CHRISTMAS OF 1918 TO BE BEST ONE IN MANY YEARS With Peace and Plenty Harrisburg and Nation Is Ready to Celebrate "Biggest and Best Ever" "Christmas, 1918—and the war is over. . So. go as far as you like in cele brating the best holiday season of the entire year." Throughout the city's business cen ter this is the evident feeling of thou sands and thousands of shoppers. They push and they jostle—then they smile and they buy—all to the end that Christmas, 1918, Bhall be the big gest and best of all Chrlstmascs —and, remember, it is only days "off." It will bo the biggest Christmas in the history of the nation, an official of one of the leading department stores said yesterday. The sale of goods has tripled last year's output and yesterday, to-day and to-morrow will go on record as the heaviest busi ness days that retnil merchants have ever known. Goods are higher in t rice, merchants say, due to transpor tation and labor difficulties; but the f hopper apparently is not alarmed ut aigh price tags. Never in the history of the depart ment store have so many furs been sold. Pearls and diamonds are being boilght by the war wealthy to an ex tent that storekeepers have never known. Pianos and talking machines are in demand. No l.nck of Goods Clothing for men and women is a favorite choice. In one large store Men's Cloth A A t '' , "i rcn !f. '^ an s '-, RR Announcement- JMr tf* 1 Q [Jf Having just received my honorable dls- $2.45 charge from the service of the U. S. Army, It Is I p to 11, ■ with much pleasure that I announce to you *N QH to-day that 1 have now returned to resume my gf-'-y. !■ DX.27p ... - position In the civil and commercial life of ~ : W omens Snetle the community. 1 shall always look with great |Pa Women h and Cretonne prlde t0 the fact that x had ihe privilege of : iWf y * Llt Boudoir Slippers being able to serve this grand and glorious '{** w*• Slippers, country of ours at a time when she needed HggtegV'' "bbon trimmed; |?F _ me. That during my absence my good friends We**** Jw Drown, niacK, QQC of Harrisburg have aided me In my business VSMr navy, blue, with their patronage to an even more liberal 41 49 extent than before, will always be a source of ™ lp * Children's Felt extreme gratification to me. I appreciate CcSESt-^ s ,-..i highly your spirit of co-operation during my absence in frit trimmed with service and will endeavor to show my appreciation to you by trying,iH heavv black fur at all times to continue that sense of service and fair dealings to UtyijU ff ' which I attribute the popularity of this store. Y||&, M 98c Walter L. Stern w|J Tan High Cut Women's tc) Very Xobby Black Ki l I>acc Hoots — ta "' # A Fine soft kid; leatlicr Bouts 4(J Cfl $2.45 $4.95 heels: like cut 50.0U tTHE GIFT OF ALL GIFTS 5T Qf Since the dawn of history Jewelry has been the su- \ A ?reme gift. It shows good taste in the giver the \ /{A Step in and look over the hundreds of charming yet W /yy inexpensive articles shown here. Remember, the price /T/ is not the only thing that will show your appreciation \/x/ I vs- —, th . e thought carries greater significance, to the JJjf fox I We are also showin £ a beautiful line of \ I manicuring sets, toilet sets and other such \ I items that would make very practical gifts, \ \ I at reason able prices. \ \ flJfto f nr fhp Wnmpn A,so an excellent line of the highest grade UUIS xor tne women Watches, Fobs. Chains, etc, and Military Sets Diamond Rings sB.>o ami up l n j VOry lul( j silver, at prices that effect you Diamond Hroochcs $.>.00 and up wortli-wlillc sflviiif^s. Diamond Bavalljercs ??'*!? un 4 UP Wc carry all makes of Razors Straight blades Solid Gold Davnllleres . 91.75 ami up an ,l gafptj styles, lit from $l.OO up. Solid Gold Birthstone Rings $2.00 and up ;i i ro „ Bracelets and Watches $7.50 and up rOr the Children nt+o fflm A/To.- Sol,d Gol<l 75c and up (jilts tor the Men Bracelets 95c and up Diamond Rings $lO.OO and up Comb and Brush Sets, silver and Diamond Scarf Pins $5.00 and up Ivory $1.25 and up Diamond tuff Dinks $5.00 ami up Rogers' Silver Knife, Fork and Solid Gold Signet Rings \ . $5.50 and up Spoon $1.25 and up Solid Gold Birthstone Rings ..,... $3.50 und up P. B.—Wc also carry a complete line of musical Solid Gold Scarf Pins, with differ- instruments, specializing on Ukulele and Banjo ent stone settings 95c and up Ukuleles. CHAS. KRAUSS 411 MARKET STREET FRIDAY EVENING, the sale of millinery has doubled, and it looks as if the Christmas hat would encroach upon the grounds of the blaster bonnet. Sporting goods of all sorts aro be ing selected for the men, as well as clothing. A box of golf balls has proved a popular selection. Even father is wearing fur this year, and fur-collared coats and fur-lined coats have made a record sale In the men's departments. Handkerchiefs for both men and women remain a popular gift. A shipment of 30,000 dozens of linen ones from Ireland arrived for one merchant yesterday. Toys are selling as never before, shopkeepers declare. Thy are higher in -price, despite the fact that they are now made on our own soil. Mechan ical toys have the prominent place, and few toys are asked for by the kiddies that do not appeal to their inventive and constructive genius. Dolls remain a favorite for the girls, and they are lovelier than ever. They are the "Made-in-Amerlca" kind that far excel the foreign ones in beauty. The Japanese attempted to produce dolls that rivaled the German-made toy, but were unsuccessful in produc ing a facial expression that would charm the little girl mothers of Amer ca. They have succeeded in repro- ducing the beauty of their own race In doll form, however, and lovely Jap anese dolls made of the substantial material that the Germans used in their masterpieces may be had In the shops, Cnndy Still In Demand Candy merohants are coming In for a large share of the Christmas liberal ity. The sugar privations of the war have created a hunger for sweets. This and tho open sugar market havo doubled the retail sales. laibor and transportation are again responsible for the high cost of confections. There has been little demand for artificial decorations. Merchants ex pected great Inroads on their stock of paper greens and hangings, and are unable to explain the fickleness of the public In leaving much of this on their hands. Florists promise a poor quality of Christmas tree and Christmas greens, and not an abundance of either, <lue to the lack of labor for cutting and gathering It. OFFICE BUILDING MAY FACE CAPITOL [Continued from First Page.] in Harrisburg, said to-day in dis cussing the site for a new municipal building; "The pew courthouse and city hail certainly should be erected facing the parki The development of that area as ni civic center due to the Capitol Park extension is bound to come, whether we will or no, and now it is just a question of whether we are going to do it, or let the oth er fellow do it a few years from now. "I,ct the officials sell the ground HARRISBURG TETLEGRXPH on which the courthouse now stands. It la an excellent business location, but Is not the place for the new one. Then purchase a site facing the park, possibly at Fourth and Walnut streets, extending to Aberdeen street, which Is to be widened to eighty feet, and to Strawberry street. It would not be a cheap location, but It would not bo extraordinarily expensive and certainly Is the right place for a building such us the city and county needs. Advantages Evident "One objection which I have heard to the plan to build facing the park extension Is that tho state will have buildings opposite the new structure. That Is truo, but neither the state, nor the local authorities would build on the building line. With Walnut street widened to about seventy feet and both the state %nd the city and county structures back thirty or forty feet there will be about 160 feet between the two. 'The advantages to the city and county in selecting a site there are evident. Walnut, Fourth and Aber deen streets will be on three sides of the new structure. Sufficient space will i>e available tot a building of the proper size. A structure to pro vide for. the present needs of both city and county, and looking toward future growth, is absolutely essen tial. 1 can remember when the pres ent courthouse was large enough for both local administrative" offices. Now the city has only a few in tho building." Engineer Makes Suggestion £' ar ' 1 Cowden, engineer for tho city I lanning Commission, was the first to seriously consider the plan, members said. At a meeting of the body he made the suggestion and the members at once approved it, Mr. Herman explained. "Study tho situation as it is at present. Tho Post Office, the Penn- Harris Hotel, the Technical High school, Pine Street Presbyterian Church, the Masonic Temple, and another Masonic building in North street, face tho park. More build ings of a similar nature will be con structed on the streets surrounding the park and eventually the area is bound to become the center of u growing municipality. Why should not Harrisburg and Dauphin county have the building to be used by both for governmental purposes, located in the same place? It will be cer trally located, easy of access, and will be another big step forward." Mr. Herman in addition to advo cating the sale of the present court house site, said: "The county jail does not belong on one of the prin cipal business streets. We have out grown the old way of penning men behind four walls, often for petty offenses. Many of the prisoners In that jail are not criminals. They have committed misdemeanors and it is proper that they should be con fined, but why not have a big in stitution located four oc-.flve miles from here and develop an industrial farm so that the men could get out in the open and develop body as well as mind? Look at the work the prisoners did on the road at Speece ville. They are anxious to get some ing to do, and it is not right to cage them in narrow cells." Mr. Herman's plans met with ap proval of a number of residents and i businessmen. Some of them de clared it would be a serious mistake to erect a new courthouse where the present structure stands. Time to Move One man said: "Picture a new structure, from six to eight stories in height, fronting on a busy high way such as Market street. To the east is an office building, in the rear the jail, or another large structure should the prison be sold, and on the west and rear of buildings front ing on Market Square. In other words, a courthouse and city hall crammed into a narrow area, with only a wide highway in front. Un doubtedly the new building should be constructed first with the thought of its usefulness to the public but there is no reason why such a struc ture can not be placed on a site along the park." County Commissioner Henry M. Stine in speaking of the proposed plan for the now building said: 'When we come to consider the site I will be glad to have the officials discuss the advisability of having the courthouse facing the park. We have sufficient time to give the plans much thought and our first move will be to get legislation to permit the city and county to proceed to gether." City Commissioner S. F. Hassler took a similar stand and said: "In deciding where to erect the court house and city office building I cer tainly believe we should consider: the proposal to plnce it In the civic , center to be developed around the' Capitol Park and decide which of the two places which are suggested | would be the best In time to come." TEACHERS GO "OVER TOP" Teachers in the Maelay street school building have again demon strated their loyalty and report a 100 per cent, enrollment in. the Red Cross Christmas Roll Call. These same teachers materially assisted in putting the Eleventh ward "over the top" in the United War Work Campaign, and hav assisted in all war campaigns and activities. Veteran and Hero at 14 Is This Soldier's Record ELMER GEVER. Official. records as to how Elmer Geyer, now fourteen years old, be came a soldier and a hero are lack ing, but he is both. Elmer, who comes from East Pittsburgh, Pa., was with the 318 th Infantry. First Division, as a dispatch runner. Af ter fourteen men had been killed by German snipers he was entrusted with a messnge they (had attempted to deliver. He delivered it although he was severely wounded. This photograph was taken on board a transport which had Just arrived in New York. . ... J Jgj iSpr IjiS Sealdsweet grapefruit for all \ 'Delicious food no longer a luxury was long too scarce and high-priced to be re | garded as other than a luxury. Now the splendid groves I ~ of Florida produce enough grapefruit to afford a supply t t-/ for all, at reasonable prices. The choicest are sold under the Sealdsweet mark. Government expert commends grapefruit b \ r * f or t * )e * r values 'U The fruit juice expert of the United States Department of Agriculture, Mr, 1 \ H. C. Gore, commends grapefruit in these words: "Citrus fruits (grapefruit, i"*"" ; J - oranges, etc.) are among the most useful of fruits and the most valuable of • • X j **TI[I food products. Experience has shown that they are of value, and there are few; \) people who can not benefit by their use every day." Useful raw, and in cookery and confections Sealdsweet grapefruit conserve solid foods > Sealdsweet grapefruit are delicious, healthful and strength-giving, and their use con- • < serves the supply of solid foods. They may be eaten without sugar —many persons prefer them with salt. You can serve them in numerous ways; also in cookery and confections. Ask your dealer for them and for free Sealdsweet Kitchen Calendar ano ' \ Chart. If he hasn't a supply, write us for copy. ■■■ smwmnmm m r . 4Br mm I SF (J V ' TAMPA, FLORIDA J | Cooperative, Non-Profit, Fruit Grower? Organisation 1 III?? Sealdsweet oranges are took for the Sealdsweet I *'* -f Florida*! choicest tree- li S-31 trade-mark on boxes and vl JL ripened, full of juice, sweet wrappers when you buy 1 Y O * n< * tasty. grapefruit and oranges. I Yohn Brothers j [ Piano Player-Piano Grand-Piano I I Specialists S | I Sonora-Steger-Vita Nola-Phonographs-Records-Supplies § Tt iS . &' to announce that they have to offer for the inspection of the discriminating musician and the piano- # Jto purchasing public in general the following artistic and high-grade makes which can be secured on the easy payment plan as well as for cash: % 5 #, vf 1 Sold continuously in this territory and exclusively by us for a period extending ft' |C *"1 OKp over thirty-six (36) years. We believe this to be conclusive evidence as to Superior j? ; * Quality and justly entitles it to be classed as the "World's Best Piano." Sole distrib- : M ft utors of Knabe Upright, Knabe Grand, lvnabe Player. Ask us to demonstrate for you. fe: * w | |"%o Since this instrument has been selected and is used J f personally by Caruso as well as having been designated A ACTA VIAAA%4AA A as t ] l£ o ffj c i a i piano at the Metropolitan Opera House, I together with its prestige in Harrisburg and vicnity, attained solely through genuine satisfaction given .j| to its owners, is a guarantee sufficient to vvarrant its purchase. Ask us to show you this beautiful instru- T ment always carried in stock. jK 1/" *-L 0 S* n An ideal instrument for the music lover. Too well M Cull CXI Oc JIOCACXI known for further introduction. y O Q We have sold this instrument for over thirty years and have yet to have Jl V OS6 OC DOTi registered with us a complaint. Ask your neighbor —they may have a Vose. :j| Price & Teeple, Schaeffer, Rembrandt, Steger & Sons, Reed & Sons, Singer e A H Thompson, Royal, Ropelt & Sons, Story & Clark, Harrington -J. 5 are a partial list of the many other high-grade Pianos we carry in stock, and earnestly invite you to call .ft 6 and inspect before deciding to purchase. We will take your present piano as part payment on any of the # ft instruments we carry in stock and for which we will make you a fair allowance; the balance we will .1 ; f arrange to suit your convenience in moderate monthly payments. Slightly used and second-hand pianos I * from one hundred seventy-five dollars ($175) and up. .f : , |f : The well-known care and strict surveillance exercised in the construction of the instruments sold by us, j ' ft each one being personally selected, together with the rigid discipline maintained in every department of :j ; If: Yohn Brothers Service has engendered in the public mind well-merited confidence, and gained for Yohn \ ' ft Brothers a prestige unique in the annals of the piano trade. 1; | TUNING AND REPAIRING BY EXPERTS J;\ jg: Open Evenings Till Xmas Until 8 O'clock Remember the Name J § I Yohn Brothers f § Harrisburg, Pa. 8 North Market Square 1 DECEMBER 20, 1918. 7
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