Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 24, 1918, Image 1
Russian LWlers VWI Yawart J TEKSPiI HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH M CSCIjc olar-ln&cpensfnt. ' LXXXVII— No. 282 16 PAGES Da %Jtt*r.VW HARRISBURG. PA.. TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 24, 1918. "WcW" HOME EDITION WOMAN MISSING MONTH IS FOUND DEAD IN RIVER Mrs. Ida Weaver Believed to Have Drowned Herself While Despondent HUSBAND DIED OF FLU She Disappeared After the Funeral; Body Recovered Early Today The badly decomposed body of Mrs. Ida Weaver, 39 years old. of Indian alley, who is believed to have flung herself into tho Susquehanna river one month ago when half-erased by the death of her husband, Clar ence Weaver, during (he influenza epidemic, was found to-day. Her husband died after a few days' j illness. He was buried on a Thurs- \ day afternoon one month ago and on j the following evening Mrs. Ida Wea ver disappeared suddenly and noth- j ing more was heard of her until this 1 morning when the body was identi- j lied at the morgue of Undertaker Charles 11. Aluulc. Sixth and Kelker streets, by her sister, Mrs. Jennie lavling, 012 Showers street. Found by Watchman The body was recovered early this \ morning from the deep water of the j Susquehanna by employes of the i Central Iron and Steel Company. I When Thomas Narcy, a watchman, went on duty, he saw the body bob bing up and down in the water about' three feet from shove and about a | quarter-mile from where the tein- i porarlly deranged woman is believed j to have thrown herself into the j stream. With the assistance of; ' ieorge Wetzel, another employe,] they managed to drag the body i ashore with the aid of a long hook j procured from a nearby plant. The body, so badly decomposed \ that the features could not be read- ] ily distinguished, was turned over to i Undertaker Mauk. Jt was identified i lute this morning by Mrs. Farling, ] but only by means of the clothing i Which the woman wore at the time | of her disappearance. She is survived by two children. I a married daughter and 16-year-old ton residing in Pond Bank, Pa. -Another Disappearance At flrst the body was believed to 1 be that of Mrs. Rose Grand. 438 ■ Cumberland street, who mysteriously disappeared from her home last week, but Mr. Grand quickly dis-j posed of that theory when he saw; the body at the Mauk morgue. To ! facilitate the securing of information ; relative to her mother, Miss Fanny' Grand this morning offered a reward I of $5O for information that will lead j to the discovery of the location of the mother. Iraffic Regulations For Tree Celebration Traffic regulations which will be! enforced by the police department ' during the celebration around the > municipal Christmas tree to-night, I were issued this morning. They are i as follows: No parking in Market street, be- j iween Front and Second sereets. No parking in tlie west side of i Market street. No vehicular (raffle between Front I and Second in Market. All the rules take effect at 7 i o'clock. No Carriers' Greetings Telegraph agents and car riers this year will depart from a long-established custom and deliver no Christmas greet ing to subscribers. There are a number of reasons for this. | In the early summer, when | the Telegraph .usually pur chased its supply of calendars, the Government was strongly ] urging the conservation of paper and newspapers were ] restricted from issuing supple ments not really a part of a newspaper. Then, too. the past year ha.? brought many demands upon ] the purses of Central Pennsyl vania people in the form of war fund drives, and since tho i custom of having carriers de liver a calendar to all their patrons on Christinas rather lends an Impression of an ad- ! ditional payment for service, it | was decided to discontinue the j custom. Ko there will be no calendar this year. If your carrier, by his faith ful service of your favorite newspaper during the fickle weather of the past year, has won your appreciation and you choose to remember him at this time, without his solicita tion, do so. lie will appreciate it very much. The Telegraph, too. will remember him for his faithfulness. [THE WEATHER! For llnrrlshnrg nml vicinity I Ilnln nnil warmer to-night i lowest tcniiirrnturc about -I." degree*; \\ cdiicMilny rain, iirolinlily turn ing to snow, cold, Ti much colder Wednesday nlglit. For Kastrrn Pennsylvania! Ilnln tn-nlghti warmer In south pnr tloni Wednesdny rnln, iirobnhly turning to snow In north nnil west portions! enlder In west portion i much eoliler Wednes dny nighti moderntr to fresh rnst to south winds, shifting to west nnd northwest by Wednes dny nlglit. CITY SURGING FORWARD IN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN 42,r>4<S Hurrishurg Men and Women Have Set Con sciences at Rest HOPE TO BREAK RECORD Pennsylvania Now litis En rolled Million Members' During Drive With Harrisburg and the balance of ! the Harrisburg Red Cross Chapter i district on Its toes yesterday, tho membership total tjpr the Christmas drive made a surprising gain, witJi the following result: To-day a year ago .... 1:7,4111 To-day at noon :iz,.-is I There are indications that the total I f<-r the Christmas drive will reach the 35,000 mark before the close of the ; wet k. Last year tlie campaign was con tinued quietly until the middle of j January, when the 36,000 mark wan I reached, and it is possible that the I same tiling will occur this year. ] Headquarters In the old Postofflco building were open until 3 o'clock to day and many people, seeing the spurt I that was taking place, decided to I "vote for a winner," as Is customary with human nature, and volunteered 1 their memberships. Although' the ape- I 1 ial headquarters is closed after to -1 cay, members who wish to renew, 01* I those who wish to join for the flrst time, may do so at headquarters at , Front and Walnut streets. Pennsylvania to-dny has about a million Red Cross members, and. out ; side of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Harrisburg leads everything. Such cities as Johnstown. Alioona. Wil [Continued 011 Page I.] Colonel Lewis E. Beitlcr Named Chief of Staff For Inaugural Parade Colonel Lewis E. Reitler, of Phila delphia, who lias had charge of many functions In Harrisburg, was to-day named as chief of staff for the Sprout Inaugural parade and tvill handle all of the details for the big demonstra tion. Col. Beitlei* came to this city and selected Captain Francis H. Hoy, Jr., of this city, drillmasler of tlie Harrisburg Academy and chief of staff In tho big Fourth of Juiy demonstra tion, as chief of aids. Conferences were held with officials of tlie Adjutant General's Department and of the State Polie, as well as with officials ill charge of the Capitol. The precession will include a provisional regiment of the Reserve Militia, Militia cavalry and State policemen, as well as various other oragniza tions, the general plan being for tho most imposing inaugural In many? years, in keeping with the popular] Interest in the Sproul administration.' NO TELEGRAPH TOMORROW Following n long-time custom, there will be no Issue of the Telegrnph to morrow. Christmns Day. In oliserv- " nnce of the holltln.v business In all , departmcnta will be nuaprndeil. Cost of Christmas Turkeys Reach New Record TURKEYS were higher to day than ever before In the history of the city. Farmers sold them as high as 75 cents a pound and fowls at $l2 and $l5 each were not unusual. There was a fairly large sup ply of turkeys in the hands of local dealers yesterday and they sold at 48 to 50 cents a pound for undrawn fowls. In the mar kets to-day farmers and butch ers flrst asked 55 cents a pound. After a short time when the de mand grew prices soared 20 cents higher. The markets were filled with geese, ducks and chickens at high prices. One reason given for the high prices was the scarcity caused by the great number of birds pur chased by men operating rattling matches. This form of gambling was permitted openly by Cum berland county officials all along the West Shore. CIVIC CLUB TO GIVE DINNER IN SOLDIES' HONOR Well-Known Harrisburg En tertainers h) Have Part in the Program The Harrisburg Civic Club will entertain to-morrow evening at the clubhouse North and Front streets, 150 soldiers from the nearby can tonments at a Christmas dinner. The clubhouse has been beautifully dec orated for tlie -event and the tables will be spread in the large dining room on the second floor. Ladies of the club will assist in the serving and well-known Harrikburg enter- taincrs will provide the program un der the direction of a committee of the Harrisburg Rotary Club. Among those who have agreed to give their Christmas evening to the soldier guests are: Miss Edith Rourke, vocalist; Mr. and Mrs. El mer Hobbs-Ley, who have sung be fore large audiences in all parts of the country; Miss Koss, who will sing; Miss Essick, who will play sev eral piano solos and Charles E. De lone and T. R. Shuey, with thejr de lightful xylophone and piano ; duo. Preston Crowell, of the Rotary Club, will preside and Haywood M. Butler, also of the cltib, will make an address. The Rotary committee 'n charge, is made up of Robert Hunt Lyon, chairman; Howard C. Fry, Captain George F. Climb, Frank B. Musser, Preston Crowell and G. M. Stelnmetz. Captain Lumb ad dressed the soldiers at the Civic Club Sunday evening on the period in the soldier's life between his discharge and his re-entrance into civil life, speaking from his crwn experience. cSSTis ! ASKED BY MAYOR 'Keister Alarmed at Decision of Pennsylvania Court on the Booze Question APPEALS TO SOLICITOR Return of Liquor to Dissolute Characters Would Mean Increased Disorder ; The Harrisburg police department i is confronted with an interesting slt : nation now that an opinion has been i handed down in a Pennsylvania court {declaring that it is illegal to confls | cate the liquor of disorderly charac -1 ters. It has been the custom of the local police to confiscate tiic liquor found in the possession of bootleggers and j drunks, and donate it to the Harris j burg hospital for medical purposes, jlliundreds of quarts of liquor tlips | far furnished the hospital yearly, i Beer, confiscated in raids on speak easies and other disorderly houses. | generally is thrown away, and only whisky of good quality devoted to the | hospital. I But in West Chester, Judge J. ! Frank E. Hause has ruled that it is j illegal to appropriate liquor, no mat jter what the condition of the arrest ed person to whom it belongs. The | Court, in its opinion, says that liquor is personal property and is a recog nized article of commerce. It says (further that: The Court's Rilling ! "He might have indulged in its (use to such an extent as to have impaired his health, or make him self temporarily a nuisance to the I community, but that did not justify j the defendant, (in this case the Mayor of West Chester who was made de : fendant in a suit brought by the per json arrested) however commendable j his motives, in confiscating the prop i erty." i Mayor Keister, when he learned of j the opinion, said it would be looked ; into, and the opinion of the City | Solicitor would bo asked. He said ihat in most cases the liquor was [confiscated for the benefit of the i prisoners, who probably would come | back into the clutches of the police i (within a half hour after their re- i i lease if allowed to go away with their liquor. | "We try to better the condition of i the unfortunates we arrest," Mayor { Keister said, "And thut is the main ( | reason we take their booze. More- | [ over, we try to better the community | . by reducing disorderllness to a mini- ' | mum. That is best accomplished by ' 1 I tuking away the liquor of the in- ! I corrigibles. 1 feel it would be a very 1 bad thing to return liquor (o arrested men we know to be unaccountable for their conduct." VOIR FAITHFUL NEWSBOY ( i will receive his Harrisburg Tele- I I graphs free of charge to-day. If' i you. choose to remember his un- { | failing devotion to business by re- ' i main'ing on his corner In ult "kinds of weather by giving him a larger j coin than usual and forgetting the change, this is the day to do it. PRESIDENT TO ADDRESS YANKEE SOLDIERS AETER EA TING DINNER WITH THE ARMY IN THE EI ELD Christmas Municipal Christmas community service around tree in Market Square p.t 9.15 o'clock this evening. ' Midnight services in churches to-night. Choruses and glee clubs to sing Christmas carols In early morn ing hours. Early morning services to be held in many churches. Scores of soldiers back from camp and from overseas will udd to holiday joy in many homes. Hundreds of other soldiers in the city to be guests of Harris burgers for Christmas dinner. Inmates at county almshouse get presents and enjoy entertain ment this afternoon. Patients in city hospitals to be remembered. Trees and ever greens have been placed in each ward. Hundreds of other Harrisbtirg families find greater happiness this year, knowing that soldier boys from their homes will soon return. CITY GRIPPED WITH SPIRIT OF HOLIDAYS; SHOPS OVERFLOWING Singing of Beautiful Christ-4Last - Hour Shoppers Flood mas Carols About Munici pal Tree This Evening to Open Formal Celebration; Returned Soldiers Add .Joy H' AHRISBURG will begin its Christinas celebration this year I with a community Christmas | (roe service fo start this evening at 0.15 o'clock, in Market Square. Thousands are expected to be pres ent to participate in this big com munity event. I The large municipal tree in the { Square has been decorated with j hunreds of colored bulbs, and these | lights will be turned on early in the nIc(p OT nffPWue (TtreTOf!n Of ' Frank Rlumenstein, will give a con cert of both patriotic and Chrlst | mas numbers. ! The community singing will begin lat 9.15 o'clock after the stores { which are open during the evening. | have closed. Flavel L. Wright, chair- I man, will have charge, and will un i nouncc the order of the carols. On 1 both sides of the Christmas tree will be the Moorhead Knitting Company 1 chorus, and the Harrisburg Rotary IClub members, to take the leading part in the singing. A soldiers' | chorus also is being arranged for, land other small organizations, such | as glee clubs and choruses are to [Continued on Page it.] NATIONAL GUARD IS DISRUPTED BY NEW WAR ORDER Officers and Men to Hcvert to Civilian Status on Discharge Washington, Dec. 24.—An opinion j of the judge advocate general's of | fioe, approved by the Secretary of i War, holds that officers and enlisted I men of the National Guard will re | vert to civilian status when dls | charged from the federal service. ; The effect of the ruling practically [Continued on I'agc 4.] | Dismal Weather May Bring Snow Before Christmas Is Over i i Young America's praters for a white Christmas may be granted after ' all. Snow may arrive in Harrisburg j late to-tnorrow and cover the ground j to-morrow night, the weather bureau i forecast told to-day. Half of the storm which caused the ] inin here on Sunday, which moved i towards Texas when divided by an i anticyclone from the northwest, has ' swirled about is now over the een- I tral Ohio Valley, moving in this dl j notion accompanied by colder weath | er which la expected to cause snow. The rain of to-day will continue to-morrow to make the morning dis | mal, but this Is expected to turn to ! srtow later In the afternoon, it will ! lie much colder on Christmas night, i the forecasters alllrm. I , Protest Filed Against Rockville Fare Zone The controversy which lias been in ' progress for years over the fare zones j on the Rockville line of the Harris-j burg Railways Company was revived j to-day, when J. It. Garmiin, of Luck- ! now, tiled a complaint with the Pub-! lie Service Commlnsion on behalf of I residents of Lucknow, Ctreen Hill and ; Coxestown against the charges. Ho declares that the round trip to Mar-- ket Square Is 24 cents, whereas by railroad from Lucknow it is '.O cents. Exception Is taken to the fare ilm-j Its us discriminatory, while the 6-eent faro is declared to be unreasonable, i The complaint will be sent to the com pany for answer, J Stores in Search of Christ mas Joys; Streets Jammed From Curb to Curb by the Throng of Men and Women Weather that savored of spring i time temperatures sent a challenge !to llarrislmrg shoppers yesterday and | thousands upon thousands of people jsurged the streets and thronged the | stores, purchasing the eleventh-hour {gifts they had forgotten before. ! Rivaling the Saturday night crowds ! in the shopping district, these hordes swept down on the mercantile estab lishments of the city, depleting the stocks of every merchant. Sales of toys and candy to these eleventh-hour shoppers run high In jtlie thousands of dollars. War toys : were the big sellers. Machine guns, | deadly in appearance, but harmless iin reality, were eagerly purchased to I bring kiddies the thrills of Chateau ! Thierry. Trucks covered with the ! khaki canvas of the quartermaster {corps, submarines, transports,camou flaged railway cars and armored au tomobiles vied for popularity in the I eye of baby und younger brother. | Even poor old Dobbin is supplanted I by a wooden tank, perfect in every 'detail, which wabbles along with the 'same grace as a hobbyhorse. | Dolls, dozens upon dozens, and I then some more dozens of them, [Continued on Page 5] {CITY CHURCHES' I TO CELEBRATE CHRISTMAS DAY Services to Be Held by Virtu ally Every Congregation • Tonight and Tomorrow Services of .jubilant praise for the i birth of the Prince of Peace will be i held in churches throughout the entire city beginning to-night. Con tinuing through the Christmas Day, these services will be filled with thankfulness for the great gift of peace that has come to America and the world. At St. Patrick's cathedral the ser vices will be especially Interesting. Prof. Louis D. Brodeur, prominent | organist and chorister will lend the j choir in services. A new boys' choir ! will be inaugurated at St. Paul's | Episcopal church and an inspiring , series of services will be held there Among services to be held to-night and tomorrow nre: St. Puul's—Christmas Eve. 11. Half hour carol service, followed | by the celebration of the Holy Com , munion. The Rev. Floyd Applcton I will give tlie Christmas message. , Miss Le.N'ora Fry will ussist the full J choir in the rendering, of Allu's [Continued on age 16.] Shopmen Not Paid Enough Says Federation Chief; Investigation Is Ordered Phlliiileliilila, Dec. 24.—Denial that certain shopmen of the Pennsylvania taiiroad nro being overpaid through a misinterpretation of a general order was made here yesterday by IT. S5. Jef | fery, chairman of the advisory board | of the Philadelphia and Camden Fed - i erntion of Pennsylvania System Lines, nfiliiated with the railway employes' deportment of the American Federa tion of tjibor. On the other hand, Mr. Jetfery declared that 42,000 of these men ore being underpaid be cause the order Is not being properly applied. M. I". Btauvert, assistant Federal director of the Allegheny re gion, admitted yesterday that the question of overpay or underpay is iiolng investigated by the Federal railroad authorities and that the mat ter will be adjusted. KING GEORGE WILL ENTERTAIN WILSON AT FORMAL DINNER President Will Visit Church Where His Grandfather Was the Minister TO LODGE IN HISTORIC HALL WHILE ST A YING IN LONDON London, Dec. 24.—The visit of President Wilson to the home of his maternal grandfather in Carlisle on Sunday will be al most coincident with his sixty second birthday, which occurs' Saturday. His visit will have a double object. The President will attend worship] in the Dowdier street Congregational' Church, of which his grandfather] was pastor for fifteen years, and will I \ isit the scenes of h.i;i mother's early' childhood. The pastor of tlie church lias invited him to make an address! at the morning service. Find- old Landmarks Tlie President's grandfather left] few record;, of his ministry here. I Doubt regarding the house where the Ilev. Woodrow lived was dis-] polled yesterday by n man ninety] years old who wus a pupil at Rev. I Woodrow's academy. Documentary i evidence also has been found. I Arrangements for the banquet to] be given Friday night in honor of President Wilson are similar to those made for the king of Den mark during "lis recent visit to Lon don. The banquet room in Buck-' M. - i | z 3! [X 4^ iX •*< !* c i IT* ** -* *j J <■ <s | ♦ " ! f ejt tff* *jf* 4* " tfM i* #l ■ X T I T ,'- : ven '#. I | I I I I Ij I 4* !fl 4 V S PARIS ' S 'ign mi *|* ! *?* | 1 *** X i 70 ¥ " * ± OUR \\ PF.K * * ► ]| I | I 4 ■ T eight hours a on five days of the week and four lj If j hours on Saturday. J l.j f W HANDLE OWN GARBAGE *! <s• 4 HarrisburgwCity commissioners intimated to-day that * T cy may n 1 t for ash collections, nex' > n I ' "f* 000 Xi X'; ■', . r ■ ► ♦ If I ' t'-St. , > jj • $ - MARRIAGE LICENSES "V linrvey l. Illiler iiml Tkerean A. Kennedy, Ilarrlabnrgi ndT- T ™nd 11. Trltt, \ew Curaherln and, and Rath V. Corl, I.uoknV w l •t Allen !•'. Ilruhnkrr, Klixnhethtown, nnd Bnrbnra IV. Gnrber, |.aii.na- f v trr eoiintyi Frank Knudaen, New Cumberland, and Lula K'fone, Ma •5 }°rk eounlyi l.nrrrenre A. Dimeter, Mlddletown, and Blanche M. J, • O .Y• Hlßhaplrei llnrolri Kverett and Almn R. Glaaer, Harwi>*>rK| T T William K. I.nab nnd Stelln Snook, I.evrlatoirni Frank A'- Wnld W> -it 2?I Berthn M. Britten, Hnrrlaburiri Henry B. Radio and Mildred V. JL r .. . r V ""'Habnrai Charlea H. Moore and Marsnret E. lAohlhana, T ',? Harrlabtirki Karl E. Matblna and Alberta M. Stelnrlek, irteyalton. £ til. .kd-t-M-t-a HUN FROM SPA IS TAKEN IN PARIS fly Associated Press Paris, Dec. 24.—Some mystery attaches to the arrest of a man who arrived at the Grand Hotel this morning. Speaking correct French, Vie asked for a room, and when asked to show his papers lie produced tliern. They gave liis name as Rudolph von Hanover, a native of Berlin, and showed him to ho coming from S'pn, the former German headquarters where the interna t'onal arm'slice commission now sits. He declared himself to tie a '-" iiiher of that commission. Tlie man was turned over to tin* police, who afterwards de clined to say anything about the arrest. ingham Palace is decorated in whit® and gold and has some of tho finest tapestry In existence. The substitution, of the dinner to [Continued ou Page 4.]