Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 20, 1918, Page 10, Image 10
10 FIRE DESTROYS STOCK OF BIG TOBACCO FIRM No Cause Found For Stub born Blaze at Smith and Kcffer Warehouse An investigation is being made to day to determine if the fire which partially destroyed the tobacco and candy warehouse of the firm of Smith and Keffer, 411 South Cam eron street, about 10 o'clock last night, was of incendiary origin. Two windows were broken open in the rear, officials said to-day, and the fire started in n corner of the build ing which is seldom frequented by employes of the concern. Officials of the Smith & Keffer Company, tobacconists, are unable to assign any cause for the fire which, about 10 o clock last night, caused several thousand dollars' damage in their warehouse a". -101 South Cam eron street. Stock valued at $40,000 was stored in the biiiUling. Oilv the energ*'b: measures of the firemen of the dis trict prevented the llames from spreading over the entire structure. Despite dense volumes of smoke which retarded their efforts, the iire fighteis managed to confine the finnies to the first floor. Two members of the Allison Fire, > Company were hu.-t fighting the blaze, itobert Klrkwood, 131- Ver y non street, was cut in both hnnds and I the left leg by falling glass, and Dan v iel iluber, 23 4 Hummel street, fore { man of the All! ion Com pans. su- | TEACH THE KIDDIES TO CHEPTI | Children fed on mushy: denatured foods that I J require little chewing are apt to have defec tive teeth and unhealthy gums.\bu cannot eat | Shredded Wheat § s without chewing it.The crispness of the shreds !i of baked whole wheat induce thorough masticaP J ion and that means good digestion. If you serve §1 wheat food be sure it is whole wheat in a crisp | f digestible form Shredded Wheat is the | whole wheat ready-cooked and ready-to serve. It requires no sugar - simply milk m !l and a little salt * . • § jl — J| ... | Is Opposite, I Give Her Shoes or Slippers g Practical, pleasing, appropriate—you could select no | | better Christmas Gift than a pair of dependable I Shoes or Pumps, Slippers or Spats | Women's Comfy Slippers Women's Indian Moccasins, ff all the wanted colors, plain, beaded and burnt designs, ft $l.OO to $2.50 $1.50 to $5.00 | ft W omen s Cloth Spats, Women's Cut Steel Pump Bilckles, If* all the fashionable shades, a dainty, useful gift, j3 I $2.00 to $-4.00 $3.50 g | Women's Patent Colt Pumps, Women's "Cosy Toe" Slippers f ft for street and evening wear, pinjc, blue, rose, lavender ' 3 I $5.00 to $12.00 $2.00 and $2.50 f Women's Street Boots, - Women's Dress Boots | J \ n delightful profusion, Best Makes in the Land M I $6.50 to $14.00 $7.50 to $16.00 | ft We Will Help You in the matter of sizes and lasts, so as to assure perfect satis- 3 I"X inTr^ y c^Storo?,;?S^n. y Pla " d ' °° r y ° Ur """""" m °" \ I B. Rodney 1 ITC-fDAY" KVTSNiiNG, ' tained injuries to his left leg when he fell through the second "story. The alarm was pHlled from Box 19, Cameron and Klttatinny streets, and a few minutes lator another alarm was rung from Box 231, Camoion and Paxton streets. The second one was mistaken for a general alarm nnd brought out huge crowds. Htreet car traffic was blocked for a whlle and Steclton, Ilighspire and Middle town cars were run over the Iluco and Vine street line In and out of Market Square. „ Students of Open Air Entertained and Given Presents by Tech Boys An old-fashioned Christmas spirit of good fellowship and fun was rife at the annual Christmas exercises of the Technical High School, held ir. the High School Auditorium this morning, when 95 children of the Open Air school were entertained and sent' home loaded up with Christinas gifts donated by the students of the school, who took up a collection for the purpose. William Hoerner, president of the Senior Class, presided over the ex < rclses. which included carols and numbers by the Tech Glee club, the Tech Orchestra, and the entire school. "Hall, Hall, the gang's alt Here," concluded a number of stunts by th'> Tech Stunt Cluh, during which the members of the club, dressed as ani mals, ran about nmong the students. Kamsky, of the Senior class, took the part of Santa Claus. Prof. Up (iegrove led the orchestra, of which Henry Shope. 'l9, is student leader, and Miss Marian Williams, teacher of the Open Air school, led her school In the singing of a choral. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad Allies to' Meet Amid Scenes of French Glory Ceiling of thi Hall of Mirrors at Versailles Bears Paintings of the Triumphs of the Gallic Kingdom Under Bourbons Following the grooves of hlsto?y comes the suggestion that the peuce conference take place in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles. The story of the palace Is the hls toiy of France, but no part of It has been more closely associated with the rise of democracy the.r. the Galerie de Glace, whfch was built by Louis XIV, one of the greatest ex ponents of monarchies. Since the states general met and made its de mands here the French have re garded It as their "cradle of liberty." Even now preparations nra being made to receive this distinguished body of the Allied nations, who meet as conquerors to decide the fate of the conquered Germany, in this mir rored hall that forty-eight years ago was used to declare the King of Prussia to be German kaiser and to Inaugurate a policy of military might that has ruined Germany. Here the German nation will begin its life of democracy as did the French nation nearly a century and a half ago. _ T*c Galerlc de Glace served well the monarch Louis XIV as a room that reflected the glories of France in the days when the urts were the hand maidens of kings to tell of their glory. It was built to look out on a vista of beautiful gardens, the entire length, two hundred nnd forty feet, is lighted by seventeen windows In marble arcades, commanding a view of the gardens. Opposite each window Is an arcade filled with HARRTSBURG TELEGRAPH Venetian mirrors that reflected the play of fountains without, and the dazzling whiteness of the marble columns which is relieved by the exquisite colorings of other marbles used In the interior. The Famous Vaulted Roof A vaulted roof, that is the wonder of architectural art, is the work of Mahsart. Although less than thirty yenrs old, and a child of the very dregs of the people, he managed to bring his unfinished sketches to the vain old king and decoyed him into thinking that it was only the suggestion that could perfect them. So cleverly did he flatter the old king's vanity by seeming to depend on his Judgment that Mansnrt had access to the royal presence at nny hour of the day. The vaulted roof is a work of perfection due" to the fact that this artist had a free hand and royal favor to carry out every detail of his plan. Leßrun, the Chief painter of the court, was called in to decorate the ceiling which is the largest painted surface in France and unsurpassed in space by nny in Italy. The large double painting in the center contrasts Frane with the powers that surround her at thebe ginning of the reign of Louis XIV. All were monarchies and nowhere in the canvas was the merest sugges tion that the masses of the people were to bo considered. Land and naval armaments were praised by the brush until it is said that the whole series, which represents the coalitions ugainst the king and the king overcoming them by victories, was the direct cause of war with his neighbors. In every picture Leßrun represents the king as a Roman god, clad in royal purple and always to be recognized by his brown peruke. Among the French triumphs de picted is the passage of the Rhine, which has a special significance at this time. Above the archway to the Salon de la Guerre is a painted al liance of Germany, Spain and Hol land. In the light of present day affairs It might be replaced by a symbol of Germany who has made war upon all civilization. The pic ture over the entrance to the Salon de a Paix is of Holland vanquished and separating from her allies. . Toward the close of his reign Louis XIV moved his throne into the Galerle de Glace Just before receiv ing the Persian envoy, Mehenet Riza Big. The ladies of the court were all there, wearing a dazzling amount of diamonds to impress the Turkish ambassador, who was to re port on the advisability of lending Louis XIV money. Mirrors Proprccy to Marie Antoinette In this same brilliant gallery, a few years later, the lovely Marie Antoinette stood beside her royal; father-in-law, Louis XV, and looked for the first time into the lighted garden below on a gathering of men and women whose lives, like her own, were to be caught in the whirl pool of the Revolution. She and the old king stood in the Hlielter of an iron grating, unseen by the crowd, while the eager eyes of the young girl beheld for the first time her future enemy, Mme. Du Barry, a blonde beauy, who that night was clothed in silver tissue and rose col ored satin. Her future friend, a bril liant brunette by the name of Julia de Polignac, also was pointed out to the future queen. Not less interesting is the story of the dauphlne seeing herself headless in the great mirrors as she passed out to the garden, and returning, saw the same sight, a foreshadowing of her unhappy fate. In the gala days f the Bourbons this brilliantly lighted hall presented one of the gayest scenes of all Eu rope. Originally the lloors were covered with light colored Savoin nerie carpets, the windows hung with damask curtains, decorated only with the monogram of the king. Mauve, pilasters, surmounted by capitals of gilded metals, show the sun, the shield and the crown of France in exquisite workmanship, and designs that hare made the name of the Bourbons famous In the world of cabinet makers and in terior decorators long after they ceased to be regarded highly in the affairs of state. The furniture of that period was of chased silver and enamel; tables, cressets and giran doles were as elaborate as the gal lery. Fragrant, living orange trees bloomed in silver tubs to give an air of reality to the whole scene, and these same tubs were melted in the mint to furnished money for the wars. Danocd There ns Bastille Fell It was in this brilliant orangerie, according to Carlyle, that "high rouged dames danced with double Jacketed hussars" while a mob razed the Bastille. Of the petitions sent to the king at this time Carlyle writes, "The Vei-sallles ball and the lemonade are done; the orangerie is silent except for a few night birds. Over in the Salle des Menuß, Vice-President Lafayette with unsnuffed lights, with some hundred or so of members stretched on tables around him, sits erect outwatching the bear. This day a solemn deputation went to his majesty, a second, and then a third— with no effect. What will the end of these things be?" And the end was very much in effect as the end of autocratic William is experienc ing and may let taste the full meas sure of his defeat in a tribunal of the Allied governments. These historic mirrors reflected i the beautiful face of the Empress Josephine in the days when she lived at the palace shortly before Na poleon divorced her, and here he brought the Empress Marie-Louise and presented her to his people nt an elaborate reception that filled the Qalerte de Glace with a throng of gaily dressed people as ever assem bled in the courts of kings. A Hospital FOP Prussians The variety of uses that this gal lery has served for is extended still farthor as we recall the fact that It sheltered the wounded Prussian sol diers in 1870. They were brought In through the garden entrance and were laid on the floor In Iho most sheltered corner until aid came and turned the room into an impromptu hospital. And here the French kept Marshal Basalne a prisoner of war in 1878 while he awaited his court-martial for the surrender of Mets, Many American soldiers have "done" the gallery in the last few months, but their pastime was pre ceded by an advance guard, for some t.wo hundred and fifty years ago our "first American," Benjamin Frank lin, was shown about this magnifi cent gallery by admiring women of the couurt who regarded our simply conference to take place the slg niflance to he 'place comes wlh add ed glory,, not only for France, but for the ause of democracy itself, for hero the French autocracy flourished und gave way to4he rule of the peo ple, here a German autocracy was crowned and here it surrendered humbly to disappear from the earth. i Urn, jfrtnmgg | J I ' I \ T Now That A Man Can Make The Very Best Possible Investment With His Christmas Clothes Money In Our Super-Value Overcoat Event It is strictly up to hirn to come here tomorrow and choose from these six groups the kind of overcoat he feels will best meet his requirements. They are all the very highest grades, fashionable, finely tailored and fit properly. Ulsters, Ulsterettes, Waistline and Conservative Overcoats. At $? * rrt Overcoats that At $o C Cf) Overcoats that & 1 •%JU were $25 JJ.OI/ were $4O At s?a cri Overcoats that At SOQ Cf) Overcoats that were $3O J if OL/ were $45 At S?Q Cf) Overcoats that At $A O Cf) Overcoats that £*f • J\f were $35 TtJmJLf were $5O Urn. #trmto?= Wm. Strouse Shirts: Logical Gifts • $ 2 $ 2 3' $ 5 s 6' so $ 8 V Urn. #trouov====. Super-Value Boys' Clothing Event Big Christmas Reductions 9 Q 7 C for Suits and Overcoats 1 O 75 i or Overcoats * that were $lO.OO, * that were $15.00, 91 A7C for Suits and Overcoats *7 K for Suits and Overcoats / |l| 1V c that were $12.50, ' that were $lB.OO. j|l ll Ml 91 7 C for Suits and Overcoats Mm" that were $20.00 fW $12.50 Mackinaws , ~, .$10.75 $15.00 Macklnaws ,$12.75 jL Soldiers to Attend the People's Forum Session; Grace Choir to Sing Many soldiers from Mlddletown and New Cumberland tt'ill be in. at tendance at what is expected to be the biggest session of the People's DECEMBER 20, Forum at the Bethel A. M. E. Church, Brlggs and Ash street, on Sunday afternoon. An interesting feature of the pro gram arranged for the afternoon is the rendition of a number of Christ mas Carols by the Grnco Methodist choir under the direction of' Pro fessor John T. Phillies. EXTRA! EXTRAI EXTRA! General ershing's Own Story of the glorious work of the United States Army,' published in full as a special souvenir section of the Now York American, Sunday, December 22nd. Edition limited. Better order your copy at once.—adv.