iii'K'lfilll THAT VACANT ROOM ll'BlE TELEGIAPI COLUMNS? fl zueafos NKIS—Mrs. Alice Weitzel Neis died on Monday morning, ai 7:15 o'clock. Funeral services will be held at nor latu home, 107 Cumberland street, on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o ciock. Interment at Mt. Olivet Cemeter>, fit New Cumberland. Relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. * _ HA 1-10 Louis 11. .Hale died at Read ing, December 7, 1018, at 8.40 1. M. Funeral services on Thursday, at - P. M., from the residonce of his brother, Daniel Hale, No. I North fourth street, Steelton. Body ran l.e vlfewed on Wednesday evening. Burial in Steelton Cemetery. LOST AXD FOUND FOUND A purse, at Broad Street Market. Party losing it tan have same by calling at 281) sassafras street. LOST Small, black dog. Answers Jo name of Sport. White '"east am neck, four white feet and white tip on tail. Blind in left eye. ltewaid if returned to 151!) Allison street. DOST s"B in bills in downtown section. Reward of sls if returned. Call Dial phone 423 a. __ INSTRUCTIONS A RIGHT START IS HADF THK BATTLE Cet a IHOKOUUH STANDARD course in Harris burg's ACCREDITED Business Lol lege. school ot Commerce. Troup Building, 16 South Market Square. Bell 480, Dial 4383. INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Short hand, Typewriting. A eitti bookkeeping, l'enmansnlp. At tin., etc. DAY AND NiUili ALL VEAR. Enter any time, belt 6J*u, 'THE"OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL ] 131 -Market St. CUas K. Beck ley . I rin. , Alerle E. Keller. Bus. -Mgi. HELP WA.NTEI) —MALE ■ - SEVERAL SALESMEN . „ door-to-door proposition- u ,,er experience uesit ; 1 ie. ' Address M., 6511. Cure ui Telegraph. w \ N'T ED Men wi.hing positions' treuieif. BruKeineu. Electric Moto r Colored Tram foiu " \an la, DIUo unu New loi k I oaus. ao expel lenee necessary. * 100 ;.? o l ® U |a {£ muiitli uuiek promotion $-00 sJyu per m'ontn positions. -Name I anted. Inter Railway Dept. t < H. R Uiutiupolis, Did. 1 WANTED First-class barber. Ap ply Bolton House Barber Shop. - -Nurth Second street, llarrisburg. _ WANTED District and local I agents in every city and town in, Pennsylvania. Automobile insurance.' Excellent policy. 40 per cent, mo e | coverage, 60 per cent, less cost. Bib j proposition. Address 633!. care Oi, i el-graph. j -MEN WANTED—To load stone. 29 cents per ton. Can earn s2o to per woeic. Apply Paxtang Ciuarties. I ul tang. _ WANTED —Two good, strong boys, to IC-uiii trade. A 4 .piy j uU Tne Xeicgrapu I i muni, Larrisuurg. . i WANTED Representative for an old, staple line Agency. Must cany and finance a email stock and produce j results, ."tate qualifications. Address j J. Rolnns, 2is Faraway Biog., aclphia. i WANTED, AT ONCE One steam shovel fireman and one steam shovel night watcniuan. Apply James 11. l\*y Ann fetreet Bring-. Middietown.-i EXPERIENCED SHOE WORKERS j VVA.VTBD TO INCREASE PRO- ! duction on women s fine welts— -"BED LASTEK. i GOOD YEAR STITCHER, ROUGH ROUNDER, EDGE TRIMMER. I - who.sl or Telegraph our r EXPENSE. CARLISLE SHOE COMPANY. CARLISLE. PA. -CARPENTERS AND LABORERS •Wanted. Warren Moore & Co., R. R Freight Warehouse, Second i ,4nd Mulberry streets. S\l '•'.•"MEN Joseph Campbell! Company, Camden, New Jersey, have openings for four or mole specialty salesmen in Pennsylvania territory | outside of Philadelphia, if you are the man and can furnish references, . this is an opportunity to connect with | an \l House. State age and selling , experience, if any. Address M„ 6564,. care of Telegraph. i WANTED Collector for People's ; Furnishing Co.. 331) Broad street. j WANTED Collector and solicitor. ' 1 iberal guarantee and commissions- Permanent position. Bell phones lOot and 3970J AUTO MECHANICS TWO FORD REPAIRMEN ' APPLY MAC'S GARAGE, 117 SOUTH THIRD ST. y— —— ' Houses Should Be Pur- l chased Now for Pos session in the Spring Hero Are a Few ot' the V erjr I Desirable Properties on Our List No. 203 Pine Street, 3-story brick. I -\o. 2418 jelterson Street. 3-atory brick. No. 4io Forster Street, 2%-story j frame. No. 1335 Derry Street. 3-story | brick. '■No. 650 Schuylkill Street, 3-story ! frame. No. 1321 State Street, 2V4-story ; brick. No. 1363 Vernon Street, 3-story j brick. No. 1822 State Street. 3-story brick. | No. 710 N. Seventeenth Street. 3- ! story brick. No. 315 S. Seventeenth Street, 3- story brick and stucco. I No. 1116 N. Fourteenth Street. 2(4- j storv brick and stucco. I No. 127 Sylvan Terrace. 3-story brick. Miller Brothers & Co. [teal Estate Insurance Surety liond* Locust nntl Court Streets (•embers libit- Real Ehiui. n„ aril _J. WEDNESDAY EVENING j 11ELI* WANTED—MALK WANTED ii Five good Linotype Operators, r Good working conditions. ;. Apply to I HARRY A. FRY. Telegraph Composing Room. WANTED a ' CARPENTERS :i i i Apply PEN'.X-HARRIS HOTEL, FRANK C. LEURN. i. : t i WANTED • j Good Loom Fixers. Steady em , ' ployment. Highest wages. Apply at once, „ I HARRISBURG SILK MILL, s j Second and North Sts., llarrisburg. Pa. ' i GOVERNMENT needs hundreds , i clerks tor Income Tax. Customs, in ternal, Revenue. Hamsburg examina tions soon. Salary, sl,loo-$2,0t)0. Ex perience unnecessary. For free par ticulars regarding examinations, • write J. C. Leonard (former Civil Service Examiner), 2561 Kenois Building, Wichita. HELP WANTED—FEMALE •I , ! WANTED 'I YOUNG WOMEN AND GIRLS I IN CARTON|KG AND PACK j ING DEPARTMENT. ATTRACTI V E POSITIONS OPEN. ! . APPLY DEVIXE V YUNGEL SHOE MFG. CO.. j SIXTEENTH AND STATE STS. WANTED Girl, or woman, for ! general housework, in small family.: ! Apply 1429 North Front street. WANTED Woman to do washing! and ironing. Apply 1624 North Sec ond street. Bell phone 2290. I I WANTED i Woman for general housework. | Good home and good wages in small family. Address BOX S, 6562, j Care of Telegraph, WANTED Two refined white! : girls, for general housework, lloem I rui'iiished. Prefer one in school or, employed elsewhere half day. L„ ! j 6563, care of Telegraph. ! GIRLS WANTED For work on i power sewing machines. $12.U0 pet'i week paid to beginners. Belgrade j Knitting Mills, New Cumberland, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged woman to ! take charge of kitchen at Loysville j Orphans' Home. Inquire K. 1-. Dure, j 1442 Market street, llarrisburg. i WANTED Girl, after schoof, j hours, to assist in housework. Inquire j at 2216 North Second | WANTED Middle-aged white wo man preterred, tor cooking. Please ap ' ply at once, lull Market street. WANTED Girl or woman to help j with children unit do general liouse- I work, -so family washing or ironing, j Small family. call Bell phone sobuj, II between a and 7 o clock evenings. i WANTED Girl for general j housework. Appiy 2266 -vol'th second | street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED —• Girl lor newsstand. | Apply at once, telegraph Bunding, | First Floor Corridor. K . WANTED Woman to clean office building. Inquire AHlier Bros ii Co., ■ Locust and Court. STENOGRAPHER WANTED 1 Lauy slenogi apner in nre in surance ot lice- slate age, sal ary expected, also experience. Address | "INSURANCE, t.are of Te'.egraph. I —— YOUNG WOMEN WANTED To learn snuemuking. Learners are well , l>ang government positions write tor free particulars. Raymond Terry ilormer Civu Service Exuininer), 46; I Columbian Building, Washington. i- , ! SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE ! WINDOW TRIMMER And card i writer, with department store experi- I enee and best of reference, desires to i'locate in an eastern city. Address M„ • 6565, tare of Hrrrisburg Telegraph. | SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE - MAN OU 40, I j With 20 years' experience In the handling of investments, and qualifieu to manage large financial affairs, desires posi tion us private secretary or ( confidential assistant. • Salary not important until i ability and fitness cun be demonstrated. Address BOX 11, 6555, Care of Telegraph. -j HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female SILK MILL i Experienced help wanted. Experl ■ encei weavers average $3.50 to $6.50 per day. Other departments propor tionately. Beginners wanted also. Best pay Come and earn 30 per cent, buuus over anu above regular wages. Appiy iIARRISBURG SILK MILL, Second and North Streets. AGENTS WANTED "j AUTHENTIC HISTORY OF THE WORLD WAR ' With Introduction by General Peyton C. March, highest otficer In the Unit ed States Army. Official photographs. : Sells on sight. Big terms. Extra ordinary opportunity for men or wo men. Outiit FREE. Universal House, j Philadelphia. (COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE I WORLD WAR By Francis A. March, with introduc ! tion by his brother, General Peyton ! C. March, highest officer in the U. S. 'A. Complete and absolute authentic, j Official photographs. Greatest Oppor j tunlty for big profits. Credit extend i ed. 20th Century Publishing Co., i i'hlladelphia, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe j WANTED Woman wishes day's ' work or offices to clean. 516 Prim rose avenue. I WANTED DaN's work by colored woman; can furnisn references. Write, or call, 1414 North Fourth street. ' WANTED Housework, by the day, or any kind of day's work, by | colored woman. Inquire 636 Culder j street. | STENOGRAPHER Young woman, ; High school graduate, having three ! years' experience; can furnish satis- I factory references. Address 11., 6566, : care of Telegraph. I WANTED Colored woman de i sires work scrubbing or cleaning of j tices. Call at 658 Sayford street. WANTED Woman wishes to keep ! house for a widower. Inquire 2135 j Camby street, Penbrook. WANTED By a colored woman. ! general housework. Apply to 1.316 ! Cowden street. i WANTED Stenographic work by experienced young woman; can fur- I nish best of references. Address Box | D, 6559, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOB KENT FOR RENT Two communicating rooms, on second floor, with use of balcony, phone and bath. Inquire 211) | South Thirteenth street. Bell phone 4390 M. -i— FOR KENT Second floor front ' room, upptovvn, in rivate family; fine | location; breakfast served if desired; j 40lR el,len onl> '" Ca " 130,1 phone | FOR RENT Two rooms, corner house, completely furnished for house ' . keeping; all improvements; front and i rear entrance; separate bells; cou | stunt hot water; hot water heat. I Adults only. Upper bell, 316 Hummel ! street. I FOR RENT Two unfurnished I rooms for light housekeeping. Adults I only. Inquire 632 Curtin street. I FOR RENT One large furnished | room, in third floor apartment, ln- I quire 1427 North Third street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS L'nfur i nislied, single or communicating; ; kitchenettes; laundry, phone and bathroom privileges; stoves furnish ed free. Weekly payments. Also small npartment in Mechanicsburg. Good location. Inquire at 429 Broad street. I —t— FOR RENT Second floor front room, uptown, in private family; fine location; breakfast served if desired; gentlemen only. Call Bell phone 4901 R. TWO NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS ! FOR KENT All conveniences; city steam heat; 3 minutes' walk from Square. 116 South Second street. Dial phone 3453. FOR RENT Large, elegantly furnished warm room, private family; refined neighborhood; all conveniences and use of phone; reasonable rates. In quire 26 North Eighteenth street. Bell phone 3842 M. FOR RENT Furnished rcoms, $2.50 per week and up; warm rooms, running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil scn Apartments. No. 143 South Third. FOR RENT One large bedroom, for gentlemen only. Rent reason able. Apply 276 Briggs street ROOMS WANTED | WANTED ■— By traveling sales | man, located in llarrisburg, room and I hath, strictly private family, near P. |o. Address, with particulars, R„ 6557, care of Telegraph. APARTMENTS FOB HE-NT I FOR RENT Two front second floor rooms, furnished or unfur nished, In modern upisrtment; city heat; electric light; use of hath anil phone; private entrance; centrally lo cated; one or two people only. Bell phone 2613. • FOR RENT First floor apart ment, consisting of three large rooms and outkitehen; use of cellar; large vard, and hath; electric lights and gas; cook stove. Also will sell to party moving in two cords of wood, or to outsiders. Wood cut in stove lengths. Inquire George M. Peterman, 632 Pelter street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR HALE—IB 23-25-27 New Fourth street; 10-room. modern brick. Bar gain for quick sale. Also 417-427 Cumberland street. Call, or address R. B. Hill, 218 Pine street. Bell phone 559 W. FOR SALE Three vacant brick , houses. Good location. Easy pay ments. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Uldg Bell 589. POSSESSION AT ONCE At WornT leysburg, 6-room house; chickenhouse; 1 garage, fruit trees; lot, about 70x150 ' ft.; fine garden. C. H. Corder, 17'> street. Bell nhone 560.1. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH J — ——*!■ ' YOU MAY SELL YOUR SERV ICES IN THE BEST MARKET through advertising in the classified - columns. If you are efficient, ca pable, ambitious if you want to work at Y'OUR WORK —tell your story in a small ad. There is a busi- f nessman in the city looking for you, with a place to offer you. Get his attention. i i 'I J ! = . | ItEAL ESTATE rim SALE I -I ; ] 1 ! IF IT S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN' ■ I FOURTH ST., X.. 2127—N0W VACANT I —3-story brick, 8 rooms and buth, IY' all improvements, cemented cellar, ' : extra washstand and toilet on tilird | lloor, a dandy house for roomers. 11 Can be bought same as rent. i FULTON ST., 1627—N0W VACANT, CORNER PROPERTY 2> s -story I frame, 6 rooms and attic, gas and ' ' water, newly painted and papered throughout. Can be bought same as rent. JEFFERSON ST., 2130—3-story brick, 1 8 rooms and bath, all improve ments, cemented cellar,' newly papered throughout. Same as rent. JEFFERSON ST.. 2215—2-story brick, 7 rooms and bath, all improvements, front porch, very cosy home. Same as rent. SCHUYLKILL. ST., 622 3-stor.v hurt 1 brick front, 8 rooms and bath, all i improvements, front porch, rear en -1 j trance, a very good home. Same as I rent. •'SIXTH ST., X., 2633 3-story brick, 8 rooms and bath, all improvements, I front porch, a house that is bound ! to increase in value. Same as rent. ! SEVENTEENTH ST.. S.. 532 3-story | brick, 8 rooms, bath and laundry. | all improvements, cemented cellar, front porch, a home in A 1 condt -1! lion. Same as rent. . D. A. SANDERLIN, ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG., | 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 3573. : TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSES—AII 1 improvements, front porch, bay wtn > | aow, 7 rooms, nice yard, drive alley, I room for garage; 5100 down, pay as • i rent. Also several 3-story bricks. : All improvements. ; j Three small houses, suburbs of ! I Steelton; *IOO down, balance as rent, I or will exchange on small farm or I city property. Liberty Bonus accepted. [ O. H. CORDEU, . j 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. ' | FOR SALE 1823-1825-1827 New .[Fourth street; 10 rooms: modern, l'uy il ment plan. R. B. Hill, £lB Bine street. Bell phone 559 W. [ FOR SALE Vacant property i Semi-detached pressed brick, ail im provements. North Sixth street. Right . terms. Very reasonable. D. A. I L'aley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell i>B9. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental payment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond hrst payment required, baiunce ' as rent. We have houses in every I part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. B. Dorunz, 1225 North Sixth street. ' VACANT BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE i —On easy terms. Six rooms and I bath. All other improvements. Price. ! only *2,500. Only *IOO needed. Bell 'Realty Co., Bergner Building. :! WHITEHALL STREET, 2058 De ! I sirable dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; ! gas; electric light; steam heat. Price ' right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ; | ing. 'I SEVENTEENTH STREET. N„ 803— I Vacant and Very desirable house for 1 sale; stucco over brick; gas; electric light; steam heat; hardwood lioors; stationary laundry tubs; two collars; shower bath equipment; awnings and copper screens', large tile porch. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE We have on our list several fine city , homes, ranging in price from *1,200 to . *8,500. Liberty Bonds taken, and terms to suit. CIIAS. DA VIES City Suburban and Farm Properties, 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. ■ I , I j FOR SALE • ' HOMES FOR COLORED FAMILIES ■ I Two frame houses, six rooms, gas and water, situated on Bcnn street. I; PRICE, *1,500 EACH. EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS. LINCOLN REALTY CO.. 'j 1129 North Seventh Street. Open Evenings Till 8 O'Ctoek. •I ! : • i i 2-STORY BRICK HOUSES, all lm- I provements, in city: front porch; bay -.window; nice yard to drive alley. I *IOO down, balance as rent. Liberty ! Bonds accepted. 1 Several line suburban homes, with 1 ■to : 3 acres of land. Possession at once. 'I Several 3-story- bricks In all parts • | of the city from *3,000 to *25.000 each. i| Vac it. possession at once. 7-room ' cottage near Camp Hill; improve ' I ments; garage; front and back s porches. Also 9-room cottage near • I Rockville. now vacant. Improvements; ■ largo porches; beautiful view; 25 fruit ! trees; spring water piped in house; - 5 minutes' walk to trolley; 214 acres ; of land - Ap c p '&. CORDER. I 1722 Green St. Bell 560 J. -. i Ileal Estate For Sale or Exchange i WANTED—TO RENT We are having a number of applt- I cations at this time for furnished! houses, apartments and rooms. What ( do you have to offer? Address Mil- I ler Brothels At Company, Locust atia I Court streets. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT i FOR lIENT Frame dwelling \ house, 320 South Fourth street, ateei-1 •J ton; 7 rooms; bath; hack yard. Kent I i reasonable. Apply 316 Soutn Fourth j street, steelton. I FOR RENT—No. 2UUU Stale street, ' corner brick house with all improve-! I meals, stole room una large garage.!' ) | coud poolroom location. Rem, au. i J. L. Gippie, 1251 market street. ! 1 ' | j FURNISHED HOUSE Located at 1 2303 Hotter street. Posssession about' December 16. Apply at 2305 llolfer j street. - FOR KENT 9-room l(Ouse; gas, r electricity, strum heat. In tine coiidi- : . tion. Cull Bell phone 2912. FOR RENT Two private garages, j , rear 1607 Swatara street. Rent, su.tio I , I each. J. E. Glpple, 1251 Market street. I REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OU RENT 2425-29! C North Sixth street; semi-detached I 1 front porches and all improvements; I ■ immediate possession. Inquire C. H. 5 Kinter. 300 Commonwealth Trust Bldg. i HOUSES AND GARAGES-=At Fifth ! • and Curtin streets; possession of i • some of the houses on thirty days' ! ' notice. Fred U. -Wilier, 31 North Sec- i < end. Bell phone 307 J. REAL ESTATE WANTED j HOUSE WANTED Occupancy De- I' • cember 15 to 23, city or suburban, 6 i ' to 8 rooms. All improvements. Ad-! dress Box H, 6556. care of Telegraph. | FARM WANTED 2 to 20 acres ' with or without buildings. State low- j est price. Address Box D. 6550, earn i of Telegraph. j I HAVE BUYERS waiting for prop- i crty in any section of the city, if ! cheap. What have you to offer. ! CUAS. ADLER, 1002 N. Third Street. | 1 ~ OFFICES AND STOREROOMS OFFICES FOR RENT Furnished j 1 or unfurnished, single or ensuite of ' two or three rooms. Apply H. & L j Lowengard. 210 North Third street. \ ■ Offices und Storerooms—For Rent , ' MARKET ST. STORE FOR RENT. Beautiful Daylight Store. I 504 Market Street. . I CHAS. ADLER. . | 1002 North Third Street. FARMS ■ | 1 FARMS FOR SALE ' 100 Acres—Frame buildings, fruit and timber $3,000 | I 60 Acres—Fruit, truck, good build-1 , ings and soil $3,800 1 , 167 Acres—Tobacco, truck, grain, good ; buildings SIO,OOO | . 190 Acres—Stock, grain, tobacco, fine building $26, 000 | 27 Acres—Good buildings and soil,; ; fruit $2.800 | 1 6 Acres—Good buildings, truck audi fruit SBSO | ! Have 3 2-acro places near city, j $1,650 to $2,300. . Liberty Bunds taken, and terms to suit, j CHARLES DA VIES, • | City, Suburban and- Farm Properties, j jj 204 Calder Bldg. Bell 4377. j "I 110 ACRE FARM, on State Road, 18 , .. miles from llarrisburg, $3,700.00; 59! - acres, new buildings, 2Vt miles from j [ Palmyra Station, $3,500.00. Also 40. ■ I acres, good buildings, $1,800.00, 61 : acres. 1 mile from llarrisburg, good • buildings, $8,500.00; 3 acres, with | i good house, $550.00, 17 miles from j 1 llarrisburg Call 107 Chestnut street. I , 20-A. farm, near Linglestown, $2,800. 30-A. farm, near Knola, $3,500. 30-A. Farm, near Rockville, $2,800. 181-A. farm, near Linglestown, sll,- 000. f 150-A. farm, near Linglestown, $9,000. 115-A. farm, near Rockville, SB,OOO. I 122-A. farm, near Lewisberry, SB,OOO. 1 140-A. farm, near Lewisberry, $6,500. 11-A. farm, near Lewisberry. $2,700. 4-A. place, 7 Mi. S. Harrisburg, S6OO. 7-A. place, 7 Mi. S. Harrisburg. S7OO. 9-A. farm, 7 Mi. S. Harrisburg, SI,BOO Several more Farms, 40 to 100 acres. Also 1 have several small places, % to 3 acres each, close to trolley, on State ! Road, all improvements. See me be i fore you buy. Respectfully yours, C. 11. CORDER. 1722 Green Street, Harrisburg. Bell Phone 560J, FOR SALE —.MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Combination gas and roal range, in good condition. Price ! reasonable. Inquire 179 bouth Second street. Steelton. Pa. FOR SALE Female Poodle Dog. Inquire 153 North Catherine street, Mlddletown, Pa. 12 FINE. WHITE. LAYING LEG HORN PULLETS April hatched. S. I). Erb. Bhlremanstown. FOR SALE China closet, buffet and serving tahle. in oak. Inquire • 1014 Green street. r—~ ' j • I I' [j FOR SALE ' • ONF MARTIN ROTARY CONVERTER ! . Mariufactiired by i 1 Northwestern Electric Co., Chicago. I ■ No 1688. Type 4EG. 7-> K. W„ A. C. I. ; ! ' Voltage 220 - ]_) c Voltage 70, 1800, R. p. m„ ; A. C. Amp. 26.2 t t) C Amp. 107. Cvcles. 3 phase. ! ; APPLY ' I . C. E. HANDS'!!AW. 1600 NORTH THIRD ST. I FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, CHEAP Lundis Har ness sewing machine and KunuuU creasing niuchine. Bert F, Smitn, 61 Lincoln Way, West, Chambersuurg, Pa. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED, GEO. 1-. TILLUTSON, 205 LOCLsT STREET. OPPOSITE OHFHEUMTHEATEK BOTH PHONES FOR SALE 1919 CALENDARS Big Bargains In Samples and Job )aiß. Orders promptly liiled. First come, first served. MYERS MANUFACTURING CO.. Third and Cumberland Sts. Bell phone 1577 R. t Above Snoe Store). CANNEL COAL DELIVERED ANYWHERE. NO RESTRICTIONS. J. B. MONTGOMERY. THIRD AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE Magazines for No. 1 Linotypes. A rare bargain for a plant with a No. 1 machine. Address THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING COMPANY. Harrisburg. Pa. | APPLES FOR SALE Grimes' Gol- 1 | den, with a Banana flavor; staymun ! ! W'einsap, Jonathans, fork Imperial, j ; ere. Some ot tliese apples are very line. ! i Come and see them at R. A. Wicker- j i sham's Orchusl. one-half mile east of ' I Mechanicsburg, i'u„ Trolley car slops j | at orchard. ~ BARGAINS! BARGAINS! j i The Store across from V. VV. C. A. ' i ofters >Oll tile Biggest anu Best Bar i gains in Men s and Boys' Suits, Over | coats. Mackinaw Gouts, Unuerwear, 1 Hats, Cups and Shoes. We are Xaiu ous for Low Prices. Give us a tridk OUTLET CLOTHING CO.. i 23 North Fourth Street. I CONTRACTOR'S KQUIPMENT FOR SALE I STEAM HOISTING ENGINE, WITH BOILER I I—7xlo D. C., D. D. Lambert, with j Swinger. STIFF LEC. DERRICK . | 1—45 ft. Boom, 14x11 Brlllwheel and | Fitting. BUCKETS Clam Shell. ! 1— % cubic yard Ilaiss, coal hand- I ling, 111 good condition. ' Apply S. S. JOHNSON, 312 Chestnut Street, By Letter. i MORRIS SAYS save money buying ' new and secuiid-hund furniture neie. 1 tf.gll prices paid tor furniture. Morris ! sciimertz. 1030 Market. Bell 3971 U. j FOR SALE Walnut bedstead, bu- J reuu anu wushstanu, with marble tup; I oak ball rack and extension table. ' j Must be sold at once. Apply 1611 j penn street. WANTED Second-hand motors. Small size preferred. Apply FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP. Cranberry St.. near Second, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS RIVER COAL AND SAND FLEET Will pay cash. Describe fully. Give j location and price. I'. O. Box 22, Har j rlsburg. Pa. j I L. COHEN |V COMPANY, York and j Asli Avenues. Highest prices paid foi tragi, iron, barrels, rubber and metals and old inactunes. Send posiai jor call 3221W Bell and Dial 6223. ELECTRICIANS Will find an opportunity in the j sale of proluabie News Agency in I thriving suburban town. lnllucnze lias deprived the town i of its only electrician. No Elec i trical Supply store in town. Start a business here. The I Newspuper Agency will get you acquainted with the people. BOX It, 7474, Care of Telegraph. MAX SMELTZ I Second-hand luruiture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Cull I Bell 1381 or Dial 584 i, or drop a pos- 1 i lal to Mux Smoltz, 1016 Market street. I j Will call, city or country. | XMAS PRESENT for a small boy. ! Pure-bred Airedale Pup. Easy dog to 1 house train. Inquire M. It. Ruther ford, Harrisburg, Pa., Route No. 1, box | 79. Bell phone 341J-3. I FOR SALE Solid mahogany liv- I I ingroom suite, two-pedestal Colonial' 1 table, with drawer; locker, chair and ! I seatee. also slip covers, *45.00. Apply 1 j at 1533 Cedar street. WANTED, TO BUY Second-hand vlctrola. State price, condition and where it can be seen. Address C., 6558, care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention. Newmark ii Cown. 308 Brohd street. Dial phone 4826. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all ' kinds of Junk. Get our prices before selling. Call Bell phone 036, or drop ! i us a postal and our wagon will call. Keystone Iron Metal Co.. Broad and i Currant streets. HIGHEST PRICES PAID for all! kinds of empty barrels and Junk. Call ! Bell phone 4275. B Abrama & Son. i 824-832 North Seventh street. WANTED National Cash Regis-! ter. State description and price, i Ciias. Kurtz, 15 East One Hundred and j Sixteenth street, New York. PARTY OWNING well-located vacant property In the city, would like to get In touch with u responsible contractor and builder. One Who would be interested in developing the property. For particulars address, M.. 3211, Care of Telegraph. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES |~ CASH GROCERY STORE FOlt SALE j 1 —Good locution for reliable person. • Cheap, it sold to a quick buyer. Call; j Dial 5232. j BUSINESS PERSONALS UPHOLSTERING Of the best ! ' kind. Work guaranteed. We call and | ! deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone | 4 826. • i IDEAS. INVENTORS. PATENT.-.' 'pr moted. Send particulars. Ilorst j [Promoting Agency, Llnglestown, Pa, I DECEMBER 11, lblS. BUSINESS PERSONALS RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Siiife.u -ugu. 26c uuii., UuUble cugc. 2jc doz.; old style, 25c. Gorgus Drug aiuie. DIAMONDS bought fo.' cush—P. 11. Cupiau Co., 206 -Market street. OUININE —Look out lor that grippe leeuiig, likely to eaten you tins Ciiaiigeabiu Weather. OUR LAXATIVE PllOfePHO-tjUl-MNE will stave it off it taken In time. Gross Drug store, 119 -Market street. Money to Loan INDUSTRIAL LOANS—SIS to S3OO On Personal Property, Real Estate or Guaranteed Notes. TIIE ENTIRE COST OF S2O lor tour months is $2.50 S4O for four mouths is seoo S6O for four months is $6.50 SIOO for tour mouths is $9.50 based on tour equal moiithlv puy- ' liients one month apart. Other amounts ' !in proportion. Long or short time! contracts. Interest charged only lor the actual time money is in your possession. Business established in | 1909 and conducted under Suite super vision. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN & INVESTMENT CO., 204 Chestnut St. v I Hours: 8 to 6, Saturdays until 9. j Open two Evenings before Xmas. WE LEND MONEY in compliance ' ' with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu- ] | als in need of ready cash; small loans ! | a specialty, business confidential, pay- 1 | ments to suit borrower's convenience; ' positively lowest rales in city. I PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. j 132 Walnut Street. Musical I VIOLINS, MANDOLINS, GUITARS j BANJOS, Band und Orchestra Instru ! meats promptly and carefully repair- 1 j ed - OYLEK'S. 14 South Fourth street, i i TALKING MACHINES promptly and ' I carefully repaired by an ekpert only j j OYLEK'S, 14 South Fourth street. | ! IF your Talking Machine needs re ] pairs, just cull Bell Phono 3242 J. An expert will be at your service at once Or bring machine to 1213 North Third ! j street. HORSES AND CARRIAGES } FOR SALE Driving horse, buggy and complete outfit.- Cneap If solu at once. Bell phone 4668 M. HAULING AND MOVING I AUTO HAULING Local or long- I distanfce. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 91 f capital street. Both phones. AUTO HAULING Local and long i distance. Furniture moving a spe ! cialty. Rates reasonable. Promot i service. Call Bell 623 J. | HEAVY HAULING—"FuIIy equipped ! for lurniiure, freight and piano mov ing. No distaiwe 100 far. Careful unver. Ham and dusiproof body. J. E. Grubber's Truck Service. irvin j Aungst, Manager, Hershey Pa. Bell i phono 15R-6. j LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE 1 HAULING Prompt service. A &, B. Motor Express. 9i7 Capital street. 1 Bell phone 1635 J. LOCAL AND LONG - DISTANCE HAULING —Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Botu pnonea. Bell 3636J, Dial i 3083. | GENERAL HAULING AND FAST ! EXPRESS SERVICE to nearby towns | with auto trucka. Only experienced und careful drivers. Call Bell 3320 I or Dial 2265. ! AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Local , and long-distance. F. J. Marter, Bell ( 39-J. Steelton. WE MOVE Anything—anywhere—any time. Dial 4990. . DAYTON CYCLE CO.. j 912 North Third Street. City. | ; ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE I CONRAD BROS. 311 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. ! i - HICKS Local and Long-distance j Hauling. 424 Heily. Both Phones. Where to Dine i ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. ! '"HE HOME OF SATISFACTION. ! STOUFFER'S RESTAURANT—Home j cooking served to Businessmen and j Ladles in separate dlningroom. Storage j STORAGE—4I9 Broad street, nouse ! hold goods, merchandise. Private ! rooms at reasonable rutes. Also huul- I ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. J Both phones. STORAGE ln brick building, rear ; 408 Market. Household goods in clean, privtte looms. Reasonable rates. P j G. Diener, 408 Market street. ! STORAGE Private rooms for ; household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month und up. Lower ■ storage rates In non-firepYoof ware : house, llarrisburg Storage Co., 437- j 445 South Second street. Undertaker* SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR, 1313 Derry St. ! BELL 1966. DIAL 2133. . RUDOLPH K. SPICER, I Funeral Director and Embnlmer. 511 North Second Street, j BEJ-L 252. DIAL 2145. CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE I PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY j Beautifully situated on Murket street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the I nort.i and east faces the new park i way. The prices of lots are moderate. | Miller Bros. At Co.. Agents. Cleaner* mid Oyer* ; IT PAYS to have Clothes Cleaned, i Pressed. Dyed or Repaired at the best place In town. Call and deliver Goodman's. 1306(4 North Sixth. Both Phones. AUTOMOBILES WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. vv c uay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbronk. 912 North Third street. Dial 4990. i SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re | pairing by expert. Road Jobs a i specialty. Charge reasonable. Both ; Phones. Sunshine Garage. 27 North ' Cameron street. OLD AUTO" 1 Wanted; used, wrecked or o,dinners. In any condition See me before suc i rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto ! Wreci-ing, A. fechlffman. 22. 24, 26 I North Cameron street. Bell 3333. 1917 FORD TOURING. line order, SSO ! worth extra*. Price. $475.00 casff. ! Must be sold account sickness. Also Maxwell 1918 Touring. $750.00 cash. ] Run 1,000 miles, O. K. Can be seen [at Hoist's, Linglestown, Pa. I AUTOMOBILES KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. —I All sort of uuto tno and cushion work done by experts. Also repair work. Reusonublc rates. 1019 Market street. WM. PENN GARAGE i 304-6 Mucnch street. Limousines for I funcrul, purti and nails; Careful ; drivers; open day and night. Bell ! 4564. AUTO FOlt SALE 6-passenger Mitchell, in At condition. Newly painted. A good cur at a bargain to quick buyer. Edward W. Evans. 36 North Third street. Bell 1390, Dial 3673. KOlt SALE —^~1917-1914 Ford Tour-, ings, $ 135.00, 3325.00, to settle estates. ! Address Box 11, 6561, care of Tele ; graph. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS and pleas | ure cars for sale. Ford ton trucks. ; Auto-Car 2-ton trucks and one 7-' i pussenger Huyncs Tearing Car. All l 1 cheap to quick buyers. International! Harvester Co. Truck Department, NO.l Cls \v 1 nut street. ONE NEW CONESTOGA TRUCK Covered body, 1,000 lbs. capacity. A bargain. Inquire of Philadelphia Quick Lunch. ONE CHEVROLET ItOYAL MAIL ROADSTER Beaver's Garage, 633 ' North street. 1917 DODGE TOURING CAR FOR SALE ln A 1 condition. Will dem- I onstrate anywhere. Price, S9OO. Ap ! ply St. James Hotel, Market street. FOR SALE—S-ton Standard truck. Price reasonable. Mechanical work lu iAI condition. Guaranteed 30 days. Sunshine Garage, 27-29 North Cam eron street. FOR SALE 1917 Dodge Touring car. in A 1 condition. All good tires with new spare. A private car. Will demonstrate. Call 4912 Bell. J FOR SALE 1916 Metz Touring, I ono 191 C Maxwell Touring, two 1918 ! Maxwell Touring Cars. Apply Horst. | Llnglestown, Pa. ONE brand-new 1918 Chandler Tour ing Car. in good condition, has been I used about three months, to be sold |on account of death. Inquire at Gard j ner & Baptisti, Third and Chestnut 1 streets. MA I, * cos All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension. Eishtnann, Dixey, Splitdorf, Men, Remy and different makes of coils, carburetors, etc. A . Schiffman, 22-24-26 Nurth Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE Reo Touring car. Looks and runs like new. Bargain to quick buyer. Buick Roadster, A 1 shape. Bargain for some one. A. Schiffman. 22-24-26 North Cameron. . BUICK ROADSTER Runs fine; , electric lights; new top; $350.00. , Horst, Llnglestown, Pa. MOTOItCYCLES AND BICYCLES ' | FOR SALE l9lB twin-cylinder, : | electric equipped, Harley-Davidson I Motorcycle. Run about ouu miles, In ' j uuire David Durwaid Davis, 2121 | j Swatara street. .I 1 1916 BARLEY MOTORCYCLE • I side car and tandem, electric equipped : I $226.00. Indian Twin Tandem, ssu! ' I Horst. Llnglestown, Pa. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE—Like new. ; Bargain at $95.00. Horst, Llngles town. Pa. [ MOTORCYCLE—I9IS Indian Twin 2- speed, with tandem, just overhauled, . SBO.OO. City Garage, River and Straw > berry. J BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANER. / 3 I ; WITH ANDREW REDMOND. 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. GARAGE* ACCESSOR IEM AMI REPAIRS AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re i paired by specialists. Also fenders, i lamps, etc. Best service in town, llar risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 j North Third street. FOR SALE Camp Hill Garage. Terms reasonable. Address Box H, 6553, care of Telegraph. WELDING AUTO AND MACHINE PARTS [ Frames straightened and welded. Heavy Cust Iron Our Specialty. Expert Welders. Work Guaranteed. CAPITAL CITY WELDING CO.. 1538 Logan St. ; BELL 4396 J. LEGAL NOTICES ! In the Matter of the Estate of Fred i G. MartieYissen, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn ( sylvuiiia, deceased. .1 NOTICE 1 To all Parties in interest in the Estate j Aforesuid: You are hereby notified that the ap . I pi aisers who on the 26th day of No- I vernber, 1918, were appointed by the Orphans' Court of the County of Dau . phin, Stute of Pennsylvania, to ap praise and set apart out of the estate . of. the said Fred U. Martiensscn to , Caroline Martienssen, surviving , I spouse, real or personal estate to tlio I value of Five Thousand ($5,000) Dol -1 lars under and by virtue of the Aet I of Assembly in such ease made and ! provided, do report that they have ap praised and set apart all of the estate | of the aforesaid Fred G. Martienssen ; unto said Caroline Martienssen, which I report is now on file in the Office of the Clerk of the aforesaid Orphans' Court and will be presented to the aforesaid Court for absolute confirma tion on January the 28th, 1919, at ten (10) o'clock A. M., and all heirs or persons Interested in said estate are hereby required to appear 011 said day and show cause why said appraisement and setting aside should not be abso lutely confirmed by the Court if sume is objected to. If you fair thereof, the sume will be confirmed absolutely. B. FRANK NEAD, 1 Attorney for the Esttae of Fred G. Martienssen. I Estate of Martha R. Sourbeer, de ceased. LETTERS OP ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate having been granted . to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to the said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having ' claims to present the same without * ' delay, to THOMAS 8. RESIDE. Administrator, Cr to 1517 Berryhiil Street. W. JUSTIN CARTER, ESQ., Attorney for Administrator. 221 Market Street, Harrisburg. Pa. ~ NOTICE Letters of Administration in the Estate of Edwin E. Curtis, late ol Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, deceased, having been grant ed to the undersigned, all persons In debted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demand* against said Estate will make the same known without delay to HARRIET J. CURTIS. Administratrix. Or to Her Attorney, j WALTER R. SOHN, 1 Commonwealth Trust Co. Building, 1 Harrisburg. Pa. . NOTICE Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of Lydia A. Ham mond, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, having been granted to the undersigned, all per sons owing the said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against th ' same will present them without delay l ° JOHN W. HAMMOND. Administrator, No. 225 Peffer Street, Harrisburg, Pa. H 15