Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 14, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Christian Activities Keep the
Congregation Busy; Inter
esting Services Tomorrow
The services at Zion to-morrow
will begin with a half-hour devotion
al service under the direction of the
Men of Zion Brotherhood. At the
service the subject of the
■ ermon will be "What We Know
About God" and at the evening ser
vice "The Place Where Jesus Lived."
Tiio pastor will speak at both ser
President Campbell of Irving Col
lego wili teach the Men's class at the*
Sunday school hour. All of the de
partments of the school are prepar
ing special Christmas programs. The
hours announced for the various
catechetical classes are Friday at
4.30, Saturday at 2 and Sunday even
ing at 0.20. The Rev. Dr. Herman
will Instruct all of the classes. The
•Ccnchreln circle and the Boy Scouts
will meet on Monday evening.
The Men of Zion Brotherhood will
meet on Tuesday evening and will
attend the mass meeting of the In
ter-Church Federation to he held in
Zion at 8 o'clock. The pastor will
deliver the Christmas message to the
students of Irving College Sunday
afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Ladies'
Aid Society, the Women's Missionary
Society, the Training clnss
and the Midweek service will be held
on Wednesday aftrnoon an evening.
On Thursday evening the pastor and
the brotherhood will conduct the ser
vice at the Middletown Aviation
Camp. The Christmas program of
the Chlldrens' Missionary and Work
Band will be held on Saturday after
Other Christmas services are an
nounce as follows: First Department
Tuesday afternoon, December 24;
Christmas Praise service 6 o'clock
on Christmas morning, Senior De
partment of Sunday school on Thurs
day or Friday evening.
Federation Will Meet
at Zion Lutheran Church
On Tuesday of this week the Penn
sylvania Inter-Church Federation of
Churches will meet in Zion Lutheran
Church. The executive committee will
meet In the morning. The' Feder
ation will have a business meeting dur
ing the afternoon. A luncheon will
be held In the evening at 6.30, to
which ail the clergymen of the city
are Invited, with one or more of 'heir
laymen, to hear brief addresses by
prominent Federation men. At 8
o'clock there will be a mass meeting,
to which members of all churches are
invited to hear addresses by the Uev.
Dr. Guild, of New York City, and the
secretary of the Pittsburgh Federa
tion. Because of the vital import of
the co-operative work of the churches.
It is hoped that there will be a large,
attendance of both men and women.
Miss Jane Steele Bride
of Paul White Sellers
Duncannon, Pa., Dec. 14.—0n Sun
day at noon at the home of the bride
in New Buffalo, Miss Jeane Steele,
daughter of Mrs. M. S. Steele, was
married to Paul White Sellers, of
Marysville, by the Rev. Percy
Boughey, of Montandon, a former
pastor of the bride. —Henry F.
Spease, who for the past several
years conducted a general store and
also engaged in agriculture at Del
ville, recently returned from a trip
to South Dakota, where he rented a
large farm which he will take pos
session of in February.—The Dun
cannon Gun Club enjoyed a several |
day's deer hunt in the South Moun
tain and were successful in shoot
ing a fine spike buck.—The casualty
list on Wednesday contained the
name of Wilbur Hockenberry, of
this place, as slightly wounded. He
is a son of George Hockenberry.
Use Soothing Musterole
When those sharp pains go shooting
through your head, when your skull
seems as if it would split, just rub a little
Musterole on your temples and neck.
It draws out the inflammation, soothes
away the pain,usually giving quick relief.
Musterole is a clean, white ointment,
made with oil of mustard. Better than
a mustard plaster and does not blister.
Many doctors and nurse 9 frankly
recommend Musterole for sore throat,
bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma,
neuralgia, congestion,pleurisy,rheuma
tism, lumbago, pains and aches of the
back or joints; sprains, sore muscles,
bruises, chilblains, frosted feet—colds
of the chest (it often prevents pneu
monia). It is always dependable.
30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50.
Where Jesus
WITH all the handicaps of a lowly place the
Lord Jesus Christ was superior to every
Is the city of Harrisburg a better place in which
to live because of you? You are Christ's represen
"The Place Where Jesus Lived" will be the theme
of Dr. Herman's sermon Sunday at 7.30 p. m.
Our 6 o'clock Christmas morning praise
service will inspire you to a worthy cel
ebration of the birthday of Our Lord.
DR. S. W. HERMAN, Pastor.
Down-Town Church to Be the
Scene of Unusual Meetings
Tomorrow; Special Music
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church,
State street near Third, will be the
scene ot two most unusual meetings
to-morrow. In the morning at 10.30
o'clock. Dr. Robert Bagnell will
preach a sermon on "The Proposed
Organic Union of Protestantism."
The General Assembly of the Presby
terian church called a meeting,
which was held in Philadelphia last
week, to discuss this proposed or
ganic union. Dr. Bagnell. pafetor of
Grace church, was one of the ap
pointed delegates representing the
Methodist church at this meeting, at
which practically nil evangelical de
nominations were represented by their
most. Influential men.
The evening service will be of spe
cial interest to all, as Dr. Bagnell
will preach a sermon on the topic
"The New Outlook for Capital and
Labor." Special lnvitutions have
teen extended to all union and non
union worltingmen in the city through
letters to the secretaries of unions,
posters in various factories, and the
press; and to the capital side of In
dustry, through the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce.
Dr. Bngnell's well known public
spirit, his sane and broad interpre
tation of patriotic and social ques
tions, and his devotion to Christian
Ideals, will assure a fair and frank
treatment of this vital and timely
The question of Industrial relations
in connection with the readjustment
of business to a peace-time basis, is
a most vital one at this time and the
representatives of both capital and
labor will no doubt, welcome this
opportunity of hearing this frank
discussion of this highly important
Special selections will be sung by
the Grace church chorus choir, under
the leadership of Prof. John W.
Phillips, which will add greatly to
the Interest and helpfulness of these
two special meetings.
To Celebrate Communion
Service at Park Street
Holy Communion will be celebrated
in Park Street United Evangelical
Church at both the morning and even
ing services to-morrow. This will be
the last communion service for the
current conference year.
The Rev. B. H. Niebel. correspond
ing secretary of the Missionary So
ciety of the United Evangelical
Church, will deliver the morning com
munion address and share with the
pastor in the distribution of the ele
At the 7.30 services the pastor will
speak on "This Day and the To-mor
rows," which address will be an em
phasis on the requirement laid upon
the Christian by his having communed
to thereafter walk like Christ.
Music of Christmas Flavor
at Market Square Church
Dr. Hawes will be in his pulpit at
both morning and evening servicas.
He spent last Sunday at State College,
where he preached to the students.
The Market Square pastor has
preached at State College three times,
and is always Invited back.
All music for the services to-mor
row has the flavor of the Christmas
tide. This great church Is facing this
great period with joy because ol' the
returning heroes who have fought to
make the angels' song the great fact
of the year. "Peace on Earth" Is the
note which is being sounded at Mar
ket Square.
Rally Day at Harris A.M.E.
Zion Church Tomorrow
Special rally services will be he'ld In
Harris A. M. E. Zion Church on Sun
day, at' which time the pastor will
preach special sermons, morning and
evening. Subjects: 11, "Consecrated
Service;" 8, "The Lord Lovetli a
Cheerful Giver." The Rev. R. I* Bris
coe is pastor of the church, Marion
street above Calder.
The congregational assemblies in
Olivet Presbyterian Church will have
the privilege of hearing both Sunday
morning and evening the pastor of
West-Grove Presbyterian Church, who
is visiting in the city over Sunday.
The Rev. Mr. Pannell has the reputa
tion of being a very forceful speak
er and is one who will interest and
instruct all who will attend. The
choir, under the capable leadership of
Mr. Manley, will render several an
thems during the day.
Enoln, Pa., Dec. 14. —A patriotic
service will be held in the United
Evangelical Church to-morrow morn
ing, at which time a service flag with
eleven stars and one red rross will
be unfurled. Presentation of the flag
and an address wil be made by the
Rev. Mr. Peffley. The Boy Scouts of
the church will take part In the serv
The Ladles' Aid Society of Olivet
Presbyterian Church is holding its
annual Christmas sale at 1310 Mar
ket street. Fancy articles, aprons,
etc., will be on sale.
Temple University Man Will
Talk to Men at Big Mass
w*r t
Captain Will Arthur Dietrick, at
present commanding officer of the
IS. A. T. C., at Temple University,
Philadelphia, is to speak at the Y. M.
C. A. men's meeting Sunday after
noon, December 15, at 3.30 o'clock.
Before the war Captain I)letr!ck
was a Christian minister. Being a,
veteran of the Spanish-American War,
he was patriotically led into the serv
ice of the great world war. He has in
tlie Army been a great influence for
good. Captain Dietrick has held, an a
minister, important charges in Lon
don, Great Falls, Mont., and in a num
ber of eastern cities. He has spent
his vacations doing lecture work upon
the Lyceum platform. His illustrted
lecture, "Immensity," is well known
from coast to coast. He will speak
Sunday upon the subject, "Where We
Go anil Why We Go, or the Psychol
ogy of Temptation."
While the Sunday men's meetings at
Central Y. M. C. A. are usually for
men only, fathers are this week in
vited to bring their sons with them
to hear Captain Dietpick.
Music for the day will be provided
by Clarence Sigler, soloist, and Frank
A. MeCarrell will preside at the pipe
organ. He will play a number of or
gan recital selections at the opening
of the meeting. Admission is free to!
men.and all are invited. The meeting
will be held, as usual, in Fahnestock
j Hall of the Central Y. M. C. A. build
Music in the Churches
Morning—Prelude, "Humoreske,"
Dvorak; quartet (male) "Blessed Is
He Tliat Readeth," C. S. Colburn; of
fertory, "Canon," Sehuman; post
lude, "Scherzoss," Rlieinberger.
Evening—Prelude, "In a Garden,"
Goodwin; anthem, "Savior Whom I
Fain Would Love." R. M. Stults; of
fertory, "Elegie," Grieg; postlude,
"Postlude," Batiste.
Morning Prelude, "Christmas
Pastorale," Grison; anthem, "Pre
pare Ye the Way of the Lord," Gar
rett; offertory, "Virgins Lullaby,"
Becker; postlude, "Sortie in D Ma
jor," Dubois.-
Evening—Prelude, "Allegro and
Andante," from First Sonata, Bor
owski; trio, "At Eventide, There
Shall Be Light," Gaul, Mrs. Heifner,
Mrs. Harris, Miss Middaugh; offer
tory, "Song of the Shepherds,"
Beebe; postlude, "Finale from First
Sonata," Borowski.
Morning Prelude, "Adagio,"
(Sonata 2), Merkel; anthem, "O
Praise the Lord of Heaven," J.
Christopher Marks; offertory, "Medi
tation," Flagler; solo, "Lord God of
Abraham," (Elijah), Mendelssohn;
Mr. Ley; postlude, "Offertory in D
Minor," Batiste.
Evening—Postlude. "Prayer," Le
maigre; anthem, "The Day Is Past
and Over." Stover; offertory, "Ab
cndlicd," Sehuman; anthem, "Open
Me the Gates of Righteousness,"
Myles B. Foster; postlude, "March
in B Flat," Duncan.
"Cantilene," Pierne; anthem. "The
Sun Shall Be No More Thy Light By
Day,"- Woodward," with incidental
solo, Mrs. Myers; soprano solo,
"God Shall Wipe Away All Tears,"
Harkee, Mrs. William Helsley;
"Allegro Maestoso," West.
Evening "Andante Cantabile,"
(Fourth Symphony), Widor; an
them, "God Is a Spirit," Bennet;
"Festival March," Stark.
Morning Prelude, "Christmas
Pastorale," Merkel; anthem, "Hear
Me When I Call," Hall; offertory,
"Andante," (Sonata 6) Mendelssohn;
soprano and alto duet, postlude,
"Grand Chorus in D Major," Guil
Evening—Prelude, "Meditation."
Frysinger; anthem, "Praise Waiteth
For Thee." Paul Ambrose; offertory,
"Adagio," Widor; soprano solo, (se
lected Miss Cora Keeny; postlude,
"Fuge in E Flat," (St. Ann's) J. S.
Bach. Edwin B. Wase, organist and
Aborning—Prelude, "Ave Maria,'*
Franz; anthem, "There Is a Holy
City," Shelley, Mrs. Bowman; post
lude, "Temple March," Vincent.
Evening Prelude, "Autumn,"
Johnston; anthem, "O Gladsome
Light," Sullivan; anthem, "Lord God
We Worship Thee," Schnecker;
postlude, "March," Stark.
Morning—Prelude, "Prelude in A
Minor," Foster; offertory, "Romance !
in F, Flat," Kerchner; anthem. "HotV |
Beautiful Upon the Mountains,"
Wolcott; postlude, "Recessional,"
Evening—Prelude (a) "Fantasia
in C," Calkin; (b) "Reverie," Gray
son; bass solo, "Crossing the Bar,"
(A. W. liartman) Cowles; offertory,
"Berceause In A," Belpark; anthem,
"I Will Lay Me Down in Peace,"
]1 O'clock—"Vcnite," Ouscley;
"Benediclte," Clemson; "Benedictus,"
Aldrich. anthem, "Day of Wrath!
O Day of Mourning!" (Dies Irae)
7.30 O'Clock—"Magnificat," Nares;
"Nunc Dlmmtttls," Turle; anthem,
"Far From Their Homes," Wood
ward Alfred C. Kuachwa, organist
and choirmaster.
Full-Blooded Member of the
Royal Family to Sing at
Hill Church Monday
The musical service to-morrow
evening in the Stevens Memorial
Methodist Episcopal Church, Thir
teenth and Vernon streets, is to begin
promptly at 7.30 o'clock. In connec
tion with the good program of song
Dr, Clayton Albert Smucker will
preach on "Life on the Uplands," a
study of John D. Freeman's book. The
big male chorus is to be heard in
•this special seiwlce. At the morn
ing meeting, 11.16 o'clock, two pro
fessional singers of established repu
tation are scheduled for special place
on the program. You will want to
hear the minister and his word at
this hour. All the features of the
morning will be of great interest to
those who attend. The Sunday school
holds its session in the morning, at
10 o'clock. The Epworth League
meets Sunday evening at 6.30.
Morg good music will be heard Mon
day evening at 8.16 o'clock, when the
sixth entertainment in the Capital
City Lyceum Course is to be given
by Princess Watahwaso and as-
Linglestown—Sunday schoo 1 at
9.30; preaching at 10.30; pastor, J.
M. Waggoner. v
Progress—The Rev, J. M. -Wag
goner. Sunday school at 9.30.
Preaching at 7.30.
Coxestown—The Rev. John G.
Davis. 10.30, "Why Are We to Search
the Scriptures?" 7.30, "Hindrances
to Faith;" Sunday school, 9.30.
Dauphin—Preaching 10.30 by Rev.
IC, W. Schwalm. Sunday school, 2;
quarterly conference Saturday even
ing at 8 in charge of District Super
intendent, the Rev. George H. Blck
ley, of Philadelphia.
St. Payl's—The Rev. William
Moses. 10.30 and 7.30. Sunday school
at 1.45; union meeting in the even
Baughntan Memorial —The Rev.
V. T. Rue. 10.30, "Our Money and
Our Blessings;" 7.30, "God's Attitude
Toward This War-Smitten World."
Camp Curtln Memorial —The Rev.
John H. Mortimer. 10.30, "Inviting
the Divine Inspector;" 7.110, Gospel
meetings conducted by the Gospel
Crew of the Pennsylvania Railroad
Y. M. C. A.; Sunday school, 2.
Fifth Street—The Rev. Edwin A.
P.vles. 10.30, "Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper," 10.30; "The Death
to Die," 7.30; Sunday school, 2.
Ridge Avenue—Morning, "Things
to Think Over;" evening, ''Will It
Pay?" by the Rev. H. R. Bender;
Sunday school at 10.
Grace—The Rev. Robert Bagnell.
"The Organic Union of Protestant
Christianity," and "The New Out
look For Capital and Labor," morn
ing and evening.
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea
vor. Class meeting, 9; Sunday school,
10; 11, service In interest of Red
Cross and Tithing;" 7.30, "Watch —
Be Ready."
Calvary—The Rev. Edward H.
Paar. 11, "True Acquaintance With
Christ;" 7.30, "The Great Lord's Lit
tle Birthplace." Sunday school, 10.
Holy Communion —The Rev. John
Henry Miller. 10.45, "Jesus Dispell
ing Doubt;" 7.30, "Job in Prosper
ity;" Sunday school, 9.30.
Redeemer—The Rev. M. E. Shafer.
10.30, "The Greater Church;" 7.30,
"The Devil and a Man."
Trinity Lutheran, Camp Hill—The
Rev. E. D. Weigle. 10.30, "John's
Perplexity;" 7.30, "Christian Stew
ardship;" Sunday school, 9.30.
Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley
Markwnrd. 10.30, "Not Ashamed of
the Gospel For the New Era;" 7.30,
"Noah Got Drunk—Will America?"
last sermon in a series; 1.45, Sunday
Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges.
10.30, "The Coming Judge and His
Judgment;" 7.30, "Waiting For the
Morning;" Sunday school, 2; men's
prayer meeting, 10.
Augsburg—The Rev. A. M. Stam
ets. 10.30, "An Advent Assembly;"
7.30. "Keeping Within Bounds;"
Sunday school, 2.
Zion—The Rev. S. Winfleld Her
man. 10.30, "What We Know About
God." 7.30, "The Place Where Jesus
Lived;" Sunday school, 1.45.
Messiah—The Rev. Henry W. A.
Hanson. 10.30, "A Gift of God;"
7.30, "How God Measures Service;"
Sunday school, 2.
St. Peter's, Highspire—The Rev.
Ernest L. Pee. 10.45, "Thoughtful
For Jesus;" 7.30, "The Princely
Passion;" Sundny school, 9.30.
Christ—The Rev. Thomas Relsch.
10.30, "The Butler's Sin;" 7.30, ser
mon by the Rev. Sidney T. Cooke;'
Sunday school, 2.
Fourth —The Rev. Homer Skyies
May. 10.45, "Courageous and Hot-
Hearted;" 7.30, "Thy Kingdom
Come;" Sunday school, 9.30.
Salem—The Rev. A. Rupley, York,
will preach in the morning at 11.
The pastor, the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer,
will preach in the evening at 7.30;
Sunday school, 9.45.
Second—The Rev. Alfred Kevin
Sayres. 10.30, "The Cheansing of
the Temple"; 7.30, "The Two-Mile
Life"; Sunday school, 1.45.
Bethany—The Rev. John M. War
den. 7.30; Sunday school, 9.
Olivet—lo.3o, sermon by the Rev.
William P. Pannell; 2, Sunday
school and Adult Bible classes; 6.30,
Christian Endeavor. 7.30, sermon by
the Rev. William P. Pannell, of West
Paxton —The Rev. Harry B. King,
11 and 7.30; Sunday school, 10.
Pine Street —The Rev. T. S.
Mudge. 10.30, sermon by the Rev.
E. R. Worrell, secretary Presbyter
ian Board of Temperance; 7.30,
"Put Up Thy Sword."
Market Square—The Rev. George
Edward Hawcs, pastor; the Rev.
Howard Rogers, assistant pastor.
11, "Is Your Religion Your Life?"
7.30, "Disappointed, But Victori
Westminster The Rev. Everett
Hollman, moderator. Preaching,
10.30 and 7.30 by Henry W. Miller,
of Baltimore; Sunday school, 1.4 5.
Capital—Tlte Rev. B. M. Ward.
10.45, "Greatest Prophet Least
Saint": 7.50. "Elements of Military
Strength"; Sunday school. 12 m.
Harris Street —The Rev. A. G'.
Flexer; Sunday school, 9.30; Com-
IN ORDER that the Ch ireh
Page of the Ttlograph may be
published in all editions, it is
necessary to enforce the rule of
closing the page Friday afternoon.
Therefore, all church and re
ligious notices, musical programs
and other material Intended for
the Church Page must be in the
Telegraph's hands at 4 o'clock
Friday afternoon.
Blstlng artists. This Indian princess
was educated in literature, art and
music at Cambridge and occupies an
unique place on the Lyceum plntfdrm
of America, She will give a very
Interesting program Monday night In
Stevens Memorial Church. In the
veins of Princess Watahwaso, of the
Penobscot tribe, there flows the
blood of one of the first families in
America. In her program she brings
the legend and poetry of her people,
and links the present with the sav
agery which was old when American
civilization began. A very large
rrowd will hear her Monday even
The Sunday afternoon meetings at
the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. are Intensely
Interesting and helpful. There Is good
singing. Inspiring testimonies and
heart-to-heart messages that turn the
dark clouds Inside out. Services are
held every Sunday at 3.30 for men and
munion service, 10.30; C. E. prayer
meeting, 6.30; Communion service,
'Park Street—The Rev. A. F. Han
gen. Sundny school 9.30; Holy
Communion, with address by the
Rev. B. H. Niebel, at 10.45. Holy
Communion, 7.30; address by pastor,
"This Day and the To-morrows."
Enola—9.3o, Sunday school; 10.45,
patriotic services, address by the
Rev. W. E.. Peffley; 6.46, Christian
Endeavor; 7.30 , "A Satisfying
Peace;" the Rev. H. M. Buck.
Harrisburg Mission—The Rev. W.
E. Pottleger. Services In Steele
school building. Sunday school at
10. Preaching by the Rev. W. S.
Harris at 11.
Penbrook —Revival meetings at
both services to-morrow and every
night during the week. The pastor
the Rev. W. E. Pottleger, will speak
at every service.
Sixth Street—The Rev. J. Owen
Jones. 10.30. "The communion of
the Holy Spirit"; 7.30, "Prayers That
Revive"; Sunday school, 1.45.
A. M. E.
Harris—The Rev. R. L. Briscoe.
11, consecrated service; 8, "The Lord
Loveth a Cheerful Giver"; Sunday
school, 1.30.
Wesley Union—The Rev. Stephen
A. McNeill. 10.45, "Greatest Invi
tation in the World"; 7.45, memor
ial service; Sunday school, 1.
Bethel—The Rev. H. H. Cooper.
10.30, "Seeking to Know One's Mis
sion in Life"; 7.30, the Rev. W. B.
Williams, presiding elder, will de
liver the quarterly meeting sermon.
Fourth Street —The Rev. William
N. Yates. 10.30, "A Living Church";
7.30, "Does the New Era Demand
a New Story?"; Sunday school, 1.40.
Maclay Street —The Rev. William
S. Houck. 11, "The Long-Prom
ised' Reward of the Faithful"; 7.30,
"Faithful and Just to Forgive"; Sun
day school, 9.46.
Nugle—Elmer E. Kauffman. 10.30,
"The Ninth Commandment"; 7.80,
"Eternity"; Sunday school, 1.30.
Pleasant View—The Rev. George
W. Harper. Sunday school, 9.45;
10.45, "God's Care For Us In Time
of Trouble"; 7.30, "The Great Needs
of Today."
First—The Rev. William J. Lock
hart. 10.30, "Not Afraid of Pres
sure"; 7.30, "The Second Coming of
Christ and Jerusalem's Future."
Second;— The Rev. Albert Josiah
Greene. 10.30, "The Object of the
Sower and Reaper"; 7.30, the Rev.
J. B. Baldwin, of Harrisburg, will
preach; Sunday school, 12 m.
St. Paul's —The Rev. E. Luther
Cunningham. 10.30, "The Life
Eternal"; 7.30, memorial service;
Sunday school. 12.30.
St. John's—The Rev. E. P. Man
ning. 11, "Son Remember"; 3,
covenant meeting and Lord's sup
per; Sunday school, 1; 7.30, preach
ing by the Rev. S. A. Norish, D. D.
Tabernacle —Th Rev. Millard Os
more Pelrce. 11, "The >Vitflessing
Church"; 7.30. "The Guarded Life";
Sunday school, ( 9.45.
St. Stephen's—The Kev. Kollin
Alger Sawyer. 8, holy communion;
10, Sunday school; 11, morning
prayer and sermon "The Final Judg
ment"; 7.30, evening prayer and
St. Augustine's—The Rev. Wil
ioughby M. Parchment. 11, ante
communion, sermon and holy com
munion; Sunday school after serv
ice; evening song und sermon at 8.
St. Paul's —The Rev. Floyd H.
Appleton. Men's communion. 8; 11,
"Priesthood"; 8, "Popular Picture
Service"; Sunday school, 2.30.
Christian Science. First Church
of Christ, Scientise. Subject, "God,
the reserve of Man," morning at 11
and evening at 7.30; Sunday school,
11, testimonial meeting, Wednesday,
8; free reading room, Kunkel build
ing. 11.30 to 5 daily.
Gospel Mission —The Rev. Carl
Armodine will preach at 7.45.
Church of the Brethren —The Rev.
A. K. Hollinger. 11, "This Do In
Remembrance of Me"; 3, Elder H.
K. Ober, of Elizabethtown College
will preach. He will also officiate
at the love feast services beginning
abput 5.30.
The Christian and Missionary Al
liance —The Rev. W. 11. Worrall.
Sunday school. 9.30. Preaching,
10.30 and 7.30.
Trinity, New Cumberland —The
Rev. A. R. Ayres. 10.80, "The Grate
ful Convert"; 7, evangelistic serv
ices; ."-inday school, 9.30.
State Street —The Rev. H. F.
Rhoad. 10.45, "The Value of Small
Things"; 7.30, "Demons"; Sunday
school, 9.30,
Otterbeln —The Rev. S. Edwin
Rupp. 10.30, "A Friend Through
Obedience"; 7.30, "Why He Came";
Sundny school, 2. '
First—The Rev. W. E. Daugh
erty. 10.30, "The Bymbol of a Con
tinuous Worship"; 7.80, "Man's Ans
wer to God": Bunday school, 1.46. ]
■Derry Street—The Rev. J. A. Ly
ter. 10.30. "Joseph's Exaltation, an
Illustration of the Christian's Emi
nence In Jesus Christ"; 7.30, "Self
Help"; Sunday school, 2. |
Quiet Hour Comrades, Say
Prayer Has Great Power
Many Have Been Helped by
Christian Endeavor Plan to
Have Silent Hour
More than one, hundred and fifty
thousand comrades of the Quiet
Hour, and many others, who have
uraver d 'n? emly and ,rUo ln their
monv of " re ttddlne ,heir testt-
JTf the 1 Power and sweetness
or tne hour of prayer.
FaTl." ttV' J Saltt Lelan <I. Reaver
i alls, state superintendent Evan
saym -Th QUICt . Ht>Ur d P ar tment,
?h appeal that we bring to
the officers and workers of each lo
lvania°ii .V? °" r beloved Ponnsyl
fnrt h ttn earnes t. honest ef
fort be made to enlist at least twen
bhln Per cent ' of the locul mem
bershlp as comrades. Remember
ht ma * ln of this enlistment,
Y 1 a "L M who w,n aoce Pt the
pledge, whether C. E. members or
not. may be enrolled. Make your
appeal at a special meeting where
exerything has been planned, and
prayed for to this end." Three great
men have the following to say about
this department work:
'1 love to be alone in my cot
tage where I can spend much time
In '—Bruinard.
i et bs continue instant, con
stant, fervent In supplication. Let
your fleece lie upon the threshing
floor of supplication till it is wet
with the dew of heaven."—Spur
'The individual comrade of the
Quiet Hour has been the power of
C nristiun Endeavor."—Dr. F e
' Clark.
! f- *?' Society of the Market
State Baptist Church will hold its
meeting as usual on Sunday even
ing at 6.30. The topic Is "The Pow
er of the Cross in the Philippines."
Hie leader is Meredith Dallman:
everybody welcome.
More than 200,000 members of
societies of C. E. have entered the
service in the United States and
Canada, and 50,000 more from
among the Allies. The past year
has been one of the best years in the
history of the movement was re
ported by William Shaw, secretary
of the World's C. E. Union at Its
annual meeting held recently. The
Rev. F. E. Clark, D. I)„ was re
elected president and William Shaw
secretury-teasurer for another year.
Frank S. Montgomery president
of the Harrisburg C. E. Union is on
his visiting tour of the city societies.
Last Sunday evening he spent a
pleasant time with the Bethlehem
Lutheran Endeavorers and gave
them a few words of greetings.
'The Power of the Cross in the
Philippines" will be the topic for
study in the various endeavor so
cieties. Many endeavorers are mak
ing a new line of study and make
advance preparation before the
meetings are held on Sunday even
Charles Giocker will have charge
of the endeavor meeting at the St.
John's Lutheran Church, Steelton,
on Sunday evening. Every endea
vorer and friend are urged to at
tend and enjoy a good time.
At the Derry Church Presbyter
ian Society, Hershey, an interesting
service will be held to-morrow eve
ning. Mrs. Heist will be the lead
er and speaker. All endeavorers are
urged to take part on the program.
Mrs. Etta Raysor will make the
program worth while attending at
the Westminster on Sunday evening.
The missionary committee of the
St. Matthew's Lutheran C. E. So
ciety will make things lively at the
service to-morrow evening?
Miss Edith M. Argue, Jenklntown,
superintendent of the State Effi
ciency Department, knows how to
handle her "hobby"—the efficiency
campaign? Write her for informa
tion on the chart outlining thirty
standards of efficiency which has a
division of three sections.
If you want something good along:
the line of endeavor meetings, go to j
Market Square Presbyterian Church:
on Sunday evening? Mrs. Mabel
Cronise Jones will tell about "The\
Power of the Cross in the Philip-!
Bruce Wiley is the new president
of the Harris Street United Evan
gelical Keystone League? He will
make the "endeavor .wheels hum"
during the winter months.
Bethlehem Lutheran Endeavorers
WMll have something good on Sunduy
evening? A special invitation is
extended to men and boys to attend.
The girls will also be welcome. Who
will be the leader? Come and see.
Many endeavor societies are run
ning surprise program In which
some of the best talent is used? Go
to C. E. on Sunday night.
The state floating department will
appreciate an opportunity to carry
Christmas cheer to the men of the
sea? Contributions for candy and
Christmas postcards, also comfort
bags may be sent to superintendent,
Walter M. Lewis, 5021 Wayhe ave
nue, Germantown, Philadelphia.
One hundred and thirty mem
berships in the "200 Club" within
the next few days is the aim of
the tSate C. E. Union? Ask State
Secretary H. B. Macrory, Pittsburgh,
for particulars. •
Found —A place to spend a pleas
ant hour. Apply in the Christian
Endeavor rooms any time during
the evenings, and on Sunday between
5.45 and 7.30 p. m.
Twenty years an active Keystone
League of Christian Endeavor work
er, the Rev. C. I. Raffensperger pas
tor of the Bower Memorial-United
Evangelical Church. Berwick, has
a Junior, an intermediate and a sen- j
lor society co-operating in the
building of a successful church
work The Christian Endeavor
movement has always been a great
help and the leaguers and pastor
cannot do without this consecrated
machinery. The Rev. Mr Raffens
perger was born and reared In the
Evangelical church; converted to
God and enjoyed the presence of
the Holy Spirit in his "oul trom
young manhood. In 1900 he *** |
licensed to preach the K°spel ofthe
Son of God by the Central Pennsyl
vanla conference, which c ° nv ®"® d :
at WUllamport. First w it h
the late Bishop Rudolph Dubs D. D.,
LL. D., presiding and the Rev. J. L.
Reeser, secretary.' He has sevved
the following charges: Hageristown
circuit, Newport charge: Hellam clr
DECEMBER 14, 1918.
* v ' t *
cuit. Mt. Holly Springs; Baltimore
Gr&ce, Wtlltnniaport First, and at
his present charge. For a* number
of years lie lias served as secretary
of the Educational Aid Society, sec
retary of the Church Extension So
ciety. and a member of the perma
nent committee on slute of mis
sidns, and chairman of the Sabbath
and moral reform committee of .the
Memorial Service For
Deacon W. F. Brightly
Special memorial services for the
late William F. Brightly, deacon and
treasurer of St. Paul's Baptist
Church, will lie held at the church,
State and Cameron streets, on Sunday
eveniHg, December 15, at 7.30. Dea
con Brightly died during the Influenza
epidemic and his remains were not al
lowed to be taken into the church
building. The church will honor his
memory by appropriate exercises, in
which the Baptist Ministers' Confer
ence and the Brotherly Love J-iOdge
of Odd Fellows, of which organization
lie was a faithful member, will unite.
Tho Rev. E. Luther Cunningham, the
pastor of the church und an admirer
cf the Christian character of the de
ceased deacon, will read his obituary.
& mmm £ First Baptist Church
The $ Second Street at Pine
ft C J a' Sunday, December 15, 1918,
second : at 7.30 p. M.
ft* P * i '
S Lommg { | ;
of i and Jerusalem's Future
§ Christ : i
.*¥>< T:m ;®: address ix the series
Solo—Clarence Sigler
Organ— KnP^^g£|
Frank A. McCarrell
All Men Welcome
Third and Pine Streets
Sunday, December 15,1918 m f
I j REV, E. R. WORRELL, D. D. I 1
£ Secretary, Presbyteriuii Temperance Ilxjaril
Jp " Preacher, REV. L. S. MUDGE, I). I>., Pnstor ?' $
' ,;r ""
We Will Count It a Privilege to See You Tomorrow
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Rev. J. Bradley Markward, D. D., Pastor
10.30 A. M. —"Not Ashamed of the Gospel For the New
Era." V •• •
7.30 P. M.—"Noah Got Drunk—Will America?"—the last
sermon in a series on Noah.
An exceptionally fine Musical Program Is scheduled for to-mof
roW. It will be to your profit to hear It.
Savings For Year to Amount
of $9,838.91 Distributed
Among Employes
Virtually every Telegraph employe
is happy to-dny because yesterday a
big. Juicy melon wan cut and most
of those in the Telegraph family re
ceived a nice slice. The occasion for
the celebration was the end of the
year In the work of the Telegraph
Employes' Association and the di
vision of $9,838.91 among tho em
ployes, who have been with the com
pany more than a year. Ninety
eight men and women were in on tho
The Telegraph Employes' Associa
tion is a savings organization found
ed eleven years ago. Each employe
is entitled to take out shares. Each
share costs twenty-live cents a week.
At the end of the year the money is
returned with interest. Any mem
ber may borrow money from the as
sociation. The interest is split up
among 'the employes at the end of
the year. The uudltors' report, in
cidentally, shows an earning of $1.91
on each share. The association is
conducted entirely by the employes
and their chosen representatives:
A kindly feature of the associa
tion's work is the paying of death
benefits to members who die during
the year. Last year H. Edward Rip
j per, foreman of the bindery depart
! xnent, passed on. The substantial
j check that went as the gift from the
members of the association to Mrs,
Hipper helped to show the sympathy
of fellow workmen in concrete form.
The association members were
very patriotic. At the end of the year
; $2,150 in Liberty Bonds were dis
tributed among those who elected
tp take bonds in lieu of cash.
The patriotic ardor of the mem
bers was also manifested in another
'substantial way during the past year.
These members out of the association
are on the honor roll, wearing army
and navy uniforms:
Captain E. J. Stackpole, Jr., Ray
Snow, Paul Nace, John T. Losii,
Frank Hailman, George I. Fisher,
Paul 11. Fettrow, Walter Eby, Alvin
Bistline, Charles L. Shields and Isaac
O. Heckert.
Officers ofithc association for the
| new years are: President, Albert R.
Mioliener; treasurer, Gus M. Stein
metz; linancial secretary, Charles P.
Meek; directors —business depart
ment, Frank R. Oyster: editorial, A.
Boyd Hamilton; news-meehanical,
Harry A. Fry; commercial printing,
Robert N. Bernheisel; engraving,
Floyd R. Lear, binding, Frank L>.
Fisher, circulation, Robert C. Gohl.