Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 28, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
ENTRUST A THRIFT ERRAND TO A CLASSIFIED AD ON THIS PAGE Deaths ' i>\\l* —On December 26, 1918, John W. Davis, aged 67 years. Funeral services Sunday evenluK ; o'clock at the residence of his ilaughter, Mrs. George M. HocKer, 2222 Pcnn street. Further services and interment I'ittston. Pa. j TjHKENAUAUM George Or e en ia baum died December 2t>, 191®. ageu HoiiVVaii be viewed on Monday j evening from 6 dnt.il 9 o clock at i l'unerai parlors of C. H. Mauk, X74t North Sixth. Interment ut staner, | i J a., on Tuesday A. M. SMITH Grace Alberta Smith, wife : of AVilliam A. Smith, passed away Thursday. December 26, lJls. at J'. M„ at the Keystone Hospital.. Funeral services will be held lue <iay, December 31 v 15)18, at - 1 M * *• l'roin the liome of her sister, Mrs. | Charles C. Hoffman, 2131 N( > rtl A !se I ( T I ond street. Interment private, at Überlin Cemetery. i CARD OF THANKS ciHS JOHN' 12. IXEI.DEIt AND , BROTHERS Wish to t J. IR R} c iVnd f, lends and neighbors foi the kind ness shown litem during the \ and death of their mother. Mrs. Sarah ( F Smiley. Also tlie members anu friends of the First United Church, of Enolfi. for the beautiful flowers. ! DOST AND FOUN'U F i AST Sealskin cap, Philadelphia i make on Pine street. Steelton. Return | "V the Rev. William Hellman. 199 North Second. Steel ton. i DOST Collie dog. Answers to name of Mikcy. White collar with sable spot on left Hhoulder. body sable. Liberal rewardl it retu* ed to 1709 Apricot street. Dial J9- FOUND Black leather PJJ r8 2tJ?*j tween Harris and 1. G 'truh Office ' street. Inquire at lelegrapuh Oince. , I OST Two Cameo Brooches, be tween P. R. K. Station and Harris, on Monday night. hinder, kindly call 1257 lieil phune. is()ST A brindle bull doj?. Answers to name of Trixle." , Finder; please , return same to 1199 State sti . / INSTRUCTIONS j swraunmsni ADD YEAR. Enter any time. 134511 I 691R, Dial 4016. . KGK I II 121,1* WANTED —MAI.E WANTED —An experienced bread salesman for established route. f. p'v Standard Baking Company. 19lh , and Market streets. CDERKS AND BOOKKEEPERS— Desiring to qualify for accounting positions paying $150.09 per; , more, address, in conlidonce to Box 1) 7205. care of Telegraph, giving age education and nearest phone number. Previous experience not essential. GOVERNMENT RAILWAY MAID CLERK and other "exams coming everywhere soon. Det our Civil Ser vice ' Expert, former Government Ex aminer, prepare you. Write TO-E>AV A for free booklet, M-474, I atterson Civil Service School, Rochester. N. \. YOUNG MEN l6 and over aro v eligible for Government Railway Mail clerks $92 month. Examinations _ soon. For free particulars, write It. /*" A . Terry (former Civil Service Ex aminer), 467 Columbian Building. Washington. WANTED Local Salesmen to rep resent us in your locality. Big de nuind. Liberal commissions. Hustlers can make war wages in peace times. Write us. Charlton Nursery Com pany. Rochester. N. Y. SEVERAL SALESMEN s for door-to-door proposition. Newspaper experience desir able. Address M.. 6541. Care of Telegraph. v WANTED Five good Linotype Opeiators. Good working conditions. Apply to f HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. I WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALESMA N TO SELL • FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. M \C'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. f -\ . Possession April Ist Or Before ' 1(110 CHESTNUT STRUCT 9 rooms, bath, cemented cellar, ' gas, electricity, furnace beat. Price 93,090 13.53 VERNON STREET 3-story brick house, 9 rooms, y bath, cemented cellar, front und buck porches, gas, furnace heat. Price 94,000 030 N. EIGHTEENTH STREET 3-story brick house, S rooms, bath, cemented cellur, front and hack porches, steam heat, gas, >-*■ electricity: lot 18x199 ft. Price, R 94.3.50 1331 STATE STREET 2 Vi -story brick house, 9 rooms, hath, cemented cellar, front and Pack porches, steam heat, gas, electricity. Price 9.5,000 1010 MARKET STREET 3-story stucco house, 9 rooms, hath, pantry, gas. electricity, steam heut; lot 27x110 ft. A very modern improved home. Price . .. 97.000 xfiiker brothers oc to. (trail t£ttr I fiMurfliire Mirrly Hon<! l.ovuAf 11 ml Court Mrrctft Vomiifih Hhv . mil,- * SATURDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH . - DECEMBER 28, 1918. t HELP WANTED —MALE j PAINTERS Experienced on auto- I I mobiles—color man. varnish rubbers. J gear man and flrst-class stripper. 1 Steady jobs. State age, experience , and salary desired. F. J. Stocking & , Son, 926 N Street N. W., Washington, I D. C. j j WANTED A reliable man to book 1 i orders foi Fruit and Ornamental trees. ! ; roses, shrubs, etc. Permanent. Pay j : weekly. Fruit Growers' Nurseries, , I Newark, New York. 1 • j MEN Age 17 to 55. Experience! I unnecessary. Travel; make secret in vestigations; reports. Salaries; ex- j ! penscs. American Foreign Detective j ; Agency, 6u3, St. Louis. j I I WANTED Strong, active, .voting man. Good pay. Good i hours. Apply Superintendent 1 ! The Telegraph Printing Co.. , Flarrisburg, Pa. '!_ .1 1 ! ONE OR TWO SALESMEN WANTED I OF THE PRODUCING TYPE, TO J I SELL AUTOMOBILE TIRES BY I | THE LOCAL BRANCH OF ONE j I OF THE LEADING TIRE MANU- j • FACTUREHS WRITE I I 8.. 7209, j CARE OF TELEGRAPH. j ! WANTED Men wishing positions j Firemen. Brakomen, Electric Motor- | ; men. Colored Train Porters. Pennsyl- j i vaiiiu, Ohio and New York roaus. No j ; experience necessary. SIOO-sloO per | liiuntli. Quick promotion S2OU-$..00 i | per month positions. Name position 1 wanted, liiter Ruilway Dept. C 74), In- 1 | dianupolis, lnd. I j MEN WANTED—To load stone, 29; 1 cents per ton. Can earn $25 to $35 per , ) week. Apply l'axtang Quarries. Pax- j | tang. j WANTED A nrernan. Apply at; Palace Steam Daunory, 2193 Dugun I 1 street. j THOUSANDS U. S. Government j Peace positions open. Men. 16 or ever. ■ Women, 18 or over. Railway Mull . Clerks City Mail Carriers lost j Oflice Clerks Customs Clerks I Clerks at Washington. D. C. $1,090 to $1,500 year. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions i now obtainable, free. Write to-day. ; ! Franklin Institute, Dept. 399-K, Bo- j i Chester, N. Y. | WAITED—Two good, strong boys, j I to learn trade. Apply Superintend- j ; cut. Tlie Telegraph Printing Co., 1 | liarrisburg. PA PERU ANGERS All-year work. ! Highest wages. 11. A. Uodmer. Third, ! and Forstcr streets. j WANTED Young man iu a com- | I niereial business. Address 8., care of ! Telegraph. , IIKDI* WANTED—-FEMALE I I SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work und good pay. j BLOUGH MANUFACTURING 1 COMPANY, Rcily and Fuiton Streets. - ———— j WANTED Girls in our Printing Department. Expert- j eneed girls preferred, but ip>t required. Apply Mr. Beni heisel. General Printing De partment. The Telegraph j Printing Co.. liarrisburg. Pa. WANTED lntelligent, thorough- j ly competent young woman (employ- | ed a tew days eacli week)"will give ■ three hours uaily and nine hours over Saturday und Sunday in exchanger lor comfortable room and board; 1 Christian Science family preferred.! Address C 6914, euro Telegrapn. WANTED Woman to wash and | iron. Apply D)2l North Second j ; street, choue 2299. i j WANTED Experienced cook and , house maid in private tamily. Apply Box L 6913, liarrisburg. WANTED Girls over 16, to work , lin laundry. No Saturday afternoon ' work. Apply Royal Laundry. 1351 ! Howard. WANTED Girl for generul house ! work and cooking, .vo wusning nor : j ironing. Apply lt13 North Second. | EXPEDIENCE!) STENOGRAPHER j WANTED Stute length of expert - ence, at what of work, and sal ary expected. Address M., 7219. cure J of Telegraph. t ! WANTED Operators on power : sewing machine. Many!orders for our < goods guarantees steady work ut good 1 i wages, paying 49 per cent, bonus. | ! Those beginning now will participate! in our new profit-sharing plan. JENNINGS MFG. CO., 2912 North Fourth Street. WOMEN With relatives itt Army,! ; Navy or Air Service of tlie U. S. earn | $5.90 daily easily by writing me. Ad- 1 dress Bet-nice A. Prouty, itept. 177.) 2093 Harris Trust Bidg., Chicago, ill. CROCHETKRS WANTED Posi- i i tively no canvassing; slumped ud ! dressed envelope for particulars. Mrs.'! I Mcixel, 51? Lycoming street, Wil-1 liamsport. Pa. WANTED —A n experienced colored I . ; chambermaid. Apply at Plaza Hotel. , WANTED Pen and ink aifisl for ; commercial work. All or part time. I At home if preferred by anyone with: ' art institute training or speeiul talent. ! I For interview, submit specimen. Ad- 1 dress M., 6912, care of Telegraph. ; ] WANTED Experienced knitters | and girls to learn. Good pay and 1 steady work Hams Hosiery Co., Cal- ! ! der and Marion streets. i WANTED Girls between ages | lof 18 und 28. We are in need of a| I number of girls for bookkeeping, ac- | | collating and clerical work. Girls of ordinary intelligence we will train for , ! clerical work. Excellent opportunity, j Previous experience unnecessary. Am- 1 I bition and energy only qualifications ! ! required. Good pay while learning. | Apply I'. S. Employment Service. Tliiid! and North streets, Harrisburg. Indus- I | trial concern, Elliott-Fisher Company, 1 ■ Booth Cameron street, liarrisburg. 1 . | | WANTED Girl in a book and sta- | tlonery store. Apply W.. care of Tele- | ! graph. WANTED, — Girl for general house work- -one who is able to cook. Small j family. Good wages. Address Box !G. 6910. care of Telegraph. Bell j 1321 J. WANTED Woman for flat work - department. Apply Ellis Laundry I 8 Service. 1520 Fulton. I ' ] HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED—GirI for general house | work. Call Bell phone 1662 K. I WHITE CHAMBERMAID wanted, j Apply 311 Market street. WAITRESS WANTED Working j | clothes furnished. Good pay and | I three meals a day. No work Sun- , j day. 211 Walnut street. WANTED A good housekeeper; I I one between 35 and 50; do not ob- j I ject to one child; good wages and | good home to the. right party. Must j lie able to give good reference. W. E. I Van Sciver, Jlth Street Wharf, I ; Washington, O. c. I WANTED Experienced girls to I ! work in book bindery. Apply Mr. I ! Fisher, the Telegraph Printing Co.. ' j liarrisburg, Pa. j STENOGRAPHER WANTED For 1 I local office. Must have experience, j t None others need apply. Good wages ! to right party. Address Box H, 6568. i care of Telegraph. j j CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS ! Harrisburg. December 7. 12,000 ! j women clerks needed. Salary, $1,200. : Experience unnecessary. Women <se siring government positions write for 1 I free particulars. Raymond Terry j I (former Civil Service Examiner), 467 | Columbian Building, Washington. i WANTED —An experienced wait | ress, at onee. Apply Crystal Hestau ' rant. 418 Market. | YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To j i learn shoemakfng. Learners are well j I paid and earn good wages when pro- | | ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur- | I ing Co., 1492 Vernon street. IIEDP WANTED—MuIe ami Female! i ! SILK MILL . Experienced help wanted. Expert- ! ! enter weavers average $3.50 10 $6.50 I per day. other departments proper- 1 nonately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. j ! Come und earn 30 per cent, bonus [ over and above regular Wages. Apply j HARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets. SALESMEN WANTED j SIDE LINE SPECIALTY Average | commission 10 to 30 dollars. Pocket [ samples and sales-talk free. Respon- | sible house. Write to-day. Simplicity j Co., Des Moines, lowa. : SALESMEN—Big quick profits, new ! carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not | u moving part, installed in thirty j minutes, guaranteed to double your | mileage utid start in zero weather i i without heating or priming. 15-day | I FREE trial. Write, IT. &J. Car- I | buretor ('o., 505 W. Jackson Blvd., j I Chicago. SALESMEN—Extraordinary Oppor- | I tunity for liig money with snappy 1 ( line of advertising signs, calendars, ! and novelties. Absolutely new, dif- j ! ferent. Splendid opening. Big busi . ness. Act quick. The Scioto Sign Co., ! Kenton, Ohio. ! SIDE LINE. Top Notch Specialty. Responsible house. Pays Big COlll - missions promptly. 5V rite to-day. I Samples and sales talks free. No de- I lays. Erickson Compuny, Des Moines, I lowa. WANTED—One live hustling sales- \ ; man in each locality to handle our line of sules and order hooks.- Large | j demand. Liberal commission. The ; j Wirth Sales Book Co., Dept. 21, Chi cago. j j AGENTS WANTED ' AGENTS 20x24 gold framed pa- I ; triotic and peace pictures; 16c sell j 59c. Portraits, pillow tops, convex I work, frames. Catalog free. History •"f the World AVar, 609 pages. I'ro . spectus postpaid 25c. Tremendous j ' money makers. Peoples Portrait, Sta. ' D, Chicago. I $29.00 DAILY distributing Prize ; Peace Pictures, "Liberty and Peace," ; "True Sons of Freedom," "Human ! Liberty Bell," "Foch," "Pershing," | 1 "Honor Roll." Enormous demand. ; Samples Free. Also portrait catalog. | CONSOLIDATED PORTRAIT CO., 1034 | W. ADAMS ST., CHICAGO. ! AGENTS WONDERFUL OPPOit- j i TUNITY. New Winter uutomobile ! j fuel, anti-freeze, punctureproof, five- I I year guaranteed spark plugs, etc. I Outiit free. E Baliwey, 632 Sta. F„ j Louisville, Ky. I TAILORING AGENTS—Men's made- ! to-order-Suits. Snappiest. Best Ma- 1 I terials. Prices lower than others. I Hustlers earn liig money. Spring lino j ! sent free. Leeus t, ooien Mills, Chi ; cago. j j WORLD'S RECORD ON WAR 1 BOOKS. BIG SCOOP. Our Patriotic j I Red. White anil Blue Insert for Sol- I | dier's Photograph and Military Rec- ! 1 ord in front ot War Book endorsed ' I by General March sells it on sight. I iWe have exclusive right. Patriotic insert helped Ueitgey sell 45 "books! first 2(j hours. Insert boosts sales I and sciis best bindings. Best terms. Prompt shipment. Freight paid. Credit Given. Act Quick. Send 19c | for postage on magnificent free outfit. ' Baldwin Co., Cleveland. 0.. 314 Roeke- 1 ! teller Bidg. j SITUATIONS WANTED—MADE i WANTED Young man. aged 20. j j just out of foreign service, seeks po- ; sltiou where tiaru work and initiative would he appreciated. Address ix., I care of Telegraph. I WANTED Man Wishes position J as chauffeur in private family, or po ! sitlon 11s truck driver. Apply 1)30 Wulniit street. City. 1 AM 42 years young, married, and 1 want to associate myself with some' good .reliable manufacturing or bust- I ness concern In Harrisburg, where j ' hustle and reliability will lie appreci- I atcd. Would want an opportunity to ; acquire a small Interest if make good. | INo wildcat "schemes wanted. Would ' prefer a concern who needs reliable ! help, rather than money. AVhat have! ! you to offer? Answer J.. care of Tele graph. WANTED —Middle-aged man would I ! like night work, or clerkship or light ■ j firing. Cal). or address. B. F. B„ 216 I Mulberry street. PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAX Experienced office man and J j executive, offers his services. with some cash capital, to a I live manufacturing proposi tion or going business. Refer ences exchanged. Address 11., 7208. Care of Telegraph. ' WANTED A first-class electrician | and wireman, just mustered out of I service, wants a steady position. Can ! take charge of men and work. Wants ! to Tocate ill Harrisburg permanently. References furnished if desired. Aa | dress E„ "213. care of Telegraph. ! WANTED Bookkeeper desires to 1 locate with a progressive firm. Can I handle double-entry set of hooks, also I correspondence and general office de tails. Have had eight years' experi ence. Address 11.. 7214, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Widow, with nine month-obl child, desires to keep house • for small family or respectable widower. Address W., 7212, care I Telegraph. I WANTED Woman wi.-dies place as cook. Inquire ut 696 Forstcr street. T I! ~ i I j IF YOU WANT A DESIRABLE TENANT for that store, tell in the classified all about it. Indicate what • line of business should prosper in that location, and why. u good store should ever be vacant for a longer time than is necessary to AD\ l'.K TISE IT. 1 j - J .v ! SITUATIONS WANTED —Female ] I EXPERIENCED lady stenographer ! desires stenographic worn atternoons ! only. Address Box K 6903, eai'e Tele j graph. I WANTED Plain sewing to do at I liome. Children's sewing a specialty. | Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Dell j phone 1505 R. I " | SITUATIONS WANTED— -j Male and Female ! ,! | COLORED COUPLE would like po i sition in private tamily. Man as . butler; wile as cook. 1226 Cowden | street. ! ROOMS FOR RENT | UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING I | ROOMii Single or communicating; | j kitchenettes. Stoves- furnished free, i 'Strictly private. Laundry,■ phone and ] bathroom privileges. Inquire 429 | Broad street. j FOR * KENT Three unfurnished I rooms on second floor with use of | bath, for light housekeeping. Hill I section, near trolley, H7211, care of ! Telegraph. | TWO furnished rooms for light j i housekeeping, with all conveniences. , j Use of phone Apply 22 North Eigh teenth street. ! TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS | i Toilet and water, gas and heat, third ; i lloor, for light housekeeping. Apply ! 2127 North Fourth. NICELY FURNISHED front room ! for one or two men with clean work. | Walking distance from central part I of the city. Handy to good boarding I house. Apply 1171 Market street. FOR REN'i One large bedroom. ; for gentlemen only. Rent reason- ■ able. Apply 276 oilggs street. j I TWO FURNISHED rooms for light ! housekeeping, well heated, use of 1 ! bath and 801 l phone. Call at 923 J j North Second. i TWO UNFURNISHED and one fur- ! I nished rooms In best part of city; ' steam heat and all modern con- I voniences. Apply in person. 916) I North Sixteenth street. I FOR RENT Furnished rooms. [ $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, j | running hot and cold water; light j j housekeeping and private bath. Wil- ; 1 son Apartments. No. 143 South Third, j ROOMS WANTED i I WANTED—Two or three furnished > rooms, central location, for light ! housekeeping, by man and wife. No I children. Best reference furnished, j I Address W. R., care Telegraph. WANTED Two or three furnish- j j ed rooms, for light housekeeping by ] young married couple. No children. I Best references can be given. Ad j dress Box L 7204. care telegraph. APARTMENTS FOR KENT ! FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR j ( RENT For light housekeeping, all | modern conveniences, at llul North | j Sixth. Apply Louis, 414 North Third. : AI'AHTMFXTS WAXTED i : I WASTED A small apartment or I two or three unfurnished rooms for I light housekeeping. Address J 7206. j j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! FOR SALE OR RENT S-room ' house, in good location. Steam beat, immediate possession. Apply Samuel i Plough, 256 Crescent street. HOUSE FOR SALE At 2526 Deny i street. Communicate with Bell phone 2205. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE— On easy terms. Oet particulars at once, as the opportunity will not last long. Bell Realty Co., Bargucr Build ing. TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All ! improvements. In city; front porch; j buy window; nice yard to drive alley. SIOO down, balance as rent. Liberty | Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER, I 1722 Green Street. , Bell 560 J. $2,200 WILL PURCHASE a semi- I bungalow, with six rooms and bath' ;gaa light; hoi water heat. Ileil Realty Co.. Bergner Building. ! BUY YOUR HOME on our rental I payment plan. Small cash oi Lioerty i Bond arsi payment requueu. uumuce lus renL We have houses iu eiciy I part of the city ami suburus. Appiy ; A. p. Dorunz. 1220 Mil 111 sixth slicel. ; THAT most desirable vacant house. SOS North Seventeenth street; brick and stucco; most niuderuiy equipped : Inspect it at once. Bell Realty Co.. | Bergner Building FOR SALE—Six glial, u, let. uuu. e.. Good locution. ah,, . „p. , menu . ■-' " SmUii, cuaii paymeiti, ! balance <- i ; - o. c'uiey, iu. [ Kui.k.l Oinn.li.g Lei' phoue 589. ' HOMES !•.. G<tA< ... . A..ULIES 1 Three-fit- ca buu.-e, with all im proveii'VUUt L#oi, 14x100. Good ioca tion. Price. $2,300.00. Easy payments I LINCOLN REALTY CO.. : I Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. > , 1129 Seventh Street. 1 | $2,500 WILL PURCHASE a brick • i house with six rooms and bath, gas ■ land furnace. Bell Realty. Co.. Berg i iter building. ! REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR EX j CHANGE Farms, Suburbun and .'city property. 2-story bricks, all Im . I provements; pay us rent. 3-story s'brick, on Green street, steam heat. . I Several business' places, with store 'j looms. Several small houses paying 10 per cent, clear. Several 2 -story I bricks uptown und on Hill. Lbts for i sale, suburban and In city. C. H. . 1 Cordr. 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. j Real Estate for Sulc or KxiTiuiigc WANTED—TO KENT We are naviug a number of appU- ! cations at mis time lor furnisned ; houses, apartments and rooms. What do you have to oifert Address Mil- I ler Brothels u Company, Locust and I court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT | i FOR RENT Large, 3-story brick | buuuing, central lucauon, suitable toi : I garage. D. A. L'uley, 7u,' Kunkei | Bunuing. Bell 589. j (Ull RlxN'i —no. 2uuu ctale street Coiner bricit liuase witu an improve j iueuts, stole i ooui unu iu,ge garage. ' . uooa poolroom location, itei.i, ; | J. ro. uippie, 1251 Aiuraet street. i FOR REN'i—9lß North Sixteenth; 9- rouin lu, use, gas, electricity and steam heat. 1 o.j.,essio„ oanuary i | [Cull-Bed phono 2912. FOR RE-NT Two private garages, ! rta, too. ooAtUit, street. Kent, s„.uu tacu. J. E. Gippie, 12ui alaruel sii.eL Full KENT—6 rooms and bath. sl6 1 per month. 19 Vi and Greenwood ! streets. Fred Miner, cell pnuuo Bo,J. j . | REAL ESTATE—For Sulc or Rent ' houbKb AND liAttaoba— Ai ruth i I ana Curiin streets, possession oi ; some of tne nouses on thiriy ua>a I notice. Fred C. Mirier; 31 iUL . una. Ben phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! LIFELONG FARmeR wants to rent' I a tarni ior cash rent; best of refer- ' ! ence. Box lbl. Miuuctowu, i- a . Bell I purine 14 R3. i . I WANTED, TO BUY A HOUSE —' ! north of Maclay street. Aduress Box i ,202. euro oi relegruph. ! FARM WANTED 2to 2v acres ! with or without buildings. State low- 1 I est price. Address Box D, 6sj, care ot Telegraph. I ~ i HAVE BUYERS waUing~f^77T O T7i j erty in any section of tn e c j ty , I cheap. Wliat have you to otter." 1 j CHAS. ABLer. 1002 N. Thiru street. j OlUoos ami Storerooms for Rout i or F lCgs FOR REN i f uroisrieu 1 or unfurnished, single or eiisuite ol | two or three rooms. Apply H. & r 1 I Lowengard, 210 North inird street. | I MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beanlitu, .'Uji.ouc Store. 504 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER. 1002 North Third Street. j a e-, I- ARMS FOR SALE 75 acres. 60 acres of farm land and 15 acres of timber. ] $2,200 cash. Call at 107 Chestnut street. 40 Acres, $ I,Bob. 3 Acres, $5uU. 6u Acres, *3,500. ! 110 Acies, ss, ,00. Ceil at io, CHESTNUT ST. FOR SALE—.liisCiul.l.ANEilLS STORE GOODS Refrigerator/ 1 show case, scales, nil pump, sj.up and 1 vinegar pumps, t,.0 u„.i • cuiiiners, ; goou iieat2l'. Cji. atJu Disc 1-.. i u clock. FOR SAI.E - Evening til-ess suit — igood us now —for ;.u.n „ ,„,i —j II weight about 18u pouaup. H„ 1 720,. care ot Teiegiuin,. j ' SCREENED CANNEL i.'OAL ! $8.85 j. B. MONTGOMERY .; aid and Chestnut stiecta FOR SALE Willie English Pull ! man oaoy carnage anil i.oiy cub. > I tiUipJ at lifW, ueii Ciieap. inquire ' i ! pel pilot"' afi-ld.-' Dun u tu, W i lit a Luiiunu liavtii, dmyu*Aii i V* XOIK 1 ll4#Ci'444s, Cic. Oi V 14 y l4Ue . , I ouic UIIU tc iUdu ai n. A. tlicki- Dliulit Oi'CUtaAi, olUJ'jittil liiilto oi : • a., i lUiley cat 1 I \, ft I LvlcD.l, 73r , - ALLM-..D0 - iptAltj —. j LA CUANUDD. . GEG. P. i ILL'.J 1 sdiN, 205 LOCDST 6TREC.T. DUHObI. L Ul.rilti ... , UDAIRR BOTH Rl ION'EB FUR I>AI.L 1919 CAUENDARS 111 u,, >bles and J u b i , " tfiui'i, pioiiipny tilled, F'irsi I 1 ••• '• avlted. AM-.,..- .U v.tt.FACfURIN'G CO.. i Third and Cumberland Sis. Bell pUfUe 15, R. tAbove Shut Store). ' FOR SALE ' \lalta llnes ' No ' , Ll,) "t. v Pes. A rare bargain for a p| aQt With a No. 1 machine. Address j 'C'-ETELEORtPH^RINTINO ; j Harrlsburg. Pa. BARGAINS'. BARGAINS! I The Store across from Y W. u. A. | - . .a ... >uu tilt" Biggest anu Best Bar " I aaIns in Men's and Boys suits, Over -1 ' 7.,u1 MacKinavv coats, Dnderv.ear, " Hats,' caps aUd Shoes. \\ e , i a iu-, . ! Low Prices .Give us a Irian '"OUTLET CLOTIIING Co.. a 23 North Fourth .Street. y ~MOKRDi SAYS save money buyln* r new and second-hand furniture here. I ji eh orlcep paid tor furniture,. Morris i EchmerU 1039 Market. Bell 3971 R. j WANTKH—MISCELLANEOUS ! WANTED, TO BUY' Sftuml-iiunu j player piano. State price, condition and 1 wi.eie It call Oe aveu tvuuicss' C., Ujua I 1 cure of Telegraph. j i HIGHEST CASij PRICES PAID for] Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newniark a Gown, 308 Broau I ' Street. D'al pnone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for ail kinds ot junk. Get our prices oefore I selling. Gull Bell moiie 936, or drop ' i us a poslui auu our vvugoii will cun.T l ,\eytolie ii'wu . ...,.ui Co., Broad auu ; Currant stieets. | HIGHEST PKICKS I'AlLi for all I I Klutib Oi empty u.irieis una juuiv. (Jul, j 1 Bell phone 42ib. B Aoruius .g Sou. !. ! 524-8..3 hoitu Seventh street. FAHT* OWNING well-located vacant property i In tac City, would like to get j /in toueii with a respousiola ' contractor and ouilder. one | v, i j wuuld Ue interested in developing the piopel ty. For pui ueuiara audi ess M. 3211. j- Care oi 'leiegraph. ______ I V WANTED Second-hand motors, i'mall size preferred. Apply FKDFRAI. MACHINE SHOP, t - V o-- e rry St.. near Second. llarrisburg, Pa. j desk room wanted with serv ! ices of stenographer in downtown of- | 1 iiee by salesman calling on manufac- ■ i turers and convraetors. KU6I3. ELECTRICIANS Will llnd UII opportunity in the ' sale oi prontable News Agency in thriving suburban tuwn. lnfiuenze bus deprived the town j' of Its only electrician. No Elec- I tricai supply Store in town, i Start a business here. The I Newspaper Agency win get you ! acuuuiuted with tile people. BOX H. 7474. Care of Telegraph. L. COHEN & COMPANY. York and I A.sli Avenues. Highest prices paid rur ! ragpaper, iron, barrels, rubber and I metals and old machines. Send postal I or call 3221W Hell and Dial (1223. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand turniture bought and : sold, llignesl cash prices paid. Call i | Bell 1331 or Dial 534?, or drop a pos- | i igl to Max Smoltz, lUIG Market street. I Will call, city or country. • Money to I.onn '• WE LEND MONEY 111 compliance ; with Act of June 17. 1315. to tndividu- , ] als in need of ready cash; small loans j ' a specialty, business confidential, pay \ ments to suit borrower's convenience. ! positively lowest rates In city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. | 132 Walnut Street. | | SINCE the close of the Fourth ; i Liberty Loan our interest-bearing! Certificates of Deposit have increased | at the rate of SIOOO A DAY More of us are saving to-day and 1 [ in larger amounts than ever before. | The Liberty Loans taught us to do it. 1 I And our best plun for the New Year | ! is to continue saving for our own j ; benefit after the Government's need j ! for our help is past, j DAUPHIN DEPOSIT TRUST CO. Hurrisburg, Pa. Mimical j FOR SALE—Victrolo and a lot of | | music. A reliuble party can have for j S2u.UO cash. YV iil take note oil rest 'to suit buyer. Address MUUU9. FOR SALE —Victrolu und 20 pieces ' latest inusic, also a 1318 model White i I sewing machine. Win exchange on | | Liberty Bond or will arrange pay ments to suit buyer. Address 86308. J FOR SALE—A large cabinet Uisliell 1 ' machine, plays all records; also nice I selection of music. A party witli j reference can arrange payments ■ three to ten months, no interest. Ad- j uress, A6sof. Y iULljtfe, MANDOLINS. GUITARS ! I BANJOS. Uuiiu und Orchestra lnsi.ru- i ...cola promptly und carefully lepuir-l led. OYLEKs. 14 South Fourth street.! TALKING MACHINES promptly und i ' caictuny repaired by an expert oniy. ot Lbs s. i South Fourth street. IF your Talking Machine needs re- | ! puns. just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An! expert will be at your service ui once. O/ hiring machine to 1213 North Third street. ULSI.Yi.33 . t.i>sO,\ALS UPHOLSTERING Of the best liitid. YVork guaranteed. We call and ! deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone ; 432 C. _ _ •: IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENT.'' I 'pi .noted. Send particulars. Horst i Promoting Agency, Liuglusiowu. Pa. ! EXPERT AUDITOR AND ACCOUNT ANT i Efficiency Methods and Cost Sys tem.-, Inatailed. Income and Excess! Profit Tax Statements prepared, j Books opened, closed or audited. C. E. MacCloskey, 403 South Thirteenth i street. ! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz; double edge. 35c' doz; lazors, 25c. Gorgus Drugstore. DIAMONDS bought for cash—p. H. | Caplan Co., 206 Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe 1 1 feeling, likely to catch you this i cliangeuble weather. OUR LAXATIVE I PHOSPHO-QUININK will stave it off If taken in time. Gross Drug Store. ' I I ••• Vt:i ' Mi- rest. — ■: BUSINESS OPI'OItTUNITIKS ' i WE MANUFACTURE a carburetor I for Ford cars wliicli is guaranteed to i give double the mileage over any I ! other curburetor ever constructed re- i ' gurdloss of name, make or price. Money iel armed If fifteen-day FREE trial does not prove It. En- 1 tirely new principle. Simple plain' tube not a tjioving part. Guaran teed to start in zero weather without heating or printing. Tremendous de mand. Thousands now in use in i | Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic man who can sales und curry stock of 1 8500 to $2,000 depending on demand, i can secure exclusive territory urid i l will easily net SIO,OOO this year. No 1 special experience necessary. Will also furnish carburetors for ! other curs in about sixty days. Frank A. Urwun, 503 YV. Jackson i Blvd., Chicago, 111. ■ —— . , FOR SALE Fruit, confectionery i and cigajr store. Reasonable price, i j Roasting coffee and peanut machine. , Good scales. Inquire at 514 Market! street. " • [ . i I HAULING AND MOVING GENERAL HAULING AND t> .ST ; EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Cull Bell 3320 or Dial 2265 lIICKS Local" and Long-distance Hauling 421 Reilv. Both "hones. AUr<> HAULING lau-ui ol lung di-tanee. Furniture and piano moving a Specialty. Blue Line Transfer. *l7 Uupuui street Both phones. \UTO TRUCK SERVICE Local i and long-distance. F. J. Marter. Ball 1 E9-J. Steelton. UAOIJMU AND MOVING [ AUTO HAULING Lnoui anil lons- j distance. Furniture moving a ope ciuity. Hates reasonable. Promui I tari ice. Cull Hell 623 J. • LOCAL ANL> LONG - DISTANcTi HAfULixU—->• urnliure moving. Prompt service. Lruest Lorbiu, 06u Cunier sl*ei.i. Lm*i moiiwd. isell ,u36j Lliai • 3C83. j ALL KINDS OF HAULING AMI AIoVI.NU DUNE CONRAD BROS. 311 KELKER ST. j BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3613. WE MOVE Anything—anywhere—any time. Dial 4990. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 812 North Third Street. City. j HEAVY IIA'ULING—FuIIy equipped I loi ui uiiuie. freislu und piano IUVV lug. No distance too far. Careful Oliver. Hani mm du&tprouf body. J. ' E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvm | Aungst Manager, Hershev Da. Rell I phone 15R-6. LOCAL AND LOA'G - DISTANCE ! HAULING Prompt service. A. & 1 h. Motor Express, 817 Capital street. I Hell phone is:!5J. WHERE TO DINK _____ j ALVA UOlfcL AND RESTAURANT. "•HE HOME OF SATISFACTION. j STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home j cooking served to Businessmen and ' Ladies in umimnie Uin i ngioori). Storage | STORAGE —118 Uruad street, uonse- ! I hold goods, merchandise. Private j | rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul- I ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. ; Both phones. j i STORAGE —ln brick building, rear I I 10S Market. Household goods In clean, ' privue rooms. Reasonable rates. P. 1 G Dicner. 403 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for I household goods in fireproof ware bouse. $3 per month and up. Lower i storage rates in non-llreproof ware- j | house. Harrishuis Storage Co.. 437- I ! 44/ South Second street. | UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. ; BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, ' Funeral Uiieclor and i'imbalmer. i 511 North Second Street. BELL 252. DIAL 2115. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT MILL CEMETERY I j Beautifully situated on Market atrial I j east of Twenty-sixth, and on the \ ! norto and east faces the new park- j i way. The prices of lots are moderate, j Miller Pros. A- Co Agents. Cleaners and I)jCrs ! IT PAYS to nave Clothes Cleaned. Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best ! place In town. Call and deliver Goodman's. 13U6V5 North Sixth. Both j Phones. j AUTOMOBILES PRACTICALLY NEW FORD COUPE FOR SALE In Elegant Shape. 11ARRISBURG AUTO CO. Fourth anil Kelkcr Sts. I | -I MAXWELL. 1816. in tlrst-class con- | j dition throughout, light economical ; I car. Owner wants larger machine, | demonstration at Hoffman's Garage, j ' Seneca and Camp streets. Cheap to i immediate buyer. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell Touring | Car. 1915 Ueo Roadster. Apply Har-l ' rishurg Auto & Tire Repair Co., 131 ! j South Third street. j i FOR SALE 1917-1914 Ford Tour- ! ings, $125.00, $325.00, to settle estates, i ! Address Box H. 6561. euro of Tela ! graph. | ONE NEW GONE.VI'UGA TRUCE ! Covered uody. l.ovo lbs. capacity. A ' ; bargain. Inquire of Philudetphiu j j gmcn i.uncn. 1917 FORD TOURING, fine order. sae ! worth extras. Price, $ 175.00 cash. I I Must be sold account sickness. Also j Maxwell 1918 Touring. $750.00 cash.! Run 1.000 miles, O. K. Can be seen ' at Horst's. Linglestown. Pa. 1 WM. PBNN GARAGE | 304-fi Muench strecL Limousines for | ! funeral, parti" and balls; careful j ' drivers; open day and sight. Bell ; J 4564. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. All sort o. uuto mo and cushion work ! dont by experts Also repair work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South (3am | eroii streeL ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour i Ing Car. in good condition, has been I u-ied about tnree monliis, to be sold 1 on account of deuth. Inquire at Card- [ i ner & Haptisti. 'third and Chestnut | streets. j FOR SALE Reo Touring car. i , Looks und runs like new. Bargain to i quick buyer. Buick Roadster. A 1 I ! shupe. Bargain tor some one. A. j Schiffman. 4,2-24-2u North Cameron. j SECOND-HAND TRUCKS und pleas- j I ure curs for sale. Foru tori trucks, j Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- 1 passenger llaynes Touring Car. All | cheap to quick buyers. International j Hurvester Co. Truck Department. No , 1 cj street. : —. | FOR SALE l-ord truck, gunnel I body; two-horse wagon, good as new. | I lloth equipped for baker. F. J. Nov- i lnger. Mlllcrsburg. Pa. i FOR SALE Two 4% -ton Packard ; Trucks, practically new. Thus. L. > I Herb & Co.. Lebanon, Pa. j i CADILLAC FOR SALE 1916 7- ! passenger, 8-cylinder. Practically j new Good condition. Dial 4376. BUICK ROADSTER —• Runs One. i electric lights; new top; $350.90 ' floret !.Ireiestown. Pa. i FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring j 'car in AI condition. A) 1 good tires ! with new spare. A private car. Will , demonstrate. Call 4912 Bell. | FOR SALR, 1916 Metz Touring lone 191t Maxwell Touring, two 1918 j I Maxwell Touring Cars. Apply Horst. I | Linglestown. Pa. I SUNSHINE GARAGE - Auto re -1 pairing by expert. Road Jobs a; i specialty. Charge reasonable. Both ! I Phones. Sunshine Uurage. 27 North i Cameron street. | FOR SALE—S-ton Standard truck. j Price reasonable. Mechanical work in i A 1 condition. Guaranteed 30 days.,j I Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cam- I arou si reef. AUTOMOBILES ONE CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL ROADSTER Beaver's Uurage, 632 1 North street. WANTED All kinds of used autu tires. Re uay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbronlf, 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. OLD AUTO" Wunted; used, wrecked or oidtlmers, hi any condition. See me before sac rulcing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrec...ng, A. SchltTman. 22, 24. 26. North Cuiiieron street. Bell 3333. M4ITORCYCI.ES AXI) BICYCLES FOR SALE One.Harlcy-Davldion Motorcycle, with side car. Inquire 301 South Fourteenth street. -. 1916 lIARLEY MOTORCYCLE A side car und tandem, electric equipped, $225.00. Indian Twin Tandem, SSO. Horst. Linglestown. Pa. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new. Bargain at $95.00. llorst. Lingles town. Pa. FOR SALE One 1918 brand-new Reading Standard Electric, with side car; one 1917 Indian, with sidecar; one 1916 Indian, with sidecar. All above machines ure In llrst-class condition, und will be sold cheap. Harrlsburg Motorcycle Exchange. 1227 North | BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALU WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND, 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. I , Garages, Accessories nut! Repair* - All types; 4 und ( Bosch high tension. Eishmann, Dlxey. I Spiltdorf, Meu, lteiny und different mnkes of colls, carburetors, etc. A, 1 Schlffman. 22-24-26 North Camerou | streeL Bell 3633. | ODD YEAR TIRES in sl">- 30x31* ; and 32x4 A. W. T. Fabrics, and 30x3!* , Rib Cord at prices less than you can | buy. 1213 North Third street. ! AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re ! paired by specialists. Also fenders, j lamps, etc. Best service In town. Har- I risburg Auto Radiator Works, 305 North Third streeL • I ! WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Logan SL BELL 4396 J. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE SIXTH I AND TWELFTH WARDS, CITY OF HARRISBURC. The owners of unregistered proper ! ties In the Sixth and Twelfth Wards of the City of Harrisburg, in accord ance with the terms of u certain part of the Act of Assembly, upproved 27th [June, 1913, Pamphlet Laws of 1913, .page 568, and Ordinance No. 11, File i of City Council, Session of 1918-1919, ure hereby notified to furnish within thirty, days from the 12th day of De \ cember, 1918, to the City "Engineer, at this office, descriptions of their re spective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the city, and at the sumo time to present their conveyances to be stamped by the said engineer with out charge as evidence of the registry thereof. Any person or persons neg lecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this section for u " V period of thirty days after public no tice of the requirements thereof shall . be liable to a penalty of rive dollars, I to be recovered with costs of suit, lu | the name and for the use of the city, as penalties for the violation of city ■ ordinances are recoverable." Blanks may be obtained at the ofrice of tho City Engineer, Room 316 Common wealth Trust Company Building. 222 Market Street. Harrlsburg. Pa. M. B. COWDEN, • City Plngineer. | COURT PROCLAMATION ! WHEREAS, the Hon. Geo. Kunkel, I President, nnd the Hon. S. J. M. Mo icarrell. Additional Law Judge . of I Oyer und Terminer nnd Quarter Hes | sions of the Peace, of the Twelfth Ju . dieiul District, composed of the County | of Dauphin, having issued their pre cept bearing date the 11th day of De- I cember, A. D. 1918, to mo directed for i holding u Court of Oyer and Terminer i anil General Jail Delivery and Quar j ter Sessions of {he Peace at Harrls . burg, for the County of Dauphin, and I commence the second Monday of Jnnu ! nrv, 1919, being the 13th duy of Janu- I ary. 1919, nnd to continue two weeks, i Notice Is therefore hereby given to tho Coroner, Justices of the Peace, Al dermen and Constables of snld County of Dauphin, that they be then und there In their proper persons, at 10 ! o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I with their records, Inquisitions, ex aminations and their own romem brancea, to do those things which to their office appertain to be dune anil I those who are bound in recognizances t^9 Ito prosecute against the prisoners | that are or shall be In the Jail of Dau | phln County bo then and there to J j prosecute against them us shall be I <}'iven under my hand at Harrisburfc. the lltli day of December, A. D. 1918 being the one hundred and N ■ forty-third year of Independence oX I tho United States. W. W. CALDWfcLL. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Harrisburg, Pa„ December 14, 1918. NOTICE letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Fred W. Heck (also known as Warren F. Heck), late 'of Harrlsburg. Dauphin County, Pa., ! deceased, having been granted to the I undersigned, all persons indebted to 1 said Estate are requested to make I immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ; ,nent ' w. M. OGELSBY. . I 222 Market Street. , Harrisburg, Pa.. Administrator. ' NOTICE Letters of Admlnlstra i Hon In the Estate of Guiseppe 1)1 Lallo ! having been granted to the undersign- ,■ ed, nil persons owing the suid Estate will make payment at once, and those i having claims will present them wlth ! out delay to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY., Administrator, No. 16 South Second Street. Harrlsburg, Pa, I NOTICE —The Annual Stockholders' | Meeting of the Pennsylvania Surety Company, of Harrisburg, Pa., will be , held at the office of the Harrisburg I TriiHt Company at 4 1L M., January 2s. 1919 for the election/of Directors and the transaction of such other-business as may lie brought before the meet tng. ' '• I ANNUAL MEETING I The Annual Meeting of the Lot i Holders of Shoop's Church Cemetery Association, will be held the last Sat- < I urdav of January. January 25, at 2 i o'clock P. M., in Us new office build ing. In Lower Paxton. Dauphin County i Pn ' LAWRENCE A. HETRICK. Secretary. NOTICE | THE annual meeting of the stock i holders of the Metropolitan Hotel I Company, of Harrisburg. Pa., for the ! election of directors and for general ' business, will be held at the Metro politan Hotel. said city, on Tuesday, January 28, 1919, at 2 o'clock P. M, J^H 'I L. W. KAY. H • . President 13