To Give Musical Program at "Y" Sunday Afternoon Plans are now complete for the presentation of the Christmas music al program Sunday afternoon at the Central Y. M. C. A. Prof. C. A. El- The Happiest and Busiest Saturday of the Christmais Season at Kaufman's A A Exquisite New Furs Specially Priced The Premier Christmas Gift Natural Coney Sets for Fitch, Taupe, Brown Children, $2.25 to and Black Opossum 1 $8.95. Sets for Women and Natural and Jeanette ™ iss ( cs - * n 1 m ß a ,| 7- c . , A {l j„_ Scarfs and large Ball Cap Sets for Children, Mu ff, $30.50 to $59.50. , Coney ,| e i S „ 'Z Lustrolynx Muffs or V 1 iiSf 11 ' * 2 ' so to Scarfs for Women jf'ti/ an( i Misses, $8.95 to Natural Coney Sets for $20.00. (£•<•> ' Misses $15.00 and Red F ox Muffs or V®?. n $18.50. Scarfs for Women v <t\ ii&tSiiWildcat Sets for Misses, and Misses, $lO.OO $16.95 and $20.00. to $29.50. L-. KAUFMAN'S—Second Floor. =============£ Thousands of Handkerchiefs The More One Receives the Better Ladies' Handkerchiefs 10c to 25c Hemstitched and one corner embroidered Cotton Hand kerchiefs, in a large range of patterns; some with a touch of color .. 10£, 12y 2 ?, 15<, 17£ to 25? Great Special Silk Handkerchiefs 25c Ladles' White Pussy Willow Silk Handkerchiefs, in white and col ored, rolled edges, and Silk Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs, in hem stitched and rolled edge; some with a touch of color, embroidered In corner in white, pink, blue. Nile, lavender and malse. Boxed Handkerchiefs For Ladies j Hemstitched and one corner emboidcred designs In white and some ' with a touch of color. __ , { Three in box, at 35£, 39£, 49£, 59£ Six in box, at 89£ KAI'KMAX'S —First Floor. SLIPPERS For Women, Misses and Children-Special Prices For Saturday Women's Comfy $1 .75 Slippers, pair X Women's and misses' Comfy Slippers; ribbon trimmed; heavy padded sole and heel; colors, light blue, pink, old rose, laven der and Copen blue. Fur - Trimmed $ 1 .49 Juliets, pair X Women's and misses' fur trimmed Juliets, with flexible leather sole and heel; colors, wine, black, brown and Ox ford. Misses' and Children's Fur-Trimmed $ *1 .00 Juliets, pair X Misses' and children's felt fur-trimmed Juliets, with leath er sole and heel; red only; all sizes. Women's and Misses' Felt Comfy QO Slippers, pair ... t/OC Women's and misses' felt Comfy Slippers, with pndded sole and heel; Oxford only; all sizes. KAI FMAN'S—First Floor. Christmas Sale Girls' Coats More Than 500 to Choose From v Children's Coats at $8.95 Sizes 7 to 9, 2 to 6 and 8 to 14, in assorted materials " s, and colors. All good styles. Children's Coats Children's Coats /// // F| Egyptian plush; in Kgyptian plush beaver // / / L I blue, brown and Bur- cloth collar; assorted col- (si E f gundy; sizes 10 to 14. Re- ors and materials; sizes 7 I jl . markuble values these. to 9. $lO.OO $12.90 ■ T Children's Coats at $3.95 JA Good assortment of best colors and materials in Jjjr sizes 2 to 6 years. ~ Knufmnn's, Second Floor. Hosiery For Gifts CHILDREN'S HEAVY RIBBED LADIES' CASHMERE BLACK BLACK HOSE—Double toe and SEAMLESS HOSE Double heel; eiaes 7 to OO so,e an<l heel > (f* 1 O O 9%; special, /Jff sizes 8% to / £7% pair 10; special, pr., rl* * BOYS' AND GIRLS' HEAVY LADIES' BLACK FLEECE RIBBED BLACK HOSE LINED COTTON HOSE —A Double sole and jM Q heavy quality; in jo heel; fine quality; C&.f| f* sizes 9to 10%; spe- f* sizes 7 to 10 * V cinl, pair J W ~ Kaufman's, First Floor. Infants Wear For Christmas Infants' Dresses 69c up Bonnets $1.59 to $2.45 Infants' Dresses, made of Kaln- Children's Bonnets, made of vel sook; lace and embroidered trim- . med; sizes 6 months to 2 years. vets and corduroy, ribbon and fur p. ♦ ♦ trimmed; colors, rose, Copenhagen In/ants' Coatss3.9s ap Infanta' Coats of white cordu- t s roy, serge and chinchillas, double . sleeve, "'l-oifnd Sues ° Sweaters $1.95 tO $5.95 months to 2 years. Children's Sweaters of Shetland • ♦ * yarn, slip-on and Norfolks; single Inlsrn# Cnnm 7Qr in C? 01 nd assorted and double breasted; Imam cups tifC to fC.VO v and high neck; round collars; Infants' Caps of silk, poplins, colors, white, rose, Copenhagen, corduroy; lace trimmed and em- cardinal, maize. turquoise und broidered. coral. Ulirl\'ll_>rnnd Floar. FRIDAY EVENING, lcnberger has arranged a unique program to be Illustrated by lantern slides, which will tell the Christmas Btory. Carols and songs will also be Illustrated by beautifully colored stereoptlcon slides. The Christmas story will be read by J. Horace Mc- Farland. Interest In the series of Children's Dresses A Host of New Styles Ready For Saturday At Special Prices Children's O A C DRESSES.... Gingham and chambray dresses; higli waisted; button trimmed; embroidered collars and belts; sizes 6 to 14 years. Children's Q A £ DRESSES. ...J>Oo*xO White, pique; high waist, pleated skirt; button trimmed; belt, cuffs and collars stitched; sizes 6 to 14 years. Children's C QC DRESSES Navy, serge and corduroy: high "waist and Eton effect; pleated and gathered skirt; square and round collar; sizes 8 to 11 years. Children's Q Q/l DRESSES. . ..J>Ooi/U Colored serges and corduroy; high waist and Peter Thomp son models; round und roll col lars; trimmed with pique colors, navy, Copen, garnet and brown; sizes 8 to 14 years. KAl'FMAX'S—Second Floor. men's meeting has been growing, so It Is predicted that there will be a good crowd of men present the coming Sunday. The program, which begins at 3.30 o'clock In Fahnestock hall of the Y. M. C. A., 11l be follow ed by the usual tlfteen-mlnute In formal song service In the lobby. OOpen Tomorrow, Saturday | m 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. \ Ipen Momday Evening, Dec, 23d, 3j ind Tuesday Evening, Dec, 24th | More of Those Handsome Coats Go on Sale Saturday at These Reduced Prices A VERY extraordinary special, purchase in conjunction with coats taken right from our stocks, makes possible this remarkable offer right at Christmas time, when hundreds of women are on alert for values that are out of the ordinary. Now, while these assortments are best and prices are the lowest, select your coat here. Here Are Six Great Big Lots of Fashionable Coats Lot 1: Women's and Misses' Lot 2: Women's and Misses' Coats at 1A 50 Coats at f| 4 50 Pompoms, Velours, Kerseys, Mel- I Velours, Cut DoUvlas, Broad- MMM tons and Salts Pulshes—full lined ■ u _ . L j_ ipr- cloths. Pompoms, Vicunas, Kerseys t or half lined; kit coney, collars, ■ m and g. lltB pi ushPs . Many of them W nutria dollars, plush or 3tll collars, A lined throughout, while others are in navy, burgundy, dark brown, lined to the waist. Collars of nu hunter' green. tria, coney, plush and senllne. Lot 3: Women s and Misses' Women's and Misses' New Cloth Coats Salts Plush Coats Egyptian Plushes, Ker- m* /\ JS \{ With self or fur collar and p*/\ seys. Velours. Corduroy and M |~fl \\ % )\ cuffs or with collur and cults ■■( Ull Mixtures With self collars or ■ fm ~|l I II H ■■EsaaMSH , fi —- of plush. Cut very full and Mm l.t/U big plush collars. Smart ■ MM •tr \J • /A to be worn with or without m belt models for misses and M W*Xn ' BF .'X 'TTlTllii Fvr 11 belts. IJncd throughout m ■ women. Many are half lined M - -CjjttiJ / Mtt U , y. with guaranteed Venetian bM MM jvlth guaranteed .linings. All j ■jffww I t l| V lining. Complete size as- Lot 4: Women's and Misses' ym Jplf V "7i mif Lot 6: Women's and Misses' Salts Plush Coats I \J//| m Salts Plush Coats Belted, with big collars prf/v / nHI l\ Belted models and some M fA and cuffs, lined throughput A m ■ I ' \\ fi| ///!■( . J that can be worn without JM ill with guaranteed lining. Lull ■ ||. ll I .AM the belt. With big Coney WMM• Vv sweep. Complete line of ■ ^ v // M 7 A^SMBgIS collar und cuffs or with self W M—M~ ——— sizes for misses and women. ■ W J V\ / / V collur and cuffs. Lined These are extraordinary Mb MF 7/ N throughout with guaranteed MOM Mk —Second Floor ~ Bath Robes For Gifts Extra Special Values Saturday Ladies' Bath d*/f QC Child's Bath d O AP* R08E5.... J>TTei7o R08E5.... tPOa^O Beacon Blanket Bath ltobes; Children's Beacon Blanket satin and cord trimmed; round Bath Robes; satin and cord and square collars; cord and trimmed, round and square col tassel; navy, Copenhagen, car- lars; cord und tassel; colors, dinal, gray, rose and tan; sizes rose, tun, Navy, Copenhagen 38 to 46. und brown, sizes 8 to 14. Ladies' Bath d O Q £ Child's Bath d* Q Ar* ROBES sJ>o.*/D R08E5.... lCsmond Blanket Bath Robes; Children's Blanket Bath cord trimmed; round and Robes; cord trlmihed; round square collars; cord and tassel; and square collars; cord and colors, gray, navy, brown, Co- tassel; colors, tan, rose, car penhugen und rose; sizes 38 to dlnul,' navy and Copenhagen; 46. sizes 8 to 14 KAl.FMAN'S—Second Floor. Extra Special Christmas Items For Saturday | 1 Feature Values in the Bargain Basement I Luncheon Sets S* :eet Grass Baskets Tapestry Rug Electric Iron | 7-plece Dolly Set with center- Beautiful round and flat Sweet 27x54 good heavy Tapestry ' piece, lace trimmed; s Q Grass Baskets; all sizfes, 95 c Rug; Oriental pat- $1.48 cord, plug and stand; $9 95 1 special set MriJV special tern; special special | p rc i a tor China Casseroles Casseroles J Handpainted fancy Japanese Nickel plated' brown and With Pyrex tillers, the famous K 8-cup Coffee Percolator; alu- China. Including rose Jars, choc- ... „.. ' oven glassware; tfA QC I mlnum. with glass tl 1(1 olate RBt - eake sets and cream " n " e " ,ler8 ' $4.95 $3.95 .* iVl.l%' and sugars, ull at big reductions. 51.25, $1.19 to M i top: special • * ' : Aluminum Cooking Utensils Westinghouse Cinderella RlnnketS \ M JJjlliUiiti nfvf PI 2-qt. double Rice ELECTRIC IRON f A Mtflitmk\ IJICVII 1L I \ Boilers $1.51) g.n, „| xe l'luld Wool Fleece Blankets —\ /mfll lim ¥ * 1 6-qt. Tea Kettle, fully guar- Size 66x80 CQC W 1 LanODS "•* a " t „ e *'^" nd inches 9D.VO f I Jt VTlvk ' 6-cun rlzc Pproolfl- IllftnuiEC* 1 hnjt I f? Silk Shade Boudoir .ERff 'JffiHtor $1.51) tured by the £S Wool l'luld Blankets CJ/J QC f •ff / UTrimyr'"!..'" WBE.!. '■"""His -4k JSmo,. ao.oo) 1 V / blue, tan and green, KRttl '' ,IWt = = i JP&ip A* QQ tfO OA " ~ njn turlng Co. Room Size Kuds I P ."Oy HEATERS SpCCiiii Wool Fiber Bugs—Good qual- I LIBRARY I.AMP 9, silk shades. S. T iJpCLIQI V * ,ty; size 9x12 QCI , 24 inchtes high, wired, complete Smokeless und odor- leet, at I for use. Special Saturday, 94tS less putent burners. UAGn , , ssrass =Ss .JS., srr-" s m, ' —mahogany base. Special. $4.99 ° Kfillozi of oil. V'. money; _ 14. 1, feet, at I I 810 ASSORTMENT OF FINK S3 65 ' "'" e ' t; B ' k suerluV-'^zoO a" INC 1 SILK SHADE LAMPS— aII new, tjJU.VftJ -Karatol Hugs, Pelul, size 9xl. It J A Ukl $4.1)5 and $0.95 ' '' d $••*• feet, ut POT.IO g Bdnraosnai OHnHsraurH Ukrainian Soldiers Kill French Soldier By Associated Press Geneva, Dec. 20. Lieutenant- Colonel Henry Vlllalne, chief of the French commission, sent to collect evidence concerning the conflict be tween Ukraine and Poland, lias been shot and killed by Ukranlan soldiers, according to a telegram from lum bers Just received by the Polish Bu reau at Lausanne. CAMPAIGN AT YOHK HAVEN York Hnven, Doc. 20.—The Christ- Leather Goods For Xmas All-Leather Purses ! Leather Hand Bags All-leather Purses, In a large Hand lings, in medium und range of styles In the square large sizes; assorted; In black, and round-cot ner effects, In brown and green, top and back sirups, at 98rf*. $1.19. #2.95 $1.49, #1.69, #2.95 r Xll f D Velvet Hand Bags All-L.eatner X urBeB Velvet Hand Hags, In many Heal Pin Seal und Motocco beautiful styles, some with Purses, In black and some tn large mirror in top; a large tan. purple, brown and green; range of styles; In black, top and back strap, brown, taupe and gray, $3.49, $3.75, $4.95 $3.49, $3.75, $7.95 KAI'FMAVS—First Fl.- mas Red Cross roll call campaign In the borough thus far hns been vedy successful. A thorough house-to house canvass Is being made by u committee of women, consisting of Mrs. J. H. Schmltt, Mrs. A. J. Henry and Miss Marguerite Snelbuker. John 8. Flshel Is chairman of York Haven borough. Christmas Waists Ready Saturday New Shipments Specially Priced Crepe de Chine J Q£\ Georgette and AQ£ a* jj&b I and Georgette Crepe de Chine jPfy jJSPy.! Crepe de cliine and Georgette Beaded hand embroidered •, I Malsts, embroidered and plent- fronts, round. V, square neck, */■ f"_ V v ~- / 7 f. l-rv //fcs ed. round, V and square neck, round, combination and squure ) / /'{'-I square collars: colors white, collars, colors white, flesh, tea / lr7 W,\ Ml } Vi flesh, black; sizes 38 to 46. A rose, orchid, Bisque, brown,'A //l I II very special. taupe, navy and black. is A i\ Extra Fine Georgette Waists, F Q Cf) ' Georgette Waists made extra heavy, some M \Vu arc frill fronts, braided, hand embroidered pM* ■'| W / and tailored effect fronts; round, V and square neck, combination. H| I \ 11,J IKvLA 400 White Voile IQt 350 India Silk f nr 1S \ Waists, Choice Waists, Choice 1 j\ Made of plain and all-over Some are pin tucks, pleated 'i\ / \ ; embroidery voile, trimmed with and hand-embroidered fronts; 1 lace and tuck fronts, high round, V and square neck, sail square and combination col- or collars; colors white, flesh, lars, packed in holly boxes. Nile, navy and black. ■ FlPOf DECEMBER 20, 1918 MISS ETHEL SUTTON IIIIUKI) New Cumberland, Pa„ Dec. 20. Funeral services of Miss Ethel Sut ton were held from the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Grnnt Sutton, conducted by the Rev. C. H. Helges, of the Church of God, assisted by the jjftfts fWrtrfwtpj The Practical Gifts Men Like Mens Neckwear 29c, 49c, 65c and 95c New Four-in-Hunds, wide end; heavy Mens Four-in-Hands, wide end; very ASfiji good quality; each in fancy box, (J,jo ■ / s&wSr& Men's New Kali Four-in-Hands, wide ''/j) •' ends; a, great assortment of pat- Men's and Boys' Sweaters Men's Hose Mens Coat Sweaters in all tho M , s AU purc sak Hosc all popular weaves and colors, from , , aK A #1.98 to $8.50 '-Jf and Men's V-neck Slipover Sweaters, Men's Silk Lisle Hose, all col all wool. > ors 490 $4.98 and $7.98 Men . s Llale Hose> thrce patrs ln Roys' Coat and Slipover Sweaters, t,ox $l.OO in all shades, $1.49 to $4.98 Men's Handkerchiefs Men's Gloves Men 8 Japanette lnltlal -- • • 100 Men's Kid Gloves, tan and gray; Men's Fancy Bordered 1.5 C pair Slll.fttt ' , wii m . „ > Men's Plain White Initial, half Men's Kid Gloves, tan and gray; u„,,. V , silk and wool lined • •••$1.59 dozen >n box: box Men's Lined or Unlined Automo- Men's Platn White Initial, half I bile Gloves, dozen, box Jitlri $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 ■ Roys' Gauntlet and Dress Gloves, Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, 490 to $1.59 12V 2 £ and 240 i Kaufman's—First Floor. J| MEN'S SUITS an<T OVERCOATS ' Saturday Specials Men's and Young Men's jg Suits io en mm a] and Overcoats 10JV H I 7jr THE OVKIICOATS—New Military and Con servatlve" models, and the new belt buck P3Bsl \\mJC Ulsterette, in every wanted material. \[r] TIIH SUITS —Splendid models, in service- Jjr I able worsteds, cheviots and easslmeres. '/ / Men's and Young Men's WH!4 l\ Suits OO CA PI ffrf and Overcoats M THE OVKIICOATS Newest models In 1 I 1 I belted and conservative. J ) i 1 j THE SUITS Fine worsteds, easslmeres, |-trif*^siiil Hii^ tweeds and cheviots. MEN'S TROUSERS—Four Big Lots Saturday at 2.95 at 3.49 at 4.49 at 4.95 Corduroys, Cas- Cassimeres, Worsteds and Corduroy Pants, Chovlots and Cnssimeres, all lined with drill; jots. Worsteds. well made. all sizes. L_-_—— — ===== K u of man's—First Floor. 200 Boys' Overcoats 200 Boys' Mackinaws Special Saturday Values Boys' Overcoats (JJC QC and Mackinaws . . 2V4 to 9-year Hoys' Polo model Overcoats; but ton to the neck; the materlul of neat mixed or /J I" jJ P Boys' Long dQ QC \f WIS Overcoats .... tpfsMJ m fj® 8 to is years. New Trench model; well made By und splendid new values; many patterns to mm Boys' Long QC Boys' d£ QC Overcoats.. A i •%/ xJ Mackinaws ..., V/ %J 1/ 8 to 18 years; new Trench mod- 7 to 17 y**r*S a splendid heavy eta; belted back, double breasted; Mackinaw Coat, at Just a out In the newest shades. wholesale cost. Mackinaw. $8.95 s™"-. 58.95 IViaCKinaWS ... v et/ V J to y enr „. They come in Sixes 7to 18 years all heavy every new shade, tan, brown and material; big collars and belts. mixtures; Trench models. Kaufman's—First Floor. —————=======-L Rev. A. R. Ayres, of Trinity United Brethren Church. Members of th choir of the Church of God Bang sev eral selections. The pallbearers were: Wendell Houck, Donald Shuler, John I'arthomore, Dewey Dong, John Joseph ypdegrafT. Burial, Mt. Olivet cemetery. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers