Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 12, 1918, Page 10, Image 10

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Boston's Notorious Convict
Has Been in Prison For
Forlv-six Yenrs
Jesse Harding Ponteroy has been
in inmate, or "shut-in," to use liis
own language, of tits Massachusetts
State Prison for about forty-six
rears, says a writer in the Boston
Numerous stories have been writ-
Sen concerning him, especially dur
ing the forty-one years he was in
■bsolute solitary confinement,
when the writers to quote Jesse,
"never saw him and gave the pub
lic more theories about his. personal
appearance, character and nets.
"Most of these stories," added Jesse,
"whenever I saw or heard of them,
amused me more than anything else
although at times I was pictured
to be an entirely different human
being from what I am.
"I have always hoped and prayed
that in time the press and the peo
ple would understand nte and not
Soutter's 25c Department Store
Buy Here Not Alone Because Prices Are Lower, But Because Qualities Are Better ~|
StOVC WSpU&ss£
Fancy Ribbons .•• • 29c to >9o _ _ # _ _ >-*1 • • • /ni • i • idHiins' CtifMiioftsotto Gloves.
nil colors to .. 5 2c A lid what a wonderful service this big store renders! At t this joyful Christmas time~-a Christmas time WllcU , WU e, B ™ y , d
u nght ladder, suc h as we've never known before —a Christmas time when we are-most desirous of retaining every name on J™ 0 .™.,
Phi ill Ttlbbons !f. *. S:IS our gift lists—this store comes to your assistance with thousands of gift articles at prices that will enable
Children's Mittens,
""you to fulfill your desire without over-taxing a war-burdened purse. ' *>
Ready-to-Wear for Gift Purposes
For Ladies, Misses and Children
l-adies' Bungalow Aprons,
59c to $1.25
Ladies' Gingham and Percale
39e. 50c, 59c. 69e and 85c
ladies' White Aprons,
39c, 50c, 59c and 75C
ladies* black Waists 480
ladies' black Skirts,
98c, $1.29, $1.48 and $l.BB
ladles' Knit Skirts 50c
ladies' black Aprons,
39c, 50c and 9So
Girls' Bungalow Aprons,
42c, 59c and 750
Chlldrerfs Aprons, 2 to 6 yrs.,
25c, 35c and 59e
Children's black Bloomers, 2 to
18 years 35c to 75c
Children's Dresses, S3c to 750
Boys* Blouses 50c
Boys' Hats 50c and 65c
Middy Blouses, 32 to 42,
50c to 650
Babies' Knit Caps, 29c and 59c
Baby Shoes and Moccasins, 2o
Cart Slips 25c and sflc
Baby Teething Beads, 15c, 25c
Baby Cap Strings 25c
linby Rubber Toys .. 25c, 29c
Muslin Underwear
A Gift always welcome
New Lot of Corset Covers, lace and embroidery trimmed,
25c, 35c anil 69c
Complete stock of Brassieres, Combination Suits. Princess
Slips, Gowns, etc., all useful articles, at out- usual popular
Lingerie Corset Covers 59c and 81.00
Special Combination Suits, boxed 59c and 81.00
Ladies' flesh-colored Gowns 98c _
Lace Camisoles
Ribbon and Filet Camisoles I. 82.50
Hundreds of Holiday Handkerchiefs
For Men, Women and Children
A Greater Assortment Than We've
Ever Shown Before
ladies' Handkerchiefs, plain
anil embroidered, each .. 5c
Ladies' Hand kerchief's, special
assortment 10c
Ladles' fine Handkerchiefs,
with embroidered corners.'
12 Ho
Indies' Handkerchiefs, high
class novelties, hand-embroid
ered corners 25c
Children's Handkerchiefs, plain
and embroidered 5o
Indies' Initial Handkerchiefs,
all letters ..... 15c and 25c
Children's boxed Handkerchiefs,
Ladies' embroidered Madeira
Handkerchiefs • 25c
Useful Gifts in Art Needlework
I.arge assortment of Sweet Grass
Baskets, all sizes, at special
Fancy Turkish Towels,
30c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 88c, 98c
Ijiee-trimmed and scalloped
Scarfs -'Sc
Hand-crocheted Dollies,
10c and 23c
Stamped Turkish Whs .... 25c
Large made-np Cretonne faun
dry Bags 75c
Felt Slippers for ladies, misses
and children, In all sizes,
lace-trimmed Scarfs,
50c, 75c, 98c and $1.39
Children's stamped, made-up
Dresses, special,
50c, 69c, 75c and 98c
i * "*■ • : '" ' ' •• * * ' '* ■■ C" '' v "' •"" * • v '"'' * . "
continue to judge tfie entirely by
the past."
There Is an earnestness, mingled
with pathos. In everything that
Pomeroy says that deeply Impresses
a visitor.
The writer had not seen Jesse
since about 1868, when both were
boys In Charlestown. Jesse being
then about seven years old, a little,
chubby youngster with curly hair,
carefree and happy.
The writer was some years Ills se
nior. Both went to the Winthrop
school and they lived near each oth
It was by liis invitation that the
writer called on Pomeroy at the in
stitution. There was recognition in
Jesse's eye the minute he saw the
writer among the visitors in the ro
tunda. His step was light and
springy and the grasp of his hand
Pomeroy to-day is a little uuder
medium height, weighs 142 pounds,
has a reddish mustach, a thin head
of hair, bright grayish eyes, a firm
chin, no special pallor, and a pleas
ant mien. The pictures of htm that
have been printed do not do him
justice now, for he Is not rough
The once very prominent blemish
in one eye seems to have faded and
is not now very noticeable.
He was llfty-nine years old Fftday,
November 29, nnd had two celebra
tions, one Thanksgiving day and the
Babies' Silk Caps 25c, 50c
Children's Knit Toques,
29c and 59c
' Children's Sweaters, 25c and 75e
•Baby Sacques .... 50c and 75c
Baby Drawer Leggings .. • 59c
Baby Bootees,
19c, 25c, 29c, 38c, 50c and 65c
Baby Flannelette Sacques, 25c
Baby Flannelette Kimonos,
38c, 59c and 69c
Baby Short Dresses,
39c, 59c, 75c and 85c
Baby Long Slips,
65c, 69c, 79c and 85c
Baby Long Flannelette Skirts,
50c and 75c
Children's Flannelette Skirts, 2
to 14 years .... 50e
Baby Bibs.
10c, 15c, 19e, 25e, 39e, 50c
Baby Rattles, 10c, 15c, 25c, 50c
Children's, men's and women's
Slumber Slippers,
19c, 25c and 35c
Baby Comb and Brush Sets,
35c, 50c and 75c
Carrnigc Robes 59c
Carriage Pillow Slips 29c
Ladies' Embroidered Madeira
• Handkerchiefs. 35e, 3 for 81
I .allies' boxed Handkerchiefs,
3 in a box, special ....... 29c
Ladies' Silk Handkerchiefs, 10c
Ladles' Crepe lie Cliinc Hand
kerchiefs 15c and 25c
Men's all-linen Handkerchiefs,
15c, 10c and 25c
Men's Initial Handkerchiefs, all
initials 15c and 25c
All-silk Handkerchiefs, in plain,
embroidered and initial
styles 35c, 39e, 50c
Men's bordered Silk Handker
chiefs 29c nnd 50c
Men's bloc and red Handker
chiefs 10c and 15c
Wooden Jap Novelties, 10c to 750
Japanese lunch, Fruit ami
Sandwich Baskets .. 25c up
Jap Fern Baskets, 29c, 39c, 40c
Decorated Flower Bnskets, 59c
Special lot of silk-covercd, felt
Cushions $1.19 and $1.09
Special lot of salesmen's Mulsh
ed models, consisting of Cush
ions, Center Scarfs, luncheon
Doilies, Children's Dresses,
Nightgowns anil ladies' Un
derwear, ut exceedingly low
Cretonne Shopping Bags,
25c to $2.25
Japanese Silk lamp Shades,
89c, 98e, $1.39 and 31.53
other Friday, so far as eatables are
No one can talk with him long
without coming to the quick con
clusion that he is an optimist and
considerable of a philosopher.
Fifty years is a long time to con
template, yet in one hour's conver
sation Jcsso went first back to rem
iniscences of his boyhood days,
named persons and events with
which his visitor was perfectly fa
miliar, and seemed to enjoy talking
about old Charlestown more than
anything else.
lie spoke warmly of the kindness
of. the warden and all the ofllcers
of the institution.
As to what lie did with his time,
he skipped details as to occupation
and said he liked the evenings and
alt sparo moments when He could
read. Heading and writing are his
chief recreations and lie also takes
'much pleasure in all entertainments
that are given.
He branched off on the war, and
talked intelligently of the princi
pal battles, and praised In the
warmest terms the bravery of the
American soldiers and sailors. He
had relatives in the Civil War.
What impressed him most he said
were the giguntic problems the war
He said that all the Inmates are
"red-hot Americans." and have fol
lowed the war movements with the
keenest interest, "all rejoicing at
the successful outcome of it." He
Toilet Articles Will
Be Well Received
Colgate and Brown Per ionics
and Toilet Waters In fancy
boxes 39c, 40c and 50c
Colgate Soaps, cake, 10c, 15c, 25c
Talctim Powders, lOe. 15c, 17c,
18e, 24c, 25c and 39c.
Soap Boxes 25c and 50c
Trays, 10c, 25c, 60c and $l.OO
Buffers 25c and 50c
Nail Flics and Cuticles..... 25c
Shoe Buttoners and Horns, ,25c
Powder Boxes and IJtUr Re
ceivers. .. .25c, 600 and $l.OO
Picture Frames,,. 29c, 50c, 850
Mirrors 25c and 39c
Manicure Sets, 59c, $1.19, $1.59
Combs 29c and 500
Brushes 25c, 50c, 59c
Military Brushes ... 25c and 50c
Manicure Scissors 39c
Bottle Holders 50c
Ribbed Underuiear
Makes an Acceptable
Excellent Qualities Here at
Very Low I'riqes
Ladies' Fancy Top Vests,
59c and 69c
Ladies' Combination Stilts, $l,
$1.25, $1.39, $1.59 and $1.09
Ijtdies' combination. fleece
lined, slioi t-sli low I'nlon
.Suits $1.98 an.! $2.25
Indies' Wool I ndcrwcar. Vests
and P.uus .. 81.98 and 82.25
Mls.-cs' Vests and Pants,
50c and 65c
Misses* Union Suits,
89c, $l.OO, $1.25 aud $1.39
Infants' Vests and Pants,
50c and 65c
Pure Christmas Candies
There will be lots of Candy to
buy for Christmas, and you
should be sure of Its purity. All
of our Candles meet the pure
food laws—and fresh stocks ar
riving daily is on important
factor. Wide assortments In
Chocolates, Hard Candies, etc.,
may be had at our usual low
Everyone Appreciates
Good Hosiery
Ladies' Black Lisle nose, 19c,
25c, 29c, 45c, 50c, 59e, 75e,
Children's plain and silk lisle
Hose, black, tan and white.
59c, 69c and 75c
Ladies' Silk Boot Hose,
3Se, 39c, 75c, 98c and $1.25
Ladles' Wool and Flcecc-lined
290, 39c, 45e, 50r. 69c and 75c
Children's Hose, 29c, 33c, 39c,
45c, 55e, 59c, 69c and 75c.
Infants' l|ose, 33e 39e and 50c
| 25^K 25c Department Store
Where Every Day Is Bargain Day
1 /''
thought the boys who' had not' been
sent across, hut hud slaved in
camps and wero now being dropped
should be given more praise In the
press, and that tho Leglslautrb
should pass some resolution thank
ing them it were.
There should be correction of tho
idea soriie individuals have that
Pomeroy Is not a fairly-well educat
ed man. He modestly disclaims high
scholarship, but declares be read
and studied a great deal during his
solitary confinement of more than
forty years.
"After spending two years on
laitin," be says, "ami then two
years on French, in October, 1890,
1 began the study of Spanish. In
those days we did not have the cor
respondence school, which dates 1
think from tho 90's; and if there
was a school here in 1880 I knew
nothing of it, although the school
house on the south wing was in use
In 1889-90. J struck out Tor myself,
selecting Spanish.
In a few months 1 was able to
write and read correctly, and with
understanding, the Spanish langu
Apropos of Potneroy's reading, tt
appears that he has always been
fond of history. In an essay on
"Some Momentous Events In His
tory," printed in the Mentor, an in
stitution paper, he writes very fully
and accurately of events that oc
curred before and after the Chris
tian era.' This essay serves to show
Gift Articles in the Household
Glassware, In Candlesticks, Berry
Sets, Water Sets. Butter
IMslies, Sugars and Creams,
Water Pitchers, etc., at prices
starting at ISc.
Cut Gloss Vinegar Cruets, Cream
Sets, Etc., at Special Prices
Cut Gloss Sherbets,
25c, 20c, 35c and 39c
Cut Glass Iced Tea Glasses, 29c
Cut Glass Goblets 27c
Cut Glass Baskets, 39c, 69c, 91.19
Chlnaware, in Salad Dishes,
Spoon Trays, Smoking Sets,
Sugars and Creams, V'nses,
Cups and Saucers, . Celery
Dishes, Berry Sets, Ash Trays,
etc., starting at 25r.
Roasting Pans, UerPn Kettles,
Jelly Moulds, Coffee Pots and
other Utensils needed for the
preparation >t the t hrls'iuti*
feast, starting at 10c.
Jardineres, 35c, 50c, 75c and 89c
Broad Boxes, lurge sizes, at spe
cial prices.
Christmas Crepe Papers .. 10c
Good Jewelry at Lower
Dependable Jewelry of excellent quality is always to be found
in our Jewelry Department. Its quality and low pricing are re
sponsible for the enviable growth of this branch of our business.
Cuff Links ..25c and 50c
Scarf Pins 25c and 50c
Tie Clasps 25c
Bracelets 25c, 60c, $l.OO
Lavalllcrcs 25c, 50c, 91.00
Brooches 25c, 50c, 91.00
Lace Pins .25c and 50c
Lingerie Clasps 25c and 50c
Bar Pins 25c and 50c
Beauty Plus 25c and 50c
Mourning Pins 25c and 50c
Match Safes 25c
Beads ....- 25c and 50c
Earrings 25c and 50c
Gold Filled Lockets, 25c, 50c,
Santa Clans has brought from his workshop to this store Tor the
coming Clirlstmas a wonderful collection of Toys, Dolls and
Games that surpasses anything we have ever shown heretofore.
Aside from the Games, old and new, all of which are to le found
here, arc hiany new War Games apropos of the limes. There are
Checker Hoards, Crokinolc Hoards, Dominoes, Lotto, Blocks, and
so we might go 011 indellnitely. Prices start at 10c.
Toys include nil the usual pleasure-bringing articles to lie found at
Christmas time, and, in addition, many new War Toys, Soldiers,
Cnnnons, Guns, etc., that will hring smiles to the youngsters'
faces on Christmas. Prices start at 10c.
Dolls are to Is? seen in an unusually noteworthy array In dressed
Dolls, Rag Dolls uml Celluloid Dolls, at -De to O.Hr.
Prices will prove as pleasing as the articles. * (,
one Very distinct trend of his mind.
Pomeroy signs all his writings
Nor lias Pomeroy's mind been
devoted exclusively to history. His
reading has been extended to vari
ous forms of poetry.
Bpeaking of the value of books,
he says:
"And what opportunities we have
who like poetry. It shows a refined
and discriminating mind—folklore,
ballads, epic poetry, drnnia all
touch the realistic experiences of
hamuli life, and their charm Is grav
en on the mind." •
American Aid in War
Recalled by Premier
Il^a'ds. —"I shall never forget that
morning when 1 sent a cable mes
sage to President Wilson telling him
'what the facts were and how es
sential It was that e should get
American help at the speediest pos
sible rate and inviting him to send
120,000 infantry and machine guns
to Europe," said Premier LJoyd
George in a speech to 3,000 persons
"The following day," continued
the Premier, "there came a cable*
gram from President Wilson: 'Send
your ships across and we will send
120,000 men.'
"Then 1 Invited Sir Joseph Maclay,
the shipping controller, to Downing
street and said:
Knives and Forks .... 15c-, 25c
Teaspoons 8c and 10c
Tablespoons .. 15c, 17c and 20c
Berry Spoons 25c
Butter Knives 15c .
Sugar Shells 15c
Children's Sets 50c
Berlin Kettles, at special prices.
Tea and Coffee Percolators, at
special prices,
twke Cutters, Si>oons, Ladles,
Jelly Moulds, I'iates, Cups,
Funnels, Saucepans, etc.,
10c up
Covered Buckets, 1 and 2-qt., at
special prices.
Coffee Canisters, at special prices
Tea Kettles $2.25
Double Boilers, 92.25 and 92.-19
Muffin Pans, 75c, $1.19, $1.25
Collandcrs $1.19
Ink Stands 25c
Hat Pins 25c
Rings for wfmien and children
in plain band, signet, caiueo
and stone settings, 25c, 50r
and $l.OO.
Coin Parses 50c
Jewel Cases 25c and 50e
Gold Finish Beads, 25c and 50c
Gold nnd Silver Frames, 25c and
Ash Trays 25c
Cigar and Tobacco Jars... . 25c
Cigarct Holders 25c
Nickel Soap Dishes 25c
" 'Bond eveyy ship you can.'
"Thay were ntl engaged in essen
tial trades because we wore cut
right to the Imiiic. There Ws noth
ing that was not essential. We said
'this Is tho tlmo for taking risks.'
"We ran risks with our foods and
wo ran risks with oseontlal raw ma
terials. Wo saldt
" 'The thing to do Is to get these
men across at all liaaiard.'
"American sunt 1,100,000 men
across and out of thut number 1,-
100,000 wore carried by the British |
mercantile marine. Tho good old j
ships of Britain have saved the lib
erty of the world many times. They ,
saved it in the days of Qtieen Elixu
beth; sßved It in the days of L.ouis
XIV; saved It in the days of Na-
I poleon and have saved tt in the
days of Kaiser Wllhelm 11.
"It Is a change from December,
1910, a change from the days when,
nt the end of the year, we made
our balance sheet and found Ger
many 'had acquired more Allied ter
ritory than she had before; that a
new ally liad fallen and that anoth
er allv was tottering to the fall, and
that Germany was advancing ruth
lessly along from conquest to con
"That was the story up to the end
of December, 1916. What is the
story today? Every German sub
marine is in a British port today.
The best battleships nnd cruisers
and torpedoe boats of Germany are
now. with lowered flags, under the
surveillance of British seamen in
Dainty Neckwear
For Gift-giving
llolidny Neckwear in. all the
newest nnd latest styles, a
large assortment for gift pur
poses 25c, 50c uml 98c
Windsor Ties, plain colors and
plaids 20c, 35c and 50c
Boudoir Caps, in plain tier,
shadow Inoe, China Silk,
Crepe tic Chine and printed
effects, at very special prices
Silk Motissellne Scarfs, nil col
ors 50c
Poter Thompson Tics, red. blue
and black 50c and 85c
I Ruffling and frilling, 50e, 75c, $1
' Silk Mousse|lne Scarfs, all col
ors 50c
Box Stationery,
Christmas Labels,
Cards, etc.
Plain White Box Stationery,
15c, 25c, 29c and 35c
Celebrated Pineapple Linen Box
Stationery, fu white, blue,
lavender nnd pink, box, 35c
Pineapple Linen Correspond
ence Cards, box 35c
Fancy Holly Boxes,
3c, sc, Bc, 10c and 15c
Cutendars 45c
Christinas Bookie's. Labels,
Tags, etc. .. lc, 3c, sc, Bc, 10c
Children's Stationery 10c
Postcard Albums 39c
1'11.,t0 and Snapshot Albums,
Ise, 19c, 29c and 39c
Heavy \\ tupping Cord .... 5c
Green, red ami colored cord, 10c
Ribbon/enc ,0c
White Tissue Paper, roll, 5c
Tourist Cases 39c ami 50c
School Companions
10c, 29c and 59c
School Bags 25c ami 50c
miscellaneous Gift
Comb aud Brush Sets,
25c to $l.OO
Hair Brushes .... 33c and 50c
Combs, sc, 10c, 15c, 19c and 25c
I,adiCB' Handbags, 25c and 50c
Poeketbooks, 25c, 50c, 59c, $l,
$1.49, $1.89, $2.50, 93.88 nnd
Music Rolls 25c
Novelties in Shell Goods, in
Braid Pins, Back and Side
Combs, Barcltcs, etc.,
10c, 25c and 50c
ladies' Fancy Garters, 25c, 50c
Clothes Brushes . . 25c and 50c
Shoe Trees, enameled white,
pink and Blue 23e
l.mlics' and Children's Belts.
10c, 25c and 50c
Shirred Ribbon Elastic Web
bing, all colors, yard ... 30c
Hand Mirrors, 25c, 50c and 59c
| Military Brushes , . 25c anil 50e
British harbors. - I
"And the British army, which has
fought so gallantly, which lias
fought with n heroism which the
world lias never matched that
Stomach on Strike? Here's Relief!
No indigestion, Gas or Sourness
§ Upset stomachs feel fine.
All indigestion, gases, sour
ness, heartburn, brash or acidity
goes instantly. No waiting 1 TT V
Quickest stomach relief | J
As soon as Tape's Diapepsin
reaches your sick, unsettled jsf /\ ) |
stomach all stomach misery stops. w
Costs little—All druggists. *\\ \f) J..
Stomach suffering is needless. 1 \J
For All Ages—Old and Young
Of unusual Interest is our exceptionally large collection of Books
for every age, from tlic tot up, including the most popular Action
and new war-time series.
j War Boon.
I Fairy Tales
I Mottier Goose Rhymes
Ruth leldlng
| Girl Aviators
| Motor M.-ids
' Khaki Girls
I Camp Fire Girls
I Boy Sou to .
Motor Ranges
Pony Riders
Battleship Boys
Dave Daring Books
Submarine Boys
Bungalow Boys
Uncle Sam Boys
Boy Inventors
. 5c up to 59c
Gifts in JHen's and Boys
Furnishings at Low Prices
Boy#' Kid Gloves $l.OO
Boys' Gauntlet Gloves,
50c, 75c, 98c and sl—s
Boys' Wool Gloves 39c
Men's fleece-lined Fabric
Gloves, 39c, 50c, Ssc and 75c
Men's Fiber Silk Hose, all wl
ers 5,c
Men's Silk Hose, all colors; 48c
Men's Mercerized Hose, all col
ors 3
Men's llsle-flnlsb llosc, all col
ors •• * " c
Men's heavyweight Wool Hose,
Men's Cashmere Wool nose, 75c
Men's Brighton anil Boston
Gaiters 250
Men's Lincoln dotible-grip gar
| ters 35c
: Men's Boston silk, double-grip
Garters . ••• s °c
Men's Silk Arm Bands ... - 25c
Men's Silk Lisle Arm Bands, 25c
' Men's Boxed Suspenders,
39c and 59c
Useful Gifts in Dry Goods
36 inch silk poplin, tlic newest
40 Inch all silk pongee .. ■
\ 36 Inch silk niessiilkic, all colors,
$1.59 and 91-88.
36 inch silk talTctas all colors.
| $1.59.
40 inch crepe <Jc chine... .91-59
40 incli georgette crepe.. .91.79
27 Inch China slHf
36 Inch striped laffelas...-91.
1 36 Inch plaid taffetas, 91.69 and
36 Inch brocaded silks 75c
j 32 inch silk shirtings .....81.00
36 Inch silk and cotton cropc de
chine v.... 8 c
36 Inch silk and cotton pongee,
36 inch Prctno silks ..'.....48c
36 inch lingerie cloth, ull shades,
4 Ac.
27 inch chiffon silks .......89c
36 Inch pea u dc sole $1.98
36 Incli tffack silk taffetas, $t.2A,
91.48 and 91.39.
36 inch black silk mescaline,
91.19, 91.39 and 91.39.
36 Inch black silk moire. .91.00
30 Inch black silk bengallne.
27 Inch cot '.'in linck satin. ..6iic
White Itnscn. plain and checks,
29c, 30< .l it 5 c.
Willie novelty voiles, 39c, 39e
and 50c.
White French nainsook, 35c, 39q
and 49c. *
*- - W ' fca W M.A W M.A W •.
irmy, aXUr nvoatlw of Ashting nd
of gufferlnir, !B today, at thlo hotir,
marching acroiw tho Rhine Into
Germany and Into one of the most
fajnoua cities of Germany."
Peter Rabbit Books
The Thm Bears
Bunny's Playmates
Dolly Dimple
Kittle Imdy
Mother Bunny
Fire Storv Books
letters and Rhymes
foolish Fox
Story of the American Flag
Story of the Liberty Bell
Story of the White House
Paper Books
Board Covered Books
Linen Books
Paint, Drawing and Puzzle
Men's combination sets of Gar
ters and Suspenders, In holi
day box 75c and 98c
Men's combination sets of Gar
ters and Silk Arm Bands, 750
Men's Belt and Garter Sets, $1
Boys' Silk Four-in-Hand Ties
In Christmas boxes .... 39c
Men's Silk Four-ln-lland Tics.
nicely boxed .... 390 and 500
Men's Shield Teck Ties .. 2e
"Men's Clnß' and Bat-wing Tics.
in plain and fancy colors 25e
Men's' Silk Knitted Mufflers
gray, black anil white, $2.50
Men's Silk Knitted Mufflers, In
green and black," Navy and
black, black and white, and
black and purple $l.OB
Men's Silk Knitted Mufflers In
black, gray and white, $1.50
Men's Silk Mufflers, In black,
Navy and gray .. 75c and 85c
White madras 500
Colored stripe madras, <7oc, 59c
White French orgamllcs, 60c, 890
Dress ginghams, stripes and
plaids, S9e, 50c, 69c.
36 inch percales, light and dark,
44 Inch colored voiles 500
Wool butlstc, black and colors.
Navy blue serges, 75c and 91.00
Black serges 69c, 75c, 850
Worsted plaid dress goods.. 75e
White Turkish towels 25c, 29c.
39c, 63c and 88c.
Fancy Turkish towels, colored
borders. 19c, 39c, 50c, 05c, 75c.
88c and 98c.
Wash cloths to match towels,
10c, 12 >4c, 15c and 19c,
Khaki Turkish towels ASo
Buck towels .. 19c, 25c and 350
Mercerized table damask, linen
finish, 69c, 7Ac, 89c and $l.OO
lAn fee I napkins, 12 %c, 13c, 17c
Bed spread#, full size, 91.48,
$1.98 and 92.25.
Crib blankets 91.50
Baby blankets 91.50
Bureau scarfs 39c
Scarfs ami shams 25<j
Pillow cases 39c. 43c, 470,
. and 68c.
Men's and wonicVs umbrellas,
>j 91.00.