Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 21, 1918, Page 3, Image 3
Christmas Spirit to Pervade Park Street The regular session of the Park Street United Evangelical Sunday School will he held on Sunday at 9.30, the lesson being a regular Christmas lesson. At 14).45 Sunday morning the tirst of the series of Christmas services will bo given when the juvenile departments of the Sunday school will present a program under the direction of Mrs. L, L. Booda. This service always attracts a large audience in Park Street. At 0 o'clock the only even ing service of the day will be held when the Sunday sclwol will again assemble and every department par ticipate in the presentation of the "White Gifts For the King" exer cises. For this service white will predominate as a color and mission ary offerings and gifts for the poor in white envelopes and wrappings will be laid at the foot of a white cross. In this service the senior choir, under the leadership of Mrs. Booda, will take a large part, as also the newly-formed junior choir un der the direction of Leah Mangen. The usual Christmas morning prayer meeting will be held at t> o'clock. All the former features of this service will be retained and sev eral new appropriate ones added. Wednesday evening tit 7.15 the cantata, "The Spirit of Christmas," will be given under the leadership of Mrs. H. E. Rickert. —spp Dandruff causes a feverish irrita tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a small bot tle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little in your hand and rub it into the scalp. After, several applications the hair stops coining out and you can't liiid any | dandruff. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County —ss. Frank .1. Cheney makes oath that] be is senior partner of the ttrni of 1 F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in | the City of Toledo, County and State . aforesaut. and that said tlrm will pay the sum of ONK HUNDRED DOLLAItS lor any ease of Catarrh •cannot he cured by the use of HALL'S , CATARRH M IODIC IN K. FRANK .1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed , in my presence, this (Hh day of ! December, A. I>. 1886. (Seal) A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. I II ALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is! taken Internally and arts through the j Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the"] System. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. .). Cheney AT CO.. Toledo, Ohio. I M STATIONERY Extra Quality, Neatly Boxed, Ovr C GORGAS 1(1 X. Third St. IVIIIIH. Station Own; OD (be lead and allows ate breathing. Call al the (.curge \. Gorgns Drug Store, ll.irt'isbutg, I'll.. at once (or a box of it. Wonderful remits— I Killo germs and healo oore membranes. Uaethifl J fragrant healing antiseptic cream to atop sneez ing and break up a cold in a hurry, 25c a box. i I Qiristmas | V money for oilier purposes can be had from us at Jj[ f# rates prescribed by ilie laws of the Slate of Pennsylvania. I; |i A great many, people have the wrong conception of bor- :s[ | M rowing monej). Mos't all business men at times are com- W| ; |r pclled to borrow money to tide them over a short period, A j S so why is it any different ior en individual to borrow under 3jr r £: the same conditions. A j A : S 11 : All transactions are strictly confidential. *¥'j: j OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS Xlj I Employees Loan Society | : Room 206 Bergncr Building Third and Market Streets. Jr l icensed and Bonded hy the State A IE 0 IE fUI A h CAN BE CURED PW Free Proof To You All t want Is your name and address so I can send you J.c HUH.II B P a free trial treatment. I want you just to try this treat- druooist Went —that's all—just try It. That's my only argument. I've been in the Retail Drug Business Tor 20 years. 1 am a member of the 1 Indiana state Board of Pharmacy and President of the Retail Druggists' Association. Nearly everyone in l-'ort Wayne knows me and knows about lily successful treatment. Over elglit thousand seven hundred Men Women 1 and Children outside of Port Wayne nave, according to their own statements been cured by this treatment since I tirst made this otter public. If you have ICcsemn. Itch, Suit llheum. Tetter —never mind how bad mv treatment has cured the worst cases 1 ever saw— give me u elnii.ee to Drove my Clnlni. Send me your name and address on the coupon below and get the trial I treatment I want to send you FREE. The wonders accomplished In your own i ease will be proof. | CUT AND MAIL TODAY J. C. HUTZELL, Druggist, 3151 West Main St., Fort Wayno Ind. f'case send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment. Post Office „„SUte Street find No !. Jl ! SATURDAY EVENING, SET OF C. E. STANDARDS LAUNCHED BY STATE -UNION i Christinas Subjects and Yule-'- tide Flavor to Predominate J in Tomorrow Evening's I j Meetings . 1 The Pennsylvania Christian En t deavor Union has launched a set of : standards by which a society is j recognized as being on the "tiring j line" which conditions are observed j i as follows: ] j— a junior or intermediate so- I I ciety in the church. ' 2—At leust twenty per cent, of the 1 active members O. E. experts and the | , efficiency campaign the basis of the j society work. 3 —At least twenty-five per cent. ] of the activo members enrolled as comrades of the Quiet Hour, and ten i per cent, as Legionaries. 4 —An offering annually .to count/"! 1 and state work. , s—Furnish statistical reports an-| nually to county and state officers. , ti —Represented at county and j 1 stiite conventions. j 7—Observe Christian Endeavor I week and Pennsylvania Endeavor | ' day. | ; s—At least ten subscriptions to the j ! "Pennsylvania C. E. Bulletin" and j I three to the "Christian Endeavor] 1 World." | 9—Special study class* conducted, , I either missions, citizenship or per-1 ; sonul work. 10—Decision day for associate members and special and prayerful attention to this department of the ' work. i All societies meeting seven of the |above conditions and holding them aj j period of six months, providing con | diUons 4, 5 and 8 are among the ; i number, will be enrolled as "Front Line" societies, and awarded a cer- ! ' ttficate by the state Union. I All "Front Line" societies receiv ing recognition as "excellent" socie- | : ties from the United Society in the ! 'standards campaign will receive the! i blue seal from the State Union for ithe "Front Line" certificate. J All "Front Line" rocieties receiv- : ling recognition as "Superior" socio-! Ities from the United Society in the j ' standards campaign will receive the gold seal from the State Union for the "Front Line" certificate stndgUpon | reaching all ten points in the State I Society standards will be awarded aj j banner from the State Union and be j I known as "Front Line Banner" so- ! <-' ities ' • C. E. Notes I Second Reformed Endeuvorers | ; are boosting the society work withj tin "auto race" contest. Much en-i j tilusiasm is being manifested and tlie ] i membership is increasing. Thomas Montgomery will have charge of the Endeavor service at' : t lio Covenant Presbyterian Society on j Sunday evening. He will give a brief : message on the Christmas topic. ] J Florida Endeuvorers are furnish-! ing the Y. M. C. A. hut at Camp j Wheeler, where a former Florida i Hndeavorer is secretary. Pictures j have been sent and money enough to , purchase curtains and a largo ! Christian Endeavor pennant. Endeuvorers w-Jl study the topic ' "Peace on Earth" at the services on Sunday evening. The Christmas spirit will be emphasized in many societies and wherever possible the Are You Fat? Just Try This Thousands of overfat people have become slim by following the advice of doctors xvlio recommend Mt.'rnola Prescription Tablets, those harmless j little fat reducers that simplify the , dose of the famous Marmola Prescrip ! tion. If too fat, don't wait for the doc tor's advice. (Jo now to your druggist ]or write to the Marmola Co., 804 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich., and lor 7.7 c procure a large case of these j tablets. ; They reduce two, three or four ; pounds a week without exercise, diet ing or any unpleasant effect what- | 'ever. If too fat, try this to-day. A Mjnm CHARLES R. BARTLEY ( Charles R. Bartley, one of the j leaders of the Dauphin County ; Christian Endeavor union, is en- | j deavoring to stir interest in the var ious societies of the Harrisburg dis j irict. He has been recently elected j vice president of the city district and i lias had th honor and entrusted to i the purse strings of the county j union for several years. I 1 soldier boys will be invited to al ] tend. DO YOU KNOW THAT —Philadelphia Christian Endeavor i j Union is planning a big Clark-Gates, ! rally for Monday, January 20th? —Miss Lydia Welmer will conduct. the C. E. Christnius meeting at the j Christian Endeavor Christmas meet ing °at the Derry Presbyterian | Church, Hershey, on Sunday even ing? ! —Many societies are getting into i the "Front Line" list and are adopt ing the State Union Christian En j deuvor standards? i —St. John's Lutheran Endeaver | cts, Steelton, will hold a Christmas i meeting to-morrow evening? Miss j Mary Gartlan will have charge of j the service. —The tirst man in the Australian ! arfny to win the British Victoria i Cross, a coveted distinction, is an 1 Hndeavorer from Wedderbum, Vlc j toriu, Australia, Captain Albert i Jacks? - Miss Lillian Miller will speak I jat tlie Market Square Presbyterian ] i society to-morrow evening? —At St. Paul's Lutheran Society, ' New Cumberland the service on , Sunday will be in charge of Miss ; C'atherin Shuler? !• —The editorial staff of the j ] "Christian Endeavor World," for i ensuing term will include the fol | lowing: Editor in chief ,tlie Rev. I Francis E. Clark; publisher, Wil liam Shaw: editor afield, the Rev. ' Ira Landrith: managing editor, i Amos R. Wells; associate editors, I Arthur W. Kelly and the Rev, R. | P. Anderson. —Mrs. Sallie Stougli will conduct a Christmas meeting at the Harris Street United Evangelical Keystone League on Sunday evening? —St Mathew's Lutheran Endeav orais will have a good program arranged for the Christmas meeting in the Endeavor service on Sunday evening? J. A. Musser will lead the service. —The Dr. J. Wilbur Chapman has well said that the Red Cross! "makes its appeal to everyone that j has a heart and extends its help to everyone that has a need." —At the Westminster Presbyter ian society the Christmas meeting, to-morrow evening, will be in charge of Miss Jane Jones? •—Dr. D. A. Poling's trip to the west has been greatly hampered by the Spanish influenza. When he j reached tlie south in Houston and ] vicinity in three days lie delivered twenty-one addresses. In nine days ] ! lie spoke thirty-eight times, and the i 'average daily attendance was 1,710? j | Beautiful Cantata to Be Given in State Street [ On Sunday the people of State j j street has a musical treat in store.] I The well-trained choir under the] 'able conductorship of Prof. T. H. j j Da vies is preparing one of the best j Christmas programs that has been] given on the hill. The ladies' and I men's chorus will render special col lections. The popular cantata, "Prophecy and Fulfilment," will be given. The choruses arc from works of famous! writors adding such scripture recKa- ] tive us may be needed to form a! coherent story of the Birth of ] Christ. Soloists are. soprano, Mrs. A. Hid ley and Carrie Walker; contralto, Mrs. Shaffer, Mrs. Thompson and Miss M. Edmundson; tenor, T. How ard Davles, Jr.; bass, Messrs. Linglc and Bushman; pianist, Miss Emily: Miller. Members of chorus: soprano, i Mrs. Hidley, C. Walker, Mrs. Spidel, I Mrs. T. H. Davles, Mrs. Buck, Mrs, M. ' Edmundson and Mrs. William Ed- | mundson; contralto, Mrs. Shaffer,! Mrs. Thompson, Miss M. Edmundson, I Mrs. Jacobs and Mrs. Hinkle; tenors, \ T. Howard Davies, Mr. Myers, Wil liam Edmundson and Bateman; bass, i Messrs. A. Linglc, A. W. Bushman, g! Stotz, Ow.vn Davies, Lewis Row and i Torn Clark. Dr. Mudge to Preach on Christmas Subjects I The Christmas spirit will permeate I all of the services at the Pine Street I Presbyterian Church Sunday. | The church Christmas service will be the morning-eervlOe at 10.30. Dr. | L. 8. Mudge, the pastor, will preach i front the theme "The Christmas I Guest." The quartet will sing "The Song of the Angels," by Dickinson,] land "Hark, What Mean Those Holy' j Voices," by C. N. Henrich. On Sunday evening the services I will be largely In order of a tnusi- I cal service. The quartet assisted by j a large chorus, under the direction ! of Prof. Frank A. McCarrell, will ' sing the Christmas portion of the | Oratorio. "The Messiah." Dr. Mudge! : will speak on "No Room," the text I taken from Luke 2:7, j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH XMAS GIVING AT STEVENS CHURCH Hill People to Share Abun dance With Needy Poor of City Very elaborate plans have been made for Christmas Sunday at the Stevens Memorial Methodist Episco pal Church, Thirteenth and Vernon streets. To-morrow morning: at 10 o'clock, the Sunday school will hold I its annual giving festival. All gifts will be credited to the individual classes and full distribution made to Horrisburg's neediest folk before Christmas Dny. Many local charita ble institutions are scheduled for do nations. The service to-morrow morning will be one of rejoicing worthy of the holy season, Mrs. Arthur H. Hull and Mrs. Robert B. Reeves assisted by Miss Ruth S. Kraybill will give the fol lowing muslcale program to-inorrow .morning, at 11.15 o'clock:' Organ j prelude, "Christmas Offertory," by Orison; "Cull Him Jesus" from In carnation, by Geibel; "No Candle j Was There and No Fire," by Lea iman; offertory, "Shepherd's Song," by Merkel; "Birthday of a King," by Nudlingcr; "Song of the Chimes," by Worrell: organ postlude, "Christ mas Postlude," by Best. At this service Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker Is to speak on "Our Mission Is Peace." Sergeant Humphrey J. Roberts, the noted Welsh baritone of New j York city, assisted by Miss Ruth S. I Kraybill, will present in recital "An I Evening Before Christmas" at Stev | ens Memorial Church to-morrow evening at 7 o'clock. This soldier singer has an enviable record of achievements gained in the musical world. The greatest satisfaction is expressed for the following program to be heard to-morrow night: Organ prelude, (a) "Fantasia on Old Christ mas Carols." by Faulkes, (b) "Christmas in Sicily" by Yon, (e) "The Manger," by Guilmant, (d) "Christmas Pastorale," by Harker; "Silent Night," by Frariz Uruber; "The Birthday of a King," by N. Neidlinger; "Come Ye Blessed," by John Prindlo Scott: "Shepherds, Hail the Wondrous Stranger," by W. G.I Hammond; offertory, "Christmas Mussette," by Mailing; "How Hong Wilt Thou Forget Me," by Oley Speaks; "The City Divine," T. Bon heur; "Glory to God in the High est," by F. Flaxington Harker; or gan postlude, "Sortie in D,' by Dun can. Christmas Carol Service at Central Y. M. C. A. A Christmas musical program will; be the feature tor the men's meet- , ing at Central Y. M. C. A. tomorrow j afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, the meet-j ing being ope q£ the series being! held In Fahnestock Hall of the as sociation building. The musical will j be unique in that it will consist i largely of the singing of carols and I hymns in which the audience itself will take part. Beautifully colored! lantern slides wlll.be used to illus-| trate the Christmas story. The pro-; gram is in charge of Prof. C. A. El- | ienberger, who will preside at the organ. Christmas readings will be by J. Horace McFarland. [Other Church News on Pago 16.] JSjowmanZ BEM. 11)01 —3350 IJVITGD IIA nil ISB I'll G, SATURDAY, DECEMBER !!1, 1018. I'OUNDED 1871 Our Daylight • Th 'f S ' ore Is Policy Has Met Not Open With Approval An y Evening Several years ago this store adopted the policy of closing on Christmas eve. This permitted our salespeople to enjoy Christmas without being unnecessarily fatigued at the close of a busy holiday season. For years we have advocated closing stores on Saturday eve nings. This year we practice what we have advocated. Further more, we will not be open any evening preceding Christmas. \\ e trust it will not be many years before other local stores will • see the wisdom of this policy, now practiced in leading cities. The most remarkable increase of business that any old estab lished business house could hope for has been our good fortune. This would seem to imply that our customers have approved the policy adopted in behalf of our employes. Not only have they adapted themselves to the daylight shopping practicl, but from the substantial increase, it is plainly evident that many new friends have expressed their approval by their liberal patronage. For this manifestation of goodwill by the public, we are sincerely appreciative, and in reminding you again that this store will not be open any evening before Christmas, we suggest— SHOT EARLY MONT)AT ANT) TUESDAY 'STORE CLOSES TROMTTLY AT SIX CHRISTMAS BELLS ARE VICTORY BELLS The International Sunday School Lesson For De cember 22 Is "The Birth of Jesus" Luke 2:8-20 By WILLIAM T. ELLIS For two thousand years the Christ mas bells have been ringing in pro phecy; now they ring In realization! Peace for nil the world is here. The victory bells that still are ringing ire also peace bells, taking up the glad refrain of the centuries. No where on earth is there a malign na tion designing to oppress or invade or usurp. While all the world maizes Christ mas plans, there sits an Vlnterna ttonal conference—the most signifi cant since the shepherds met the Holy Family In the stable of the Bethlehem khan—to assure that tran quility and good will prevail perma nently. After the great war is a great peace. The Council of Nations now in session is undertaking defi nitely to preclude future strife. This tremendous fact, which over shadows all our Christmas-keeping, seems almost Incredible. Our war wounded and war-weary world can scarcely grasp It. That this Christ mas, the most Chrlstrnasy ever known, has come as a consummation of the hopes and prayers of millions beyond belief of Imagination. Heaven Bhould be storpied this year by praises and acclaims almost rivaling the celestial tumult created on Holy Night, when first the world was given news of its supreme Hope. Wlint It Son Meuns to Bethlehem Certain matters of fact crowd themselves upon our attention this Christmas, so that there is scarcely opportunity to muse over the signifi cance of the Birth of the Babe and Its circumstances. For the places of his nativity und earthly life are now free. For centuries an oppression more cruel than the Roman has held sway over the land made holy by the foot-prints of Jesus. Within three years, hundreds of thousands of dwellers therein have died of starva tion or of violence. Such want and misery as this bountiful western con tinent does not know, have beep gaunt inhabitants of the former home of Jesus. Now neither the Roman census laker nor the Turkish official af frights the people of David's ancient town of Bethlehem. Men do not have to hide food one from another. Suspicion and intrigue have given way to good will and mutual confi dence. Food Is abundant and freely displayed. British soldiers, from the far-flung limits of the empire stalk familiarly through the streets where once the shepherds and the Magi walked, and their presence is a sign of protection and of liberty. "The house of bread," which is the mean ing of Bethlehem, has again become the home of abundance. The artisans sit In their little shops cutting moth er-of-pearl souvenirs for visitors to send to the ends of the earth. A new atmosphere of freedom and prosper ity and happiness has conic to the town of the Nativity, in fulfillment of the Christmas prophecy. So it is also in the beautiful little city of Nazareth, with its Fountain of the Virgin stilt flowing abundant ly In tlio square, even as it did when the Virgin Mary carried a water Jar to its stream. All around the hills which shut In the community seem to be fresher and greener than ever; for, since the battle of Armageddon, f< tight on Esdraelon's historic plain by General Allenby's troops, the peo ple have been free and safe and fed. the Turks and the Germans having been driven out. This Christmas sees every sqdnre yard of the land once trodden by the fiet of Jesus delivered from Imme morial tyranny; and entering upon a new day of promise. Did the an gels who sang so jubilantly on Holy Night foresee this greatest of all Christmas days? The People of Ihc Bulie It Is easy to Imagine a commotion in cclestinl realms 'his Christmas! Heaven's highest hopes are being ful filled. rrophe.-y Is become realize tlon. Bound into new unity and fel lowship, aware of Its Interdepend ence and reliance upon a spirit of good will, all the earth is flooded with Christmas rejoicings. This is no ordinary Christmaq, to be ob served in usual fashion, it Is a timo to enter Into the spirit of the Christ mas Land Itself. Not only Is old Judea free, and Samaria, and lowly Galilee, where Jesus roamed, but even Arabia, to the East, whoso dangerous desert sands the Wise-men crossed, is now i place of safety and of promise. Ish n.ael shares tile blessings of the household of Isaac. We cannot forget that this Christ mas finds the people of Jesus free. All over the world, except, possibly, in chaotic Russia and its northwest ern borders, where red anarchy reigns, the Jews have been delivered from immemorial restrictions anil persecutions. In Rumania and Tur key and Europe, they have been given full rights of citizenship. More wonderful than that: the Jews are free to return to the land if their fathers, and to settle therein. As soon as they possess a majority of the population tliey may rule In old Canaan, coming to theocracy by way of democracy. Not since thi time of King Solomon have the elitl uron of Abraham had such unimpeded and unmenaced liberty in the Land of Promise. The Unite of Iho People And all because a Babe was born in Bethlehem! Truly, Ills name has become "Wonderful," and "Counsel lor," and He Is t[ie "Deliverer," with "the government upon His shoul ders." Simeon foresaw- far when he declared that this Babe was set fo.* thi rise and fall of many. The news, as it now speeds faster than angel's flight through the pure ether above to all the earth below, translated in to terms of the victory of righteous ness on the battlefield, and of peace conferences and world parliaments, in verily "good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." • We have glanced at what this Christmas means to the people of the Babe; now to consider the Babe of the people. Never did the sublime truth mean so much as to-day. that Jesus came not In royal state to kingly palace: nor even to the luxur ious home of the rich; but that he v. as born In the lowliest circum stances, close to the toilers met at the inn, and son of an artisan house hold. The divrne plan outran the DECEMBER 21, 1918. ! thought of tlic day when it placed 1 tlie only-begotten Son of God as a I Babe in a manger: and brought Him ; to manhood In a workingmnn's home. ' with a worklngman's labor for His • own lot; and horny-handed sons of industry as His chosen companions. ; This was a new Idea. Even yet the whole earth has not grasped it. j Jesus embodied a fresh truth—the nearness Hnd love of God; displayed ; amid the common people. When the ; Almighty did His best to reveal ,Hls own personal qualities to humanity He incarnated them in an artisan. Whatever it was possible for God to make known concerning Himself was to be seen in the character of Jtsus, the carpenter. What means this aspect of the Nativity upon this day, when there. 1 is surging through the heart of hu manity n new sense of man's rights J and of man's opportunity and of j man's brotherhood? The answer is a profound one, the truth of truths l'< r our times, it Is that mankind meets together in tlie person of | Jesus. He is life's common denom | irator. All levels become one on His j level. We find ourselves when we j find Hint. Mis spirit of good will, of JSaarmanZ fIEI.I. IlMH—iisr.o I NTTEI) SATURDAY, DECEMBER SI, 1818. A Sale oj Gloves 250 pair of genuine Centemeri and other j French kid gloves for women. Also domestic capes. They are broken sizes, but there is every color and every size, but not every size in every color. Gauntlet, one-clasp and two-clasp. An extraordinary pre-Christmas special at Special Monday || We have just added fourteen additional feet to our glove | space, enlarging the department so we are better able to supply the increasing demand for gloves of the Bowman I Any Woman Will Appreciate Aj, f Genuine Madeira f \ Handkerchiefs 4( * • Special at 1 -3 Off Regular The wonderful skill of the women of the Azores'is evident in every stitch of these beautiful handkerchiefs. Bought at the old price. Soiled from handling, one visit to the wash will make them fresh, in fact improves them, as it washes away the stamp. Values from 50c to $2.00 at one-third off. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. compassion, of helpfulness, of broth-*! erhood, and of hot indignation i against all oppression and wrong,; must be the spirit of the new day. The issue has now well-nigh nars| rowed down to one between vikism and spirit of Christians brotherhood. Never was the Christmas mood and message more "needed than to-day| Jesus, the manger-born brother of? the lowly, the life-long interpreter of man and God, the champion of all who suffer, is the one sufficient Rec onciler for our day. He will lead men into the new era by paths of love and not of hate. He alone can show us how much stronger and old er and more sacred are the ties of common humanity which bind ua than the barbed wires of class which divide us. T'nder His leadership wed can go forward to a full realization of the Christmas promise, with com mon forbearance and faith and good will. And under no other leadership now in sight can the world advance unitedly to the goal of the common good. Only the Christmas star give* promise of guiding us all to the ful* filment of our deepest dreams and do* sires. , 3