Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 14, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
BIG LEAGUE WILL OPEN ON MAY 1; PAL MOORE GETS DECISION OVER WILDE, BRITISH CHAMP Von Holtren Was First Southpaw With His Club Chicago—George Van Haltren is well known to the baseball fans of to-day as a great batsman and out fielder, also for his long connection with the New York Giants; Hut to the oldtimers Van was first known as a pitcher, one of the phenomenal type. Van Haltren was a remarkable ballplayer and stuck to the big show 17 seasons, but fame first came to Van through his ability to hurl the most astonishing curves and drops with his mighty left arm. Back in the early 'Bos the Californian pitched so many marvelous games against the best teams of his native state that his fame reached the East, "Pop" Anson, whose eye was ever open for young and budding "phenoms," and through the earnest solicitations of Uncle Anse Van Haltren was induced to come East and sign a contract. Van Haltren was the first left-hand er the Chicago Nationals had. and the bringing of the great Californian East was an event in Ills history of Chicago baseball. Face* Huston At Stnrt Anson signed Van Haltren for the express purpose of beating Detroit and its famous left-handed sluggers. Van arrived about midseason of 1887. His coming was heralded by many glowing press notices, and the Chi cago fans were all agog to see the chap who could unravel a curve that had a break so sharp it resembled a ball glancing off a board fence, and a fast ball with a break to it al most as wide as his curves. Van's first game was against Boston, and it was a perfect scream. Sent right in against experienced batsmen without a bit of coaching, George stacked up a record which is remembered by the oldtime fans to this very day. George had his curves breaking fast, wide and handsome. The Boston vet orans, Eira Sutton, Joe Hornung, John Morrell, Joe Wise. Billy Nash and the great Mike Kelly closely watched Van in his workout, they noted his sweeping curve and his de ceptive drop; they also noted that George showed plainly by the manner in which he gripped the ball which curve he was about to hand out. AMonUke* I mplrc Boston played a waiting game. Foxy Mike Kehy stood in a position where he could tip off what was ccming, and the Boston players laughed their heads oil as Van s sweeping benders swept by. The longer Van pitched the wilder he be came, and he sent 16 batsmen to first by the free pass route, hit three and PENN STATE TO RESUMESPORTS Athletic Program to Be C.ur tailed; Coach Begins Work j on Matmen State College, Pa., Dec. 14.—Penn State will resume all branches of win- ! ter and spring sports, bult with great- ! ly curtailed activities, with smaller schedules and with limited coaching | staffs. The main efforts will baj launched for a continuance of thdi mass athletic program, involving par- j ticlpation of all undergraduates in| some form of competitive sports, j when the college resumes its activities j on a purely collegiate basis January 2. j Although Penn State will celebrate] the tenth anniversary of Its identi- j fieation with wrestling by holding the| intercollegiates here in March, the i (varsity schedule will be somewhat reduced. Five dual meets with grap- | piers other institutions are con- ! templated. three at State College and two on foreign mats. Coach Yerger started his intercol- ! legiate champion matmen on their] season's work this week. He has a squad of thirty-five aspirants, with prospects of enrolling fifty after the] holiday vacation. Captain-elect Detar,! who is in a machine gun jfficers' j training camp, has announced that lie! will not return to college this year. It Is expected that Brown, the 153- j pound intercollegiate champion, will be elected to succeed Detar. Besdek has more than eighty bas ketball candidates at daily practice.' It is probable that the schedule ror j this sports will be limited to ten <Jr ! twelve games. An eastern and a west- ! ern trip are being arranged for the court men and they will play a few j games at home. Mullen is the only ■ veteran of last season on hand. SPECIAL Pofc SATURDAY Five pounds of mixed nuts (all fresh), for $2.00. Real Jumbo pea-' nuts, 25c per lb. Good coffee, 25c | per lb. Imperial Tea Co., 213 j Chestnut street. —adv. ' Play Safe- Stick to KJ_N_G OSCAR CIGARS Because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you 7c—worth it JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers ■I ' ■ ——— SATURDAY EVENING, made one wild heave. Doescher, who umpired the game, admitted that he "was completely fooled himself by V'un's wonderful curves and couldn't judge them correctly, calling strikes only when the batsmen swung at them. Doescher also stated that Van showed the most astonishing delivery he had ev&r seen. After this awful drubbing Anson stuck Van In the outfield and had him head the batting list, for the lengthy Culifornlan was a nifty hitter and clever outfielder. When the George became accustomed to big league tricks and noise and had some coaching he tried the box again, in spiring confidence In the manage ment and himself by reeling off five consecutive victories. When the great Anson thought his find suffi ciently fit he sent .hint against the Michigan Maulers, confident that would show them a few tricks. Mike was scared when he cast his weather eye on big Sam Thompson and bigger Dan Brouthers. with Rbwe, Richard son and the goodly "Deacon" White behind them. This was the bunch that Anson expected him to outwit and had hint carefully groomed for the killing. Drubbed lly Detroit Team To this day George Van Haltren will remember the fierce manner in which that Detroit gang went after his curves and got them. Twenty two base hits with a total of 30 was the result of the drubbing he re ceived. Uncle Anse didn't stack George up against that aggregation again that season. However, the fol lowing season Van had the satis faction of shuting out the hard slug ging outfit frotn Michigan. By hitting the ball so hard in 1890 while with'the Brooklyn team of the Players League the clever Van Hal tren was played regularly and this ability to hit them hard and safe gradually dimmed his value as a hurl er and the following season Van took up outfieldlng as a regular occu pation. Outside of the season of 1892 (in which he batted .296) the noted player hit them put for .300 or' bet ter in 13 consecutive seasons and fin ished his splendid career as a big league player with a batting average of .324. Van Haltren was a steady consist ent and conscientious player. His record shows that ho took part In 1,970 big league games, seldom mis sing a game through any fault of his own. Only 10 players in the history of the game have a record of play ing more games In the big show than the famous Californian. Seven-Pronged Deer Shot by Harrisburg Nimrod "Hello, there, this the Tele graph?" "Sure, Mike." "Well, say, this Is William Loch man talking, from Huntsdale; reads the Telegraph daily and wants you to put in to-day that W. D. Markley, of your town, knocked over a huge deer Yesterday. with seven prongs. He had his headquarters with me. and dropped the deer not far away on the adjoining mountains. All-Star Basketball at Chestnut Street Hall Rain or snow does not interfere with the merry pastime of basketball and so big a crowd is expected to night at Chestnut Street Auditorium, where the world champion Greystocks play the Independents, with Rote leading the list. Rote, as they who follow athletics will remember, was captain of both football and basketball at Central High, and has just returned from Army service. Man ager Gordon Ford assured the Tele graph to-day that he would surely be on the job, his complete lineup in cluding: Rote, Uerdes, Wallower, for wards: McCord. center; Ford, Lingle, Beck, guards. Greyatock. which won the world championship two years ago, lias Joe Fogarty for captain, and his huskies all figured in the title-winning, Zahn, Lawrence, Campbell and McGregor. Ike McCord is counted on to be a tower of strength for the Indepen dents. Special m"sic will be given the fans between halves by Mark Vecchione, a local boy back from Camp Dix. and who appeared here with the Camp Dix Comedy Company in "You'll Like It." 'CHARGED WITU AUTO THEFT Joseph Smith, arrested last night by Patrolman Lowery on the charge of stealing the automobile of J. K. Bowman, 805 North Second street, from in front of the Chestnut street market last' Saturday, was given a hearing before Mayor Keister in po lice court this afternoon. He de clared he purchased the machine in Reading last Friday. It is said he was trying to sell it at a Market street garage before he was arrest ed. ' SNOODLES Vis'totf- NOT~\ Zip / Y I l£f ' TV . I*' &L. )i $ \ WN OUR, W7 '" §vi£Veße " BASEBALL TO BE "QUEEN OF THE MAY" THIS YEAR All Leagues, Major and Minor, Decide to Start on That Date Minneapolis, Dec. 14.—A schedule of 154 games for the American Associa tion this season was agreed upon at the meeting of club owners to-night. The season will start May 1 and end late in September. A committee to draw up a schedule will be appointed later. y The major leagues do not contem plate any such long schedule, but will very likely cut theirs down to 140 games, beginning the same date. May 1. President Ban Johnson, of the American League, says that the club owners of his organization voted practically unanimously in favor of the short season at their annual nect- Ing in Chicago. "I hope the National League will agree to our suggestion. It will al low us to do away with the evil cf playing double-headers and will re sult in a great financial saving. Both leagues lost heavily in former years when schedules of 154 games were played because so many postpone ments were necessary in the early spring." The action of the American League in reducing the player limit from twenty-five to twenty-one men will go into effect, as it will not be necessary to obtain the co-operation of the Na tional League to enforce the rule. At New York. John Hej'dler. new president of the National League, also conceded that their games would start May 1, so it will t>e an eventful day. Heydler commented' "The coming season will give us an excellent opportunity to try out a number of suggestecLinnovations and if it is decided to start the major league season about May 1, additional time ivill be available for reconstruc tion Vork. A shorter schedule than has been customary in recent years fits in well with plans that we have under consideration. "The proposal to retain the present three-man National Commission, how ever, is not certain to meet with the same hearty co-operation among our club owners. The National League, like the American, holds Mr. Herr mann in the highest esteem, nut at the same time will favor a one-man commission. "We have no candidate in min.l, but such a man must be conversant with baseball procedure from every tngle and' in no way conected with baseball business or financial interests. The National Leagjje in taking this stand is in no way hostile to Mr. Herrmann, but is opposed to a continuation of the present system." Marsh Run Y. M. C. A. Has Many Activities Many special activities are being carried out for the soldiers of the Army Reserve Post, New Cumber land, by the fiost's Y. M. C. A. Among these activities are the regu lar showing of motion pictures, a "Stunt Night" each week, and other features. A religious meeting will be held in the "Y" building of the post at 3.30 o'clock in the afternoon. The song service will be in charge of Frank Fuller. W. S. Essick, state secretary of the Society of Gideons, familiarly known among the boys of the .camps as' "Uncle Billy," will make an address. Mr. Esslck's work in camps has been most successful. Every Tuesday and Thursday night at 7 o'clock motion pictures are shown at the camp, and every Wed nesday evening "Stunt Night," spe cial talent is exhibited In sketches and songs. Important current events are discussed each evening for fit teen minutes, between 6.46 and 7 o'clock. The Army Reserve Posit "Y" at New Cumberland is alive and Wide awake. Saving Stamps on Sale ? in January at $4.12 Washington, Dec. 14. —The pro gram for sale of war savings stamps in 1919, announced by the treasury, is almost identical with that follow ed this year, as relating to cost of the stamps in various months. In January the stamps worth $5 face value will be sold for 64.12, and will increase one-cent a month until next December. They will not mature until January 1924, or one year later than the stamps now on sale. Thrift stamps, costing 25 cents each, will be sold throughout the year. They will be identical in design and size with the present thrift stamps, but will be blue instead of green. The war savings stamps, also blue, are considerably smaller than the present issue. New cards on which war savings stamps are to be attached will be issued and 1919 stamps should not be attached to old cards. If a war savings certificate has been only par tially filled with this year's war Bav s tamps. It will be'entirely valid and may be redeemed eventually at the maturity value of the stamps it hears. Use McNeil's Cold Tablets. Adv. BLAJRRISBURG TEtEGRXPH Real, Live, Royal Prince Sees British Athletes Beat Americans London dispatches to-day say that King George did not ogle the great lnter-allicd boxing matches at Al. Bert Hall, Friday, and thus missed seeing Pal Moore, of New Or leans, bantamweight champion of the United States Navy, defeat Jimmy Wild, the English champ, on points. British fans hissed the ref eree's decision, but the English should have been satisfied for their Army was given a total of 50 points. Uncle Sam's sailors took 32 points and our Army men 39 points. Prince Albert represented the King who had a bad cold, Just like any com mon 'guy. The Yanks were new to the sur roundings and Prince Albert com mented on our forces who, "with perfect co-operation and good will, adopted our boxing rules, to which they were not accustomed." Mike O'Dowd, American Army, of St. Paul, arid the world's champion ship middleweight, won all of the three bouts in which he was engaged. First he defeated Harold Ralph, of Canada, and in the semifinals ac counted for Sergeant Major Dick Smith, of the British Army. In the finals O'Dowd beat Sergeant Ring, of the British Army. Eddie McGoorty, American Army, MUCH GAME TO BE RELEASED State Game Officials Are Pre paring For a Big Distri bution Next Spring Plans for what it is hoped will be the most extensive project ever un i dertaken by the State Game Cora mision authorities to increase the game for Pennsylvania sportsmen have just been worked out here and •between now a'nd next summer thou sands of birds will be turned loose in the state game preserves and in woodland country adapted for pro pagation. The idea of extending the game preserves, which has been urged by President Charles B. Pen rose, of the State Game Commission, as the best method, will also be I helped along and with necessary leg islation, thousands of additional acres will be added to the ."closed woods" where game is raised to scatter through the forests and the fields. In addition word has come of extensive projects to be under taken to increase pheasants and quail, while the grouse will be care fully guarded and if the winter is bad, will be fed. The State Game Commission has contracted for 450 white tailed deer which will be shipped in after the first of the year. They are now be-- ing rounded up in other states. Con tracts have also bean placed for 8,- 000 ring-necked pheasants and for thousands of settings of eggs to be sent to sportsmen who will see that the birds are hatched and turned loose when old enough. Hyj biggest part of the scheme is for 17,000 mature quail, which will come from Mexican higlands when weather and food conditions are right. There will also be some quail I bought privately and distributed. A i number of wild turkeys .will be I bought in southern states and If any grouse are to be had they will be secured. Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, the game commission secretary, has come right out against being forced to pay a dollar a head for rabbits for breed ing purposes. He is in the market for 2,000 at a "reasonable figure." | WITH THE BOWLERS The Middletown bowlers wallop- I ed New Cumberland on Burd alleys I at duckptns by the wide margin of 288 points, their artists all scoring in the 400's. MIDDLETOWN Bubenboif 123 202 106 451 Kling 131 136 144. 411 Karbena 166 148 112 426 Wharton 92 135 196 423 Eshelman .... 187 159 106 454 Total 699 780 666 2164 NEW CUMBERLAND Ruby 160 111 81 352 Bowen 122 121 103 346 Noggle 126 132 128 386 Bricker 132 133 131 401 Smalling 120 114 165 389 Total 660 611 598 1876 The Pennsy Shop League staged Erecting Shop and Pipe Shop at Ca sino alleys: PIPE SHOP Leisman 123 150 198 471 Myers 132 134 137 40? Saul 142 117 155 414 Hunk 109 138 123 370 Look 132 1&2 137 391 Total 638 661 750 2049 ERECTING SHOP Wrightstone .. 137 147 153 437 Watson 121 169 133 423 Anderson .... 147 146 171 464 Palmer 180 122 137 439 Total ~725 700 692 2117 of Oshkosh, after defeating Chor rocks, of South Africa, fell before Hilly Wells, of the British Army, in .the semifinals. Augie Ratner, Amer ican Army, fought his way through to the finals, where he defeated Ser geant Fuller, of the British Army, on points. Ratner comes from New York, and is a former American ama teur welterweight champion. Following the British Army and the American Army with 50 and 39 points, respectively, the finals stand ings were: Royal Air Force, 32%; Royal Navy, 32 H; American Navy, 32j Australia, 28; New Zealhnd, 14%; South Africa, 10%, and Canada, 18. While the American Army team failed to equal the points piled up the British Army early in the tournament, the surprise of the meeting was the defeat of Jimmy Wilde, by "Pal" Moore, fighting with the American Navy team. Wilde is a favorite in London and the de cision was unpopular. J. W. Driscoll, trainer of the British teams, an nounced, however, that he was satis fied the decision was correct. The Yankee- contestants and fans kept their eyes glued on the prince, for none had ever seen a live one before. He gave out personally the medals and bestowed the royal i trophy on the British Army team. The Harms Stars defeated the South HarriSburg bowlers last night on the Leonard Alleys by a margin of 202 points. SOUTH HARRISBURG Barbush 8 103 105 291 Stoll 141 130 130 401 Heist 146 127 127 400 Tllghman 100 96 91 287 Weeber 116 120 124 360 \ Total 586 576 577 1739 HARMS STARS Harms 134 154 131 419 Barber 11l 146 108 365 McGuire 106 160 150 416 Zerbie 126 110 121 357 Drinkwater ... 129 131 124 384 Total . 606 701 634 1941 On Itoyd'a Alleys HICK-A-THRIFT Malseed 99 121 90— 310 Wolfe 126 112 167 405 Brtckley 114 126 127 367 Richwine 100 100 100— 300 Irwin 158 175 149 482 Totals 697 634 633—1864 DULL CLASS Ellis 152 127 152 431 Sites 137 141 111— 359 Gottshall 104 135 112— HI Siiker 122 160 173 455 Wagner 100 100 100— 300 Totals 615 663 648—1926 The Lemoyne league at Fickes' al leys registered defeat for Admirals. ADMIRALS Haramaker .... 128 98 79 305 Millard 82 113 127 322 Crrts 85 /9l 140— 316 R. Reeser 100 ' 102 147 349 Lewis 112 119 149 380 Totals ••• HIT MATES Smith 95 134 166 395 Grissinger ..... 178 99 122 399 J. Reeser 78 143 104— 325 Martz 123 124 108— 355 O'Leary .' 94 97 144 335 Totals 1809 The Coke Department League game of the Bethlehem Steel at Hess al leys resulted In a defeat for No. 2. TEAM NO. 2 Acri 108 121 95 324 Perry 153 112 130— 395 Koney 168 127 165 452 Taylor 135 156 123 416 Washey 102 129~ 189— 440 Totals 661 644 702—2007 TEAM NO 1 Belder 143 130 87f — 360 Watts 107 100 136 343 Book 114 106 135 ?45 Paine 134 116 167 407 Eishop 112 112 119— 373 Totals 610 564 664—1838 Airship Beats Plane A as Passenger Carrier London, Dec. I^.—For the Imme diate future, according to further extracts from the report just com pleted by the Civil Aerial Transport Committee of the Air Board, the commercial airship offers a great ad vantage over the airplane, particu larly concerning passengers, where comfort and ease of navigation, safe ty and a high ratio of dispensable lift are vital considerations. Airships now exist, the report says with a range of more than 4,000 miles, and they can travel at a speed of 98 miles an hour. By run ning their engines slower a maxi mum range of 8.600 miles can be obtained. On first speed Cape Town, South Africa, is to-day aerially only a little more than three days from Southampton, while this ship could fly across the Atlantic und return without stopping. The committee points out that the future airship will soon develop a speed of 100 miles an hour, that It, will he fitted with ample saloons, staterooms, with an elevator to a roof garden and will be üble to re main in the air for over a week, PITTSBURGH HAD A NIFTY TEAM Gridiron Artists of Western University Had Good Season This Year Pittsburgh, Pa., Dec. 14.—The foot ball season of 1918 is history now, and it will be remembered in Pennsylvania especially as a one-month season. Al- ; though the campaign was the shortest In the history of football, the Univer sity of Pittsburgh was able to de velop a team under Coach Glenn S. Warner that compared favorably with the elevens of the past four or live year's at any of the larger Institu tions of learning. From some comments by eastern writers, one might infer that Pitt's inability to accept every challenge or game proposed is indicative of a de sire to avoid hard games. This inti mation is an injustice to Pitt. One eastern writer asks the question: "Did you ever hear of Pitt wanting to meet Yale, Harvard or Princeton?" Pitt has not been able to secure a place on the schedule of any member of the "Big Three," but through no fault of her n, for she has asked for games a. .. in each instance was informed that previously arranged contests made it impossible to meet the Panthers. With the outlook somewhat dark for next season, the University of Pittsburgh is again ready to try to secure a place on the schedule of Yale, Harvard or Princeton. Eight regulars and six first-string substitutes will be lost from the university team of 1918 by graduation. The eight regulars are Captain Mc- Laren. the greatest fullback Pitt ever [ had and one of the best any college ever produced; Easterday and Goug | ler, stars in the backfleld, and Stahl, Allshouse, Harrington, McCarter and Hilty in tho line. These players were enrolled in the various professional ! schools of the University and re mained in college in the reserve branches of the service and the Stu dents' Army Training Corps. All of them wanted to see active service ar.d endeavored to enlist in various branches of the service, but were ordered by Uncle Sam to remain in school. Pitt will attempt to arrange its hard a schedule as ever, and fair-minded critics will admit that usually the ma jority of games on a Pittsburgh pro gram are hard contests, so much so that it is a rather difficult task for the coach to "point" the team for a cli max. For instance, this year's schedule, as originally arranged, contained games with such rivals as the University of West Virginia, Lehigh Unlveiaity, Syracuse University, University of Pennsylvania, Washington and Jeffer son College, Carnegie Institute of Technology and Pennsylvania State. GETS HEAVY SENTENCE Elwood Mnxten alias James Jones, James Matthews, "Jazz" and "Slick" was given a sentence of two years and a half in the Atlanta peniten tiary by Judge Thompson in federal court at Philadelphia yesterday. MaXten had pleaded guilty on a charge of sending narcotics through the mail. He s well known to Harrisburg police. "Lizzie" Ball who appeared in federal court here last week, was a local agent for the prisoner, it is said, operating a dope Joint on Cow den street. "Bob" Chenoweth is also said to have been identified with Maxten. gaSl Time Is Drawing Short- riL Those who come to our store for gifts find there are so many ATuJ7 \ "Just right" things here that selection is not only easy, but a real £3 ry rj / pleasue, as well. We carry a large line of sporting goods and Sweaters J 4 . : sM.°°. $2 50 to $9 0Q $6.00 |l Books, BloctaT D l Jj&L Dolls, Sleds, Wagons, wPjf/ 3 00^s Mechanical . .gffim | Toys, Electrical Trains S ?S>p|| | -ff\ and a large variety of other ™ ,j| $2.25 to S3 SI Toys, including Tree Ornaments [52.50 to $5.501 HE AGY BROS. f&e: (3u?\ Sporting Goods Store W?i Open Every Evening. W' #1 DECEMBER 14, 1918. Tom Marshall Goes For Ducks —and Gets ' Are people with championship requisites born or made? George Maxwell, of Hastings, Nebraska, the acknowledged one-armed champion scattergun artist, who now stais as a professional shot, became a pros- I pective champion when an accident deprived him of his left arm. In- j teresting himself in trapshooting, he became one of ihe most accurate cx- j ponenfb of the Sport Alluring, a fac tor to be with at all tourna- i ments, as a high average winner, i Afield he is a premier shot and a real game-getter, as I now testify. ; Upon a recent visit to the home of ( Maxwell it was decided that wc, would have an afternoon on ducks. together, as it was reported that they were using the classic Platte river, about twenty miles northwest of Hastings, near the little village of Prosser, a noted feeding and resting grojnd for migratory birds. While George attuned the buzz wagon, the good wife and the "writer captured tiie tame decoys, ensconcing them In crater, also placing guns, lunch and accessories aboard the car ready for the start. George dri\es in the same whirlwind manner he shoot;' wo fairly burned up the road, soon nr rtying at our objective point. Many birds were circling in the aiij, in a few minutes we had reconstructed a couple of old dead willow blinds located on a sandbar, the greater portion of which was covered with water. An occasional chapnel had been cut through by the rapidly flowing cross currents. A number of treacherous quicksand bars were scattered about, which are always a danger to be watched by hunters. Maxwell was encased in a pair of mackintosh waders, which reached to his armpits; their weight in no 'way accelerated his movements. Our blinds were located about 100 yards apart, the live decoys and blocks having been divided equally, the males and females having been separated, their squawking and call ing was incessant. A good fiight of birds was on and only a short time elapsed until our heavy artillery opened. Many fine mallards paid the penalty of inquisitiveness with their lives. The weather was "snappy," with a trace of snow in the atmosphere; the wind was blow ing from the northwest, and all ducks coming to our squawking de coys headed into the wind, coming up slowly, which made excellent shooting. There was a very consid erable current running in the river, which' necessitated immediate per sonal gathering (we had no dogs) of all ducks knocked down. For some time I had been watching and admiring the skilful and artistic manner in which George handled himself and gun in the blind. He had pulled, do>vn several doubles in approved championship style. Three mallards headed for his decpys came down with the wind like a bat out of perdition. It was no evening ram ble to correctly gauge - 'and compute distance or velocity of their flight. He caught a pair as they crossed with the first shot, the third was "grassed" in beautiful style, two stone dead, one "wing-tipped," as the verdtct. A glance of satisfaction ov'er his excellent work was handed me as he started In pursuit of his wounded duck, which had made a lopg fall, he then started racing through the shallow water. His duck, having made an estimate of surroundings, submerged with the top of its head showing above water and swimming directly for the op posite shore. I was watching from a distance the marathon race. George soon stepped in a strata of quicksand on the brink of a deep channel, but a few feeble efforts to stund were made when he plunged : forward, taking a header into the ; cold water. No Yellowstone geyser I had anything on Maxwell when he i came to the surface, his gun in the | interim having been held in mid ' air. Again on his feet, water gush ing from his waders, he commenced ! looking for the cause of his down fall. The wounded duck was rapidly | making its escape, swimming low ' and heading for deep water. Wad ing precautions were thrown to the four winds. This crippled duck was the cause of his premature bath. | Vengeance was his slogan and wad l ing speed his great desire. He I looked like a powerboat splitting tile | water, stopping to shoot every time the duck put Its head up. attempted to breathe or get its hearings. He would also address remarks and ap ply an assortment of names to the duck that I have been unable to lo cate In the dictionary. A stray pel let of shot finally located the duck's brainpan, his wings spread upon the water, a convulsive shudder and the race was over. Maxwell came to my I blind. It was no time for mirth. I "Glad you got him, George," was my 1 salutation. "Would have followed j him into perdition," was his answer. ' Our ride home was without conver | satlon, hilarity or kdding. This is I the story; I am prepared to accept | consequences. Juniata College Huskies j Trounce Altoona "Y" in Hotly-Contested Game ! Huntingdon. Pa.f Dec. 14. In the first game of the season Juniuta ! Oollego defeated the Altoona Y. M. I G. A. in the college gymnasium. Up J until this game the Altoona quintet | had not suffered defeat although It j had battled with some of the strong i est teams in Western Pennsylvania. Prom the first signal whistle Juniata j had things her own way although j the visitors fought valiantly every < moment of the game and hotly con- I tested every goal. The Juniata team jis composed of new material with i the exception of Carl Howe at cen ter but every member played vet ] eran ball. It would be impossible to ' point out individual stars; every | man did phenomenal work notwith | standtng the faetjthat It was their ! initial appearaneefas a unit. Por the j visitors Benson did exceptional work | on the foul line, failing in only two j attempts during the entire game. JUNIATA Y. M. C. A. I Butts, f. Benson, f. , Bezchley, f. Means, f. j Oiler, c. Crook, c. I Gump, g. Baker, g. j Howe, g. Staufer, g. (Cheers) I Time, 20 minute halves; timekeep- I cr, Custer: referee, Neff; scorer, ! L#inwood Geiger. ( 13