SENDS HOME BAYONET TAKEN FROM FOE ON BATTLEFIELD Hnrrisburg Boy Wins Trophy at Bisk of His Life; Saw Service With the 28th Along the Marne Did you ever fondle a Hun bayonet? If not, get in touch with Daniel H. Werner, who is due to arrive home to-morrow from Camp Meade where he arrived from France a couple weeks ago. Werner sent on* the weapon with its story to his brotlier ln-law, Walter Moore, with whom Werner makes his home at 2502 Agate street, and a groat number of Harrlsburgers saw the villainous spear yesterday and heard the vivid narrative of its taking. Werner, a lad of 18, went over with Company I, One Hundred aiid "Cure Your Rupture Like , I Cured Mine" Old 8M Captain Cored His OWE Rupture After Doctors Bald " Operate or Death." ' Bla Remedy and Book Beat Pre*. Captain Collings sailed the aeas for many years; then he sustained a bad double rupture that soon forced him te not only remain ashore, but kept him bedridden for years. He tried doctor after doctor and truss after truss. No result*! Finally, lie was assured that be must either submit to a dangerous and abhorrent operation or dta He did •either! Ho cured himself instead. 'Fellow Men and Women, You Don't Have Te B* Cat Up, and Yon Don't Hera To Be Tortured Br Truse**." Captain Collings made a study of! himself, of lils condition —and at last h*| was rewarded by the finding of the method that so quickly made him a well, strong, vigorous and happy man. I I Anyone can use the earne method | It's simple, easy, safe and Inexpensive.; Every ruptured person in the world ehould have tho Captain Collings b9ok. telling all about how he cured himself, and how anyone may follow the same treatment In their own home without any trouble. The book and medicine are TREE. They will be sent prepaid toi any rupture sufferer who will fill out, the below coupofi. But send It right < awar now—-before you put down this paper. _________ FREE RUPTURE BOOR ARB REMEDY COUPON. Capt. W. A. Collings (Inc.) Box 2130 Watertown. N. Y. Please send mo your FREE Rupturo Remedy and Book without any obli gation on my part whatever. Name Address Liggett's Chocolates 1-lb. Boxes, .$l.OO GORGAS 26 X. Third St. Pcnna. Station | rsi NEW CLOTHES f * ' FOR THE HOLIDAYS Ig ;( JM ON CREDIT J £ Buy all the new clothes you want NOW and pay us after the ' iAMfIH holidays are over. Here you'll : wflHI find wonderful assortments of fine ' Coats, Coatees, § Ladies' Suits, | ■jj J|t( Dresses, Skirts, | f raPp Furs, Waists, Etc \ !t 'IW at popular prices and on s'■ | the easiest terms of credit J *: Boys' Suits and Mackinaws j I ' $7.98 to $16.98/ b I mL Stylish Girls' Coats 1 jEwPlrf > Ages 3to 14 Years # 2' I vmm 4,9S to * l7-98 *' lihmM ee Our Smart Clothes for Men 11 m IHI YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ? j COLUNS CO. I St I. N. McClanahan, Mgr. 34 North Second St. j§ Harrisburg's Most Liberal Credit Store . Twelfth Infantry, and fought at the Maine In the Twenty-eighth divi sion. At a certain moment in the fray lie noticed four Huns carrying oft a Yank major, who is a Johns town man. Without hos'tation, Wer ner gave chase and when tho th'ee volleys from the Huns burst forth he Hopped down as tho. gh dead. An o'her moment and lie was able to spot three of the Huns with'his re peater. but by this time tho fourth Hun was atop of him with the same bt.vonet which Werner sent to Hur risburg yesterday, lleing something of a wrestler he managed to seize the Hun and got" his head under his own arm. Hot France t.nd aid further In the care of the Amer ican boya, • I Get Behind, the Shield! PP! Toward a required total of $l,OOO for the Salvation Army Christmas dinner, $2OO hns already been raised, it was announced this morning by Captain Myers Neilsen, officer In charge of the local branch. Checks for small and large amounts are pouring In with every mail but Capt. Neilsen wishes to Impress upon the people of Harrlsburg and surround ing country that If the needy poor aro to be cared for, the full thousand ( dollars must be forthcoming. "We appreciate very much the kindness of the good people of Har rlsburg," said the captain. "They have been so kind to us. And we aro sure the city will open its purse strings and help us in this newest appeal." Several ten-dollar checks from prominent people of Harrlsburg were among the gifts received this morn ing? From a prominent woman in Middletown came a ten-dollar con tribution with a kindly and courteous letter. The contributor said there Is small, opportunity for the people of the small towns to contribute to a worthy cause and she was very grateful to be allowed to brighten, someone's life somewhere. Accompanying another gtft was a statement from the contributor. "The Lord will pay me back for this," It said. "I shall never be in want." And ten dollars dropped from the envelope. II AltK GIFT FOII WILSON London, Dec. 20.—A dispatch from Home to the Dally Telegraph snvs that when President Wilson arrives in Home the Italian government will present to him a magnificent old pic ture. recently discovered there. It Is painted on a piece of one of the sails of the caravel on which Columbus sailed to America. New Suit Too Much For "Chiefy" Gilner Patrick GUner, otherwise "Chiefy." the self-appointed custodian of thel State Capitol, who underwent hisj Christmas bath, shave r.nd haircut yesterday and was outlltted with new clothes and a tall hat, fainted to-day In the State Department of Banking while parading in his new plumage for Inspection. The "Chler" spent most of yesterday and this morning visiting departments to exchange greetings and arrange for improve ments to the Capitol and to the diet of the squirrels. Indigestion compll I "SWEETLAND" §! Headquarters for the Best Christmas Candy—Some say the spirit O of the gift is made stronger if it really pleases—and pure, * j> —i ZLA |p wholesome candy for eveiy one always does. . ' fa— ~ ■ J A Few Specials For | Let your Xmas || ThlB 18 Santa \ * "Sweet" '"y* Claus' Head- \^jilT'lStfTlClS one * ou can enjoy the festi- w quarters for all BUY "HIM" OR "HER" CANDY—YOU'LL MAKE NO MISTAKE Good Candy Is Healthy, So Eat Plenty of It *7 - , i^jp Fancy Candy. We make candy fresh every day and our stock for the p Christmas season comprises the largest assortment urest l*anay , 1. . . and is the purest and best of confections to be found from "Sweetland" K|Jj anywhere, andoouri r prices are very reasonable. I 1 | 60c Assorted Chocolates, 49c lb. 50c Walnut Butter Cups 39c lb. Kj 60c Assorted Chocolates and Bon Bons, 40c Ribbon Candy 23c lb. M 49c lb. 501 Chocolate Straws . 44c lb. 50c Home-made Mixture of Chocolate 80c Assorted Glace Fruits and nuts, || Bon Bons, Caramels, Kisses, etc. 39c lb. 65c lb. (5 lb. in a box, $1.90) Candy Canes from 20c a doz. up to $5.00 K L Our Fine 40c Mixed Drops 29c lb. . apiece. T | |\ All Our Package Goods Have Been Reduced 25% to 30% || ■j]' • . Special Prices to Churches and Sunday Schools |p * Don't fall to see our Wonderful Window Display. Every conceivable |v4| design. Handsome Flower Vases, Baskets, etc., all handsomely made by Mr, Diamond. Never has Harrisburg seen such beautiful and remarkable glj work made of candy and molded by hand. We can supply any demand for quantity, and guarantee to sell only the j^jj jf|j | "Sweetland" Confectionery MartoLm | cated his pride in his new habiliments and he keeled He was restored later and sent 'home. "Chlefy" has been In Imaginary charge of the State House for many years and is known to thousands of men who have been | Gift Suggestions In Jewelry Possessing jj S Elegance In Quality And Economy In Pricing \ ———————————— . . "" J V \ Parisian Ivory Desk ( and Bureau Clocks f $2.50 to $7.50 t I f. Men's ana f. Ladies' Fine f. Watches L Gold filled and solid gold r cases, In men's and ladles' sizes t* and all stnndard movements — the Ideal gift. I $7.50 to $lOO I Silver Bread Trays tj In many sizes and styles 1 In plated stiver, f. $3 to $8 In Sterling, E $l2 to $25 f 1 CUT GLASS K '• We huve Just received a dc l luyed shipment of Christmas y Cut Glass. Wide assortment L of pieces and prices, ranging If from the toothpick holder at L 50c to the punch bowl and r glasses at $5O. If I U \ - JACOB TAUSIG'S SONS ! . DIAMOND MERCHANTS AND JEWELERS 1420 MARKET STREET HARRISBURG i In public life. The Fishman Oarage, of Harrls btirg, was chartered with 110,000 cap ital to-day, the Incorporators being Samuel Fishman, S. Is-vluson and M. Kopolowltz. The Modern Utilities Co., s • . STOP PUZZLING— BUY HER A DIAMOND I Diamond Scart Phis, ] Diamond Kings $lO to $B5O Diamond Cui ulT.'lwVE Dlamonrt " S to Ms ° Diamond mounted. Jewelry of all Diamond Krooches, $1.50 to $5OO kinds ... $5 to $5OO Unmounted stones...slo to $5OO Diamond Karrlngs, $7.50 to $BOO Parisian Ivory in Wide Array Toilet Table Sets, Containing 3 I Cnndlestlcks $2.50 to $5.00 y to 40 pieces.... $5.00 to $50.00 I Clothes Brushes... $1.50 to $4.00 .Military Sets. ... .$3.50 to $15.00 \ Trays $2.00 to $B.OO Manicure Sets ..$2.50 to $25.001 Single pieces in Parisian Ivory. Powder Boxes arid Hair Recclv- such as oonlbs, b ruhe, ™'r ers, set ... ~ J $2.50 to $B.OO, 1 rors. etc., 50c to $8..0 ! 1 Wo Also Carry a Complete I.lue of Iluteil nurt Sterling Hllvcr Toilet Ware, Sensibly Priced -— I. > -* _ ' ■ Miscellaneous Gift Suggestions _ - T1 „ Uo $1.50 to $85.00 Scarf Pins, mounted and unmounted Mc 10 •J'*®® t aii.. nines mounted with blrthstones. $2.50 to $20.00 Men" mSmtM w,7h blrthstones.. $7.30 to $85.00 Fraternal Emblems In rings, fobs and buttons 50e to $25.00 Military Watches Arc Winning Much Favor With Men "nt Home" > Choose here frbm many styles, and all leading movements, nt $6 to $3O to deal in tool* and fixture* In this city, was also chartered U>-day with $5,000 capital by Kdward A. Herre, Paul F. Herre nnd Orover C. Frantx, of llnrrisburg. State Treasurer Kephart, who has La Tausca Pearls— Indestructible In every style from the simple to the elaborate, in pearls of all sizes. $3 to $5O been 111 In Philadelphia, la improv ing. Oscar K. Kohl was to-day appoints* Justice of the peace for Palmer town ship. Northampton county. Cameos Are Always Appreciated Brooches ..,..$9.00 to $28.00 j Scarf Pins .... $1.50 to $0.50 Rings' $3.00 to $23.00 ! Mahogany Case Clocks From the small desk clock to the large chime clocks. $2.50 to $5O j New Bracelet Watches V For Late Gift Buyers j Some pretty new styles have Just been received. These, with our regular stock, give you a wide range In styles from the band to the diamond- . mounted watch, $lO to 3^oo • j A Chest of Silver \ For the Housewife \ Rogers' 1847 and Commu- J nlty plated ware, in chests of various sizes, -j $8 up \ Sterling silver chests, in various sizes, j $4O to $5OO j j