Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1918, Page 19, Image 19
rSJSHING NAMES b,784 IN TODAY'S WAR CASUALTIES C.' 124 Killed in Action 19 Are Soldiers From Penn sylvania Washingto .1, Dec. 20.—The com manding general of the American Expeditionary Forces today report ed a total of 5.784 casualties through the War Department. Of the 124 killed in action, nineteen were Pcnn sylvanians. The summary follows: Killed in action 124 Died of wounds 82 Died of accident and other causes 26 Died of airplane accident,.... 1 Died of disease 253 Wounded severely 1,802 Wounded (degree undeter , mined) 1,409 Wounded slightly, 1,798 Missing in action 289 Total 5.784 The Pennsylvanians reported this afternoon are: KILLED IV ACTION Private George Edwards. Taylor. DIED OF WOUNDS Lieutenant Charles Richard Rowan,, Altoona. Sergeant Alexander L. Ruddock, Chester. Privates v William H. Blel, ltoxborough. Get Rid of Pimples Quick By Using Stuart's Calcium Wa fers—Natural Little Blood Purifiers That Work Like a Charm SEXO FOR FREE TRIAL PACKAGE Don't despair if your face is cov yered with pimples, blotches liver spots, or your body is covered in spots with tetter, lash, boils, etc. Just use Stuart's Calcium Wafers for a short time and see how quickly you will clear up your skin. 4^. Pimples and eruptions of all kinds come from the inside. The blood casts out the impurities it contains and thus pimples, boils, etc., appear. Cleanse the blood, stop the poison from developing in the blood tissues > and pimples will vanish as if by magic. Stuart's Calcium Wafers give in a short time a complexion that rivals . the ideals of an artist to produce. By cleaning out the pores, throwing off all skin discolorations and blood ' impurities, they do their work of beauty building almost before you can believe it. * Get a 50-cent box of these won derful wafers from any druggist any where. For a free trial package mall cou pon below. ' N Free Trial Coupon F. A. Stnnrt Co.. 731) Stuart DldfC., Marshall, Mich.: Send me at once. by return mail, a free trial package i of Stuart's Calcium Wafers. p Name Street City State V J CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS OF MERIT Electrical Toys, Wagons, Sleds —All Serviceable Of all the many Christmas Gifts, there are none the kiddles appreciate so much as Electrical Toys, Sleds or Wagons. And these toys arc not any more expensive in the long run than the usual cheap destructible toys. We carry a full line of these toys, motors, engines, trains, batteries, hoists, sleds? wagons and many other suggestions that are sure to win the heart of your boy or girl. Only a Few More Days Until Christmas Shop Early Shop Uptown Save Money Electric Trains, with track, cars j* jbiffig Lionel Electric Tots are the finest and locomotive; nicely painted and ... „„„ , equipped with all the latest appli- ma< * e - arc ances made of the finest materials, heavy Prices, $6.50 to $lB stc *' th ™* hoat - * Lionel Cam-nt Rcduoers—These Flexible Flyer Sleds, in different instruments are for reducing the ' Eloctrie Lighting sizes; made strong and serviceable; regular electrical current in order Outfits for Christmas just the sled the kiddies want, to run electric trains and toys. Trees, complete with . ~ ,j, O Price, complete with cord and plug, e 'Rht Hshts, about PllCeS, Jpl.JsO tO $Q CO . a; x sa 15 feet of wire. Each ipo tO JpO.DU set in partitioned box. Price, . $2.50 Coaster Wagons—These wagons are of the best material, roller bearings, covering a range of siees as in illustratidn. x Prices, $5.00 to $B.OO 1 Evenings J. H. WOLFORD Evenings 1603 NORTH THIRD STREET . h KIDAY EV ENIWLi, John Pullion, Jr.. Scranton. Joseph Spiro, Philadelphia. Lafayette Llchette, Philadelphia. DIED OF ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Privates Thomas M. Shaw, Media. Orson W. Wilcox, Wellsboro. DIED OF DISEASE Bugler Harry McClnin, Philadelphia. Privates Herman W. Brown, Pottsville. Stanley Loch, Nantocoke. William J. Rabcl, R. F. D. t, Lebanon. Isadore Budenstein. Philadelphia. Edwin C. Wells, Harrisburg. WOUNDED SEVERELY Lieutenants John A. Rugan, Freeland. William S. Vellmer, Overbrook. William H. McHenry, Ridley Park. .Sergeants Anthony P. Davitt, Philadelphia. Walter F. N. Anderson, Kane. Richard W. Bennett, Philadel phia. Gilbert H. Cargin, Stalker. William E. Bice, Hollidaysburg. Howard J. Fritsch, Pittsburgh. Corporals William John Hastings, Sturgeon. William P. Walker, Philadelphia. Chester J. Enright, Pittsburgh. George Fisher, East Carnegie. Fred M. Kuttler, Pittsburgh. Harry Johnson Stone, Philadel phia. Buglers William Y. Abbott, .Philadelphia- Giovanni Slano, Philadelphia. Mechanics William R. Schaeffer, Sharpsburg. Henry C. Borden, R. F. D. 3, To wanda. Cooks Oliver White, R. F. D, 2, Connells vnie. Lucas Mikedls, Monessen. Privates William Schott, Philadelphia. Robert W. Teesdale, Philadelphia. Charles F. Collins, Philadelphia. Augusta Dc Mauri, Corry. John Stanley Crom', Miners Mills. Cornelius J. Merten, Pittsburgh. Harry A. Pennington, Irvena. Edward F. Hertmass, Pittsburgh. Walter I. Reringer, Philadelphia. Demetry Dncek, Philadelphia. Calvin R. Kriebil, Parkers Land ing. Frank Barnes Moxley. Darby. William G. Ward, Wilklnsburg. William D. Turnbull, Johnstown. Jasper Altera, Gandergrift. John Armstrong, Cleartleld. James A. Brought, Wilklnsburg. Frank X. Dixon, Pittsburgh. Paul Lakshass, Philadelphia. Andy Banko, Windber. Stanley Carden, Archbald. Fred Doyle, Philadelphia. Charles F. Hunter, Philadelphia. Joseph Kegoles, Gilberton. John F. McLaughlin, Erie. John J. Mattis, Shamokin. Mark F. Newton, Williainstown. Robert 11. Ochs, Reinhold's Sta tion. Joseph Perri. Philadelphia. Harry E. David, McGees Mills.* Thomas P. Durrick, Philadelphia. Sheridan Hill. Johnstown. Wincenty Lingo, Carnegie. Thomas N. McDonald. Pittsburgh. William Turik, Winburne. William Wagner, Philadelphia. Benjamin J. Chesna, Plymouth Breslac, Luzerne county. Dominico Furano, Republic. Richard Nelson Kinsley, Philadel phia. , „ Samuel P. Ritchey, Six Mile Run. John Vaughn, Scranton. Oscar C. Holland, Pittsburgh. James Scuglia. Braddock. Harry E. Webber, Auburn, Schuyl \VOUNl>ED (DEGREE UNDETER MINED) Lieutenant George A. Strick, St. Clair. Sergeants Martin P. Kane, Portage. Maynard C. Smith. Pphiladelphia. Merlin S. Rosenberry, R. F. D. 2, Shippensburg. Joseph D. Shakbazov, York. Maxwell McMlchael, Philadelphia. Russell Leroy Matchett, Harris burg. John H. Palmer, Philadelphia. Charles Reiter, ittsburgh. Harry J. Reynolds, Reynoldsville. Albert Werlz, Royersford. Samuel E. Crammer, Reading. John Crowley, Ambridge. Edvige Mezzanotte, Philadelphia. Albert H. Morrison. Honesdale. Grover C. Welch, Philadelphia. Corporals \ Richard H. Jr., Bryn Mawr. i| John A. Kilgbre, Greensburg. Ned Westover, Beaverdale. Frank Augustus Blymiller, Park er's Landing. ii John A. Dresher, Fullerton. Robert H. Bowman, Mlllersburg. Edward Brink, R. F. D. 2, Smtcks burg. Benjamin G. Garrett, Summit Hill. Chester A. Philadelphia. Arthur M. Clßireh, Wnynesburg. Frank S. Fagg, Philadelphia. Joseph Fiola,: Philadelphia. George D. lloppes. Philadelphia. Conrad J. Muag, Philadelphia. Mechanics Clayton G. Brown, Harrlsburg. Corbett G. Miller, Philadelphia. George E. Rowland, Chalfont. . Privates William E. Ames, R. F. D. 1 Goldsboro. Richard Samuel Eshplman, Lan caster. William Kesziewicz, Pittsburgh. Harry D, McCauley, stoclton. Archbald Michael, Philadelphia. Stanley J. Ml lucres, Plymouth. Jerry E. Mohrey, Northampton. Joseph Watson.l Philadelphia. Mattl Knislahti, Phiradelphla. Ralph Kern, N#w Cumberland. John P. VeazeyJ,'Pittsburgh. Thomas Campenpi, Plttston. John Carl, Peniis Station. Howard Evans. Scranton. Paul F. Jacobs, Manchester. Leo J. Kenney,"R. F. D. 1, Car negie. Raymond P. Long, Reading. Francis A. Mooney, Philadelphia. Lawrence A. Muck, Meadvllle. Duigi Russo, Philadelphia. Anthony Sandanna, Steelton. Adrian A. Sanders, Bakerstown, Allegheny county. Jacob Washkovitz, Philadelphia. Charles C. Windsor, Philadelphia. Edward T. Brannagnn, Philadel phia. James T. Boyle, Pittsburgh. Harry C. Glattle, Philadelphia. Robert E. Hcckman, Pottsville. Thomas Lambert, East Strouds burg. Jnmes C. Rodgers. Chester. John -Shtipienls, Sharon. Arthur R. Worcester, Philadel phia. N Guy W. Zoißler. Harrisburg. Jacob Bornski, PMtston. John A. Brown, Invin. John J. Burkit. Bethlehem. Carmel O. Casale. ( Portage. Earnest L. Check, ;l Warren. William H. FlanSgtin, Philadel phia. . Giuseppe Genovere, Harrisburg Joseph F. Oil City. Fred Gustafson, Ifwin. Edward W. Kay, Philadelphia. Harry Kingston, Philadelphia. Arthur P. Ludwig, Tomhioken. John P. Meighan, Miners Mills. Clare A. Shannon, Erie. Raymond Rivinns, Philadelphia. Willard E. Conner. McVeytown. John A. Deisher. Reading. Arthur E. Fletcher, Philadelphia. John T. Flynn, Dunmore. Miles Hammond Cfnrdner, Erie. Peter Garrity, McKeesport. , Thorn as Harvey, Jermyn. Harry F. Aukerman, Irwin. Edward Burgess, Blossburg. Thomas Common, Jeannette. Joseph D'Alessnridro, Philadel phia. Peter F. Kelly, Clifton Heights. Mike ICranack, Pittsburgh. Frederick W. Liebelt, Pittsburgh. Angus E. Wood, Waymart. Giuseppe Balerno, South Bethle hem. Wilfred S. Becker|{Northampton. James W. Bolin, Carlisle. Colin Cram, Philadelphia. Howard McCarthy, Smethport. Stephen McHale, Olyphant. Clifford C. McPherson, Rural Val ley. Joseph Markiewicz, Erie. Glen E. Murray, Pittsburgh. William Williams, Reading. James L. Zeger, Route 4, Mercers burg. I, Mathew Babinskf, Monessen. Clayton G. McClfflie, Lancaster. William J. McGrath, Swissvale. Leo J. Shanley, Pittsburgh. George E. Weir, Grafton. Frank J. Black,, Wilkes-Barre. Thomas A. Barrett, Scrantori. Harold W. Dalious, Hamburg. Raymond F. Rlckert, Summit Hill, Carbon county. Harry Smith, Philadelphia. Eugene Toussaint, Ford City. Ralph R. Kramer, Shamokin. Nehemiah LanMord, R. F. D. 2, Franklin. , Angelo Malandm, Philadelphia. HARKISBTTRG TELEGRAPH! Thomas N. Martin, Mooslc. Frank J. Overly, R. F. D. t, Mount Pleasant, Antont Sabar, Philadelphia. Vincent Scully, Chester. John L. VlBcuso, Pittsburgh. WOUNDED SLIGHTLY Lieutenants Philip M. Darby, Philadelphia. Carl E. Gels, Johnstown. Creston Sutch, Philadelphia. Alexander M. Hinds, Linglestcwn, Dauphin county. Sergeants Robert E. Clark, Jeanette. William Theodore Troetschel, Mount Oliver. William H. Loefller, Pittsburgh. Edward A. Quinn, Pittsburgh. Bryan Edmunds, MUlhetm. Clarence Hall, Pittsburgh.' Ernest M. Kuuffmun, York Springs. Bernard J. Litkus, Shaft, Schuyl kill county. Richard I. Moore, Tyrone. Joseph Campbell, Philadelphia. William R. Goetz, Vandergrift. Reuben M. Hafer, Coraopolis. William Theodore Lesh, Scranton. William Taylor, R. F. D. 2, Pine Bank. Corporals 1 Leßoy W. Clark, Allentown. Harvey R. Eberly, Denver. William G. Anderson, Coraopoliß. Lee James Heckathorn, R. F. D. 4, Franklin. Louis H. Lauer, Garrlck. Edwin Hubert Warnock, New Castle. Leo F: McDonnell, Portage. Thorn bus Scuffle, Homestead. Frnnk Sienklewicz, Ranshaw. William J. Thompson, Philadel phia. Albert B. Frank. Chambersburg. Joseph Frew, Pittsburgh. Wilkes H. Glaus, Greensburg. William Lowstutter, Monessen. Amos Thomas, Carbondale. John F. Bowen, Philadelphia. James Dalley, West Philadelphia. Joseph M. Moog. Pittsburgh. James V. Casey, Pittsburgh. DePnnis E. O'Brien, Pittsburgh. John Thomas. North Braddock. Joseph P. Collins. Philadelphia. John I. Douglass, Cokeville. Joseph A. Letzkus, Pittsburgh. Charles Joseph Trlbby, South Pittsburgh. Carl Floyd Whitescll, Route 1, Franklin. Harry Cordell Buckham, Erie. Mechanics George Mnthlas, McKeesport. Harry C. Hayes, Pittsburgh. Andrew AshofT, Wilkes-Barre. John Johnson. Chestnut Ridge. Wagoner Raymond J. Wampler, Windsor. York county. Forester ,James E. Trovers, TitusviUe. Cooks Louis Laufer, Jr., Pittsburgh. Privates Luigi Perticarl. Altoona. Jay S. Spirey, R. F. D. 3, Brook vllle. Thomas B. Welsh, Monongahela. Thomas P. Wlglitmun, New Cum berland. Barney Levitskl, Plymouth. Roy R. Repsher, Bethlehem. Antonio Aloi, Philadelphia. Frank Boyle. Hermlnie. Charles Leo Bullion, Sharpsburg. John A. Doerr. Wilson. Edward R. Fuller, Allison. Charles C. Howeye, Sweet Vallby. Stanley Kapustka, Lilly. Milton D. Kremer, Pottsville. Charles A. McConnell, Jessup. Robert James McCool, South Bethlehem. Clarence D. MacGregor, Carlisle. John Machin, R. F. D. 57, Sharon. Max Ocks, Philadelphia. Michael G, Pendergast, Norria town. , John L. Smith, Millvale. Joseph Trunk, Edgehill. Kenneth Edward VaughnJ Mones sen. Salvadore Llcclardollo, Carnegie. McQough, Philadelphia. George Martch, Harrisburg. James S. Nulph, R. F. D. 2, New Bethlehem. John O'Learsky, Phoenixville. Frank A. Reffert, Pittsburgh. Anthony Trenkle, Wllkes-Barre. Max L. Tucker. Pittsburgh. William T. Willy, Columbia. Joseph Herdnian, Johnstown. Thomas Miraldl, Erie. Dominic Skelley, Latrobe. Edward Francis Smith, Galeton. Fred F. Smith, New Brighton. Harry Stein, Philadelphia. Harry Whittle, West Philadelphia. Herman T. Wigg. TitusviUe. John Biskis, Shenandoah. Albert Boldt, Reading. John I. Canfield, Evansville. Charles Cassett, Philadelphia. Robert C. Cramer, R. F. D. 2, Analomink. Thomas Leroy Cunningham, R. F. D. 2, Kane. Pasqualie Dardlvio, Altoona. Harry W. Burg, Philadelphia. Shelby C. Dahle, Marlenvllle. Robert L. Deturk, Philadelphia. Paul Ge Naltis, Pittsburgh. Isaac A. Miller,-R. F. D. 1, Udell, Mount Pleasant. Domlnico Cicala, Pittston. George P. Hartnett, Schuylkill Haven. Harry M. Keller, Philadelphia. Walteck Mllianskus, Carneglo. Lewis Norwig. Hanover. Clarence J. Chlrdon, Gallltzln. Charles F. Chorherr, Pittsburgh. George Edward Fletcher, Harris burg. Paul F. Flehr, MoKeesport. Domenlco Florio, Wlndber. John L. HQolahan, R. F. D. 7, Bellevnue. Rudolph Hopewell. Philadelphia. Benjamin Jones, Bangor. Dean P. Keith, Coalport. Joseph Lawavajeh, Mahanoy Plane. Lawrence O. Moulder, Ardmore. Arthur R. Murray, Philadelphia. William J. Devereux, St. Marys. George E. Hohman, Philadelphia. William Hopkins, Olyphant. James J. Klernan, McKeesport Alesslo Magnottl, Scranton. George J. Bennett Pittsburgh. Edward C. Bertram, Philadelphia. James Edward Campbell, Pitts burgh. Carmine Caresl, Windben. George E. Checkuah, Oneida. George R. Clay, Waterford. Arthur J. Kaln. Etna. Fred J. Karl, Pittsburgh. Harold Andrew Krapf, Tamaqua. Thomas Lesher, Palmyra. Truman H. Christ, Bethlehem. Charles W. Gettle, Myerstown. Carl W. Kaufman. OH City. John James Lewis, Duquesne. Harry E. Scott, Csatle Shannon. Charles H. Anderson, Galeton. Edgar W. Andrews, Erie. Joseph V. Blanc, Lamberton. Samuel J. Kuhn, R. F. D. 2, Home. Grover Cleveland Kramer, Trout ville. Homer M. Banders, Vlcksburg. Joseph ! anders, Pittsburgh. Patrick F. Sajidy, Freeland. Charles Shaffer, Indiana. Andrew Shando. Morea. John B. Simon, R. F. D. 1, North ampton. Steven Thomas, Munhall. James A. Tiernan, Pittsburgh. William L. Toohey, Erie. John K. Zartman, Reading. George W. Baumert, Philadelphia. Joseph Bisese. McKeesport. Chester Bishop, Lashley. I gamuel L. Small, Franklin, William W. Swnrtx, McKeesport. Layton Hale Martin, Pittsburgh. Martin J. MfDonough, North Braddock. Guisoppe Mirabello, Philadelphia. Slnton Misicuk, Natrona. Ralph A. Mohney. Vandergrift Heights. Fred D. Mumma, Mcchanlcsburg. Arthur O'Neill, Summit, Cambria county. Harry James Organ. R. F. D. 3. Ed en burg. Carmine Pietropaolo, Atlas. Roy Kildoo Shaffer. Princeton. Anthony James Splcuzza, Pitts burgh. Louis Swerlin, Philadelphia. Harry I. Atkinson, Conshohocken. Herbert Binch. Philadelphia. Harry C. Blackburn, R. F. D. 1, Cessna. Frank Counterman, R. F. D. 2, East Stroudsburg. Baley Dnrley, R. F. D. 1, Jack sonville. Fred L. Knetzel, Harmony. Harry Knobben, Carneglo Claude Herbert Knowlton, Brad ford. Samuel Marks, Reading. MISSING IN ACTION Privates Joseph D. Egnn, Sunbufy. Clarence Lindsey, Scott Hill, Clar ion county. David G. Nelson, R. F. D. 1, Titus vllle. Robert Smith, Meyersdnle. MARINE CORPS CASUALTIES The following Marine Corps cas ualties are reported by the com manding general of the American Expeditionary Forces (included in above total): Killed din action, 23 Died of wounds received in action ? IS Died of disease .. 17 Wounded Trr-action (severely), * 122 Wounded in action (degree Undetermined) J Missing in action 20 Total 198 KILLED IN ACTION Sergeant Paul M. Streator, Washington. DIED OF WOUNDS Privates Judson E. Budman, Lairdsville. Elwood W. Toner, Philadelphia. DIED OF DISEASE Corporal H. D. Relchert, Philadelphia. Private F. A. Rudd, Philadelphia. WOUNDED IN ACTION, SEVERELY First Lieutenant Sydney Thayer. Jr., Haverford. Second Lieutenants Melvin E. Fuller, Vandcrbilt. William A. Keiter, Elizabethville. Sergeant Michael Tarker. Pittsburgh. Corporals Ralph W. Baldwin, Midway. Rufus M. Redmnn, Philadelphia. Paul W. Reld, Winburn, Clear field county. Privates Joseph A. Cook. Mainesburg. James D. Hockenberry, Yatesboro. Glenn A. Murphy, Wilklnsburg. Emit S. Nelson, Ludlow. Boris Shomer, Philadelphia. Eugene Wear, Tazleton. f* M Dresses reduced to \ J|g& \ Iffl VyL Men's Suits and Over coats for Men and Young Men \ \ < Boy's Suits and Mackinaws are guaranteed \ \ ! ' s Ladies* Suits, Skirts, Furs, Waists to give entiro £,\Jup V I|f|\ \K3 George K. Whlppo, Pittsburgh. MISSING IX ACTION Private Alfred W. Price, Scranton. Pennsylvanlans reported this morning follow: KII.LIQI) W ACTION I'rlrntrs Max M. Caldwell, Punxsutawnoy. William J, Dougherty, Philadel phia. Bastlio Ferrarlhi, St.ar Junction. Barney Qrigaluinus, Scranton. Roy Gunriaker, Erie. Stanley Gustave, Philadelphia. Thomas Kane, Germantown. Walter J. PUzga, Jessup. George G. Brooke, Philadelphia. Joseph Patrick Finn, Pittsburgh. Elmer George Stevenson, Plym outh. Owen J. Williams, Slhtington. DIED FROM WOUNDS Privates Harry Anthony Cook, Philadelphia. Vincent J. Devlin, Branchdale. John Dowling, Glenn Mills. Charles M. llouser, IKS I South Nine teenth street, Ilurrisliurg. DIIOD FROM ACCIDENT AND OTHER CAUSES Prlvntc Furst P. Shope, Meyersdale. DIED OF AIRPLANE ACCIDENT l'rlvnte Irwin Werdt, Wllllamstown. DIED OF DISEASE I*rlvntes Isaac R. Williams, Williamsport. Michael J. Itoarty, Drlfton. George W. Sanno, Mount Holly Springs. Wayne M. Lockwood, Punxsu tawney. • James F. Dewyer, WeedvlUe. Robert M. Fndle, Warren. Clyde P. Frantz, Saegerstown. I'asquale Guide, Philadelphia. WOUNDED SEVERELY Captain Joseph N. Dußurry, 3d. Philadel phia. Chnplnln Theodore Beck, Swarthmore. Lieutenants Maurice S. Revnes, Philadelphia. Russell M. Wlllard, Apollo. Joseph F. Murphy. Philadelphia. Thomas P. Read, Huntingdon. Earl M. Young. Catasauqua. Sergeants Fred J. Baumberger, Washington. John F. Lapinsky, Shenandoah. William Lnwrenee, Philadelphia. Raynor J. Shem, Wilklnsburg. Ralph Nelson Summerton. Tidioute. Frnnk W. Arter, 1317 Marlon St., Ilurrisliurg. Theodore A. Adamcyk, Latrobe. Arthur B. Amos, Plymouth. Lester C. Dilllng, Pittsburgh. Michael Harden. Pittsburgh. Oscar G. Klopper, Archbald. Joseph J. Davidson, Pottsville. Erwin Adelbert Harvey, Jr., Lan caster. Claude E. Lewis. New Milford. Allen D. MeOorrbs, Pittsburgh. John Takach, Wlnburne. Samuel J. Trotta. Philadelphia. James D. Bierer, Uniontown. Frank Carbaugh, Mount Pleasnnt. George C. Y'erklns, Shnrpsburg, Charles Amsler, Wilklnsburg. Leßoy O. Spence, Carlisle. Corporals Joseph E. Bell, Philadelphia. DECEMBER 20, 1918. ~ ! Frederick Philadelphia. Thomas Elmer Lawson, Wllklns burg. William Henry Blshoft, Butler. Albert F. Horn. Philadelphia. Harry K. McClure, Airville. John P. Miller. I'lttston. Benjamin Blair, Philadelphia. James J. Brennan, Philadelphia, Tony Drapke, New Castle. George B. Woodward. Scranton. Lawrence Wilbert Euchler, Manor ville. John T. Ford, Pittsburgh. Charles H. Good, Manchester. Edward Hann, Necdmore. Norman E. Parnell, Llewellyn. Ginmpietro Salvl, Philadelphia. Benjamin r. Samson, Willow Grove. Hugh E. La very, Pittsburgh, Benjamin Magee, New Wilming ton. Arthur F. Miller, Tunkhannock. John W. Nosker, Johnstown. Walter J. Plunk* Philadelphia. Myer Pressman, Philadelphia. Fred J. Askln, Pittsburgh. Louis C. Ziegert, Philadelphia. Cook Adlal William Hilliard, Cochran ton. • Children Love Candy Cascarets Careful mothers know that Cascarets in the home mean less sickness, less trouble, less worry, less cost. When one of the kiddies has a white tongue, feverish breath, sour stomach or a cold, a Cascaret quickly and harmlessly "works" the poi sons from the liver and bowels and all is well again. TO MOTHERS I While all children detest castor oil, calomel pills and laxatives, they really love to take Cascarets because they taste liki candy. Cascarets "work" the nasty bile, sour fermentations and constipa tion poison from the child's tender stomach, liver and bowels without pail or griping. Cascarets never disappoint the worried mother. Each 10 ceni box contains directions for children aged one year old and upwards Mechanic William A. Relgel, Readings Privates J Harry M. Slawkln, Pittsburgh. Harry G. Taylor, Marcus Hook. y j, John Troplano, Philadelphia. i! Raloh E. Warfleld. Lake Conn, •' Mervin Weller, Mlddleburg. Robert A. Williams, Shaft. James L. Donnelly, Pittsburgh. Charles C. Dtttman, Monroe. Gilbert Ohs, McKeesport. Nicholas J. Young, Pottsvllle. * Tony Dlstasl, Dixmont. David J. O'Connell, Philadelphia. Hugh L. O'Hara, Pittsburgh. Hugo O. Roos, Mauch Chunk ( Emidio Testoni, Glen Mills. • Alex. Kulwaeki. Shamokin. Harry C. Harker, Wllklnsburg, <* Emllinno Massettl, Allison. John Molt, Moscow. John T. Mullany, West Philadel phia. Paul K. Musselman, Perkaslo. Adam Ruminskl, Pittsburgh, liny E. Treon, Mount Carmel. Leo B. Tubbs. Erie. William Kinner, Wysox. % John McKay, Philadelphia. [Continued on Page 20.] 19