Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 23, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
10 POLES TO FIGHT UKRAINIANS FOR LEMBERG RIGHTS Situation Very Serious on ilie Southeastern Frontier, Minister Declares 4 Vienna, Dec. 23.—Poland is anxlovs to reach an amicable agreement with the Czechs regarding the claims of the latter to Austrian Silesia, and a Polish deputation will soon go to Prague to discuss the matter, accord ing to a statement issued by the Po land foreign minister and printed in Cracow newspapers. The minister also snys that no efforts will be made to solve by diplomacy claims to Galicia by Ukraine. Regarding the southeastern fron tier of Poland, the minister says the situation is very serious. He con tinues: . * "The republic of Ukraine lias forced the Poles to fight for their rights In Leniberg and the whole of eastern Galicia and diplomatic discussions with Ukraine are at present impos sible. It will be a-question of a'ms until the matter is settled. Poland Is ready to ■defend this part of her territory where Poles are in the ma jority by every means in her power." A Health Builder For Weakened Lungs Where a continued cougft or cold ! threatens the lungs, Kckman's Alter ative will help to stop the cough, strengthen the lungs and restore health. 80c and SI.SU bottles at drug gists, or from ECKMAN LABORATORY, Philadelphia. , INFLUENZA WARNING ; Surgeon General Blue of the rwhl'c ; health nervi.e wnrn* that the lnflueir/:i epidemic Is by no mrnns ended and nil tinimible orecautlon?* should he tnken. (j^cc^pdim snrnved dully Into nose soil threat Is an excellent preventive. It kills the conns. I At your druggists or by mnil. i! sixes—llUc or $1 per ho! tie. TINCTIRF & EXTRACT CO. I 117 No. 3(1 St.. riiilittlHiiltia , run-down people in two weeks time in many instances. It has been used and en dorsed by such men as Hon. Leslie M. Shaw, former Secretary of the Treasury and Ex-Governor of lowa and Vice-1 resi dential Nominee -Chas. A. Townc: U. i>. Commissioner of Immigration Hon. Anthony Caminctti also United States Judge G. " . Atkinson of the Court of Claims of Washinc ton and others. Ask your doctor or druggist _____ _____ THERMOS BOTTLES A Fine, Practical Gift GORGAS 1(1 X. Tliirtl St. Pennn. Station | IT'S A PRETTY ] 1 CUSTOM • JL ' i j To Burn a j t A Candle in t | Your | j M Window | I ,y2e\ Mahogany Can- I 'V 4 dlestick, holding n&tf big red candle, dec- v i \ / orated with red A. satin ribbon and j >t spray of ho I 1 y— * OfT neatly packed in a j [j Christmas box f I while they last, | !X 95c J | GOLDSMITH'S j ♦ North Market Square I jut"! * 1 "" " ■— —Simqficity oi Design— Just as the Egyptian Obelisk is plain in design and its wearing . qualities yet unknown, are the Monuments we build. They are made of the same material, the most enduring of all stone "GRANITfI." Ask to look over our Book of Designs and chose something dignified and time tested. I. B. DICKINSON Granite, Marble and Tilo 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa. !■ . MONDAY EVENING, *HA.RRI&BURG TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 21, 1918. Steelton News ROLL CALL IS 12,000 SHORT • In Quota of 20,000, Steelton's Population, 8,023 Thus Far Enrolled Unless something big happens to change the hearts ot many of tlio resi dents of Steelton, the borough will fall down most miserably In the Rod Cross Christmas rollcall. With the most splendid record of war work, dene in the borougli prior to this, it will be little short of a disgrace to the town if the final reports show that less than fifty per cent, of the, quota has been secured. The quota Is the population. The population in round figures is 20,000. The number enrolled thus far is 8,000. What is the trouble with the other 12,000? To all appearances it Is the heart that is lacking and not the' dollffv. If there be any who have the heart and lack the dollar, some one will be found to supply the dollar. The heart is more difficult to secure. The proposition was made last week to make public the names of those who do not join. In all probability it would be a better plan to make pub lic the names of those who do join; ■ the others will be among the 12,000. Churches Announces Services For Christmas The various churches of the bor ough are making extensive prepara tions for their Christmas services according to the announcements j made yesterday. At St. James* Church there will be a midnight mass, a low mass at i and a high mass at 9 o'clock oil Christmas Day. t At Trinity Church the rector will conduct a quiet preparatory service at 8 o'clock on Christmas Eve. An celebration will be held on ChWstmas morning at 7.30 and the full celebration will be held at 10 o'clock. The Sunday school will hold its Christmas service Thursday night at 7.30 in the parish house. At this esrvice Santa Claiis will dis tribute gifts to all the members. The 1 Reformed Church will hold an early morning service on Clirist- Vnas Day at 6 o'clock. The Sunday School will hold its Christmas serv- i iceji at 7 o'clock Christmas evening. The superintendent, C. W. McCoy, promises some new and novel fea tures at these exercises. Workman Caught in Rollers and Crushed to Death Frank Carabo, an employe at the 28-inch mill of the local steel plant, was this morning crushed to death. Carabo was making some adjust ments when he was caught between the rollers and the housing. Ho was dead when removed from the rolls. Steel Plant Almost Entirely Shut Down Over Holidays Announcement was made this morning by officials of the steel . plant that, with the exception of the open hearth and blast furnaces, the plant would be entirely shut down over the holidays. This is done in order to give the men a period of rest after the forced work carried on during the war period. JBand Presents Gold Watch j- to Manager Walter Geyer Walter Geyer, of the local steel plant, and manager of the Steelton Band, was last evening presented with a splendid gold watch by the members of the hand. The watch is an„. expensive one of the Howard . make. ' POOR CHILDREN' OF STKF.I/fOX TO HAVE CHRISTMAS' TREAT The Child's Welfare Committee of the Cifflc Club, Mrs. Charles At den, chairman, his completed ar rangements for the annual Christ mhs treat to the poor children of the town. The treat will be given to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, in Trinity Parish House. Each child will bo given candies, toys and some article of clothing. The Itev. Wil liam Charles Heilman, rector of Trin ity, will tell theni the Christmas story. Thus far 57 poor children have been invited. Of these, fifteen are the children of soldiers. EIGHT DELIVERY FORD COLLIDES WITH HEAVY TRUCK The light delivery Ford of Kofalt, the general merchandise dealer of South Second street, this morning had a collision with Graupner's heavy delivery truck. The light car was somewhat battered, while the heavy truck was uninjured. JAMES LAFFERTY James Lafferty died Saturday aft ernoon of pneumonia at his home at 377 Meyers street. He leaves a • mother, two brothers, and one sister. Funeral services Will be held at his late home to-niorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, and burial will be made In the Baldwin Cemetery. The Rev. Joseph Dougherty, of the United Brethren Church, will officiate. BAND WILL HAVE NO MORE REHEARSALS THIS YEAR The Steelton Band will hold no rehearsals (through the holiday sea son. Rehearsals will bo resumed af ter the first of the year. The mem bers of the band were pleasantly surprised last Saturday when they received generous bonuses, based on the regularity of their attendance at rehearsals and engagements. PERSONALS Jack Bogner, who for the last several months was employed at Hog Island, has returned home, and has taken a position at the steel plant. Ensign Morrett, of Annapolis, Is in town to spend the holidays with relatives. Lieutenant Abe Shelley, of Camp Dlx, is spending the holidays with his sister, Mrs. William Snell, on South Second street. Clarence Shutter, of the Univer sity of Michigan, Is spending the holidays at his home here. HORSE RUNS AWAY The horse of Ralph Eckel's de livery team Is getting the habit of running away. This morning he started out for the third or fourth tlm ewithin the last few weeks. On this occasion he got as far as Wilt's undertaking shop, where he ran into a ljKht automobile. The ma chine wifs pushed up on thq side walk by the impact while the horse was unhurt. MANY NAMES ON CASUALTY LIST Harrisburg Boys Reported Wounded on Closing Days of War Two Harrisburg soldiers, both for merly members of the Governor's Troop and later both transferred to the same battery, field artillery, wore wounded on the same day In the sanio engagement in Belgium and are both officially reported on to-day's casualty list. The one is Sergeant Robert ,8. Cowan, son of Mrs. Clara V. Cowan, 2148 Green street, while the other Is Wagoner Russell E. Challenger, son of Mrs. Ellen Challenger, 64 North Twelfth street. Challenger's name is carried on this j morning's casualty list made public I through the War Department, and Cowan is reported in this afternoon's list. Both men were traiisftgred to Battery F. One Hundred and Eighth Field Artillery. Both were wounded October 31 in the same engagement In Belgium. The particular fight could not be learned, and, although' both are reported to-day as "wound ed, degree undetermined." they are both recovering, according to recent letters received by their families. I Sergeant Cownn was a member of the Governor's Troop for a number | of years. He was rushed to the bor der and served there during the Mex ican imbroglio for more than six months. Last May he sailed for over seas. He was wounded in the head above the left eye, the wound being caused, it is believed, from a piece, of flying slnaiinel. In his last letter he stated that lie was out of the hospital and on his way to complete recovery. Young Challenger was wounded in the right eheek and leg. He was taken to a hospital in London, where lie has been convalescing. The last word re ceived from him was dated November Tr, and ir, this letter he stated that he had been out for a short walk and that he was recovering rapidly. The number of casualties from this vicinity reported for to-day and Sun day is comparatively light. Hardly a ffeore are reported from ibis city and surrounding stations. No Harrlsburg ers are given in Sunday's list and but one is given in this afternoon's list. This morrfing's list, however, contains the names of four from this city. Ser geant Arthur Ridgway Fitzgerald, son of Mrs. Annie M. Fitzgerald. 83 j North Seventeenth street, a for-, mer Telegraph employe, is reported (is a member of Comjiany J, One Hun i dred and Twelfth Infantry and was .wounded October 4 in an engagement in the Argonne forest. Sergeant Fitzgerald's wound was in his foot. On his way to a first-aid station a piece of shrapnel grazed his chest, eauslng/a flesh wound. He crawled into a sliellhole for protec tion and while there was a victim of a I gas attack. In his last letter he states I that his wounds nre healed, but that I he is still affected by the gas. He Is , in a convalescent hospital and has . been made a quartermaster sergeffnt • at the hospital. i Others from the city reported ! slightly wounded this morning are: s Corporal Charles S. Batdorf, nearest relative given, Asof Batdorf, 2231 At las avenue, and Corporal James R. Storey, son of Mrs. Annie Croll Stor ey, 24 North Fourteenth street. Me chanic John C. Vaudling, son of Mrs. Laura H. Vandling. R. F. D., New Cumberland, is also reported this ' morning as slightly wounded. Pri l vate Frank Eisenliour, R. F. D. 2, > Middletown. is reported this afternoon ! as wounded, degree undetermined, i Other soldiers from the vicinity of i Harrisburg carried in to-day's lists ' ore: Private Raymond Leon Sheek i art. wounded severely, Columbia: Pri vate Dewey Deimler, wounded, degree undetermined. Palmyra; Pilvate John T. Brown, wounded, degree undeter mined, Mount Holly Springs; Private Horace H. Depew, Wounded, degree undetermined, Columbia: Private Sam uel B. Kirkpatrick, wounded severely, I Duncannon; Private George H. i Sehreiber. wounded severely. Mount 1 Union, and Ellwood F. Fortonbaugh, i wounded severely, Oberlin. i Those reported from this vicinity on I Sunday's list are: Corporal Charles R. Ward, wounded severely, Greeneas tle; Private Charles B. Archibald, I wounded severely. Star Route, Cham -• bersburg; Corporal John H. Doutrleh, wounded, degree undetermined, Pal , myra: Sergeant Samuel S. Warfel, wounded slightly, Columbia, and Cook Paul A. Stump, wounded slightly, Eliz abethtown. \ AROUND THE BASESI Whimpers Prince Max about "the i unheard-of oppression which the i enemy's lust for revenge and fever i of victory has inflicted on our fath erland." Reminds of the big husky guy who murdered his old father anil mother and then plead for clem ency "because he was an orphan." Jennings Has Right Dope Scran ton, Pa., Dec. 21. —"I don't ' think Ty Cobb is in earnest about 1 giving up baseball," said Hughcy Jennings, of this Detroit man -1 agcr, when his attention was called to th e announcement made by the famous batsman of his intention to retire from the game. "Ty is so at tached to the nationalgame that I doubt if he could withdraw from it at this time. I feel certain he will be in the Detroit lineup again." The Enhaut Ex-High basketball five is ready to negotiate with any local amateur teams'in regard to games. This bunch is organized for the ensiling season and will open their season to-morrow night with the Royal Enginehouse on th®, fire ' company's floor. On Christmas night they will play at Burnham and on January 4 at Newville. They are anxious to ar range an attractive schedule with strong teams. It is requested that all players re port for practice to-night in the Shimmell school building. Let's get some of these cars on the State street line; we could stand one carrying on occasionally if only t the speed and regularity would buck ; up: "A trolley car near East Bur l lington, N. J., twisting across the I road, partly climbed a tree whieh it crushed to the ground. It then dived across the sidewalk and banged into the front of a plat e glass window, ending with the front plat form well inside the building." Harrisburg's premier boxing ex pert, Sammy Schiff who works eight hours each day and heroically trains for his boxing at night, may have another chance to show at the Mo tive Power A. C.. New Year's night, meettng Joe McCarron, of Allen town. Their last bout was an eight . round draw, a very spectacular af ■ fair, and Schiff Is always worth the , price of admission for his left-hand maneuvers are novel. > The Motive Power lads propos e to pull oft a mighty program at Chestnut streot 1 New Year's eve and if Sammy does not encounter McCarron, he will at least back up with some high-class man. i Latest sporting enterprise in Har- CORP. WERNER IS HOME WITH CROIX DE GUERRE Harrisburg Soldier Cited For Saving Life of Pitts- 1 burgh Major Corporal Daniel H. Werner, a member of' Company I, of the 112 th Regiment. 28th Division, Is back from France, wearing th> Croix de Guerre ' and the citation cord for distinguish- i ed service. He is visiting his sister, , Mrß. W. J. Moore, at her home, 2502 Agate street, and will return to Camp Meade to-morrow for discharge. 1 For rescuing his major oji the field > of killing two Germans and 1 wounding another. Corporal Weri\er , was awarded the Croix de Guerre by Marshal Foch. The rescue occurred on the field of battle at Chateau Thierry. "I was about 200 yards be- 1 hind Major Brown, of Pittsburgh, , when he was surrounded by th'ree t OAinans, I crawled up, dropping Into a shell hole and finally nearing the fighters. Jumping up I killed ; two Germans. The other dashed at me and suddenly dropped down, try ing to play "possum. Running to- I ward him. I fell and It was then that he leaped on me. The major was able to help and between us we were able to put an end to the Hun." Corporal Werner was mentioned several months ago in dispatches to the Telegraph from Raymond G. Car roll, accredited correspondent with | the American Expeditionary Forces | for the Tublic Ledger and this news paper. In these dispatches he was unofficially cited for bravery ,and this I deed was recounted by the corres- j pondent as the base. The Harrisburg j .soldier was wounded in the leg by j a machine gun bullet at Chateau j Thierry. When the armistice was j signed he was •at St. Angena in a } Replacement camp waiting for orders to return to the front. News of the signing reached the French early and they simply went wild. Parades, din ners, fetes and all sorts of festivities i were scheduled. The inhabitants of the town set out big dinners for the Yankee soldiers and enthusiasm ran high. Corporal Werner came across on a j transport with 2,500 other soldiers •! and about 2.000 sailors. His com i a ties and he were the first who were j , in fit condition for hiking, who ar-J rived in New York since the signing of the armistice. About 300 wounded i soldiers came across on the name I boat. I Located at Camp Meade. Maryland. : the corporal expects to get his dls • charge in several days. Railroad Notes > To-morrow and Thursday will be i payday on the Middle division of the t Pennsylvania Railroad. The paycar will arrive at Lewistown Junction ' to-morrow afternoon. All employes vi ho call for their money will be paid then after which the car will go to 1 Mifflin and return here on Thursday. Struck by a fast Pennsyl passenger train as he was working on the tracks near Three Culverts Friday morning at 8.40, George John, 48 years old, a Bohemian who resided at a railroad labor camp near BO tower, J was instantly killed. A heavy fog prevented the man f from seeing the train. Three Pennsy shop employes were given ' surgical attention at Altoona hospital Friday, following accidents of a comparatively minor character. Bruce Woodworth, a machinist help er, employed at East Altoona round house had his right foot badly con tused when a center crank arm drop ped. Albert Debeuc, a crane opera tor. was stepping down from a crane ' at 7 p. m. when a flue pin fell out of ' an engine and struck him above the left eye, inflicting a deep cut. Walter 1 Barronner, Hollidaysburg, received a contusion of the left hand when a casting was' dislodged. SERVICES ON CHRISTMAS New Cumberland, Pa., Dec, 23. Services will be held in the Church c of God, Christmas at 6 a. m. A' ser mon will be delivered by the pastor, the Rev. C. H. Heiges. i risburg is the Star Bowling Com pany, which has leased the Leonard . alltys and at this permanent place, r will conduct a lively campaign. The idea is to interest all the city and ■ surroundings. Arrangements have already been started towards form ing the Dauphin-Cumberland County Duckpin League, composed of teams from the Wharton alleys. Middle -5 town; Parthemore's alleys, New Cumberland; Fickes' alleys, Le : nioyne, and the Leonard alleys, of 1 this city. At the meeting Saturday th e fol ' lowing officers were elected for the ' I ensuing year: President, Tim O'Leary; secretary, Joe Rogers; j | treasurer, Emory Smith. Read this and give "the influenza , a wallop in the plexus If he gets , gay: A "poison squad" of 100 sailors at Gallup's Island, Boston, have used influenza germs as snuiT, and as seasoning for their food, and have been injected with germ cuß' tures, but have absolutely refused to develop Influenza. On the con , trary, their appetite Increased and . they manifested more vigorous _ health.' Yanks Want Cobb Colonel Jacob Ruppert, the owner of the Yanks, who received Leonard, Shore and Lewis in a deul with the Rod Sox the other day, is not through. He now covets the custody , of Tyrus R. Cobb, and is willing to . part with 160,000 to $70,000 to get . him. It is said that Detroit may be ; temjrted by that price, as even such , ceased to cause excitement in the a wonder as Ty lias In a measure [ city of the straits. | New York, Dec. 23.—Positive In . formation has been received from Cincinnati that Christy Mathewson will ugain manage the Reds next . year. Matty is expected to return t from France In a couple of weeks to , be discharged from the army. He is s extremely popular in Cincinnati and . President Herrmann Is ready to , sign him to another contract as "soon . as he is eligible. ' St. I.ouis K Dec. 23.—Branch Rickey, i president of th e St. Louis Nationals! I will be appointed manager of the i club as soon as he returns to St. L Louis, said James C. Jones, vice t president and one of the principal i stockholders in the club, to-day. Jones said ,the services of Jack i Hendricks, named manager of the club last season under a two-year contract, would be disposed of in . some manner. > MUCH TRAFFIC ON RAILROADS Christmas Season and Soldier - Traffic Handled-Without Congestion Freight and passenger traffic on the several railroad divisions running into Harrisburg are exceedingly heavy now with the height of the Christ mas rush on. Added to this, there 13 ' much travel of many inustered-cut soldiers and sailors and the return home of many men in the service for the holiday season. No considerable congestion has yet resulted In this section from the heavy traffic. The weather has been decidedly favorable and officials to day told that the trains are running larely well for this season of the year. Few passenger trains are run ning behind time and express and freight are being handled with little delay. A number of extra ears, especially! Pullman cars, hoye been udded to the trains to care for the heavy travel of men mustered out of the United States service. Six Men Bfeak Rules and Are Discharged I Six employes in various deparl | ments were 'discharged from tlio | service of the Middle division of the i Pennsylvania railroad for infraction lof the rules, discipline bulletin No*. 1542, Just issued from the offlee of S"- | perintendent J. C. Johnson, tells. This ' bulletin shows that forty-six addi tional employes were reprimanded and fifty-three more were suspended. SLIGHT WRECK AT STEELTON When one of the two engines mill ing passenger train No. 19 into Har risburg' was derailed near Steelton this morning it was delayed for one and one-half hours. No other trains were delayed by this accident. Other passenger trains were arriving in Harrisburg late as a result of the 1 wreck of a dozen freight cars near. | Philadelphia yesterday afternoon. COMRINE STATIONS Hawstone and Narrows, two non agent passenger stations on the Mid dle division of the Pennsylvania rail road In Mifflin county, will be discon tinued after January 1 and a new sta- I tion to be known as Hawstone located one-quarter mile east of the present Hawstone station. This information is given in a buletin Just issued by ■Superintendent J. C. Johnson. WRECK DELAYS TRAFFIC Passenger and freight traffic were considerably delayed by a wreck ut Strafford, eleven miles west of Phila delphia, yesterday afternoon, when a dozen freight cars were wrecked. ' Passenger trains between Harrisburg and Philadelphia were several hours late. Several passenger trains were directed over the Schuylkill division until the wreck was cleared up suffi ciently to allow passenger trains to pass. Standing of the Crews HARRISBURG SIDE Philadelphia Division The 124 crew first to go after 3 o'clock: 128. Engineer for 128. < Fireman for 128.- Conductor for 124. Brakemen for 124, 128. Engineers up: Klineyoung, Shue, Gunderman, Gaeckler. Roath, Lam bert, McDonald, Rhoads, Stefty, Brown. Firemen up: Moffltt, Plank, West fall. Barclay, Smith, Sheets. Brakemen up: Lutz, Hoffman, Sager, Lark. Middle Division —The 308 crew first to go after 1.30 o'clock: 33, 218, 33, 19, 243, 248, 30, 39. Engineers for 30, 39. Firemen for 35, 39. Cohductors for 30, 39. Flagman for 19. Brakemen for 35, <l3. Engineers up: Cope, Leiter, Stone, Gladhill, lleisey. Firemen up: Fry, Reeser, SniitU, Bower, Anders, Ilertzler, Campbell. Conductor up: Lour. Brakemen up: Young, Denpis, Gross, Rumberger, Shelley, Watts, McAlpin. Yard Hoard Engineers for 3-7 C, 10C. 12C, 2-14 C, 5-15 C, 32C. Firemen for 3-7 C, 10C, 12C, G-16C, 61C. Engineers up: Graham, Fry, Dougherty, Eyde, Ewing, Snell, Helsher, Ricliterf Firemen up: Bolan, Shoenlan, Low er, Eekenrode, Sheets, Graham, Barn hart, Miller, Boger, Garber, Snyder, Cunningham, Loser, Reber, Burns, Faesick, Hoffman, Chubb. ENOLA SIDE Phlldnelphin Division The 232 crew first to go after 3.45 o'clock* 242, 225, 214, 237, 205, 220. Engineers for 214, 237. Firemen for 205, 220. .Middle Division —The 219 crew first to go after 2.20 o'clock: 108, 248, 104, 121, 233. Engineer for 104. Brakemen for 108, 121. * Yard Hoard Engineers for 145, 140, Ist 104, 2d 104. Firemen for Ist 126. 3d 126, Ist 102. Engineers up: Liddick, Barnhart, Brown, Lutz, Balr, Fentcle, Smith, Zeiders, Brown, Myers, Quigley, Han lon, Kawell. Firemen up: Cessna, Chapman, Leightner, Jenkins, Miller, McCurdy, Henderson, McCann, Frank, Rlckard, Ashenfelter, Bitting, Knackstedt, Pierce. THE READING The 64 crew first to go after 12 o'clock: 11. 16. 19, 69, 18. 64, 62, 20. Engineers for 62, 64. Firemen for i>4, 62, 69, 71, 16. Conductors for 18, 19. Brakemen for 54, 69, 7, 11, 16, 19. Engineers up: Warner. Boyor, Hammerstein. Lackey, Lackey, Barn hrt, Beecher, Brown, Jones, Chron lster. Firemen up: A-xnelder, Kelm, Wels cr, Speck. Kuntz, Winter, Schwartz, Deltrick. Miller. Conductors up: Barborn, I'hela baurn, Bashore, Hall, Harlan. Flagmen up: Hershoy, Sourbeer, Grady. Brakemen up: Lehman, Lehman Parthcmore, ChronbUer, Ryan, Mes sersmith, Anderson. Kendrlck, Buf tlngton, Epler, Thomas- Moorhead. Chorus and Rotary Club Lead Chorals Tho Moorhead Choral Society and | the Rotary Club will lead the slqg- I ing at the Cotnmunlty Christmas | troe celebration to-rporrow evening, j The chorus will stand on one side of the tree and the club on tho other, i 1 MAJESTIC High Claaa Vaudeville Gerard's Monkeys; Padula and Denorl; The Capps Family; Martin and Webb; Orvllle Stann, strongest boy In the world. j ORPHEUM To-night, to-morrow and Wednesday, with matinees to-morrow and Christmas—Thurston, the Magician. Friday and Saturday, with dally mati nees, December 27 and 28 Uus Hill offers "Odds and Ends of 1918." Monday, night only, December 30 1 Crcatore Grand Opera Co. Tuesday und Wednesday (New Year's) with dally matinees December 31 I and January I—"Parlor, Bedroom ( and Bath." Coming, soon, for a special return 1 engagement— Hearts of the World. < CODON IAD To-day and to-morrow Tom Moore ' In "Thirty a Week," i Wednesday and Thursday—Constance ( Talmadgc in "A Bady's Name," , Friday and Saturday Alice Brady , in "Pier Great Chance." VICTORIA To-day and to-morrow Elaine ' Hammerstein In "Her Man." Wednesday and Thursday William I S. Hart in "The Hell-Hound of Alaska;" also "The Surrender of the , German High Fleet," and "Hands , Up," on Wednesday, with "The , Hand of Vengeance" on Thursday. , Friday and Saturday Houdlnl in "The Master Mystery." Frilay Jane Dee and Kathcrine ! Dee in "Swat the Spy." Saturday Mrs. Vernon Castle In i "The Girl of Bohemia." Thurston, the famous magician, will be ut the Orpheum beginning to-night. with matinees to- Thurston. morrow and Christ the Magician mas. As an enter tainer Thurston has become a national institution. It has always been his custom to present new mysteries each year which is, perhaps, his chief claim to popularity. It is said that his performance for this season will be ulong lines new to the amusement world, and will be un exhibition which is mystifying in the extreme. Some of his most elabor ate presentations are labeled "Ghosts; or, Do the Spirits Return?" "Gravita tion Defied," "The Miracle," "Every Woman's Wish," "Spirit Paintings," "The Vampire," and "An Invisible Flight." One has to keep his eyes and his attention fixed In order to fol low the different mysteries, they are so sudden and so astonishing. The Thurston idea makes for good in the sense that it contributes materially and sensibly to the Joy of loving; and it is doubly prized in that this holds good for the grownups as well as the little folk. A "chummy musical revue," "Odds and Ends of 1918," will be seen at the Orpheum next Frday and I "4)<ldn Saturday, with daily and Ends matinees. Unlike many of 11)18" musical revnues, this of fering of Gus Tiill's does not particularize on revuing or trav esting metropolitan hits, but lather alms to place before its auditors cari catures of current events and epi sodes, so that to get complete! enjoy ment from the performance one does not have to be familiar with New York's previous dramatic or musical comedy successes. "Odds and Ends of 1918" is present ed in two acts, showing sixteen dif ferent scenes. The booltf is by Hide Dudley and James Godfrey, and these two also assisted in writing the lyrics and music which is. principally bv James Byrenes. The interpolated songs are credited to Weston and Lee, and the production is staged under the personal direction of Julian Alford. The new vaudeville bill which open, ed at the Majestic this afternoon has as one of its feature attrae- At the tions Orvllle Stann, claimed ' Majestic to be the strongest boy in the world. An act that will please the "kiddies" is Gerard's Monkey's, who go through a routine of tricks that are interesting and amusing. The Capps Family are an aggregation of talented entertainers I in song, comedy and dancing. The popular comedy team, Martin and Webb, are also on the bill. The act is full of bright, snap>py comedy, and these two know how to put it over at its true worth. Padula and Denori, two girls in a pleasing singing and piano offering, round out the bill. "Thirty a Week" will be the at traction at the Colonial Theater. to-day and to-morrow, At the with Tom Moore, the popu- Colonial lar Goldwyn star. The story is of a chauffeur who mar ries on thirty per and to the richest girl in town. This is a delightful comedy drama and is bound to please hid and young alike. Wednes day and Thursday, charming Con stance Talmadge Will be seen at her best in "A Lady's Name." Starting with "Her Man." starring beautiful Elaine Hammerstein, niece of the famous impresario. At the in a strong, clean, virile Victoria American drama laid in the "land of yesterday," where primitive passions ruled in the fued land of Kentucky—the Victoria Theater this week presents one of the best-balanced and strongest programs of Its many excellent motion picture offerings. This picture will be shown to-day and to-morrow only. Vivian Martin will be seen at the Regent to-day and to-morrow in "Her Country First." Miss Mar- At the tin takes the part of Dor negent othy Grant*, the beautiful daughter of a manufacturer of munitions. How she ntukes up her mind to be a real patriot, how she goes about it and the happy climax make one of the most delightful screen romances in which she has ap peared. The story is flimc(l from Mary Roberts lllnehart's magazine story of the same name. A laughable Sennott comedy, "The Romance of Brass Tacks," rounds out the bill for the first two days of the week. Mary Piekford. the foremost actress of the screen world, is sched uled for Christmas Day as the big, attraction. She will appear In "Jo hanna Enlists," a picture that will be shown Christmas Day, Thursday and Friday. Another Bennett comedy will be given. FARVER FIDES BOND J. H. Farver, chief clerk to the County Commissioners, Hied his bond to-day. It was approved by the of ficials. Mr. Farver succeeded Edwin H. Fisher, who is now Register of j Wills. "Nobody But Myself Knows How Tonall j Has Helped Me." Mary Fritz, of Mohnton, Berks! county, Pa., says: "I was run down in system and i suffered from weakness. Soon after; taking Tonall I began to build up j right away. I feel like myself again, j and will continue to use it until my| system gets good nnd strong. i I heard about Tonal' from a friend; of mine nnd read In the papers how \ Tonall helped so many people with j ailments like m'ne. I was proud to give my endorse- I mcnt and praise the Tonall for the| •benefit It will do for others as li I be'teve In the Golden Rule." • This statement was given August |l. 1918. I Tonall is 'sold at Gorgas' Drug •fltnre. /Ho rrtnhurg and all lending IDENTITY OF MAN 1 WHOROBBEDCAR , STILL AMYSTERY Highwayman Is Chased Over Washington Heights by Carmen No clu e has been discovered to J lead to the arrest of the masked J robber who Saturday night boarded | a Camp Hill car at Earllngton, held i up the conductor and motorman, | took more than SIOO from tlio form- j er, and later boarded another Camp i 11111 car and came to the west end | of the Walnut street bridge where at the point of a revolver he ordered the conductor of the car to let him out, while he made his escape over the Nothcrn Central railroad tracks and into tho woods. It Is said a youth answering to the conductor's description of the high wayman, is employed by a West Shore contractor as a driver. The conductor of the Camp Hill car, C. H. Graham, and the motor man, H. E. Hess, were at Earllng ton, just beyond Camp Hill, ready I to resume their run to Harrisburg. j As they started toward their places at the front and rear of the car, a youth entered with drawn revolver, nnd demanded their money. The con. . duetor handed over more than SIOO, including his pay Which he had just ' received, and the company's money. Tho highwayman then boarded an other returning Camp Ilill car. The I motorman and conductor were noti- j fled of the identity of their pnssen- I ger by a loud outcry from Hess nnd Graham, but did not interfere with hint until the reached tho bridge, ready to enter Harrisburg. There, at the point of a revolver, he forced .the conductor to let him out of the car. As li e broke away across the hill, one of a number of street car employes secured a revolver from a soldier, and started in pursuit, while a running fire took place as I the man fled over the hill. The highwayman, however, outdistanc ed his pursuers. i Col. M. C. Kennedy to Get Home December 31 ClinmbcrMhurg, Pa., Dec. 23.—C01. > Moorhead C. Kennedy lias cabled from London that he will arrive home December 31. After reporting *at Washington, he will come here to Raggededge, his home. Ills family will return from Virginia at once. Col. Kennedy has been with General W. W. Atterbury, In the Transporta- i tion service In England and Frauce. He will resumo his duties as corpor ate head of (iumberland Valley Rail road. MAJESTIC A Holiday Show That In iin Bright iim u Christinas Tree. The Capps Family OF CLEVER JUVENILES Padula & Denori Martin Webb OrvilleStamm Gerard's Monkeys IhriNtiiiiiH SIIOWH, -.30 nnd oto 1 f I Thiirftriny, Friday nnd Hnturduy ! (Saturday evening excepted). I The it rut chapter of "The I.ure of | the rireUM," a new Mortal. V—■ . s\ IORPHEUM 3 Mysterious Days 3 °"u b p' e Tonight Tomorrow Christmas Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday (Xmas Day) THEVONDER SHOW OF THE UNIVERSE ?' 1 WORLD LOVES •THE GREAT MAGICIAN ATTRACTING THOUSANDS WHO RARELY AT TEND THE THEATER. MORE THAN FIFTEEN MILLION PEOPLE HAVE WITNESSED HIS PER FORMANCE. UNLESS YOU HAVE FELT THE THRILLS OF AMAZEMENT, HAVE BFEN SPELL BOUND BY THE HINDOO MAGIC AND WEIRD, SUPERNATURAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF THURS TON, YOU HAVE MISSED AN EXPERIENCE OF THE RAREST MENTAL SENSATIONS. Nights & Xmas Matinee, 25c 50c 75c SI.OO Tuesday Matinee, 25c and 50c No Higher 12 DAYS Matinee Saturday DEC. 27-28 GUS HILL OFFERS A CHUMMY MUSICAL REVIEW Odds- 1 Ends of 1918 irnmm TWO NEW ACTS—SIXTEEN BRILLIANT SCENES Book 'by Bide Dudley & Jack Nor worth Interpolated Songs by Weston and Leo ! I OL>TPI?<2 Micrhtc Orchestra, SI.OO and $1.30 i | 1 RiLnts—iNignts, llaL 50c aml 75c . Gul isc LSatnrHnv Matinee Orchestra.. .75c and SI.OO Saturday matinee, IJalooilJ . 23c and 500 SEATS WEDNESDAY Leon Lowengard Home From Officers' Camp Leon Lowengard, one of the pro prietors of the Courier Publishing l Company, returned early to-day from Camp Johnson, Fla., where he had been In training for a commission In the Motor Transportation Servioe. The officers training school thero hu been broken up and the candidates havo been honorably discharged. Mr. Lowengard has gained weight In the service and his only regret is that ho did not get to France. r 1 . Regent Theater First Presciifiitlons of Pnrauiount- Arternft Productions TO-DAY—TO-MOKHOW "HBH COUNTRY FIRST*' Featuring A IVIAN MARTIN ■iixl SENNETT COMEDY, The Ituiunnce of Ilrnss Tack*. SPECIAL HOMDAY FEATURE CHRISTMAS HAY THURSDAY AMI FRIDAY Mary Pickford —IX— Johanna Enlists iiixl SEXXETT COMEDY, "His Wife's Friend" ADMISSION 1 10c AXD *oc AND WAR TAX - COLONIAL Today and Tomorrow Tom Moore IX "Thirty a Week" VICTORIA THEATER Attractions Extraordinary for Christmas Week TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW ELAINE HAMMEKSTEIN I in "HER MAN" A Stirring lioiiiuucc of u Kentucky > Feud. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY I WJ 1.1.1 AM S. HART In "TIIE HELL-HOUND OF ALASKA" A lleil-tllooded Tale of tlie I.and of Cold. Also Absolutely Authentic I Pictures of "THE SURHENDEK OF T HE HERMAN HIHII FLEET | OX THE NORTH SEA." Admission, lOr and 20r ixxTwuTTnx ;" " J WINTERDALE DANCES 15 North Market Square . CHRISTMAS j Dance, Wednesday Kt e, Dec. 25 Sourbier's Orchestra v 1 Admission 40c and 60c Wright's Orchestra OF COLUMBUS, O. I Thursday, • Friday and Saturday Evenings, Dec. 2t>, 27, 28 Admission, 50 and 75 Cents 1 V— i *