Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Dear Mrs. Woodrow Please
don't lay my appeal aside, but
kindly read it and tell me what
to do. I am a young girl, past
eighteen years old. i nave worked
nearly five years in one place and
am now earning twelve dollars a
week. Don't you think that is a
meagre salary for a girl nowadays?
"The firm I work for does not
pay high wages and I don't think I
will ever be able to climb the lad
der as I wish and intend to do as
long as I stay with them.
"But this is the point; I know
that I could earn more in another
position, but when I say so, my
mother objects. She wants me to
stay where I am, thinking that I
may not get such a good place
again if I try to change. It is a
good place in many ways, but I
want to earn more money and I
know that I can do so. One rea
son, the great one, is that I could
help so much more at home. I
have not even been able to buy a
Liberty Bond out of my salary, but
I have bought Thrift Stamps all of
the time.
"I can do almost anything that a
business firm would expect. My
present position requires a great
deal of figuring, which I delight in.
Oh, I know that I can earn much !
more than I am doing now, so j
please, Mrs. Woodrow, tell me
your opinion of this matter.
"L. M."
My dear L. M.: I think that any
clever, conscientious girl of eigh
teen, who has held one position for
nearly five years to the satisfaction i
of her employers should feel free to
follow her own best Judgment in a
or Tonsilitis, gargle Jm/
with warm, salt /jEfcEp,
water then apply— I'MWI/
NEW PRICES —3oc, 60c, $1.20
■ Garments of Quality BBBTTB
New Arrivals For Late Buyers
In Attractive Gifts For Womer
We've had a wonder
ful sale of
for men and women.
But 10: not much wonder, at the
prices we are quoting. The purchase
of a manufacturer's overstock at a
price explains our exceptional values.
There is still a goodly selection, but
It won't last long. Come promptly.
Heavy Blanket Cloth Robes in
light and dark shades, and many
patterns, some satin trimmed, others
5.00 6.00 7.50
values values values
3.95 4.95 5.95
8.00 10
values values
New Waists Just
/ rJvfo ew or^s Best
Georgette Blouses in all
\ I\ II shades and models.
Crepe de chine Waists in
white, flesh and stripes,
52.95 to $i.95
1 White and figured voile
JH Waists, plain and embroid
"" 95c10 5 3 - 95
Satin Waists in high and
sSB/t \ \ low neck models, flesh,
$k.95 and $5.95
Buy Better I J # I f Buy Here
Goods Here | QQI6B And You
8-1012 S. FOURTH ST. B °' Wb *"
question which so nearly concerns
herself and her own presont and
future interests.
You do not mention your capa
bilities or training, but I take it for
granted that you are either a sten
ographer or a bookkeeper, and for
a first-class stenographer or book
keeper, $l2 a week is indeed a
meagre salary.
A mother's advice should be very
carefully considered. Naturally, she
has your best interests at heart,
and her knowedge of life is much
greater than yours, but, on the
other hand, she may have no ex
perience whatever in tne easiness
world and a very slight under
standing of it. Whereas you, with
your experience of several years,
may have a bettet- idea of modern
conditions and a greater apprecia
tion of the prospects which open
before you.
You are ambitious and anxious
to get ahead in the world. You
feel within yourself the ability to |
fill a bigger niche. It is usually
wise to follow our leadings, espe
cially when they are so strong and
clearly defined as yours. We do j
not have our intuitions for nothing,
and if we obey them they are very
'apt to lead us on to better things.
! The fact that you feel so sure that
I you have a greater earning capacity j
than you are at present exercising
is a pretty sure indication that you
possess it.
How much should youth heed the
advice of age and experience? That
;is a very delicate question and an
individual one in every case, de
pending upon the character and
temperament of the persons in-!
volved. In all matters dealing with i
human relationships, the opinions
of older persons should be thor
oughly pondered: but to abide en
tirely by their advice in the choice
of an occupation is another matter.
No other person, no matter how j
closely associated with us, nor how |
well he may think he knows us, can
truly form any idea of our untried
abilities. We really know practl-!
cally nothing about them ourselves. '
If you are thinking of
these prices will
settle the question \
Fox Scarfs
Values, (28.95 W5 Values /
n en e autiful
wolf furs in large shawl
black, taupe scarfs in gen- ."
and brown. uine fox, in
Large shawl taupe and SEh
scarfs and the brown only.
new round
muffs. Single Others in
pieces, worth natural fox,
128.95. Spe- red fox and fMH
cial each, cross fox. 140
116.95. to 169.95. tgff
Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service - By McManus
A bird which has never tried its
wings doesn't know how far and
how fast it can fly*, and its llrst ef
forts are brief and feeble attempts.
But the more it uses its wings and
trusts to them the wider its flights.
And so It is with us. We have
nn idea we want to do something.
At first that impulse is little more
than an inclination in a certain di
rection, but if we trust it. and fol
low it, we gradually gain confi
dence, our interest'in the work and
devotion to it grow; new opportu
nities of which we have never
dreamed open before us. There is
an old, old saying that the thing,
no matter what it is, to which we
give our constant attention, will
yield all of its secrets to us.
! You long for a business career,
i instinctively you claim a wider
field; you fret at keeping your feet
so long on the first round of the
ladder you intend to climb. But
do not waste your energy in fret
ting. Go ahead and climb your
ladder. There are great oppor
tunities to-day in business for
clever, ambitious girls like your
self. Make the most of them, and
! here'B wishing you'the best of good
Silk, Jersey and
Petticoats —
New Arrivals
•Jersey Silk Petticoats with
silk ruffles, *
$2.95 to $h.95
Taffeta Silk Petticoats, plain,
changeable and flowered,
$3.85 to $5.95
Genuine Hetherbloom petti
coats in a variety of shades,
Heatherbloom p e t tl c oats,
with silk ruffle, many shades,
" When a Girl "
A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing
Problems of a Girl Wife
"Ann, I've dried this fork seven
times. Hut that's not a marker 10
the way I've been attacking tho
sterling qualities of your best spoons.
Never have I seen such housekeep
ing. I've spent an hour trying .o
wear down the luster of your dishes.
Now what?" demanded Jim teas
"Now you spend ten minutes more
watching me take all the silver out
and put it away again," I replied
Behind closed doors in the living
room Neal and Phoebe were having
tneir hour hour of,
farewell. Soon, very soon, the clock
would tick out its warning and
Neal must hum to the station and
entrain for camp. Until then I
wanted to keep Jim busy and out of
the way.
I "It was one fine dinner. Princess
Anne. I hope you don't feel hurt
with Phoebe over her seeming lack
iof appreciation," said Jim quizzl
"She didn't eat much,' I confess
ed. "I suppose her heart was up in
her throat and there wasn't room for
anything else."
"They both managed the ice
cream. It slid!" Jim spoke in rol
licking good humor, but ended on a
more serious note, "Poor little
Phoebe —I expect she'll have to go
through a lot of thrills and aches
I like this before she tinds her true
"Why, Jim —they mean this! It's
everything to them! Neat's twenty
two and Phoebe's almost eighteen.
I think it's wonderful that they've
found each other so young. It makes
little Phoebe a woman and it gives
Neal something to tight for—not Just j
war, but his own battles. It —It will
keep htm—clean and—worthy." •
Jim laid his arms gently about me
and drew me into their shelter.
"I.ittie matchmaker Why, they're
only children. This is play. Don't
take it so solemnly. Honey girl, the
way you brooded over those kiddies
all through dinner almost choked
me. Talk about a hen hatching out
ducklings—well, your wide-eyed ex
citement was as good as her cluck
ing. Now we've hud enough ro
mancing, in we go. It's one-ihirty,
and that young redhead of ours will
miss his train and be court-martial
'ed if I don't play ogre and eat up
his sugar-plum dreams."
So in .we went, but I managed to
get ahead of Jim, and I fumbled
iwith the doorknob a moment before
I I turned it and marched into the liv
| ing room. On the couch sat little
: Phoebe, crumpled up in a heap like
' a tired child. One hand was tucked
j under her face and the other lay
i doubled up into a tight fist In her
i lap. Her eyes were wide open, and
she'seemed to be propping them
wider by little muscular jerks that
rippled up from her set mouth and
her elaborately unquiverlng chin.
Neal was pacing up and down the
room nonchalantly trying to light a
! eigaret and letting the match flicker
out. Suddenly he flung cigaret and
Daily Dot Puzzle
C " 9 -X
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Draw from one to two and so on
to tho end,
matches down on the table and
dashed over to fling his arm about
Jim's shoulders. Then he fell to
patting Jim on the back and telling
him over and over again what shar
ing our home had meant to him.
Little Phoebe sat silent, radiant
eyed, watching him.
At this point Jim seized the helm
hard in both hands and began steer
ing the ship of events where he
thought it ought to go.
"Get your things on, Princess
Anne," said he. "Phoebe will stay
here and keep her brother company
while you see yours oft to the sta
"Oh, Jim)" wailed Phoebe.
I was afraid to say a word. Jim
only tolerated their fondness for
each other because he didn't take it
seriously—this he had Just made
What Britain Wants
At the Peace Table
The leading article in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week presents an enlightening sum
mary of the demands that Britain may make at the peace conference as revealed in the editorial
pages of the great English newspapers; also the most significant editorial comment in this coun
try regarding them.
While German sympathizers and propagandists, we are told by Judson C. Welliver, in the
New York Globe, are blowing assiduously upon every spark of anti-British feeling that is still alive
in this country and are magnifying every suggestion of divergence between President Wilson
and the British goverment, we find the American press discussing in an entirely dispassionate
vein the outspoken words of Winston Churchill and Lloyd George concerning Britain's naval
policy and other questions that will surely come up for discussion at the peace conference.
Other articles of great interest in this number of "The Digest" are:
Holland's Unwelcome Guest
Translations From the Dutch Press Which Throw a Clear Light Upon the Present
Condition of the Kaiser in His Retreat in Holland
Germany Not Starving War-Taxes For Peace Years
Our Share in Winning the War The . Peru-Chile Tiff
A Critical Moment For Jugo-Slavia Wireless Emancipated by an American Inventor
Nnety-nine Per Cent. Starvation Whale Steaks
Substitutes For War How the "Flu" Mask Traps the Germ
Rostand Democracy in the Berlin Opera
Sowing Seeds in Shipyards Where Women Do Not Lead
Whitefield on the Pennsylvania Campus Bolshevism Challenging the Church
The Shipyard Religion Personal Glimpses of Men and Events
News of Finance and Commerce Best of the Current Poetry
Many Striking Illustrations, Including Maps and Cartoons
The Digest Your Best Mirror of World Events %
The outcome of the epoch-making visit of the various delegates approach the peace conference is
President of the United States to Europe to take part to study the real issues, the actual conditions that lie
in the peace deliberations, and of the great task that beneath the surface, that are every day making his
lies before him and the Allied leaders associated with tory at a rate that is simply amazing. To get these
him of effecting a just redistribution of nationalities facts, stripped of unessential details, clean-cut, and up
and establishing stable governments in the new states tp the minute, you have only to turn each week to
to be created, is of vital moment to us in this country THE LITERARY DIGEST, which provides you
no less than to our brothers overseas. The best way with world news of the first importance in instantly
to inform yourself upon the attitudes in which the accessible form.
December 21st Number on Sale Today—All Newsdealers—lo Cents
(j| Jiterefry Digpst i®
FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publisher! of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary). NEW YORK
very evident to me. I couldn't do
a thing. But Neal could. He sheer
ed off a bit and spoke to Jim man
to-man fashion.
"Jim, you've been the best friend
to me—the best and most—most
revealing Influence .... Oh, you
know darn well what I want to say.
I was a fresh kid when I came here
and you made a man out of mo.
Only you don't believe it yet. You
think I'm a kid yet and don't know
my own mind. But I do. And I
know what's in it—and in my heart."
Neal's voice sank low and trembled
a bit. "Jim, Babbsie's my sister and
I'm all for her. But I want Phoebo
to be the last one I—say good-by
to . . . and when I come back with
a good record—l'd like you to listen
to—to how I feel about—things."
Neal's voice trailed off. Jim got
up, cleared his throat and remarked
as if he'd never planned anything
else, that he guessed he'd call a taxi
and we'd all be starting along.
Then, with a great bustle of
speech and exclaiming, we got ready
to go. And in the taxi we talked bus
ily of "shoes and ships and sealing
wax" —of everything w e weren't
thinking about.
Little Phoebe kept silence —until
at the train gate she stood on tip-
toe for Noal's kiss and cried over
and over again;
"Come back to me, Neal. Come
back to me!"
Her kiss was the last before he
marched away through the gate
with the other lads who were going
to be soldiers. Then all unashamed
Phoebe lifted her hand to wipe away
the tears Neai had not seen her
shed. And on her hand there gleam
ed something brighter than her
tears—the circlet of tiny diamonds
that had been Father Andrew's be
trothal pledge to Neal's mother—
and mine.
Jim cleared his throat and limped
ahead. But even as I caught Phoe
be's fingers in mine a question flared
across my mind:
What would Virginia say when
she saw that circlet on Phoebe's left
Hair Health
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