Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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A dler, Charles Qipple, J. E. Keystone Sales Co. Quality Clothes Shop. [fflUHj
Igfefef American Auto Co. Henry & Son. Keboch, P. H. t "S
Jl Aetna Insurance Co. Gately & Fitzgerald. Keystone Bank. # IBKAI
nAumi Army and Navy Shoe Co. Goho's Shoe Store. Kinney, J. R. & Co. IRwH
Askin and Marine Co. Gohl, Rinkenbach & Rouse. Kushel & Kushel. "Degal Umbrella Co.
Astrich's. Golden Seal Drug Co. Krauss, Jeweler. Regent Theater. MOOT)
American Stores Co. Goodrich Tire and Rubber Co. Rex Garage. MIW
Automobile and Aeroplane Mechanical Good Service Tire Co. -r a{ ji es ' Bazaar Reiter, Max.
, School. Gold, J. .L Lawrence Dr T B Riley ' Howard A - & Co.
Goodrich Truck and Tire Co. Leader Bargain Store.' Rothert & Co. MBULI
WJ&h ■ ■ Gorgas Drug Stores Leib, Frank R. & Son. J?°"' Johl l. „
>aw| f Greek-American Confectionery Store. Livingston's Pobinson & Co.
"Dackenstoss Bros. Grand Union Tea Co. Lock Willow Farm Robinson's Woman Shop.
Lou Goldstein, Eli. T _ R tr Rodney, C. B.
KSRIcI Belsinger, J. S. Goldsmith's. Russ Bros.
" Berryhill Nursery Co. Gorson's Auto Exchange. Ruhl's Bakery. MUmml
ffiC' A Bell Telephone Co. t\ /r ac ' s Garage Rubin and Rnb ' lp - SMftM
Wim Bell Realty Co. Parlors. Roman Auto Co. LfMM
£££ SU Beckley s Business College. Mader Ruth
WlHl Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Mary Elizabeth Shop.
LJjy.lgat Bake Sbo P- Marks, H. & Son. Calkin's Department Store.
Bloom, B. —— ■ . Mauk, Charles H. Sanitary Family Washing Co.
!#|Wl Boas, C. Ross. WFRP \ Mather, E. & Co. Sides and Sides. |§#£|
t&kjfh Bowmans. f LVh&IVUUI nDfIC \ Mae's Hair Dressing Parlor. Sigler, C. M. , BKfl
siTV-'k Books Shoe Store. / yiAnpe VOU A I • Mayer's Candy Store. Sible's Garage. (KmU
Bogar, George W. WlOttCO IVU /t I Marianne Toy Shop. Schiffman, A. Mi
Brenner Motor Co. MPRPY J 9TM7I F) I Schmidt, Charles L. SaMI
raSR Brenner, J. H. Estate. L/iIKJO X 1 I/IO rf*.y,-Schmidt, Bernard. ISSijO
Bro C wn r & B Co 8 : 7?W"P Sachs, Mary.
B W Spangler's Music House.
Deposit Trust Co.
Dauphin Electrical Supply Co. Uarrisburg Auto Co. Manhattan Restaurant. HTausig's, Jacob, Sons. IWK
Dandyline Shoe Store. A Auto and Tire Repair Co. Ma j estl J; The f t ® r * 1 Aj The Telegraph Printing Co. *
Davenport's. Harrisburg Boiler and Mfg. Co. Miller Bros. & Co. Troup, J. H.
Dayton Cycle Co. Harrisburg Electrical Supply Co. Merchants National Bank. Troup Bros. inOflttl
Denk's Garage. Harrisburg Railways. Mechanics Trust Co. Twentieth Centurv Shoe Co.
Dickerson, I. B. Harris, J. P. & Son. Miller & Kades. Tillotson, G. P. IMWkf
Dill, I. W. Harrisburg Radiator Co. Messimer, Hj KKHjLHy
Driscoll, P., Auto Co. Harrisburg Light and Power Co. Middletown Car Co. KinlMpl
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Harrisburg Stencil Co. Miller Auto Co. T Tnited Hat Stores VSlivJvi
Doutrich & Co. Harrisburg National Bank. Meyer Accessory House. |J n n ion ClnthZTcn
Deiner, P G Harrisburg Trust Co. Monn Bros. -7 it U r? g in
ueiner, P. U. Harrisburl Telegraph. Mumma, M. L. fr C ° al C °' 'Wifi'
MRS:/ Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending C- Moorhead Knitting Co. V" ust L J. / '
T?ast End Bank Harrisburg Welding and Brazing Co. Motor Club of Harrisburg. United States Tire and Rubber Co. W^W''
East End Auto Co Harrisburg Gas Co. Motor Dealers Association. 1!%?$ *
ra&tf Eagle Woolen Mills. - Harrisburg Academy.
\7ictoria Theater. * > |
WiM Egolf, E. L. "VTewark Shoe Store. '*•' li
SSuH 1 Employees Loan Society. 2 "?i rf Store. IN jsj e idio- Bros. '
Ensminger Motor Car Co. Handler Furniture Store. Newmark & Cown. im&Jwh
Eureka Laundry. Herman, John C. & Co. New Dress Shoo. XTSTatson & Cooper. -fMImT
RBls Laundry. Hershey Creamery Co. Nuss Mfc. Co. Walk-Over Boot Shop.
Exide Battery Co. 2 C3^^ S B P or . tin S Goods Store. Walker & Craver.
* W&fl Excelsior Auto Battery Co. 2°or V E urniture Go. West End Electrical and Cycle Co. i
SS.X2SS*. , 4 ' OgsSXc SS.SSSc TM
Mat issatjra'. ■
PWffA . ~ Harrisburg Overland Co. Witman Bros. 'sS!IP
f .jSdnwt Estate. Harrisburg Rubber Co. i j n/r r n Wolford T H LjMO;
ME* Faif cT ° Ut ' et Sh ° e C °' Harrisburg Baking Co. Store. Wonder Store. ffifc
KSw First National Bank. Paul's Shoe Store. Ex /*£ n & e '
Fishman S. A. Imperial Tea Co. Palace Barber Shop. ° e °', sel „
Fisher & Cleckner. International Harvester Co. Pennsylvania Milk Products Co. _itmer, air & Witme llluS "
y&m Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. u Pennsvlv^iiia'lndemnity Exchange W?nte^mints?o.
Fed S erick P Charles rCh ' Jennings Manufacturing Co. Penbrook National Bank. Worden Paint and Roofing Co. IjO
Finkelstine, S. Philadelphia Quick Lunch. |HK^!
I4M' Forry, W. L. Phillips, Dr. W. C. %
Forney, C. M. IT"aufman Underselling Store. Pine Street Church. . "VTohn Bros.
Fleur de Lis Shop. Flower Shop. Pomeroy. S. S. I Y. M. C. A.
Front-Market Motor Supply Co. ' Kennedy, H. C. Polleck, l^l0
Frantz Premier Dist. Co. Keystone Motor Car Co. Poorman, Bessie. .
.Jjgb Freidberg, N. & Sons. Kesher Israel Synagogue. Pratt, Dr. R. D. _ Veck, George B. t
. French Shop. -• Kolbenschlag's. P. R. R. Motive Power Ass"-n. - Zion Lutheran Church.