Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 21, 1918, Page 12, Image 12
12 ||AMUSE|^MENTsf^ MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville To-night "Blllle" Broad, blackface comedi an; Lee Beggs and Company, In "The Old Folks At Home;" three other at tractions. „ (Starting Monday Capps Family entertainers In variety; Gerard s Monkeys; Padula and Denori, sing ing comediennes; Martin and Webb; Orville Stann, Strongest Boy in the World. ORPHEUM Three days, starting Monday, with matinees Tuesday and Christmas Thurston, the Great Magician. Friday and Saturday, and Saturday inatinee. December 27 and 28 Gus Hill offers the Chummy Musical Revue, "Odds and Ends of 1918." Monday, night only, December 30 The Creatore Grand Opera Com pany. Coming, soon "Parlor, Bedroom and Bath." COLONIAL To-day Julia Arthur in "The Cavell Monday and Tuesday Tom Moore In "Thirty a Week." Wednesday and Thursday—Constance Talmadke in "A Lady's Name." Friday and Saturday Alice Brady In "Her Great Chance." REGENT To-day Ethel Clayton in "The Girl Who Came Back;" "Fatty" Ar buckle In "The Cook." Monday and Tuesday Vivian Mar tin in "Her Country First.' Christmas Mary Pickford in Jo hanna Enlists." VICTORIA To-dav Tom Mix In "Mr. Logan, U. S. A." Monday and Tuesday—Elaine Ham merstein in "Her Man." Wednesday and Thursday w llllain S. Hart In "Hal Hand, of Alaska." Fridav and Saturday Jane Lee and Katherine Lee in "Swat the Spy. Saturdav Mrs. Vernon Castle in "The Girl of Bohemia." There are few forms of entertain ment having a more universal appeal , than an exhibition of ; Thurston. mystery, and in the the Magician coming of Thurston, the famous magician, to the Orpheum, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, with matinees Tuesday and Wednesday, conceded to be the greatest exponent of the art of nec romancy. and the most plausible and delightful trickster of the show world to-day, theatergoers will be treated to the best there is in the line Regent Theater First Presentations of Piirnmount- Artrrnft Productions. TODAY. Your I.nst Chance to See Fatty (Roscoe) Arbuckle In the funny comedy your friend* are Tnlklim; About. "THE COOK" ETHEL CLAYTON In ller llest Play. The Girl Who Came Back. MONDAY. The Implrlng Patriotic Picture Her Country First. , FEATURING VIVIAN MARTIN And n SENNETT COMEDY. "The Romitnee of Brass Tacks." Special Christmas Feature. MARY PICKFORD JOHANNA N ENLISTS. I ADMISSION: 10 and 30 Cent, and War Tin. L —— _ —Jj WINTERDALE DANCES 15 North Market Square ! CHRISTMAS Dance, Wednesday Eve, Dec. 25 | Sourbier's Orchestra Admission 40c and 60c Wright's Orchestra OF COLUMBUS, O. Thursday, Friday and Saturday I Evenings, Dec. 26, 27, 28 Admission, 50 and 75 Cents COLONIAL I The Cavell Case Don't Miss This Good Picture To night. Monday and Tuesday Tom Moore "Thirty a Week" IOHPHEUM rpF] 3Mysterious Days 3 °°"p'° Mon. Tues. Wednes. Dec. 23, 24, 25 Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday (Xmas Day) THEVONDER SHOW Of THE UNIVERSE WORLD LOVES MYSTERY^ S^^®^ THURSTON •THE GREAT MAGICIAN* ATTRACTING THOUSANDS WHO RARELY AT TEND THE THEATER. MORE THAN FIFTEEN MILLION PEOPLE HAVE WITNESSED HIS PER FORMANCE. UNLESS YOU HAVE FELT THE THRILLS OF AMAZEMENT, HAVE BEEN SPELL BOUND BY THE HINDOO MAGIC AND WEIRD, SUPERNATURAL DEMONSTRATIONS OF THURS TON, YOU HAVE MISSED AN EXPERIENCE OF THE RAREST MENTAL SENSATIONS. Nights & Xmas Matinee, 25c 50c 75c SI.OO Tuesday Matinee, 25c and 50c No Higher SATURDAY EVENINQ of magic. For twelve years Thurston has led the van of wonderworkers In his line and Is regarded as the legiti mate successor to the honors and prestige of Herrmann and the great Kellar. A popular comedy number on the bill now playing the Majestic,, is "Bll lle" Broad, blackface come- Af file dian, who has a line of Majestic funny material, which he puts across the footlights at Its true worth. The remainder of the bill includes the Werner-Amoros Trio, entertainers in variety; Fox and Brltt, in comedy, songs and non sense; Veronica and Hurlfalls, clever acrobats, and Lee Beggs and Com pany, in "The Old Folks At Home." The bill for Monday, Tuesday and Christmas Day consists of a variety of choice attractions, among which are Orville Stann, claimed to be the strongest boy In the world; Martin • and Webb, In a lively comedy offer ing; The Capps Family, an aggrega tion of variety entertainers; Oscar and Lorraine, eccentric violinists, and Tojetty and Bennett in songs and dances. The opening instalment of the wide ly advertised serial, "The Lure of the Circus," featuring the renowned, cir cus acrobat, "Eddie" Polo, will be shown. "The Cavell Case," featuring Julia Arthur as "Edith Cavell," as the, Brit ish Red Cross nurse, the wo- At the man the German's shot. Colonial will be shown for the last times to-night. "The Cavell | Case," is as permanent as history. It Is a drama of man versus woman that is rooted in the basic struggle be tween Justice and tyranny, the strug-! gle that has returned civilization as a victor. Monday and Tuesday, Tom Moore will be seen in "Thirty a Week," art adaptation from the popu lar stage play by the same name. Beautiful Ethel Clayton, in her lat est picture being shown at the Re gent to-day, has aroused no At he small amount of discussion. Regent The play is a picture of the famous stage play, "Leah Klcschna." There are emotional mo meats and yet the picture has a de cidedly upliglitlng tendency and is anything but morbid. In her screen career Miss Clayton has done much I 1 important work, but this production, represents her best. The role is fitted to her splendid talents. Supporting her are Theodore Roberts and Elliott Dexter. On the Monday program of this popular playhouse is the splendid pa triotic picture, "Her Country First," starring Vivian Martin, and a laugh able comedy, "The Romance of Brass Tacks." Mary Pickford appears Christmas Day and until next Satur day evening In "Johanna Enlists." an exquisite little romance of wartime. Unquestionably one of the master writers of thrilling detective and mystery stories of to-day is At the Arthur B. Reeve, the crea- Vlctorln tor of the famous Craig Kennedy stories. And one of the most mysterious and powerful men on the stage to-day is Houdini, the man whose marvelous powers baf fle all attempts to imprison him. Houdini is well known to Harris burgers. He has appeared here and attracted huge throngs, and his work in thi3 gripping motion picture, writ ten by Arthur B. Reeve, is as mys terious and weird as his past stage performances. Houdini has escaped from paper bags, zinc-lined boxes, packing cases, straightjackets, insane cribs. Iron cages, willow hampers, U. S. mail pouch, big football, a Siberian prison van, and all the leading Jails through out the country. He has been thrown overboard, manacled and handcuffed, and has re leased himself beneath the Icy depths. He has escaped from prisons in al most every city In America, and in ! Europe he is looked upon as a weird individual with the power of dema terilization. Harrisburgers will have an oppor i tunity to see this "Master Mystery," j which will run at the Victoria Theater !in the very near future. Watch for J announcement of the opening date. MAJESTIC j SEE OUR GOOD SHOW TODAY ■—i—— —— Beginning: Monday—A Great Shoir for ChriAtmna. Good Songs, Funny Mon keys, Clever Kids. DON'T MISS IT Come Monday Before the Holiday Kuah. 1 V VICTORIA THEATER TO-DAY ONLY William Fox I'reaenla TOM MIX In "MIL LOGAN, U.S.A." I See bow a I'ntrlot bear a the traltor'a brand that he may outwit the enemies of hla country. MONDAY and TUESDAY ELAINE HAMMER STEIN in "HEU MAN" The Story of Life l'rlmevnl In Modern-day Civilization. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY WILLIAM S. HAItT In "HAL HAND OF ALASKA" Admlaalon, 10c and 20c and war tax IMXforKterful StonGS^oOZ^i * q y^ Frankßa y™ e> Tip Manufactures a Pumpkinhead (Copyrighted by L. Frank Baum for the George Matthew Adams Service) IN THE country of the Glliik<;n9, ■ which is at the north of the Land of Oz, lived a youth called Tip. There was more to his name than that, for old Mombl often declared that his whole name was Tlppetarius; but no one was expected to say such a long word when "Tip" would do just as well. This boy remembered nothing of his parents, for he had been brought when quite young to be reared by the old woman known as Mombl, whose reputation, I am sorry tp say, was none of the best. For the <3llll - people had reason to suspoot her of indulging in magical arts, and therefore hesitated to associate with her. Mombi was not exactly a Witch, because the Good Wilob who ruled that part of the Land of Oz had for bidden any other Wlccn to exist in her dominions. So Tip's guardian, however much she might aspire to working magic, realized it was un lawful to be more than a Sorceress, or at most a Wizardeua. Tip was made to car y wood from the forest, that the old woman might boil her pot. He also workel in 'he cornfields, hoeing and husking; and be- fed the Pigs and milked tio foui horned cow that was Mombi's espe cial prido. But you must not suppose he worked all the time, for he felt that would be bad for him. When sent to the forest, Tip often climbed tees for birds' eggs or amused liiirself chasing the fleet white rabbits or fishing in the brooks with bent pins. Then he would hastily gather his armful of wood and carry It home. And when he was supposed to he working in the cornfields, and the tall stalks hid him from Mombi's view Tip would often dig in the gopher holes, or—if the mood seized h ! ni—lie upon his back between Cue hows of corn and take a nap. So, by taking care not to exhaust his strength, he grew as strong and rugged as a boy may be. Mombi's curious magic often frightened her neighbors, and they treated her shyly, yet respectfullly, because of her weird powers. But Tip frankly hated her, and took no pains to bide his feelings. Indeed, he sometimes showed less respect for the old woman than he should have done, considering she was his guardian. There were pumpkins In Mombi's cornfields, lying golden red among the row® of green stalks; and tcese had been planted and carefully tended that the (our-horned cow might eat of them In the winter time. But one day, after the corn had all been cut. and stacked, and Tip was carrying the pumpkins to th" stable, he took a notion to make a "Jack Lantern" and try to give the old woman a fright with it. So he selected a fine, big pump kin—one with a lustrous, orange-red co!or —and began carving it. Wth the point of his knife he made two round eyes, a three-cornered nose, and a mouth shaped like a new AROUND THE BASES A pity that our prnldmt Had not been twlna. tee-hee! Then we would have one Wood row there And one back here, you nee; But It you "would row" up the atrenm And reach a world-ouccean Perhaps. 'tis best to row alone) One "would row" more, we guess. Whether or not Ty Cobb quits baseball, one thing is certain, the profession owes him all praise and gratitude. "Outside of Detroit," re marked a famous pitcher the other day, "there won't be a whole lot of grief among the big leaguers. But regardless of whether they like Cobb or don't like him. there isn't a man in the American league to-day that doesn't owe something to Ty Cobb. "Cobb's advent into baseball mark ed a new era in the game. Cobb's baseball was new baseball. He was continually pulling something to make his opponents look like dubs and a greater part of the time he was getting away with it. "The result was that players who were continually playing against Cobb were continually trying harder, playing better baseball to stop Cobb. It made better ball players of them. An lnflelder, pitcher or catcher who caught Cobb napping off a base got more satisfaction out of It than he did all the rest of his putouts of the game The minute Cobb stepped to the plate every man was on his toes. "I really believe that Cobb has been responsible for the superiority of play in the American league over the National league during the past ten years. "It doesn't make any difference what these fellows think of Cobb they all owe him something." "You must devote a great deal of thought to your speeches." "I do," replied Senator Sorghum. "Some of those to which I give least thought before they are delivered make me think hardest afterward."—Washing ton Star, An inventory of former Emperor William's private belongings in Ber lin and Fotsdam has led to the dis covery of the famous imperial ward robe, including 598 German and for eign military and naval uniforms. W >nder which one he will wear when they line him up against llie stone wall? Though the big bisoball leagues are at odds on a number of other matters, they agreed on one point ooint that probably will mean con antirtble satisfaction to the fans. That is a retention* of the plan for distributing a portion of the world's series money among the second, third and fourth clubs in each clcult, according to the order In which they finish. The scheme worked out so well last year that It will be con tinued in 1919, and the action will be approved by the fans everywhere, as the system serves to keep the players hustling right up to the finish and provides a better brand of baseball during the closing weeks of the season. The Warrensburg Star-Journal says a local pastor recently remarked fiXBBISBtJRG tMAI TELEGRXPH out the inside of a "pumpkinjack," moon. The face, when completed, could not have been considered strictly beautiful; but It wore a smile so big and broad, and was so Jolly in expression, that even Tip laughed us he looked admiringly at his work. The child hod no playmates, so he did not know that boys often dig Tip Stood the Figure Up and Admired It. and in the space thus made put a lighted candle to rehder the face more startling; but he conceived an idea of his own that promised to be quite as effective He decided to manufacture the form of a man, who would wear this pumpkin head, and to stand it in a place where Mombl would meet It face to face. 'And then," said Tip to himself, with a laugh, "she'll squeal louder than the brown pig does when I pull her tail, and shiver with fright worse than I did last year when I had the ague!" He had plenty of time to accom piioh this task, for Mombi had gone to a village—to buy groceries, she rather cynically: "The danger In church attendance has been acutely felt by many people before this 'llu' epidemic was ever heard of." Figures show that In the spring of 1914 the Turks deported 700.000 Greeks, of whom 600,000 are now refugees In Greece. Since the war to the end of 1917 the Turks deported 2,140,000 Greeks and Armenians, of whom 900,000 Armenians and 700,- 000 Greeks have been massacred and 200,000 mobilized Greeks have been put to death or have died of their sufferings. A great number of women and children have been forcibly converted to Islamism. Others have been killed or have committed sulcldg. Greek property taken by the Turks is valued at 3,000,000,000 francs. When yon eat your Christmas dinner Give a random thought for Greece) If yon huve some left over Give some poor folk apiece. New York, Dec. 20.—A new means of defeating prohibition by abolish ing the "crazy cabaret" and the "dippy dance" was • advocated here to-day by Henry Barker, president of the Northern California Hotel Manufacturers Association conven tion delegates at Madison Square Garden. The "dippy dance," Mr. Barker ex plained, is the kind where the par ticipants touch cheeks and rest heads on shoulders. He said he believed the prohibitionists would consent to the sale of beer and light wines at well conducted cabarets if "the attendant vice" were eliminated. "Hotelmen should agree to reason able police regulation under the new plan," the speaker. "If orders were violated or abused, re vocation of the license should follow Immediately." . All ahe said wast "Snooklukrm.|" All ahe prattled night and day. "If you'll be my turtle-dove I will be your honey-love." Dolan's "Beef and" Cafe, N. Y. Landmark, Closes New York, Dec. 21. Dolan's "beef and" restaurant, a downtown land mark for forty-eight years, closed Its doors" last night. The famous resort In Park Row and later In Nassau street, where Judges, lawyers, politi cians and newspapermen went for luncheon, has been sold by its owner, Peter Meehan, and will be converted Into a bakery and quick lunch room. One of the memories of Dolan's Is "Dolando," a racehorse owned by "Johnny" Meehan, immediate succes sor of Pat Dolan. Patrons of the es tablishment backed "Dolando" with all their funds and ate well or went hungry for a week after each race, according to the result. COPPER CONTHOI, ENDS JANUARY t Washington, Dec. 21. Maximum prices on copper will expire January 1, and will not be renewed, it was an nounced yesterday by the prlce-flxlng committee of the War Industries .Board. said—and it was a journey of at least two days. So he took his ax to the forest and 1 selected some stout, straight sap lings, which he cut down and trimmed of all their twigs and leaves. From these he would make the arms and legs and feet of his man. For the body he stripped a sheet of thick bark from around a big tree, and with much labor fashioned It Into a cylinder of about the right size, pinning the edges together with wooden pegs. Then, whistling hap pily as he worked, he carefully Jointed the limbs and fastened them to the body with pegs whittled Into shape with his knife. By the time this feat had been accomplished it began to grow dark, and Tip remembered he must milk the cow and feed the pigs. So he picked up his wooden man and car ried It back to the house with him. During the evening, by the light of the fire in the kitchen, Tip care Mary didn't know what to buy for John— ✓ <J She had been puzzling over his gift, for days* <J She wanted to get him something that she knew would give him real genuine pleasure. CJ She had racked her brain in vain. CJ John seemed to have everything he could possibly want. CJ With Christmas a few days off, and no gifts for him, increased Mary's worry. CJ Yesterday she went in to John's den to straighten things up a bit. CJ For some reason or other she opened John's cigar humidor, and 10, and be hold, it was practically empty —three cigars comprised its contents. CJ And Mary's problem was solved. CJ With a face wreathed in smiles she went to the telephone, c died up a cigar store, and ordered a box of King Oscars. CJ She knew they would please John because John had bee] i smoking them for many years and she had heard him comment on their goodness, on many occasions. / CJ Madam, if you are puzzled as Mary was or if you have already bought him a gift, and are undecided as to whether or not he is going to be thoroughly pleased—take pattern after Mary. CJ Go or phone to the nearest dealer's get a box of King Oscar Cigars and his Christmas will be truly merry. John C. Herman & Co. Manufacturers. KING OSCAR CIGARS fully rounded all the edges of the joints and smoothed the rough places In a and workmanlike manner. Then he stood the figure up against the wall and admired It. It seemed remarkably tall, even for a full grown man; but that was a good point In a small boy's eyes, and Tip did not object at all to the size of his creation. Next morning, when he looked ai his work again, Tip saw he had for gotten to give the dummy a neck, by means of which he might fasten the pumpkin-head to the body. So he went again to the forest, which was not far away, and chopped from a tree several pieces of wood with which to complete his work. When he returned he fastened a cross pieoe to the upper end of the body, making a hole through the centei to hold upright the neck. The bit of wood which formed this neck was also sharpened at the upper end, and when all was ready Tip put on the pumpkin-head, pressing it well down onto the neck, atid found that it fitted very well. The head could be turned to one side or the other, as he pleased, and the hinges of the arms and legs allowed him to place the dummy in any position he de sired. 'Now, that," declared Tip proudly, "is really a very fine man, and it ought to frighten several screechoj out of old Mombl! But It would be much more lifelike if it were properly dressed." To find clothing semed no easy tusk; but Tip boldly ransacked the great chest In which Mombi kept all her keepsakes and treasures, and at thb very bottom he discovered some purple trousers, a red shirt and a pink vest which was dotted with white spots. These he carried away to his man and succeeded, although •he garments did not fit very well, in dressing the creature in a Jaunty fashion. Some knit stockings be longing to Mombi and a much worn pair of his own shoes completed the man's apparel, and Tip was so de lighted that he danced up tnd down and laughed aloud in boyish ecstasy. "I must give him a name!" he cried. "So good a man as this must surely have a name. I believe," he added, after a moment's thougnt, "X will name the fellow "Jack Pump kinhead!" Next Story? Mombi, who has Just secured from a wizard a magic pow der which brings to life anything it touches, tests this powder on the pumpkin-headed man which Tip has put in the road to scare her. Jack Pumpkinhead comes to life, but Mombl cannot forgive Tip for his intention to frighten her, so brews some magic concoction which will turn Tip injo a statue when he drinks it. But Tip is a smart boy, and you will see whether or not he ever takes this potion. DECEMBER 21, 1918. MARYLAND JURY ACQUITS SLAYER OF MAJOR KING Cause of Trouble Between Accused and Man He Killed Was Not Disclosed Klkton, Md. t Dec. 21—Charles Hal hnrdt Johnson was acquitted by a Jury last night of the charge of murdering Major William R. King, of Brooklyn, N. Y., supervising engi neer of the Aberdeen proving grounds. The jury was out two hours and fifteen minutes. Johnson shot Major King in the Johnson homo on tho night of July 17, last. Counsel for the defense contended that the shooting followed a struggle in which Johnson claimed that the army officer had him down on his knees with his -hands on Johnson's throat. Johnson had been cashier of the National Bank at Aberdeen. Last year when the Government's proving ground was established near Aberdeen, Johnson obtained a position in the accounting depart ment. He became acquainted with Major King, who subsequently rent ed a room at the Johnson home. For some time the two men seemed to be fast friends, and it was said that King used his infulence to ad vance Johnson in position. During the early part of July last, trouble between the two men devel oped, the cause for which was not clearly brought out at the trial, and Johnson ordered King to move out. The major replied that he had rented the room by the month and would not move until the time was up. On the night of the shooting Johnson ordered the major to leave and the altercation followed. Mrs. King and her daughter and Mrs. Johnson and Miss Esther Os- Born, the ward of tho Johnsons, were in the courtroom during the closing argument, but Mrs. Johnson was the only one of the women who remained to hear the verdict. Rolla Ogden, president of the New- York Evening Post Company, and General John W. Bubb, of Wilming ton. Del., when called by the state to testify as to the character of Major King, with whom they had been acquainted for years, were only permitted to testify as to the major's physical condition. Want Names of All Veterans on Honor Roll Columbia, Pa., Dee. 21.—Grand Army men here will request that the names of Civil War veterans and those of Spanish-American War vet erans bo placed on the borough's honor roll, which Is in the public square. The committee has purchased a tablet that will have space for one thousand names. It is expected to arrive about the first of ' February. ; DEARDORFF-BEN EDICT WEDDING Waynesboro. Pa., Dec. 21.—Miss Rella May Benedict, daughter of Mrs. Virginia Benedict, and Garnet Dear ! dorff, were married at the Lutheran , parsonage, Thursday afternoon by the Rev. Dr. J. M. Francis. The groom is a native of Chmabersburg. After a honeymoon trip to eastern cities, , the young couple will go to Akron, 0., where they will live. RADICALS CAST OUT OF GERMAN PEACECABINET Fear of Liebknecht Coup Is Groundless; Haase Attitude Stirs Independents Berlin, Dec. 21. —The election of 4 a new Central executive committee has been completed. The Socialist members are largely In the major- ity. giving the cabinet a support it heretofore lacked. Not only are many of the members really able men, but radicals like Qeorg Lede bour, Dr. August Mueller and other members of the old executive com mittee have been eliminated. Tho Congress of Soldiers' and Workmen's Councils has decided that elections to the National As sembij shall be held on January 19. Thoso opposed to the summoning of a National Assembly polled only forty votes out of a total of 240. The changing of the date for the elections from February 16, origi nally agreed upon, to January 19 by this virtually overwhelming major, ity was greeted by loud applause from the floor of the House and hissca from the galleries, which were filled with sympathizers of Dr. Karl Lsebxnccht, leader of the Spartacus group of Socialists. There had been nervous tension throughout the sessions in the fear j that Liebknecht might attempt a I coup to disperse the congress. Noth | ing of the sort happened, however, the only incident being the with . drawal of the Independent Socialista as a protest against a statement of j Hugo Haase regarding the attitude 1 of the cabinet toward the new execu tive committee still to be chosen. Haase claimed the cabinet would be entitled to carry its measures, even against the advice of the ex eci.tive committee, whose only re ply could be to remove the cabinet. ftiißbcft si/tMna mi SEALS & STENCILS |*\> W®r MFGJIYHB6. STENCIL WORKS ' B| TS 130 LOCUST ST. HaaPA. U I Your Choice of Investments should be based on what the future seems to hold I for them. Past records and present earnings are valuable only as they in ( dicate future prosperity. Write to us and let us submit some investment I suggestions appropriate in view of the unusual situa tions existing to-day, I A.B.Leach&Co.,lnc. I Investment Securities 115 So. Fourth St. Philadelphia B New York, Chicago, Boston, w ■ Buffalo Scranton Baltimore