Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 28, 1918, Page 9, Image 9
v Princess Patricia to Wed a Sailor London, Dec. 28. The Court Cir cular to-night makes the following statement: "The King has gladly consented to the betrothal of Princess Patricia of Cannouglit to Commander Alexander Ramsay, heir to the Karl of Dul housle. Princfess Patricia of Connnught Is a daughter of the Duke of Connaught, former Governor General of Canada, and a cousin of King George. She is In her early thirties and long has been a favorite in court circles in England and Canada. Known as Princess "Pat," she has been regard ed as the most popular of the young " <T PY NEW gl TART the New Year right. Resolve now J year of comfort and enjoyment. A used car bought from us will help you fulfil that resolution. Selact your car AT ONCE and welcome the New Year in a modern, but economical way. 1000 Uted Cart to Select From. Time Payment* Arranged. 11C tpPSOV Touring; practically 1917 Ari'EßfiON Chunftny Roadster, new run only 2200 miles. A bargain. 7>pass.: very powerful; splendid 1918 IIAYXEB Sedan; excellent con- hill climber. ditlon; equal to new. Handsome 1918-17-18 OVEBI.AND Touring cars I body. A aniip. and Roadsters, 4- and 6-cyl. mod -1918 PACKARD Touring. 3-28: tip- els. As low as 1350 top condition; cord tlrea; slip cov- 1017 WHITE 4-45 Touring; equal to I I ere, bumper, spot-light. new: mechanically perfect. Bargain. 1818 HITCH .SIX Touring; practically 1017 CIIAI.MERH Sedan; very rood new; excellent condition; shows no shnpe: small tlret. At a sacrifice, wear At n sacrifice. 1917 bTUTZ Roadster; A-1 condition; 1(18 OI.DSMORILK 8 Touring. 7- cord tires; tip-top jhape; wire •> pass,; run 1800 miles. Equal to wheels. brand-new. 1918 MI.'RRAT 8 Touring; divided I 1918 CHALMERS 0 Touring; mechan- front seata, 7-pass.; very claesy. A Ically tip-top; new tires. Used bargain. very little. 1918-11-10 CHEVROLET Touring cars 1918 STEARVS-KNIGHT Limousins; and Hundatcra, 4- and 8-cyl. mod excellent condition; handsome body. els; large selection at low prices. ' 1018 FRANKLIN Touring; A-1 con- 1917 PAIGE Sedan; excellent condl dltlon; used very little. Lot of lion; new tires; real classy, hand- ; extras. some car. 1917 SCRIPPg - BOOTH Roadster; 1918-17-18 MAXWELLS, Roadetere, wire wheels; 1 extra wheel. Touring cars and Sedans; all mod -1917 WINTON SIX Touring; excel- ele. An low as 1189 lent condition; ahowe no wear. A 1017 OVERLAND 6 Touring; very snap. economical; email tires. A bargain. GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 NORTH BROAD ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. I SEND FOR FREE BARGAIN BULLETIN iOne Sure Way to Save Money! Buy Guaranteed Used Auto Parts We carry a complete stock of Parts for every make of'car. GEARS AXLES BATTERIES SPRINGS BEARINGS MAGNETOS CARBURETORS CRANKSHAFTS We also carry a complete line of Standard Roller and Ball Bearings and quite an assortment of Cones and Races and practically everything pertaining to a car. We Also Handle Used Tires and Tubes USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Chelsea Auto Wrecking A. SCHIFFMAN, Prop. 22-21 N. CAMERON ST. BOTH PIIOXES CegnriUht rriiirmL 191* gaaggaLß* Ha,f S( l uare Fron * the Square BPNr Seven South River Avenue Below Are the Winners Of Our Slogan Contest Who Participate in the SIOO In Cash Prizes First Prize $50.00 JANE D. DIBLER, 021 Harris Second Prize •. $25.00 W. E. COWDEN Third Prize $15.00 R. M. NEI.MOND, I .awn, Pa. Fourth Prize SIO.OO I.EE GOLDSMITH, 215 Woodbine Street. The Winning Slogan "Half Square From the Square Seven South River Avenue" i N ♦ Winners will call at Service Station for checks, and wo wish to extend our hearty thanks to all those who have sent In suggestions during this contest. Every one was worthy of comment. We con- grattilute the winners und sincerely hope the above slogan will be the means of directing every auto owner to our Service Station and new parking location. Motor Supply Co. g 109 Market Street SATURDAY EVENINU, HAKRISBXIRO TELEGRAPH % DECEMBER 28, 1918. 1 er embers of British royalty. Alexander Robert Muule Ramsay is a commander In the royul navy. He was born In 1881, the son of the thir teenth Karl of Ualhousle. Command er Rrtnsay served with the British forces In the I Dardanelles In 1914, and for valiant work was awarded the Distinguished Service Order. REAL IIA 111) tl< tv Charles Marshal. Pultun street, near Rally, went to bed shivering one night and when lie wakened the next morning found a nice, warm automo bile robe wrapped about him. That's what he said to police when arrested, but now lie is under S.IOO ball, and this afternoon was called upon in po lice court to explain how the robe got wrapped around him, inasmuch as it is said to have been stolen from an automobile near his home. CASUALTY LIST HAS 920 NAMES / i iFour Pennsylvania Soldiers Fall in Action in War on Huns Washington, Dec. 28,—The list of casuals given out by the War Depart ment today totals only 920 names. But lour I'ennsylvanians were killed In action, oat of the ninety reported. The summary follows: Killed In action I 90 Died of wounds, 89 Died of accident and other causes . 30 Died of airplane accident, 3 Died of disease, 73 Wounded severely, 375 Wounded (degree undetermin ed) 43 Wounded slightly, ............. 37 Missing in action 176 Total 920 Pennsylvanians reported this after noon are: - KII.LEI) IN ACTION Privates Wllmer M. Landls, Quakertown. DIED FRJLM WOUNDS , Privates Clarence E. K. Stettler. R. F. D. 1. Macungie. Reed Barnttz, Philadelphia. Homer D. McFall, Tarentum. "Stanley Q. Mellott, Tannery. Richard 8. Taylor. Philadelphia. DIED FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Privates Harry Wood, Plttston. WOUNDED SEVERELY Privates George 11. Gebhart, Boston. Antoni Lasruzk, Glenlyon. Earl A. Moser, PottsvlUe. Michael Riley, Pittsburgh. John A. Thomas, Heldlorsberg. Edward 8. Miller, Brockwayville. Lafayette A. O'Conner, Philadelphia. John Petrllyak, Plymouth. Isidore Wiener, Newvllle. Joseph C. Wiles, R. F. D. 1, Boyers. George Williams, West Hazleton. John Robert Betton, Dubois. Le Roy Brooks, West Chester. Samuel P. Brown, Philadelphia. I-oulH Cacla, Reading. Robert W. Carlln, West Philadel phia. Joseph Dlnkowltz, Philadelphia. Joseph C. Evans, Philadelphia. William Fleming, Jr., Philadelphia. France E. Forry, Richfield. Wilbert J. Haggerty, Slgel. Christopher C. R. Johnson, Harveys. William H. Jones, Bath. John A. Klelnman, York. Henry J. Kubler, R. F. D. 1, Broad way. John D. Lockhart, R. F. D 2., Smlcks burg. WOUNDED (DEGREE VNDEnTER MINRD) a Prlvntes Domenieo Bambino, Dunmore. Wilbert C. Boddy, York. Louis Britton, Philadelphia. Ltfgi Fubiani, Philadelphia. Henry W. Grryblll, Paxtonvllle. John W. Mackowski, Erie. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Privates Morris Grollman, Philadelphia. MISSING IN ACTION Privates Karl A. Muschette, Philadelphia. John C. Hodes, Harrlsburg. Leonard W. Rought, R.' F. D. 1, Lnceyville. Earl Stewart, Blairsvllle. Ralph N. B.raub, Watsontown. Boy T. Swartzlandor, New Kensing ton. Chancey E. Williams, Alford. William Baltodozzia, Scranton. Harry R. Oruver, Cementon. Alvtn Kane, Sharpsburg. Pennsylvanians reported this morn ing are: KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant Royal P. Steinbacher, Williamsport. Corporal Myrl G. Snyder, Scottdale. Private Charles Bobwicz, Nnntlcoke. DIED FIIOM WOUNDS Corporal Lawrence E. Stark, Bunola. DIED OF DISEASE Sergeant Hugh D. Mac Donald, Bustleton. Corporal Henry John O'Brien, Bradford. Prlvntes James A. Johnson, Pittsburgh. Jacob F. Mertz, Eplirata. WOUNDED SEVERELY Sergeants Robert Hlllas, Philadelphia, llussel l.eroy Matehett. Harrlsburg. Corporals John C. Dickey, Avonmore. Joseph J. Gallagher. Plymouth. Charles I>eroy George. Whltesburg. Thomas F. Kelly, Philadelphia. Alfred Allen Pace, Bradford. Thomas A. Rlefcr, Houtzdale. Edwin Hubert Warnock, New Castle. Privates John Tomaszewskl, Pittsburgh. Pat Diamond, Expedlt. Hugh J. Dougherty, Philadelphia) Thomas Holland, Monfingahela. Frank Mack, Beaver Falls. George A. Pell, Lykens. Howard Shollenberger, Philadelphia. Harvey W. BUtner, Myersdale. Herbert E. Braoy, Philadelphia. Donton Canonge. R. F. D. McDonald. Nlkodem Dembek, Natrona. Moses Johnson, Chester. John J. Leonard, Parsons. Vane H. Lowmaster, R. F. D. 1, Rossiter. WOUNDED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Private Walter T. Bruner, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Corporals Frank I.ee Hart. It. F. D. 1. Carlisle. Owen Edward MoOarvey, Stdughton. MISSING IN ACTION Lieutenant Norton Downs, Three Tuns. (yorpornls George A. Pettit, Williamsport. Charles E. Both, Verona. Prlvnte Charles Pagnotto, Renovo. Registration For City's Free Commercial Course to Open Thursday Night Registration for the free evening commercial school to be opened by the city school board In the Cen trul High building will take place next Thursday and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock. Professor J. H. Blckley, supervisor of special ac tivities. announced to-day. No person under fifteen years of age will bo admitted, and each ap plicant will be given Individual con sideration to determine hts or her ability to take the course, Professor Blckley said. Residents of the city will be required to pay a nominal registration fee to Induce regular at tendance and as a security for books loaned by the school district. The deposit will bs returned at the end of the y?ar If the student has at tended three-fourths of the sessions. A tuition and registration fee slight ly larger than tne one for residents of the city will be required from non resident applicants. Classes wilt be held each Monday. Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7.30 to 9.30 o'clock and Instruction will be given In business, English, shorthand, typewriting, commercial arithmetic and bookkeeping. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Now Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 28. — Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hollar, of 210 ' WAR WEEKLY Cat ut and Moll to Your Soldier WAR WEEKLY HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH VoL 1, No. 18. HAHHI3DUHG, PA.. DEC. 21-27. Our Yank Edition. I 1 1 " "I If France Had. a P. T. Barnum She Could Soon Pay Her War Debt Offjhe American Tourists t——------———— • £ra'tl'a BEST TELEGRAPH WAR CARTOON OF WEEK NEWS OF WEEK BOILED DOWN FOR OUR BUSY SOLDIERS Saturday, December 21 Night classes are to be opened in commercial courses at Central High School for benefit of young men und women compelled to stop school be fore graduation. Free life Insurance is given em ployes of Lalance-Gi osjean Manufac turing Company. Technical High School boys votes Harrlsburg Telegraph best newspaper in city. Two men arrested for robbing till in Market street restaurant. Ambrose W. Nunenitteher, veteran i Harrlsburg druggist, who operated store at Third und North streets, dies. Application of W. L. torney for permit to operate Jitney between Har rlsburg and Chuinberaburg brings many protests before Public Service Commission. Frunels B. Dwyer arrives home from France where he served as M. C. A. secretary. Woman applies for divorce saying Bhe hud to Jump frofn a window into snow drift to save life. Lodge No. 694, B. of R. T„ votes to move from Mnrysville to Enola. Thomas Winters, Duncannon, de- j ranged by news of the death of his only son in France. Jumps from win. dow of express and is badly hurt. School board bund Issue brings a big premium. Son is born to Mrs. David M. Rupp, Mechnnicsburg, widow of late Lieu tenant Hupp, killed In action. Hotel reservations taxed to utmost to provide quarters for thousands coming here next month for Gover nor Sprout's Inauguration. Mrs. Richard Ueciitel, widow of Sergeant Bechtel, Company IJ, 109 th Machine Gun Battalion, received let ter from France with bullet hole through It, tlie letter beiitg torn when the soldier was killed in uction. Monday, December 23 Christmas greetings from boys of the 28th Division are received from France. Complaint against the six-cent f&res of tlie Harrlsburg Railways Company took a queer qulst to-duy when it is charged conductois "knock down" too many fares.' Pennsylvania roiling stock said to be In bad shape because virtually no new cars have been purchased since 1917". , m . Lonely widower asks Telegraph to find him a bride and three applicants Immediately put In bids for matri mony. . , . Red Cross makes appeal for nurses to handle intluenza cases which again are growing ulinost to epidemic sixe. Mrs. Hurley Fisher, of Granville, Mifflin county, mother of fifteen chil dren adopts another. Frank Petre, Carlisle, 'eported to have been hit in eighteen places by shrapnel splinters. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Stoner, near Gettysburg, died within twenty.four hours of Influenza. All household effects of William Kennedy's family ure lost in lire which destroys home when stove used to bake Christmas cakes - be comes overheated. Captain James McIC. Ueiley arrives home sorlously wounded. Last two of Violet Oakley's beauti ful mural decorations for Senute chamber arrive here. Lower Paxton township residents petition for better highways. Congressional committee approves plan to survey Susquehanna river with idea of making it navigable. ldenity of man who held up con ductor of West Shore trolley car and stole 81UU still a mystery. Tuesday, December 24 Body of Mrs. Ida Weaver, missing from home four weeks, found in river. She is believed to have drowned herself day after husband's funeral. Colonel Lewis E. Beitler, named chief of staff for Governor Bproul's inaugural, names F. 11. Hoy, Jr., as chief of aids. War Department order declares men of 28th division will be mustered out into civilian life add not back Into National. Guard, thus disrupting the famous division which entered the war us Pennsylvania troops. Because bids for collecting ashes fti 1919 is considered too high, the city may attempt the work along the same plan as It Keeps the streets clean. When Your Haulage Problems Worry You A Motor Trucks w Mean Service and Economy CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. lIIMTMB Bell ItrrlM IMtltri 103 MifrlKct St. 3405. 30 If. Camiwa St. Geary avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Nan Pearl Byors Hol lar. Mrs. Hollar was formerly Miss Pearl Nan Byers. Protest against the fare zones on residents' iS " lullo lI A Lueknow The Chambersburg auto bus run dpwn and kills Miss Anna M. Slpes, Kenneth Lillpy, MurjsVille school ,', atlly wounded while playing with dynamite cap in high school. 81st n year" Pott '* er - Halifax, dies in mai ?y Harrlsburg soldiers are appearing in tlie heavy casually A 5 ow *4B published. Outbreak of typhoid fever in Hunt pmluted "wate ved b caused by rival home as unit Th l i?d' k ,„!Vf ht ; inch water '""in at ihifd and WaJnut streets delays traf- Wednesday, December 25 Christinas is quietly celebrated In churches >vlth prayers of thanks for victorious ending of the great war ! Kr o°f r £££?%& home from B the**front?" wounil ' d • "Chiefy" Gilner, long familiur iiir "'. e "t Uapitol where ho believed hlm ,, important person" Jinn Gilner was taken 111 shortly I, Christinas when presented with his annual suit by Capitol attaches Thursday, December 26 Jitney drivers compelled to with draw because of Public Service Com "J i° n H ord ? r withrduw money from city indemnity fund. Coroner Eckinger agrees to submit fnS- ""tin 0 " to county courts for rul ing when county commissioners for second time cut down his bills I'ood Administration agrees to work at least six months lunger in interests of conservation. res Liberty Loan organization, which four times has pushed Harrlsburg over the top, is asked to back the coming Victory Loan " Musical Arts Society announces an nuul rendition of tlie "Messiah" will be fng k Grace Church Monday even- Trolley service Is held up because too many employes are made sick by big Christmas dinners. Victor Grove resigns as chief of Steelton police when Council refuses to add to police force. n>Y'i D ' "Kaln heads West End Republican Club. Many changes In state compensa tion laws are suggested. Friday, December 27 Harry J. Finley, of the Twenty eighth, arrives home with mangled right arm. ' Coal goes a begging for first time in more than a year because wurm weather permits dealers to stock up Names of every soldier who took part In the great war are sought for permanent history to bo written for the slate. Clergymen again are to be given railway tickets at half price under ruling of Federal Administration Mayor Keister will preside at an nual memorial services to bo held Sunday for city firemen. Klwanls Club Joins movement to provide all wounded soldiers with Jobs as good as they gave up to enter the Army. Five employes of the Pennsylvania Railroad are dismissed for infraction of the rules. Announcement officially made bv Pennsylvania Railroad that no man of the 25,000 who left the Corporation to carry the nation's arms Is to lose his place. Jobs as good or better than the ones given up sre to be provided every man who returns. Approximately 15,000 Harrlsburg men, women and children enrolled In P.ed Cross In membership drive Just closed. Prominent women of city nnd coun ty recommended to Governor for ap pointment ns trustees for mothers' pension fund. Ralph 8. Olipplnger and Blanche E. Clippinger, brother and sister, died. In Carlisle home of influenza within few hours of each. AIRPLANE LANDS IN WALNUT TREE Machine Carrying Mail From New York to Bellefontc Is Wrecked Llterpool, Pa., Dec. 28.—0n Thurs day afternoon at 6 o'clock a large airplane landed on the Davis farm near Sellnsgrove. The plane was carrying mall from Lpng Island to Bellefonte. The avlntor said his ma chine did not work right when he nrted, but he thought It might do uetter after It had run awhile. Near Sellnsgrove the engine became worse and the aviator tried to land In a wheatfleld, but as the guiding ap paratus did not respond to tho ac tion of the levers he was unable to control the machine and It landed on a large walnut tree. The tree was eighteen Inches In diameter and whs torn out of the ground by the force of the machine. The plane Is ninety-feet long and equipped with a Duplex engine. It carried 150 gallons of gasoline, which all leaked away after the tank had been punctured by a limb of the tree. The machine was damaged beyond re pair. It had about a one-horse load of mail which was taken to the Sellns grove postofllce. The aviator was not injured more than a small cut on and a stiff Jaw. Soldier Charged With Passing Bad Check' A soldier who calls himself H. L. Stewart, of California, wearing three wound stripes and two overseaes stripes, was arrested at the Pennsyl vania station yesterday after pass- I ing a worthless check for $55 nt a | local clothing store, and receiving in return a 025 overcoat and $lO change. His story of lighting overseas sound ed so genuine that the store manager cashed his check, but the subsequent suspicious actions of the soldier aroused the businessman to action, end Stewart wus arrested. He con fessed then that the check was bogus. CHI'RCII ELECTIONS Newport, Pa..' Dec. 28.—Elections will take place In both the Reformed Church of the Incarnation and the Lutheran Church on Sunday. The Reformed Church recently nominated candidates for the several positions to be filled and on Sunday morning will elect two elder;; and two deacons, who will be Installed on Monday evening. The nominees are: Elders —J. Flcltes, Clarence Kllnepeter, C. K. Miller and P. A. Nlckcy: deacons—Jesse Thomas, James Wilt, William J. Morrow, Sam uel P. Smith, George 1. I.eedy and George W. Myers. The Lutheran Church will elect its oflicers at the Sunday morning : meeting und install them In the even- ; Ing. NEWPORT BOY WOUNDED Newport, Pu., Dec. 28.—Notice 'has ' been received here of tho severe j .wounding In France during the lute | days of the wur of Private Raymond ij D. Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J ; Fisher, of East Newport. He was', serving with the One Hundred and i Tenth Infantry. Private Fisher en tered the service last year by enlist ing with the Third Regiment of tho old Pennsylvania National Guard dur ing the summer of 1917. COX-CRAWFORD WEDDING Liverpool, Dec. 28. —Paul Cox and Mrs. Lizzie Crawford, of Turkey Val ley, were married Thursday night at the home of his son, Henry Cox, by the Rev. <l. C. Cramer, pastor of the United Evangelical Church. Suburban Notes LIVERPOOL Mrs. Jean Coulter, R. N., has gone to New Buffalo to help nurse patients who are 111 with Influenza. Mrs. J. L. Erlenmeyer and son, Luther Erlenmeyer and family and Luther Knlsley spent Thursday with relatives at Harrlsburg. Mrs. H. M. Gelger, of Northumber land, visited here this week with her father, J. D. Shive. Miss Alma Lutz, who is employed at Harrlsburg, Is'vlsitlng her mother, Mrs. Annie Lutz. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Pllley havo closed their summer home here and have gone to Philadelphia for tho winter. Leon Lutz, of Harrlsburg, spent Thursday hero with his family, who are visiting at John W. Lutz's. Miss Maa-y Morris, R. N., of Johns Hopkins' Hospital, Baltimore, is vis iting her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. Q. Morris. TIM t **OM ftfcff—l mnltm #h*ml*in*l<mli4 * Utmml mttrf IVnwihtW •~r4v~~jrj tl ~ Uflfhl Uttirirtml „ -Jflr." I MUkt ft lr m). I ►1 100 P KN 50 ML 1050 Lansing Mich Deo 20 1918 / N Harrisburg Auto Co Harrisburg Pa Present price on all passenger models guar anteed until June. V/ ire specificationfr for flrany . shipments. Good produotlon anticipated on all models. Freight equipment fairly plentiful Reo Motor Car Co. Tlie Above Telegram Explains Itself Present prices guaranteed until June. That means that there will be no increase or decrease. And it looks as though it might be an increase after June. So it's up to you to get your Reo now while the getting's good. You are already acquainted with the fact that a Reo is about the best little old bus on the market, so why wait ? Get in touch with us at once. HARRISBURG AUTO CO. FOURTH AND KELKER STS. BOTH PHONES Consider a Bethlehem from the Pocket-Book Point of View Price is no consideration in a motor truck unless its delivery service is alert, dependable and economical, and adequate to cover all of your hauling needs. Bethlehem Motor Truifcks have con quered every war test they have been put to. The Gray & Davis Electric Starting I and Lighting System, which is part of every Bethlehem, together with perfect 1 balance of truck construction, means quicker getaway and quicker delivery. j Under the heading of economy, Bethlehem Trucks stand out with especial significance, low upkeep, maximum mile 3 per gallon plus ton miles per gallon. On the basis of hauling needs—Bethlehem Internal Gear Drive Motor Trucks have over shadowed past and present performances of trucks built under "average practice" specifi l cationa. v / Ton Chassis Ton Chassis Ton Chassis $1965 $2365 $3465 F. O. B. Allentown The Overland-Harrisburg Co. 212-214 N. Second Street NEW DAY CLASSES IN Automobile Mechanics A Thorough COUTH, tn Automobile Mechanics. Lecture, on tho Mechanical Theorv of Parts r,f the Automobile; Essentials of , Electricity Wiring of Ignition, Starting and lighting Systems, the * Dismantling and Reassembling Parts of ihe Chassis and Engine, Actual Repair Work on Complete Cars, Shooting Trouble. Ad vantageous to those owning or contemplating the buying of tractors or automobiles. Learn to make your own repairs. Two months course, 6 days a week—9 to 3. Opens January 2nd, 1919. _ Practical Electricity The most comprehensive electrical knowledge possible In one year may be obtained through this course, as the entire work of * the course Is concentrated upon the study of theoretical and practl- • cal electricity. The system of Instruction is In the highest degree practical. The student Is offered practlee In the laWatorles, the electrical shops and the Institute's lighting nnd power plant. Nine months course, Ave days per week—9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Opens January 2nd. 1919. Knr further Information write to % SPRING GARDEN INSTITUTE Broad and Spring Garden Sts. Philadelphia, Pa. 9