4 SPARTACUSRIOT IN BERLIN IS LED BY LDMNECHT Group Organizes to Inflame Population to Strengthen Revolution Zurich, Switzerland, Dec. IS. —Ad- vices received here say that at the time of the riots In Berlin the mu nitions factories In the northern outskirts of the city were pillaged by order of Dr. Karl Hlebknecht, head of the Spartacus group of So cialists. This group is organizing meetings everywhere and exhorting the popu lation to revolt. The udvlces say that forty-two meetings have been announced for the present week. The lted Flag, organ of Hleb knecht and his followers, hns pub lished In large typo the following note to working men: "Be ready because the troops which are ret,urnig to Berlin are for the purpose of serving against the revolution." £OLDS Head or chest— •re best treated /rjfnr) T C'Your Boctvriuvwi; mM NEW PRICES—3Oc. 60c. $1.20 - j WVWWWWWWVWMVWWVWWWVMWWWVVW^a !> SPRINGTEX is the underwear . f j*' !! with a million little springs in its r JtfjLitIQJLQX Ji J| fabric which "give and take" 'J \ j; with every movement of the !I body, and preserve the shape of /' !> the garment despite long wear frj , S®' ■ ' ' r-W Sslcs Room: 350 Broadway, Nsw York Av.W* T ; ASTRICH'S I ji Trimmed Hats [ ent ' re s^oc k of several hundred BRAND NEW DRESS HATS, which we made up special at attractive prices—something to give us some additional Christmas \ business. * \ ' \ t\ V/e Have No Hats To Offer at f 1/\J \ " REDUCED PRICES j I l i K e were foHunate enough to do almost a whole season's business without having lj 0 \ /CMJI to resort to reduced price sales on Trimmed Hats —we evidently had our regular I \ prices low enough —so now we put our heads together and made up NEW HATS p | \ J ' | at prices which compare most favorably with any hats ever offered at reduced prices. [ Ij \jt In making up these hats-we naturally followed the trend of fashion demands and ® uv produced hats which comprise the latest ideas in Winter Millinery. With an enormous | 0 * stock of over one thousand Trimmed Hats. It is impossible to describe in our adver- U \fT tisement exactly how good the hats are at the prices. The few items mentioned here, | Q however, are designed to give you a faint idea of what the collection contains. 1 Beautiful Draped Velvet HatS New Close-fitting [j B Turbans With Ostrich Trimmings; some with colored facings. With Ostrich or Flower We make these hats to or- .. In black or any color desired, Trimming, der in any color combi- F fa 'i UP made of beautiful panne velvet. L $4 98 UP for' 0 " yOU may desire ' J\\ tjl g Boys' New (J>Q Of B °y s ' Trench QQ C f / M & I Mackinaws . O Overcoats .. O• Zr II J ivj hiii ni ,-R —J Sizes 7 to IS years—all 3to 10 years. They come in I i A |U t.ffif &1/ heavy material; big collars and every new shade, tan, brown |/I mm 5® [ V belts. and mixtures; Trench models. | W um K] yj IMLSA&A KAUFMAN'S—First Floor. " Sj 1 List of Gift Items for Meng Kl Men's Neckwear Men's Hose S New Four-ln-Hands. wide end; f Men's All v Hose, all fej heavy silk; in fancy A* '."?•*s a,l( i |p| k"1 Men's" Four-in-Hand; wide end- "Us] Men's Silk Lisle Hose, all col- Very good Quality; ••••"• Lk, - i P* , TT /ffl Mill If Men's Lisle Hose, three pairs in tM i,;*j Men's New Fall Four-ln-Hands. | b OX Ut | tut Si liy wide ends; great assortment of M&KMI |IJMM fpA.UU f|l S 21)0, 41) c JW|||Ev Suspenders, Garters Etc., 1 Hj Men's and Boys' Sweaters lßoxed tor Christmas Hi Men's Coat Sweaters in all the J® Funoy IJoxed Suspenders, hi |g popular weaves and colors.^ from It i- J? v "Oy |a Jj>l.9B to Ipo.fJO Men's Fancy Boxed Suspenders, bj Men's V-Neck Slip-Over Sweaters, Si |[l a n wool, „ Men'i Vancy Boxed ' i'uspenders, |ll|| 54.98 and $7.98 59s Brl - ghtoni Parls or lvory [| S| "V > * Garters , „ d Ken's Handkerchiefs i . Mens Kid Gloves, tan Men's Japunette Initial 10C ill pair $1.98 OIL;-#. • , ~ , • „. men S jmns Glen's Fancy Bordered IRC* hi Men's Kid Gloves, tan and gray. Men>s Sllk Shll . ta> -*> V |t|l| silk and wool lined $1.59 $4-.4K nnrl $5.48 Men's Plain White Initial, half . .. "I TTT . . dozen in box; box its Fill Men s Lined or Unlined Automo- • . IU bile Gloves. Men's Fiber Silk and Crepe Shirts, Whit, initini- half $1.98, $2.48, $2.98 $2.48 'and $2.98 dozen,bpx 590 Jljj Boys' Gauntlet and Dress Gloves Men's Percule and Madras Shirts, Men's Khaki Handkerchiefs, hj 490 to $1.59 $l.lO, $1.45, 121/ 2 c and 240 OPENS SATURDAY AT 9 A. M.—CLOSES AT 9 P. DECEMBER 13, 19m creased membership. The room has been prettily decorated in national colors. A large number of pros pective members will attend for whose benefit an interesting pro gram of instrumental and vocal mu sic und addresses, has been urrang* ed. A. F. DeVout is the teacher of the class. f\ CuticuraSoap Ideal for the Complexion All droßzlsbi: Soap 28 Ointm.rt 28 and 80, Talons 26. sample each Tree of "Oatlar, Ppt. 6, Bo.tea."