Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1918, Page 17, Image 17

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[Continued from First Page.]
course. He, too, comes from the
Last but not least is Richard De-
Gray, who will be twelve years old
March 30. His picture Is the In- !
dividual cut. He hopes to follow
the footsteps of his father and some |
day enroll at Princeton.
Donald and Daniel llarntsh are;
twelve-year-old twins who are mem- j
Thousands of the Most Beautiful
Christmas Trees
These Are the Beautiful Maine Spruce
A lady comes in and phones: "Is that you, Elizabeth? Hurry
over to Schell's Seed Store and get your tree. They have the^ most
beautiful trees you ever saw and they are going like hot cakes."
We Suggest You Do the Same
Schell's Seed Store
1307-1309 Market Street. Open Evenings
THE GLOBE Store Open Every Evening Until Christmas / THE GLOBE
Overcoats —Overcoats —Overcoats
In a Big Christmas Sale
This announcement will cause old Santa's smile to broad- mmm 75c
en and his whip to crack in his eagerness to get to THE Big Wide F,owin s
GLOBE to share in the great OVERCOAT VALUES.
Every style —every kind —your kind of Oveiicoat is in
eluded at these substantially REDUCED PRICES. 'MrA
$25.00 Overcoats Now. . . $20,00
$30.00 Overcoats Now .. . $25.00
$35.00 Overcoats Now . . . $30.00
$40.00 Overcoats Now . . . $32.50 ■
$60.00 Overcoats Now . . . $50.00
$75.00 Overcoats Now . . . $60.00
$lOO.OO Montagnac O'Coats $85.00
Our Christmas Silk Shirt Sale
IR-- At $ / j AC V o "f 1
■R viTv s Values ' ip \||
H as Broken All Records EM silk
V frfi Hundreds of dozens of these wonderful Shirts have already
ItIL been sold. And there are hundreds of dozens of pure silk, fibre p— —
silk > s ' ,lc chere, and pongee shirts in the most beautiful striped HTTtn Is\ To Tit S)
patterns, here for your selection. Give "HIM" shirts for M. Hxs \Jfi/VUts' 1.& Lilts
Owing to the extremely low price at which these shirts are \ Boys' Christmas Store
H sO,d — None charged—None, sent on approval—None sent
"■* c.o. D. Ask Us About Thrift Stamps
n •
— A Mackinaw—
Thie T ICfT f\f f*\PTl Q1 hiP SlpWiioPfthl P And es P ecia,l y 8 P a fick Mackinaw sold only by
1 1110 IJl&l VI hDtZKlolUllZf OCI C/ttCWI/iC THE GLOBE will please any boy for Christmas.
Articles Will Solve Your Gift Problem Other Mackinaws. .$7.50 to $15.00
(If What tfl fiIVP "Tlim" CorduroySuitSr-$7.50t0515
\Ji If fllll 111 UIW ±l.l/11 A Globe Corduroy Suit will stand all bumps and
Sweaters Hats ' Silk, Linen and Leather Collar Cases knocks any boy can give it and always look dressy.
Mackinaws Fur Caps Initial H andker- Leather Hat Brushes Boys' Raincoats —$5.00 to $8.50
Fancy tnrOvercoats * chicfs ' JCWeII7 Every chap will be glad to get a new Tan or Gray
Bath Robes Silk and Wool Flannel Shirts * J™ Mixture Raincoat-some have hats to match.
s K uten d de^ ufflcrS , 6 " Boys' Bathrobes-$3.95 to $8.50-
Jewelry Belts Carhartt Overalls Military Brushes Made just like dad's—of blanket cloth, with girdle
Gloves Silk, Woolen and Suit Cases ' Scarf Rings —lndian and Oriental and O. D. patterns; sizes 4
Umbrellas Lisle Hosiery Traveling Bags Fountain Pens to 18.
' Military Shop—lst Floor
bers of the freshman class over at
the Technical High school. They
look as near alike as two peas In a
pod. While they are both In the
Tech prep course, they are in dif
ferent sections, and lucky for the
teachers and pupils that they are
separated, for otherwise endless con
fusion would result. Daniel is a
member of Section 5 and Donald
i belongs to Section 6. This year's
freshman class contains more young
students than ever before. In addi
i tlon to five lads who enrolled at 11
i years of age. there are Just seven
' teen more "greenles" who matricu
lated when 12 years old.
[Continued from First Page.]
In a poker game when a "show
down" Is called for. the player* lay
their hands on the table, face up,
The value of all the hands Is then
Immediately evident.
A "showdown" has been called
for In the Harrlsbdrg Red Cross
Chapter district. *
To-morrow and Sunday are
"showdown" days.
To-morgftw, for . example, the
"showdown" Is on Red Cross lapel I
On Sunday Ithe "slowdown" Is on
Red Cross window ainblemg.
"Showdown" £
"What youVot?" 4
there are less than 300,000 members of
the Red Cross.'jso thlt Harrlsburg. If
It wakes up In time and gets Into the
Joining proposition In earnest, will be
able again to paint the finger cf scorn
at less patrlotlcldlstiscts.
During the list fbw days, because
the men themsAves demanded it, al
most all of the Industries tn the city
and district have staged industrial
drives for memberships. It was found
that some of the districts of the city
were undermanned, and, because
there were Insufficient solicitors, many
people were not being seen. The in
dustrial campaign will take care of
Where Headquarters Are
The complaints that solicitors have
failed to call have not been few. It Is
urged upon Harrlsburg peopje that If
a solicitor has not visited their homes
that they take their money to mem
bership headquarters. Third and Lo
cust streets, where, in twenty seconds.
they will be given their receipts, but
tons and window emblems.
Hew to Get Christmas Seals
There Is only one way to get Christ
mas seals this year—that is by Joining
the Red Cross. With each regular
membership ten of the seals are giv
en. No campaign WHS put on this year
by the tuberculosis society because
the Red Cross gave the organization
>2,600,000 for Its work.
v tine IVonnn Does Well
Red Cross headquarters to-day re
ported the receipt of a >25 donation
| from Mrs. Q. Wetzel, of the Dauphin Ci
gar Company, who made thut amount
through the sale of soft drinks to the
employes of the Dauphin company.
Ills llenrt Heats Itlaht
Another donation reported to-day
was that from Edward Hopkins, a lit
tle boy living nt 60S North Sixteenth
street. Young Mr. Hopkins appeared
nt headquarters and gave 50 cents for
the Red Cross.
Ontslde Towns Chirping I'p
Memberships reported last night
from towns outside the city were:
Lykens, 501; Penbrook. 601; Newport,
532: Mnrysville, 248; New Cumberland,
602; Duncannon, 405.
Haltlmore Helps Out
J. Harry Messersmlth yesterday met
a Haltlmore man, who said;
"I see by the papers that Harrls
burg Isn't on Its toes in this Red Cross
cnmpalgn. Take th[a >6 and enroll
me and my wife and four children as
members. We live In Baltimore, but
here goes for llarrlsburg."
[Continued from First I'age.]
to-day, and expressed his fear that
she had taken her life. Officer Fett
row was detailed to search the river
banks with Mr. Dlntaman, a river
boatman. ,
Mrs. Grand left seven children, the
oldest of whom is 22 years old. Two
of the children were In the house
when she left. One. a boy, was sick
In bed In an upstairs Foom.
The woman hus beeh ill n couple
of months, Mr. Grand says, and late-
Ensign Smacker
Reported Dead
ly hns been mentally deranged.
She expressed no intention of tak
ing her life, but that is what Mr.
Grand fears she has done.
Since she left the house, none of
the friends or neighbors of the fam
ily has reported seeing her any
where.. A search among friends and
relatives where she might have wan
dered has failed to reveal her where
Mrs. Grand is described as about
five feet, seven inches tall, slender,
dark complexioncd, and has gray
hair. She was wearing a long black
chinchilla coot and had a shawl
thrown over her head.
Don't Forget the Soldier
Here For His "Gifts"
One of the First Things to Be
Taken Up Under the In
coming Administration
sMMMMa Establishment
r. \ \ //Jk of a state snlary
. A V* bonril, one of the
vO\\\ rjyl recommendations
wSvoCJwvHi 71 of , tho Economy
thArfl4l commission re
',ort ° f 1917 th,nt
jgj3yyol!jHy und vetoed by tlie
fair to be one of
the earliest Dills pussed by the Leg
islature which will meet within the
next three weeks. The conditions
of the last two years during which
the state hns lost some valuable em
ployes because of salaries paid on
the Hill being less than those ob
tainable In general business have
emphasized the need of such a
board, It Is contended ut the Cnpltol
und the project will be revived.
The bill of 191" provided that the
Governor, Auditor Generul and
State Treasurer should constitute a
board to tlx saluries and provided
>200,000 In the general appropria
tion act to meet changes which
might be .deemed necessary because
of unusual conditions which might
arise. Governor Brumbaugh in his
veto held that the Legislature could
always provide any reasonable re
quests which might bo made for
changes and that such an act would
I complicate matters. Tills veto was
filed after the Legislature adjourned.
Want Roads llullt. — Movements
various sections of the state are
commencing to be heard of about
for improvements of highways In
the Capitol, especially from dis
tricts where work was abandoned,
or not started because of war con
ditions. The requests for attention
are being tiled at the Highway De
partment and will be taken up next
spring when the program for con
struction is outlined. The belief Is
that further increases of the State
Highway system will be dlscour
Compensation Cases. —The State
Compensation Hoard In a decision
handed down today in Pedron vs.
Colonial Colliery Co., Natalie, ql
lows compensation for a death
caused by an injury which resulted
In the breaking of a blood vessel
In a lung brought about by exertion
in pushing coal In a chute In a
mine. The Hoard diismlssed ap
peals In Walsoavave vs. Thomas Col
liery Co., Lost Creek; Welsh vs.
Williams Co., Erie; Miltltch vs.
Pittsburgh Mailable Iron Co., Pitts
burgh; vs. Cuthbert llros.,
McKeesport; Curts vs. Dietrich,
Willlamsport; Milll vs. Allegheny
Steel Co., Brackenridge.
Weather Helps. —Open weather
has enabled the State Highway De
partment to complete emergency re
pairs upon a number of roads which
it was feared a month ago could
not be cared for owing to the ap
proach of winter. Erection of snow
fences to keep open sections of State
Highways which are traveled has
also been advanced rapidly. Very
little road construction work has
been under way lately except In
southwestern count^s.
Can't Employ Minors.— Prosecu
tions of persons who employed mi
nors without the certificates re
quired by state law have taken place
In several cities, according to re
ports reaching the State Depart
ment of Labor and Industry. In
some cases they were employed to
handle Christmas rushes.
Hurled In Luzerne.—The funeral
of State Trooper James Walsh, who
died here a few days ago, took place
from the home of his parents, Mr.
and Hrs. J. P. Walsh, In Wilkes-
Barre, yesterday morning. Inter-'
ment as in St. Mary's Cemetery at
Hanover, where services were con
ducted by Rev. J. J. McCal/e of St.
Joseph's church, Georgetown. Tups
were sounded at the grave by State
Trooper Lewis Rlneberg of Troop
B. The pallbearers were state
Ailanis In Army.—Ex-Representa
tive William L. Adams, of Luzerne,
one of the picturesque characters of
the recent sessions, will enter the
United Stutes Army. He has served
through the war.
Hearing to Go On. —Public Serv
ice Commission officials stated to
day that the hearing In the Hurrls
burg Railways case would go on
next Monday afternoon, rain or
High School Closed. — The' Car
bondale High school has been clos
ed because of the Influenza epidemic
In that section. Wllkes-Barre may
take some drastic steps to halt the
spread of the disease.
To Be Illg Affair.—The proposed
conference on conservation of na
tural gas scheduled to take place
in Pittsburgh on January 8 will
be one of the biggest affairs of the
kind in the country. Representatives
of big interests will participate.
Mackcy Talks Plainly.—Assailing
the office of the Adjutant General
of the United States. Harry A.
Mackcy. chairman of the PennsyL
vanla Workmen's Compensation Bu
reau, yesterday addressed a letter
to Representative George P. Darrow,
of this city, calling the office to task
for the manner in which inquiries
about soldiers are handled. Several
Mrs. Bush Gets Her
Vast Property Back
■wninrn -
M—- :V - V VI rW .
Mrs. Lily Bosch, widow of the late
Adclphus Buaeh, of St. Louis, whose
vast property, which was taken over
! by the Allen Property Custodian un
der the alien property act. will lie re
turned to her by order of Attorney
General Gregory. Mrs. Rusch has sat
isfied the Department of Justice as to
her American citizenship. The e.itate
i represented one of the largest plecos
i of property seized by the Government
during the war.
' DECEMBER 20, 1918.
weeks ago Mr. Mackey wrote to Mr.
Harrow requesting him to ascertain
the whereabouts of a soldier. When
Mr. Harrow made Inquiry at the
Adjutnnt General's office, he was In
formed the mun's whereabouts could
not be found later than July 4, al
though the family knew where he
was as late as September.
Draft Orders. —Notice has been
given by state draft headquarters
thnt the closing up of the draft sys
tem has progressed to such an ex
tent thnt the majority of the boards
should be able to dispense with all
clerks except chief clerks by the
middle of January. Directions are
given that records of men Inducted
? New Year Inj
• •
jj During the holiday season and in the "
0 early months of the year there will be 0
0 many dances, large and small. The 0
a shadow of the war is lifted, the boys are • X
coming back and social activities are re- •
V suming at full speed. "
X As evening gowns have been worn so A
• little during the past two years, few •
V women have anything ready to ivear. To I
0 meet present needs I have provided not 0
0 anly a plentiful supply of the simple danc- Q
X ing frocks for small affairs but some of n
• the exquisite new evening gowns suitable •
V for the most formal occasions. JJ
0 I won t describe these gowns as I want •
• you to have the pleasure of seeing them ;
• and trying them on. It hasn't been pos- 0
v sible to assemble any such showing of Q
0 evening costumes for the last few years. A
• V
A •
• Also many accessories to complete the 0
0 evening toilet: Silk underwear, silk n
0 hosiery, evening furs, etc. 1
• • v
A •
v Remember—Our store closes Satur- Q
urdays at 6 o'clock. N(st open any •
0 evening before Christmas. 0
. . - f
II The Ideal J
Gift: A I
I Player-Piano I
There is always <t happy, joyous, musical,
I united home where there is a Player-Piano.
Don't let another Christmas go by without
i one of these great instruments of education in
your home.
j You can have the full pleasure and pride of
owning one of these instruments now instead
< of a year hence.
Come in and talk it over.
||| and Other Pianos
| C. M. Sigler, Inc.
I Pianos Victrolas
II 30 N. Second Street I
should bo carefully checked and rec
ords of boards are not to be sealed
or boxed up until further orders are
given. While additional clerks re
main on duty their services are to
be utilised to the fullest extent and
the holidays are not to Interfere with
the work.
10 X. Third St. Penna. Htatloi