Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1918, Page 5, Image 5
SENATE PASSES GREAT REVENUE BILL AT NIGHT -Tax Rate on Luxuries Drop ped from 20 to 10 Per Cent. Before Adjourning By Associated Press Washington, Dec. 24.—Date Inst right the Sonnte passed the war rev enue bill, reduced to raise about six billion dollars in 1019 and four bil lions in 1920, as compared with the levy Of $5,200,000,000 for next year ' proposed In the bill passed by the House three months ago. When the final vote was taken at 10.40 o'clock, the Senate had been in continuous session nearly thirteen hours. Immediately after the pas sage of the bill, the Senate began its holiday vacation under the plan for three days' recesses until January 2. Absence of a quorum in the House, however, had prevented that body from putting a similar program into j effect. The revenue bill which had been j before the Senate since December, 12, now goes- to conference with for- ! mat meetings of the Senate and! House managers planned to begin January 2 v. r.h a view to final enact- ] nicnt of the legislation next month. - Tho Senato conferees appointed: last night were Senators Simmons, I of North i'. : ollna; Williams, of Mis sissippi, i: t Smith, of Georgia, Dem ocrats, and Senators Penrose, of Pennsylvania, and I.odge, of Massa chusetts, Republicans. lit Per Cent, on Luxuries Only a few scattering "noes" from the Republican side marked the final vote on the bill. The Republicans did not seek another roll call on the bill's provisions fixing 1920 tax rates and no further votes were taken on the luxury provisions, reinserted yes terday with the rate fixed at 10 per cent, instead of 2o per cent. Senute sustained its previous action , Un a final vote of 41 to 22, the ! ih approving the committee amend-1 mcnt to repeal existing zone rates cn second class mail and substituting a rate of one cent a pound within 150 miles and one and one-half cents b - i .ypnd. Senator La Follette, of Wisconsin, j Republican member of the lipance j committee, made a long address to | the Senate last night in support of j his substitute bill which would raise more than six billions of dollars, chiefly through increased rates on: war excess and surtaxes. The Wis- ; cousin Senator said ho would take 'every dollar of war profit and all Incomes above enough to enable the. owner of the Income to support his family in comfort. Hill Rejected, .">5 to ft Senator I.a J'ollette's substitute j bill was rejected by a vote of'ss to 6 after the author had spoken for nearly three hours. Senators vot ing for its adoption were Borah,! Gronna, Norris, Nugent, Varduman and I.a Follette. Even under his Dill. Senator Da Follette salcl, war profits earned by corporations in prosperous past years would go untouched. Regarding his plan to increase in come taxes on the wealthy, Senator La FqU tic said: "What vcr. may have been the forces Which caused the present world war one result of it must be apparent to every man ot intelligence and that is that tiie plain citizen has' cq.ne to realize his power as never I before and const luently will assert his rights its never before. "In order to raise tiie money to pay the expenses wc have incurred, and are bound to incur, the govern ment must reach out and put a heavy hand through its power of tax ation upon every citizen in the land, and ii it bo presently discovered that the" hand oi [he govt rnment hears heavily and unjustly upon t lie masses and touches only lightly the' rich—in proportion to theif ability to pay—it will produce conditions of discontent and resentment not pleas- 1 ant to contemplate." Dccalring that tiie country's ex- i penditures would bo ten or twelve billion dollars foi the next five years, Senator Da Follette aid with the present bill In operation this would necessitate twenty-tiee or thirty bil lions additional in bonds. This, lie said, would be "truly an appalling • situation." Senator I.a Follette insisted that the American armies would not be 1 demobilized for many mouths and that their maintenance would re quire huge sums. ('nils t'ongrcs.s Subservient Senator Smith, of Georgia, sug gested that under tiie draft laW the service of men called to the colors must end four months after peace is declared. Senator Da Follette replied that Congees-- "is so .subservient" that If tho administration should .use American forces abroad against na tions with whom war lias not been declared Congress would vote money for such military operations. An effort to bring up tiie woman suffrage constitutional amendment In the Senate next month, was blocked before the Ber.atc st irted on its holi- j day vacation by Senator Williams, of Mississippi, Democrat, who objected ' to a request by Senator Jones, of Washington, Republican, that Sen ate consideration of the House res- ! olution be begun January 10. Siancs Cable Seizure Senator' Ritcheoek, of Nebraska, chairman of the foreign relations committee, declared that the taking 1 over of the trans-Atlantic cable iin<-s by the government after the signing of tho armistice was a "high-handed outrage," and an abuse of the power' conferred bj - Congress. Authority for assuming control oM the cable lines, Senator Hltchcos® said, was given the President as a' war emergency and, he added, that ; if the President wanted to take over' the lines lie should have conferred with Congress. CHRTSTMAS SERVICES AND MCSIC AT ST. STEPHEN'S The Christmas services in St. | Stephen's Church wilt he as follows: 1 Christmas Eve at <s.Bo—The Sun- | day school exercises will lie held. I Christmas Eve, midnight—Holj; Communion, with carols sung by the j Christmas Day at 11 o'clock—llo'y' Communion. The music to be used I will be: "K.vrie," "Gloria Tibl." j "Sanctus," marks in F; anthem. "The Dord of Glory," 11. Alexander Mat thews; enrols, "Jloly Night, Silent' Night," "Shopherds, Shake Off Your i Drowsy, Sleep." TUESDAY EVENING. COUNCIL VOTES TO TAKE OVER ' WATER SYSTEM ■ Riverside Mains to Be Pup chased Out of Depart ment Revenues After passing finally the ordinance j water mains in the Fourteenth ward (from tlie Dauphin Consolidated Wn : | ter Company and directing that $l3,- i 1600 should be ta&en from gen< ral revenue next yearwo pay for lines, 'j Council this i orning reconsidered' ji'S action and amended tho measure! directing that tho money should he j taken from the reserve fund of the water department, i Commissioner S. F. Hassler, super-! ' intendent of the water department. l | voted against the change in the : i measure. He said after the session, I'thnt the money should bo provided 1 j In the appropriation ordinance for ! next year, but tho other councilmen : intimated that tho budget measure j I will be difficult to pare down to meet; ; available revenues without including :Christmas!— Store Open This Evening Until 9 P. M. ~ ' " ' G'/FJ'/G if Sale Children's Coars' |:f IAU FURS Reduced! f ft Va js.svn.us 1/, nwl \l'[ the best coiors and materials, tf'A _ : j and misses and all out sets for fi rail This Rpcrin* Thlirvdn'V fell mk r J. i children as well are reduced in /"JsT JLJL U |y L *3'-**6 £s6glTlS 1 tIUYSCtCiy f'nl ft this sale to most tempting prices f jffl ' 1 On Thursday Morning, The Bay After Christmas, We Will Start Our 1 | Great AfierXhristimsSale of Coats, Salts aid Dresses | I All Suits! - All Cloth Coats! - All Plush Coats! - All Furs! - All Dresses! I This is the Big Annual Sale this community looks forward to with keen interest on that you have plenty of Winter weather ahead makes it all the more important that you buy ffl [tj account of the Tremendous Savings to be had in Ready-to-Wear of the most stylish and at this sale. None cn approval nor C. O. D. Alterations at cost. Nothing is reserved. All || , j serviceable 'character. This sale is without precedent as to assortments and values—the moat prices ere reduced. The opportunity is yours—take advantage of it. Everything will be extensive assortment of garments offered at such greater-value prices in this city. The fact easy and satisfactory choosing. Ihe store opens on (hursdy morning at 9 jly o clock. Han accordingly, so as to be able to attend. • !|i | \ ' '"A f" •' .-"'T • v v-P'. •• I, | X I Cli 4 • ' ; -' v f *' ; ' H• = c - x , /1 Ii i ■ *: Uh ifei IJL' Ji; \\ [ I \ Si.E. K& 9 %<■■ A, 'h-, A I / / 7 m\. \Jm K I - \ |A; (/K TMJcecF'Si - : H I \Jm IHB l 1 Uj f y WT- i 1 f 4 ' ug 1 m 1 I I Extra.Special 'To Start Sale! Our Entire Stock of I Extra Special To Siart Sale! | i S3 Beautiful Dresses Beautiful Plush Goats |73 high Grade Suits I \ jffl 0 ij j, ~ . _ _ a**s"\ After Christmas .jaie j Choice of Finest Suits $ £fh lii :] Suitable Jor a I occasions $ * Jj.so And tlWe are Dozens of styles to select from jln All V I PriCPS W'ere if) S2f) of) m J* tit" - fdam and fancy models. l*ur trimmed and self trimmed. i . . ... ' .. .. ifjtfG.rf aCfr Sfr s tl F Ah Un< . : ••. ■:: . :■; i •. i'l'i '!■■<■) ! uj) lo V 19.5 j MPmf J& Rj ;1 All sizes for Women and Misses 3b 16 to women's 46 and extra sizes to £4. Quantity ..." 15 11 16 9 6 10 6 2 | A „ ~. .. .. , . ' ._ , , . Women's and Misses' Phsk Coats, Soeczal (tT 9 T izc 16 18 36 38 40 42 44 46 I* !s Ev "y ,ash ' onab ' e "presented. Only 33 drmw in all. -X- x ; ,, q 35 Bhck Suits. 12 Xavy Suits. 9 Taupe Suits. 7 Bur S undy Suits. 5 Brown H v. Serge. Charmtuse, fricolette. Georgette and Satin Combinations, Vel- Wnmcn't and Mjstts'Ptesh Coctr, <"11 'T S,,i,s - Keindecr Suits. 2 (im i, Suiis. I I'luui Suit. 2 Khaki Suits. b • p vet Satin and Serge Combinations. All colors—all sizes fee misses ; : Broad Cloth, Silvcrtonc, Velour, Tricotinc, Poplin, Serge and Vel- l||l and women. None on approval or C. O. D. Alterations will be charged Wrmen'v and /lfVc<V pUa, f rn t K V nPr Lol fftrtn -F" Yf" AI J K P lend , ilU y suits with soft silk or fancy satin linings. S r . ...... women S -T?6 . / S. . t. a Lv,v.fS y L.r,ecu} . yyjg y Many of them have bcahne cellars—some have seal plush collars/The |IH 1 . )k -..iCog %u j very latest models only are in the lot. | Women sand Misses' Women'sand Misses'! Women'sand Misses' Women'sand Misses' | : i- | 'ootts M 7S £ooit§ sls f 'p/ty-s-G* I? &%,7D $ "W 75 | WUUIO yj) 0 M Jf %*<UUtIL& *p p (| ■> in Oar Big After iLMMTM in Our Big After JS ffl in Our Big After M Jft * in Our Big After $( | Christmas Sale ot V&fr Christmas Sale at.. .**■'-> Christmas Sale at..Christmas Sale at.. V-l Wool Velours in two now models. All colors an.l Velours and BOUOIOB —an excallent assortment Wool Velour::, Fompoms, Egyptian Plushes ami Ker- Velours, Pompoms,- Kersrvs, Meltons—the best assort- fif >. BIZIH for misses and women. A very exeellent group of the- newest models lor misses aud Women. . no sS>. In l 'ack. Navy, dark brown, dark green, Burgundy mom at as ion a price as we have ever named ' All li .|, J of Coats for general and dress wear in the leading slides. aro hulf lined. Some with plusli - ollars; s< nie with taupe znd gray. Ml .- z.-s for niiss. and womett. Nin la the colors are among thorn and the odd shades of rein- 2SS A most extraordinary value. 1 hlB pneo will cap the lor collars: other- with self collars. Black, Navy. eolais, com-, collate, plush eollai- and self collar:; dec-r. claret and beetroot. Some have big fur collars. ft] A f climax of the entire season and demands immediate taupe. Burgundy, dark brown and ttark grten in tin- fme are hall' l.m-d; some are Cull line I. A wonderfu: while otliers haw big codars of Plush Most of them are '5! K, "• • _ 4 assortmsnts. bargain. half .or full, lined, I " Women's and Misses' # Women's and Misses' tf gp% dTfe 7& '■ Women's and Misses' 0 7 Z 1 i coats ®r *//}- Coats . ■ *22r ■ S 24 M !' ;g After Christmas Sale at . . After Christmas Sate at After Christmas Sale at - I |Sk Velours, Kerseys, Pompoms, Novelties and Salt's flushes. All Broadcloths, Kerseys, Velours and Pompoms. With * Exclusive models in many, styles. Staple styles in fine broad- !i|- • jpvj .the wanted shades both in the staple colors and odd shades. And all fur or plush collars—lined throughout with guaranteed linings. A cloth and velour with or without" fuf collars. Many of them silk Si :k 1 ; the new models—they arc copies of the highest priced coats. Most wonderful assortment'of the best models to select from. All of the lined throughout—all have guaranteed linings. A great assortment . Jju of them.sold freely at much.highcr prices. All sizes for misses and newest colors and plenty of blacks. Sizes range from misses 16 of styles but not many of each.. Sizes for misses and women. All 1 women. < to women's 46. .. are wonderful values. [Jgj Sale Starts Thursday—the Day After Christma an additional $13,300 for tho mains.' At present In tho water reserve | fund thero Is a cash balanco of loss than $l6O not including interost from bonds, it was explained. The ■ fund has nn investment of $220,000 ! , in city bonds and $30,000 in Diborty: j Doan Bonds, the whole amount, ;! drawing about $lO,OOO interest an-i | nually. Against this must lie charg- i i ed the water department debt which when deducted would leave art ac tual net balance of about SSS,OOO in tho fund, v At the request of Martha A*an- j I Dyke. M'arren Van Dyke and Frank- I liu Williamson, owners of much of the property along Verheke street I between Fifteenth ami Sixteenth | streets, Commissioner Hassler in-' : troduced an ordinance authorizing; I the laying of water pipes in that! ! part of tho street. An ordinance was introduced by ' Commissioner Gross transferring | funds In tho park department and appropriating $149 from general : revenues for park contingent rx i penses. Mr. Gross explained tiie ! money taken from the general fund 1 had hgen paid Into the treasury in I rentals for the use of the island. ' ; The need for additional funds for, 1 park maintenance was necessary, ho ! I said, because employes were kept i ! working about six weeks longer than j usual. Ordinances passed finally author ized the paving of a short section of "FTATimSBITRG TKT.rCTirVPIT ' Walnut street from Cameron street Ito tho Fnxton creek; anl laying of j about 3,000 teet of water pipe in the | Fourteenth ward, from Vaughn' and , ! s'lxth streets, to Fourth, to Dcwis, to j ! Front streets. ! - NEWS NOTES FROM NATION'S CAPITAL By Associated Press j, Washington • The War Labor- Board refused to consider tho griev-'. lines of 3,500 employes <\t" tile Pitts-,: field plant of the General Electric , Company ah long as they aio on strike. J- Wasliirigton—Tho Fuel Admlnls- - | tri tlon announced revocation of the ruling prohibiting the s lie or deltv- i i ery of coke by ocean transportation. Washington—A zone modification 1 rder, made public by tho Fuel Ad- 1 Ministration to-day, proxides for the shipment of bituminous coal "from 1 :ii dUtrlets of Pennsylvania t () Jh-1- 1 1 tirnore and \icinity and to tho Dls- ' j triet of Columbia. Waslxhigton—Riders attaehed to i ! (he war revenue bill, passed by the ' - Senate last night, inclpde extension ; 1 of tho Reed "hone dry" law to the 11 District of Columbia and provision for one month's pay to men dis-11 i-harged from tlio military forces. i! LAST HOUR SKCPFESS !• FLOOD CITY STREETS ; [Continued from First Page.] jwero purchased in the last minute-j j rush yesterday. Not one of them I ! came from Germany. They hailed J from tho Scandinavian Peninsula, ! ; from America, a few coming from France and Switzerland, but tho ; great bulk came from Japan, j Scores of children thronged the | stores yesterday in a last-minute | glimpse of Christmas toys. Hobby , liorses, tanks, miniature trains, 'velocipedes and toy mitomobilcs wore w'orkecl overtime by adventurous lad dies experimontln At tlio post ollice, clerks wore svtumped witli work. Many of tliem worked long after quitting time to finish up tlio huge piles of mails wait- j ing transportation. i Tho long line of people at candy I counters reminded one'of tho crowd ] ;>t a boxotlieo window trying to buy tickets for Maude Addnms or Caruso. ' | "I'm in a hurry. Will you wait on • | me?" called a ntan at tho end of tho ; line. "You're i Ighth In Une!" cafne ' the laconic reply from the clerk, it I Is explained by confectioners that | people always wait until the last , minute to purchase their candy, be- t lleving it will lio fresher. * If I Store Open This Evening Until 9 | I Beginning This Evening Promptly at 6.301 I All Toys % § I I . E„ Our or^lnal I J; . A##t| Selling 3 @ Bargain easement H Jd p rir 8 | A* Exactly o &Em | DECEMBER 24, 1918. 5