n IF YOU CAM OFFER USEFUL ■EMPLOYMENT TO A MAI- YOU CAN EM 11 deaths litMMA On Friday. December 20. 1018. Caroline Mumma, widow or Jacob Muinma, aged S3 years, months and 2 days. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock, from her daughters residence. Mrs. William H. Cala inan, 3006 Derry street. Relatives and friends are invited to a" 6l ™ without further notice. Burial at Shoop Church Cemetery. IIYHON On Saturday, D ece 21 ' 1918. Jennie Miller , >' ron^.?" gh B t "I of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Miller, and wife of Edward Byron, aged 11 , years, 9 months and 9 days. Funeral on Tuesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from her late residence, j 13'7 Howard street. Relatives and friends are invited without /urther notice. Burial at Chestnut Hill Cemetery. t'OUMINGS Mrs. Caroline Com mings, widow of the late Harvey Commings, died .f, a n tur^: t J n °yjx"h at her home, 1310 Sixth , Funeral services will be J ,e I" u t e A rinv afternoon, at 2 o clock, from tne home of he? daughter, Mrs Joseph V Bradley 921 North Thiid street. interment 'in Harrisburg CemeUry. Relatives and friends invjted to at tend without further notice. MOUNT/. - Mrs lt. wife of Mr. K. K. Mounts, oiea . iSr.l •"; j noon, at 2 o clod . Evter of- | residence, the Rev. J. Harr isburg delating. l i ul „i„umav be viewed •Cemetery. Remains may no Thursday forenoon. _ died December 23 1918. aw Sev at her late residence. -J Nortn enteenth street, aged nt 9 Funeral on Thurso y Church. CURTIS On P o \7s n, nge(i"7i years! I Adam Kinkle Curtis, age 1;30 Funeral Tuesdaj afternoo lfi3( , | o'clock, at his late , e j a tives and J North Sixth st^reet. d without further "KiS. Harrisburg Cemetery. SEHOCHN - Anna Kathryn febourn. aged 63 years, died at ner m 225 Forster esday afternoon. t U 2 er oVlo?k l'nterment in Harris burg Cemetery. . Srassisrasw® private. _ Ks,rTi,, -fw ,l 11 o'clock. Burial pi Late. LOST AND FOUND DOST Gentleman who P icked "g please return same to lelegrap lice and receive reward. . BzhJ to Harrisburg Tclegiaph. ■ LOST Liberty Bona. Wednesday afternoon, either in Fomeroys Bow man's or Market street. r,u r d :i re- No 6317703. Liberal . reward if re turned to Hazel Secrlst, 190- llollj street. Bell phone 14S3K. LOST Bed Fox fur piece on Sun day. December 15, on barker street, between Fourteenth ami South teenth street. Reward if returned 10 19 South Sixteenth street. LOST One package, containing Gillette Safety Razor, in case, Howard. SB Riner. Lost Sunday afternoon eiuier on Paxtang car or in Traction OfHce. Reward if returned ,to 142 1 Market. WALLET LOST - Contain Ingram of money and check, in \ non, Pa. i j TATST —An old-fashioned j brooch, with a small piece of coral I m it. either in the White HilL Ma'* 1 oet Kelfre r M C. j Esh 1 eman, 515 Hummel avenue. Be moyne. INSTRUCTIONS 8?' School- OPEN ALL YEAH. Enter any time. Be 8 ?t 4 FCKI FY 4 s IB 'IUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. K. Beekiey. HELP WANTED —MALE MEN WANTED —To load stone, 29 cents per t°n. Can earn 125 to $35 per week. Apply Paxtang Quarries. Pax tang. WANTED Two young men of genteel appearance, who can furnish reference, to conduct the Cigar Stand in Penn-Harris Hotel. Address H., care of Telegraph. WANTED —Two good, strong boys, to learn trade. Apply Superintend ent. The Telegraph Printing C 0... Harrisburg. I f N Business, Propositions No 12, N. Fifth St.—ln the heart of our business district.—2%- story frame house, with all Im provements. Lot 18x52.6 ft. A line business site. Price.. .$(1,500 Cameron St., near Market.— Large plot of ground, improved With buildings. Lot 61.1 X 164 ft. A good business location. Price, $11,500 Enoln. —"Day and Night" Restau runt and Boarding business. In cludes all the equipmont used in the restaurant: chairs, tables, counters, cooking utensils, dishes, silver, furniture for 5 bedrooms, etc. laist year the llrm did a business of slo,ouo. Price, l,oou New Cumberland. —Restaurant and Ice Cream Parlor in the heart of New Cumberland. The owner is making money, but on ac cbuiu of ill health will sell t.he entire business and good will for MHldletown. —Two Bowling Alleys in the business center, with lunch counter. Business In cludes pool tables, lurge stock of cigars, tobacco, etc. Price, $5,000 Miller Brothers & to. Heal Batata Insurance Surety lload> l.ocaat and Court Streets He 111 he re ilbff. Item Untitle Hoard MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH \ DECEMBER 23, 1918. IIKH* WANTED —MALE 1 1 WANTED AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS AND TRUXTON UNITS. MAC'S GARAGE. INC.. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED An old and well-estab lished concern requires the services of a young or middle-aged man for con genial office and outside work. Ad dress P. O. Box 193. YOUNG MEN, 16 and over, are ellr gibie for Government Railway Mail I Clerks. $92 month. Examinations 1 soon. For free particulars, write J. L. ! Leonard (former Civil Service Exam iner). 436 Kenois Building, Washing ton. WANTED District and local agents in every city and town in Pennsylvania. Automobile insurance. I Excellent policy. 40 per cent, more coverage, 50 per cent, less cost. Big proposition. Address Y., 6894, care of Telegraph. AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN APPLY MAC'S GARAGE. 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. WANTED Five good Linotype Opeiators. Good working conditions. Apply to HARRY A. FRY, Telegraph Composing Room. 1 WANTED Steady, reliable man to drive retail milk wagon. Good wages to right'party. References re quired. Apply Pinna. Milk Products Co., 2115 North Fourth street. THOUSANDS U. S. Government Peace positions open. Men, 16 or over. Women, 18 or over. Railway Mail Clerks City Mail Carriers Post Office Clerks Customs Clerks Clerks at Washington, D. C. SI,OOO to $1,500 year. Short hours. Common education sufficient. List positions now obtainable, free. Write to-day. Franklin Institute, Dept. 399-K, Ro chester, N. Y. WANTED A Doy, who can go to school one day each week. Apply 200 Market street. SEVERAL SALESMEN for door-to-door proposition. • Newspaper experience desir able. Address • M.. 6541. Care of Telegraph. HELP WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Girl to work in laundry. Apply Keystone Laundry. 620 Harris. WANTED Good, all-arond day cook for Jack's Quick Lunch. Apply immediately, 1020 Market street. I WANTED Young lady for per- I manent office position in Steelton. State qualifications. Address K., 6901, j care of TelegYaph. j WHITE GIRL —To care for small apartment. Good wages. Crane. 901 North Front. Bell 2640 J. WANTED Stenographer. Apply at 103 Telegraph Building. WANTED An experienced wait ress, at once. Apply Crystal Restau rant, 418 Market. _ SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Wanted at once. Sewing Ma chine Operators. Inexperienc ed operators will be paid while learning. Positions are permanent, with regular work and good pay. BLOUGH MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Reily and Fulton Streets. l' WANTED Experienced girls to work in book bindery. Apply Mr. Fisher, the Telegraph Printtng Co., Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Dishwasher, at night. Good pay. Apply Alva Restaurant. 19 South Fourth street. LADIES You can make $lO-$25 weekly Distributing Samples and sell ing NO-RUB, the wizard Washing Powder among your friends. Address Box B. 6580, care of Telegraph. STENOGRAPHER WANTED For local office. Must have experience. None others need apply. Good wages to right party. Address Box H, 6568. care of Telegraph. I ""YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To I learn shoemaking. Learners are well pnld and earn good wages when pro ficient. Harrisburg Shoe Manufactur ing Co.. 1402 Vernon street. WANTED—Two young women for waitresses. Must give references. Ap ply Stoufter'a Restaurant. 4 North Court. | WOMEN —Wanted Immediately, for scrubbing and general work. Apply Stoufter'a Restaurant, 4 North Court street. WANTED —Women grocery clerks. Apply Steelton Store Co.. Steelton. Pa. CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATIONS Harrisburg. December 7. 12.000 women clerks needed. Salary. $1,200. Experience unnecessary. Women de siring government positions write for free particulars. Raymond Terry (former Civil Service F.xuminer). 467 Columbian Building, Washington. I HELP WANTED —MaIe ami Female SILK MILL Experienced help wanted. Experl encer weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per duy. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay. Coine and earn 30 per cent, bonus over and above regular wages. Apply HARRISBURG SILK MILL Second and North Streets. SITUATIONS W'A NTED—M ALE WANTED —Middle-uged man w.ould like night work, or clerksHip or light I firing. Call, or address, B. F. 8., 216 ! Mulberry street. . I AM 42 years young, married, and want to associate fnyself with some good .reliable manufacturing oiQbusi ness concern In Harrisburg, where hustle und reliability will be appreci ated. Would want un opportunity to acquire a small interest if make good. No wildcat schemes wanted. Would prefer a concern who needs reliable help, rather than money. What have you to offer? Answer J., care of Tele graphy PRACTICAL BUSINESS MAN. With office and executive ability and some cash capital, desires to Invest it, with his Services, in a good, live manu facturing or other good-pay ing business proposition in Harrisburg or vicinity. References exchanged. t Address BOX K. 6581, Care of Telegraph. ; TAX EXPERT AND ADJUSTER OF ACCOUNTS Prepares Federal and State Tax statements, auditing and I accounting, collections and adjusts I claims of all kinds. All work strictly confidential. Address Accountant, care of Telegraph. WANTED Opportunity to connect with going business by young man 32 years of age, used to handling peo ple. General executive experience.; Would consider investment of capital. Address Box U, 7106, care of Tele graph. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe j WANTED Woman wishes place_ |as cook. Inquire at 606 Forster street. WANTED Plain sewing to do at home. Children's sewing a specialty. Inquire 1512 Hunter street, or call Bell phone 1505 R. WANTED By an experienced, honest persoii, a position as waitress, or chambermaid. Address Meclianlcs liurg, Cumberland County, Pa.. R. F. D„ No. 1, care-of Mrs. Spick. WANTED Clerical work by re fined. young woman, who has three years' experience in general office work; can furnish best of references. Address M. I).. care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR KENT STATE ST., 234 —Rooms furnished or unfurnished. Single or connect ing; 1 " FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 iiiiggs street • ROOMS WANTED YOUNG MAN With clerical posi tion, wants room and board in private family near Third and Walnut streets. Address Box K, 7201, care of Tele graph. | WANTED Two furnished rooms, j sittingroom and bedroom, in refined, private family, by two adults. Hill preferred. Address H., 6583, care of Telegraph. WANTED Two or three unfur nished rooms, on second floor; cen trally located; all conveniences. Call Bell phone 4105 M. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT Sixth street corner, second floor; very desir able location; modern improvements; steam heat; no children; ready for occupancy. Apply A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth. FOR RENT Second and third floor apartments, containing 'our rooms and bath, each/ Kent for third floor $30.00, and second floor, $40.00. Brinton-Packer Co.. Agents, Second and Walnut streets. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT For light housekeeping, all modern conveniences, nt 1101 North Sixth. Apply Louis. 414 North Third. APARTMENTS WANTED _ WANTED Furnished. heated apartment of four rooms, in good'lo cation. Can give reference. Address F, 6578, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE All improvements, in city; front porch; bay window; nice yard to drive alley., SIOO down, balance as rent. Liberty Bonds accepted. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green Street. Bell 560 J. FOR SALE Two lots in Cloverly Heights. Pleasant location. Price, $350.00 for quick sale. A bargain for 1 some one. Or will exchange for small auto. G. W. A„ Box 206, Penbrook, Pa. ~ FOR SALE An 80-H.-P. engine. In flrst-class condition. Will x erect and guarantee performance. Noel Cunningham. Mount Holly Springs. Pa. FOR SALE lBOB Swatara street, two-story pressed brick house; steam heat- all Improvements; room on rear for garage. Apply G. E. Shelter, 220 Seneca street. Bell phone 4847 J. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses In every nart of the city and suburbs. Apply P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. 1221 MULBERRY STREET Just oft the bridge 52,800.00. Easy terms of payment. Ready for Immediate oc euDancy. Warren Vandyke. 820 North Sixteenth street. Bell 1357 M. SMALL CASH PAYMENT and easy monthly payments will buy 1827 to 1837 lA>gan street and 1721 to 1729 Fulton street. t1.650. H. G. Pedfcrtv, 3 South Thirteenth street. ! FOR SALE —Six s/nall brick houses. Good location. Some with improve -1 ments. $2,500. Small, cash payment, balance as rent.i D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Building. Bell phone 589. J HOMES FOR COLORED FA Ml LI ET Three-story brick house w | th nl , lm _ provements. Lot, 14x100. Good loca tion. Price. $2,300.00. Easy payments LINCOLN REALTY CO.. r Open Evenings Until 8 O'clock. Seventh Street . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 $2,500 WILL "PURCHASE a brick house with six rooms and bath, gas and fumace. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. THAT most desirable vacant house, 803 North Seventeenth street; brick and stucco; most modernly equipped. ' inspect It at once. Bell Realty Co., Bcrgncr Building. $2,200 WILL PURCHASE a semi bungalow, with six rooms and bath: gas light: hot water heat. Bell Realty Co.. Uergner Building. SEVERAL HOUSES FOR SALE— On easy terms. Get particulars at once, as the opportunity will not last long. Bell Realty Co., Bergncr Build ing. Real Estate lor Sale or Exchange WANTED—TO KENT We are having a number of appli cations at this time for furnishoj houses, apartments und rooms. What do you have to offer? Address Mil ler Brothers & Company, Locust and Court streets. REAL, ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Two private garages, rear 1607 Swatara street. Kent. su.uO each. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT —918 North Sixteenth; 9- room house, gas. electricity and steam heat. Possession January 1. Call Bell phone 2912. FOR RENT Large, 3-story brick ! building, central location, suitable for ; i garage. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel , | Building. Bell 589. j ! FOR RENT —No. 2000 State street, I corner brick house with all improve ments, storu room and large garage. 1 I Good poolroom location. Kent; $36.! J. E. Gippl®. 1251 Market street. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rem I 1 HOUSES ANDAUAUAUES—A; Fifth and Curtln streets; possession ot some of the houses on Unity days ■ notice. Fred C. Miller, 31 North sec- . ond. Bell phone 3U7J. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED, TO BUY A HOUSE north of Macluy street. Address Box H. 7202, care ot Telegraph. FARM WANTED 2 to 2v acres, with or without buildings. suu e i ow . est price. Address Box D, 6553, care ot "telegraph. 1 HAVE BUYERS waiting for proo ' trty in any section of the city if cheap. What Uuve you to offer CHAS. APLKR. 1002 N. Tturu street. Offices untl Storerooms—For Rem OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished ' or unfurnished, single or ensuite of ; two -or three rooms. Apply H. 52 L. Lowengurd. 210 North Third street. MARKET ST. STORE ! FOR RENT. Beautiiui Daylight Store. 604 Market Street. CHAS. ADLER, 1002 North Third Street. ' FARMS 40 Acres. SI,BOO. 3 Acres, $550. 60 Acres, $3,500. 110 Acres. $3,700. Call at 107 CHESTNUT ST. I FARMS FOR SALE 100 Acres—Frame buildings, fruit and timber $3,000 60 Acres—Fruit, truck, good build ; ings and soil $3,800 - 167 Acres—Tobacco, truck, grain, aood buildings .... SIO,OOO 190 Acres—Stock, grain, tobacco, fine building $26,000 ' 27 Acres—Good buildings and soil, fruit $2,800 ; 6 Acres —Good buildings, truck and 1 fruit SBSO Have' 3 2-acre places near city. to $2,300. Bonds taken, and terms to suit. / CHARLES DAVIES. ! City. Suburban and Farm Properties. ' 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Thoroughbred, pedi greed Blue Belton English Setter, fe ! male, eleven months old. Partly ; broken. Not gunshy. Of champion bench and field strains. Perfect. Bell phone 2353 W. FOR SALE Two pure rubber f tire fillers, 34x4. No inner tubes re \ quired. Good for 50,000 miles. Will 1 sell very reasonable. Apply 1745 North j Sixth street. ' FOR SALE Girl' 3 wheel. $lO. Ad % dress Box W, 6902, care of Telegraph. I FOR SALE Electric train. 65 1 inches long, eight-wheel engine and . three Pullman cars., with Type K - transformer. $50.00 outfit for $30.00. Call 1616 Green street. FOR SALE—A S7OO upright player- I piano, good as new, in first-class con - dition. for $250 cash If sold before j Christmas. Inquire or address 143 South Third street. APPLES FOR SALE Grimes' Gol den, with a Banana flavor; Stayman Weinsap. Jonathans. York Imperial etc. Some of these apples are very fine! 1 Come and see them at R. A. Wlcker : sham's Orchard, one-half mile cast of '1 Mechanlcsbu.-g. Pa., "lrolley car stops ; at Orchard. FOR SALE Fireproof, automatic safe, in first-class condition. Out side measurements. 33x23x24 inches. Weight, about 1,200 pounds. A real ' bargain. 50 pipeflttings, elbows, re ducers, tees, un'ons, etc., at half price. ' Signboards. 35x50 inches, 16x20. In quire immediately. Edna M. Mueder, J 1853 Swatara street. Bell 813 J. 1 FOR SALE One English Bull dog, ' pedigreed. 11. G. Bombargner, 616 For . rest street. ,' FOR SALE Two glass show cases, 1 6 ft long, 36 in. high; 3 office library tables and 1 office chair. G. R. Hurd, : Trustee, 317 Chestnut street. ' FOR SALE, CHEAP Steam heat 1 holler in flrst-class condition. Will heat large house. Call at First Floor, 2020 Fifth street. I FOR SALE One 10x15 Gordon 1 Printing Press. Bargain. Does good 3 work Address Lemoyne Supply Co., , Z 336. Lemoyne, Pa. f t SCREENED CANNEL COAL ? $8.85 J. B. MONTGOMERY V 3rd and Chestnut Streets 0 9 f. CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT I. —~ ieam holßtli.fi: ' -tiff ieg derrick fr- eale. Apply to 7 s g. Johnson, 312 Chestnut. " -TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR ..VH !1 ALL MAKES RENTED - CASH EXCHANGED. GEO. P. TILLOTSON. '• onr lOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE 205 oRPHKi'M THKATP# ' ** BOTH PHONES ' — — . :i HAVE YOU AN EXTRA TYPE WRITER? You can sell it,if it's a good j 1 . machine, to somebody who can make good use of it. A lot of people would j, like to own typewriters for personal correspondence "home use," as it were. These machines have a cash value. Describe yours, and auotc a price, in a classified ad. I WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED Piano suitable for I learners. State full particulars and price. Address Box V, 6904, care of | j FOR SALE Solid mahogany liv -1 ingrouin suue. two-pedestal Colonial 1 ! table, with drawer; rocker, chair and ; seutee, also slip covers. S4S.UU. Apoly | at 1533 Cedar street. FOR SALE 1919 CALENDARS I Rig Bargains Jn Samples and Job 1 ! rota orders promptly filled. First ! 1 come, first served. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO„ Third and Cumberland Sts. Bell phone 1577 R. (Above Shoe Store), j | FOR SALE I Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. 1 A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address ' I I would be interested in developing the property. For particulars address M.. 3211, Care of Telegraph. I WANTED A Boston Bull Puppy, i burg. , i WANTED ' 1 Second-band motors. Small I j size preferred. I : Apply " FED T, ' n M. MACHINE SHOP, . j Cr"- V erry St.. near Second. 1. Harrisburg. Pa. II L COHEN & COMPANY. York and : Ash Avenues. Highest prices paid for 1 rag' oaper. iron, barrels, rubber and metals and old machines. Send postul -I or call 2221W Bell and Dial 6223. : I MAX SMELTZ 3 Second-hand furniture bought and i gold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 1381 or Dial 5847, or drop a pos , ta j to Max Smoltz, 1016 Market street- Will call, city or country. 1 DESK ROOM WANTED with serv • ices of stenographer in downtown ot '• fice by salesman calling on tnanufac j | jurers and contractors. R6573. a XMAS PRESENT for a small boy. Pure-bred Airedale Pup. Easy dog to ~ house train. Inquire M. R. Ruther c ford. Harrisburg. Pa.. Route No. 1, Sox " 79 Bell phone 341J-3. 1. I WANTED. TO BUY A Boston Bull " Pup. Address W. F. S.. P. O. Box 823, '• Harrisburg. Pa. ', ~ ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity In the sale of profitable News Agency in thriving suburban town. influenze has deprived the town of its ouly electrician. No Elec ~ i trtcal Supply Store In town. '• Start a business here. The y Newspaper Agency will get you I. I acquainted with the people. BOX R, 7474. - | Care of Telegraph. II r, Money to Loan n JVE LEND MONEY in compliance a wrib Act ot June 17. 1915, to iruilviuu ' als In need of ready cash; small loan.- " a specialty, business confidential, pu>- ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rales in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CD 132 Walnut Street. INDUSTRIAL LOANS—SIS to S3OO On Personal Property. Real Estate ui Guaranteed Notes. THE ENTIRE COST OF S2O for four months is $2.60 S4O for four months is $4.0(1 S6O for four 'months Is $6.50 - SIOO for four months Is $9.60 i based on four equal monthly pay ments one month apart. Other aniou.,D in proportion. Long or short tune contracts. inlerest charged „.,i y for the actual lime money is in your possession. Business established in 1909 and conducted under State super it vlß,on ' CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO.. 204 Chestnut St. S I Hours: 8 to 6. Saturdays until 9. 1 Open two Evenings before Xmss., Musical VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS. Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly unci carefully lepair ed. OYLEU'S, 14 South Fourth street. TALKING MACHINES promptly and caretully repaired by an expert ouiy. ulLhiis. n south Fourth street. IE your Talking Machine needs re- ! pail s, just call Bell Phone 3242 J. An I | expert will be at your service at once, i | Or bring machine to 1213 North Third ' j street. i i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FOR SALE Stock of grocery j i store and lixtures. Storeroom and t | liome for rent. Address JL. 6573, care j | of Telegraph. | BUSINESS I'ELSONALS UPHOLSTERING Of the best ! kind. Work guaranteed. We call and 1 deliver. 308 broad street. Dial phone j 4326. | .IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENTS j pi ooted. Send particulars. Horst Promoting Agency, Linglestown, Pa. ' EXPERT AUDITOR AND ACCOUNT- | ANT Efficiency Methods and Cost Sys tems installed. Income and Excess] Profit Tax Statements prepared. Books opened, closed or audited. C. ! I E. MucCioskey, 403 South Thirteenth ! street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge. 25c doz; double edge. 35c doz; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H. Caplun Co.. 206 Market street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe feeling, likely to catch you this chaugcable weather. OUR LAXATIV E PHOSI'HO-QUINTNK will stave It off If taken In time. Gross Drug Store. 113 Marker s.reet. I " HAULING AND MOVING I GENERAL HAULING AND f VST EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns with auto trucks. Only experienced and careful drivers. Call Bell 3320 or Dial 2265. HICKS Local and Long-distance Hauling. 424 Heily. Both Phones. AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 317 Capuui street. Botn phones. AUTO HAULING Local amj long', dlslunce. Furniture moving a ape ciall /. Rates reasonable. ProniDt servn e. Call Bell 623 J. LOCAL AKD LONG - DISTANCE HAULlNG—Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln. 656 Calder slteei. Bom piioues. bell 3U36J, Dial 3083. AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local and |...ig-distance. F. J. Marter. Bell S9-J. 3 .eelton. WE MOVE Anj thing—anywhere—any time. Dial 4990. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 912 North Third Street. City. I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for loi iture. freight and piano mov ing No distance too far. Careful driver Rum and dustproof body. J. . E. Grubber's Truck Service. Irvln Aungsl Manager. Hershev Pa. Bell phone I SR-6. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTAN-E HAULING Prompt service. A. & . B. Motor Express, 917 Cepltal street. Bell phone 1635 J. ! ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS. 341 XELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ] Wlicre to Dine i ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. "HI! HOME OF SATISFACTION. I STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home . cooking served to Businessmen gnd Ladles in senarate dinlngroom. Storage STORAGE —419 Broad street, house hold goods. merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. 80. h phones. STORAGE in brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods In clean. pruue looms. Reasonable rates. P. . ~ inener. 408 Market street. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods In fireproof ware . nou- and balls; careful I n ! drivers; open day and .light. Bell I | 4564. tl i KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. " All sort of auto tuu and cushion work c done by experts. Also repair work. „ Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cam- eron street. ti ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour- C. tng Car, in good condition, has been v used about three months, to be sold on account of death. Inquire at Gard- 0 I ner & Baptist!, Third and Chestnut I streets. o FOR SALE Reo Touring car. d laioks and runs like new. Bargain to quick buyer. Buick Roadster. A 1 shape. Bargain for some one. Aj E Pchiffman. 12-24-26 North Cameron. I SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas ure ears for sale. Ford ton trucks. Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7- passenger Haynes Touring Car. All cheap 10 quick buyers. International a Harvester Co. Truck Department. No jCI9 V nit street. ti ! FOR SALE Ford truck, pannel & ! body; two-horse wagon, good as new. n I Both equipped for baker. F. J. Nov- t | lnger, Millersburg, Pa. | e I FOR SALE Two 4H-ton Packard . j Trucks, practically new. Thos. L. 1 I Herb & Co.. Lebanon, Pa. J ! BUICK ROADSTER Runs fine, j electric lights; new lop; $350.00 it Horst, Ltrglesfown. Pa. s i FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring 1 | car, in Al condition. All good tires f j with new spare. A private car. Will 1 demonstrate. Call 4912 Bell. 1 !_ ( I FOR SALE 1916 Metz Touring, c one 19It Alaxwell Touring, two 1918 1 ' Maxwell Touring Cars. Apply Horst. .. I Linglestown. Pa. 1 ONE CHEVROLET ROYAL MAIL j ROADSTER Beaver's Garage, 632 " North street. FOR SALE—6-ton Standard truck. ! 1 Price reasonable. Mechanical work in Al condition. Guaranteed 3u days. Sunshine Garage, 27<29 North Cain- , eron street. NEW 2-ton International Truck, ' . useu 0 weeks, with express body and cab. Price reasonable. Address K. I'.. . care of Telegraph. ; WANTED AH kinds of used auto . tires. 11 c nay highest cash prices. 1 No junk. H. Esterbronif, 912 North 1 Third street. Dial 4990. 1 > SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re- 1 pairing by expert. Road Joba u 1 ' specialty. Charge reasonable. Both , . Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North Cameron street BARGAIN SALE 60—SIXTY—6t FORDS 1914-1915-1917-1918 MODELS Including Touring Cars, Roadsters, Sedans, Trucks, Light Delivery, Also 1 Racer and Speedster. These cars have been over hauled and rebuilt in our Re pair Department and are in fine mechanical condition. j I j The Paint Department have 1 reflntshed them In many at- * j tractive color combinations. * The paint and varnish are the best Valentine grade. Prices - from $250 to SSOO. j Convenient terms may be . arranged, - Open Evenings, e i MAC'S GARAGE. Inc. 117-19-21 SOUTH THIRD ST. * 3,500 MILE GUARANTEED TIRES 80x3 @512.50 each 30x3H@tJ5.00 each 32x3 Vi @ $17.60 each _ 31x4 @519.25 each 33x4 @521.60 each 31x4 @523.00 each Also some very special prices on Seconds. 1 1918 Apperson 4-passenger car, used for demonstrator, good as ~ r .ew. Special price. 1 1913 Cadillac 6-passenger car. In excellent condition. A bargain. - KEYSTONE SALES CO., 0. 108 MARKET STREET. OLD AUTO™ 1. wanted: used, wrecked or oldtimers. ,l In any condition. See me before sac r- riflcin'g elsewhere. Chelsea Auto h wrecking. A. Schiffman. $2, 24. 26, North Cameron street. Bell 3631. School Board Officers Meet With Committee on Americanization The Americanization committee of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce met to-day at noon in the Harrisburg Club, in a conference • § with J. H. Bickley, supervisor of special activities of the Harrisburg school district, and R. Ross Seaman, chairman of the Americanization committee of the Dauphin county committee of national defense and committee of- public safety. The conference was for the pur pose of extending the Americaniza tion plan, and discussing the activi ties in that direction. Evening school classes and other elements of tho program were discussed with a view to extending the work. Robert H. Irons, president of the Central Iron and Steel Company; 1A V. l.arkin, assistant superintendent of the Harrisburg Pipe and Pipe Bending Company, and John Grey, of the Lalance-Grosjean Company, compose the Chamber of Commerce committee. Mr. Irons is chairman. Elizabethville Has Youngest in Red Cross Klizahcthvillc, Pa., Dec. 23.—Eliz abethville, which is responding well to the Red Cross Christmas member ship campaign, according to the an nouncement of Chairman James E. Lentz to-day, has two of the young est members in the county—Joseph L. Culp, two weeks old, and Helen Marie Romberger, one week. Lieutenant Edwin Zeigler, Just re turned from Camp Wadsworth, stepped into the headquarters Satur day and bought seven memberships, six of which he intends to give to friends as Christmas presents, saying that every soldier believes the Red Cross should have the support of everybody in the country. The drive • here has netted 430 members and is going along well. MOTORCYCLES AND HJCYCLES FOR SALE One Hhrley-Davidson Motorcycle, with side car. Inquire 301 South Fourteenth street. 1916 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE side car and tandem, electric equipped, ••'1 $225.00. Indian Twin Tandem. sso. Horst. Linglestown. Pa. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new. Bargain e.i $95.00. Horst, Lingles town. Pa. FOR SALE One 1918 brand-new Reading Standard Electric, with side car; one 1917 Indian, with sidecar; one 1916 Indian, with sidecar. All above machines are in first-class condition, and >vlß be sold cheap. Harrisburg Motorcycle Exchange. 1227 North Sixth street. BICYCLE REPAIRING " BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. WITH ' i ANDREW REDMOND, 1607 NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS jM.At s Ali types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Eishmann, Dlxey. Splltdorf, Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron etrtet. Bell 3633. vOObfEAH TIRES In si7* 30x3 K und 32x4 A. W. T. Fabrics, and 30x3 & Rib Cord at prices less than you can buy. 1213 North Third street. AUTO RADIATORS of ull kinds re paired by specialists. Also fenders, lamps, etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 805 North Third street. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cast Iron Our Specialty. Expert .Welders. Work Guaranteed CAPITAL CITY WELDINU CO.. 1538 Logan St. BELL 4396 J. LEGAL NOTICES THE regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Forney Bros Shoe Co. will be held at their office 628 North street, Harrisburg, Pa.. January 13, 1918, at 3:30 P. M.s for the purpose of electing a board of directors JOHN G. FELTY. Secretary. * I In the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, Pa., Number 57 Commonwealth Docket, 1913. ' MY third account as liquidator of the Scranton Fire Insurance Company is before the Dauphin County Court with a scheme of distribution to claimants of record. Exceptions may be filed, not later than January 4 1919, with the Special Deputy In charge of the liquidation, Thomas B Donaldson, 331 Walnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa. CHARLES A. AMBLER, Ins. Com'r (Receiver). Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the East Harrisburg Cemetery Company, for the election of six directors, will be held at the Office of the Company at the Cemetery, on Tuesday, the 14th day of January. 1919, between the J hours of 1 and 2 P. M. J. A. MILLER, Secretary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the Estate of John Schafmeister, •, jj late of the City of Harrisburg, Dau phln County. Pennsylvania, deceased, having been granted to the undersign ed residing in said City, all persons in- j debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them.fe, settlement to VINCENT J. SCHAFMEISTER, Administrator, 2331 Logan Street. . Or Harrisburg, Pa. HORACE A. SEGELBAUM. Attorney. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Lauretta R. Loh. late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been ' granted to the undersigned residing in Carlisle, Pa., ail persoua Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settle- - meDt ' J. C. ECKELS, Or to Executor. M J. M. RHKY. Attorney-at-I-aw. Carlisle. Pa. NOTICE Letters of Admlntstra- J tlon on the Estate of J. Fred Artman. late of Susquehanna Township. Dau phin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding In New Freedom. Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make Immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. S, ALVA ARTMAN. Or to . Administratrix. / I. P. BOWMAfJ. ' Attorney-at-Law. ' J 13