REM. 1001—83.1(1 VNITBD . ' A Chrism f>s of. Unusual Merriment r Good cheer will prevail most everywhere this year. 'lvk if With the boys returning, ' who have made victory and tQBsBBI-.'' peace possible, the Christmas ( spirit will lie of the good, old if 1 fashioned kind throughout the 1 With few exceptions this store is able to give the gift yv 1 seekers the normal service of j "71L former years. The removing \ of war restrictions made it possible to secure even greater assortments than we thought possible several weeks ago. Extensive assortments are still here to chobse from * and worthy merchandise of the Bowman quality is shown Courteous and intelligent service is a feature of this store and attractiveness of price is another consideration —as low, if not lower than elsewhere, quality for quality. By shopping early you will give your greatest gift of the holidays to those employed. As this store closes Saturday evening at six, and will not be open any evening preceding Christmas, we sug gest that you shop early in the mornings, if possible. , A Red C Jdar Chest Or Lovely Curtains Cedar chests and cedar bed boxes, 'A \ plain and brass trimmed, from $13.00 Iff Pure Scotch Madras in beautiful |vM<j | I two-toned effects in the desirable com- Wi-r binations—36 to 46 inches wide, 89c iS~li t0 98 yard " viwr* Cretonne for all purposes in 30 and Iwlßf 36 inch widths. Some beautiful im ported patterns from 59c to $1.45 yd. IKm! Pace and voile curtains in white, ivory and ecru. Beautiful plain and all-over patterns, $1.39 to $12.50 pair. BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor. " Shoe Specials for Saturday Women's tan calf lace boots with turn soles, French heels. Saturday special, $9.49. Women's gray kid lace boots, cloth tops, French heels. Special $7.50. Women's gray suede lace boots, French heels. Spe cial, $7.50. Women's black kid lace boots with French heels, $5.00 to $9.00. Women's patent vamp shoes with cloth tops. Special, $1.98. Gift slippers for women, $1.50 to $2.50. ROWMAN'S—Main Floor. Georgette Crepe Special and Neckwear Suggestions Embroidered flannel, scalloped \ aiu ' hemstitched, 79c to $1.75 yd. / \ Georgette crepe, 40 inches / \ wide, yard, $1.59. / Jv* \ Middv ties in red and black, / XS*?) - \ $lOO to $1.50 each. \y~'! Windsor ties in plain, and \'* A I cotc ' l P' a each, 39c. \ // Black crepe de chine scarfs, \ - each ' ?2 ' 50 - \. Scco silk scarfs with hem . (n stitched ends in black and colors, 89c and $l.OO. BOWMAN'S—AIain Floor. Reductions On t Children's Coats and Hats Wise mothers will eagerly .I.' o- V avail themselves of this oppor tunity to buy new coats and / \ ' lats or their daughters. Prices h + ' \ \ have heen reduced, and worth \ J L j" \ while savings Arc offered. The Yy* • ' 'VJC co 'd weather is still ahead, so P h * any coat or hat you buy for j \|t n } ' y° ur child now will come in •i I|l > for a full share of wear. m " ' jf I j - fjThree lots of children's coats, J 2 to 6 years and girls' coats f> • /] '/ *° O. in all the rtewest j | j materials and cunning style 1 - Special at'sS, $lO and $l.l y , Children's Hats arranged in three lots, very special at BOWMAN'S—Second Floor $2 an d s•* FRIDAY EVENING. Enroll Now as a Red Cross Member >&Zcs>' U /S ( t^--c*^%>y Only Three More Days J|g3J For Christmas Shopping jjDpii | Gift Apparel For Women | | In Many Pleasing Effects | 3; When the most useful gifts are considered for the women and misses .one's thoughts s. naturally turn to wearing apparel, and those who turn their footsteps toward bowman sin Wr jg! quest of garments of the dependable and stylish kind never fail to find ari assortment t lat TBk j s unsurpassed for style and quality. Besides the splendid assortment of Suits and Dresses that have been rendered to clearance sale prices, and the excellent values ih beautiful coats. ffiyK, SSL here are skirts in a variety of weights and weaves in scores of pretty styles. Beacon bath- Sg robes in all shades, $5.98, to $16.50. Crepe d Chine Kimonos in regular style and slip-ons, 'jjfa $3 95 to $35.00. Jersey petticoats in beautiful color combinations, the very newest and up-to-date in petticoats, $1.98 to $15.00. Mandarin coats elaborately trimmed with satin Vf and silk cord; pink, lavender and blue. Furs of excellent pelts, and rich plush stoles. IDfc M JVaists and Sweaters f Unexcelled in beauty of assortment are the waists iri every shade and style. Some with demure little frills and others plain. Also in combination of colors as well as those wonderfuUy in design A Gift to the Whoh Family A ".ii fcjj j The AI X) LI AX-VO C A LlO N RMM J J The Instrument That Has IVon Higher || I ' ' Recognition For the Phonograph Style S—s9o The Aeolian-Vocation music reproductions have established the Style G $ll5 • phonograph in the realm of art. A record on this wonderful instrument rcvoices so perfectly ■ ,jua every quality and inflection of instrumental and vocal tone that the Ifa-Mf- > 'in"" accomplishment cannot be termed mechanical or merely scientific, |™j| but is truly an artistic achievement. I The Vocalion' has received the patronage of royalty and is $> i ||l J| I|| 1(1 ji I endorsed by musical leaders everywhere as the pioneer in the J||{? -alpSjl fr |P|jf greater development of the phonograph. ||\ j;,l. tfTlffl % Special Combination Offer I j'; ; y - I —J5C5 LHyfi y[ Oak or Mahogany Mi with $lO.OO worth of Records 4 ] 25.00 . I® if of your Uwn selection MY L ' . y Complete Outfit if siyle H-$175 TERMS AS LOW AS $5 MONTHLY ' s.yi= j-$2 85 HA.BRTSBURG TELEGRAPH HARRISIirRU. FKinAV, nECKJIBKn -0, litis. DECEMBER 20, 1918 Enrol) Now as a Red Cross Member Christmas Suggestions From Department ftp* / I) V FrA^W4sssf w ft *' if / \r v Wool bed blankets, $15.00 t< $39.00 pair. Part wool" blankets, $8.50 to $14.00 pair. Cotton blankets, $2.75 to $8.50 pair. Auto robe plushes, $6.00 to $37.50. Auto rugs, $7.50 to $15.00. Embroidered pillow cases, $1.50 to $2.89 pair. Bed comforts, $3.25 to $20.00 each. Colored bed comforts, $5.89 and $9.00 each. Plain sheets and pillow cases, hemstitched sheets and pil low cases, scalloped sheets and pillow cases at POPULAR PRICES. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Saturday Specials In Silks—Wool Dress Goods-—Wash Goods SILKS —36-inch fancy silks ajl the best products of American looms and labor. Some arc made right here in Harrisburg, yard, $1.95. 40-inch crepe meteor—a standard make—soft, rich and supple—full line of colors; also white or black, yd., $2.75. 40-inch wash satin in white and flesh color, yard $1.79. WOOLENS AND PLUSHES— 4B and 54-inch fine twill serges—mostly in suit or dress lengths ,yard, $2.25. 54-inch velour de Laine, suede velour and velour melange, yard, $3.95. 50-inch black silk plush for coatees or scarfs, yard, $6.50. 50-inch black baby lamb, yard, $6.50. WASH GOODS —36-inch finest American percales— black grounds, Navy, gray or white with figures, checks or stripes, yard, 39c. 32 and 36-inch silk mixed shirtings, also silk stripe plisse, yard, 69c. 36-inch fancy printed fleeced eiderdown in light and dark colors, yard, 32c. •- 32-inch finest foreign and domestic ginghams; yd., 69c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Art Linen Offer Many Suggestions that Please As Christmas is growing nearer and nearer, you have less time to do your Christ- f mas shopping for the few you have still re maining on your list. Why not select a linen r~ scarf, table cover or a center? II ' \\ We have a beautiful selection of the new filet covers and lqncheon sets; also a wonder- c 3"-" TZr ful assortment of Maderia Cluny and other laces. BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. ,SD Woman's Silk Hosiery Special .It $l.OO Pair A special lot of ladies' silk stockings with lisle top, lisle feet in plain colors; an exceptional value. BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Pure Irish Linen Damask 70 inches wide, good heavy quality, per yard, $2..9. BOWMAN'S—Seoond Floor. Dainty Gloves For Gifts Once you see the advantages yf of these dainty French kid gloves you will want a pair. / 0 v \ A properly gloved hand is al- j\ f % f *%,',? , . V most as important to the well- /„„ i | \JL dressed person as any other item L<"\ J of her wardrobe. These are 2- V M-J clasp kid "in white, self, white V f | | .* with lilack, black self and black \l I - -'JJ contrast. Every size with fine 1 ff|| 2 pair $4.75 BOWMAN'S—Main Floon 3 i.-nu.\n BPifyi
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