Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7
|]i|i| Readiivjisr^w?iv<mddl thefemKi j^Ppf " When a Girl Marries" By ANX IJSLE A New, Romantic Serial Dealing With the Absorbing Problems of a Girl Wife CHAPTER I.XXIII. Tlmmldly, feeling as if it didn't belong there at all, I entered our bedroom. No Jim! For a moment I was frightened—nnd then the sound of his limping steps came to me from the livingroom. He had gone out through the kitchenette—to avoid me perhaps— as I came in by the other door. I hurried out, and just as I got into the livingroom, there stood Jim, with his hand on the knob of the door. He wore hat nnd coat and was leaning on a heavy stick. Where could he be going alone—except to Virginia? Flying across the room, I laid my hand timmidly on his coat sleeve. "Jim," I said huskily, in a voice that almost refused to come. "Jim, will you give me a minute—please?" "What is it?" he demanded with impatience. "Jim, if you ever loved me, come hack and sit down—so I can talk to you. And don't—look at me as if I were a—stranger." Wearily Jim closed the door and crossed to a stiff, high-backed chair. He laid hat and stick across the table and sat austerely waiting for me to begin. I came and stood in front of Jim, leaning against the refectory table for support, looking at him searchingly as I trembled for words. "Jim, don't judge me until I've told you everything. Last night you loved me completely. To-day" "Please, Annie—no heroics." Jim interrupted, wearily. "I've had about all I can stand. To-morrow I start a new Job. I owe it to Terry and Norreys to be fit, and all this agoniz ing makes me realize that I've been all shot to pieces. I'm sorry I'm in such shape—but there it is." "I'll be brief," I gasped. "Well, it's this way—after you left Vir ginia, Neal and Phoebe didn't get their evening together—at least, not alone. Virginia persuaded Sheldon Blake to motor all four of them out in the country for dinner." Jim rose. i ICE CREAM SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK I Vanilla Frozen Fruit Pudding Chocolate Butter Scotch Strawberry Macaroon Custard < Frozen Custard Pineapple-Mint < Burnt Almond Lemon Sherbet Old Fashioned Lemon Creikm Orange Sherbtft Extra Special Tutti Frutti, French Style, 75£ per Quart Orders received until IIP. M., Tuesday, December 24th No Orders Received Xmas Day PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY WALKER & CRAVER 409 North Second Street DIAL 3329 BELL 1607 t .j. ♦> ♦> .♦ <4 *.> :♦*►>* •: ••• •> < <• <♦ .j <♦ •> *♦> ; *•> > •>;* < ♦> < j *♦> .j, .•, • I THE GLOBE'S \ I Christmas Sale \ Women's Coats ! at $34.50 fljll | We have just gone ove,r our stock and assembled the season's smartest creations in silvertone, reindeer cloth, 019H9 WP| * wool velours and kerseys into one special group and marked * them all at $34.50 each. The value ranges up to $47.50. * * The woman who secures one of these coats not only gets a decidedly * * stylish coat, but makes a worth-while saving, as well. v % > •> * ft + Fur Trimmed Coats Deluxe I m At Greatly Reduced Prices ! % $150.00 Fur Trimmed Coats of Rich Silk Velour, Now $112.50 % $128.50 Fur Trimmed Coats of Algerian Suede Cloth, Now $97.50 t $125.00 Fur Trimmed Coats of Taupe Suede Velour, Now $107.50 % $122.50 Fur Trimmed Coats of Crystal Cloth, Now $97.50 $112.50 Fur Trimmed Coats of Taupe Wool Velour, Now $87.50 t $ 94.50 Fur Trimmed Coats of Suede Velour, Now $67.50 ■* I $-150.00 Fur Trimmed French Evening Wrap of Castor Kersey . .SIOO.OO * I I V. A Sweater for "Her" A Raincoat Will Please •> * •> A sweater is an always acceptable It > 9 useful, sensible, practical, ♦ * and useful Christmas Gift for woman or Raincoats of poplin, gaberdine, £ miss. Large selection of the newest tweeds, double-texture cloth, etc, $5.95 t weaves—all styles and colorings. to $28.50, + 4CG ari A cita An new Bmart 9t y lefl - t * qIO.DU tO kJlitj.Ovl Raincoat for girls, $3.50 to $0.50, . I THE GLOBE I * . THURSDAY EVENING, "So It's to complain of Virginia that you're keeping me. Really. Anne—you seem to be—insane on the subject." "I'll swallow the hurt of that, Jim. I had to tell you. You sep, Neal Neal leaves for camp at -two-thirty. He's going a thousand miles away. Then overseas, I suppose. He may —never—see Phoebe again. I know you're fond of him—mayn't he have his good-by?" "Phoebe's only a baby," muttered Jim. as if thinking aloud. "She's a woman now. That's what war does to girls. If she's resent ful, if she feels that we didn't give her a chance, that we didn't under stand her feelings, Phoebe may im agine she's a martyr. And —thwarted love isn't healthy. Oh, don't you see that lit might make her bitter— hate all of us —harbor it against Vir ginia? It's better to take it for granted—just boy and girl love— sweet, approved of—not Romeo and Juliet stuff. Unexpectedly Jim flung back his head and laughed. "You funny little solemn thing! So that's why you had to get rid of Virginia? Well, for Neal's sake — and Phoebe's—l'll forgive you, and you forgive me, too, dear. But. Anne, won't you be a little more— considerate of Virginia?" Then in dawning hope that every thing might be coming right after all, I rushed to the phone and called Virginia. Phoebe answered, and after a brief word of explanation I asked her to call Virginia. When Virginia's cold, surprised voice greet ed me. I nerved myself for what I must say. "Virginia—l've never done a thing to make you like me. But now I want you to do something for me as if—as if you were very fond of me. Will you?" I pleaded. "What can I do for you?" Vir ginia coldly questioned. "Just this. Neal leaves for camp in a few hours. He's my brother — I adore him the way you do Jim. He may never come back, and he Bringing Up Father Copyright, 1918, International News Service By McManus ff WELL DiDTOU f HOW COULD I* I— I TT WHAT'S THE 1 — ~ fT MAKI I WELL-A 1 i SF- WHAT IT VOUVE HAD IT ALI ifol LOOK' MATTER-DIDTUFY & ,CH <OOD ONE |<s Wfj£i -fUL-—"= SOMETIME* I IN THE L THE TIME •L— TOOK NAME ££T^ Ll * X VSSVUVY '"fl (§*L_lj UH MA,IE lt> I *—> #. PAPER'' 17 iKw 3 T\TI WRON< IN THE KSXA tiOLD HI'S WORTH 'T-r— | Xp* "T; UNREAt>ONADLE / LJL-T—7S-- ' 1 VT"'i ( n \ SOCIETT r It Ji WIFE FOR ,| y y DOT MOt)T OF THE - wants a few minutes alone with - Phoebe. He'll be tender with her— r and sweet. She's his ideal.. He - wants a word from her to carry i away with him. Please, Virginia— please. It • means so much to him s —and he's only a boy hurried into being a man. Will you trust Phoebe ! to me?" f There A*as a minute's pause. Then - Virginia's voice came back to me i with a queer little husky note in it. ;, "After all, Anne, young love—and - faith—comes only once. I'm going to Betty—and I'll send Phoebe to ■ you." r Her kindness startled me. For a t minute I glimpsed something be i hind the curtain of her own life, i I couldn't have anything but the 1 truth between us at that moment. "Thank you, Virginia. I thought [ all of us would get out of the way a little while—even I, though that r hurts me. So I asked Betty to phone [ you will you forgive me for i scheming?" I heard Jim ejaculate: "Well, of all the tactless things!" Then a strange sound came over the wire. Virgina's laughter—clear i and silvery—full of honest amuse ■ ment "So Betty's conspiring against the 'cruel stepmother' also—how de licious! I'll pay that scamp for her j scheming and conniving. Tell the ' boy I wish him luck, Anne—aaid if he's feeling kindly toward me, I'll see him when he comes back"— before he goes overseas. Good-by, you amusing person!" Smiling with delight I left the phone. Virginia and I had shared a laugh. She had patronizingly called me an "amusing person," while she had cosily and chummlly exclaimed that Betty was a "scamp." But not even those contrasting at titudes bothered me—then. To Discuss Ash Problem at Boyd Memorial Men of Pine Street Presbyterian Church and Sunday school will meet to-night In the Boyd Memorial build ing for an open discussion of the ash and garbage collection system in Harrisburg. The meeting has been called in an effort to help solve the "problem that confronts the city, as many of the men of the church have declared that the system used here is far from satisfactory. Municipal collections will be discussed also. Dr. J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer, and Harry F. Sheesley, chief inspector of the Bureau of Ash and Garbage Inspection, will be present to present hteir views on the situa tion. After they speak a general dis cussion will be opened, to be follow i ed by a social hours. HXRMSBURG TEIEGItXPH ©MAKING THE MOST OF. ~ OUR CHILDREN \J A Series of Plain Talks to nHgpVßy c. Beery, A.8., M.A. President of the Parents Association. .ParentaAssoclatlon. Inc.! DOES YOUR CHILD REFUSE TO TAKE HIS NAPf Every one of us needs rest and relaxation. Children need to sleep a greater number of hours than adults. ■ But in very many homes, it is a real problem to get the children will ingly to take their afternoon naps. Play to them seems more attractive. Trouble at nap time often is caused in the first by parents leaving the matter largely up to the children. Let us take a case. A mother writes: "My two-year-old daughter has been cutting her teeth and uncon sciously I humored her about going to sleep, holding her and singing to her a while before putting her to bed. The time of holding her grad ually lengthened until I decided I would have to undo the newly formed habit. I tried kindness sterness and leaving her to cry it out, but she in sists on standing up as soon as I dis appear and sometimes rebels against going Into the room. Can you sug gest a remedy?" bind out what song eooths your fihild most. Children generally have favorite songs. Notice carefully as you sing to her which seems best to quiet her. Having discovered this, put her to bed at the proper time, and just as you lay her down, pass your hand five or six times along her spine with soothing strokes. Then stroke each little arm and each lit- ! tie leg and foot in the same way for Just a minute each. Sing your fa vorite song while you stroke her and continue it afterwards, letting it get softer and softer as she closes her eyes. If after stroking her, she refuses to lie in bed at all, let the matter rest for that night and the next night lie down by her while you stroke and sing to her, keep her lying down by you, very gently pushing her back when she tries to arise. Sing all the time so that she will associate the song with a recumbent position. No matter how much she cries let her understand that she is to lie down Advice to the Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX HIS PROPOSALS EVADED DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: I have known a girl for the past five years and have gone out with her quite frequently. Sometimes, how ever. there would be five or six months between our meetings. I love this girl and have asked her once or twice In what light she re- Daily Dot Puzzle • ji lo .5 • , $ 14 *l3 ' q 16 m | r -7 • *'s 8 '7 4 • *l9 \ 22 . . 2o • i 25 2 5 24 * 27 -30 k y a **' 5s 54 66 55 % -55 37 42 J * 3B z • y ' *47 4 - 5 •53 *M> 51 • ao i <s ===9-^r Can you mush this ploturof Draw from one to two, and ao on to the end. and stay down after being put to bed. Gradually lessen the length of time you remain In bed with her. When you first leave her before she sleeps, keep on singing but gradually move to another part of the room until she Is again content to be left alone immediately upon being put to bed. In starting the new habit, it might bo well to set the .time for her nap an hour later in the day and ar range for her to be somewhat more in tho mood of sleeping. Bo sure that she is not overfed. Have her exer cise a half hour before the schedule time for sleep, so that she will be a little tired and more ready for rest. There should be no excitement of any kind just before the sleep period. During the sleep period, the room must be absolutely quiet and at least partly dark. Seo that there is plenty of fresh uir in the room before bed time, so that the room will be cool and comfortable for sleep. Jf your child rebels against taking her nap, arrange to play with her out doors a few minutes. Keep lodg ing tho suggestion in a happy manner that she can play with you a little while with dolly and then play some more with you. Laugh a great deal while playing with her; approve her on how fast she can run and then say. "All right, now we will take two more runs and then we shall go and take a little rest." "After taking one more run, say, "All right we have one more yet Here we go. That's fine! All right, now we will take a rest and after we rest we will play some more. Aim to handle the talk suggestion above In such a way that she will not object at all, but if she should say she doesn't want to take her nap, say, "Oh yes, we must take our nap. And after you take a little nap, would you like for me to play with you again?" Repeat this method for a few days and she will have formed a habit of going without opposition. (Copyrighted. 1918, by the Parent's Association, Inc). i garded my affection, and if I had any chance to gain her love. She evaded the question. When I am out with her she always acts courteously, but when I seek to make a future appointment she changes tho subject. That is my dif ficulty, and what I tyant to know Is whether you would advise me to make any more attempts at seeing her. _ , A READER. I do not wish to be guilty of advis ing a lover to despair. The outlook is not promising, but it may be that the young woman has a capricious temperament and requires a determin ed wooing. Since It gives you pleas ure to be with her, why not keep on until you are definitely convinced, one way or the other? TAKING A "DARE" DEAR MISS FAIRFAX: We are a group of girls about 17. A short time ago a boy friend of ours was "dared" to refrain from talking to a certain group of us for one month and talk to other girls instead, lie took the "dare." The month Is al most over, and opinion varies among tho girls who have been neglected. Some claim that sincere friendship ought to be resumed, while others, feeling humiliated, believe that it Is now our place to rotaiiato and treat him as we have been treated. We would like to have your opinion. G. 1* It Is certainly extremely foolish to trlflo wltii friendship In tills wny, and your boy friend shows weakness In allowing himself to bo so lnlluenced by girls whose deslro Is perhaps to make trouble. The boy's rudeness is unpardonable, but ho may not reallzo this, Why doesn't one of you explain to him what Is It is that he him done and let him know that you all expect a sincere apology before resuming friendly relations? FAMILY RIDICULES HIM DEOlt MISS FAIRFAX: I am a girl of £l, and have been going about with a young man three years my senior for six months, He Is In the Navy, Still, my mother and On© reason corn has become pop ular is POSTTQASTIES ! | brothers are always taunting me be cause he doesn't take me out like other men. They also make fun of me because he is a sailor, and tell me if I ever marry him he will not be able to support me. Now, Miss Fair fax, I am very much In love with him. I Smart Clothes for Men J J ON CREDIT £ 1 Buy your New Xmas Suit or Mjmmj % Overcoat nou) and pay us IMll/m $ after the Holidays are over Smjr 5 All the Newest Styles If Are Here at Popular Prices If 'f I Give the Boy a New Suit jjj § Big Selection in All Sizes, $7.98 to $16.98 I a Harrisburg's Most Liberal Credit Store Ifflj 'j| I COLLINS CO. I _ 1 MI. N. McClanahan, Mgr. 34 N. Second St. . % Open Monday and Tuesday Evenings I i FURNITURE j j, The Sure-to-be-Appreciated Gift | §| or "Her" — J lIfTR ' Sewing Tables Book Cases !fi| Knitting Stands Davenports * '|| Piano Benches Davenport Tables ■ ji Mr I ; Music Cabinets Library Tables H ;]EI jl | , ; Spinet Desks Table Runners .'' = tg' ,Ji J I | 1 Bed Davenports Windsor Chairs j.; li t Cedar Chests and Rockers f|j | I " Bedroom Suites Ccmfort Chairs HI Hj 81 pil ' Floor and Table Lamps Rugs and. Draperies | (wijjr C For "Him" — I H Book Cases Desks S tfh rr Il Book Racks Chifforobes P Book-ends Reading Lamps <p I|| 1 i Kfc Book-blocks Bond Boxes il- -- — _ Magazine Stands Footstools p I , J Smokers' Stands Humidors |s| " ( i 1 Gellarettes . Royal Jilasy Chairs g || ( Fireside Chairs Checkerboard Table ' j jg| I For The "Kiddies"— I | Hi S h c,lairs Hampers 'j| _J|] f Small Windsor Chairs Play-yards llf I and Rockers Desks with Black -11l I Red Chairs boards 3 I|j • f | and Rockers Doll Carts J| M &N { Dolls' Clothes Trees Tables g " Cribs Desk Chairs 1 GOLDSMITH'S I £ EH y North Market Square | ' DECEMBER 19, 1918. Please tell me what I should do? HEARTBROKEN. It is a pleasure to hear from a girl who has such.a loyal, sturdy spirt. I hope your relatives are not serious in ridiculing your sailor lover because he is poor, hut, in any case. I think thev will grow tired of doing so in time, ifl they find you are not influenced by it. The ability to entertain a girl ex-3 pensively counts for very little ' irai comparison with other qualities in al man, and I am glad you understand! this. 7