examiner). 467 j Columbian Building. Washington. YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To Itat-n sbomaking. Reamers are well p id und -am good wages when pro fi >nt. ilarrisbiirg Shoe Manufactur er-'/''".. ''lf Vernon street. WANTED Washerwoman, white preferred Bell 2360 R. I WIDOW!}! WANTS Repectßblo ik'ian for .touseketeper. Call at 1022 ill'; lon airett < HELP WANTED—FEMALE WOMAN OR GIRL • . To help with housework in fam -1 j IL.v of three. No washing. Write ! M.. 6921, CARE OF TELEGRAPH. HELP WANTED—MaIe ami Female [ H. C. CLASTER. - JEWELER, > i Desires the services of a first class bookkeeper and stenog rapher permanently lady or gentleman. Apply person ally, 302 MARKET STREET. SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Expert | encer weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 - per day. Other departments propor tionately. i | Beginners wanted also. Best pay. . j Come anu earu 30 per cent, bonus i over and above regular wages. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets ARTIST WANTED for Cartoons and Illustration, part time, piecework at home. Phone, write or call, ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, ELLIOTT-FISHER CO.. > Cedar and Cameron Streets. AGENTS WANTED j "WORLD WAR HISTORY" Complete pictorial, giving account ! of every battle from 1914 to the sign ing of the armistice. Treatment of the women and children of Belgium I and France. In fact, the most com plete and best written History of every phase of the War. Best terms. Write quick for Free outfit. R. L. Phillips Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.; Chicago. 111.; Omaha, Neb.; At- I lanta. Ga.; Waco, Texas. Address J nearest office. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE EXPERT AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC J — Fifteen years' experience. Repair j jobs called for and delivered. North f Fourteenth and Herr streets. Phone j 2578 W. PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAN Experienced office man and executive, offers his services, with some cash capital, to a live manufacturing proposi • . tion or going business. Refer ences exchanged. Address H„ 7298, Care of Telegraph. ' ! WANTED A first-class electrician and wireman, just mustered out of I service, wants a steady position. Can | take charge .of men and work. Wants ! to locate In Harrisburg permanently, I References furnished if desired. Ad dress E., 7213, care of Telegraph. WANTED Bookkeeper desires to locate with a progressive firm. Can handle double-entry set of books, also correspondence and general office de ( tails. Have had eight years' experi ence. Address B." 7214, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WAN TED—Feina le WANTED Colored woman wishes j day's work for Mondays, Tuesday and ; Wednesdays, washing and ironing; first-class laundress. Address 1308 Currant street, City. WANTED Woman wishes position to assist in general housework, ln ! quire 1407 Currant street. : WANTED —• Widow wishes posi ! tion as housekeeper for widower. Ad | dress Z., 2134, care of Telegraph. WOMAN—W.'shes position as house \ keeper, in respectable family, city j preferred. Address I*. 7216, care of , Telegraph. WANTED Clerical work by re- I fined, young woman, who has three years' experience and can furnisli best of references. Address Box D, 6923, j care of Telegraph. I WANTED Housework by experi ! enced white woman, In small, private I family; can furnish best of references, F Address Box H, 6540, care of Tele | gfiaph. ; WANTED lntelligent, tliorough | !v competent young woman (employ ed a few days each week) will give ! three hours dally and nine hours over I Saturday and Sunday in exchange ; for comfortable room and board, I Christian Science family preferred, i Address C 6914, care Telegraph. WANTED Widow, with nine month-old child, desires to keep house for small family or respectable widower. Address W., 7212, care of Telegraph. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home. Children's sewing a specialty. Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell phone 1505 R. ROOMS FOIt REXT ~TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT For light housekeeping. Steam heat. All conveniences. No children. Apply 1814 Green street. FURNISHED ROOM For light housekeeping. Apply 1603 Derry street. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS and one furnished room. Call 1827 North Third. Bell 621. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Single or communicating; kitchenettes. Stoves furnished free. Strictly private. Laundry, phone and bathroom privileges. Inquire 423 Broad street. FOR RENT On* large bedroorri. for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Applv 27# erlggs street. , TWO FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping, well heated, use of bath and Bell phone. Call at 923 North Second. TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur nished rooms in best part of city, steam heat and all modern con veniences. Apply in peisojff 31# North Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil son Apartments, No. 143 South Third. ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED Man and wipe desire several furnished rooms fpr light housekeepinjjk A 'l State particulars. dress Box T. 7107. WANTED, TO furnished room* for ing = YOU LAX GET A GOOD PRICE for that used article—based upon its present value. If it's an article ot* of fice furniture or equipment, which you no longer need, you may find a ready market for it and really do a service to the buyers. Describe it in a classified ad. ✓ APARTMENTS FOR KENT i i FURNISHED APARTMENTS IOK j , RENT For light housekeepins. aii | modern conveniences, at 1101 h° rl i j Sixth. Apply Louie, 414 North Ihircl. i ! 424 SOUTH SEVENTEENTH ST. r-| One bright front room apartment oil two rooms, furnished complete ~ ,i ; light housekeeping. Adults. s'-• B e " i i 2985 R. WANTED Fosition as auto me chanic b> chief mechanic of Corps at Gettysburg. Address C., 64... care of Telegraph. HEAL ESTATE FOli SAI.E ' |2,500 WILL PURCHASE a brick i house with six rooms and buth, gas j and furnace. Bell Realty Co., Berg i ner Building. 12,200 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow, with six rooms and bath; gas light; hot water heat. Bel! Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE— On easy terms. Get particulars at once, as the opportunity will not last long. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. THAT most desirable vacant house. ' I 803 North Seventeenth street; brick and stucco; most modernly equipped, j i Inspect it at once. Bell Reulty Co., ! Bergner Building. ! ; 413 MACLAY STREET Vacant; \ I 5 rooms; all improvements. Price, ; $2,300. D. A. Caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. | Bell 580. i j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OP. EX ! CHANGE Farms. Suburban and | city property. 2-story bricks, all im- j 1 provementst pay as rent. 3-story ! brick, on Green street, steam heat, i I Several business places, with store ! I rooms. Several small houses paying 'lO per cent, clear. Several 2Vi-storv i ! bricks uptown and on Hill. Lots for i ! sale suburban and in city. C. H. * | Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. j - i FOR SALE 1 About 30 acres Timber 9O per cent, oak 6 miles from ) ! New Cumberland. For further particulars ad- , j dress # ! M„ 7109, Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Brick anif\stucco 1 ! house at 904 North Sixteenth street. \ | Well built. Modern. Splendid heater. 1 Coal In cellar. Part cash. Inquire on I premises. ' HOUSE FOR SALE —At 2526 Derry ! street. Communicate with Bell phone i or '- ! TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All' I improvements. In city; front porch: j ' hnv window; nice yard to drive alley, j SIOO down, balance as rent. Liberty I ! Bonds accepted. C. 11. CORDER. j 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. ' • i ' BUY YOUR HOME on our rental I ' payment plan. Small cash or Liberty] : Bond first payment required, balance 'as rent. We have nouses in every i cart of the city and suburbs. Apply | P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. I HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES l Three-story brick house, with all im ! provements. Lot. 14xloo. Good loca tion. Price. *2.300.00. Easy payments. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. 1129 Seventh Street. i Real F.state for Sale —Suburban | I FACTORY SITE Suburban of Harrisburg. One of the best in the coun- I try, on two railroads, the | Pennsylvania and the Read ing. Tracks laid direct to the 1 site. Contains about 3 acres, with several buildings there on. Sewered, and paved streets on three side.4. One block to trolley line. For information inquire of C. 11. CORDKR, 1722 Green Street. Bell 560.1. Real Estate lor .sale or Exchange WANTED—TO ItE.VI We are having a number ot appii • 'cations at this time for Di-mabel 'bouses, a part n- nis .n. "Vi.i . ] do you h-ive lu otter'' A.lU'en- Mil- ] er l:. .in - .v Cu.i.auv i...cu ma | ! our *> <eel . REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT Large, 3-story brick buiiui.ig. central location, suitable for uarage. D. A. <"aley, 707 Kunkel Building. Bell 589. FOR RENT—No. ZUUU State street, corner brick house with all improve merits. -store room and large garage. Godd poolroom location. Hei.t. 125. f J. E. Glpple. 1261 Market street. FOR RENT Two private katagaai ni |6<>7 Swntara street. Rent,JHiM eacb. J. B Glpple. I2l Mrfrket A REAL ESTATE—For — I _ HOI And Curtln atreet, - 'tAfM HKeqMp Of the Bouse* an Wt.A ice. Fred c. Mill- r. 31 t REAL ESTATE you I{t:XT BEAUTIFUL "HILL CREST" FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED i I ntil April I—after April 1 I unfurnished. Recently occupied by E. D. Hillary. Lately remodeled and beau tified. Fourteen rooms. bath, ; steam heat, gas and eleetric j lty. Pavements, garage, out- I buildings, fruit, shrubbery, shade trees, large lawn and ] lot, tennis court, croquet grounds—in fact, an ideal suburban residence half a block from trolley line in Bella Vista, adjoining New Cumber land. Possession at once. Apply to BARON BESTECKI, New Cumberland, Pa. Bell phone 3139-R-l. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! WANTED. TO BUY A dwelling north of Kelker street. Give price ] and location. Address K., 6918, care | of Telegraph. I LIFELONG FARMER wants to rent I a farm for cash rent; best of refer- I once. Box 101. Middletown, Pa. Bell j phone 14R3. FARM WANTED 2 to 20 acres with or without buildings. State low.' est price. Address Box D. 0553, care of Telegraph. 1 HAVeTBCJYERS waitlng for p7on- i 1 erty In any section of the city \ f cbeaD. What have you to offer ; CHAS. ADLER. 1002 N. Third Street. Offices and Storerooms for Rent OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished, single or ensuite of two or three rooms. Apply H. & u Lowengard. 210 North Third street. Offices anil Storerooms for Ren! __ MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT Beautiful Daylight Store. 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. FARMS 1 FOR SALE —75 acres, 60 acres of ! 1 farm land and 15 acres of timber. $2,200 cash. Call at 107 Chestnut 1 | street. 40 Acres, SL.SOo. 3 Acres, $550. 60 Acres. $3,500. . .1 110 Acres, $3,700. Call at 107 CHESTNUT ST. FOR SAI.E—.MISCELLANEOUS 1 FOR SALE one French Plate I Pica Glass. Height 10 ft., wiuth :j tt.,l ! Kold-hai lrai.o-. In une condition. ' out $2u0.00. Selling because celling in present house is too low to place - ' same. Pnone 4292 J. j 600 BUSHELS FINE PENNSYLVA j NIA POTATOES at 1336 North Sixth i street, close to Bioau street Market. 1 1 Fine Cooking Potatoes ac sl.u anu ; $1.85 per Bushel, anu hue Planting ! i Potatoes, $1.85 and $2.00. FOR SALE Ladys i„..v d cloth- ! j covered laiueoat, goou >l.. .e U .iu con-I i dition; auto blanket uiiu omti sets, coverlet und qulit. Cull at 1914 Green I street. FOR SALE One American Radi- j ator Company 900-foot furnace, used' i two years, practically new. Apply 1 Chas. S. 8011, Room 65, Union Trust ] Building. ! FOR SALE One large Hotel I range, one hand-power freight eleva -1 tor, one laundry ory foom. une 14-11.- |P. high pressure boiler, one rolllop desk and chair, 24-plate Static X-ltay machine, complete sterilizing and op- I erating room outtit. Apply No. 1700 ! North Second street. I FOR SALE'— A S6O Victrola, with: I eleven records, all good as new. Cheap ' Ito a quick buy r. Call 434 Hummel | j street. City, ueli phone 40S7R. !' FOR SALE One brund new elec- j ' trie furnace blower for sale cheap. ! Apply 200,6 North Sixth street, or Bell , phone 466*7. . —, CANNEL COAL $8 85 j U. MONTGOMERY Ju-t -'Phone. ~ FOR SALE )919 CALENDARS ma Bargains in Samples and Job unis. Oi4ter promptly tilled. Firli I tome. " rl erved. yi Y EKS MANUFACTURINQ qq Third and Cumberland Sts. ] Bell ph>ne 1E778. (Above Shoe Sty > f{ \ for No. 11 Llntfvpa, ' ■ bargain for ILI.. a No. 1 machine. Address' I I H' TELDIR iPH PRINTHA j H COMPANY. ! Harrisburg. wBWj il ' |0 TR sate m.Tj uai^ii f WKmmdßm FOR SAI.Iv—MISCELLANEOUS | SIMON MICHLOVITZ offers for sale ! the inachineiy and contents of the Ptnnsylvania Reduction Company, of Hari'Uburg, Pennsylvania, wnicli he bougnt some time ago. If un'yuody is interested I i any ot the material in ; or about said plant to apply at his ! office, Puxton street and Pennsylvania | 11. H.. Harrisburg. Pa. APPLES FOR SALE Grimes' Gol- ; den, with a Banana flavor, Btayman ! Weinsap, Jonathans, York Imperial. I etc. Some of these apples are very ' fine. Come and see litem at R. A. i \V ickersliam's Orchard, one-lntif mile ! east of Mechamcsbuig, ia. Trolley I cur stops at Orchard. TYPEWRITERS. BOUGHT FOR CASH .l EI. MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TtLLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE OKPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHoNES BARGAINS! BARGAINS! i The Store across trom 7. W. C. A. j offers you the Biggest and Best Bar- J gains in Men's una Boys' Suits. Over coats, Muckinaw Coats. Underwear Hats, Caps and Shoes. We are fam ous tor Low Prices. Give us it trial 1 OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. 23 North fourth Street. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand player piano. State price, condition and where it can be seen. Address 1 C. # 6558, care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CAS,, PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark N: Cown. 3os Broad ' street. D'al phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICBS PAID for all kinds ot Junk. Get our pricfea before t se>nng. Cull Bell phone 936, or drop us a postal and our wagon will call Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and I Currant stW'ets. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all kinds of empty barrels una junk. Call Boil phone 4275. B AUrams & taon : 824-832 North Seventh street. PART V OWNING well-located vacant property in the city, would like to get in touch with a responsible , contractor and builder. One it ) would be interested in developing the property. For pai ticulars address M.. 3211. Care of Telegraph. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP, Cranberry St., near Second. Harrisburg, Pa. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture Oought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 584 7. or drop a pos tal io Max Smeltz, 1016 Market street Will call, city or country. ELECTRICIANS ' Will find an opportunity in (ho sale of profitable News Agency io thriving suburban town. Influenze has deprived the town of its only electrician. No Elec trical Supply Store in town. j Start a business here. The i Newspaper Agency will get you I acquainted with the people. BOX R. 7474. Care of Telegraph. L. COHEN £• COMPANY. Vork anTl ; Ash Avenues, llicbrpt prices paid for j rag', paper. Iron, barrels, rubber and ' metals and old mnehlnes. Send postal i or call Pel' and nisi fie*;) ( Money to Loan MONEY If you are pressed for ready cash to meet any emergency, call to see uu. We lend money 1 in compliance with the laws of the estate. * EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BKHUNKK BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS. j LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE, j WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1910. to Individu- j als In need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rules in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Wamut Street. Musical VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra iiistru- \ men la promptly and carefully lepau- ; ed. OYLEIt'S, 14 South Fourth stiecl. TALKING MACHINES promptly and i carefully repaired by an expert onry. i w! LEI, 14 south Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re pairs. just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An expert will be ut your service at once, i Or bring machine to 1213 North Third street. I UUbJAKSS -TbiiSONALS UPHOLSTERING Of the best 1 kind. Work guaranteed. We call auJ ' deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone ! 4826. IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATKXTa pi moted. Send particulars. Horat Promoting Agency, Idnglestown. Pa. i EXPERT AUDITOR AND ACCOU.VI~' ANT Efficiency Methods and Cost Sys- ! terns Installed. Income and Excess ! Profit Tux Statements prepared ' Books opened, closed or uudited. O. ' E. MacCioskoy, 403 South Thirteenth! street. RAZOR BLADES'SHARPENED single edge. 25c Uoz; double edge. 35c ! doz. razors. 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cush—P. H. j Caplan Co.. 206 Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe ■ feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE RHOSPHO- QUI NINE will stave It off! If taken In time. Gross Drug Store, j tl'.i Mni.kei .i.reec BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ; i FOR SALE Goods and fixtures of a general store. Trade established. Reason for going out of business is poor health. Address Box 113, Lewis berry, Pa. FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery snd elgar store. Reasonable prtce. Roasting coffee and peanut machtfte. Good scales. Inquire at 514 Market street. HAULING AND MOVING GENERAL HAULING ANLT KXPHFJCS SERVICE TO TOWNS HAULING AND MOVING AUTO TRUCK SERVICE —~ Eoeal una long-aistuiice. F. J. Al&rter. Bell JS-J. Slcelton. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moviug a spe* cialty. Rates icusoouble. Prompt mi vice. Call Bell 623J, LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING — Furniture moving Prompt service. Ernest Coibin, 656 Calder St I eat. L.oii. piiuhes. Bell 3636 J. Uiai 3083. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD UKOH. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PIIONE 623 W. DIAL RHONE 3518. WE MOVE Anything—anywhere—uny time. Dial 4990. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 912 North Third Street. City. HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for turnlturo. freight and piano mov ing. No distance 100 far. Careful driver. Rani ana Uastproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. lrvin Aungst Manage. Hershev Pa. Beii phone 15R-6. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING Prompt service. A. A- B. Motor Express, 917 Capital street. ! Bell phone J635.1. WHERE TO DINE ALVA HO lEL AND RESTAURANT "HE HOME OF SATISFACTION. STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home cooking served to Businessmen anj Ladies 'n senarate dlr/ingroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, nonse- j hold goods. mercnandise. Private | rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- j ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. i Both phones. i STORAGE ln brick building, rear 408 Market Household goods iu clean. I priv ite rooms. Reasonable rates. P G Diener, 408 Market street STORAGE Private rooms fori household goods in fireproof ware- I house, $3 per month anVl up. Lower . storage rates in non-fireproof ware- I house, llarrisburg Storage Co./ 437- I •14 5 South Second street. UNDERTAKERS — \ SAMUEL S. FACKLER. ' FUN Klt Al. DIR ECTO R. 1312 Derry St BELI. 1956. DIAL 2133. j RUDOLPH K. SPICER. Funeral Director and Kmbalmer. 511 North Second Street. BEI.I 252. PIAT. 2145 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY j Beautifully situated on Market street 1 east of Twenty-sixth, and on the ; nortd and east faces the new park- i way. The prices of lots are moderate, j Miller Bros. A- Co.. Agents. Cleaners ami Dyers IT PAYS to nave Clothes Cleaned, i Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best j Place in town. Call and deliver 1 Goodman's. 131'6 Vi North Sixth. Both , Phones. AUTOMOBILES WANTED Five-passenger Tour- \ ing car, any make, in exchange for ' real estate. Must be in good condi- i tion. Address Box G, 7217, care of j Telegraph. — 1 MAXWELL, 1916, In first-class con dition throughout, light economical i car. Owner wants larger machine, | demonstration at Hoffman's Garage, > Seneca and Camp streets. Cheap to immediate buyer. ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour- j ing Car, in good condition, lias been ' used about three months, to be sold 1 on account of death. Inquire at Gard ner & Bupllsti, Third and Chestnut i streets. ; FOR SALE Keo Touring car. Looks und runs like new. Bargain to quick buyer. Buick Roadster. Al shape. Bargain for some one. A. \ Sehlffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron, j SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas- ' ure cars for sale. Ford tou trucks, j Auto-Cur 2-ton trucks and one 7- pnssenger Haynes T.-urlng Car. All cheap to quick buyers. International Harvester Co. Truck Department. No y \ n street. ' FOR SALE Ford truck, pannel body; two-horse wagon, good as new. Both equipped for baker. F. J. Nov lnger. Mlllersburg. Pa. BUICK ROADSTER Runs floe; electric lights; new top; $350.00 Hoist. T.lngieslown. Pa. E'OR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car. in Al condition. All good tire* with new spare. A private car. Will demonstrate. Call 4912 Bell. FOR SALE 1916 Metz Touring one 1916 Maxwell Touring, two 1918 Maxwell Touring Curs. Apply Horat, Llnglestow n. Pa. SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by expert. Road Jobs a i specially. Charge reasonable. Both 1 Phones. Sunshine Garuge, 27 North ; Cameron street. FOR SALE—6-ton Standard truck.! Price reasonable. Mechanical work in | Al condition. Guaranteed 30 days.' Sunshine Garage. 27-29 North Cam- j eron street. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell Touring ! Car. 1915 Reo Roadster. Apply Har-i risburg Auto & Tire Repair Co., 131 South Third street. FOR SALE — 1917-1914 Ford Tour ings. $425.00. $325.00, to settle estates. Address Box H. 6561, care of Tele graphy ONE NEW CONESTOOA TRUCK Covered body. 1,000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. 1917 FORD TOURING, fine order. sae worth extras. Price, $475.00 cash. Must be sold account sickness. Also Maxwell 1918 Touring. $750.00 caah. Hut 1.000 miles. O. K. Can be seen "at Ilorst's, Llnglestown. Pa. WM. PENN GARAGE XO4-6 Muench street Limousines for funeral, parti" and balls! careful drivers: open day and .light Bell 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All eort of,auto tou and cushion work ! rtnnt by experts Also repair* work. Reasonable! ra tea 72-78 South Cam eron street 1 CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER\ — Beaver'a Oarage. <32 North street/ • YY ANT ELT— All kinds of used aa IV Hithy highest cash price* fja. wift i| K-ierbrfW- iilj Ui'tV Dial 4990. C| M(ml FOR South_Foi4^B 1918 lde oar anil 1H 1225 00. Hprst. LiTtglestoffßßH INDIAN MOTOItCYcH -Bargain at $5.00. l|H tuwn. Fa. . j^B BICYCL3~KEPIS BY AN EXPj^B all work qqa| DORY BIIAfH WITH ■ ANDREA KKlfl Garages, Acecssorft^H Bosch high tension, Splitdorf. Mea. Kemyß makes of colls. Srhift'man. 22-24-26 street. Bell 3633. AUTO KALRaT'TRsM paired by specialists.^® lamps, etc. Best risburg Auto RtuMul^B North Tliird street I wklding,.^Cuto PARTS H Frames straightened i Heavy Cast Iron Our Cxpert Welders. Work I CAPITAL CITY WELIIIfI 1538 Logan St. | BELL 4396 J. ■ i —m PUBLIC SALE ■ : S . PUBLIC SALE oTlFactoioß : ing 43 ft. by 80 ft., brick, onlH j and basement, recently built, *IH ; held at Marysvllle, .lanuury all P. M. Formerly used ui ftoMI u LEGAL NOTICES H IIARRISBIT. ) NATIONAL OANIM Harosbnrjft Pa. i The Annual Meeting of the , holders of the Harrnburg N'aßfl | Bank for the electiore<bf I the year 1!> 1 . and any otl er I will be held in their Banking ; No. 12 South Second Street | January 14, 1313, between the I of 10 and 12 A. M. W. ] PROPOSALS FOR OF BRIDGIH 1 OFFICE OF BOArtD SIoNEKo OP' t'OduH AND BUILDINGS. BUILDING, llAltltlSi-H SEALED ! eelved by the lie Grounds and lice, in the Capitol Btuluing, burg. Pa;, until two (2) ' .lanuury 14, 1313, for furnislu^B lunur and innleriuls for the ! tion of a three span reinforced H I irete arch bridge over the I Creek, on the edge of Tiontsta B uugh. Tlonesta Township, j County. Pennsylvania, us l'ulty in the plans and prepared by John Farris, of IMB ; burgh, Pennsylvania, gineer for the Board of of Public Grounds and the Commonwealth iB Pennsylj^B Plans, specifications and blanks will be furnished | bidders by upplying to the ! tenuent of Public Grounds and i ings, Capitol Building, i Pennsylvania. Proposals must be marked POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION ■ TIONKSTA CREEK BRIDGE'' onfl ' side cover. GEORGE A. RIIREINEM Super in L W. MITCHELL v Secretary. Bk j PROPOSALSFOR OF DWELLING , OFFICE OF BOARD OF CH SIONERS OF PUBLIC AND BUILDINGS, STATE BUILDING, i SEALED "KOPOSALS wiß j ccived by the Superintenden^H lie Giounds and Buildings ! lice In the Cupitol burg, Pa., until two (2) Januury 14, 1913, for { labor and materials for I structlon of a dwelling ! Department of Fisheries l City, Erie County, ! Indicated fully in the plans j lieations prepared b.v DFYeo. intendent of Public I Buildings. llarrisburg, | lor the Board of j Public Grounds and Buildings , Commonwealth of I Plans, spccillcntlons and i blanks will be furnished l bidders ny applying to the I tendent of Public Grounds iukH ; ings, Capitol Building, Penm vB Proposals must be marked I POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION I dwelling house, union ' PENNSYLVANIA, on outside GEORGE A. SHREINER, Superlntcndel^B L W. MITCHELL. Socretury. PROPOSALS FOR CONST RUCTIW OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF OF COMMISSIONERS OF PUBIW GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS STATE CAPITOL BUILD IN(1 lIA-RKISBURU, I'A. Scaled proposals will be by the Superintendent of Grounds and at his the Capitol Building, llarrisburg, until two (2) o'clock P. M. 14th, 1919, for furnishing all and materials for the of a two-span reinforced arch bridge over Penns Creek, Monroe Mills, Snyder County, Penn : sylvunia, as Indicated fully in tho 1 plans and specifications prepared by O. A. Flink, of llarrisburg, Pennayl* i vania. Consulting Engineer for the I Board of Commissioners of Puhllo | Grounds and Buildings of the Coats I monwealth of Pennsylvania. ' Plans, specifications and bidding ! blanks will be furnished prospective ] bidders by applying to the SuperinJ tendent of Public Grounds and Butlß j Ings, Capitol Building, IlarrlsbftiM I Pennsylvania. 'Jfl Proposals must be marked "PflH POSAL FOR CONSTRUCTION S PENNS CREEIC BRIDGE" on ouuß cover. ; B GEORGE A. SHRETNER, | L W. MITCHELL. *l^B Secretary. |B PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUfIfI OF BRIDGE OFFICE OF OF COMMISSIONERS OF GROUNDS AND STATE CAPITOL OUIH lIAKRISBURG, PA. Sealed proposals will be by the Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings at his the Capitol Building. until two (2) o'clock P. 14th, 1919, for and materials for the 1 piers and repairs to i bridge over the North Susquehanna River, at Wyoming County, indicated fully in the plans til-at ions prepared by WllllaiM son, ot Wlikesbarre, Consulting Engineer for Commissioners of Public Buildings of the Pennsylvania Plane , perinea blanks .will be bidden by