Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 21, 1918, Page 16, Image 16

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Noted Interpreter to Road Fa
mous Story as Part of
Yuletide Exercises
At the Camp 11111 Presbyterian
Church, the pastor, the Rev. Ray-'
mond A. Ketchledge will deliver ap
propriate Christmas sermons at both
the morning and evening services
to-morrow. At the morning serv
ice, at 11 o'clock he will preach on
the subject, "The Birth of Christ,"
and at 7.30, the evening hour of
worship, the topic will be 'The First
Fruits of the Gentiles."
The annual Christmas entertain
ment of the Sunday school will be
held on Monday evening. An inter
esting program will be presented and
as usual, the little tots will be the
center of attraction at this service.
An interesting feature of the
Christmas entertainment will be a
stereopticon lecture on Dicken's
Christmas carols by Charles 11.
Linde. of Camp Hill. M. Linde is a
student of Dickens and has spent
months in gathering the material
and preparing the slides for his lec
Market Square Congregation
to Hear Excellent Musi
cal Program
The Market Square Presbyterian
Church choir has prepared a great
program for morning and evening.
The evening service is almost wholly
given over to music. This choir has
for years followed a plan all its own
for the evening service. The world's
finest and most famous Christmas
carols are sifted; the best selected;
and a program built which is uni
que and wonderful.
To-morrow night at 7.30 this ser
vice will start with a program which
Is intended to please and delight
every lover, of the best of Christ
mas music.
Real Live Santa Claus
at Maclay Street Church
A Christmas entertainment, in
structive and entertaining to the
qjder folks and delightful to the
younger ones, will be held at the
Maclay Street Church of God on
Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. A
splendid literary program has been
prepared, and good music will fea
ture the evening. A real live jolly
Santa will visit the services and pre
sent the children with candies, gifts
and good cheer.
In the morning at 11 o'clock the
pastor. Dr. Houck, will preach a
Christmas sermon on the theme
"What Are You P>ringing to Jesus?"
A Fine, Practical Gift
t V. Third St. I'ontia. Station
3 WBm Third and Pine Streets \ %
h Sunday, December 22,1918 If; §
;; | Preacher, ItEV. L. S. MUDGE, D. D., Pastor '■ | $
|!l 10:30 A.M. |||
'■ Cliristmas .'Music !>>• Quartet and Chorus ~ i 'it
7.30 P.M. |l|
f/ \ The Oratorio, "The Messiah," Part I ?• *
I and the ■ i
Hallelujah Chorus
k % Brief Christmas Address—"No Room" %\ t
St. Stephen's Church
Sunday, December 23, 1918.
8 A. M. Holy Communion.
, 11 A. M.—Sermon subject: "Dante's Intrepretation of the Advent
6.30 Christmas Eve —Sunday School Christmas Festival.
12.00 midnight —Holy Communion.
11 A. M.—Holy Communion and Sermon.
The Offerings on Christmas Day are Given to the
Church Pension Fund.
> ~ 7" ~ : - :i= =
Christmas Wil) Be Celebrated Tomorrow
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor
Beautiful Anthems and Carols Will Be Sung.
10.30 A. M. —"Reasons for the Christmas Joy."
7.30 P .M.—"The World and the Christmas Spirit."
Bethlehem's Much-talked-about midnight scrfk-e will be held as
usual on Christmas Eve.
Interesting Program Sched
uled For Yuletide at "Church
With the Chimes"
In order that Christmas may he
celebrated worthily in this most
memorable year the services in Zion
Lutheran Church will center around
the content and meaning of the in
carnation. "The Word Made Flesh"
will be the morning theme and
"Make Room For Christ" the even
ing subject. The Rev. Dr. Herman
will preach at both services.
The senior catechetical class will
meet at 6.30. This class studies the
fundamental things in Christianity.
It aims to produce consecrated and
trained Christians.
The Christmas exercises of the
first department of the Sunday
school will be held on Tuesday after
noon. The adult departments will
have their program and reception
on Friday evening. The only ser
vice on Christinas will be the annual
morning praise service at 6 o'clock.
A social committee serves a light
lunch in the lower church at 5.30
to 6. The members of Zion have
been sharing their blessings with the
Loysville Orphans, the Children s
Industrial Home and others.
! Special Annual Celebration at
Messiah Lutheran Church
Will Be Interesting
In Messiah Lutheran Church the
! Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, pastor,
I there will be the annual candle
! fight Christmas service to-morrow
evening at 7.30. It is a service which
! has always been greeted with the
greatest enthusiasm.
The church will be illuminated
with candles and tinted lights.
Christmas melodies will be rendered
| by the clioir and the fattviliar Christ
mas hvmns will be sung. The chan
i eel window, "The Christians Story."
; which was especially constructed
with this annual service in mind,
i will be richly illuminated during the
| sermon. The pastor will preach on
: "The Story That Never Grows Old."
i To all who would walk through
the silent streets of Bethlehem,
j wander in awe over the shepherd
fields, and feast their souls on the
: glories of the first Christmas—this
service will be of interest.
Dr. Yates to Preach
Sermon in Serve
1 The Fourth Street Church of God
will observe next Sunday as Christ
mas Sunday. The work of the dec
j orating committee will help the serv
ice to be of a Christmas nature for
j the eye as well as the ear and heart.
! The choir will render special an
thems and solos at both services,
j Because it is the greatest Christ
i mas tide the world has seen, Dr. Wil
liam X. Yates will celebrate it by
preaching a sermon in verse at the
morning service. During the even
ing program Mrs. Yates will give a
blackboard Christmas talk.
l[OUicr Church News on Page 3.J
St. Paul's The Rev. Wlltlam
Moses. 10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school,
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. XV. Dea
vor. 11, "The Christmas Spirit;" 7.30,
"Watch—Be Ready;" Sunday school,
Grace —The Rev. Dr. Bagnell will
preach in the morning on "Christ
| mas. Nineteen Eighteen;" the even-
I Ing service will be musical.
I Coxestown—The Rev. John G.
Davis. 10.30, "Peace on Earth;" 7, j
i "The Angei Chorus;' Sunday school,
I 9.30.
j Camp Curtln—The Rev. John H. j
j Mortimer. Morning, Christmas ser
jmon, "The Angelic Anthem;" recep
' tlon of members; evening evangelis
| tic services with R. R. Y. M. C. A.
I Gospel Crew. Sunday school, 8.
Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A.
;Fyles. 10.30, "Overshadowing Pow-i
:or:" 7.30, "Light on the Cloud;" 2,
I Sunday school.
I Ridge Avenue—Morning, "Christ- j
i mas sermon," by the Rev. H. H.
Bender; evening, cantata, "The Star j
;of the East," by the church choir; ]
j Sunday school, 10.
Baughman Memorial, New Cum- j
1 berland —10.30, worship and sermon,
i subject, "World's Peace;" 7.30, spe-|
clal music and an illustrated lecture j
on "Palestine, the Land of the Prince
of Peace."
Riverside—The Rev. I. F. Berk-'
heimer. Sunday school, 2; Sunday I
school Christmas entertainment at
West Fairview —The Rev. I. F.
Rerklieimer. 10.30, "The Season's!
Message;" Sunday school, 1.30.
Camp Hill —The Rev. Joseph E. |
[Brenneman. 11, a Christmas sermon; ,
7.30, Christmas program by the Sun
day school; Sunday school, 9.45.
Second —The Rev. Alfred Xevin
Sayres. 10.30, "The Prince of;
Peace;" 7.30, "The Function of Joy;
lin Life:" Sunday school, 1.45.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyles i
May. 10.45, "At the Christmas
Shrine;" 6.30. Sunday school Christ-,
mas service; Sunday school. 9.30.
Reformed Salem—The Rev. Ellis i
X. Kremer. 11 and 7.30. Sunday;
school, 9.45.
Pleasant View—The Rev, George
W. Harper. Sunday school, 9.45: j
10.45, "The Christmas Message;'' ;
7.30, Christmas exercises by the;
Nagle—The Rev. Elmer E. KaufT-!
man. 10.30, "The Visit of the
Magi;" 7.30, "Beholding the Lamb
of God;" Sunday school, 1.30.
Maclay Street —The Rev. Dr. Wil- ,
liarn S. Houck. 11. "What Are You
Bringing to Jesus?" 7, a Christmas
entertainment: Sunday school, 9.45.
Progress—The Rev. J. M. Wag
goner. Sunday school, 9.30; preach
ing at 10.30.
Linglestown—The Rev. J. M. Wag
goner. Sunday school, 9.30; preach
ing at 7.
Green Street —The Rev. H. S. Her
shey. 10.30. "On Earth Peace;" 7.30,
"Emmanuel;" Sunday school, 2.
Fourth Street —The Rev. Dr. Wil
liam X. Yates, pastor, will preach a
sermon in verse at 10.30 on "The
Heavenly Message;" 7.30, in connec
tion with special musical program
by the choir, Mrs. Yates will give
a blackboard Christmas talk; Sun
day school at 1.40.
Penbrook —10.30, Christmas ser
mon by the pastor, the Rev. S. N.
Good; 7.30, sacred cantata for
Christmas entitled, "The Shepherd
Ring;" Sunday school, 9.30; Chris
tian Endeaor, 6.10,
Christ —The Rev. Thomas Reiscli.
10.30, "Christmas Joy;" 7, program
by the Sunday school; Sunday school,
2 o'clock.
Zion—The Rev. Dr. S. Winfleld i
Herman. 10.30, "The Word Made
Flesh." 7.30, "Make Room For;
Christ;" Sunday school, 1.45.
Calvary—The Rev. Edward II. 1
Paar. 11, "The Coming of the Sa- !
vior;" 7.30, "Immanucl;" Sunday i
school, 10.
Messiah —The Rev. Henry W. A.'
Hanson. 10.30, Christmas service,)
sermon by pastor on "Christmas Day I
and the Other Days;" Sunday school, )
2; 7.30, candle light service, sermon;
by pastor on "The Story That Never
Grows Old."
Trinity, Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr.
E. D. AVeigle. 10.30, "The Nativity
of Our Saviour;" 7.30, Christmas in
song; Sunday school, 9.50.
Trinity—The Rev. R. L. Meisen- |
helder. 10.30, "Following the Star;" 1
7, Christmas exercises by children \
of the Sunday school.
Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Shafer.
10.30, "The Influence sf Christ;" j
7.30, "The oming of the King," il
Bethlehem —The Rev. J. Bradley
Markward. 10.30, "Reasons For the
Christmas Joy;" 7.30, "The World
and the Christmas Spirit"; Sunday
school, 1.4 5.
Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges,
daay at shrdl taun taun taun tauhn
10.30; Christmas exercises by the
Sunday school at 6.30; Sunday
school, 2.
Holy Communion—The Rev. John
i Henry Miller. 10.45, "A Voice in the
| Wilderness." 10.45, "Job in Adver
sity;" Sunday school, 9.30.
I Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stam
ets. ,10.30, "The Word Made Flesh;"
I 7.30, "The Note the Angels' Sang;"
| Sunday school, 2.
Kinnard's Hall—The Rev. Eli Yost.
First Church —Subject, "Is the Uni
verse, Including Man, Evolved by
Atomatic Force?" morning at 11 and
eveulng at, 7.30; Sunday school, 11;
testimonial meeting. Wednesday 8;
free reading room, Kunkel building,
11.30 to 5 dally.
The Christian and Missionary Al
liance, 1309 Walnut Street —The Rev.
W. H. Worrali. Sunday school, 9.30;
preaching at 10.30 and 7.45.
International Bible Students' As
sociation will hold services at their
regular meeting place, Fackler's hall,
Sunday afternoon; Bible study at
1.45 and discourse at 3.
Church of the Brethren—The Rev.
William K. Conner. 11, "What Man
ner of Persons Ought Ye to Be;"
6.45, there will be a'Christmas pro
gram; Sunday school, 9.45.
Tabernacle —The Rev. Millard Os
more Peirce. 11, "Many Gifts—But
the Most Precious of All Is Jesus;"
7.3 Q. "Turning the World Upside
Down;" Sunday school, 9.45.
St. John's —The Rev. E. P. Man
ning. 11. "And He Said Come;" 3,
preaching. Sunday school, 1.
First —The Rev. William J. Lock
hart. 10.30, a Christmas sermon;
■7.30, third in series, Second
Coming of Christ and President Wil- J
son at the Peace Table." |
Second—The Rev. Albert Josiah .
Greene. 10.30, "The Glory of the'
Christmas Morn;"' 7.30, "Entitre
Sancttfication;" Sunday school, 1. |
St. Paul's—The Rev. E. Luther,
Cunningham. 10.30, "The First
Christmas Anthem;" 7.30, "The Ful
ness of Time;" Sunday school, 12.30.;
Market Street —The Rev. W. S. I
Dunlop. 10.30, "Christmas Cheer;" I
Sunday irhool, 11.30 hrdl taun tan I
7.30, "What Christmas Has Meant to |
the World;" Sunday school, 11.30.
us3o7bo'ingan—.aSh shrd taun tu .
Immanuel—The Rev. H. Everett j
Hallman. morning, 10; Sunday,
school, 11.45; evening, 7.30.
Olivet—Preaching by the Rev. I
James Batten MacClure, "The Three I
Appearings;" 2, Sunday school and j
Adult Bible classes; 6.30, Christian
Endeavor; 7.30, "The Christmas
Story," with stereoptleon views and
illustrated hymns.
Covenant The Rev. Harvey
Klaer. 10.30, Advent to the
Old World and to the New." 6.30,
the Christmas exercises of the church
and Sunday school.
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War
den. 7.30, "A Christmas Message;"
Sunday school, 9.
Westminster—The Rev. H. E. Hall
man. Moderator Bishop W. F. Swen
gel will preach at 10.30 and 7.30;
Sunday school, 1.45.
Pine Street—The Rev. Lewis S.
Mudge. 10.30, "The Christmas
Guest;" 7.30, "No Room."
Division Street —The Rev. H. H.
Baldwin. 7.45, "God's Service Star."
Captain—The Rev. B. W. Ward.
10.45, "Saved For Service;" 7.30,
"Religious Pretenses;" Sunday
school, 12.15.
Market Square—The Rev. Dr.
George Edward Hawes; the Rev.
Howard Rodgers, assistant pastor.
Morning worship at 11, Christmas
music and Christmas sermon, "May
We Know the Christ When Heaven
Gives Him?" 7.30, great musical pro
gram of Christmas music.
Otterbein—The Rev. D. S. Edwin
Rupp, pastor. Morning service 10.30,
"A Message of Peace;" 7.30, Christ
mas cantata rendered by choir; Sun
day school, 2; C. E. at 6.30.
First—The Rev. W. E. Daugherty.
10.30, 'The Continuity of Christ's
Presence;" 7.30, "The Spiritual Head
of the Church."
Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Ly
ter. 10.30, "The Quest of the Ages;"
7.30, musical service, an augmented
choir under the direction of H. E.
Oensler, choirster, will render "The
Nativity" by Geibel; Sunday school,
2; primary department will render
its Christmas service at this hour.
Sixth—The Rev. J. Owen Jones.
10.30, "Herod's Inquiry." 7.30, can
tata, "Immanuel" by choir; Sunday
school, 1.4 5.
State Street —The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad. 10.43, "Seeking the King of
the Jews;" 7.30, the choir will ren
der a cantata entitled, "Prophecy
and Fulfilment." Sunday school at
St. Stephen's—The Rev. Rollln A.
Sawyer. 8, Holy Communion; 10,
Sunday school; 11, morning prayer
and sermon on "Dante's Interpreta
tion of the Advent Message;" 7.30,
evening prayer and sermon.
! St. Paul's —The Rev. F. Appleton.
8, Communion: 11, the Priesthood;
S, preparation for Christmas com
munion; Sunday school, 2.30.
St. Augustine—The Rev. *.V. M.
Parchment. Morning services and
communion, 11; evening services
at 8.
A. M. E.
'/Aon. Middletown—The Rev. J. A.
Stokes. Third quarterly meeting.
10.30, by the pastor; 3, the Rev. Mr.
Briscoe; 7.30, the Rev. Mr. Alricks.
Bethel—The Rev. H. 11. Cooper.
10.30, "The Best Gifts;" 7.30, the
choir will render a Christmas can
tata, entitled "Messiah's Advent,"
preceded by a twenty minutes' or
gan recital by W. 11. Bond, Jr.
Morning—Prelude, Prelude. Noel,
Guilmant; "The Star Spangled Ban
ner," the doxoiogy, "God Save Our
Splendid Men"; carol. "All My Heart
This Night Rejoices," Gow; "the of
fering; the offertory, "Christmas
Pastorale," de Lang; anthem. "Sing
O. Heavens," Tours, carol, "Lo How
a Rose," Praetorius (1571-1621);
postlude, "Postlude in F," Guilmant
Evening—Organ recital, 7.15 to
7.30; prelude and chorale from
"Christmas Tide" Suite, Weiss:
"Noel," Dubois; "Beside Thy Cradle."
Bach; "Listen Lordings Unto Me,"
Gascon, 16th Century; "Three Kings
Have Journeyed." Cornelius, Mr.
Watkins; "Mary's Lullaby," Char
wick, Mrs. Harris; "Let All Men Sing
God's Praises," Bohemian, 1600;
"There Was Silence in Bethlehem's
Fields," Stainer, Miss Middaugh;
offertory, "Cantilena," Becker; "The
Neighbors of Bethlehem," old
French, benediction carol, "Cradle
Song of the Blessed Virgin," Barn
by; postlude, "Christmas Pastorale."
j Dubois.
Morning—Organ prelude, "Christ
mas Musette," Mailly; male quartet,
"No Room in the Inn," AVilson; an
them, "Rejoice Greatly," Ashford;
offertory, "Christmas Offertory,"
Guilmant; postlude, "Hallelujah
Chorus," Handel.
Evening—Prelude, "March of the
Magi Kings," Dubois: hymn; prayer;
offertory, "Silent Night," Gbuber;
Christmas cantata, "The Star of the
East," Fearis; prelude, Prof. L. i!
I Evans; soprano, "Arise, Shine," Mrs!
I Laurence V. Harvey; chorus, "And
Thou, Bethlehem," choir: contralto,
j "The Stranger Star," Miss Violet
■ Champion, soprano and tenor, "The
I Angels' Song," Miss Mary E. Neetcr,
| Roy E. Walborn; baritone, "He Shall
Save Thee," J. W. Neidhamer;
chorus, "Sing O Heavens," choir; so
prano, "Beautiful Star," Miss Laura
I Eiehelberger; chorus, "Awake. Put
jon Thy Strength," choir; female
! voices, "Bethlehem;" baritone, "Lead
| Thou Me On," J. W. Neidhamer; con
| tralto and chorus, "There Shall Be
I Light No More," Miss Violet Cham
j pion and choir; tenor, "Peace on
Earth," Roy E. Walborn; chorus
"Rejoice Greatly," choir; postlude'
"Adeste Fideles," Prof. L. I. Evans'
Llewellyn I. Evans, organist and
choirmaster .
Morning "Hosanna," Faulkes
i "In Excelsis Gloria," (words from
j the Harleian Mss.) Mrs. William
(Helsley and choir; soprano solo, "O
Little Town of Bethlehem," Ballard
, Mrs. C. W. Myers; anthem, "Sing
|0 Daughter of Zion," Rogers!
j "Marche Aug Flambeaux," Guil
Evening—"The Shepherds In the
Field," Mailing; "Christmas Medita
tion," Faulkes; anthem, "O jfulet
AH notices of special Christ
mas services must be in the of
lice of the llurrlsburg Telegraph
by 4 o'clock Monday art crimen.
No notices received after that
time eiiii be published.
Night, O Holy Night," Xetdlinger;
anthem, "It Came Upon the Mid-.
night Cl|ar," Sullivan, with soprano I
obiigato, Mrs. Myers; duet for two j
sopranos. "The Star of Bethlehem," j
Kees, Mrs. Helsley, Mrs. Myers; j
"Marche Pontifleale," De la Tom- ;
Morning, 11—Anthem, "Shepherds'
Abiding In the Field," solo and ob- i
ligato, by Miss Amy Burd; soprano j
solo, "Christmas Eve," Miss Helen |
Lightner. j
Evening—7.3o the Christmas can- '
tata, "The Bright and Morningj
Star," by Wilson, will be given by j
the choir under the direction of H. |
W. Keitel, chorister, assisted by Miss :
Pearl Sowers, organist; prelude; !
"Bethlehem Star," by the choir:
chorus, "Arise and STulne," tenor solo ;
by Walter Gibson; quartet, "Ourj
Lord Emanuel," Miss Ethel Dissing
er, Mrs. John Klstler, Walter Gibson
and Jacob Smith, chorus, "Bethleni
Ephratu," soprano obiigato, Miss
Dorothy Jenkins; ladies' quartet,
"There Were Shepherds," solo and
obiigato by Miss Lightner, trio. Miss
Burd, Mrs. Klstler and Mrs. 11. W.
Keitel; soprano solo, "Over Skies
Afar," with violin obiigato. Miss
Burd and Miss Keitel; chorus, "And
It Came to Pass;" chorus, "Now
When Jesus Was Born," blass solo,
Jacob Rudisill, bass and tenor duet,
Dunmoyer and Rudisill; chorus, "The
People That Walked in Darkness;"
"Well May Ihe Star of Bethlehem
Gleam," tenor solo, Mr. Dunmoyer;
tlnnal chorus, "Glory to God in the
Morning—Prelude, "Christmas Of
fertory," .Grison; anthem, "Arise
Shine," F. C. Maket; offertory, "Vir
gin's Prayer," J. Massenet, arr. by
Shelley; soprano solo, selected, Mrs.
Griffith, postlude, " Grand Chorus
in E Flat," Guilmant.
Evening—Cantata, entttled "The
Star Divine," by A. W. Lansing; or
gan numbers taken from "The Birth
of Christ," Otto Mailing; (1) "The
Shepherds of the Field," (2) "The
Three Wise Men From the East,"
(3) "Bethlehem." Edwin B. Wase,
organist and chorister.
Musical program by the church
choir and Sunday school. At 10 an
interesting service will he held by
the Sunday school, all departments
meeting. The part taken by the pri
mary children will be most attrac
tive. The special offering of the day
will be for the school's mission sta
tion in China and Armenian suffer
Praise service by the choir at the
morning service 11 o'clock. The fol
lowing program will be given: Organ,
"Christmas Pastoral,' Merkle; "A
Christmas Meditation," Kinder: "A
Desert Song,' Sheppard; carol, "Sing,
Oh Sing This Blessed Morn," Bart
lett; anthem, "Bethlehem," Bartlett;
cantata, "Christmas," .Alt; solo,
"Come Unto Me," from the Messiah,
Cordry; anthem, "Joyously Peal Ye
Christmas Bells," Coombs.
..Enola—The Rev. H. M. Buck. Sun
day school, 9.30.
Park Street —The Rev. A. E. Han
gen. 10.45, Christmas exercises by
Juvenile departments; 6 "White Gifts
For the King," exercises; Sunday
school, 9.30.
Harris Street—The Rev. A. G.
Flexer. Sunday school, 9.30; church
service. 10.30, Christmas sermon; pa
triotic service, 7.30; solo by Mrs. G.
M. Steinmetz, "When the Boys Come
Music in the Churches
The Christmas muiso at Pine
Street Presbyterian Church will be
rendered on next Sunday by the
church quartet and a chorus choir.
At the morning service a traditional
| Eighteenth Century carol, "The
Song of the Angles" arranged by
Clarence Dickinson and the anthem,
"Hark! What Mean Those Holy
Voices," by Henrich, will be ren
In the evening the choir will give
its annaul presentation of the
Christmas portion of Handel's
"Messiah" and "The Hallelujah
Chorus." The organ numbers will
be as follows:
Morning Prelude, "Christmas
Fantasy on Old English , Carols,"
Best; offertory, "Noel Eccosais,"
(An ancient Christmas carol in the
Scotch style), Guilmant; postlude,
"Sortie," Duncan.
Evening Prelude, (a) "Christ
mas Pastoral," Merkel: (b) "Holy
| Night," Weiss; offertory, "Pastoral
Symphony" (Messiah), Handel.
Morning—Prelude, "Festival Fan
tasia," Tschirch; soprano solo, "O
Little Town of Bethlehem," Tprcss,
Soprano and contralo duet, "Christ
mas," Shelley, Mrs. Bowman and
Miss Shartzer: anthem, "Glory to
the Newborn King," Edwards; post
lude. "March Solemnette," Ketterer.
Evening—Prelude, (a) "Christmas
Pastoral," Lefebure-Tely; anthem,
"While Shepherds Watched Their
Flocks," Neidlinger; contralto solo,
(selected), Miss Jennie Thartzer;
anthem. "Bethlehem" Bartlett; post
lude, "Song of the Magie," Barton.
The choir of Covenant Presbyter
ian church, Fifth and Peffer streets,
has prepared an unsually bright
and attractive program for this
greatest of festal events and will pre
sent same at the morning service,
Sunday. The program includes the
following numbers:
Prelude, "The Shepherds in the
Field." Milling, Miss Kauff man;
"Sing Glory," Alfred Judson, chorus
and duoV Mrs. Samuel R. Harris and
Mrs. 11. C. Shimmelfeng; "Holy
Night, Peaceful Night," C. B. Haw
lev, quartet, Mrs. Harris, soprano;
Miss Tyson, alto; Mr. Harris, tenor;
Mr. Jackson, bass: offertory, "Fes
tal Offertoire in F," Read, Miss
Kauff man; "There Were Shep
herds," E. L. Ashford, solos, Mrs.
Harris and chorus: "Ring the Bells
of Christmas," I. R. Wilson, quar
tet, Mrs. Harris. Miss Tyson, Miss
Garland and Mrs. Shimmelfeng;
"The Wise Men Saw a Thousand
Stars," O. M. Carrington, contralto
solo, Miss Garland; duet. Miss Gar
land and Miss Garland and Mr.
Jackson and chorus; postlude, "Fes
tal March," Clark, M'ss Kauffman.
Personnel. Sopranos, Mrs. Sam
uel R. Harris. Margaret Tyson, Mrs.
Frank K. Smith, Miss Ruth Smiley,
Miss Esther Wardon, Mrs. C. C.
High, Miss Eleanor Eby, Miss Wil
helmina Black and Mrs. F. W.
Kann. , ,
Altos, Miss Mary E. Garland, Mrs.
H. C. Shimmelfeng, Miss Kathryn
T. Gamble, Miss Jean Eleanor Wal
Tenor, George B. Beidel, Samuel
R. Harris, Benjamin G. Lichty.
Bass, D. A. Teats, D. A. Kauff- 1
man, Lester D. Mather, S. Fryslng- I
er Pye, Clifford T. Rich and David
M. Wirt.
Director, Charles N. Jackson.
Organist, Miss Esther 'V. Kuuff
Morning Prelude, "Christmas
Pastorale," Dinelli; anthem, "There
Were Shepherds," Vincent; offertory,
"Pastorale in A," Guilmant; anthem,
"Brightest and Best," Hanscom;
postlude, "Chorus of Shepherds,"
Evening Prelude, "Christmas
! Carols." selected, anthem, "Sing, O
| Heavens," Frey; offertory, "Chimes
iat Christmas," Greenwald; quartet
j carol, "The Moon Looks Down,"
Hanna; postlude, "Festival March,"
| Mutter.
I Morning Prelude, "English
| Carols," Best; anthem, "Sing, O
Heavens," Tours; anthem, "O Lord,
| Our Governor," Gadsby; offertory,
: "Christmas Pastorale," De Lange;
anthem, "Sing, O Sing, This Blessed
I Morn," Rogers; postlude, "Christ
| mas Offertory," Grison.
Evening—Prelude, (a) "Christ-
I mas," Dethier, (b) "Christmas Pas
torale," "Silent Night, Holy Night,"
Harker; anthem, "Ring Out Ye
Bells," Henrich; offertory, "Pas
torale" (Christmas) Dethier; anthem
"From Heavenly Heights," Wooier;
anthem, "Hallelujah Chorus," (Mes
siah), Hhndel. postlude, "March of
the Magi,' Harker. Violctte Cassel,
organist; Thompson Martin, direc
Morning—Prelude, "Fantaisle on
Holy Night, Peaceful Night," Ash
mall; tenor solo, "Holy Night,"
Adams; offertory, "Adoration," Ath
erton; anthem, "O Come to My
Heart, Lord Jesus," Wolcott; an
them, "The Dawn of Hope," Coombs;
postludo, "horus of Shepherds," l
Evening—Prelude, "March of the
Magi Kings," Duois; soprano solo,
"A Madonna of the Entry," Sanders;
offertory, "Berceuse." Driffield; an
them, "The Night Song of Bethle
hem," Buck; quartet., "Christmas
Night," Funk; postlude, "Hosanna,"
Wachs. J. R. Swartz, organist and
Morning—Anthems. "Joy to the
World," "O Night of Peace and Still
Evening—6, pantomime, "Ttye
Star Spangled Banner." song, choir;
prayer; kindergarten exercises; song,
school; exercise, "Christmas Can-'
dies;" song, school; recitation; exer-
DiveSj, Pormroy & Stewart
We Suggest These Practical
Gifts For Men Who Are
Much Outdoors
Flannel Shirts Warm Gloves Warm Lined Coats
Our Men's Wear Section supplies many railroadmen, shopmen and mechanics through
out the year with furnishings for their working hours, and naturally a store that is de
pended upon regularly for such things cannot fail to toe that same mark of quality on such
an important time as Christmas. Workmen will appreciate just such gifts as arc hinted
of in this list.
Grey and khaki wool shirts with two pockets
and faced sleeves 12.50
Blue flannel shirts with two military pockets,
$2.50 and #5.50
Tan mixed and green khaki flannel shirts with
two military pockets „ $5.50
Wool regulation military khaki shirts,
$5.85 and $5.05
Flannelette shirts in grey and khaki; sizes 14
to 17 $l5O
Grey flannelette shirts; sizes to 18 Vi. at $1.25
Khaki, blue and grey flannelette shirts with
two military pockets, . $1.65 and $1.85
Best grade honte special and blue chambray
shirts; sizes 14 to 19; extra full cut $1.25
Heavy blue chambray work shirts, sizes to 17,
at sl.lO
Unlined leather gloves in short cuff and gaunt
let styles, made of split horse hide leather,
50c and 59c
Split horsehair gauntlet gloves, 75c, 85c and 05c
Canvas gloves with knit wrist 15c
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store.
A rmy and Navy Service Records
$1.50 to $3.00
Every boy, whether serving in the Army or the Navy, t\ ill appjeoate the gift
of a record book in which lie may put down the record of his enlistment or call under
the draft and his training camp experiences, adventures on the way "over there, ex
periences abroad, battle engagements on the different fronts visited, names of comrades
and friends, place for the honorable discharge certificates and several pages for per
sonal reminiscences and newspaper clippings.
These books are printed and bound in khaki for the Army and in blue for the
Navy. .
Clotti per volume
I Anther Pe p volume
If your boy has not come home get a book and start it for him.
Books About the War For Gift Giving
Written by men who have been there and
know. Every page is one of interest.
America in France, Frederick Palmer, ..$1.75
The Flying Yankee, "Flight," $1.35
High Adventure, James Norman Hale, ..$1.50
The U-Bout Hunters. A record of the activi
ties of our destroyers, James B. Connolly,
Huts in Hell. A stoiy of the Y. M. C. A.,
Daniel A. Poling $1.35
Salt of the Earth, Mrs. Alfred Sidgwlck, 00c
Shellproof Mack, Arthur Mack ...$1.35
All In It. KI Carries on, May lan Hay Beith,
Over There with the Australians, Capt. H. I-lugh
Knyvett 51.50
Over the Top First Call, Arthur Guy Emprey,
00c each
Private Peat, Harold R. Peat 60c each
How to Live at the Front, Hector MacQuarrie.
60c .each
My Four Years in Germany, James W. Gerard,
Outwitting the Hun, Lieut. Pat O'Brien, $1.50
■ J.
DECEMBER 21, lyiS.
cise, "Story of Christmas;" recita-1
tion, school; dialogue, "Christmas i
Aid Society;" recitation; pantomime, j
"La Marsaillas;" silent prayer for j
absent members, closing song.
BlGßb;d'Rda;es shrdl taun tahnu I
Morning "America;" morning'
service; hymn, "Hark, the Herald!
Angels Sing;" Scripture; Apostle's i
Creed; anthem, "Sing, O Heavens," i
Danks; hymn, "Hark, the Glad
Sound;" annual Christmas sermon by
the pastor; "Love's Sweetest Song,"
Wilson, Miss Katherine Kink: hymn.
"Angels From the Realms of Glory;"
doxology. bcnediclion.
Evening Christmas in song;
"America;" evening service. Psalm
98; Scripture; prayer; hymn; "It
Came Upon the Midinght. Clear;"
I anthems, ''Hark; What Mean Those
; Holy Voices," Danks; "And There
I Were Shepherds," Danks; "Blessed
! Is He That Cometh," Danks; "O Llt
[He Town of Bethlehem," Petrie;
j "Sing, O Heavens," Heyser; hymn.
"Come Hither Ye Faithful;" hymn,
"Joy to the World;" doxology; ben
Morning Prelude, "Christmas
Fantasy in Old English Carols," W,
F. Best. Carol, "The Song of the
Angels," Clarence Dickenson; offer
tory, "Noel Eussois" Gullniont; an
i them, "Hark! What Mean Those
> Holy Voices?" C. V. Henrich; post
jlude, "Sortie," Edmondstown, Dun
Evening—Prelude (a) "Christmas
] Pastoral," Markel; (b) "Holy Night"
!C. A. Weiss; offertory, "Pastoral
! Symphony," (Messiah), Handel;
! "The Messiah," part 1 and the Hal
] lclujah Chorus. Handel.
Morning—Prelude, "Largo" (New
(World Symphony), Dovak; anthem,
j "O, Night of Peace and Stillness,"
I William R. Hpence; offertory, "Mel-
I ody," Durand; anthem, "Arise,
| Shine for the Light is Come," Geo.
|B. Nevin; postlude, "Festival
! March," Guirand.
Evening Prelude, "Flat Lux,"
I Dubois: Christmas Cantata, "The
I Nativity," Geibel; offertory, "Christ
mas Pastorale," Rogers; postlude,
"Toccata," Dubois.
Morning— Prelude, "The Shep-
I herds in the Field," Mailing; an
; them, "Break Forth into Joy,"
! Spenee: offertory. " "Christmas
1 Sketch," Matthias von Hoist; so-
I prano solo, "The Star of Bethle-
I hem," Plogsted, Miss Ella Wilson;
I postlude, "Jubilant March," Grey,
i Evening—Prelude,"Cantilena Pas
j torale," Ashnall; anthem, "Sing.
JO Heavens." Simper; offertory, "Si
lent Night," Goller; ladies quartet,
"Christmas Hearts With Rapture
Canvas gauntlet, short and Unit wrist
gloves, 21c, 3 for 60c
Heavy black Jersey gloves 30c and 45c
Heavy tan and grey Jersey gloves 25c
"BB" leather palm railroad canvas gauntlets, 69c
ga unlets, ~ 69c
Canvas gauntlet gloves with leather palm, short
band and knit wrist; full size cut, 45c
Solid grain leather horse hide gauntlet gloves,
SI.OO and $1.15
"Hanover" unlined grey horse hide gauntlet
gloves 85c and $1.25
"Hansen," "Hanover" and "Hoosier" grain
leather unlined railroad and structural iron
gauntlet gloves $1.85 and $2.85
Khaki mole skin coats with sheep pelt lining;
beaverized fur col'ar; stayed reinforced pockets,
$10.95, $14.50, $15.95 and $16.95
Sheep felt lined khaki mole skin vests, $5.35
Dupont leather proof coats, leather lined with
beaverized collar; khaki and black $10.95
Khaki mole skin and corduroy coots; blanket
lined, $5.35 and $7.50
Back From Belgium, Father Jean de Ville,
My Home in the Field Honor,, My Home in
the Field of Mercy, Frances Wilson Hoard,
00c each
At the Edge of the War Zone, Mildred Aldrb'h.
A Hilltop on the Marne. Mildred Aldrich, 000
Told in a French Garden, The Peak of the
Load, Mildred Aldrich $1.35 each
Covered with Mud and Glory, George Georges
Ha Fond . $1.50
The First Shot for Liberty. By the lad who
fired the first shot of the American Army.
Corp. Osborne De Varila, ...', $1.25
Galllpoli, John Masefield 00c
The Black Watch, Scout Joe Cassells, $1.25
She Fighting Mascot, Tommie K,ehoe,.. .$1.35
With Those Who Walt, Frances Wilson Huard,
A Journal From Our Legation in Belgium, Hugh
Gibson 000
Kiltie McCoy, Patrick Terrance McCoy, $1.50
In Kultured Kaptivity, Ivan Kossiter, ..$1.50
Diveß, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor.
Bounding," Tourjee: pastoral®*
"Christmas March," Merkel.
Eleven o'clock service Venite,
Randall; Benedlclte, Clemson; Ben
edtctuß, Aldrlch; anthem, "The
Great Day of the Lord Is Near,"
Seven-thirty o'clock service—Mag
nillcat, Hawes; Nunc Dlmittls, Tur
le; anthem, "Now the Day Is Over,"
Targett. Alfred C. Kuschwz, or
ganist and choirmaster.
Morning, 10.JO —Organ prelude,
"Nazareth," Gounod-Westbrook;
baritone recitation and air from
"The Messiah," Handel; "ThiKi
Salth the Lord," "But Who Ma 7
Abide," Mr. Robert Smith; offer
tory, "Cradle Song," Boiling; an
them. "Arise, Shine," Buck; orgml
postlude, "Christmas," Best.
Evening, 7.30 Organ prelude,
"Shepherd's Pipes," Harris; quar
tet, "The Annunciation," Barnby;
from "The First Christmas," Mrs.
Decever, Miss Bennett, Mr. Selfert,
Mr. Smith; offertory, "Cradle Song,"
Spinney; soprano song, "To Vic
tory," Neidlinger (by request) Mrs.
Decevee; organ postlude, "Festival
March," Tielmaji: Mr sr. William
Bretz, organist; Arrs. E. J. Decevee,
Special music will feature all the
services at Grace M. E. s Church
Sunday. In the morning Dr. Bag
nell will preach on "Christmas,
Nineteen Eighteen," and the choir
will sing the old Bohemian carol,
"The Angels and the Shepherds,"
and "Ring Out, ye Bells," by Hen
rich. The Sunday school at 12.10
will have very attractive musical
exercises. The 7.30 service in the
church will be entirely musical, be
ginning with an organ recital by
William R. Stonesifer, who will
play "March of the Maji" by Du
bois, "Christmas Pastorale," Har
ker; "Song of Joy," Higgle; Harold
| E. Malsh, violinist, will play for an
I offertory, "Cantique de Noel," Ad
lam. The chorus choir will sing the
i cantata, "The Nativity of Christ,"
a work of wonderful melody, beau
ty and genuine Christmas spirit.
The cantata includes six original
carols of rare charm and variety,
and six choruses of real Christmas
significance, effective and tuneful
solos are introduced throughout
the work. John W. Phillips will di
rect the singers and Wm. R. Stone
sifer will be at the organ.
The choir of the Sixth Street
United Brethren Church under the
direction of George E. Troup, will
render a sacred cantata entitled,
"Immanuel" next Sunday evening,
Dec. 22, 1918, at 7.30. The wordH
of the cantata are by Edward Ox
enford and the music by Charles