Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 12, 1918, Image 1

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    *f * t 9 " W l ' Ji B 7 • UiIMMMfWU . - ; t
lwrhsn liemtm Yw TO V<Sfcln Boroussc "".; "■'' . y'
' • • it . - • * _ - J " . . . i " , * # . r ■
> . (Hie Star-Independent. N
T -V-VVNTTT x T 172 1A DATTTC Dally Except Sunday. Entered as Second Clasa
LXXXVII -NO. -/-J 2U i ALri-O Matter at the Host Office at Harrlsburg
Building Project Is Revived
With Lifting of War-Time
Ban on Construction
Improvement Would Open
Market Street to Traffic
to Its Full Width
Favor Is Found For Walnut
Street Plot Facing New
Capitol Park
With the removal of government
restrictions on building projects, and
the proximity of the time when the
management of the railroads will
be turned back to the owners, di
recting boards aro seriously consid
ering building plans which were laid
away for the duration of the war.
T'rominent anions the plans now
under consideration, it is said, is the
project for a new Pennsylvania pas
senger station, a long felt want here.
It is understood that plans formu
lated before the war and pigeonholed
for the duration of hostilities, are
being gone over and carefully re
vised for dcllnite action.
Two plans for the erection of a
modern and imposing edifice to serve
as a passenger station in place of
the present Inadequate structure, are
said to be under advisement by fhe
railroad authorities. One looks to the
widening of the Market street sub
way. and the building of the new
station on the Hill side of the rail
road, facing Market street, just
across the street from the Heading
.passenger station.
Favor Capitol Park
Another said to be under consid
eration culls for the erection of the
station in the block bounded by the
ruilroad, Walnut, Fifth and Market
streets, facing the new Capitol Park.
The completion of the plans and
contemplated start on the work of
building the Capitol Park extension
make this latter project seem more
11 y the conditions of the first ar
rangements, the Widening of the
Market street subway beqojjxp/s an
■ft urgent necessity. As it long has been
felt by citizens and officials general
ly that the Market street subway
was a bungled job, there seems to
. be little doubt in the public mind
that the city would co-operate, with
the railroad company in making the
subway as wide as Market street.
Easy of Access
The railroad already possesses
t lie plot of ground opposite the
Heading station. adjoining the
Pennsy tracks. The subway would
be so widened as to run directly to
the station, thus giving incoming
and outgoing passengers excellent
transportation facilities to the cen
ter of the city and to the residential
The Walnut street site, between.
Fifth street and the ruilroad. said
to be under serious consideration,
seems to meet with general approval.
, It Is felt that an> imposing struc
ture facing the new park zone would
answer Harrisburg's need better
than any other contemplated struc
lure. The entire block, it is under
stood. is included in the develop
ment plans, which would ensure ade.
quate room for a plaza, extending
back to Market street, and to Fifth
street. The Technical High school,
in Walnut facing the Park zone, is
an example of the type of public
buildings it is felt should be placed
in Walnut street to properly Hank
the beautiful park contemplated.
Under the new building plans, the
Technical High school will be de
veloped to extend to Fifth street,
thereby making a good flanking
structure for the imposing station.
It is commonly felt that with the
advent of peace and peace time
working conditions, there is no long
er any necessity for postponing the
erection of a passenger station that
would conform to the.needs of the
Capital City. The present station,
which 1s difficult of access, has be
come inadequate, it Is commonly
conceded, and does not come up to
the requirements of the rapidly
growing city.
Boy, Seeing Mother
Swallow Poison, Takes
Fatal Dose and Dies
CliumhcislHirg, Pa., Dec. 12.
• "Mum, If your going to die 1 am
too," cried Howard Isenberg, 10-
> ear-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Duvid
Isenberg, of the western end of
After watching his moth<- take a
dose of rat poison last eveniirs the
boy took a large portion of the pow
der also. The mother became
ill. The boy walked eight blocks try
ing to get a doctor. The father, com
ing from work, did all he could tor
his little family and the mother and
son were taken to a hospttul. The boy
died this-morning, the mother is
dying Khe is but 32 and had been
melancholy following illness from in
For HnrrUburg iml vlrlnltyi Fnlr
to-night nnd Friday, not much
change In teniperiiturr.
For Kantrrn Prnnnylvngltit (leg.
rrnlll, fair to-night nnd Friday,
little change In fenipcrutnrn
gentle, shirting Kind*.
The \orlh ftrnncli xtnri lim trlliu
inries will fall slowly, n h>o the
' pger West Hrniirh nnd the
■lnalntn. The l.ower West
llrunch nnd the mnln river will
continue to rise slowly. \
■ Inge of nhnut t.'i fret Is Imli
eited for llnrrlshurg Friday
r \
, ' ■ 1 ,
I > 1
Now That the German Socialist "Supermen" Are
Governing Themselves
[i . f
-! Hospital Ship Arrives With
,'MM> Wounded; Captain
Stackpole in Group
By Associated Press j
New York, Dee. 12. —Home on I
• S stretchers or hobbling on crutches,
j 396 more wounded soldiers, repre
senting almost us many units of the'
' American Expeditionary Force, j
! landed on Yankee soil again to-day j
[from the lAilted States hospital ship t
j Mercy. The vessel reached Quaran-1
tine last night from Bordeaux and
| docked this morning.
| Notwithstanding mutilations, un- i
healed wounds and long suffering,
I there was scarcely a soldier among !
j them who did not have a cheery !
; countenance and a tale to tell proud- j
; ly but modestly, of "how we licked !
I the Huns."
I "Yes, we had a devil of a time at 1
i Belleau said Prlvute Wll- j
I liard Rhodes, of the Fifth Marines, |
whose home is at Hawthorne, N. J.
| "It was the linest sport in the world, i
i I have read about men raving about' I
; big game hunting, but that sport has i
| nothing on hunting German machine
I gun nests like we did in Uelloau i
Wood." %
Harrisburg Soldier Arrives
Captain E. J. Stackpole, Jr., 110 th!
Infantry, of the Harrisburg Tele- '
I graph, son of the publisher, hit in '
the groin and leg September 25 [
! while he was leading his men on the i
: Aisne.
Private George W. Jones, Jr., Phil- '
I adelphia. 314 th Infantry, who in the
! fight before Verdun was hit by a
[Continued on Page 18.]
!; Plenty of Christmas
Trees at Fair Prices
Now Assured the City
' i
i When Father Harris goes a-3hop-t
j ping for his Christmas tree to furnish j
' delight for the wee tots of Harris-'
1 burg—and the big ones, too —he's go-'
ing to find plenty of the spruces and
' pines and cedars on the market for
! his selection. This is the cheering'
I news let loose this mortiing by Wal
ler S. Schell, prominent Harrisburg
seedsman. Kays the purveyor of
Christmas trees:
"There will be just as many trees'
. coming to Harrisburg this Christmas'
as ever. They will come from that
same source and the prices will he|
I exactly the same as last year, ,->ing-[
ing from 35c to $2.50 for the very
finest trees, as far as the thousands of
trees we will have next week are
'concerned. Our shipper ndvUes us'
cur trees are the finest we have ever
! received. "
"Tell the youngsters not to worry, j
. for Santa's little woodchoppera have'
' luen very busy and tliere will he trees
i for every one of them."
So, cheer up. kiddles of Harrisburg!
Get vour red and green and blue or
naments and the tinsel rnd toys, for
there'll lie a Christmas tree In your
house, too. If you treut Santa Clans
'■£ ~ . > I ■ \
j By Associated Press
Paris, Dec. 12.—The length of
i President Wilson's "official" .visit
• In Paris has been fixed at [orty-
I eight hours, according to the
' Matin. The remainder of his stay
here will not be marked by any
state ceremony.
London, Dec. 12.—Reports that
| King George contemplates a visit
, to the Fnlted Slates are denied
! here,
! Patriotic Men and Women
Don't Wait lo Be
j Harrisburg didn't have to wait to
be usked to join the Red Cross. Be
ginning at 8 o'clock this morning
on every one of the 403 city blocks
! men and women were going to Red
j Cross headquarters on their own
i block and volunteering their mem
-1 bership.
| The sign of volunteer headquar
, ters on each block is the Red Cross
! poster bearing the word "Join" at
i the top, and "nil you need is a heart
i and a dollar" at the bottom. Wher
ever one of these posters is displaved
Harrisburg people may join the Red
, Cross.
They may join—but not indefi
j nitely. There is n time limit on vol
lunteer memberships. No volunteers
. [Continued on Pngc '1,5.1
Samuel Bloom Modestly Carri
i *
cording to Letters Rcceiv
j Cited for bravery in aclton against
the murderous Huns and proud pos
' sessor of the Croix de Guerre, Sam
| Bloom, eighteen years old, after flf-
I teen months' foreign service, is so
i modest that he carries the emblem
safely tucked away In his pocket.
The - yfiuthful hero, wounded three
, times while In nctiofi, is a son of Mr.
and Mrs. Max Bloom, 1314 Cowden
street. '
i News of the citation and of the
1 presentation of the medal to Bloom
Is told In a letter received.by James
F. Mlnnaugh. '124 Race street, from
his brother, Joseph Minnaugh, form
erly chief clerk in the city treas
urer's office, who was stationed
at St. Nazalre on November 15, the
date on which the letter was wrlt
| ler,. He writes:
' , ' * ' '
, Ml,.i* M
| Brest in Holiday Attire; Prcs-j
| idcnt's Arrival Awaited
by French Deputies
By Associated Press
Dec. J 2.—Brest has put 011 its'
I holiday.attire and is eagerly awaitingl
j the arrival of President Wilson to-!
! morrow. The Presidential fleet is not'
! far off the coast.
If the weather early to-morrow is'
t rough, the Presidential ship inay en-j
iter the sheltered roadstead towards!
110 o'clock., Otherwise the regular!
M program will be carried out, the!
I steamer entering the harbor about!
noon and the President landing from'
her at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. !
A large delegation of Socialist 1
I members of the Chamber of Deputies!
I has arrived to greet President Wilson, i
Cabinet ministers and officials will!
j arrive to-morrow.
The Place President Wilson end'
. i the -Cours Dajot, along which thej
. ! President will pass, are elaborately,
, | beflagged.
I j
, l.ondon, Dec. 12.—The United States!
. battle fleet wtylch is to form part of
the escort of the IT. S. S. George|
. Washington into Brest, left Portland
, this morning. It was commanded by l
t Vice-Admiral Sims, who was on oourJ
t the battleship Wyomitjg. The fleeti
. consisted of two buttleship divisions
I under Admirals Robmnn and Itodgers!
| and one destroyer division.
The licet will lie met lit sea oy tliir-l
. j ty destroyers from Brest. Tlie George'
Washington, carrying the President!
i and his party, will be met at 9
o'clock to-morrow morning ninety
niilfs from Brest.
■ J
ios War Cross in Pocket, Ac- j
fed Here From the Front
"I met Sam Hlooin yesterday. He;
was wounded three times and lias a
citation and a medul from the French.
He is very modest and carries the
medal In his pocket. He is only 18
years old now and has already been
i over for fifteen months.
| No reference was made In the let- j
ter as to the condition In which Mln- !
| naugh found Bloom, but from the j
i manner In which th* story Is related,'
] It has been assumed from later ref- 1
erence that he-has almost fully re-j
I covered. He chllsted In Phlladel- j
phla in June, 1917, and went to Camp j
, Hancoek. Ga.. where he trained until i
; late that year when he sailed for 1
1 France with Company 1. 109 th Infan- j
try. He was serving with this unit I
when he distinguished himself. j
\ '
Automobile Owners Sec No
Need For Fees to Re
cover Stolen Cars
Dollar Registration Brings
Forth Protest by Many
Individual Owners
Vast Revenue Would Come to
j New Offices Opened by
Police Chiefs of State
The Harrizburg Motor .Club us a I
! unit and local motorists in general '
I are entirely out of sympathy with '
! the Clearing -House for the Hecov- j
I ery of Stolen Automobiles, estab- !
| iislied in Hurrisburg .by the Penn- i
j sylvan la Chiefs of Police Associa- \
; tion; in fact they have expressed
[the greatest antipathy to the new i 1
j organization.
Vho vociferous outburst of dis-!
approval und protest which has
arisen here, is being followed too by,
grumblings which forecast later;
; trouble, from cor owners in other'
; sections of Pennsylvania. The Har- ,
i risburg Motor Club, however, is tak- j
i ing a leading pgrt In a fight against •
, the new association and already has i
j communicated with the Pennsylva-|
i nla Motor Federation asking thut
; it post its members throughout the
[slate to withhold registration in thej
1 new organization. In the event that,
] state officials fall to take this action,
: one official of the Motor Club ex- j
| plains, action will be taken to post I
I members of the Harrlsburg Motor!
I.cttcrs Mailed
The infant prodigy of the chiefs of
police wus instituted but a short
; time ugo. I-etters, inviting car own
| crs to register their autos with the
association as a method of protec
tion, are now being mailed out, and
'already a number of them have-been j
received here In Harrlsburg. Hut j
•only a small minority of owners in j
j the state as a whole have as yet'
I received the invitation to register!
| with the association. I
The letter Inviting registration is: J
"As an owner of an automobile j
you will be-deeply Interested In the,
plan of the Pennsylvania Chiefs of
[Continued on Pago 11.]
accidentally shoots foot
Joseph West. Linglcstown, aged
17, shot a toe off his right foot yes-!
terday when his gun accidentally dls- j
i charged as he was carrying it at his
I side with the muzzle pointing down
wards, while shooting sparrows. An
! other toe likely will be amputated.
| He wus brought to the Harrlsburg
Hospital, where physicians probed I
I for the bullet this morning. I
1 • i,
j Widespread Approval (liven J
]' Plans Taken Up by Com
'| Widespread approval of tlie plans!
j 0? officials to build a new city and |
j qounty office building on the site of'
] the present courthouse wus given!
: to-day by many residents of Harris- i
l burg and Dauphin county,
i Many persons In discussing the I
,| move of the city and county com-
I missioners declared that all pre- ]
limtna.v arrangements should be!
i completed as soon as possible sol
j that when It is finally decided to]
I erect the new structure building op-j
! crations will not be delayed.
! Whether any legal questions must j
[Continued on Page 18.]
Loving! No Indeed, h
Loving Was Cruel
Whoever heard of a loving couple j
I having marital troubles?
j It doesn't seem likely that such j
would he the cuse, but facts are facts, I
and Prothonotary Charles E. Pass ]
1 and his deputies to-day found that -
loving folke sometimes have diffleul- 1
ties, too.
Counsel for Mrs. Amelia C. Lov- j'
ing tiled u libel in divorce for her to- 1
j day. Mrs. Loving nllegcs her hus- 1
! band, William E. Loving, has just 1
.j been the opposite in his treatment
i of her, and because of his cruelties '
j she is compelled to seek a separation '
I decree. < j
Two other similar actions were :
■ started to-day, George W. Walson •
! asking for a divorce from Alice C, '
: Walson, alleging desertion; and Eva '
; B. from Edwin- G. Mlosser, charging *
cruel und barbarous treutmcnt. i'
Edwin C. Wells, Son of
Commissioner, Is Dead '
County Commissioner H. C. Wells !
I received word to-day that his son,,
i Edwin C. Wells, supply sergeant of
I the One Hundred and Ninth Machine
'Gun Battalion, died November 18,,
' from bronchial pneumonia. He hail '
| been In active service overseas and ' '
i was wounded October 31, ommls-1 <
I sloner Wells received word Movent- i I
I her 2 9 of this lnjur>v i 1
Sergeant Wells had been In service t
I for several years, going to Campji
Hancock with the old Eighth Penn- | I
svlvanta National Guards. 1
-u' ' ' . ' - v„i,ktnu
Huns Seek Allied Help
Paris, Dec. 12.—Negotiations for the prolongation
of the German armistice began to-day at Treves, Rhenish
Prussia. The Matin says the German armistice delegates
have requested that the Allies reinforce their troops at cer
tain points in order to aid the German authorities in main
taining quiet. j i
The paper adds that in cases w here the German military j
authorities may urge more extended occupation in central
Germany, the Allies will limit the sending of troops into
German territory only to the necessities of occasions which !
may arise. j 1
Activities of Home Section of Red Cross Saved Many Har- :
risburg Wives and Children From Want While
Money Was Held Up
Delated checks long overdue to the
dependent kin of the rnqn in the [
service arrived in large measure to- i
day In Harrlsburg. In niuny instances
the money come after months and \
months of delay and, came at it j
moment some of the relatives said
when they had given up. all hope of]
ever getting It. •
Meanwhile announcement was;
made by the logl Hod Cross home
service section that not a single rela
tive of a soldier, sailor or marine '
should suffer from privation on ne- j
gleet if it is ih any way possible to]
No actual euscs of privation cutis- !
ed by the long delay in sending
checks were reported to the home ;
service section of the Hed Cross in
Harrlsburg because of the activity ;
of the organization, but in many
pther towns and cities throughout;
Pennsylvania there has been much j
suffering. In many cases the checks j
represented three months' ullotment, ,
vouchers for each month being mode •
out separately and being sent outl
lp separate envelopes, entulllng three j
times the required amount of cleri
cal work."-
Dependants Suffered [
The reason unsigned by officials
in charge of the Washington bureau
is "a new filing system hus been es
tablished and we were delayed in
sending out vouchers." This ex
planation was contained in letters
received here this morning. The
officials promise that better service
will be given hereuftcr.
One of the reasons cited for Har
risburg's being fortunate In not hav
ing coses of privation caused by the
delay in sending checks Is because
Many Christians Slaughtered
in "Unheard-of Orgies"'
Asia Minor
New York, Dec. 12.—Turkish de
j sorters are reported tp be commit
i ting "unheard of orgies" and killing
I many Christians In Broussa, Asia
; Minor, according to a cablegram
j from Nicholas Politis, Greek mlnls-
I ter of foreign affairs, received here
j by Dr. John N. Metuxa, former gov
i ernor of Saloniki, and made public
! lust night.
'The papers of Smyrna report,"
! says the cablegram, "that in the dis
i trict of Broussa numerous hands of
I Turkish deserters are committing
j unheard of orgies. Such bands have
j looted Christian stores. Sanguinary
fighting followed In which many
j Christians were killed."
W. P. Starkey Going to
Europe on an Important
Industrial Mission
W. P. Starkey, general superin
tendent of the Harrisburg Pipe and
Pipe Bending Company, leaves to
morrow for New York, whence he
will sail Monday for Scotland on an
important business mission for his
company, which may mean a large
ly increased product at the big local,
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Starkey
entertained at thetr residence. Front
and Kelker streets, a number of
friends. The guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Frank H. Walker, Mr. und
Mrs. Hedsecker Brinser, Mr. and
Mrs, John C. Orr, Mr. and Mrs.-A. H.
Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dare, Mr.
und Mrs. Lurkln und Mr. and Mra.
H. D. Delmotte.
Mr. Starkey will he accompanied
,on his trip by Thomas Edwards,
chief roller, and Charles A. Bender,
muster ntechunlc of the plant.
9 Years Old, She Undergoes
Her Fourth Operation
Nine-year-old El anbeth A. Keffor.
a niece of John J. Keffer, 2238
North Fourth street, underwent un
operation for the fourth time In her 1
life to-day when physicians at thej
Harrisburg Hospital treated her for
throat trouble. Only a few months'
ago tho child was operated upon <
for appendicitis. Her father died j
following a similar operation.
v ' [■
many of the wives of soldiers, sail- )
' ors and marines ure newly married
jnnd can return to parents' homes. I
In other cities It appears there are
| hundreds who are less fortunate and
: these endured bitter suffering. It Is I
stated. Where there ure children '
jor dependent parents the hardship
• Is apparent.
Further inefficiency of tlie Wash- >
j Ington bureaus is cited by Washing-j
; ton correspondents in dispatches :
dated this morning, in which it is '
i stated American soldiers wounded i
I in France are being returned to the i
i United States without having re- '
cclved uny pay for months, and are j
being sent from debarkation points)
j to interior points without being pro- •
, vided with funds. Representative j'
i Mann, Republican floor leader, read
a telegram to this effect before the ;
House yesterday. It is probable a ]
| Congressional inquiry will be car
ried on as the result of exposure'
! of facts.
;; * ; ■ —■ ■
|j .. WANTS ENtARGE;D . ,±.
1 X Washingtons—Appropriations 5 —Appropriations to provide a oavy fo J
I T the United States by 1925 as large as that of any other 3T
• i
■ I *f* 1
'X . X
:i I
|X " : t f ''■ a rdent;,of • IB.',
I ' Jl
X *tr
IX' : ' y
V .r /, X
& ■ s
14* y fi
iii • 2
4 1 in su h-ca es.' x . T I
* t
-1 .• X
' *r
t >lc precautions X
J i *jj
iit Berlin—Official denial was made yesterday ri.at the: X
r T
'JJo™*™" o™*™ o ™*™ considering the convening, of..the R
X stag. *f
X c •, T-""a--o'' '-on of Jacob Dice, X .
y * -roe X •
■!** A •
I' -i .* • r X <"
yX ' i gangrene developing.' To save his life .Jb,
'' ,• j
-j v t y
T. stands .Viscount Milner secretary of, s' v- nx A
4* T
. 2 ( v " ' •" '<•. Vtrd- X |
• |4t'.grad. according to,the Aftenposten.' The newspaper re- 9E9
II pr.-- / !"<• '.! neutral countries • |
IX ■< TV"""- r .wernrncnt is X
|T about to scv r .hem. .'
t Inrrurr It. Ucll and Ileal pr K. Shall,.llarrlabHrC. X
. ItftfVr ■.... J.
Pastors Cannot Live
on Small Salaries,
Says Speaker
Strong Indictment Is
Drawn Against the -
Older Ideas
What practically constitutes an in
dictment ami In HI the Protestaftt
Church In its present inefficient
n;-**iodg—the continuation of poor
salaries to ministers, the reactionary
methods of church officers, and the
gcncrul failure of the church to mefet
the crying needs of a new world,
were set forth to-day in the report
of the Kev. W. C. Hogg, of Williams
port, on "The United Movement,"
at the third session of the Pennsylva
: nian Synod of the Presbyterian.
Church. The Rev. Mr. Hogg arraign
ed church officers and dealt some
hurd blows in speaking on the matter
of better business methods and pas
toral support in Pennsylvania.
"It is not for me to tell the older
leaders what to do," said Mr. Hogg
in his address. "I would be untrue,
however, to opportunities and lny
information If I did not give some
pronounced expression to what thou
sands of the young people In our
churches are thinking and saying.
Old Methods Going
i "The men and women of our slate
1 und nation huve learned to co-oper
' ate as never before in the great
beneficent enterprises of our day.
I They have learned to think in terms
j of the nutlon's population, resources
; and millions. Let the Church now
; speuk in terms not only, of the na
jtion, but of the world's need ijnd the
[Continued on Page 14.]