CLOSED BODIES CROW INDEMAND •deal Distributor of Stude baker Cars Says Sedan Is Proving Very Popular *ryith the passing of the beau tiful autumnal days and the close •pproach of tho holidays, there comes a nip and tang in the air that bespeaks much to the seasoned mo torists," says M. L. Mumma, local distributor of Studebaker cars. "As tho cool . winds fan his face and cause him to wrap himself tighter and more snugly in his robe and Wraps, he Instinctively thinks of the enclosed car. "One cannot talk about closed bodies without mentioning the se dan. Tho £edan is the toiiring car's close competitor in popular favor. It used to be that the touring car came first and the roadster next, but that day has gone by, and the sedan has displaced the roadster from second place. There is a good reason for this, too. The number of peoplo who used their cars ns-j everyday conveniences is growing rapidly. The great period of recon struction, with Its persistent de mand for increased personal effi ciency, is making an all-weather motorcar an absolute necessity. No GORSON'S :' 1 twered by our plan !_/to carry at all time* ■*~—J Wsff) \\ 1000 m6d er n \tyKjry equipped cars. To "—" N ge |] those cars at a I fair profit only- To (in a gnsnuitra and live strictly up to it. The result has been a reputation of leadership in our line. CONVENIENT TIME PAYMENTS ARRANGED 1918 CimtlAC "t-rsiw Taurine; run 1017 HAINES Touring; very pnw -4 monllus; mtjrlikiilcu.lty purlect; s erful; nplondld hill nllmbor... . 1776 Bnnp IDIH-17-1A DOIIGE Touring Cars and 1918 BCTCK 4 Totttfiig:; "TuaU t "now; R oudstor*; large variety at Inter excelleut condition; a bargain. eating prices. 1818 01.DSMOB1U: Touring; itp-tap 1917 BFICK 8 Roadster; perfect condition., shows wi> wenr; will sax- shape; splendid tires; 2 extras.; a rtflce. bargain. 1918 CHJtVm.FB Touring; run 2708 1918 STmEBAKKR B Touring; I miles; 2 extra tires, bumper and splendidly equipped; lots of extras spot Ilglrt. 1917 WHITE Touring; 7-pass.; equal 1918 4-pasH. Tuuring; -wire to new; slip covers.; extra tires and wheels; excellent shape; very classy. bumper. 1918-17-18 M.tVU'LU Touring Cars 1917 UtTISON Touring Super Six-; and Roadsters; large vacluty; as A-1 Khajie.. must be sold to settle low as 5..... 1350 estate. 1918 CILXLMERS SIX Touring:; slso 1917 WILI, VS-KMGIIT 8 Touring; Sedan: both cars equal to new*; at wire wheels.; extra wheel and tire.; low prices. a bargain. 1918 HLDSOX Supor Six Sportster; ♦- | 1917 HIEMOBILE Sedan; prautlcaJls pass.. very ctaser; wire wheels. I new; whipcord upholstery; new 1813 BTTIZ Tern-tug; -l-wasx.-, eroV- I tires. " lent shape.; used viry lRUo; lot of' 1017 JETTEIIT SIX Touring: 6-pass.; extras. . ! xoelioti' unnditlnn 1576 in,. BTViitvc t, .... ■[■— a 1 T9l, CH.ILBERS SIX Roadster*; tlp -I*£t.?£s£? 1 IZ- amtUU,n ' ru " 4 " OJ '"*>"■ qolet motor; will sacrlflce. IBn VEIJE SIX Chummy Roadster; 1918 NASI! Sedan;; equal t> nrw; i 4-pass. condition; Inl of splondiiUy upholstered; at a saaji. | extras GORSON'S AUTOMOBILE EXCHANGE 238-240 NORTH BROAD STREET, PHILADELPHIA FREE BARGAIN BII.I.KTIN HAILED OS BEQEEST n —rn——— HWIH w siw— Courtesy! _\ Service! lA.o.r^w \ c ° / I What a Great Christmas Gift One of These Wonderful I STERLING OR PERFECTION TIRES I Will Make For The Motorist Buy now at the special sale prices. Nothing will please ■ htm greater than to find Santa brought him a new "shoe'' H for.hls car. It's a real, practical gift. A Few Other Practical Suggestions. , t| Robes, - Steering Wheel Warmers B Gloves, Tool Boxes, H Anti-Skid Chains, Motormeters, Footwarmers Hand and Electric Horns Spot Lights, Vulcanizers Radiator Covers and Tools of All Kinds. Every article makes a substantial gift that will please the ■9 recipient as much as if you liaiulcil him twice its vnhie in Uj tnoney. It's the thought hack of the gift that really counts. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Christmas Is only around the corner—Early buying is suggested—You can make better anil more satisfactory pur cliases than when you're in a hurry. KEYSTONE SALES CO. 108 Market St. Phone * * One Sure Way to Save Money! Buy Guaranteed Used Auto Parts We carry a complete stock of Parts for every make of car. *• ' § GEARS AXLES Y BATTERIES SPRINGS BEARINGS MAGNETOS CARBURETORS , CRANKSHAFTS . We also carry a complete' line of Standard Roller and Ball Bearings and quite an assortment of Cones and Races and practically everything pertaining to a car. We Also Handle Used Tires and Tubes USED CARS BOUGHT AND SOLD Chelsea Auto Wrecking A. SCHIFFMAN, Prop. 22-24 N. CAMERON ST. IVOTH PIIONKS ■ - ___ * t — SATURDAY EVENING. one these days wants to take the time-to nut up side curtains when ever the Weather looks had of when it becomes cold and stormy. ♦ "The growing popularity of the sedan ahd the fact that it may yet dominate motordom is of course due to the combinations of utility, com fort, convenience and splendid ap pointments which the better cars of this type now offer. "Body builders have kept pace with" the of chasses and motprjjjr with the result that the moder;n enlosed car is hetther heavy nor j cumbersome. The Studebaker Light-Four Sedan, for instance, is so light in weight and perfectly that it is in the same class as the stock Light-Four touring car., It weighs but little more, and in the most regorius service owners have found that it gives- the same characteristic performance of low gasoline consumption, high tire mileage and low upkeep expense. "By merely lowering the plate glass windows into the sides of tho car, the Studebaker Sedan is quick ly transformed from a snug and cozy enclosed car to a comfortable, open touring car. The transition from one to the other has been re duced to simplicity itself by means of a novel mechanical device, op erated from front or tonneau seats by driver or passengers. "A mellow cut glass dome light in the tonneau ceiling, silk roller curtains at windows and commo dious pockets at each side of ton neau scats, are but a few of the in terior features that have contribut ed so much to the popularity of the Studebaker Light-Four Sedan this fall." 1 C. V. NEWS Carlisle General Hospital Permanent Institution Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 14.—"While there is no present prospect of increasing the size of General Hospital No. 31, located here, the institution here will be permanent and will be one of those to be kept up for many years after the war. This information has ' been secured from the Surgeon Cen ! eral's office by the Carlisle Chamber 1 of Commerce which took up the mat j ter of an increase in size here. Dr. ' Guy Carleton Lee, president of the I Chamber, made a special trip to Washington for an interview on tlie subject. It was pointed but to-day by Pres ident Lee, after his return, that as time goes on therfe will be a decrease Jin the needs for accommodations. | The leased hospitals will be first dls i continued, 'but the ones owned by the I War Department suel} as that at j Carlisle, will be continued lndeli | nitely. There are now about 455 soldiers ! in the Medical and Supply divisions j here and 200 more will arrive in a I day or two. Twenty-five wounded I soldiers are here and more will come j shortly. Brotherhood Entertains Members of Two Churches Mc*'haiiioslnirg, Pa.,' Dec. 14.A 1 pleasant social event, as well as tend- I ing toward a closer unity of the, churches, was the meeting at Trindle Springs Lutheran Church, when the Brotherhood entertained members from that organization in Trinity Lutheran and St, Mark's Lutheran Churches of Mechanicsburg. The Rev. Dr. A. R. Steck, pastor of the First Lutheran Church of Carlisle, made the principal address. Other speakers were the Rev. H. Hall Sharp, of Trinity Lutheran: the Rev. Dr. H. N. Fegley, of St. Mark's Lu theran, and the Rev. Joel K. Robb, j of Mechanicsburg. The evening wns i spent socially and refreshments were! served. Tt was planned to have a reunion | of the Brotherhoods of Shiremans-, town, Trindle Spring and Mechanics burg some time during the month of May. POST TO INSTALL OFFICERS Mechank'shiirg, Pa., Dec. 14.—At the first regular meeting in January, 1919, the following officers will be installed in the Colonel H. I. Zinn Post, No. 415, Grand Army of the Republic: Commander, S. R. Coover. senior vice-eommander, J. D. Blair: Junior vice-commander, John C. Reeser; chaplain, Harry Wetzel; quartermaster, W. E. Strock; officer of day, S. S. Diehl; sergeant, Henry Moyer; officer of guard, Joseph Brieker: alternate, J. D. Blair. Six new members were admited to the post during the past year. AID SOCIETY PROGRAM Meohanicsburg, Pa., Dec. 14, —An' interesting program as follows was given at the meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society of the Grace Evangelical Church at the home of Mrs. Will King, on Thursday evening, which included: Reading by Mrs. T. J. Webb: piano solo, Reba Hurst; read ing, Mrs. George Westhafer; piano solo, Miss Romnine (Kinfj; jje&dlng, Catherine Arbegapi.; piano 4uet, Msa Romaine King and'Reba Hurst. sing ing by society. Refreshments were served by Mrs. King. 0 CRATES OF EGGS SMASHED Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 14. —One of the biggest drops in eggs recently and a drop that startled some resi dents of Greencastje, happened yes terday afternoon when an automo bile truck loaded with crates filled ready for shipment to a commission house in Philadelphia by A. Baker Barnhart, lost six of the crates that toppled from the machine and fell into the street. Mr. Barnhart's loss is estimated at $230. BOTH HANDS IICRT Mcchanicshurg„Pa„ Dec.. 14. —Two fingers of the right hand and three of the left were crushed when Jacob E. Pentz, son of Henry H. Pentz, of this place, had them caught in the cogs of a machine where he was working at the aviution plant in Mid dletown. He was taken to the Avia tion Hospital, where his injuries were treated. NO PRORATION' OFFICER Carlisle, Pa.. 'Dec. 14. —Cumber- land county will be without a proba- I tion officer after December 31, ac cording to an order issued by Judge Sadler. It is planned to do away with | the office and 'give personal care to delinquent children under a plan whereby they are paroled under the direction of some competent person in their locality. NEW INFLUENZA CASES * . .Carlisle, Pa., Doc. 14. —More cases are developing from influenza in cer tain sections of Cumberland county. Churchtown an># the immediate vi cinity are hard hit. There are a number of cases near Newville and also at Shepherdstown. ACCIDENTALLY SHOT Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 14. —While taking his revolver out to target practice Wilbur Wolff, this city, was wounded in the right leg when the weapon was accidentally discharged. The bullet entered the leg between the knee and lilp and it has not yet been extracted. u ADDS TO WILL AND DIES Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 14. —Just after Jacob Summers, of Guilford township, went to Chambersburg courthouse and added a codicil to his will and returned to his home, he was taken suddenly ill and died. When in town that afternoon he seemed in excellent health. WOUNDED IN FRANCE Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 14.—Al though wounded on September ,26, Mrs. James H. Sanders has Just re ceived word that her son, Sergeant Lennis J. Sanders, had been injured in battle in France. He was trained at Camp Meade, Md. Viscount Bryce Urges Allies to Occupy Armenia Viscount James Bryce, former Ambassador to the United States, i in a' recent communication to the I Manchester Guardinn, expressed [ the opinion that the Allies should ( occupy Turkish Armenia, according to a report from London, He also regretted the fact that tho terms, pf , the Turkish armlstlco failed to pro. vide for the Immediate occupation by the Allies of the six Armenian vilayets. "To leave the Eastern Christians of Armenia and Syria under Turkish rulo would excite the warmest indignation ull over the ha oata. . , ■ < HAJRRISBTJRG OSS#©! TELEGRAPH PRE-WAR PRICES j ON MITCHELLS Maker Announces Radical Re ductions, but Doubts if Low Prices Can Last "One of the first industries in the | country to accommodate itself to war conditions, the automobile busi i ness bids fair to lead the field in peace-time readjustment," says Vice- Pyesident R. C. Rueschaw, of the | Mitchell Motors Company, Inc., of Racine, Wis. "Not only were automobile man ufacturers quick to adapt them ' selves to the economic changes • brought on by the war, but the 1 swinging over of vast factories from j automobile to munitions production I was accomplished in an almost mi raculously short time. Similarly, now that peace is with us and we can re- I turn to automobile building, no time j is being lost in changing over." "In the Mitchell plant, where we i were on parctically 100 per cent, war I work, with giant government trucks I as our chief product, we are getting back to passenger car production us rapidly as circumstances will per mit. Of course, aside from such gov ernment contracts as remain to be tilled, the conversion of a plant so large as the mammoth Mitchell shops is not the work of a day, but I we are sparing no effort to make the conversion period a short one. ] "In a way, the devoting of our plant to war work was one of the best things that could have hap pened to us," Mr. Rueschaw con tinues. "It not oply made it pos sible for us to hold our organization intact, but moved with the common spirit of doing their best to win the i war, every man drew nearer to us and to his fellows until we now have a more closely knit body than ever before." • "Then, too, working day in, day out, under the exacting require ments of the strictest kind of gov ernment inspection, our men have learned to do better work than even they thought themselves capable of. Certainly this improvement shows it self plainly in the cars we'are now building. The boys haven't'forgot ten how to do good work!" . "With the changes in the automo bile manufacturing program, men tioned above, a somewhat unsettled market is inevitable and most manu facturers are now more interested in stabilizing the market than in im mediate profits. In our case, we are reducing our prices t6 a pre-war basis, sacrificing our profit, in order to help steady the situatibn against the time when all the changes will have beert made and values again settle down to a normal level. "That this situation, where we find ourselves in position to offer our reg ular product at prices far below normal, is the buyers greatest oppor tunity, goes without saying. And it should be equally apparent that this condition is bound to be of short duration. "The automobile industry as a whole is about a million cars behihd in its production which, coupled with the prospect of an almost un precedented demand foreseen for spring, makes a serious-cart shortage practicaly certain. In addition to such a shortage the market will naturally steady itself as time goes on," concludes Mr. Ruesehgw, "So afri^* 7 fater price changes will prob ably be upward, therefore the early buyer is getting the cream, right now." CLASS ENTERTAINED New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 14. The Sunday school class of the Meth odist church taught by Miss Carrie Garver was entertained at the home of one of its members, Miss Anna Coover, in Bridge street, on Thurs day evening. After a short business session games, music and a reading by Miss Helen Relflf was enjoyed. Refreshments were served to: Myrna Hempt, Helen Reiff," Annie Westen hafer, Annie Coover, Miss Annie Coover. The guests were Miss Sara Sehell and Richard Coover. RI'NAWAY GIRLS POI ND New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 14. — For a, week the state police located here, have been searching for two young girls, Ruth and Mary Cramer, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. George Cramer, of Seventh street, who ran away from their home. The girls were found In Baltimore and they were brought to their homes here. Mary Is sixteen years of age, and Ruth fourteen. DORCAS SOCIETY BAZAR Marysvllle, Pa., Dec. 14.—The an nual bazar of the Dorcas Society, of the Zion Lutheran Church, was held last evening in the storeroom of H. J. Deckard in Front street. c You Can Get | J Real Storage 1 \At The REX > • J These are the day s'| ; \ that your radiator is f liable to freeze or a • f cylinder to crack. A | ; m warm garage is a good ! preventative. In this i g respect the Rex can't K he beat. Our service j g is rendered so that I ! ■ you are the one that is i £ pleased. We also carry 1 ■ a stock of Tires and / I ' accessories. Let's get J l together now. % REX GARAGE) I Third and Delaware Sts. # j | % i r See Oar Line of Christmas Suggestions For the Aato. Ho may have wanted a spotlight or a pal rof gloves or a tire or some othor accessory. This will make an admirable Christmas gift. , Wo Cnrrv n Complete Stock i P. H. KEBOCH, v 111 MARKET STREET , Successor to llotnll Dept. Front and Market Motor Supply Co. WEST SHORE NEWS WORK OF ENOLA WAR RELIEF Mrs. P. R. Bingaman, Chief t>f Branch, Submits Excellent Report For Year Enola, Pa., Dec. 14.—Members of the Enola branch of the Pennsylva nia Railroad War Relief at a meet ing in the auditorium of the P. R. R. I Y. M. C. A. heard the annual report submitted by their chief, Mrs. P. R. Bingaman. as fdllows: 1. Chiefs changed during the year on account of Mrs. H. G. Huber being transferred to Pittsburgh. 2. A membership campaign held during the year and increased from 56 to 164 members as a result of the drive and a Martha Washington tea being held for the new mem bers. 3. Three motor-driven sewing machines were presented to the or ganization and a large chest to keep all of the organization's supplies. 4. The members of the organl and veils and assisting as ushers at all patriotic meetings. 5. The fitting of the sewing room at the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. 6. Fifty outfits of wool, each con sisyng of one sweater, one helmet, two wristlets and two pairs of socks for the boys in the service. 7. Tobacqoless days held during the month of May, the proceeds be ing used to buy wool to use in the making of wool articles for the or ganization. 8. The campaign for funds for a linen shower for the boys in France of which $8,500 was raised] and used for that purpose. 9. The division In conjunction j with the Red Cross at Harrisburg j made and repaired 385 garments for the government. 10. The members of the organi zation assisted in furnishing aid to families stricken with influenza j during the recent epidemic. 11. Financial condition for the. year: Income, $410.70; total ex-1 pense for year, $807.67, leaving a| balance of $103.17. Special Service Programs in Marysville Churches Mnrysvllle, Pa., Dec. 14.—1n his last j two appearances In this county, the | Rev. Dr. D. E. C. Vishanoff, of Thes salonia, Macedonia, forced to flee to i that country because of his religious ' beliefs, will tell the story of his con version to Christianity at a meeting in the Zion Lutheran Church here to morrow morning at 10.30 o'clock and j in Christ Lutheran Church at Dun- | cannon in the evening. The Criterion Male Quartet, of Har risburg, will sing selections at to morrow evening's services in ths Methodist Episcopal Church. A spe- I clal sermon on "Patriotism" will be delivered by the Rev. S. B. Bldlack. j In the morning at 10.30 o'clock, he will talk on "Heavenly Manna." Communion services will be held both morning and evening in the Bethany United Evangelical Church, the Rev C, D. Pewterbaugh an nounces. The evening sermon will be delivered by the Rev. W. B. Coy, of Carlisle. In the morning the Rev. Mr. Pewtbrbaugh will talk on "Un answered Prayers," at 10.30 o'clock. He has Issued announcements that a series of evangelistic meetings will be started on the evening of Sunday, January 5. In the Church of God, arrange ments have been made for a. series of evangelistic services, which will start on December 29, the announce ment of the Rev. Wesley N. Wright, tells. Services will be held both morning and evening to-morrow. Services will be held in the Trinity Reformed Church, conducted by the pastor, the Rev. Ralph E. Hartman at 7.30 o'clock to-morrow evening. The Christian Endeavor subject will be "Unanswered Prayers." I Lee Puncture Proof TIRES FOR AUTOMOBILES Guaranteed 5000 Miles Sold by HEAGY BROS. Sporing Goods Store 1200 NORTH THIRD STREET T▼TT ▼ T ▼ - Will Help You Start ; The New Year Right Put an International Motor Truck to work h for you the first of the New Year. Its effL ► ciency and economy of operation will have you y wondering long before spring why you have ► put off having an International until now, You'll be patting yourself on the back, that at last you have found just the truck you needed • * for your business. ► Come in and See Them for Yourself. - : CRISPEN MOTOR CAR CO. ► 103 MARKET ST. „ BELL 3504 A A A A A A AAAAAAA4 Miss Bernice Jeanne Steele Bride of Paul W. Sellers Marravllle, Pa., Dec. 14.—Paul W. Sellers, of Valley street, and Miss Bernice Jeanne Steel, daughter of Mrs. Mary Steele, of New Buffalo, were married at the home of the bride's mother at New Buffalo, by the Rev. Percy Boughey, pastor of the Montandon Methodist Episcopal Church. Miss Edna Sellers, sister of the bridegroom, was bridesmaid, and Sergeant Hubor Stlne, of Annville, best man. Mr. Sellers is a member of the cler ical force in the local classification yards of the Pennsylvania railroad. The young couple are on their honey moon trip to New York and up the Hudson, and on their return they will make their home here. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN Enola, Pa., Dec. have been completed for the big Red Cross campaign to open here on Monday by Mrs. Montooth,#who has been ap pointed colonel for the district. A house-to-house canvpss will be made to enlist all and make the district 100 per cent. The captains assisting are: Mrs. Redlfer, Mrs. H. G. HasslerJ Charles Miller and Conrad Bitner. ANX or NCR 11IRTH OF A SON Sliiremanstown. Pa., Dec. 14.—Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Kitner, of East Main street, announce the birth of a sen, Dale Kenneth Kitner, Friday, De cember 6, 1918. Mrs. Kitner was formerly Miss Jean Hockenberry, Andersonburg, Perry county. Get Behind AReo for real efficiency and real service. Pioneers in both touring cars and trucks, the Reo Mo tor Car Company still adhere to the princi ple by which they started to manufac ture cars the best material and the best workmanship obtain- 1 able in order to pro- I duce the best money I can buy. Reo reputation I is nation-wide —yes, jp world"wide. You can do it with a Reo. That is why YOUR next car or truck should be a Reo. We have a few four cylinder Reo Touring Cars and Model F Reo Trucks for im mediate delivery. Harrisburg Auto Co. 4th and Kelker Sts. DECEMBER 14, 1918. CHRISTMAS BAZAR McchonlCßbarK, Pa., Dec. 14. —This afternoon members of the Mite So ciety of Trinity Lutheran Church will open a Christmas bazar in the store room of E. Q. Lutz, furniture dealer, of West Main street. There will be on sale fancy articles of all descrip tions, together with homemad? cakes, pies and candy. ENTERTAINMENT AT III.AIX Illnln, Pa., Dec. J4. —The tlrst num ber of the Lyceum course will be giv en in the Town Hall by the Floyd Featherston Company on December c ii e And at i < isi. net § j Bethlehem service means more |j||||| j. ji |) blo time and at minimum effort jjfjjjjj SLSiMfflflmßrflff 1 Bethlehem Trucks aro builil to ~ Eijlb i B I OWne ' ! 1111,1! have to put your' business on a mm morrow. Examine a Bethlehem gffijS North Second Street Capynsbl 1911 EARN YOURSELF A CHRISTMAS PRESENT SIOO in Cash Prizes * . / Is Offered to Four People for The Best Slogan -which in the fewest words most clearly directs the auto owner to our new parking location and the . 7 only Willaed Service Station in Harrisburg. SSO--$25--$ 15-$ 10 We want a simple slogan that is easy to remem ber. One that will clearly direct even the stranger who has never been here before. Contest closes Saturday, December 21. Winners announced Tuesday, December 24. THREE DISINTERESTED JUDGES. What Is Your Idea-Send It In , Front Market • Motor Supply Co, /Oy 109 Market Street Locutions aiul I'lan j,, g M . Harrisburg Telegraph 20. Miss Evelyn y Wentz visits friends at Harrisburg.—Born to Ml and Mrs. Fred Dolby, a son, on Mon< day ntght. Mrs. Dolby was formerl) Miss Julia Sheafter.-—Mrs. . Ueorg< Leedy and daughter; Mary eedy, o! Newport, visited the family of W. C Smith at Stony Point.—Miss Edna Book, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ruts soil Book. —David Bricltley and Clan Iletllefinger, of Kemmore, Ohio, ant Lester Heffletlnger, of Harrisburg visited friends here. —Lewis Robinsol and son, Clark Robinson, each shot I buck. —j. C.'Rickard and bride ha.T returned home from their weddln| , trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic Cltjj , 11