HOG ISLAND YARD COST $34,000,000 MORETHAN PLANS Fraud Nof Shown, Says De partment of Justice; Probe to Reveal Blame Associated Press Washington, Dec. 20. —The long awaited report of the Department of Justice of the government's great Hog Island shipbuilding project, made public at the White House to day on wireless instructions f r oin President Wilson, says searchin in vestigation has disclosed no •rira lnal liability. The reports com ' mends that a board or arb Nation determine what part, if any. ®f the utore than $60,000,000 the plant cost was in excess of reasonable neces sity and should be demanded of the contractors by the government. , In brief the investigutors report: That the facts do not justify crim inal process and that no fraud or secret protits has been established. Thiit the probable cost of the. plant will be about $61,000,000, (In eluding $6,000,000 for additions by order of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration), compared with an orig inal estimate of $21,000,000 and a revised estimate of $27,000,000. That no clenr explanation of this discrepancy has been forthcoming. That prior to February 1, last, a condition existed at Hog Island which "superficially at least would Impress anyone as 'organized riot," 'tangled mass,' or 'stage of chaos.' " That the contractor or agent, the American International Corporation, in substance has taken the position that since this waS a war job cost " was of minor Importance; and, That the question of reasonable ness of the expenditures should be referred to a board of arbitration provided for in the contract, pro ceedings to be olosed if the board tinds the expenditures reasonably necessary or, otherwise payment of the excess to be demanded by the governmnt. ■ Program Fulls Behind The report which is. dated Sep tember 12, 191S, also stated that the plant would be completed in Sep tember; that the contract substanti ally was being complied with and that the controversy hinged "not so much upon the question of accom plishment but upon means, methods and expenditures." Hut attached is a letter from the investigators, dated September 21, which the Attorney General transmitted to the President, referring to press reports that the program is fulling behind schedule and calling attention to the fact that the report was based upon conditions as they appeared early in July. General Manager Piez, of the Emergency Fleet Corporation, ap pearing yesterday before the Sen ate Commerce Committee, testified that the Hog Island yurd would lie completed in about sixty days; that cost would be about $63,300,000 and tfint the plant had delivered one ship and laid fifty keels. Charges of Grnft Mule The Department of Justice inves tigation was made by two assistants to the Attorney General, G. Carroll Todd and Mark Hyman, beginning last February, when President Wil son nsked the Attorney General to get Into consultation with Chairman Hurley, of the Shipping Hoard i "about the whole matter with a yiew to instituting criminal process, in case the facts justify it." Charge* of graft and gross waste had been made in an Inquiry conducted by the Senate Commerce Committee. 1 ltc]Mirt Describes Contract The report describes at the outset the contract entered into by the 4 Emergency Fleet Corporation ont September 13, 1917, under which } the American International Corpo- ;■ ration of New York, agreed to pur- j chase 846 acres of land at Hog Is- i land to be utilized for the purpose of the contract upon a six per cent, rental basis; to build on this tract with funds furnished by the Emer gency Fleet Corporation a shipyard of fifty ways, and to construct with funds supplied from the same source fifty or more steel cargo ships at an estimated cost of $1,100,000 each. On October 23 the fleet corporation placed an order for seventy addi tional steel ships, estimated to cost $1,650,000- each, and on May 7, an Distinctive Gifts For Men Gifts that need no apology and will leave no room for doubt as to Quality and Style. , GIFT SUGGESTIONS Neckwear—Hosiery Shirts—Gloves Collars—M uff ler s Belts—Handkerchiefs SUITS AND OVERCOATS s2o° $37.50 HOLMAN p AESELER LO. 228 Market Street Open every evening until Christmas. PERFUMIZERS Many Kinds—Many Prices GORGAS 10 X. Third St. Pcnna. Station order for sixty more ships to cost $1,415,000 each. All of the 180 ships were to be completed by August 4. 1919. These orders necessitated con struction of Jonger ways and piers, and more shop and storage capacity. CHRISTMAS TO OPEN CITY'S DOORS [Continued from First Page.] Red Circle Club, has been devoting a large part of his efforts since then In milking plans for the Christmas entertainment of the men, who have been unable to get home, but have '' '• 300 MARKET 306 BROAD ST. WNo Mail Ordersl. 'A^^afe ERFUM | s i.x o ' '^rL Pertum " 70 J ,s/ NO Mail Orders! "MfjSt Filial °- lOC fDIpH W W aIRICvI Floramye I'ace Powder. $1.19| I Gardenia I Mavis Ta cum Powder ... 21$ I I r liieu | yy uy $l.OO Cigar I n J C! • 1 Special Sale Drugs Bromo Nuxated Specials JaUDDCI* lijpGClO.l. Cascara Sagrada, Aromatic, Seltzer 69c 7 1 ic vci' 1 * s tcvcn 8 £% mt $1.38 Ice Bags 74$ 25c Infant Rectal Syringes ... 19$ Ess°Pepperminti 3-oz. bottle, l9c, * f 7 King Oscar Jl_ __ $2.50 Da vol Household Fountain 35c English Breast Pumps ... 28$ Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, 2-oz. Ml/Kl 35c 7 General Hnrtranft .... Syringe $1.69 60c Family Bulb Syringe ... 48$ bottle .1 35$ COC yjk hfi IvW Fl-. 1 ' I CountciVo!; s ::::::: VWV $1.25 Dark or Red Brown Water ? 1 -1° AVonpiece Fountain Syringe. Castor Oil. 2-oz. bottle 20$ p . . VMM rfA&GS\ lCtCner S 7La Tiftoiis Bottles 68<J ™ 98£ Sweet Spirits of Nitre, ~-oz. bottle, * Frisian AlVv Caatnria 50 for $2.45 " '.'" """'' v $2.00 Goodrich Fountain Syringe, 35$ Sacrp QdWI - , w ■ „ r $2./5 Goodrich Water Bottle. Ao. \- n 4? c • • 1 1 u ..1 <1 Kw/Gi V V 0/5 • "lojas . ~2 qe „ • £NO ' ~ Jp1.48 Spirits Camphor, 3-oz. bottle, 60$ . 0 Va- 2 °c 3 Girards 25$ A*,'.;* *' I ''' ,7"'' 7t' iJ v 5-<|t. Fountain Syringe Hose, 23$ Tr. Arnica, 3-oz. bottle 60$ 42c W/4 WY/ = 3 Henriettas 30$ $l-50 YV onpiece \\ ater Bottle No. p r ,ncess Bulb Syringe 89$ -fr. iodine, 2-oz. bottle 35$ ===== Wlff . 20 Rubberset Shaving Brushes. ,42< Comp. Licorice Powder, 1 oz., 10< $lOO ILlc Mavis ICI— p AP f limA . $3.00 Vagiftal Douce Syringe Finger Cots Comp. Licorice Powder, 2 oz., .. 7 . (fuSr _ Djer Kiss * ertumes 4 $2.25 $4.00 Hospital Fountain Syringe, Epsoin Salts, lb Listenne I jAy Talcum Djer Kiss Extract, bottle.. .SI.6S Anticolic Nipples 4< $2.68 Ess. Pepsin. 3 oz. .......... 40< 75c \l/r\\ [L * 21r Djer KiSs Veg $1.19f Hvgcia Nipple and Bottle, com- $2.50 Wonpiece Bottle Syringe, : = J /X* (1 j] Mi) ========== D i er Kiss Toilet Water $1.49 "pietc 25£ No. 33 $1.58 Patent Medicines IT iwlfr tYj'7 *0 J-/V Djer Kiss Face Powder 53<f Elastic Trusses $2.38 Household Rubber Gloves. Pair, saM-ax s. and n ic. <'. ?sc 50c W\ifj > * ipO.OU Djer Kiss Sachet Ear and Ulcer Syringes 19£ 23<> Kilmer's Hivnmp-Koot 42c. sic lji vt \ITLI_If • WamiM>lc's Tasteless C1 I.lvcr Oil. . 03e I CDOCCO \\ /|y \*K\n nining ' IMnkbauis Vcgcbib'e Compoiiiul Sic -y ,1 .fflU Spray ' Dental Preparations Saturday Sale Imported and ' S5S:=,:*S ' p°° '■ I m S mil ZZ* 11:11 $1.20 fl A/At vr pI.UU Sanitol looth 1 owder "L, Piver's Safranal Ext., bottle, $1.79 4-oz. Fiancee loilet Water, 1 glass Bliss Native Herb Tab'cts, $1....... d Jj wJf fll Pinaud'. |&\\UThPU. l'iver's f.e Treilc Incarnate Ext jar Fkneee Talcum, 1W- ....S7S ®? m 0 ftt I;i °r a . n , „?° } ~a se, '' bottle ?1.79 Fiancee Face Powder ... $6.34 Dunn's Kidney l'llls 42c I ScItZCT VU|\ AylT {/Mil L.llac Colgate 1 ooth I owder, - Ext., bottle. 42£ Garden Fragrance Christmas Pack- Mayr's stumacb Keinedy 4c t(Wyl> jjT,. Water Sterns Lcyth I'aste Coty'f L'Origon Ext., oz. .. $3.48 ages, containing 4 oz. Garden C '. > .. .' Xt . ,a \s3c XtL f Ml L rjA Coty's Jacqueminot Rose Ext., Fragrance Toilet Water, 1 oz. Mnlona saivc "<• J . Corn Remedies °z. ....... .. ...... ...... ( Arricn i,v ra^ ance '| l 7 xt '' { 2 ? z ' Jad'suits''. '.'. '. '. '.4e rffij/ffl fr.rn Pincf#r 1 Hudnut s \ iolet Sec. Ext., oz., 68f (jarden I ragrance talcum, 1 pkg. Mrrcoii-MHi Wu.\ 59c OrcHard J\*f* \\n 75c p t r V, V • Hudnut's Gardenia Ext., oz., 68< Garden Fragrance Face Powder, Suoiite 40c \W l X'.k v IV/I--.. Blue ay Corn Plaster 18< it", , . Pv ' ®e- on liicio> Smiiquc i#c, asc White h\lt J Mary Ice Mint" 3lc Hudnut s Mona Lisa Ext., oz., 6F picrcc's Prescription 70c [Wvi V\ > n l_ ep. " > ' Vol. Hudnuts Wood violet Ext., oz., 4-oz. Garden fragrance ioilet picrrt* Gulden Mcibni Disc 7e 34 c (iv /> viaraen Hz '•■,*"/- I -T? I Water, 1 nkg. Garden Frairrance I'Jsnl Hie, sc, 7rc \J\J <£■ (Tjyi/r nT-.lr, Calocide Compound 21<? , r.- . oc n. fur eczema 24c, sue. 7c >( * lalcum. ailm'* Fw Djer Kiss Ext., oz $1.35 I ace 1 o\\ ler ,Win,. Tablets, too c ttion ' ■ ■ 40 Allen. f 1,.i, e Houbigant's Ext., oz $3.19 fiancee Cold* Cream 68£ Milks Emulsion 42c, sic $1.20 K> ~ ~ Mary Garden Ext.. oz $2.28 Garden Fragrance Ext., 1-oz. bat- Mmcstmic Pbospimtc ;••••••• •"?<; Milm' 4V W rVsi Hair Preparations Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Ext., tie $2.38 nuchestJ-r's'Pills' '.V.'.'... ?'s!. M OOC 20c Heroicide oz * 59£ Gnrdert Fragrance ENt., hot- Gudo's Pcpto Mntisnn r>e INervine I Drug 50c I Wan Sage 42< Azurea Toilet Water Eau Vegc- tic ........... a . $1.38 '" e .'.'.'.'. iic,' Wc', 7c 89c O^Jb 50c Hav's Hair Health flip 9of ' r.ict. 1 oz. bottle. $3.34 \twood's itittcrs 21c JUyC " 50c Mulsified Cocoflnui Oil .. 36<* Piver's Ponfpeian Toilet Water, Fiancee Extract, bottle. E'kr.n's Alterative 7c Si.io , (Mfn Coffee 75c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, ' $1.34 $1.98 Ciitlcnra Ointment 3H< || # ' 97/* Danderine 42C, Piver's Floramye Toilet Water, DAlaue Lilac Extract, 1-oz. hot- Snssafola 17c Anti-Pain ■ 75c Damschinsky's D\e 51.34 tie .......... ....... $3.34 "l"..*ate Pill* C 3 75 Damschinsky's Dye .. ... 39< Hudnut's Gardenia Toilet Water, D'Alane Lilac Extract, /-oz. hot " || HallV Cntarrli Cure Me II (/ nm/ lf 1* * • Pinaud's Eau de Quinine .... Horlick S WalrfattA '' Hudnut's Violet Sec Toilet Water, Garden Fragrance Toilet Water, 2flc and 7c Malted Parker'sfHair Balsam 38C 77< J/ oz ... .... $1.38 \Xni . IVO „nd fto 25c SO ' 1..:. Potter's .Walnut Stain 79<* Marv Garden Toilet Water, $2.68 Fiancee loilet Water. 4 oz.. $3.34 rhnmbortnin-s iwnrrbocn Remedy... 2ic m> A/M/ Milk Brownatone 24, 84y Djer Kiss Toil.. Water . *1.68 ; K T,n ! ex Hn*nifal . ' : Djer Kiss loilet Water, Eau \ ege- Powers' a*,bum Remedy 4<- 21c _ C„n. i*e . lngram Milkweed Cream. and .1. Kldnov Plasters ific ==———_—____ JII fl *6 27Q ! lOllet ooaps . _.. ... rr tj, 7q> HolT's Malt and Iron 38c ~ VJ J Cutiriira Soar. 19/* . Pinaud's LUac Toilet Water, 74$ 38$, 73$ ij, vor t ic imd 3c 25r JlcHKn . Luticura boap 13$ Colgate's Caprice Toilet Water, Cucumber Cream .-. 39$ Sani-Flush ic ... W/n( Kesinol boap I*/ $1.35 Hind's Honey Almond 38$ Eonambt Tablets 3c Nature's I'M) Mellin S Palm Ohve Soan isc size lOC Colgate's Violet Toilet Water. Creme Elcaya 44$ 't^\'"rs < pii.i Kxtcrmbiotor. . . .'.?B<'. Remedy MV. C.-J ®- P' • $1.35 Melba Skin Cleanser 50$ n.d iicnatica 3c. 70e rvemeay /Av rcwa Woodbury s Soap 19$ Colgate ' s Cashmere Bouquet Toi- Peroxide Cream 19$ 19c 53c 6s Water * sl<3s Amoniaed Cream 68$ ;It ===== WVfI r?, va B p if Colgate's Dactylis Toilet Water. —Fi , f , carter's Tea $ • JO/ Life Buoy Soap 7$ h '51.35 Household Necessities unem.'* tvery Kin* ie Horhck's ~ ~ , Colgate's Lilac Toilet Water, 75$ Bay Rum, imp., 6-oz. bottle .. 40$ puo's roiicb .......... ... . . .2ie Cuticle fVw Mallpd racerowders Fiancee and Garden Fragrance Bay Rum. imported, pint 79$ '" T - '""bdne me R pmnvpr Pompeian Beauty Powder ... 39$ 'Vnnmei arc manufactured by Moth Balls, lb 18$ n _ .^---$3 Milk Mavis 38$ the old and conservative house of Sulphur, lb 12$ oatetv Razors 2IC \ ? Lov* Me 68$ C. B. Woodworth Sons & Co., of Turpentine, pint 23$ S5 Gillette Razor $3.98 = Woodbury 19$ Rochester, and are made from pom- Migraine Tablets, 100 in ' ' ' V ' v I> ' 1 " " r 84$ Nail i ' ~ , Melba 42$ ades. These pomades come in di- 35$ . WKJfr<* J)' 2g(* Melbaline 21$ rect contact with natural flowers Pill Cathartic Comp., 25 in bottle, . ' alcums nlle ff aSw' _ _ _ _ Sanitol > 24$ that are gathered by French peas- / _ 19$ Colgate's Talcum 18$ 38c l Eskay rood Satin Skin 21$ ants along the Sunny Riveria and Pill Asafoetida, 5-gr., 100 in bottle, Hudnut's Talcum ' 19$ ■= JJL^I ' 21c Blache 39$ they are far superior and more last- _ - 84$ Marv Garden 48$ Tropical Pussy Willow 34$ m" *han tin* f( perfumes . Tablets Asafoetida, 2-gr., chocolate Trailing Arbutus 38$ _ ' Swan Down 13$ Fiancee Christmas Packages, con- coated, 100 in bottle 48$ Melba Talcum . f 21$ talcum Wuf Fncrl* Milk La May 19$ taining 4 oz. Toilet Water, 1 oz. Tablets Cascara Sagrada Extract, Tx>v' Me Talcum 21$ Attar ,i i Freeman's 19$ Extract, 1 pkg. Face Powder, 5-gr., chocolate coated, 100 in Williams' Talcum 18$ 1Q 22c' Mary Garden 78$ $9.38 Lottie 38$ J. &J. Baby Talcum 15$ 1"C secured passes for .tlo day. All communications from H*rrisburgers willing to entertain the men should be sent to him In care of the War Canip Community Service, SO7 Mar ket street. The recently opened ,club is be ginning to tawt on a* hbmelike ap pearance. Writing tables have been installed and every etTort put forth do make the boj's foel at home when they come to Harrlsburg, that they may choose to spend their Idle mo ments there instead of loafing on street corners. Furniture Installed Attractive furniture Ijas been se cured, including a number of tables for cards and other games. While the -work has been remarkable for the time that men In charge of the I work here hßve had to devote to it, btKger improvements are being planned for the near future. This recently opened club is for white soldiers of the two camps, but to make the colored men who are serving in this vicinity feel at home, another Red Circle Club will be opened at 203 South Second probably on Tuesday of next week. It will be fitted up similarly to the club already opened. Believing that music will do much to make the youths happy, plans are being made for the Installation of a piano and victrola at both the clubs. These arrangements are In charge of P. O. Osterhus. of Michigan, who Is In charge of community <work here and In York, Hanover and Gettys burg. Books In large numbers, current mnguslnes and papers will be at the rooms at all times for the service of the soldier and sailor youths. Ar rangements have already been com pleted with the Library Association of America to furnish booM to the boys. Rooms Open to AU That admission to the rooms is entirely free to men in the United States service, Lieut. Neate wishes to impress on all. ' Their uniform Is their pass," he says. Civilians, too, are invited to attend. Harrlsburg can do much to make ' the work or the club successful, 1 Lieutenant Neate nays. Games are ' needed to furnish entertuinment for i the boys and all contributions of : such Ramon that may ba deemed of Interest to the men, tylll be gladly received, he says. Lieutenant Nente Is a graduate of the Royal Arsenal, England, and later served with the British army, being connected with It until De cember, 1917. He cume to this coun try with the Rrltlsh commission and was assigned to serve at the Bethle hem plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company as an Inspector of muni tions. Since July he has been engag ed In war camp community service I work at Allentown. One of his brothers has died in ! the service with the royal armies, j He was Rifleman Herbert R. Neate, |of the Second 12th London Regi ment, died In Franco In March, 1917, ; from wounds received while In ac | tlon. Membership to Y. M. C. A. Suggested For Christmas A membership to the Central Y. M. P. A. Is rapidly becoming n popular Christmas present of fathers to their sons. In explaining the Iden, A. 11. Dlnsmore, boys' work secretary, told that last Christmas more than a score of Wnrrlsburg boys received member, ship curds ns Rifts and thla yeaf evei a larger number will receive them, 1* is a kind of present "that he cannoi destroy and will last until Chrlstmai comes again," Mr. Dlnsmore explains There arc now 253 Harrlsburg boyi enjoying membership privileges. CORNS ViL W W*M ■ ■ BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers