Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 19, 1918, Page 6, Image 6

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[Continued from First Page.]
19, 1915, in addition to having been
president of the Pennsylvania Steel
Compeny, was a director of the
Northern Central railroad, and of
: Ea/n Line Steamship Company. In
XYil Civil War he was a major of the
llnli Regiment, Massachusetts Vol
Not only was Airs. Bent's husband
a president of the Pennsylvania
Steel Company, whose big plants at
Steelton and Sparrows Point, Md.,
have since been absorbed by the
Bethlehem Steel Company, but her
father, Samuel M. Felton, who died
! in 1889, and her brother, Edgar
Conway Felton, of Haverford, also
were heads of the Pennsylvania
Steel Company. One of her sons.
Quincy Bent, Is a vice-president of
the Bethlehem Steel Company.
Her other sons are Felton Bent,
of Stonebye. Haverford, vice-presi
dent of the Lebanon Valley Iron and
Steel Company, and Stedman Bent,
general contractor, with ottices in the
Franklin Trust Building, and presi
dent of the Automobile Club of Phil
adelphia, who lives at the home in
Mrs. llent was born in Charles
town. Mass., February 11, 1842, the
daughter of Samuel Morse Felton
and Maria Low Felton. During the
Civil War her father was president
of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and
Baltimore railroad and he was an
importaht factor in the transporta
tion dt Northern troops to tl\e Na
tionnlßCapital and the South, and
materially aided the government in
handlist the railroad situation.
It is a coincidence that his son of
the same name, Samuel Morse Fel
ton, of Chicago, a native of Philadel
phia, was appointed by Secretary of
War Baker, director general of mili
tary railways in July, 1917, a posi
tion he still holds. Since 1909 he has
been president of the Chicago Great
Western railroad.
Edgar Conway Felton. a brother,
is Federal Director of Employment
for Pennsylvania under appointment
of Secretary of Labor Wilson. He |
also is director of the Civilian Ser
vice and Labor Department of the
Pennsylvania Committee of Public
The surviving sisters of Mrs. Bent I
are Miss Anna >l. Felton and Mrs. |
Richard Peters. Mrs. Bent was a
member of the First Unitarian j
Church. The funeral will be held at j
the home in Overbrook to-morrow at;
10.45 o'clock.
Howard M. Bird left to-day to at-'
tend the annual convention of the;
general agents of the National Surety
Company, in New York.
|.\her Effects of Influenza
Influenza, as well as other ill
ness. causes falling and lifeless
will restore the life of the hair i
und promote its growth.
34 X. 3d St. Entire 2nd Floor
i Suggestions
j Special Ajfrortment of Cut Flowers $2.00 to SO.OO
i Dainty wicker baskets filled with growing plants and ferns,
trimmed with ribbon $3.50 up
Corsages of Daintily Arranged Flowers $2.50 up
Cyclamen Plants, Prettily Trimmed $2.00 up
Roses of Dewey Freshness $3.00 to $15.00 per dozen
Fancy Pink and White Carnations .. $2.50 and up per dozen
Poinsettias, the finest $3.50 up per dozen •„
814 N. 3d St. 157 N. Front St.
Harrisburg Steelton
_ J
? A Message To Little ?
| Christmas Shoppers |
• If hat are you going to buy for mother? *
Of course, you leant to get something .
0 she will really like and enjoy, and that 0
0 means something that she can use for her Q
. jj very own. q
Silk Hosiery is one of the most satisfac- ®
• tory presents, one on which you cannot
0 go wrong. l\o woman ever has enough 0
Q pretty silk stockings. The popular shades Q
j this season are black, navy blue and cor- q
• dova, and you may choose here at $2.50 °
5 and $2.75. ?
0 And have you thought of waists —sheer, 0
Q dainty waists to dress up in; or sensible Q
Q tub waists that can be made fresh time I
• after time? Here again I can help you .
V out with many charming styles: 0
A Taiiorcd Organdie Waists $2.50 n
Candy StrijH" Crepe tie Cliinc Waists, V
0 necks sa.fto •
Semi-fitting Batiste Waists, all colors... .81.50 A
• Many models in Georgette and Satin- "
Q $7.95 to 512.90 1
: Then there are the pretty boudoir ,
• slippers that are to be. had in plain and 0
0" I)
quilted satin, in all shades, at $2.25, Q
0 | $2.50 and $3.50. A pair of these will ' X
bring smiles to mother's face. .
• Come in and let me help you select 0
mother s Christmas gift. 0
" . P. S. The above suggestions are good not "
0 only for mother, but for sweethearts, sisters, 0
Q j, wives and even grandmothers.
University Club Announces
Patronesses For First Large
Dance of the New Year
The Victory Dance to be given on
the evening of January 2 by the Uni
j versity Club in the Penn-Harris ball
i room is being eargerly looked for
! ward to by the dancing contingent.
! Many prominent folks of the city and
j state will lie honor guests, including
i the Governor and Mrs. Brumbaugh,
i Governor-elect Sproul and Airs,
j Sproul, the Lieutenant Governor and
| Mrs. Edward E. Beidleman, Mr. and
I Mrs. W. Harry Baker and others.
I The list of patronesses includes the
| following women prominent in the
. Red Cross activities of the city, who
! act in that official capacity: Airs.
| Martin G. Brumbaugh, Airs. Lyman
iD. Gilbert. Miss Anne McCormick,
' Airs. Charles Ryder, Mrs. Mercer B.
Tate, Airs. Francis Hall, Airs. Walter
H. Gaither, Aliss Mary Robinson,
Mrs. Henry Gross. Airs. Walter Spof
ford, Airs. Howard R. Omwake, Mrs.
Howard AI. Bingpman, Airs. William
H. Earnest, Airs. Arthur E. Brown.
Airs. Henderson Gilbert, Airs. John
Fox Weiss, Airs. George B. Kunkel.
Everything will be in military
style, the decorations, favors and spe
cial afteractions, for the event is to be
a real "welcome home" fqr the club
members who have been In the serv- i
ice for so long.. Applications for!
guests are now being received, but l
will not be acted on by the commit- ;
tee until after December 21.
The committee of arrangements!
include in its subdivisions: Invita- j
lions and acceptance, P. li. Rice and
C. O. Shaar; refreshments, Dr. Karl
Scliuffie and Dr. H. AI. Kirkpatrick; '
music and special features, C. O. j
Shaar and C. F. Kammerer; decora-,
tionSj E. E. Erb, J. H. AiacDonald [
and George Quigley; chaperons, E. j
B. Alitchell and William H. Earnest; '
reception. Henderson Gilbert and Dr. •
Kirkpatrick: publicity, J. Douglas Af.
Darruh C. Oves, son of Air. and
Mrs. Harry F. Oves, 2218 North Sec- j
ond street, who had been in England I
for more than a year in aeroplanej
service, returned home, last night, i
He came over on the " Alauretania I
and has been at Garden City, Long i
Island for about two wsoka, In!
speaking of his experiences over-1
seas he made special mention of the j
work accomplished for the boys by
the Red Cross in England.
| Benefit Concert by Deihl
Children Is Successful
A most successful concert for the
benefit of "llu" sufferers was that giv
en by the Delhi children, William and
Elizabeth Miller and Helen Cordry, of
I'axtang, yesterday. The audien'-e
was delighted with the charming
manner in which the children pre
sented the program of nursery songs
and rhymes, Christmas carols and
modern piano selections. The pro
gram was closed with a number of
1 patriotic selections, after which a lit
j tie tot of 3 years offered to sing
"Keep the Home Fires Burning." One
of the most pleasing numbers on th%
program was the song. "Neency
Alecncy Nimbly Nan," written by Max
Lehman, an Annvtlle man, who has
since lost his life going "over the top. 1
It was presented by Robert Delhi.
The proceeds of the concert amounted
! to $25 and will help bring real Christ
' mas cheer into the homes of many
| "llu ' sufferers.
Dickens' Christmas Carol
Presented by C. H. Linde
The members of Immanuel Presby-
I terlan Church and their friends en
joyed a unique presentation of Dlcli
; ens' "Christmas Carol" last evening.
; The entertainment was in place of the
i regular mid-week prayer service and
was of an educational nature. Stere
! optlcon views of the story so familiar,
' at Christmas time were shown and
I the tale o| "Old Scrooge and Tiny
! Tim" was related by Charles H. Linde.
Interspersed on the program were
i Christmas carols and two poems writ
ten by Dickens. An outline of the
i life of Charles Dickens was also pre
sented. There was a good attendance
and a social time followed. Plans are
being made to have several entertain
ments of this sort throughout tile win
ter for' the purpose of bringing the
congregation together.
Holiday Family Reunion
With Mr. and Mrs. Musser
Air. and Airs. Frank E. Alusser,
of Second and Walnut streets, are
anticipating an unusually happy
Christmas season, for their entire
family will be together here at that
time. Mr. and Airs. J. Barnholt, the
latter formerly Aliss Rheba L. Alus
ser, and children, Mary Jane and
Richard Barnholt, of Wilmington,
Del., and Air. and Airs. Clayton A.
Alusser, of Boonevillb, N. Y., with
their three little daughters, the
Alisses Audrey, Janice and Aluriel
Alusser, comprise the non-resident
section of the Alusser family.
Miss Nachman Is Guest
of Honor at Dinner Party
One of the many charming pro
nuptial events arranged in honor of
Aliss Jeanette Lucille Nachman,
whose wedding is to take place Sun
day, is the informal dinner this even
ing given by Mr. and Mrs. Simon
Hirsh, 1615 North Second street. The
decorations will be military, witn'
American flags, flags of the Allies and
trench flowers in evidence. The
guests will be Aliss Jeanette Lucille
Nachman, Mr. and Airs. Joseph Nach
man, Air. and Mrs. David Kaufman,
Lieutenant Scliulien, of.St. Louis, AIo„
and Captain Lowenberg, of New Alcx
Pretty Wedding Takes
Place in Chambersburg
A pretty wedding was solemnized j
Tuesday evening at the parsonage (
of the United Brethren Church, of ;
Chambersburg, when Aliss Jennie |
B. Kreamer was married to John H. i
Alter, of Philadelphia, formerly of j
Chambersburg. The Rev. Dr. L.!
Walter I.utz, officiated, using the ;
ring ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Alter 1
left immediately for Philadelphia,
where they will reside. Air. Alter is
connected with the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company.
Owing to the serious illness of Dr.
Downes, Mrs. Frederick E. Down's,
president of the Roberta Disbrow
Lloyd Sunshine Society, is unable to
attend to her outside duties. Mrs.
Homer Black, former president, will
have charge of the Sunshine affairs
for the present. Xmas baskets for
shut-ins will be packed Monday. All
contributions of jellies, home-made
cakes and other Xmas delicacies are
to be sent to the Arcade building,
Walnut .street, not later than Satur
day afternoon.
[.IB announcements under this head
my must be accompanied by name
to assure arruracy.]
Air. and Mrs. George W. Hill, Jr.,
of 3107 North Second street, an
nounce the birth of a son, Alfred
Snaveiy Hill, Tuesday, December
17, 1918. Airs. Hill was formerly Aliss
Gertrude Snaveiy, of this city.
Mr. and Airs. Julian Bayles, of I
Cincinnati, former Harrisburgers, ;
announce the birth of a daughter,
Helena Jayncs Bayles, Saturday, De
cember 14, 1918. Mrs. Bayles is re- I
membered here as Miss Grace D. j
Air. and Airs. J. F. Weidenham-]
mer, of 1739 Market street, announce j
the birth of a daughter, Frances j
Alay Weidenhanimer, Thursday, De
cember 5, 1918. Airs. Weidenhani
mer was formerly Miss Elizabeth
Shope, of West Hanover township.
Extraordinary |
Manufacturers' Clearance
Sale of
Millinery Store
227 North Second St.
Harrisburg, Pa.
Far* of All Descriptions as
Minx, Hudson Seal, Foxes, Wolves,
Lynx, Ladies' Hudson Seal and
Mole Skin Coats, Men's Fur Caps
and Attackable Collars
Also a Selection of Animal lings,
as Tigers, Rears and Leopards.
Automobile Robes, Seal nnd Men's |
Fur-lined Coats.
Yonr Inspection Invited.
Christmas Exercises in Steele
School Building Arc Excep
tionally Well Arranged
All through the city schools the
children are singing real old-fash
ioned Christmas carols under the di
rection of their supervisors of music,
thus giving the holiday season a
touch beyond that of frivolity.
One of the best programs was
given this morning in the Steele
building. Fifth street and Reel's
Lane. Air. Mocker, principal, and
ALss Krall, assistant. Especially well
sung was the "Carol for Christmns
Day," Sullivan, sung with deep feel
ing and expression by the Seventh
and Eighth grade pilpils. The little
play, "Christmas in Rhymeland,"
was a clever reproduction of old
nursery rhymes arranged for the
Christmas-tide. The program in full
Song, "God Save Our Alen,"
plddge, Christmas Story, Luke 2-8,
14, Evelyn Bennett; Lord's Prayer,
carol, "It Came Upon the Alidnight
Clear," school; recitation, "Christ
mas Bells," Ettie Werner, Ruth
Donaldson, Dorothy Uesue: song,
Gertrude Wade; carol, "Under the
Stars," school; recitation, Alisses
Bentzel and Aleckley's school; reci
tation, "Christmas Wishes," Merle
Bowman; story, "Real Christmas,"
Clara Clothier; carol, "Christmas of
Olde," six Fourth grade pupils;
recitation, "Jolly Old Fellow," Helen
Aloore, Rosalie Cohen; carol, "We
Three Kings," school; recitation.
Rebecca Donmoyer; carols. "Carol
For Christmas Day," "The Birthday
of a King." Seventh and Eighth
grade; recitation, "Spirit of Christ
mas," Beatrice Whichello; recita
tion, "Santa Claus," Wilson Hoffa;
song, "Hark, I Hear," Kenneth
Brought; recitation, "Jest 'Fore
Christmas," Elizabeth Jacoby, songs,
Alisses Bentzel and Aleckley's
schools; Victrola selections, play,
"Christinas in Rhymeland," Aliss
McLaughlin's pupils; carol, "Good
King Weneeslas," school.
Wednesday Club Chorus
in Christmas Music
An unusually attractive program
has been arranged for the next eon
cert of the Wednesday Club, to take
place Monday evening in the AXar
ket Square Presbyterian Church. Mrs.
Arthur H. Hull will be soloist in the
cantata, "The Heavenly Noel," and
i have the accompaniment of the organ,
several violins, harp nnd violoncello
Other numbers on the program are:
Solos, by Airs. Roy G. Cox. Airs, ltob
ert B. Reeves and Airs. Wilbur F. Har
ris: a vocal trio, by Mrs. Cox, Mrs.
Harris and Miss Seaman; a 'cello solo,
by Aliss Margaretta Kennedy; a quai
tet for organ, violin, 'cello and harp,
by Mrs. Henry, Miss Miss
Kennpdy and Aliss Fry. nnd two or-
I gan numbers, by Mrs. Henry.
Entertain Friends at
Wedding Anniversary
Air. and Mrs. J. D. Garman, 43
Butler street, Penbrook, celebrated
their forty-third wedding anniver
sary Alonday evening. A pleasant
evening was spent with music and
games, after which refreshments
were served to Air. and Airs.' J. D.
Garman. Air. and Mrs. E. A. Meek
ley, .Mr. nnd Airs. J. W. Ream and
daughters, Aliriam, Emma and
Evelyn, Air .and Mrs. William Sh'up,
daughters, Alildred and Ruth, and
sons, Paul and Alerrill, Air. and Airs.
Harry Walters and sons, Charles and
Edward, Chester Sider, Alary Gar
man and Mary Gingrich, of AlcAl
Airs. William Jennings will preside
nt the annual candle light service to
be held at the Y. W. O. A. i.n Boyd
Hall Sunday at 5 o'clock. Airs. Ilarry
G. Keffer. president of the Story
Tellers' League, will give "The Story
of tile Tiniest Star." Xmas carols by
the Seller School girls, with Miss
Graydon at the piano, will close the
program. A social hour is to follow.
Arrs. John L. Butler, of Carlisle,
and her grandson, Linares Smith,
started yesterday for Chicago, where
they will visit her daughters, Mrs.
Percy O. Smith and Mrs. Charles
Strong Snyder, both former Harris
! burgers.
Captain and Airs. F.lias Hale
j Eisenbeis, of Chester, will be holi
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chris A.
Hibler, 1624 North Second street.
Air. and Airs. Emory Thompson
went home to Brooklyn, to-day after
a week's stay among old friends in
this vicinity.
Afrs. Jesse E. B. Cunningham is
seriously ill at her home in the
' Riverside apartments, North Front
! street.
! Aliss Fan net to Crane, of Buffalo,
jIN. Y., is spending the holiday sea-
I son with her relatives, Air. and Airs.
! Duane Reeser, of Green street.
Airs. William Elder Bailey, who is
i home from Atlantic City, where she
| has been with her mother, Airs.
Russell A. Alger, of Detroit, leaves
to-morrow for Catonsville, Aid., to
t bring home her daughter, Miss An
nette Bailey, a student of St. Tim
othy's school, for the holidays.
Miss Alinctte Stewart, of Jersey
City, is a holiday guest at the home
of her relatives, Mr. and Airs. Claude
11. Stewart, of North Second street.
Reed Houser and his brother,
Norman B. Houser, of Pittsburgh,
are stopping for a few days with
their relatives, Mr. Nad Mrs. Emmitt
Long, of North Third street.
Neville Thompson went home to
Easton this morning* after a short
visit among relaaives in the West
Mrs. Albert AlcAleen, formerly
Aliss Helen K. Alontgomery, of this
city, jvho is a member of the faculty
of the York Collegiate Institute, will
be a holiday guest at her home, 902
North Second street.
Arnold Mosher spent Tuesday with
his aunt. Mrs. Harry Hammond, 'of
810 North Sixteenth street, on his way
to Klmira, N. Y.. from Camp Lee, Va.
Reynolds Askin, of 1725 North
street, went to Altoona to-day on a
business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Fackler, of
1626 Alarket street, are spending a
few days in Philadelphia.
Miss Nelle Payne, a student at Miss
Shipley's School, is visiting friends in
Pelham Manor. N. .Y.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Harrold, of St.
Joseph, Mich., will spend the Christ
mas holidays the guest of Mr. and
Airs. W. C. Harrtdd, 9 East Main
street, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Nuts for Chrfstmas
A full line, all fresh, a'so the real
Jumbo Peanuts can be obtained here
aa usual. Special price until Christ
mas, 5 lbs. mixed nuts, $2.00.
Imperial Tea Co., 213 Chestnut Street
Seniors Hold Elections
The Senior class ty-ld an election of
olHoers yesterday during the after
noon session. No class meeting was
called, the past term officers going
from room to room to collect the bal
lots instead. The result as an
nounced by Ex-President Ross S.
Hoffman at the beginning of the
fourth period was: Louis Rimer, 57;
Horace Selig, 16; Elizabeth Lloyd,.
40; Jennie Blocker, 37; Elizabeth
Brown, 26.
However, during the recess
which followed the last period in
which votes were allowed to be cast,
Ex-President Hoffman allowed a few
people to cast votes, inasmuch as
they did not have their dues with
them- when the ballots were 'aken.
These votes placed Miss Lloyd ahead
of Miss Blocker, who had been in the
lead at the close of the third period.
A special meeting of the class . as
then called for at 5 o'clock to deter
mine whether or not the votes cast
at recess should be null and void.
At 5.45 o'clock the class was still
divided in Its opinion upon this mat
ter, and the meeting was adjourned
by a motion of Prof. J. R. Miller,
class adviser. Another meeting will
bo held this afternoon to settle the
Junior Ilnnce Friday
A dance will be held by tlhe Junior
class on Friday night at Hanshaw's
Hall, Third and Harris streets, under
the supervision of" President Richard
Robinson. The Juniors have engaged
Sourbier's Three-Piece Jazz Orches
tra, and Prof Bertram Saul will be
the phaperon. Anybody and every
body is invited to the Junior dances.
Want Old Arguses
Carl Stoner, editor-in-chief of
the Argus has asked any person hav
ing old copies of the Argus to turn
them into the office at Central. The
file containing these old books has
been sadly neglected by the last few
editors, and Mr. Stoner wants to have
the file complete before he turns the
.paper over to the next class. The
following are missing: In volume 1,
April, May, September. November and
December of the year 1895; in 1896.
January and March; all of volume
VII from April, 1901, to March 1912;
all of volume IX from April, 1 fC3,
to March 1904: all of volumes XII
and XIII from April, 1906, to June,
1908; all of volume XVI from Septem
ber, 1910, to June, 1911; all of volume
XIX from September 1913 to June,
1914; in volume XX? October, Novem
ber and December during 1914, and
January, February, March, May; in
volume XXI, November and Decem
ber during 1915.
.Meeting Postponed
The meeting Of the H. A. Society
to be held Monday night, Dec. 23, at
the borne of Robert W. Crist has
been postponed until January. Many
of the mmebers of this society are
working for the U. S. Mail Service
during the holidays, which would
prevent them from being present.
Argus llox Put Ip
A box for contributions for the
Argus lias been put up in the library.
Inasmuch as the Argus is a paper
edited by the students, the editor-in
chief is anxious to have a large num
ber of contributions for the school
paper. In former years the box was
to be used only for roasts and jokes
for the Observation column, but this
year stories, editorials, roasts and
jckes are all welcome. A large num
ber of contributions are especially
desired from the lower classmen, as
the Argus staff is composed entirely
of Juniors and Seniors who are not
acquainted with their schoolmates in
the classes of '2l and '22.
HuNkrtbnll Booming
A large number of Senior boys
have signed up with Manager Carl
B. Stoner for a basketball tea.n to
represent the Senior class this year.
The first practice will be held De
cember 26, and a large number of
candidates are expects to repo -t at
that time. Some of the most promis
ing material In the class this y-.nr
are Joseph Minnicli, "Stub" Perrin,
Louis Karma tz,' John Koch, Ross Hotf
man, Milton Potts and Carl Stoner.
Games will be played with the
Christmas Gift ' "sl|ffi 1
8(l®\ Problem, Solved vlmfe
fl P] With Shoes |t| |
|jf Time Is Getting Short—Only A Few Days Left ||
glfij With practical, serviceable gifts the rule instead of the exception this ' ; "1 IIIQ
ivl§ year, Shoes have moved into a prominent place as an ideal Christmas ggKTj
l.'*'''*:,- gift. Many are the people who are giving Shoes or Slippers to the •.'."•'•Vj
!;•members of their families. And with the large number of new people • • g\*j|
p/g| jp,d". •/. coming into our store to buy these gifts, it certainly means that I
Steckley service and Stecklcy quality are proving satisfactory, indeed. is&.
jjj pj Store Open Evenings Until Xmas p| p
S FEL /SHOES\ / S ™F S \ /SHOES \ |r;a W.
K'L |£'.s / .FOR \ / BOYS & GIRLS \ f FOR \ *Vs| f/1
i§£ If.: i I MEN I ( *1 en II WOMEN -j! .;v| fM
1 V|'|| p
Come in TVf* Y \ CV'O
MWM &•£.-S 1 I TJM
A ' c \f S r s S h'ot SHOE STORE ,
1220 N. Third St. UJ £pjp
I Juniors of the school and some of the
smaller high schools of this section.
, 8. 1\ Q. H. Meeting
An Interesting meeting of the S.
I P. Q. R. Society was hold Tuesday
evening at the home of Miss Mary
Lewis, 1601 Swutnra street. Under
the direction of Miss {Catherine Mc-
Nlflt, of the Latin department, at
: Central, many seniors are realizing
| that nil evening spent in the study
of Latin may be exceedingly plens
ant. The "Star Spangled Banner"
sung in Latin has proven to be a
Anita Wilson gave a reading de
scribing the "Feast of the Saturna
lia." .
Ruth Lnngdon told an interesting
i story of "Roman Holidays" and
i Mary Garland made every one hun
| gry by her description of a "Roman
That Herbert Hoover was not the
first food administrator was shown
In an article read by Miss McNiff.
There was a food administrator in
ancient Rome similar tn manV ways
to our own,who perscribed the num
ber of guests to be entertained and
the length of the menu.
The old Christmas hymn, "Adeste
Fideles," was sung by Merle Sniltb.
After a rehearing of the play, "A
Roman School," to be given late
in the winter the meeting closed
with the singing of "My Country, "Lis
of Thee" in Latin.
The members are: Fern Slan
ford, Dorothy DeVout, Mildred Don
moyer, Mary Gotland; Margaret
Graeff, Virginia Forrcr, Elizabeth
Howard, Esther Jean, Mary Lewis,
Elizabeth Lloyd, Grace Peake, Anita
Wilson, Hazel Collier, Virginia
Downes, Violet Hoilinger, Ruth
Lungdon, Charlotte Ferguson, Mar
garet Good, Elizabeth Brown, Gladys
ltuekwulter, Merle Smith, Evelyn
Kietle, Joseph Minnlch, Carl Ston
cr, John Koch, William Mcßride,
Harold Conner and Stewart Wag
"Le Ccrcle Frniicais"
"Le Cercle Francals" met last eve
ning at the home of Kathryn Whar
! ton, 1519 North Second street. Un
der Miss Edith Phillips, of the
French department this club is be
coming one of the most progressive
in the school. A new secretary is
elected at each meeting. Violet Hoi
linger succeeded Hazel jollier at the
I last election.
' "Noel," a collection of Christmas
i songs were sung in French by Kath
! ryn Wharton, Eleanor Eby, Margaret
I Good und Merle Smith, with Hazel
I Collier as accompanist.
"Le Jour de L'an," a New Year's
, story, was told by Horace Selig.
Refreshments were served to:
! Hilda Baturln, Hazel Collier, Lois
j Coons, Virginia Downes, Eleanor
! Eby.Margaret Good, Margaret Graeff,
I Violet Hoilinger, Esther Joan, Ruth
i Langdon, Gohlie Marcus, Merle
j Smith. Kathryn Wharton, Horace
I Selig, Winston Romig, George Pulas,
| Milton Potts, Joseph Mlnnich, Mur
' ion Manbeck, William Mcßride, Ross
j Hoffman. Joseph Diffenderfcr and
Robert Dunkie.
! Moose Minstrels, Orpheuin Tlie
' atrc, night of January 2:1, 10111. adv
The holiday feasts
jdemand the best—
Therefore, serve
320 lb. at all grocers
R. H. Lyon
Importer Harrisburg
DECEMBER 19, 1918.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. K. Kines
Entertain at Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Kines, 1608
Market street. entertained a number
of frionds at a venison and l>on,r
dinner at their home last evening.
The dining room was attractively
decorated with holly and other
Christmas greens. The guests Includ
ed: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayes, Mr.
and Mrs. O. G. Brenneman, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Seidle, Mr. and Mrs. E.
K. Mounts, Mr, and- Mrs. T. P.
Kines and son, Kenneth, and Mr.
and Mrs. O. K. Kines.
Tills is your last opportunity to
ecure a copy of the Pictorial His
tory or the 112 th Regiment. Thct'o
are o.ilv a few volumes left and no
more wjll be ordered after these
are disposed of. Price 12.50, by mail
S2.GO. Inquire business odice of
Mrs. Christian Nauss, 115 Roily
street, hns returned to her home after
a two weeks' visit in Haltimore. Ml.,
as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George
Murray Nauss.
f Witmer, Bair & Witmer
, _
Evening Gowns For Holiday
Functions Are Arriving Daily
10% 20%
reduction on all Fur Muffs reduction on all Fur Coats
and Scarfs. and Fur Sets.
Another Big Shipment of White Cotton Waist.?
$1.95, $2.50, $2.95
Economy Petticoats, in Georgette Blouses, in
all shades and black, white, flesh and suit shades
$2.49 $5.50
Witmer, Bair & Witmer j
Bakery " Ice Cream-
Now completed VaniUa Chocolate
A LARGE 4 Raspberry Sherbet
ASSORTMENT Butter-Scotch
OF CAKES FOR Special for Christma's Day:
CHRISTMAS French Tutti-Frutti
School Children to Sing
Xraat Carols Tomorrow
lender (ho direction of Miss Mil*
dred. "Conkllng,, asuistant supervisor
of music in the city schools, a pnj*
Brain of .Christmas carols will bo
Kiven by tho children of the Fifth,
Sixth and Seventh grades of tho
Camp Cut-tin school to-morrow even
iuß at 8 o'clock. The public is invit
ed to attend the concert. Grade
children will not be admitted unless
accompanied by adults.
T We make a specialty of Suck-1
flinga weighing from ten to thirty!
7 pounds dressed. Fifty cents at
7 pound. I
• No order taken for Christmas I
I delivery utter l>ec. 23rd. {
j Loch Willow Farm i
! M. P. JOHNSON, l'nxtonlii, Pa. |
• Hell l'hone UUS-I3 . 7
|. 4 t i n Mil