Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 21, 1918, Page 15, Image 15
Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page MOTORCYCLES AND ItICYCLLS FOR SALE One Harley-Davldson Motorcycle, with side car, Inquire 301 South Fourteenth street, * $916 HARLEY MOTORCYCLE *tde car and tandem, electric equipped. 4225.00. Indian Twin Tandem. SSO. ' Burst. Llngleslown. Pa. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Uke new. Bargain at $95.00. Horn. Llngles town. Pa. FOR SALE One 1918 brand-new Reading Standard Electric, with side car; one 1917 Indian, with sidecar; one 1916 Indian, with sidecar. All above machines are In first-class condition, and will be sold cheap. Harrlsburg Motorcycle Exchange, 1227 North Sixth street. MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES ' BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. . DORY SHANER, WITH ANDREW REDMOND. NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AMI REPAIRS GOODYEAR TIRES In sizes 30x3% and 32x4 A. YV. T. Fabrics, and 30x3% Rib Cold at prices less than you can buy, 1213 North Third street. AUTO KADI AO IRS ol all Kinds re- f (aired by specialists. Also fenders, amps. etc. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works, 803 North Third street. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS Frames stralgmoned and welded. Heavy Cast Irou Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Lognn St. BELL 4396 J. - MAO' •"* All types: 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eishmunn. Dlxey. Splltdorf. Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A Sehiffman. 22-24-26 North Cumeruu street. Bell 3633. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Benedetto Sal \adori, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin , County, Pa., deceased, having oeen granted to the undersigned residing in said city, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them lor settle ment. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY. Administrator, 222 Market Street. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion in the Estate of Guiseppe Di Dalio having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons owing the said Estate will make payment at once, and those lir.vmg claims will present them with out delay to lIARItIfeBURG TRUST COMPANY, r Administrator, No. 16 South Second Street, Harrisburg, l'a. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Harry C. Baum, laic of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment, to MARGARET J. BAUM. Administratrix, 28 North Seventeenth Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administra lion on the Estate of Fred W. Heck (also known as Warren F. Heck), late ! of Harrlsburg. Dauphin County, Pa., j ' deceased, having been granted to the ; undersigned, all persons indebted to! said Estate are requested to make , immediate payment, and those having , claims will present them for settle- ] nient. W. M. OGELSBY, 222 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pa.. ] Administrator. ! NOTICE Letters of Administra- 1 tion on the Estate of Lerue L. Ellen- j borger. late of Oberlin, Dauphin Coun ty. Pa., deceased, having been granted 1 to the undersigned, all persons indebt- ! ed to said Estate are requested to i make immediate payment, and those' having claims will present them lor! settlement to ALBERTA ELLENBERGER. Or to Administratrix. 11. L. DRESS, Attorney, Steelton. Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that the I following accounts have been filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Dau- : pliin County, Pa., aid will lie confirm- ! <-d by said Court on the 16th day of January, 1919. unless cause be shown to the contrary: Third account and distribution of Charles A. Ambler, Insurance Commis sioner, and liquidator of American Union Fire Insurance Company. First account of Charles A. Ambler, Insurance Commissioner, and liquida- i tor of Citizens Life Insurance Com pany of America. Final report, embracing third dts- ' tribution of Charles A. Ambler, Insur- , ance Commissioner, und liquidator of Y'ork County Mutual Live Stock In- j surance Company, v. Report and final account of Victor Braddock, receiver of Home Building and Loan Association. Annual account of Principal and Trustees of Emails Orphan House, rliddletown, Pa. First and final account of Walter E. Dietrich, trusted of Emma Bretz, late of llarrisburg. Pa. Final account of Isaiah S. Daniel, committee of Daniel Keiter, a lunatic. ! late of Halifax township. Dauphin ! county. Pa., deceased. Final account of Mary H. Arm- j strong, formerly Mary H. Haldeman, I trustee of Edward M. Haldeman. Esq. \ First and final account of Central : Trust Company, committee of Paul B. j Steckley. deceased. Second and final account of Edwin ! M. Horshey. receiver for the City Auto Supply Company. CHARLES E. PASS. . * Prothonotary. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY The undersigned will sell at public sale on the premises located at No. i 311 South Front street, in the Bor ough of Steeiton, on Saturday after- I noon. January 4, 1919, the following I personal property belonging to the ' Estate of Elmer E. -Fiese, deceased und the Estate of Sarah A. Fiese. de- i ceased, respectively, to wit: 1 large Mack auto truck fully i x equipped and in good condition. 1 1 gasoline tank and gasoline con fined therein. i oil barrel and oil contained there in. Some coal and a large amount of kindling wood. 1 Mitchell automobile. lairge amount of carpet. • % dozen or more chamber suits i f, complete, including beds, springs ! mattresses, wash stands and bureaus' Several sets of dishes of ancient nd modern styles, the old dishes be- very valuable. 3 men's watches. 1 in very good condition and very valuable. 1 parlor suit. Large number of chairs. Tables. Stands. * - Sideboards, Corner cupboards, and All other furniture found and needed in a dwelling house. Sale to commence at 1.30 p \t sharp, when terms will be made : known by STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton Pa ' Administrator of E. E. Fiese, deceai- 1 Administrator of Sarah A. Fiese de ' ceased. WICKER SHAM & METZGER, " Attorneys. SATURDAY EVENING, LEGAL, NOTICES I COURT PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Hon. Geo. Kunkel, ; President, and the Hon. 8. J. M. Me- Carrell, Additional Uw Judge , of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace, of the Twelfth Ju dicial District,.composed of the County of Dauphin, having issued their pre cept bearing date the 11th day o£.l)e cember, A. D. 1918, to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery anil Quar ter Sessions of the Peace at Harris borg, for the County of Dauphin, and commence the second Monday of Janu ary. 1919, being the I.3th day of Janu ary, 1919, and to continue two weeks. Notice Is thereto! c hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace. Al dermen and Constables of said County Of Dauphin, that they be then and there In their proper persons, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, ex aminations and thely own remem brances, to do those things which to their office appertain to he done and those who are bound In recognisances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be In the Jnli of Dau phin County be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hand at llarrisburg, the 11th day of December, A, D. 1918, being the one hundred and forty-third year- of Independence of the United States. W, W. CALDWELL Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrlsburg, Pa., December 14. 1918. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters Testamentary having been j issued to the undersigned upon the Estate of Sarah 1,. Auxer, late of the City of llarrisburg. Dauphin County, deceased, notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims or demands against the said Estate to make known the same, and alt persons In debted to said decedent to make pay ment without delay to ALONZA G. LEHMAN. 918 Green Street, Harrlsburg, l'a. HARGEST & HARGKST, ' Attorneys. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS IN THE SIXTH AND TWELFTH WARDS, CITY OF lIARRISBURG. The owners of unregistered proper ties in the Sixth and Twelfth Wards of the City of Harrisburg, in accord- I ance with the terms of a certain part of the Art of Assembly, approved 27th June, 1913, Pamphlet Laws of 1913. page 568, and Ordinance No. 11. File of City Council, Session of 1918-1919. are hereby notified to furnish within thtrtv days from the 12th day of De- I ceinber, 1918. to the City "Engineer, at this office, descriptions of their re- . spective properties, upon blanks to be furnished by the city, and at the same ' time to present their conveyances to be stamped by the said engineer with- j out charge as evidence of the registry i tiiereof. Any person or persons neg- | lecting or refusing to comply with ; the provisions of this section for a i period of thirty days after public no tice of the requirements thereof shall bo liable to a penalty of five dollars, to be recovered with costs of suit. In , the name and for the use of the city, i as penalttos for the violation of city | ordinances are recoverable." Blanks j may be obtained at the office of the City Engineer, Room 316 Common wealth Trust Company Building. 222 ! Market Street Harrlsburg, Pa. M. R. COW DEN. City Engineer. - 1 NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS J Notice is hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement Bonds. : issued by the City of Harrisburg, Pa.. that the same will be redeemed at the Office of the City Treasurer, on Jan uary 2, 1919. at which time Interest on all said bonds will cease: No. Amount Street. C 465 SIOO Second street. C 406 100 Second street. fO 429 100 Klttatlnny street. (' 436 lm) Hamilton street. O 457 100 Hamilton street. C 458 100 Hamilton street. O 459 100 Hamilton street. C 460 100 Hamilton street. C 469 100 Muench street. C 470 100 Muench street. C 471 100 Muench street. C 472 100 Muench street. C 473 100 Muench street. C 474 100 Muench street. C 496 100 Penn street. C 497 100 Penn street. C 498 100 Penn street. C 509 100 Clinton street. tC 59 4 100 Bailey street, tc 2o 100 Brook street. C 863 100 Cowden street. C 874 100 Jefferson street. ' 875 100 Jefferson street. C BSO 100 PelTer street. C 881 100 PefTer street. C 898 100 Brady street. U 899 100 Brady street. O 904 100 Drdmmond street. C 915 100 Hunter street. C 916 100 Hunter street, c 941 100 Wallace street. O 975 100 Woodbine street. CIOO4 100 North street. CIOOS 100 North street. CIO2B 100 Daisy street. C 1073 100 Seneca street. <"1074 100 Seneca street. C 1075 100 Seneca street. C 1076 100 Seneca street. C 1077 100 Seneca street. CIOB3 100 Geiger street. CIOB4 100 Geiger street. CIOBS 100 Geiger street. Cllsß 100 Fifteenth street. CI 165 100 Balm street. CI 180 1(10 Ella alley. CI 239 100 Naudain street. C 1253 100 Logan street. C 1254 100 Orange alley. C 1255 100 Orange alley. C 1236 100 Orange alley. C 1273 100 Seventh street. C 1304 100 Emerald Rtreet. ("1319 100 Nineteenth street. ! C 1356 100 Chestnut street. I C 1363 100 Twenty-first street. I CC 690 200 Berryhill street. CO 691 200 Berryhill street. 10'* 288 Seneca street. *'£ 288 Seneca street. CC u>3 200 Seneca street. ( .S i? 5 280 Seneca street. CO u}7 200 Seneca street. J'}" 288 Seneca stiver. CC 759 200 Seneca street. J''" 2"0 Seneca street. CC 799 200 Shrub street. x ';'. 288 Linden street. CC 8.3.3 200 Miller street. rSI ?S'! 288 Naudain street. CO 8,6 200 Derry street. C<; 288 I.ogan street. . CL 88- 288 Derry street. CO 899 200 Chestnut street CC 903 200 Twenty-first street Cg 911 200 Hillside Road. CC 912 200 Hillside Road. , S ; J? s®® Seneca street. 5 SS? Sixteenth street. 8 Ji 1 ; C'? 8 perry street. 8 -v- 552 perry street PI 1 588 Derry street. 8 -j; ®* BB Logan street. Dl 6 4 000 Emerald street. .8 888 Maclay street. D ios 500 ■ Seventh street STREET GRADING BONDS No. Amount. Street. 51 S2OO Summit street. 2 2 200 Summit street 53 200 Summit street. 168 ioo Summit street. *s® Summit street. •/. 57 , Emerald street. •C alled January 2, 1918, at which time Interest ceased. tCalled July 1, 1918. at which time interest ceased. time ••Called January 2, 1916, at which time interest ceased. C. E. WEBER, „ , , City Treasurer. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 20. 1918. HIGH CLASS HOMES FOR SALE 100 South Thirteenth Street. CU North Sixteenth Street. 1515 State Street. 803 North Seventeenth Street. 1713 Korster Street. 154 9 State Street. t 2058 Whitehall Street. BELL REALTY CO. j Bergner Building 1 VOTED MOST POPULAR TECH HIGH BOYS / Left to right! "Cuckoo" Beck. i!Wt Hahn, "Bill" Iloerner, "Ken." Fisher, "Bud" Lingle, "Grcenlo" Burchfleld, "Hughle" Wells, "Doughnuts" Wllsbuch, Joe Wachtman, " Peto" Blank, "Hen" Bhopo und "Bill" Mnurer, , * THE TECH BOYS VOTE TELEGRAPH IS BEST [Continued from First Page.] through the eyes of a Maroon stu dent: \VHO'B WHO AT TECH Best all-around athlete, Carl Bock. Most popular boy, "Pete" Shank. Most popular teacher, Prof. W. D. Meikle. Biggest Bluffer, "Doughnuts" Wilshfich. Beat-llkod boy, "Cap" Ebner. Most popular with the tflrls, "Buddie" Llngle. The greenest looking Freshman. "Greenio" Burchfleld. The wisest looking Senior, "Hon" j Shope. Biggest "itldder," "William the I Silent" Hoerner. Best student, "Hughie" Wells. Best-known fellow, "Silent Will" | Hoerner. Best singer, "Bill" Maurer. Most popular "eats," Beans. Best looking, "Ken" Fisher. , Regt dressed, Bert Hahn. Best Grammar school, Forney. Best location in Harrlsburg, Hill. Best Harrisburg newspaper, the Telegraph. Most popular study, French. Least popular study, Public Speak ing. Favorite day of the year, Last Day of School. Favorite college, State. Favorite profession, Electrical Engineering. Best mathematician, Waehtman. Favorite magazine. The Tatier. Warkets) By Associated Press New York. Dec. 21.—Speculative issues constituted the only features of interest at the outset of the week end session on the Stock Exchange. Marino preferred, United Fruit, Mexican .Petroleum and General Mo tors advanced one to three points, while rails, steels, tobaccos and utilities displayed further reaction ary tendencies. Liberty Fourth 4Vis changed hands at the new low price of 94.44. Trading was exceedingly light, the market coming to a standstill before the end of the first half hour. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrlsburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia: 34 Pine street. New York—furnish the following quotations: Open. Close. A.llis Chalmers 30 74 31 Amer Beet Sugar 63 63 American Can 46 Vi 46% Am Car and Foundry ... 87 87% Amer Smelting 79% 5874 American Sugra 110% 110% Anaconda 64 64 Atchison 90'4 90% Baldwin Locomotive. ... 74)4 75 Baltimore and Ohio .... 52% 53'4 Bethlehem Steel 61% 62% Canadian Pacific 136>4 156V4 Central Leather 59V4 58 % Chesapeake and Ohio ... 56 56 Chi Mil and St Paul ... 42 42 Chicago R I and Pacific . 25% 26 Chino Con Copper 33 33 Corn Products 47 47V4 Crucible Steel 36% 37 Distilling Securities ... 50% 51',4 Erie 17% 17% General Motors 129 129 Great Northern pfd .... 95% 96% Great Northern Ore subs 32V4 32% Hide and Leather 13% 13% Hide and Leather pfd .. 69% 69% Inspiration Copper 45% 45 International Paper ... 31 31 Kansas City Southern ... 19V4 19% Lackawanna Steel 67% 67% Lehigh Valley 57 56)4 Maxwell Motors 29% 29% Merc Mar Ctfs 26% 26% Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 110% 110% Mex Petroleum 169% 167% Miami Copper 23% 23% Midvale Steel 44% 44% New fork Central 75'% 76 N Y N H and H 31% 32 Northern Pacific 93% 94% Pennsylvnaia Railroad . 43% 45 Railway Steel Spg 73 73 Ray Con Copper 20% 20% Reading 81% 81% Republic Iron and Steel 74% 74% Southern Pacific 99 98% Southern lty 29% 29% Studebaker 52% 51% Union Pacific 128 127% U S I Alcohol 102% 103 U S Rubber 77% 77% U 8 Steel 93 74 96 Utah Copper 7374 74% Willys-Overland 25 25'% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Pliiliidelpuhin. Dec. 21, Wheat No. 1. sou, red. $2.20; No. 2. red. $2.24; No. 3. soft, red. $2.24. Corn —The market is steady; No. 2. yellow, to grade and location. 51. 55® 1.70: No. 3. yellow. $1,554)11.70. Oats The market is firm; No. 2, white. 81% ®B2c; No. 3, white, 80% ® 81c. Bran The market Is steady; soft winter, per ton. $40,504)147.00; spring, per ton. $44.004r45.00. Butter The market is firm; western, extra. packed. creamery. 69c: nearby, prints, fancy, 73@76c. Cheese The market is firm; New York and Wisconsin, full milk. 337%C. Eggs Market firm; Pennsylvania, i and other nearby firsts, free cases. $21.00 per case; do.. current ' receipts. free cases, $20.40 per 1 case; western, extra firsts, lree case.-. ' $21.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $20,104) 20.40 per case; fancy, • selected, packed, 75®77c per dozen. ] Refined Sugars Market steady; ; powdered. 8.45 c; extra fine granulat- | ed. 7.25 c. Dive Poultry The market is firm; fowls, 32®35c: spring clicickens, 28® 32c; fowls, not'leghorns. 31®32c; white , leghorns. 29®3c; >oung. softmeated roosters, 21®22c; old roosters. 21®22c; spring chickens, not leghorns. 30®32c, white leghorns. 29®80c; ducks. Peking spring. 32®35c; do., old. 30®35c; !u --dinn Runner. 28®30c; spring ducks. Long Island. 34® 36c; turkeys. 36® 38c; geese, nearby. 28®33c; western. 38® 32c. , Dressed Poultry Steady; turkeys, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NEWS OF STEELTON ORDAIN THREE IN TRINITY CHURCH Dqnish Diplomat Attends In teresting Service of Ordination J A large congregation and many clergy attended the services in Trin- j ity Episcopal Church yesterday, , when two deacons were advanced to i the priesthood and one man made a | deacon. John Schwacke, lieadmas | ter of Yates School, Lancaster, was j ordained to the diaconate, and the ! Rev. C. B. E. Robinson, of Lykens, I and Ihe Rev. Joseph H. Bond, of , Mansfield, both deacons, were ad vanced to the priesthood. The ser | mon was preached by the Rev. Fred- I rick Virgin, of the diocese of Ver ! inont, head scoutmaster of Pennsyl vania. The Rev. Dr. Floyd Appleton, rector of St. Paul's Church. Harris burg, acted as the bishop's chaplain. The Rev. William Charles Heilman, rector of Trinity Church, was master of ceremonies. Mr. Schwacke was presented to the Bishop by the Rev. George Israel Brown, of St. John's Church, Lancaster, while the dea cons were presented by the Rev. Fr. Pulsifer, chaplain of Yates j School. Hie Rev. Henry A. Post, of ; St. Andrew's Church, Harrisburg, I was the epistoler. The Rev. Leroy F. Baker, founder of Trinity Church, 1 was in the chancel. Immediately after the ceremonies I the newly-ordained clergymen and the visiting priests were entertained at luncheon in the parish house.- An ; interesting feature of the luncheon I was the presence of Sigzorda Lund, lof Denmark. Lund is a son of the chief librarian of the University of : Copenhagen and a nephew of the Danish Consul General to Brazil. He | is now on his way to Rio de Janeiro to join his uncle in the work of the consulate. Lund spoke feelingly of the friendship of his countrymen toward Ajnerica., A short address was aFo made by Elliot Darlington, son of Bishop Darlington and a mem ber of the American diplomatic corps in Denmark. "PITTSBURGH KATE" IX TOWN "Pittsburgh Kate," a notorious characer, a few months ago ordered out of the borough, again made her appearance yesterday. During her stay in town she is the guest of the borough, at the local police station. spring, choice to fancy. 43® 44c; f do., western, choice to fancy, 42043 c; turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 37 ! ©4lc; tutkcys, common, 30035 c; old, i turkeys, 3S ® 40c; fowls, fresh killed fowls, fancy, 3503044 c; do., smaller sizes, ®34 He; old i ousters] i 37c; broiling chickens, western, 42© 44c; roasting chickens, 29®3tic; ducks I 40® 42c; western ducks, 38040 c; geese! I 27 032 c; dressed Pekin ducks. 34® j 26c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Kun- i tiers, 2i©3714c; spring ducks, Long! Island, 30040 c. Potatoes The market is firm;! New Jersey, No. 1, 80©3Oc; per basket; .do.. No. 2, 60®ouc per i basket; do., 100-lb. bags. No. 1 $2 su® ' 3.00, extra quality; do.. No. 2. $1.50® ! 2.25; Pennsylvania. 100 lbs.. No 1 1 12.600 2.65; do., per 100 lbs., fancy* $2.0503.10; New Jersey, No. 1. 100 ! lbs., $2.1502.50; do.. No. 2. 100 lbs i $1.2501.75; western, per 100 lbs., $2.00' 02.25; New York State, per luo fb I $2.2502.35; Maine, per 100 lbs., $1,60® 1 I.90; Delaware and Maryland, per lou ! bag, 00c® $1.10; Micliigan, per 100 ' lbs., $1.5601.(0; Florida, per barrel i $2.6002.00; Florida. per bushel! i hamper, 7a®Ssc; Florida, per 150-Ib bags, $1.5003.0.0; North Carolina, per barrel. $1.5004.00; South Carolina, perl barrel, $1.5004.00; Norfolk, per bar- ' re I. $3.4504.75; Kastern, Shore, perl barrel. $2.0003.75;. fancy, Macungie 1 No. 1, per barrel. 52.tm03.10; do.. No. 2. per barrel. $1.2501.50. Flour Firm; winter wheat, new I 100 per cent. Hour, $10.25010.65 per barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $lO 850 1 11.20 per barrel; current receipts I $10.60010.85 per barrel; spring wheat' I Hay—Tlie market is Arm; timothy'I No. 1. large anil small bales. $33 000' 34.00 per ton; No. 2. small bales. s3l jo 1 032.00 per ton; No. 3. $25.00026.00 per' ton; sample. $12.50013.00 per ton- no I grade. $7.50 011.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $30,000 ' 31.00 per ton; No. 1, light, mixed ! $27.00028.00 per ton; No. 2. light! mixed. $25.000 26.00 per ton; no! grade. $18.00020.00 per ton. • Talldw The market Is steady; prime city, in tierces. 1 Be; city i special loose, 16V4c; prime country. I 15c; dark. 1401414 c; edible In tierces. 1801814 c. PHII.ADtSI,FHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, Dec. 21.—Slocks clos- ! ed higher. / Baldwin Locomotive 75 (jeneral Asphalt 3*14 , General Asphalt. Pfd 76 Superior Corporation .... 1714 ; Lehigh Navigation 70 Lehigh Valley 56 Pennsylvania Railroad 4514 I Philadelphia Electr'r 2" Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 27', ' Reading .. e SI Storage Rrttery "> '"• Union Traction -... • United Csis Imr-ov-trt lit "" United qteel 05, York p"wy 7 'i j York Railways, Pfd 34 14 IMM ' <•' ' w By Associated , rets I Chieaao. I fee. 21. <U. S. Bureau! of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 7.000; market mostly steady, with j yesterday. Bulk of sales. $17,250 17.60: butchers. $17.40017.65; light, I $16.65017.40; packing, $16.500 17.40;, throw outs, $15.50016.50; pigs, good to I choice. $13.760 14.75. Cattle Receipts. 3.000; compared I with a week ago. beef steers 50c to I 75c lower: fat cows end heifers tin- ' steady; other classes' 50c to 75c lower; j hulls. 25c to 50c lower; canners. 25c, higher: ealves, $2.00 lower; stoekcrs i aid feeders about steady. phcep —, Receipts. 2,000; compared i with a week ngo, fat lambs 25c to 50c lower; wethers and yearlings, 50e to 76c lower; ewes steady to 25c lower; feeding lambs generally steady. AVI 1,1. L'F.I.KIIII ATK THIIIO AMMVKHSAUV OF PASTOR | To-morrow will mark the third an niversary of the Rev. Warner Brown as pastor of the Mt.Zion Baptist Church Special services will be held at 10.45 |a. m., 3 and 7 p. m. In the morning I the Rev. J. E. Bland will preach, while the anniversary sermon will be preached in the afternoon by the Hey. K. Luther Cunningham, of St. Paul's Baptist Church, Harrlsburg. The evening sermon will be preached by the pastor. The local choir will be assisted by the choir of St. Paul's ■ Baptist Church. CHI HCII ANXOI XCKIIF.VrS ' Trinity Episcopal—the ltev. William ! Charles Heilman. rector. 8 a. m.. Holy ! Communion; 10 a. in.. Church School, address by the ltev. F. K. Virgin; 11 а. in., morning prayer and sermon, "The Peace of God;" 7.30 p. in., even ing prayer and sermon. Quiet service ! Christmas eve at 8 o'clock. Early celebration Christmas morning at 7.30; full Christmas celebration at 10. Sunday School Christmas service ' Thursday evening. St. John's Lutheran—the Rev. G_. 1 N. Laufter. pastor, will preach at 10.45 . a. m. on "The Visit of tile Shepherds;" | 7.30 p. m., cantata by choir; Sunday •School. 9.30: Intermediate C. lv, 6.30. ! First Presbyterian the Rev. C. ! B. Segelken, pastor, will l preach at ill a. in. on "The Christ of History 1 and the Christ of Experience;" 7.30 ! p. rti.. Christmas service by Sunday | School: 9.45 Sunday School. Centenary United Brethren the ! Rev. Joseph' Daupherty, pastor, will i preach at 11 u. m. on "Born A i Savior;" 7.20 p. in., Christmas cnter ! tainment by Sunday School, offering for Quincy Orphanage; Sunday 1 School, 9.45; Jr. C. K.. 1.30; Sr. C. E., б.30. Prayer service Thursday even -1 ing 7.30. First Methodist the Rev. 11. A. • Sawyer, pastor, will preach at 10.45 : a. m. on "Message of Peace and ' Good-will" and at 7.30 illustrated "Story of tile Christ-child;" 9.80, Sunday School; 6.30, Epwgrth League. Main Street Church of God the Rev. J. E. St line .pastor, will preach at 10.30 a. m. on "Tile Prophet's • Vision of the Clirist-cliild7.3o p. ni., i Christmas entertainment by Sunday ; School; 2.30, Sunday School. Grace United Evangelical—the Rev. J. K. Hoffman, pastor, will preach at 10.30 and 7.30. Sunday School at 9.15, and K. L. C. E. at 6.45. Captain Kistier Tells of Silence at End of War | Among other interesting letters re cently received by Dauphin eouni.i-.ins from the brave lads across the seas are a series of interesting ones com ing from Captain Howard M Ktst ; ler. Three Hundred and Twe'l'lh Machine Gun Battalion, Seenty lvinth Division. Writing to his par unts. Mr. and Mrs. W H. Kistier, 196 Scutli Second , street, Steelton, ho [ tells a number of interesting eyperi ' erices. Under date of November 13 ho tells of the great push forward. , Suddenly, he relates in following let ters, the push stopped and all firing ceased. The silence seemed tincun -1 r.y, coming suddenly after a two months' experier.ee In hearing un earthly noises. Churches Announce Special Christmas Music Tomorrow Two of the borough churches have announced special musical services for to-morrow evening. In the Meth odist Church at 7.30 an augmented choir will render the following pro gram: Anthem, "Sing, O Heaven." Pierce; "Christ Is Born, the Great Anointed," Berridge; lullaby, solo quartet, Froelich; "While Slwpherds Watched," Lermun; "O Com*, All Ye Faithful," Peace. After the musical service the pastor, the Rev. Herbert A. Sawyer, will deliver an illustrated lecture out "The Story or the Christ Child." In St. John's Lutheran Church to-morrow evening at 7.30 the choir, augmented to thirty voices will ren der Peace's Christmas cantata, "The Messiah's Advent." The program fol lows: Pastorale; contralto solo. "Be hold. I Will Rise'; chorus, "Hark, the Elad Sound"; quartet, "He Conies the Broken Heart to Bind"; full chorus, "Our Glad Hosanna"; tenor so'o, "The Voice of Him"; soprano and contralto duet, "How Beautiful Upon the Mountains"; chorus, "O Zion That Bringath Good Tidings"; bass solo, "Hast Thou Not Known?"; chorus, "There Is No Searching": quartet, "He Giveth Power"; chorus, "But They That Walt"; soprano solo,. "There Were Shepherds"; bars solo,' "And the Angel Said Unto Them";! chorus, "Behold. I Bring You Good ! Tidings"; quartet. "Ye Shall Find tho Bribe": soprano solo, "And Sud- i denlv"; rliorus, "G'ory to God"; tenor .solo, "Behold, There Came Wise Men"; solo and cheorus, "O Come All Ye Faithful"; chorale, "Brighter! and Best"; eont alto solo. "O Mry We ICcep"; chorus, "Sing, O Ve Heavens": full chorus, "Blessed Be the Name": post 1 tide. In the Main Street Church of God the ch'Mron. fo the Sunday school will r- nder :> "pecinl program to mori' v even'ng at 7.30. Rec?. Crorr. Workrooms to Close Until Jan. 11 Mrs. Frank Bobbins, chairman of ■' p Sterlton Red Cross Chapter, to day issued notion that the work rooms wi 1 he closed during Christ inas week and January 1. After this time the rooms will be open on reg ular days and all workers are earn estly requested to report regularly, that the new nlloment of work may he completed as early as possible.' Versonai.s Mrs. W. E. Ch'ck. of Cottage Hill, | left yesterday for Maiden, Mass., | where she will spend Christmas with \ her mother. Mrs. William J. Mlddleton left this l morning for Phi adclphia, to spend the.hoßdnvs with her daughter. Mar- K'acnt Mlddleton. who is In training in St. Timothy's Hospital. Wilhelm Leaver. His Bed For Walk Around the Bentinck Castle *• Associated Press Amerongen, Holland, Hoc. 21. Former Emperor William who had been ill during nil ho present week, was able to walk about the castlo grounds thin morning, taking ad vantage of a few hours of line weath- ! or there. lie had been confined to | his bod since last Sundv. Ttie ex- i emperor appeared to have recovered ' from his chill and while his onr af- ' fection rtill troubled him it vfas 1 ■ understood to have been greatly alle- i via tod, MORE RED CROSS BUTTONS ARE SEEN [CoiitiniuMl fiom First I'agc. ] In which every house contains a Red ! Cross meinbor are painted gre.n. . Koine surprising things develop >n : I his board. There, are throe or four blocks out Market street, for ex- ! oniple, where the homes ore above j the average, which are not in the j hundred per cent, class, blocks "up 1 town," where the people are very ! well to do, are slacking. And there ! are other blocks—sonic in the Seventli ! ward, for example, where there are long lines of "hundred per centers." y hot Holding Out | Tho story Is current that head ! quarters nro holding out returns In an attempt to Induce residents of the district to Join. This is abso lutely not true. "The membership headquarters." said Mrs. I.yman I>. Gilbert last night, "has made public every mem bership secured during the week. | There Is absolutely nothing back." Can Mill Volunteer | Complaints still come to headquar ' ters that some Harrlsburg people are | being overlooked by the solicitors. For the benefit of persons who have | not been asked to Join the lied Cross i the following lißts i, ... M jors is pub | l'shed, with their addresses and Bell I telephone numbers. Memberships will be taken at these homes, or sollc i Itors will be available If information jis given the majors. The list is: First Ward—Mrs. J. A. Stuart, 15.2 i South Twelfth: 976-W. | Second, Third, Ninth Wards, west jof railroad—!ilv. Edward Sponsler, | 25 South Front; 982. Fourth and Eighth Wards, west of j railroad—Mrs. Mabel Cronlse Jones, j 105 Locust; 4214. I Fifth Ward—Mrs. Frank C. Sites, j 1008 North Sixth; 1130-J. I Sixth Ward —Mrs. John Dapp, 1420 | >(orth Second; 61-J. ! Seventh Ward —Mrs. John Sher | ger, 1809 North Sixth; 1969. | Eleventh Ward—Mrs. E. J. Stack ■ pole, 1825 Nortti Front; 62. Twelfth Ward—Sirs. John ICelly, | 1722 Nor'h Second: 875-J. I Fourteenth Ward—Mrs. Frank It. j Oyster, 3211 North Front; 3620. I Tenth Ward—Mrs. Arthur Hull. 2132 I North Second: 1137-M. j Second Ward—Mrs, C. A. Sniucker, | 1311 Vernon: 4153. Seventh Ward—Mrs. C. M. Spahf, 327 South Sixteenth; 532-J. Eighth Ward—Mrs. W. J. Stewart, j 1837 Whitehall; 1728. Ninth Ward —Mrs. E. F. Doehne, | Market near Twenty-third; 1751. I Thirteenth Ward—Mrs. C. P. Tur- I net - , 1042 Rolleston; 1691-R. I Or headquarters will take member ! ships at Third and Locust. Lots of Contributions Mrs. Charles Stroll, who is in charge of the booth at the Majestic theater, last night reported dona tions totalling $187.29 yesterday and Thursday. 'Large contributions are expected during the four perfor mances to-da.v. y ; "V 1 ° our customers, and to those who ought to be our customers, we wish " r vt&ih ■' We will continue to offer to both the best of banking service ii iiiiiiwwpiifwMi now 111 -*TV member federal reserve system BUY w. s. s. c =J> etjbi EEGS^ fax Oay January Ist Is Tax Day The following high grade investment bonds, selected from a wide assortment we now have on hand, are free from personal property tax in Pennsylvania. We offer them, subject to prior sale and change in price, and recommend them especially to residents of Pennsylvania, who wish to take advantage of the tax exemption, in making their * returns of personal property for taxation, as of January ist. . * Yield. U. S. Liberty Loan 414$ 4.60-4.75% * Federal Land Lank A'/ 3 s 4.20% •Plttston, Penn. 4'/jS 4.50% * Pennsylvania R. R. Gen. 4%* 4.88% - Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ist 3%s 4.65% iNew York Central & Hudson River R. R. Ist 3%s 4.65% i Philadelphia Electric Co. Ist 5s 5.35% tScranton Eloctic Co Ist 5s 5.25% tDuquesne Light Co. 6s 6.60% •Tax Exempt from all Federal Income Tnx. ■(■ These companies will pay interest without deduction of any Normal Federal Income Tax up to 2%, which they may lawfully pay at the source. ( We will reserve any of these bonds for delivery and payment up to JanUary Ist In writing we suggest you ask for Circular No. 300. Harris, Forbes & Company Pine Street, Corner William, New York Kunkel Building, Harrisburg ' DECEMBER 21, 1918, PEACE CONFERENCE IS POSTPONED [Continued from First I'agc.] been expected, because information awaited from London had not ar rived. However, about all' that re mains to bo disclosed is the route j the President will taico und the pro gram of his movements during the | three or four days of his stay in j the English capital. Confident Just Peace Will Be Miulc "I am confident that the big coun- . oil of statesmen of the world will be able to rench a just and reasonable | solution of the problems that will j bo presented to them, and thus earn j the gratitude of the world for the ] most critical and necessary service which has ever been rendered," said j President Wilson in an interview yes terday, referring to the approaching pence conference. Tho interview was given to tho correspondent of the London Times. In It the President is reported to have stated his views on the dis cussion of the freedom of the seas and to have contrasted the evils of the Vienna -congress wtlh a hopeful outlook for the Versailles congress. Lord Northcliffe, editor of the London Times, has given the Asso ciated Press a copy of the Inter view, from which the following ex- j tracts have been'made: Vienna Congress One of Bosses The congress of Vienna, the cor respondent say 3 President Wilson told him, was u congress of "bosses." The delegates were concerned more with their own interests and the classes they represented than tlie wishes of their peoples. "Versailles, as President Wilson said," the interviewer continues, "must be a meeting place of the ser vants of the peoples represented bv delegates, and he added, 'There is no i master mind who can settle the | problems of to-day. If there is any body who thinks he knows what is I in the mind of all peoples, that man j is a fool. We have all got to put our j heads together and pool everything | we have got for the benefit of the i ideals which are common to all.' "Asked whether he would visit tlie ! Grand Fleet President Wilson re-1 i plied '.hat he was afraid ho would 'not have lime, adding that lie fully j realized that behind the great ar i tiilcs there was the strong, silent I ant! watchful support of the LSrit | isli navy in securing the communi j cations of the Allies. Refers to Comradeship "He referred also to the very I happy comradeship and co-opera | tion between the British and Amcr j ican navies." I The correspondent then adds: "President Wilson, in discussing II he role of the British fleet in tho maintenance of what, at any 'ate ' during the war, had been the free j doni of the seas for the free people I of the world, spoke with a sincerity j which no amount of writing can j convey. His accents convinced me that he is a believer in the decency I land honesty of the Anglo-Saxon : race. Ho said: Generous Understanding Noedtd " 'lt is essential for the future > peace of the world that there should |he the frankest co-operation and most generous understanding be jtween the two Englisn-speaking j I democracies. We comprehend and I appreciate, I believe, the grave ! problems which the war has : brought to the British people, and fully understand the special inter j national questions which arise from I the fact of your peculiar position as an island empire.' " The correspondent declared that he left the President "with the as surance ringing in my ears that he desired to co-operate with the Brit ish and with all the Allies in se curing, with their counsel, 4 nesi state of affaire through out the world," l/'irfvprsfty' Honors Wilson The University of Paris, availing Itself for the first time of the au thorizatlon granted by a recent de free to nominate honorary doctors* decided to bestow this title upon President Wilson as a former pro fessor and president of Princeton University, President Wilson re ceived bis diploma at a ceremony in the Sorbonne this afternoon. After the ceremony President •Wilson was received by the univer sity in its halls, Students and pupils of the Elysee schools were present ed to the American executive. Ixxik to America For Plan President Wilson and the Amerl can delegates yesterday had a daj of few interruptions before them 14 which to study various plans which have been proposed for carrying oul details of the Wilson program. Ap parently the other powers are look* Ing to the United States to bring forth a concrete proposition con cerning freedom of the seas. It It believed that the proposed limitation of construction of naval craft t lightly armored vessels, like revenut cutters, whose sole purpose would b to protect merchant shipping, flndt favor with the American delegation. No Use For Armored Ships Advocates of this plan say thert would be no further use for heavllj armed ships, if all nations wert placed on un equal footing by thli means. In ankwer to the British plea thai she requires a great navy to defend her colonies, advocates of the plan of limiting construction say that, with no strong enemy of the sea, England would not require a greai fleet, as she could protect her dis tant possessions by troops trans ported on armed transports. Tliis, however, Is only one of tin plans advanced to open the discus ! slon and develop tho views of other j powers. | Count rtomanones, the Spanish ] premier, was in conference for hall an hour with President Wilson lasl evening. It is reported that the.pre i mler invited the President to visli ! Spain, but no official announcement | as to Mr. Wilson's reply has been made. Premier Clemenceau also cbn. I ferred with the President during the evening. The Sorbonne will confer an hon orary degree on the President late to-day. KEM.ER PROPERTY SOLD The property of John Keller, de ceased, was sold this smornlng al public sale to Joseph Lictenstein fot $4,975. _• . immb KHAKI PILLOWS $2.00 GORGAS 1(1 X. Third St. Pemia. Station- "** A plate without n roof which do** not Interfere with taate or speech. $5 Plntra Itepalrcd While Yon Walt RMPK'Q dental Ifgmm a offices 810 NAKKET STKGET 15