Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 19, 1918, Image 9

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    Home Circle Holds an
Interesting Meeting
The Home and Foreign Mission j
Circle of Pine Street Presbyterian |
Church held an interesting meeting ■
Tuesday evening, December 17, in
the women's and girls' building. The
president, Mrs. H. Baldwin, presld-'
ed, and opened the meeting with sev
eral Christmas hymns. Mrs. L. C. j
Owrey had charge of the devotional
exercises. Miss Edsall. current
events. A very good report was
read by the secretary, Mrs. Fran'.
Consylman. Mrs. H. V. Tlazen read |
an excellent paper on "Moslem
Lands." Mrs. H. G. Keffer gavej
three delightful Christmas readings
in a very charming munner. After
a Christmas hymn 'and the Lord's;
prayer the meeting adjourned, fol-1
lowed with refreshments and the,
social hour.
John D. McCuleb, Jr., a member of,
the Students Army Training Corps at!
Carnegie Institute of Technology, in
Pittsburgh, has arrived at his home,
LIS Walnut street. . 1
J. H. Brenner
6 South Fourth Street
Extraordinary Specials
In Ladies' Coats
Thursday and Friday
New Stylish Models
At Lower Prices Than
Ever Quoted Before!
Beautiful New Models
I C\ in Velours, Silvertone and Bolivia, trimmed
V \ \ in mink, seal and natural beaver,
il V[ 1 $93.00 to $125.00 values for
Beautiful Velour Coats
H with sea' skin collar—Former prices $39.00
W to $4 2.00. Special Thursday and Friday,
Special Lot Velour Coats
stylish models—with coney collars—Former
price $29.00,
EXTRA SPECfIAL —Large assortment of Crepe O Q £
de Chine Waists. Real $4.50 values *PCitUD
6 South Fourth Street.
II Doors South Of Market Street
'SHOE WPMilers
Store Open Evenings Till Xmas
Men's felt slippers with . I jlljjjll |[l i
felt soles, in'black or col- I
ors; severUl Jiffereiit do-
Men's Tan Romeos,
Indies' felt Juliets with 1 1 J| |; ( j i
leather soles, fur or rib- l|||l
Misses' and children's ff^TT^t' I 7 'Xyy' S?/ : ' \
gray felt bootees, with red / ijy' A' \
cuff, soft padded QQ „ © /' A
soies . i -ISs
Children's and misses' L-'*
red felt Juliets, black fur S
trimmed, leather soles, f
98c iid $1.25- v
Christmas bale of Ladies' Brown Kid Lace Boots, both high and
military heels; made under the new Government classification Class
B grade and so stumped, but we retail them at Class C d A QQ
prices. They really are worth P*t/0
G. R. KINNEY CO., Inc.
iHS WE CAN !§|
Holiday Greetings
Name Cards or
your Stationery
H The Telegraph Printing Co., H^urg R pcn S
A person that uses scientific methods of removing Corns, Bunions.
Ingrowing Nails, etc. Consult
Dr. J. B. Lawrence
cu!l^* , Dec %< is, * S *27. Kre 2o4 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa.
Welfare Workers Seek
Names of Homeless
[ In order to further the child wel
| fare work Mrs. John E. Sweeney, of
■ Camp Hill, has asked that the names
of children of Cumberland county
who need homes be sent to her be-
I fore Christmas; \ also persons who
wish to adopt children should tile
; applications with Mr. Sweeney.
Through some misunderstanding
these applications have been sent to
. e upper end of the county instead
, of to Mrs. Sweeney.
| Ralph W. Little, of Chatnbersburg.
I has returned to New York after six
| months' overseas service. He was at-
I tached to the Two Hundred and Sixty-j
j third Aerj Squadron, which was
i among the first units selected for re-
I turn to this country. Mr. Little is vts-
I iting his sister, Mrs. Boyd Kennecker,
i South Twelfth street.
Ettcr, Gipplc and Pomcraning
to Examine Buildings on :
North Street Shortly
I John E. Glpple. president of the
i! Harrisburg Real Estate Board, and
| Joseph Pomeraning, a well known
I builder, were to-day added to the
{ state board to appraise properties in
I North and other streets, which may
j be affected by street widening and
j other work incidental to the exten
tion of Capitol Park and various
j improvements; George E. Etter is
' the third member. This board will
I prepare data for the State Board of
Public Grounds and Bnildings in ad
vance 9C the legislative session.
The city of Harrisburg to-day
notified the state of the appropria
tion of $25,000 for the start of the
! work of widening the highway on
Third street and inquiring as to the
! intentions of the state on the Cap
-1 itol side of the street between W'al
i nut and North streets.
Tlio I'nitcil Business Men's Asso-
; ciation. of Philadelphia, through its
transportation committee to-day
tiled complaint with the Public Ser
j vice Commission against the skip
stop plan of the Philadelphia Rapid
! Transit Cbmpany, alleging that it is
| dangerous and has caused accidents.
, contrary to a city ordinance and no
longer heeded as a war measure. It
I is declared that it will cause trouble
j and inconvenience during winter
j and the commission is asked to make
an inquiry so to make an order Cor
resumption of the old schedule.
Nicholas 51. Crease was to-dny ap
pointed alderman of the Thirteenth
ward of Hazleton.
j H. X. Hrplcr. of Brookville, to
! <iay sent to the State Treasury a
money order for S3.CO representing
a tax which he stated ho thought
should be paid to the state. He said
that he had money at interest and
paid a tux thereon, but believed the
state was entitled to more. It was
sent to the conscience fund.
Ilenry .1. Solium!, of Mildred, who
complained against discontinuance
Of trains on the Lehigh Valley ruil
road in Bradford county and whose
complaint was set uside because of
war conditions to-day renewed the
matter contending that service
should be restored by the Public
Service Commission. Complaint was
made by H. D. Levin, of Lebanon,
that the city of Lebanon was fur
nishing water in a ward of that city
without authority of the state.
The hearing in the complaints
against rates of the Jefferson Elec
tric Company, operating in Jefferson
county, was completed to-day by
Commissioner Brecht and briefs will
be filed.
Commissioner Walter MeXiehols
has been in Erie and Crawford coun
ties in mediation work.
By Assoeiatei Frets
• niriiiuu, .s. J. A Central Kan
road of New Jersey train hit an auto
mobile in which Mrs. Bessie ltennis
ivas riding. She died at a hospital of
her injuries.
Muskegon, Mich. An autopsy will
be performed on the body of Miss
Frieda Weichman, because of whose
death Milo H. Piper is held on a mur
der charge.
I'nriM. Admiral Amet, French
high commissioner at Constantinople,
has requisitioned all German vessels
in Turkish ports.
Madrid. Count Romanones. Span
ish Premier, left here last night for
Paris to confer with President Wilson
and allied representatives.
Toronto, Canada. One hundred
and fifty special policemen are guard
ing the city, assisted by the military
police, while the police force strike is
in" process of settlement.
Washington. lnvestigation of the
construction of the Hog Island ship
yard was resumed to-day by the Sen
ate commerce committee.
Toronto, Canada. There was no
indication this afternoon that the po
lice commissioners would recognize
the union in the strike of policemen
now in progress hero.
Madrid. Robert M. Scotten. sec
retary of the American Embassy here,
is with Premier Romanones on his
mission to Paris.
Berlin. Premier Ebert made a
spirited defense of the German gov
ernment's policy concerning demoblli-'
zation and food supply, which had
been the subject of attack.
Businessman Back
After Serving in Army
Walter L. Stern, of this city, re
ceived his honorable discharge from
Army service and returned to Harris
burg last ovenlng.
Mr. Stern at the time of his enlist
ment whs sent to the Syracuse re
cruit camp and after receiving train
ing there was transferred to special
duty at the Surgeon General's ottlee
In Washington, where he was serving
at the time of his discharge.
He will Immediately resume his
business activities in connection Willi
his shoe business in Walnut street.
Soutter's 25c. Dep't Stord
Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, Bat flecaase Qualities Are Better.
A Visit To This Big Store Is Like A Tri j
| Through Gift-Land Itself |
Miscellaneous Gift
Comb ami Brush Sets,
25c to St.O<
llair Brushes .... 35c ami 50c
Combs, se, 10c, 15e, 19c ami 25c
Handbags, 25c niul 50c
Pocket books, 25e, 50c. 50c. SI,
St. 19, SI.BO, $2.50, $3.88 and
.Music Rolls 25c
Novelties in Shell Goods, in
Braid Pins, Hack and Side
, Combs, Barrcttes, etc.,
10c, 25c and 50c
I .adies' Fancy Garters, 25c, 50c
Clothes Brushes .. 25c nml 50c
Shoe Trees, enameled white.
pink and Blue 25r
radios' and Children's Belts.
10c, 25c and 50c
Shirred Ribbon Clastic Web
bing, all colors, yard ... 39c
Hand Mirrors, 25c, 50c and 59c
Military Brushes .. 25c and 50c
Good Jewelry at Lower
Dependable Jewelry of excellent quality is always to be found
in our Jewelry Department. Its quality and low pricing are re
sponsible for the enviable growth of this branch of our business.
CufT Links 25c anil 50c
Scurf Plus 25c ami 50c
Tic Clasps 25c
Bracelets 25c, 50c, 51.00
La\nMicros 25c, 50c. 51.00
Brooches 25c. 50c. 51.00
Lace Pins 25c ami 50c
Lingerie Clasps 25c ami 50c
Bar Pin.s 25c nml 50c
Beauty Pins 25c ami 50c
Mourning Pins, t...25c nml 50c
Mutch Safes 25c
Beads 25c and 50c
Karrings 25c and 50c
Gold Filled Lockets, 25c, 50c,
Gifts in Men's and Boys'
Furnishings at Low Prices
I Hoys' Kid Gloves 81.00
Boys' Gauntlet Gloves,
50c, 75c, 98c und 81.25
Hoys' Wool Gloves 39c
• Men's fleece-lined Fabric
Gloves, 3e, 50c, 05c and 75c
Men's Fiber Silk Hose, ull col
ors ' 59 c
Men's Silk Hose, all colors, 48c
Men's Mercerized Hose, ail col
on 39c
Men's lislc-llnisli llosc. all col
ors 25c
Men's heavyweight Wool Hose
Men's Cashmere Wool Hose, 75c
Melt's Brighton and Boston
Garters 25c
Men's Lincoln double-grip gar
ters 35c
Men's Boston {-ilk. double-grip
Garters 50c
Men's Silk Arm Hands .... 35c
Men's Silk Lisle Arm Hands, 25c
Men's Boxed Suspenders,
39c and 50c
Ready-to-Wear for Gift Purposes
For Ladies, Misses and Children
Ladies' Bungalow Aprons,
59c to 51.25-
Ladles' Gingham and Percale
39e, 50c, 59c, 09c and 85c
Ladies' White Aprons.
39c, 50c. 59c and 75c
Indies' black Waists 48c
l adies' black Skirts,
98c, 5t.29. 81.48 and 81.88
Indies' Knit Skirts ......... 50c
Ladies' black Aprons,
39e, 50c nnd 98c
Girls' Bungalow Aprons,
42c 59c und 75c
Children's Aprons. 2 to It yrs.,
25c 85c and 59c
Children's black Bloomers, 2 to
18 years 35c to 75c
Children's Presses, 33c to 75c
Boys' Blouses 50c
Boys' Hats 59c niul 05c
Middy Blouses, 32 to 42,
50c to 65c
Babies' Knit Caps. 29c and 59c
Baby Shoes and Moccasins. 29c
Cart Slips 25c and 50c
Haliy Teething Beads, 15c. 25c
Baby Cap Strings 2.V'
Ihi by Rubber Toys .. 25c, 29c
/£tk SOUTTER'S 25c. DEP'T STOI* ]
Where Every. Day Is Bargain Day 1
xStffSlSr 215 MARKET ST. Opposite Courthouse I
It's a wonderful store. A store whose score of
departments are teeming with thousands of gift
things gathered from the metropolitan* centers for
eager gift buyers. A store that adheres at all times
to a rigid policy of the highest quality at the lowest
price commensurate with that quality—a mighty im
, portant factor to those seeking gifts. Come, see
what we have prepared for you. Come, learn how
much you can save here.
Ink Stands 25c
Hut Pins 25c
Rings for women and children
in plain band, signet, cameo
and stone settings, 25c, 50c
ami 51.00. -
Coin Purses 50c
Jewel Cases 25c and 50c
Gold Finish Beads, 25c uml 50c
Gold and Silver Frames, 25c and
50c. •
Ash Trays ...25c
Cigar and Tobacco Jars.... . 25c
Cignret Holders J!sc
Nickel Soap Dishes 25c
Men's combination sets of Gar
ters und Suspenders, in holi
day box 75c and 98c
.Men's combination sets of Gar
tcrs nnd Silk Arai Hands, 75<?
Men's Helt and Garter Sets, SI
lioys' Silk Pour-In-Hand Ties.
in Christmas boxes .... S9
.Men's Silk Poiir-ln-lliind Ties
nicely lioxcd .... It lie mid 50'
Men's Sliield Trek Tics . 25
Men's Club and Hal-wing Tle>
in plain nnd fancy eii'ors, 25.
Men's Silk Knitted Mufricr>
gray, black and wtilte, 52..V
Men's Silk limited Mufflers. u
green and black. Navy an.
black, bfack and ivliite aii'<
black mid purp'c .... Sl.0
Men's Silk Knitted Mufflers, in
black, gray and white. 81..V
Men's Silk Mufflers, to lilnci.
Navy and gray .. 75e and H.v
Bubies' Silk Cups .... 25c, 50c
Children's Knit Toques,
29e und 59c
Children's Sweaters, 25c and 75c
Baby Sacqucs .... 59c mid 75c
Itaby Drawer Leggings '. ~ 59c
Bally llootccs,
19c. 25c. 29c, 38c', 50c and 6r
Baby Flannelette Sacqucs, 25c
Baby Flannelette Kimonos.
38c, 59c und 09c
Baby Short Dresses,
39c, 59c, 75c and 85c
liahy Long Slips,
05c, 09c, 79c ami Hftc
Baby l^ing/Flannelette Skirts,
50c and 75c
Children's Flannelette Skirts. 2
to 14 years* r,oe
Ha by Bills.
lOe, 15c, 19c, 25c, 39c, lillc
Baliy Battles, m,., | 3c , 25c, 50c
Children's, men's und women's
Slumber Slippers,
I 9, 25c and 35c
Baby Comb and Brush Sets,
35c. 60c anil 75c
Carriage Robes 59c
Carriage Pillow Slips 29c
Gloves The Service
able Gift For Ladies,
Misses and Children
Ladies' Fabric Gloves, black and
gray, all sizes 50c
Ladies' Cliamoisctte Gloves,
black, blue, gray, tan and
white, all sizes, 75c und 51.00
Misses' Wool Gloves 55c
Ladies' Wool Gloves 35c
Children's Mittens,
15c, 25c, 29c nml 35c
Christmas Ribbons
> A-Plenty
Satin and TalTetu Ribbons, all
widths, in all colors to match
fancy work, In complete as
sortments 4c to 79c
Fancy Ribbons .... 29c to SUC
Moire Ribbons .. 25c to 59c
Baby Ribbons, all colors .. 2c
Wush Ribbons, white, pink,
light blue and lavender,
5c to 25c
Jneqttnrd Ribbons .. 42c to 79c
Plaid Ribbons 29c to 50c
Special lot of Fancy Ribous,
50c to 69c
Dainty Neckwear
For Gift-giving %
Holiday Neckwear in all the
newest and latest styles, a
• large assortment for gift pur
poses 25c, 50c utid 9He
Windsor Tics, plain colors and
plaids 29c, 35c und 50c
Boudoir Caps, in plain net,
shadow luce, China Silk,
Crepe tic Chine ami printed
effects, at very s|teciul prices
Silk Molissclinc Scarfs, nil col
ors 50c
Peter Thompson Ties, red. blue
uml black 50c ami 83c
Ruffling and frilling, 50c, 75c, 51
Silk Molissclinc Scarfs, all col
ors 50c
Toilet Articles Will
Be Well Received
Colgate and Brown Pcrfi>mCs
mid Toilet Waters In fancy
boxes 39c. 40c and 50c
Colgate Soaps, eakc, 10c, 15c. 2,*>c
Talcum Powders, 10c, 15c, 17c,
18c, 24c. 25c and 39c.
Soap Boxes , ..25c and 50c
Trays, 10c, 25c, 50c and 81.00
Buffers 25c and 50c
Nail Eilcs nnd Cuticles 25c
Shoe Huttoiicrs and Hunts. .25c
Powtlcr Hoxes und Hair Re
ceivers. ...25c, 50c aud 81.00
Picture Frames... 29c. 50c, B">°
Mirrors 25c mid 39c
Manicure Sets, 59c, 81.19. 81.59
Combs 29c nnd 50c
Brushes 25c, 50c, 59c
Military Brushes .. ,25c and 50c
.Manicure Scissors 39c
Bottle Holders 50c
Pure Christmas Candies
Tlicrc will lie lots of Camly to
buy for Christmas, ami you
should lie sure of Its purity. Ail
of our Candles meet the pure
food laws—ami fresh stocks ar
riving daily is an important
factor. Wide assortments In
Chocolates, Raid Candies, etc..
may lie had at our usual low
DECEMBER 19, 1918.
. For All Ages — Old and Young
Of unusual interest is our exceptionally large collection of BoolnE
for every uge, from the tot up, including the most popular notion* 4 ?
and new war-time series.
War Boon-
Fairy Talcs
.Mother Goose Rhymes
Huth F'eliling
(lir! Aviators
.Motor Mods
Khaki Girls
Camp Fire Girls
Boy See ts
.Motor Ranges
Pony Itiilers
Battleship Bo.vs
Dave Daring Books
Submarine Bo>s
Bungalow Boys
Uncle Sam Boys
Boy Inventors
5c up to 59c
Hundreds of Holiday Handkerchiefsm
For Men, Women and Children I
A Greater Assortment Than We've
Ever Shown Before
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, plain
and embroidered, cnch .. 5C
Ladles' Handkerchiefs, special
assortment 10c
Ladies' fine Handkcrehiefs,
with embroidered corners,
12 He
Ladies' Handkerehiefs, high
class novelties, liund-cmbrold
cred corners 25c
ChlUlren's Handkerchiefs, plain
and embroidered 5e
Ladies' Initial Handkerchiefs
all letters t."><• and 25c
Children's boxed Handkerehiefs,
Ladies' embroidered Madeira
Handkerchiefs 25c
Useful Gifts in Art NeedlefM
Large assortment of Sweet Grass
Baskets, all sizes, at special
Fancy Turkish Towels,
39c, 50c, 05c, 75c, 88e, 98c
l.acc-trimmed and scalloped
Scarfs 25c
llaiid-crochetcd Doilies,
10c anil 25c
Stamped Turkish IVibs .... 25c
Large made-up Cretonne latun
tlry Hags 75<:
Felt Slippers for ladles, misses
and children, in all sizes.
Lace-trimmed Scarfs,
50c, 75e. 98c and 81.39
Children's stnm|>cd, made-up
Dresses, special,
50c, 09c, 75c and 98c
Santa Clans litis la-ought from Ills workshop to tills store
coming Christinas a wonderful collection of Toys, Doltajhfl
Games that surpasses anything we have ever shown herctt^H
Aside from the Games, old and new, all of which are to
here, ure many new War Games apropos of the times. Tlilfl
Checker Hoards, Croklnolc Hoards, Dominoes, l.otto,
so we might go on Indefinitely, l'rlccs start at 10c.
Toys Include ull the usual pleasure-bringing articles to bp
Christmas 'line, and. 111 udditlon, many new Wur Toys.
Cannons, ins, etc., that will bring smiles to the
faces on Christmas. Prices start at 10c.
Dolls are to be seen In nn unusually noteworthy array
Dolls, Itag Dolls and Celluloid Dolls, at 20c to 08c. MU
Prices will prove as plcuslng as the articles.
Box Stationery, y9
Christmas Latyl*,' U
I'lain White Hox Statione^)*/^!
l.e, 25c, 29c ami
Celebrated Pineapple Idncn 111
Stationery, In white,
lavender and pink, box,
Pineapple Linen (orrcspQitl
cnee Cards, box L :t^H|
fancy Holly Poxes,
3c, se, Bc, 10c and'
Calendars irl
Christmas Bookie's, i*bciH
lags. etc. . . le, lie, sc, Bs, IM
Children's Stationery
Postcard Albums 3tl^J
Ph.,to and Snapshot Albums, I
15c, 19c, 290 and
Heavy Wi tipping Cord ....
(ireen, red und eolorcd cord, l|
Itibbonzcnc . I^|
White Tissue Paper, roll,
Tourist Cases .... 390 aiu}
School Companions
10c, 29c anil f)H
School liags 25c ami fflfl
Peter Itnbbit Books
The T|n-., Bears
Bunny's I'layiuatcs
Dolly Dimple
Little I'ruily
.Mother Bunny -Jaß
Fire Story Books
Letters anil Kliymcs
Foolish Fox
Story of the American Flag J? i
Story of the Liberty Bell f§3
Story of the White House
I'aper Books
Bonril Covered Books
Linen Books
Paint, Drawing and i
Books >
Ladies' Embroidered
Handkerchiefs, ;lse, 3
Ladies' boxed llandkertill
5 in a box, special
Ladles' Silk
Ladies' Crepe tie Chine lIH
kerchiefs 13c
Men's all-linen
15e, 19c anil
Men's Initial llandkerehlcf^l
initials 15c atuH
All-sill, Handkerehiefs, tW|fl
embroidered and
styles 35c, |H
Men's bordered Silk Hffl
chiefs 29c /H
Men's blue and retl
chiefs 10c ill
Wooden Jap Xorcltics,
Japanese Lunch,
Sandwich Baskets .
Jap Fern Baskets, 29e,
Decorated Flower ltnskcq|
Special lot of silk-eo\cred^|
Cushions $1.40 ami ■
Special lot of salesmen's bfl
ctl models, consisting of
ions, Center Scurfs,
Doilies, Children's Dm
Nightgowns and l-adlcajM
derweur, at cxcccdlagl|ifl
Cretonne Shopping
25c triH
Japanese Silk Lamp
89e, 98e, $1.39 aildlH