Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1918, Page 11, Image 11
TWO CUT WAY TO $75,000 WORTH OF SHORE FURS Salesman of Firm and Porter of Building Taken For the Crime Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 24.—Two men were arrested last night in con nection with the robbery early yes terday of furs valued at more than 475,000 from the Boardwalk store of Cohen & Oettleman. They are Harry Golf, a salesman employed by the firm, and Francis Goodman, a porter In the building. The robbers gained entrance to the building by first entering a photo glyph studio next door and then out ting a hole through the wall. In ad dition to valuable furs on display in the store and in the workshop in the ftcond floor, about $35,000 worth were taken from a safe which a member of the firm said he forgot to lock last night. Balsam. It isn't disagreeable, and you can depend upon it to give quick relief. It's guaran- j teed. Tve used it for years and | always keep a bottle on hand." j Sold by druggists everywhere. I THE GLOBE THE GLOBE AT THIS Joyous Christmas Time With the Blessings of Peace on Earth and Good . Will Toicard Men Manifest Throughout the World, the Entire Store Force of THE GLOBE Join in Wishing You All a MERRY CHRISTMAS 0 Better Homes returning soldiers and sailors, used to life in the open air and to rigid-Army sanitary standards, will not be content with cramped or unhygienic homes. These men will insist on spacious rooms, with plenty of air and light, wide verandas, roomy sleeping porches rind sun parlors, and modern bathing and sanitary facilities. Houses that do not meet the above require ments will have to be remodeled. Shacks and tenements must go. Many thousands of new, sanitary dwell ings are imperatively needed. Now that Federal building restrictions have been removed, there will be a most unusual demand for all kinds of building material. The sooner you begin the better, for while we have a good stock of lumber on hand there will be a great need for lumber. I No matter what you are going to build —come and sec us. United Ice & Coal Co. I.unil>cr Department Forster and Cowden Sts. Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life and Happy JmWb! rat Worth Living Small Pfll JmatS&sir H PILLS Genuine bears signature ABSffiKSSft pARTER'S IRON PILLS many colorless face* but will greatly help most pale-faced people ■ EFFICIENCY SPELLS SUCCESS I Take a Hualoea* Cnurae I'ml.r Specialist*. SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Harrtaburg's bending and Accredited Onalneaa College ■ Troop Building 15 S. Slnrket Square 99 Bell 485—DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOLr-Dial 4393 Write, Phone, or Call. Send For Catalog. A Representative Will Call Upon Request. TUESDAY EVENING, TO GIVE CONCERT FOR'ASSO. AID First Full Rehearsal of Moor head Vaudeville Show Held Last Night Harrisburg had a aste of real musi cal warfare last night when arpeg gios, flats, sharps, crescendos and half notes battled for mastery of the field. And to the bearer sitting on No Man's I .and there was a wicrd combination of impressions. The occasion was the first re hearsal of the full company for the vaudeville show and ball to be stag ed In Chestnut Street Auditorium, Friday evening, January 3, for the benefit of the Associated Aid So cieties. In one corner of the big rec reation room of the Moorhead Knit ting Company a quartet of male vocalists were airing their voices and over in another nook two vaude ville artists of Keith circuit fame, were trying out a new novelty. On the big platform at the front of the auditorium Mrs. Florence Ackley Ley directed a chorus of Bo beautiful pirla (count 'em —fifty) while Frank Blu monstoin instructed a saxaphone quartet in the Intricate mechanisms of that popular instrument. Prominent among the artists to appear in the benefit performance is Miss Naomi Antoinette Ackley. gifted soprano who recently sang in Victor Herbert's "Eileen." A personal friend of the noted composer. Miss Ackley recently established her resi dence in Harrlsburg. She is possess ed of a clear, pure, and sweet soprano voice. Elmer H. Ley. formerly sing ing In "Prince of Pilsen" will assist., in the production. Mrs. Ley. the di rectress of the chorus, was former prima donna in the Joseph E. How ard Musical Comedy Company. In ad dition she has taken prominent parts in manv of the leading operas. The proceeds of the event to be staged Friday evening. January 3 in Chestnut Street Auditorium will be given to the Associated Aid Societies. More than 1500 tickets have already been sold. Moose Minstrels, Orpheum The atre. night of January 23, 1819. adv CHRISTMAS ON TIME ON "HILL" Departments Close Early For the Holiday; James Auter as Santa Claus OyV"' Pennsylvania of-' VvW iCtAS ficlnll y began to 1 .Vv\\\gj U/ observe Christ- | J f" ns shortly at* : ter noon to-day. Most of the otflc | yJpHMMQt- es of the state 1 -IHlllCWi'nSl government clos i od during the af | ternoon as the ' majority of the ; people qccupying ( them live away from Harrisburg, | started for tneir homes. The Capitol j will be closed to-morrow except for j the Health and State Police Depart- ! ments, where men remain constant- j ly on duty, and but little business . will be trunsacted on the remaining j days of the week. All hearings and | meetings have been scheduled for | next week. Governor Martin O. Brumbaugh • will spend the last Christmas of his j term in the Executive Mansion, and j to-morrow morning will follow the traditional duty of the Governor and i distribute candy to the children of Harrisburg who may call to pay their respects. This custom was In augurated by Daniel H. Hastings when governor in the middle of the nineties and the actual handing out | of the gifts will be done by James M. Auter, the Governor's messenger, j who has ofllciated at this ceremony j every year since it began. Money in Bales. —The State High- j way Department turned in almost j $lOO,OOO to the State Treasury, rep-! resenting payments for automobile j licenses, the bulk of the checks or ; notes or money orders being for les3 than $l5 and the whole making a! bale which a man could not carry. | It was one of the banner payments < of any day. Shipments of automo- j bile licenses for the last few days ! have been close to the record. The | revenue for licenses for 1919 thus far ' received is almost $1,000,000. Warning on Trees. State Fire Marshal Howard E. Butz has issued a Christmas time warning against fire hazards in holiday season es pecially on Christmas trees. "Adopt stringent precautions against the possibilities of casualties by fires. ! Avoid carelessness in handling j Christmas tree decorations. Filmy | decorations should not be used. See ; to it that decorations of noninflam- j | niable nature are used, says the j | warning. It is suggested that wir- I ing for trees be done by competent i . electricians and that trees be se curely fastened to the doors, while ! the warning is given to see that can- 1 dies are handled by grown-up per- j sons and not by children. Marshal . ! Butz commends the activity of the \ | people of the state in cleaning up j on tire prevention day and urges the people of the state in handling i packing material used for holiday t | goods- and the prompt disposal of waste and rubbish. 0100 Licenses Climb.— Oleomar garine licenses for 1919 will run close to 5,700, according to estimates made at the State Capitol and ttie coming year may see them go to 6,- 000. Dairy and Food Commissioner James Foust has issued 1,400 more licenses in 1918 than in tjie whole of 1917. Many of the licenses have been issued for small communities, whereas ten years ago the bulk of the licenses were in cities and in in dustrial centers. Grooine to He turn—Col. John C. i Groome, head of the military pblice ' in France, is said by Philadelphia ■ newspapers to be on his way home ! to this country on a furlough. An- j other interesting thihg is that the j members of the First Troop, who ' were scattered throughout the army ! by orders from Washington and the identity of the oldest military or ganization in the country thereby i .almost lost, will be regrouped under ' Colonel Groome as a part of military j police forces. The splitting up of the j cavalry is a sore point with many I Pennsj-lvanians. To File Briefs—The Public Scr- | vice Commission before adjourning last night arranged for the city of Seranton and various boroughs to ' file briefs in the fare complaint case argued yesterday. Miller Gets War Cross—Colonel Asher Miner, former Luzerne coun- ' ty legislator and commander of the j old Ninth Pennsylvania, lias been ; given the distinguished service cross < for gallantry in action with the 109 th Artillery in France. He lost a | leg in action and is on his way home. : Typhoid Fever at Huntingdon The State Department of Health received word to-day of what ap pears to be a threatened epidemic of typhoid fever in Huntingdon and also cases of smallpox at Clearfield in j Clearfield county and Rochester in Beaver county. Dr. B, Franklin Royer, Acting Com missioner of Health, has sent one of the department's sanitary engineers to Huntingdon to make a thorough Investigation of the water supply which has long been considered dan gerous as the Huntingdon author ities depend entirely upon chemical treatment of the water. Thte State Department of Health has warned all the citizens of Huntingdon to boil all water until the source of infec tion has been discovered. Y. M. C. A. Juniors Visit Local Industrial Plants Junior members of the Harrisburg Y. M. C. A., under the guidance of 1 Arch Dinsmore, director, visited the candy factory of D. Bacon and Com pany, and the ice cream plant of the Hershey Creamery Company in South Cameron street to-day. After in specting the plants they sampled the products of each and pronounced them excellent. Thursday morning the third educational trip of the holi day series will be held when the boys will visit the Swift and Company meat packing plant in North Seventh street. HIT BY ALTO George Caaey was slightly bruised i about the body last night, when the L automobile of Harold Barnett, 240 j Mattis street, Middletown, figured in I a collision with the automobile of William B. Benedict, 1400 Green street, at Sixth and North streets. TO ISE CHIMES Electrical chimes will be played as the accompaniment to the carol sing ing on Allison Hill to-morrow morn ing. John Bare will furnish a truck to transport the singers and William A. Fenlcal, 220 South Fif teenth street will be the director. HAMUSBURG &&& TEUXiRAPH "The Live Store" OpCtl Totligflt "Always Reliable" I ★ ★ ★ "fr ★ " I December 24, 1918. To Our Friends and Patrons: fIEsSSKIii Please accept our highest appreciation for your very generous patronage during this year. May the friendly relations ever continue be tween this "Live Store" and its loyal customers i. the ear„e.t wi.h of 1 U j/ h SJBP* NOW IN TRANCE C>ANOW IN FRANCE .★ ★ | The Store Everybody Is Talking About g The Doutrich organization desires to publicly thank the I thousands of friends for what they have done during the year to help make this "Live Store" such a marvelous success Every employe herewith mentioned has profited materially by receiving just compensation for their services They are all imbued with the Doutrich spirit A "little more service" is the Doutrich slogan. These employees all feel very grateful for your liberal patronage which you have favored them with, thus enabling them to be more appreciated by their employer May we ever hope to have your continued good wlil by square-dealing, honest representation and complete satisfaction with every purchase you make I \t\mV?A 111 ? /?/ /?//v fei lt t /#//!/////v /N ' I Taylor Yours for a .wouedS * IU f I I Sara A. Mitchell I I __ . 9 J "WItI Merry Christmas I T/ie Employes of the • I DECEMBER 24, 1918. 11