Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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011 I^^' 1 >crot 1 j
Repre eming gold stars of our Service the dear God wears in His breast. KJbl\\
But most of all to the children do I carry the joy of this day gJafl •^/ A J C \§?
A Child came to earth in a manger, while angels in white led the way.
So, men and women, come singing the Christmas carols of old, .'WrW^I Vsvk'M/M^
'^ lC roar t ' ie P un 3 ' s silenced in a peace so long foretold. \Y\ Wvt
I am standing here in your centre, a symbol of spirit things , . i ,- \\ 'ji/j
And the night wind's voice thru my needles is rustling of unseen wings.
[Continued from First I*ac<\]
Communion Srvice. Mrs. Florence
Ley will render the offertory solo.
Christmas day, 10 a. m. —Rev. J.
F. Virgin will be the celebrant. Rev.
O. S. Walton the gospeller and the
rector will be episteller and preach.
The new boy choir will assist the
regular full chair in the rendition
of the music as will Miss Le Nora
Fry at the harp. The offertory an
them will be "Let Us Now Go to
Bethlehem." by J. T. Field,
t Methodist.
Fifth Street. —The following ser
vice will be given Christmas evening
at 3 o'clock: Selection by Sunday
School Orchestra: welcome, Eliza
beth Pylcs: song, "A Little Wish,"
primary department: "Christmas
Wishes," Merle Bowman: solo,
"Rock a Bye Baby," Dorothy
Shakespeare; recitation, "Flags and
Wreathes," Elva Fortenbaugh; song,
"The Little Lord Jesus," kindergar
ten department; recitation, "The
Children's Captain," Rachel Skane;
remarks, Rev. Pyles: offering; selec
tion by the orchestra; "What the
Turkey Said to Bobbie." Francis
Kline; chorus —"Once More Awakes
the Joyous Strain." teen age depart
ment; reading. Dorothy Reheard;
song, "Sleep Little Child," six pri
mary children: reading, Mrs. Fox;
quartet, "Mother's Lullaby—Hazel
Fraim, Sara Manahan, Jacob Hard
er, Leon Simonettl; reading. "The
Marine," Alton Maxwell; soprano
solo, Mrs. Ley: reading, Lovinia
Buckwniter; 'Around the World,"
tive primary children; selection by
Grace. The annual Christmas
eve service will be held in Grace
Methodist Episcopal church, coin
mncing at 11.30 p. m. tonight. This
is an impressive and inspiring se
vice, beautified by Scripture, pray
er and music, which together with
the special lighting arrangement
used, intensifies the reverence and
spiritual significance of Christmus.
The order of service follows: Pre
lude (a) "The Three Wise Men of
the East. Moiling: (b) the Shep
herd's Song," Merkel: carol, "Draw
Nigh, Draw Nigh, Emanuel," 13th
Century; Scripture Reading from
Isaiah, the prophecy; hymn by the
choir, "Come, Thou Long Expected
Jesus," 116; Scripture reading. "The
Journey to Bethlehem;" hymn,
"Watchman, Tell Us of the Night," i
636; prayer; quartet "While Shep- !
herds Watched Their Flocks." Old
English; reverent silence for one
minute; hymn, 107, "Joy to the
AVorld," choir and congregation; ,
carol service, "The Babe of Bethle
hm," 1. "Guardian Angels." Adlam:
2. "When the Crimson Sun." Old
English; 3. "Shepherds, Hail the
Wondrous Stranger." Wooler; 4.
"Happy Shepherds," Jewell; f>.
"The Christmas Bird," Jewell: 6.
"An Old Song Re-Sung," Jewell;
"Silent Night, Holy Night," Gruber;
First —Tonight at the First Bap
tist chu.rch, the choir of twenty-five
voices will sing Caleb Simper's
beautiful cantata. "The Nativity of
Christ." This cantata is made up
of fourteen numbers as follows:
symphony, carol. "On Christmas
Day," recitation; solo, "And the
Angel Gabriel;" chorus, "He Shall '
be Great; solo and chorus. "My Soul
Doth Magnify," carol, "Christmas
Bells;" bass solo and chorus "Good
Tidings"; carol. "The Wondrous
Story;" solo and chorus. "Arise,
Shine! Cry Out and Shout;" carol,
"The Star of Bethlehem;" solo and
chorus, "When Jesus Was Born;"
carol. "Gold, Frankincense and
Myrrh;" chorus. "Break Forth into
Joy;" carol, "Ring Out, O Bells," :
and an additional new chorus,
"Righteousness and Peace." Solos
will be rendered by Miss Mildred
German, Miss Coreila Martin, Mrs.
Edna Shoemaker, Mrs. Sible, Miss
Chubb, Miss Rhoda Kautz and John
Miller. The service will last one
hour, dismissing in time for the
municipal Christmas tree service.
John W. Phillips will direct the
chorus and Miss Viola Burd will
preside at the organ.
St. Paul's—Rev. E. Luther Cun
ningham. pastor. Special Christmas
service will be held on Wednesday
morning at 7.30 o'clock. The choir
under the leadership of Prof. B. H.
Baker, will render special Christ
mas music for the occasion. Rev.
"A Different Kind of a Jeivelry Store"
Closing our books for £
this big year without }
jOK patronage would leave i
'Tfifc one of our principal $
We wish you all
A Merry Christmas
ffiv3i/r/CGrh aCo.
206 Market Street . |
T. B. Baldwin will deliver the ser
Mount Zion, Stcclton. Special
service at 11 a. m. Special music
by choir. Sermon by pastor. At
I 7.30 p. m. tile Sunday school wiil
enjoy the Christmas tree exercises.
Church of God.
Fourth Street —Will hold a Christ
mas service on Wednesday morning
at 6 o'clock. It will be a praise and
fellowship service. On Christmas
evening at 7.30 the annual Christ
! mas program will be given under
the auspices of the Sunday school.
United Evangelical.
Park Street—Will hold its regu
lar Christmas morning prayer meet
ing at >; o'clock. Praise and prayer
will feature the services, with the
.solo rendition of "Silent Night" and
the singing of a Christmas eurol by
a chorus of young girls. At 7.15
; Christmas evening the cantata the
; "Spirit of Christmas" will be pre
Fourth—A very Impressive pro
gram of Christmas music will be
given by members of Fourth Re
formed Church choir. Sixteenth and
i Market, Christmas morning at 7
o'clock. The choir will be assisted
i oy Mrs. Gobin Vallerchamp, soprano,
j and Frank Entry, tenor. At\ organ
; recital precedes the program at 6.45.
Following is the program: Organ,
| "Christmas Offertoire," J. Grison;
"The Holy Night," (Noel), Dudley
j Buck;, anthem. "Calm on the Lis
| toning Ear of Night," James Rogers;
j mixed quartet, "The Holy Night,"
I E. Mueller; offertoire, "Christmas
: Eve." Otto Mailing; soprano solo,
"O Holy Night," Adam; anthem, "O
Night of Peace and Stillness." Wil
liam Spence; postlude, "Allegro,"
William Faulkes; Irene Bressler,
i organist.
, Salem—A delightful Christmas
morning service will be given at 6 ]
o'clock. The following is the musi- j
cal program: Hymns, "Adeste Fi- i
deles," "Brightest and Best"; carols,
"O Little Town of Bethlehem,"
"The First Noel," (traditional mel-1
odv), "We Three Kings of Orient
Are," "Draw Nigh Immanuel." (Old
French melody of thirteenth cen
tury); chants, "Magnificat," "Bene
dietus"; responses, "Birthday of a
King," Neidlinger; "Gloria" (12th
Mass), Mozart.
Second —Bev. Alfred Xevin Sayres.
minister, will hold services on
Christmas day at 6.3U a. m. and 6.30
p. m. The early morning service will
be the congregational se'rvice of
worship and praise, with special mu
sic by the choir in charge of G. W.
Hutman. An offering will be re
ceived for the ministerial relief work
of the Keformed church. The even
ing service will be the Sunday school
Christmas exercises, at which time
the offering will be devoted to the
Bethany Orphans' Home at Womels
Messiah—The following program
will be presented Christmas morning
Prelude, "Christmas Carols," select
ed; soprano solo, "The Christmas
Message" (Mrs. Ley), Dressier; of
fertory, "Shepherd's Pipes," Harris;
anthem, "Jesus Christ To-day is
Born," Brackett; postlude, "Christ
mas March," Merkel. Mrs. pnjnia
Hoffman, organist; A. W. Hartman,
Zion will have its service of praise
Christmas morning at 6 o'clock, as
has been the custom for many years.
The ringing of the chimes wiil be
gin half an hour before the service.
K. A. lvepner, who has performed
that service for Zion most faithfully
will usher in another Christmas day.
The choir under the direction of
Mrs. E. J. Decevec with William
LSretz, organist, will be assisted by
Mrs. Hoy G. Cox, soprano, and Har
old Malsh, violinist. The program
is as follows: Organ prelude, "The
Shepherds in the Field." Mailing;
"March of the Magic King," Du
bois; carols, "The First Noel," tradi
tional; "Holy Night," traditional;
"The Shepherds' Nativity Hymn,"
French, girls voices with violin; an
them, "Sing O Heavens,' Rogers,
incidental solo, Robert Smith; so
prano air, "Rejoice Greatly," Han
del, from "The Messiah," Mrs. R.
G. Cox; anthem, "There Were Shep
herds," Vogrich; quartet, "Song of
the Chimes," Worrell, Mrs. Decevee,
Miss High, Mrs. Cox, Miss Seaman;
"The Gloria" from 'the Twelfth
Mass," Nozart; organ postlude, "Ho
sanna," Wach§.
St. Andrew's At St. Andrew's
Episcopal Church, Market and Nine
teenth streets, of which the Rev.
Henry A. Post is rector, the Christ
mas service will be held on Christ
mas eve, beginning at 11.30. The
service will consist of carols, hymns
with full choir under the direction
of Carey P. Williams, choirmaster,
followed by a midnight celebration
of the holy communion with thanks
giving for victory and the promise
of peace. The festival of the church
school will be held on Saturday at 7
in the parish house, and will be a
Joyous occasion for young and old
alike. Games will he provided for
the children and refreshments will
be served to all.
St. Paul's—Christmas carols and
midnight communion with the full
choir and harpist will We the Christ
mas eve progjum. Chrlsimas day
at 8 o'clock Tn the morning there
will be a communion service. At
9.30 there will be morning prayer.
At 10 there will be a festal com-|
munion with the inauguration of the I
boy choir, the regular choir and!
harpist assisting. The Rev. J. |
Fredrik Virgin and the Rev. Floyd
H. Appleton, rector, will officiate.
St. Augustine's—The Rev. Wil
lougliby M. Parchment, rector. Ser-!
vice on Christmas day. Address and
communion at 5 o'clock.
St. Patrick's Catlncdral —At the I
morning service to be held at 5.30 j
o'clock the following program will j
be given:
"Ecce Sacoruos," (chorus), Ram-1
pis; Introit, "Dominus, Dixet ad Me," j
cantor J. F. Maguire, Gregorian;
"Kyrie." "Gloria," Kiimin; Graduale, j
Alleluia, Tozer; Credo, Bottazzo; of- j
fertory, "Laetentur Coeli," Faux- j
Bourdon; "Adeste Fideles," solo and j
chorus, Dubois, tenor solo, Leo En- <
glerth, baritone solo, Walter F. Ma- j
zuroyslti; "Sanctus," "Benedlctus" j
and "Agnus Dei," Kiimjn; commun
ion, "In Splendoribus," Tozer; reces- ]
sional, "Tollete Hostias," St. Saens. j
A choir of thirty voices will be un-j
der the direction of Joseph D. Bro- ;
deur, organist and choirmaster. j
St. James', Steelton —A midnight I
mass will be held in the church to-1
night. The following program will j
be rendered: Introit, "Dominus
Dixit ad Me," Tozer; Kyrie, Gloria. J
mass in A, Rheinberger; Graduale, j
Alleluia, Tozer; Credo, Mass "do j
Beata Maria," Ncwsham; offertory,:
Laetentur Coeli, Tozer; Adeste Fi
deles, Dubois; Sanctus, Agnus Dei, ;
Hohnerlein; Communion, Tozer. A;
choir of fifteen under the direction ;
of Professor Brodeur will sing.
Other masses fgr Christmas day j
will be low mass and holy commun- I
ion at 7 o'clock and high mass at j
9 o'clock. The children of the par- j
isli will sing "Biederman's Mass," I
under the direction of the Sisters of
Mercy at this service and benediction
of the blessed sacrament will be j
given after the 9 o'clock mass. Im
mediately after these services the I
children will assemble in the school
house for their Christmas entertain
ment and gifts will be distributed.
The Very Rev. John C Thompson,
pustor of St. James' will be the cele
brant of all the masses assisted by
seminarians from Villanova who are
home for the holidays.
German Aliens May
Move About in Nation
on Order From Wilson
By Associated Press
Washington, Dec. 21. German
aliens will be permitted to move about
at will, excepting as to entrance and
departure from the United States, be
ginning to-morrow, under an order by
Attorney General Gregory published
to-day. The order, issued on cabled
instructions from President Wilson,
wall affect about 500,000 German men
and women.
Removal of regulations as to fre-j-,
dom of movement, the Attorney Gen
eral's office announced, does not affect
the power of internment nor the stat-!
us of dangerous German enemy aliens
now interned. The order will allow |
German enemy aliens to visit the!
three prohibited areas, namely, the;
District of Columbia, the Panama Ca
nal Zone and alt water fronts.
Memorial services for Corporal Da-!
vid Miles Thornton will be held in St.!
Paul's Reformed Church. Mechanics-'
burg, Sunday morning at 10.30 o'clock.!
The Rev. John S. Adams will conduct!
the service.
NO. 1.
O come, all ye faithful, joyful and
O come ye, O come ye to Bethle
Come and behold Him, born the
King of Angels;
O come, let us adore Him, O
come let us adore Him,
0 come let us adore Him, Christ the
Sing, choirs of angels; sing in ex
Sing all ye citizens of heaven
Glory to God in the highest;
U come, let us adore Him, O
come let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him, Christ
the Lord.
Yea, Lord, we greet Thee born this
happy morning;
Jesus to Thee be the glory giv
Word, of the Father, late in flesh
O come, let us adore Him, O
come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him .Christ
the Lord.
NO. 2.
Into the land of uiy dreams,
Where the nightingales are singing
And a white moon beams.
There's a long, long night of watting
Until my dreams all come true;
Till the day when I'll be going down
That long, long trail with you.
NO. 3.
Oh, little town of Bethlehem,
How stijl we see thee lie;
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by,
Yet in thy dark btreets shineth
The everlasting light:
The hopes unu rears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight.
0 Holy Child of Bethlehem!
1 descend to us we pray;
Cast out our sins and enter in
Be born in us to-day.
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell;
O come to us, abide with us,
Our Lord Emmanuel!
NO 4.
It came upon a midnight clear,
That glorious song of old.
From angels bending near the earth.
To touch their hurps of gold:
Peace in the earth, good will to men,
From heaven's all gracious King,
The world in solemn stillness lay
To hear the angels sing.
O ye, beneath life's crushing load,
Whose forms are bending low.
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow;
Look now for glad and golden hours,
Come swiftly on the wing;
O rest beside the weary road
And hear the angels sing.
rhambembiirg. Pa., Dec. 24.— W.
Lincoln Miller, of Chambersburg. who
collided with an automobile of John
Strlne on Saturday afternoon, arrested
on the charge of being Intoxicated,
wan liberated, bis automobile bciug
held for hail.
NO. 5.
Keep the home tires burning.
While your hearts are yearning.
Though your lads are far away
They dream of Home;
There's a silver lining,
Through the dark cloud shining,
Turn the dark sloud inside out.
Till the boys come home.
NO. .
Joy to tlio world! the Lord is come
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room.
And heaven and nature sing.
Joy to the earth! the Saviour reigns:
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills
and plains
Repeat the sounding joy.
No more let sin and sorrow grow,
Nor thorns infest the ground;
He comes to make his blessings flow
Far as the curse is found.
He rules the world with truth and
And makes the nations prove,
Tho glories of his righteousness
And wonders of His love.
NO. 7.
Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory
to the new-born King;
Peace on earth and mercy mild, God
and sinner reconciled."
Joyful all ye nations rise, - join the
triumph of the skits;
With the angelic host proclaim
Christ is born in Bethlehem."
Hark! the herald angels sing "Glory
to the new-born King."
Hail, the heaven-born Prince of
Peace! Hail! the Sun of
Light and Life to all He brings, ris
en with healing in His wings,
Mild He lays His glory by, horn that
man no more may die.
Born to raise the sons of earth, born
to give them second birth.
Hark! the herald angels sing, "Glory
to the new-born King."
Praise God from whom all blessings
Praise Him all creatures here below,
Praise Him above ye Heavenly host,
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost
Deaths and Funerals
John Paget, aged 75 years, died
Monday morning at his home on the
grounds of the Pennsylvania State
Hospital. For the past twenty-six
years he was landscape gardener for
this institution. He wus widely known
here because of his horticultural
work. He was born in England, com
ing to Philadelphia in 1870. He lived
there for five years, later becoming
the gardener for Senator J. Donlad
Cameron at his Lochlel house, remain
ing there for seventeen years.
Mr. Paget was a member of St.
Stephen's Episcopal Church, Robert
Burns Ixrdge, No. 464, F. and A. M.;
Harrlsburg Consitory, A. A. S. H„ and
Zembo Temple, A., A. O. N. M. S. He
was also a member of the I. O. O. F„
at Germuntown.
He Is survived by his Wife, Mrs.
Mary Paget, and the following chil
dren: John P. Paget and Alfred N.
Paget. Guayaquil. Ecuador; Mrs. Ger-
DECEMBER 24, 191*.
trade A. Learner, Florida; Wilmer J.
Paget, Washington; Mrs. Edward
Hikes, Harrisburg; Mrs. George Kueb
ler, Harrisburg; Donald C. Paget and
Alan N. Paget, of this city.
' Funeral services will be held Fri
day- afternoon, at 2 o'clock. The Rev.
Rollin A. Sawyer, rector of St. Steph
en's Episcopal Church, will \ofrtciale.
Private burial will be made in the
Baldwin Cemetery, where Masonic
services will be conducted by Robert
Burns Lodge. No. 461.
Hugh Dudley Arrick died yesterday
at the Harrisburg Hospital. He was
employed at the Moose Home here.
His body was shipped to Washington
to-day by the Hawkins Estate, under
Mrs. Mamie E. Noss died in the
Harrisburg Hospital Monday evening,
at the age of 27 years. She is sur
vived by her husband, Harry M. Noss;
a daughter, Mary Noss; iter parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sonner, and five broth
ers and four sisters.
Services will be held Thursday even
ing, at 7 o'clock, at 531 Violet street.
The body will lie taken to Duncannon
Friday, where, services will lie held in
tin- Cnited Brethren Church Friday
morning, at 9 o'clock. Burial will be
made in the Duncannon Cemetery.
'if: " at *
1 The I ;
I West Shore Bakery j
: ff ; Extends to You jfi •
Many good wishes for a
i Merry Xmas and a Happy : M •
and Prosperous New Year
•J On this gladsome occasion let us express our sincere ft
appreciation of your co-operation and patriotic support *
in carrying out the governmental regulations regarding M :
cur products during the past year. A
IJ We cheerfully obeyed all requirements and feel that 1
we have been abundantly rewarded for conscientiously M;
doing our bit. ft
€J Peace is now assured and conditions will gradually *
t become normal. iW
<J We shall endeavor more than ever to make bread
that will represent the highest achievement in baking '
M €J It will be our constant aim not only to produce "M •
Si' bread that is pure, delicious and wholesome but to
;Jj give the people the best and largest loaf possible for : M
the money. ft
& A Very Merry Christmas | /
'W to One and All f
I L. M. Bricker 1
Agricultural Education Mov
ing Forward in Pennsyl
vania After the War
An important future is forecast
for the rural vocational school with
its courses in agriculture and home
making by Llndley H. Dennis, di
rector of the Agricultural education
al division of the State Department
of Public Instruction, in his report
to the Superintendent, Nathan C.
Schaeffor. War has interfered with
the expansion which was just com
mencing, but the interest lias been
maintained and very satisfactory
progress is stated by Prof. Dennis to
have been attained in the face of
shortage of teachers and other con
During the year ending July 1
there were twenty-three rural com
munity vocational schools in oper
ation with agricultural, homo mak
ing and academic departments in
addition to nineteen agricultural de
partments and ten home-making
schools in high schools. These were
in thirty-three counties. Special
. attention was given to crop raising
and livestock instruction. The reg
istration was 852 boys and 1,035
girls. The students worked on
farms, on lAbei-ty Loan and Red
Cross committees, made packing
boxes for the Red Cross and aided
in other war activities, wliilo the
United States Hoys Working Re
serve camp at State College was a
branch of work in which the divis
ion took a prominent part.
Numerous exhibits were held of
products raised by boys and girls
and corn judging was a feature.
The agricultural pupils cultivated
'550 acres, of which 357 were in po
tatoes, 50 in corn and 25 in garden
and raised 5,926 hens, 50 ducks, 4 0
cows, 256 pigs, 13 calves and 59
sheep, the total products yielding
$85,695.25, of which $67,721.25 was
from crops, $8,985 for live stock
and $8,989 for poultry.
Farmers' night schools have been
started, special courses launched
for training agricultural teachers
and home making schools standard
The state stands second in agri
cultural and home economic schools.
Discharged Soldiers
May Retain Uniforms 1
Camp 111*, Wrightstown. N. J., Deo.
24.—Assurances that the Government
will grant discharged soldiers a
chance to keep their uniforms, in
slend of returning them lor the scrap
pile at the end of a four-month period,
has been received from their United
States Senatbrs and Congressmen by
many soldiers at Camp Dlx awaiting
demobilization. The purport of all
these messages indicates that both
houses of Congress will vote prac
tically unanimously in favor of the
suggestion made by Secretary of War
Baker that the present legislation be
amended in order that every man may
have not only his uniforms, but his I
helmet and gas mask as souvenirs of
his service.
The new order of the War Depart
ment directing the use of scarlet
! chevrons on uniforms of discharged
scliders was put Into effect here yes
; terday and officer:- say it will help
aioid much confusion in the matter
I of the use of uniforms by demobilized
| troops. The ne wchevron is worn on
the lift sleeve, point up, midway be
-1 tween the shoulder and the elbow.