Store Ooses Regularly . *^99'vf toie oses Regularly Ou Saturdays at Six On Saturdays at Six •• lIVRUI.HUI Ris IIOXDAY. DKtKSIIIKR 23, IBIH. I'Ol,\I)K1) 1871 RRI.L 1001—3SM ITIVITKD , —— dstrVts C&riJUs O'&wAs ~~ 00. This evening we close our store at six. To-morrow evening we close at six also, in accord with our policy of not keeping the store open Christmas Eve. To-morrow, up until six o'clock, is therefore your final opportunity of selecting merchandise for Christ mas gifts. Though our holiday stocks have diminished considerably, six large floors in a store such as this, must at all times be well stocked with merchandise suitable for gifts at all seasons of the year. As one admires the great quantities of beautiful mer chandise on every floor, counter, show case and shelf, it does not seem possible that we are within a day of Christmas, and at the close of the busiest holiday sea son in the history of the store. So vou may rest assured that remaining stocks in re-erve have been put on display for the final day of th * holiday rush, and almost every department has spe cial reductions on many articles that is better disposed of now at a sacrifice than to have soiled or broken be fore next Christmas. Shop in the Morning if Possible. Ladies Silk Hosiery Very Specially 2K7BP * ... isn t it a fact that women /BM J [ v never have too many pairs of /jj BhLI \ hose. Now is the time to i / : Ir* add a ew P 3 ' r to their assort- HH mcnts; they make practical gifts. I '! mUmm I ft! ! Our hisiery stocks arc com- V- JLx l I J pletc. showing diversified as ■.. ra s.-gy sortments and always the best x'' quality for price asked. KB We arc featuring for the final a ' Christmas shopping day, a ™ M c*> thread silk stocking, good weight, wide garter top in black, grey, champagne and cordovan; Another great saving in ladies' silk hosiery. Double lisle top, double toe and heel, in plain colors. Priced far below their actual value; pair 65c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. X" •TN'i Fims .. r Unsurpassed in Beauty and Quality Delated shoppers who wish to give something appropriate yet rich in beauty combined with the practical, will find furs among the gift suggestions of the higher grade. And here you will find furs from the most reliable manu facturers made up of selected pelts, unsurpassed for quality and finish, and priced as low as any of similar high-grade furs. Beautiful coats, capes, scarfs, niufifs, sets —all carefully selected to measure up to the Bowman standard. A gift of this character will be highly appreciated. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. MONDAY EVENING, RAJUUSBimG TELECRAPH DECEMBER 23, 1918 I Half Day Sale Of Holiday Goods | At Half Price j Tuesday Morning I We sav "Half Day Sale" because we believe the demand in the morning will most likely exhaust Jw fsl the supply of these specials. It is intended for a quick cleanup of such stocks of holiday merchandise as we do not care to pack up and use valuable storage space for them until next year. Many, many, excep- p|| ; tional values can be up hour clearance "of Christmasmerchandise. ;• Toys Mark At Half Price T Some Less Than Half Price | t! . m Some are slightly soiled, some are slightly imperfect Doll house, very large SIO,OO Jfe! from handling, aind some are perfect. Desk and chair; oak finish s<>.9s I Some of the lots will not last very long, so would Wi "" Kar '<* <■ "' ""■ Propelled by the feet. k| advise early shopping. Wizzer Kar medium size sl'.(K ffi None sent C. O. D. and none delivered, as our de- Wizzer Kar, large size $1.25 ft] livery will be taxed to its utmost to deliver goods for ' F|opper KaPi for the § ffi Christinas that are sold at regular prices. Ihe prices J 9 oi quoted below are half and in some cases less than regular . Rockin f auto : all thc dd of an auto with no ffl 1 • chance of running into anybody $2.2. y.j Rubber tired sulky with long handle $2.25 folding marble run; interesting and amusing .0e T . E . C. Technical, engineering, construction a steel & Toy cannon .construction toy $1.75 and $2.50 National baseball game-b.g value 00* ]ycs structurc irons> another stec , construction toy> jj| Knitting set with yarn and needles 15* SI.OO ffi Knitting set with yarn and needles, large size, 25* q- n toy dishes m Portable theaters with scenerv and plav. A beautiful . , LSI xfej . , . i • .1 , r .w Army tent for toy soldiers <><e Wi toy for a bov or girl theatricallv inclined $2..<J J - , clt M Fido, a rocking dog that the little tot can rock on U ood grotesque figures, hand painted, 12* and 25* gj |&j 35* Shooting gallery with gun 49* Grocery stores 45* and $1.25 Balance of white enameled toy furniture with thc ex- m Feather weight silk balls, air filled 38* ception of chairs at Half Price. This includes desks, m Wj Feather weight silk balls, air filled, (small) ....25* dressers, chiffonieres, china closet, etc. Ms j.,j rl \\ ar tanks, that make a noise like the real thing, Revolving Yank, a push toy that revolves when being $1.25 pushed or drawn 25* iM BOWMAN'S—Basement. j|; Seven Special Items In The Following are Offered At |j Silks—Woolens—Wash Goods Half Price on Tuesday | One-Half Price In The Art Department 2 The following lots are limited in quantity and may not ; Cretonne laundry hags, tij last over the forenoon. Will you secure your good j Cretonne corset hags. igfei jjjfi share? Thc values are such as you will readily recognize ! , Cretonne center piece rolls. yy as unusual. In fact, the pieces are far below thc regular 1 Cretonne sewing cabinets. y| t&i markings. j Cretonne Handkerchief cabinets. Oj ji|a Silks—36-inch Khaki Kool sport silk—fancy patterns J Japanese tan print napkins and luncheon cloths. also plain Old Rose, yd $1.50 CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS k ; y 36-inch Rock-Away hunt pongee in eight good colors; One-half former price, 2 for sc; 5c each, and 10c each. ffl m yd. $1.25 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. qp 24-inch imported velveteens in fancy and hair line | |s| !>P Woolens 32-inch Mohair suitings in light colors All Khaki Goods i m with self plaids, also plain ; yd. 47J4* Ey 36 to 54-inch remnants; Ito 5 yards —manv colors and r_j f/• . weaves; yd.. 79t0 sl.34yi rit LlulJ rTICe Wash Goods—32-inch Japanese imported crepes I A good assortment of both fitted and unfitted kits jpjy ffj) colored stripes on white grounds; yd 19)4* s3.< M) to $12.50 36-irich silk and cotton plaids for dresses; specially ■ Air pillows, money belts and a few novelties; cigar- Ui | adapted for children's wear, yd 42)4* ' ette cases, writing tablets and shave-lights. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. 1 Men's Silk Gloves Women's g One-clasp Suede Gloves 1 ffi HALF PRICE HALF PRICE © double linger tips, in taupe, sand and brown. Spc- Perfect fitting, wonderful wearing; a good practical Q) TO c * a '. P 3 ' 1 "' ~..50* winter glove for street, ntotoring or market wear, $1.25 ; W BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. . BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. |j 25 Ebony Mirrors Men's Handkerchiefs | HALF PRICE One-Half Price § With long handle; fine beveled glass 50* With narrow hem in plain and fancy corners; full size, j# ftHj each 5* ill? BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Ut Men's Gift Suspenders Specially Priced at 50c. A varied assortment of men's suspenders; fancy stripe and plain colors, all neat effects; with all elastic webbing with kid and pigskin ends. Each suspender boxed for holiday giving at a saving on regular price. j BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Ladies' Underwear Dainty pink union suits. Women's favorite color for undergarments, with silk vest, low neck, sleeveless, with pink cotton pants, knee length. A very practical gift. Regular sizes v $1.25 Extra sizes, $1.50 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. v Sweaters In Many % Colors and Styles New Tuexdo sweater in _ _ tau|)e. Angora trimming of / contrasting shade. A smart / suede belt gives it the smart/ appearance $18.50 • New silk slip-on sweaters in coral, peach, green and tur- Nc=y-" . quoise blue $9.95 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Furniture Gift Department Is On The Fifth Floor Smokers cabinets—large number of pat- . terns and sizes to select from, $2.98 to $29. ' Tea wagon in mahogany, walnut and oak, fl l| $7.95 to $35.00. tfj§g3§|gj|k Overstuffed fireside chair, upholstered in t>\ fj g —v | [J tapestry and leather, $29.00 to $95.00. J| | r—p 3 j! Solid mahogany Martha Washington sew- JFL JLI.ITUL. ing cabinet, $12.75. pgH 1 Solid mahoganv Queen Ann sewing cabi- £ •, <] I: net, $12.95. ' ji| gl] | Solid mahogany Priscilla work cabinets, tjj lr||f\'j|| Folding card tables with leatherette tops, j^J j $2.98. ' |J 11/©' J Foot rests, upholstered tapestry tops, | Hi* $3.50 to $6.75. UK BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Beautiful Shirt Waists The popularity of waists for gift giving was evidenced Saturday by one of the largest days in the history of this department. And it is not surprising when the ladies who are judges of fine waists, see the many beautiful models here. Georgette waist with pleated front with black ; grosgrain ribbon bows to give it the smart effect; tea rose, coral, bisque, flesh and white, $8.95 Crepe georgette in all suit shades; navy, blacky grey, brown, taupe and bisque; also combination of colors with new Tuexdo collar? and . collarless; all sizes, $4.95 and up. High neck waists in white and flesh. Satin and crepe de chine striped silk and pongee. Special, $3.95 and up BOWMAN'S —Third Floor. ; Hair Goods For Christmas Is a practical gift which would be much appreciated. Bring in a sample of the hair i von wish matched and we will guarantee Jp perfect satisfaction. Wavy Hair Switches or Transformations. \ YN In a Special Sale at $1.95. A. J J All fine quality naturally wavy hair care- _ fully put together. ■> BOWMAN S—Third Floor. Bronze And Novelties At Third Former Price 'Three small flower pots of Authentic bronze for table decoration Three flower vases of Authentic bronze sl.oO Two brass ink stands SI.OO One shaving mug; white ivory, $2.50 Eight pin cushions, each 25e Three pin cushions, each 50^ Two Authentic bronze picture frames $2.39 One card tray, $1.69 Three ash trays J**®*®' One bronze ash try, $1.69 One jewel box $2.9* •: One jewel box, • ■?>£ One calendar in bronze, $1.7. One mirror .....$2.00 One serving basket, $2.69 One serving basket, $3.25 One serving basket, $1.50 COWMAN'S —Main Floor. Men's Blanket Robes A man's gift that is practical s iTX and attractive. We have a varied / assortment of men's blanket / . * i Sifts robes with Jacquard designs in j | " J tN!w j the new color combinations of \ <—— jgp I ! j gray, brown aud blue. Priced at \ !I f / BOWMAN S—Main Floor. ** s^^ 3
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