Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 11, 1918, Page 14, Image 14
14 STATE MUST PUT RETURNED YANK ON HIS OLD JOB The Deputy Attorney General Gives Ruling to Moving Picture Board That a state employe who left tlie service of the commonwealth to enter federal service during tlie war must be reinstated In his former capacity, is the opinion rendered to-day by Deputy Attorney General Joseph L. Kun, to Frank U. Shattuck. ehalr tmin of the State Board of Moving Picture Censors. Tlie opinion is modi fied, however, by the statement that by agreement a returning soldier may be given agreeable employment other than that which he had when lie en tered the Army. That a mother who leaves tho slate, after her application lias been made for aid from the mothers' pension fund, in order to keep herself from want, and returns to Pennsylvania to accept the benelits of the uct after aid is grunted, is eligible to tlie benelits of the law is the opinion of Deputy Attorney General W. H. Keller, the question was rulsed by Miss Mary l'. Uogue, state supervisor of tho Moth ers' Pension Fund. A child under 16 years of age can not be legally employed ill paid the atrical work in Pennsylvania. Attor ney General Francis Shunk Brown in formed Millard B. King, director of industrial education, in an opinion rendered to-day. SAYS COLD WEATHER BRINGS RETURN OF INFLuENZA Public Must Be Careful To Avoid A Second Epidemic. Easier To Prevent Than Cure. What To Do. "Encouraging reports of the fewer cases of Influenza in this vicinity should not allow us to relax our vigilance or to become cureless in the belief that the danger Is all over, savs a well known authority. With the coining ot cold weather there is apt to be a return of this frightful epidemic and its seriousness will de pend on tlie extent of the precau tions, taken by the public, to prevent inf When tlie air is full of influenza germs, vol! may be constantly breathing them into your nose and throat. But their danger may be ■ voided and you may make yourself practically immune to infection it you destroy Hie germ before it actu ally begins work in your biood. OurinK llH' recent serious epidemic which hit Harrisburg so hard, most successful results were obtained by many through tlie simple breathing Into tlie nose, throat and lungs ot the medicated ail' of oil of liyomei. Probably no better, safer or more sensible precaution against Influ enza, Grippe, Coughs, Colds, Bron chitis or Catarrh of Hie n;e und throat could be employed than to go now to the nearest drug store and get a complete Hyomei outlit con sisting of a bottle of the pure Oil of 11 vumei and a little vestpoeket hard l übber inhaling device into which a lew drops of the oil are poured. Carry this inhaler with you dur ing the duv and each half hour or s<> put it in vour mouth und druw ~ee|i breaths of its pure healing germicidal air into the passages of \i.ur nose, throat and lungs to de- Micy any genu.- mat may nine round lodgement there. This simple pre caution may save you a serious ilt -1 ess and Hie loss of several weeks' work It is pieasant to use and not i 1 all expensive as the Inhaler will * last a lifetime and further supplies 1,1 the Oil of Hyomei can be iiad at bll y drug .store lor u in, n,i ... Hundreds of people 111 Hils vicinity used Hyomei in tills way during tlie leceni crisis and 1 voided danger, n uov should not neglect it now for the danger is by 110 means over. 11. C. Kennedy. Sore Throat Prudence Y our medicine shelf is not well stocked without a bottle of TONSILINE, for you iton't know what moment it may be needed to relieve a sudden case of Pore Throat. Relieving Sore Throat is TON SILINE'S special mission. It is made for that—advertised for that—sold for that one purpose. TONSILINE is the Nat ional Sore Throat Remedy. It is sold in every State in tlie Union. Sou . will need TONSILINE one of (f&f these days, or some night when ~ jj the drug store is closed—better have a bottle ready at home I 1 when you need it most. 85c., Id Und 60c. Hospital Size, SI.OO. vA Your druggist sells TONSILINE LEGAL NOTICES Estate of Harry J. Miller. Sr., de ceased. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the above Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to the said Estate are requested lo make payment, and those having -laiins to present the same without Jclay. to HARRY J. MILLER, JR., Administrator, Or to 247 $6 Hummel St. \V. JUSTIN CARTER. ESQ.. Attorney for Administrator, 221 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. in tlie Orphans' Court of Dauphin County ln the Matter of the Ap plication for Letters of Administra tion upon the Estate of Morris Monroe Sweigard, a supposed De cedent. EVIDENCE concerning the alleged absence of Morris Monroe Sweigard, a supposed decedent,, and the circum stances and duration thereof having been beard by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County., Pennsylvania, on December 2, 1318, it was ordered and decreed by the said Court that the legal presumption of the deatli of said Morlrs Monroe Sweigurd was made out und established, and in pursuance of said order and decree, you. tlie said Morris Monroe Sweigard was made out any other person for you, are herehy required on or before March 31, 1919, to produce to the said Court satisfac tory evidence of the continuance in life of tlie said Moris Monroe Sweig ard, and if, at the said date, satisfac tory evidence of the continuance in life of the said Morris Monroe Sweig ard shall not be forthcoming, a de cree will be entered by tlie said Court directing the Register of Wills of Dauphin County to issue Letters of Administration upon the Estate of the said Morris Monroe Sweigard to tlie partv entitled thereto. BEIDLEMAN & HULL Attorneys. WE CAN HI ENGRAVE YOUR Holiday Greetings Name Cards or your Stationery |g| The Telegraph Printing Co., mm -mm WEDNESDAY EVENING. CHURCHMEN HAVE .4. WIDENED VISION [Continued from First Pus o -] I DR. GEORGE MONTGOMERY ! Prominent Pittsburgh Clergyman| ■ Elected Moderator of Synod tary of the assembly's committee. Both gave able addresses and stirred j 1 the Synod to unusual interest. The Rev. B. F. Evcrltt, of Lewis-1 burg, who was the organizer and executive secretary of the Laymen's Missionary Convention here two years ngq, has been the secretary of the Committee on Men's Work, and in his report this year he noted tho following facts of interest: Men's Work Sets Forth 1 Nearly every church in the Synod bus an organized Bible cluss for men | which acts as the center for the, men's activities of each ' church, j Good conferences had been held in, Beaver, (Carlisle, Chester, Clarion, 1 Pittsburgh and Westminster presby teries. Chester presbytery reports a varied program of activity by men. | Including nineteen societies featuring j boys' work, eight mission studies and j several street services. Philadelphia North Presbytery has a strong organ ization, as has Pittsburgh, the colli- | mittee of the later watches over: some 125* men's organizations with about four thousand members. Krie| and Clarion presbyteries report new interest with a series of group con-, ferences in the latter. Tiie Synod Increased 62 per cent, of its gifts to this work, which now shares the honor with the Evangel istic Committee of being an assembly j committee. In the addresses given, j and in the report of the secretary, , strong emphasis was laid upon tlie | relation of this work to the New Era j program of expansion for the church, j and it is planned to meet every presbytery the coming year with def- ' initc messages and programs looking| to proper adjustment of men's activ- I,EGAL NOTICE S S9I,UOU.UU SCHOOL BONUS OF THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF lIARUIMRJiiU. PA. SEALEu PROPOSALS will 6e re ceived by the Board of School Uirec- I tors of the school District of the City j 01 Harrisburg, Pa., until Friday, De -1 cember 30, 1018, at 3:80 o'clock P. M„ ; for the purchase of all or any portion jof $01,000.00 per cent, coupon bonds of said School District. The bonds will be issue'd in denomi -1 nations of $1,000.00 each, bearing date 1 of November 1, 1018, and maturing $ 10,000.0J on November 1, 1023, and $3,000.00 each year from November 1, | 1024, to November 1, 1048, both inelu ! sive with the interest payable on the lirst duy of May and November of ; each year. 1 The principal and interest will be payable ut the oftlee of the Treasurer of the said School District, llarris- I burg, Pa., and the bonds will be free of state tax. : At tlie general election held Novein ber i, 101 U. the School District was au thorized to Increase the indebtedness I of the District 1.20,000.00 by a vote ' of 6,555 in favor and 4,205 against. Eacli ptoposal must be uccumpunied ! by a certified check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the School 1 District. Harrisburg, Pa., for two 124 , per cent, of the par value o.f the < amount bid fOT. Bonds will be ready for delivery as ' soon after January 1, 1010, us pos sible and bids must include the pay- I ment of accrued interest to the date 1 of delivery. I The right is reserved to reject any i or all bids not deemed to be in the ! Interest of the School District. Bv order of the Board, D. D. HAMMELBAUGII, Secretary. j 121-123 Chestnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. !' NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS ' 1 Sealed Proposals will be received by I the superintendent of Public Safety, ! Room No. 12, Court House, Harris ) burg. Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock I a. M., Saturday, December 14, I'JIS, for 1 tlie Collection and Disposal of Ashes, | Rubbish and Miscellaneous Refuse for a period of twelve months beginning January 1. l'Jl'J, In acordance witn i specifications on lile in the ofilce or ' the Superintendent of Public Saiety, a j copy whereof may be obtained upon ! application. ■ All bids must bo sealed and endors | ed "Proposals foi the Collection and ; Disposal of Ashes. Rubbish and Mis ■■ oellanooiis Refuse." and addressed to the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 12, Court House, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. CERTIFIED CHECK AND SURETY BOND Each bid shall be accompanied by it certtled check of 10 p. r 0 ill. ot ti 1 bid, to Insure good faith in bidding. | U nd the execution of the formal writ | ten contract, and the successful bid , der shall file a bond, with corporate > surety, approved by tlie City Solicitor, for twenty-live per cent, of the con tract price The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. SAMUEL F. HASHLER, Superintendent of Public Safety. I Estate of Sarah A. Fiese. deceased. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been issued by the Register of Wills of Dauphin County in the above named Estate to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said Estate will make payment at once, and persons having claims against said Estate will present them promptly to STEELTON TRUST COMPANY. Steelton. Pa., Or to Administrator. 1 WICKERSHAM & METZGER. Attorneys, Fourth Floor Bergner Building, Harrisburg. Pa. ltles In tho church and community. War Broadens Church View It tvaa ututud tliut tho war lutil broadened tho view ot tho whole church, and that there tiro (trong Indications that It hue awakened to tho Importance of developing ronl Chrlst'nn lendershlp among tho men. The Rov. Ocorge Taylor, of Wll kinsburg, prcsontod tho report for the Standing Commttteo to tho Synod. The Rev. Dr. Rose 011 Program Last night's progiam lnc uded the reading of the Scripture lesson by Vlce-Modeiltor J. H. Jeffries, sing ing by a quartet, which had not been previously announced, and a prayer by the Rev. Dr. J. O. Rose, of Mer cersburg. In his sermon, the Rev. | J. W. ail land, of Shamokln, dwelt 011 the principles of the Presbyterian Church und their present-day appli cation. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup per, given after tho sermon, wus as follows: Prayer of consecration, the . Rev. Dr. J. W. Gi land; administer ing of the bread, the Rev. Dr. D. R. | Workman; administering of thoi wine, the Rov. Dr. A. J. Weisley; the , prayer of thanksgiving, the Rev. Dr. I T. C. McCarrell, of Mtddletown. The calling of the ro'l by the stated clerk, the Rev. Dr. Robert Hunter, fol lowed. The session was concluded j with the election of two temporary | clerks, election and induction of the 1 new moderator, and the report or. the Committee .\, rnn-r-m-n 1 s During the past year, the Presby terian State Federation gained more than 200,000 members, the report ot the Rev. William L. kludge, of Cham bersburg, to the Synod, shows The. "Report of the Committee of Chutch Federation of the Synod of Pennsyl- , vania," as presented by the Rev. Mr. j kludge, follows in part: , "There are now the following f e( j- ! orations in the Synod: The State l*et - oration, which holds its annual meet- j ing in this city next week. This fed- , oration has been in existence for ( seven years. It is composed of eleven denominational bodies. In 1016 gates representing 683,500 communl- | eant church members were present. | Last year the number was 868,500, a , gain of almost 200,000. A committee was recently appointed to raise a, budget of $6,000, so as to establish j a well-equipped office with a paid secretary who will give his full 1 to the work. Plans have already been made by whicli it is hoped to secure this sum during the coming winter The State Federation has been invaluable in organizing local federations and in developing the spirit of interdenominational activity along many lines. A survey has been made of different sections of the state showing the need of comity work. One of the most notable of ( these has been the survey of Center , county, with Spring Mills as a center. 1 With the State Federation your com- , mittce has been constantly co-oper- , aling, and has done much to make j it possible. It asks for your prayer- ; ful interest and hearty co-operation , in its splendid work. J "With these in mind let us briefly j summarize the results of another 1 year under these heads; "1.. Comity "Besides the principles which the I State Federation has adopted and 1 the surveys it lias made the report, comes from the Presbytery of Pliila- | dolphia that 'the Church Federation j of Philadelphia, through its comity, committee, has entered upon a period j of new life and great signiiicance to j the community by the enlistment of , the co-operation of the Home Mis- sionary Superintendents of the sev- , eral denominations who constitute \ an integral part of the committee.' j "In Carlisle Presbytery, the Fed-1 crated Church at McConnellshurg; continues to prosper under the work ! and iniiuenee of a new pastor and j the Classis of Mercersburg of the i Reformed Church and the Presby- j tery are further developing their j plans. "11. Evangelism "The evangelistic work has been greatly interrupted during the past yar because of the epidemic and war j conditions. "In Chambersburg, under the au-i spices of the Franklin County Fed- I eration, an evangelistic campaign! was about to begin when the| churches were closed. This campaign was to have eventually included the I entire county. "111. Social Service '"fliis has not been forgotten. The Beaver Federation reports progress in temperance reform and law en- ; forcenient. "Work along similar lines lias been accomplished by the Pittsburgh and Steelton Federations, the Federation of the Twenty-iirst ward and vicin ity, Philadelphia, and the Federation ; of Franklin county. "The Federation of Johnstown has . been active in making drives for re- ; lief work among the Armenian and 1 Syrian refugees and in recruiting for 1 the Army and Navy. Under the in-j fluence of the Easton Federation a 1 committee was organized which has been composed of Protestants, Cath olics and Jews. This committee has been showing a fine spirit of patriot ism. "The Philadelphia Federation has placed special emphasis here. 'ln co operation with federal agents, in vestigation and prosecution have ( been conducted and the services of ! an attorney engaged.' A special com- | mittee on War Industries has secured the services of a minister who is rep resenting the Protestant denomina tions in pastoral work at Hog island. "In Franklin county the Federa [ tion has had a most active war work [ committee. It helped to form a Com mittee on Churches and Religious i Organizations for the Fourth Liberty Loan drive. It has assisted in the establishment of what has been called by truck train officers 'the best canteen in the Middle States' and committees composed of members of the various churches have super vised and engaged in the activities of the different departments. It was the Federation which also secured the co-operation of the churches, the Council of National Defense and the 1 Red Cross in caring for thousands of ! sufferers in the county during the ; epidemic. Emergency hospitals and | community kitchens were estnblish !ed in towns where they were most 1 needed and a most effective ministry | was rendered without which the fa talities would have been much great er." MAYOR REMEMBERED BY MEN SERVING ABROAD Mayor Keister yesterday received Christmas greetings from two Har risburg soldiers in France. One wus from Francis P. Dwyer. a Y. M. O. A. secretary, who formerly was an inspector in tho Highways De partment, and the other wus from Major Edward H. Sclie'l, attached to the Quartermasters' Corps in France. I WOMAN ARRESTED ON STREET | Myrtle Flynn, aged 23. was given a hearing to-day on the charge of disorderly conduct on the street. Frank O'Noll. a private at the Mtd dletown Ordnance Depot, was ar rested on the charge of striking a civilian when the latter refused to buy whisky for him. William Curry I also received a hearing to-day on the j charge of being drunk and disorderly lilt Fourth and Blackberry streets, where he was arrested. v . . . HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH EPISCOPALIANS PLAN MISSIONS AT CONFERENCE Mission Hoard and War Com mission Met nt St. Steph en's Today Sessions of the missionary bodies i of the Protestant Episcopal Diocese j which opened last night at St. j Stephen's church were continued to- j day. The Board of Missions, prop-1 er, which went into sesslo nat eleven | o'clock this morning in St. Stephen's; rectory, was still sitting this after noon. Various reports nre being heard and plans made nt this meet-i ing. Leroy P. Baker, of Harrisburg. was elected secretary of the Board of Missions. The Rev. M. Du Put Maynard, of Bellefonte, acting archdeacon of the j Williamsport Diocese, is chairman | of this board. Other committee-1 men in attendance at this meet- i ing include the Rev. William Dor-i wart, of Newport, archdeacon of the Harrisburg Diocese; the Rev.' franklin T. Eastmcnt, of Phillips-, burg, archdeacon of the Altoona; Diocese; the Rev. John W. Torking-1 ton. of Wellsboro, archdeacon of the ] Northern Archdeaconry; the Rev. j Charles Novles Tyndell, of Williams-1 .port; the Rev. Alexander McMillan, Carlisle; the Rev. George R. Bishop,' of Altoona; George N. Reynolds,' Lancaster;' F. X. Luckenbnch. Ty-1 rone; George A. Gorgas, Harris-. burg; Horace R. Packer, Williams-' port; William L. Helfenstein, Sha-: mokin; William C. Robinson, Wil-i limasport: M. H. White, Coudcrs-1 port; H. O. Hinkle, Altoona; J. F.I Eberly, Westfield. , Just previous to this meeting, a| meeting of the War Commission] was held in the rectory. The Rev. I Charles N. Tyndell. of Williams-1 port, was chairman of this com-i mittee. Other members included i the Rev. Floyd Appleton, Harris-1 burg.: the Rev. George R. Bishop. Altoona: the Rev. John W. Tark •;Von, Wellsboro; Edgar Munson, j " llinmsport; Herbert W. Hartman, j Lancaster; Frank K. Ltickenbach,' Tyrone, and Joseph S."Eberle, West-] field. At noon luncheon was served to I all delegates in attendance. In nd-j dition there were in attendance Miss > Mary C. Hirlinger, of Wellsboro. ' president of the Junior Auxiliary of the Diocese of Harrisburg; Miss Anna Watts, of Mechanicsburg, | chairman of the Advent prayer; movement, and Mrs. James H. Dar- j lington. The first sessions of the bodies were held in the St. Stephen's! Church evening with the Rev. | James H. Darlington, Bishop of the] Harrisburg Diocese, presiding. Inciudin gamong the speakers at! this meeting and their topics were • the Rev. W. F. Haywood, of China, 1 who spoke on "Mission Work in j China." The Rev. William Dorwart, ] of Newport, archdeacon of the Har risburg Diocese, talked on mission work in his particular district. The Rev. H. A. Post, of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church discussed phases of mission work in Cuba. On. Eof the principal events of the meeting was the free will offer ing to St. Augustine's Episcopal Church, following the presentation of the missionary work among the | colored people of Harrisburg by the Rev. W. M. Parchment, rector. A new church property at the corner of Forster and Cowden streets has . recently been acquired by the col- { ored congregation. Their plan is to I convert the buildings of worship, ] with a view of later erecting a ] church on the lot. CITY AND COUNTY JOIN ON BUILDING [Continued from First Page.] ! to which the municipality holds no ; title. Siliinre \ut Designated City Solicitor Fox then said lie had been requested by City Commissioner ] C. W. Burtnett to construe the ordl i nance passed by Common Council in 1913 under which the loan of $25,000 was authorized and public comfort i stations. j Solicitor B"ox said he did not be- I lieve that the ordinance meant the ! ccmfort station, or stations, should I be constructed in Market Squiire as council could very easily have drawn up the ordinance to read "footwalk I and comfort stations In Market ] Square." Tha ordinance as approved I and the loan as passed provided for ' the expenditure of $25,000 for a I "footwalk on Market Square and I public contort stations." Wording Miscountrurd He explained that by putting the word "station" in the plural form in the ordinance would give council the right to construct such improvements ' not only in the central part of the j city but also on Allison Hill or up- I town. "One of these might or might not be in the Square. 1 don't believe Council lis limited to Market Square. The | question of practicability also must !be considered. Increasing need of i parking space and roadway for traf i lie might make it very inadvisable to put a comfort station there." I The opinion of the late City Soli ; eitor Daniel S. Seitz was then men j tioned and City Clerk R. Ross Sea | man was /requested to read it to | council. Solicitor Seitz in this opin i ion declared that council has no au ! thorlty to erect any superstructure I in the Bquare because of state legis i lation prohibiting it. Favors Safety Isle ' Commissioner Lynch, who intro duced the ordinance which suggests i constructing the comfort station next to the courthouse, said he would not ask for any further action on the measure until it is decided whether u new courthouse will be built. .Mayor Ketster told the other of ficials of the increasing need of parking space and said he favored the construction of an isle of safety or footwalk in the Squnre, followed by a city ordinance which would per mit parking machines against the curbing of the safety zone instead of along the street line as at present. He said that from plans which have been considered the parking area in the Square will be greatly Increased. Other officials agreed with the mayor. Solicitor Fox was then' asked whether all of the $25,000 loan au thorized could be used for comfort stations. He gave ft verbal opinion that It could not and thnt some of the money, probably $5,000, Should be used for t'oe Isle of safety In the Square. City Engineer M. B. Uow den estimated the improvement pro posed by Mayor Ketster would cost $5,000. MARKETS] MOW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Spuure, Harrisburg; 330 Chestnut street. Philadelphia; 34 Pine street, New York —furnish the following quotations: Open. Noon. Allis Chalmers 30% 30% Amer Beet Sugar 63% 64 American Can 46% 47 Ms ! Am Car and Foundry ... 89% 90% I j Amer Loco 65% 65% j I Amer Smelting 86% 80 i i American Sugar 113 113 'i | Amer Woolens 58% 58% j Anaconda 67% 67% i Atchison 95 95 , j Baldwin Locomotive ... 77% 75% Baltimore and Ohio .... 55% 55% | Bethlehem Steel B 68% 65% Butte Copper 21 21 Canadian Pacific 161% 161 ! ] Central Leather '63% 64% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 58% 58% .Ch'ino Con Copper 38% 38% Col Fuel nnd Iron 41% 41% Corn Products 48% 48 Crucible Steel 60 59% j Distilling Securities ... 50% 50% I Erie 19% 19% j Goodrich B F 57 57 ! Great Northern Ore subs 32% 32% Hide and Leather pfd ... 75% 75% Inspiration Copper 49% 49% 1 Kennecott 35 % 36 Mere Mar Ctfs 26% 26% j ] Merc Mar Ctfs pfd 113% 113% | ] Mex Petroleum 161 165 i i Mldvale Steel 46% 46% I ; New York Central 78% 78% j | Norfolk and Western ... 107% 107% Northern Pnclfic 97 96% | I Pennsylvania Railroad . 47 47% i . Pittsburgh Coal 47% 47% I Railway Steel Spg .... 77 77% | I Ray Con Copper 22% 22% j i Reading 85% 85% ; Republic Iron and Steel . 78% 78 | 'Southern Pacific 103% 103%; j Southern Ity 32 32'% j | Studebaker 42 42% , ■Union Pacific .... 131% 132% I U S I Alcohol 103% 103% | U S Rubber 74% 75% | j U S Steel 99 99% I Utah Copper 80% 80% j | Westinghouse Mfg .... 44% 44% I Willys-Overland 26% 26% j | Western Maryland 13% 13% ] | PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE ■ Philadelphia, Dec. 11. , Wheat —j l No. 1. soft, red. $2.20; No. 2, red, $2.24; ! ] No. 3. soft, red, $2.21. I Corn—The market is steady; No. 2, j ' yellow, to grade . and location, i ; $1.55® 1.70; No. 3, yellow, $1.55®1.70. 1 J Oats The market Is steady; 1 No. 2, white, 82% ® 83c; No. 3. white,] | 80%®81c. Bran The market is steady; soft | I winter, per ton. $40.50® 47.00; spring,, I per ton. I Butter The market is steady; i western, extra. packed. creamery, I 70c; nearby prints, fancy, 74® 76c. j Cheese The market is firm; ! New York and Wisconsin, full milk. I 36@37%c. I Eggs—Market steady; Pennsylvania j and other nearby firsts, free cases, ■ $21.00®21.60 per case; do., current re ceipta, free cases. $2.71 per 'case; western, extra firsts, free cases, ] $21.00®21.60 per ease; do., firsts, free cases, $20.40®20.70 per case; fancy, se- I lected, packed, 76®78c per dozen. ] Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed. 7.25 c. I Live Poultry Market weak; fowls, 27® 33c; spring chickens, 24ftr 29c; fowls, not leghorns, 31®32c; white leghorns, 29®30c; young, softmcated roosters, 20® 21c; young, staggy roost ers, 20@21c; old roosters, 20®21c; spring chickens, not leghorns, 30®32e; white leghorns, 29®90c; ducks, Peking spring, 32@35c; do., old, 30®35c; In dian Runner, 28®30c; spring ducks, I Long Island. 34®>36c; turkeys, 25®28c; I geese, nearby, 28@33c; western, 28® 32c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys. | spring, choice to fancy, 40@42c; I turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good, 35 ®39c; turkeys, common. 30@33c; old turkeys, 34@37c; fowls easier; fresh ] killed fowls, fancy. 35®35%c; do., I smaller sizes. 26®34%e; old roosters, 27c; broiling chickens, western, 42® 44c; roasting chickens, 29®36c; ducks, 40®42c; western ducks, 38®40c; geese, 27® 32c; dressed Pelt in ducks. 34® 36c; old ducks, 30®32c; Indian Run ners. 27®37%c; spring ducks, Long island, 30®40c. Potatoes The market is firmer; New Jersey, No. 1, 76® 90c per basket; do., No. 2, 50®60c per ; basket; do., 100-lb. bugs, No. 1, $2.50®) j 3.00, extra quality; do.. No. 2, $1.50® ; 2.25; Pennsylvania, 100 lbs.. No. 1, ! $2.50®2.85; do., per 100 lbs., fancy. [■2.9608.10; New Jersey, No. .1, 100 ] lbs., $2.15@2.50; do., No. 2, 100 tbs„ i $1.25® 1.75; western, per 100 lbs., $1.25 I® 1.65; Maine, per 100 lbs., $1.60® I 1.90; Delaware and Maryland, per 100 I bag, 0c@$1.10; Michigan, per 100 tbs.. $1.56 1.70; Florida, per barrel, i $2.60® 2.90; Florida, per bushel, ' hamper. 75®85c; Florida, per 150-tb. ; bags. $1.50(1/3.00; North Carolina, per I barrel, $1.50® 1.00; .South Carolina, per barrel. $1.50® 1.00; Norfolk, per bar- I rel. $3.45® 1.75; Eastern, Shore, per barrel. $2.00® 3.76:, fancy. Macungie, I No. 1, per barrel, $2.95® 3.10; do.. No. j 2, per barrel. $1.25® 1.50. i Flour Firm; winter wheat, new, ! 100 per cent. Hour, $10.25® 10.65 per . barrel; Kansas wheat, new, $10.85® i 11.20 per barrel; current receipts, $10.60® 10.85 per barrel; spring wheat, new. $10.85® 11.20 per barrel. Hay—The market is firm; timothy, No. 1. large und small bales, $33.00® 31.00 per ton: No. 2. small bales. $31.00 4/ 32.00 per ton; No. 3. $25,00®26.00 per ton: sample. $12.50®13.00 per ton; no grade. $7.50®11.50 per ton. Clover Light mixed. $30.00® 31.00 per ton; No. 1, light, mixed, $2*7.00®28.00 per ton; No. 2. light mixed. $28.00® 26.00 per ton; no grade. $18.00®20.00 per ton. Tallow The mnrket is steady; prime city. in tierces. 16c; city special loose. 16% c; prime country, irc; dark, 14®14%c: edible in tierces, 18® 18 %c. CHICAGO CATTLE By Assaciatei l'ress Chicago. Dec. 11. (l7. S. Rureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts. 30 000; market strong, mostly 10c ' higher than yesterdav's general nver ' age Butchers, $17.60® 17,80; light. I sl7 00® 17.70: packing. $16.75® 17.50; ' throwouts. $15.00® 15.75; pigs, good i 1o ho ice. $ 11.25 ® 1 •. "0. j Cattle Receipts, 14.000; killing /■lasses steady to strong, calves strong to 25c higher; stackers and feeders slow: beef rattle, good, choice nnd prime. $1 I 90® it.so: common and medium. $9.15® 14.90: butchers' stock, cowsand heifers. *6.50® 13.50; .-tin ners nnd cutters. $5.85® 6.50: storkeVs ' nnd feeders, good, choice and fancy. Is 9 00® 13 50; inferior. common and I medium 67.00fi0.60• venl calves, good and choice. $17.00® 17.80: western range hoof steers *1 '.oo® 17.50; cows and heifers, $7.78®12.25 pjjeen Receipts. In,000; market ge'nern'lv stendv: limbs, choice nnd nrinie *ls 60® 15 85; medium and good $14.25® 15.60; culls. slo.oo® 12 50* ewes, choice and prime. $9.50® 1000; medium and good. $8.00®9.50: culls.' $1 00®6.75. CWCA'-'O I0"I> OP TRADE By Associated Preps Chicago. Dec. 11. —Board of Trade 'r'oim—January. 1.91%: May 1.20%. Oat— January. 72*'. : May. 72 J A. Pork—Tanupary. 48.75: May, 45.00. I>erd— January. 26.35; May. 25.75. Ribs —January. 25.75: May. 21.90. TO ATTEND CONFERENCE Important after-war agricultural protects will he discussed at the con ference at Stnte College, beginning to-morrow, of the farm agents and h/ime economics experts of the vari ous counties in Pennsylvania. IT G Nieslev, Dauphin countv farm agent and Miss Mary Ruth Fisher, home economics expert for Dauphin county, will leave Harrishurg to-mor row to attend the conference. HEARST CABLED HALE TO WRITE FAVORING PEACE __ % Telegram From New Yorker Read Into Senate Prop aganda Record Probe Shows Hearst falls President proU-nt ler; Accuses .Cabinet oMlccr of iimim- I'act uring fu'sc cviilence; Ordered titlark on espionage 1)111: I'lauilcd loigery phase for Sunday paper; A.inigns Dcinucratic party; I'l for les American Attorney Gen- ' era); falls Gregory pro-Hrltlsli, pro corporation; Says lie is retained in ('nl)lnct by j interests; Declares Zlminormniiii note was forged to frighten Congress; Accuses Wilson of desire to betray country in I'aiiainu Canal rights. Impeaehes l'resideiit of dishon esty; Ordered flags tiff American page; Vsed them to sell llearst papers. Washington, Dec. 10. Govcrn i ment copies of telegrams signed by I William Randolph Hearst giving In structions regarding the policy of his newspapers and their corrcspon ! dents during the war were read in to the record at to-day'B hearing I of the Senate committee investigut | ing German propaganda. ("aides Hale Instructions In a message to the New York I American on February 24, 1917, j Mr. Hearst outlined instructions to i bo cabled to Williuin Bayard Hale, ' then a Hearst correspondent In Ber lin and who. according to evidence I recently produced was on the Ger- I man payroll without Hearst's knowl | edge. Mr. Hearst said he believed | a vast majority of the people in ■ America and Germany opposed the ' United States entering the war and i concluded 'we earnestly desire to i employ the influence of our country I not for the extension and protrac ' (ion of the war, but for the promo | tion of a just and lasting peace." I A message dated March 2. sign |ed "Doctor.' and addressed to S. S. • Carvalho, Ned York American, de . clpred the famous Zimniermann note i in which Germany proposed an ulli | ance with Mexico and Japan and . which the Associated l'ress revealed j to the world, probably was a forgery prepared by the attorney general. The object of the "forgery" the message said, "was to frighten Con gress into giving the President the powers he demanded and perhaps also Into passing the espionage bill." Professor Albert Bushnell Hart, of Harvard University, pointed to his record and to his published arti cles on the war as evidence that his nunie had no place on the German "list of important names" in the committee's investigation of German propaganda. Professor Hart described his ac quaintance with pro-Germans and declared he had not shared their views at any time. He said he re fused to join the German University Alliance at the invitation of Otto Merkel, of New York, because he did not wish to become identified with such an organization. If he were properly classed as a pro-Ger man he declared, his associates in Harvard and elsewhere could prop erly class him as a hypocrite and he cited many articles written by him and published in New York newspapers and elsewhere in which he condemned the violation of Bel- The message of March 2, signed "Doctor," said in part. "Agree with Francis Zinimermann note all probability absolute fake and forgery, prepared by very unscrupu lous attorney general's very unscrup ulous department. Everybody knows that the secret police are the most conscienceless manufacturers . of forged evidence in the world. . . . Gregory's whole career in office as Francis showed in recent editorial, has been a spy sent here and plot conceiver. He has not been bound by morals, facts or the constitution. He has employed the secret service to enforce England's unlawful or ders. He has attempted to put a bill through Congress to make any criticism of his acts or of the Presi dent's acts or of any political move or measure treasonable and punish tblc as such. "He is violently pro-British. He is surely violently pro-corporation. He is located where he can do the corporations the most good and he has been unwilling to be removed or I they have been unwilling to have | him removed, even for a position on 1 the supreme hench. He and Burle- I son are House's appointments and House has been a corporation lobby- I ist all his life. . . . "The object of the Zlmmcrmann ! forgery was to frighten Congress in ' to giving the President the powers 1 that he demanded and perhaps also i into passing the espionage bill. When I Wilson wanted to give away the rights of the United States in the Panama canal he pretended that he had private information of a dan gerous international situation suf ficient to justify his acts. He has never revealed his private informa tion and no one believes that he ever had any. "He could not repeat this false claim on this occasion, so a com plaisant cabinet officer this time un ! dertook to manufacture much I false evidence to enable Wilson to have his way. It is possible that the I British secret service co-operated in I those plans. The only serious eon i sequence is that the whole people of I this country, ninety per cent, of I whom do not want war, may be pro i Jected into war because of these misrepresentations and these forged documents, if they are forged. . . . "If we do not want to say all this editorially, we can suy part of it edi toriully, und get someone to stand for Interview as Hale used to do to bring all 'hese points out, especially those about the probable forgery of the note. We should develop the for gery phase of the note for the Sun day paper, if Francis and I seem to be right." A message dated February 21, 1917, uddressed to Philip Francis, in care of the New York American, said there should be a vigorous at tack on the espionage bill and quot i ed Senator Cummins as saying the measure was the most stringent and drastic ever proposed to curb a free people. "The Democratic party." the mes sage added, "seems to forget that this is a republic In which the people govern, and in which full informa tion is essential to intelligent govern ment." A message dated March 8. 1917, sgned "Hearst," and sent to Car valho, said: "If situation quiets down, please DECEMBER TI, T9IB. remove color flags from first page and little flugs on inside pageß, re- ! serving these for speclul occasions' of n warlike or patriptlc klnil. I j think they have been good for this I week, giving us 'a very American character, and probably helping sell ! papers, but to continue effective i they should be reserved for oc- '■ cnslons." New York, Dec. 10.—The authen ticity of the note sent by Dr. Alfred Zimmermann, the German foreign secretary, to the German minister to Mexico, as published in the United ! States in March, 1917, was admitted! in dispatches from the German | capital shortly after the publication of the note In this country. The I subject, in fact, came up at a ses sion of the Reichstag budget com mittee on March 5. The Berlin wire less dispatch which reported tike de bate stated that the committee "ex-j pressed regrets at the misfortune | which resulted in the interception of j Foreign Secretary Zinimermann's note," but that "responsibility for; its loss" could not be tlxed until for-| mer Ambassador Von He, .istorlT ar-I j rived from the United States. Dr. Zimmermann resigned the for eign secretaryship in July of the] I same year, and it was considered at j the time that the note incident had | not a littie to do with h,j retire ment. HARDSCRABBLE~MAY COME DOWN IN FALL [Contimii (I from First I'ugc.] owners are not entitled to any dam ages for improvements since that time. t Property Owners Appeal I While a number of the owners ac cepted the amounts • awarded by viewers appointed to fix duinnges for the properties to be taken over on the west side of the street, others appealed to the court and had the I eases tried before juries ai a special session. Legal points question were argued later after which Judge S. J. M. McCarrell gave his ruling that the city must not only pay for all properties which had been erect ed until 1871, but also for improve ments since that time. Recently cases in which verdicts had been returned in suits of the city to assess benefits on properties on the east side of Front street, from Herr to I'alder streets, because of the proposed improvements on the west side, were tried. In one of these cases the jury returned a ver dict in favor of the property owner and in another in favor of the city for $1,500 benefits. City Moved For Retrials City Solicitor Fox made motions for new trials in both cases stating to the court in argument session, that in the first case all the evidence produced by the city, and even two of the witnesses for the property owners fixed the benefits; while in the second case the verdict was much lower than the amounts which were given by realty experts. These cases are now under advise ment and the court will hond down opinions later. There are a number of other similar actions to be dis posed of and Solicitor Pox said he may ask the court in the near future to fix a date for a special session to try these suits. City officials said they will take no action until the legal questions have been settled after which plans will be made at once to rase the buildings and complete the improve ments along the river front. i m To Help Make Strong, Keen |jsf S j|___ Red Blooded Americans I Being used by over three million peo ple annually. It will increase the strength of weak, nervous, run-down folks in two weeks' time in many in stances. Ask your Doctor or drug gist about it. I Qiristmas 1 Or money for other purposes can be had from us at jst rates prescribed by the laws ot the State of Pennsylvania. X n' A great many people have the wrong conception of bor- :j# Ja rowing money. Most all business men at times are com £: polled to borrow money to tide them over a short period, .ft jL so why is it any different for an individual to borrow under jT: the same conditions. ft ; M All transactions are strictly confidential. 5T ft OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL XMAS i \ I Employees Loan Society j '£?: Room 206 Bergner Building ,u X Third and Market Streets. m" T|' Licensed and Bonded by ttic State TEXTBOOK OF 1 , WALL STREET | / Including \flv /History N. Y. Stock Exchange. Augmenting One's Income. \ I History N. Y. Curb. How to Open an Account. k v How These Markets Differ. Methods of Trading. 't| Art of Speculation for Profits. Dictionary of Wall Street. Limited Edition now ready for distribution. I \ Copy free upon request. I \ / \ INVESTMENT BECUHITIES / \ / > '' I X 212 Si. Third St.. UnrrUhurn. / . Itolll'lionr H4BK, Automatic UU.ttl. ™ | DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES tUw York Karrifburn > * ~—- ----- - . -'y CAPITAL LEGION DINNER The Capttol Protective Legion No. 1108. of the National Protective Legion, will hold a chicken noodle soup dinner this evening at Grand Army hall, 20 North Third street. Mrs. George F. Garverich is In charge of the affair. \wmwm ALL (TO FACE Scales Formed. Burned Te rribly. Cuticura Healed. "Small pirrples began breaking out on my forehead and soon spread all over my face and I was ashamed to go out. The pimples were very large and of a bluish color, and they came to a head. I pinched them and scales formed, and they burned something I terrible. "1 saw an advertisement l'or Cutl ; cura Soap and Ointment. I thought I would try them, and I used nearly two cakes of Soap and a box of Oint ment when I was healed." (Signed) Miss Clara Mae Burleson, Eldred, Pa., March 19, 1918. Why not use these fragrant, super i creamy emollients for every-day toilet and nursery purposes and prevent 1 these distressing skin troubles? Erh Frt by Mill Aridrea, poat-rard: "Cotlcara, Dept. S, Boatoa " Sold everrwhor*. Soap 25c. Ointment 25 and 60c. Talcum 25c. ! DEAD ON YOUR FEET Feeling dull, tired, worn.run-downT Shake up that lazy liverwith Schenck's Mandrake Pilla to-night and mark ! their magic effect. One dose will prove their efficacy and make you j feel like a new being. Constipation, biliousness, bilious j headache, etc., readily yield to Schenck's Mandrake Pills. 25c per box—uncoated or augar coated | Dr. J. H. Schenck & Son, Philadelphia IF YOUR EARS RING : | : WITH HEAD NOISES | If you have roaring, buzzing noises in your ears, are getting hard of hearing and fear Ca tarrhal Deafness, go to your druggist and get 1 ounce of , Ham,nit (double strength), and add to it I/4 pint of hot water and a little granulated sugar. Take 1 tablespoonful four times a day. This will often bring quick relief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and the mucus stop drop ping into the throat. It is easy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant to take. Any one who lias Catarrhal trouble , of the ears, is hard of hearing or has head noises should give this prescription a trial. m MTP P W BUNIONS CALLUSES GORGAS DRUG STORES J- —< ! High - Class Homes 100 S. Thirteenth Street. 621 Sixteenth Street, i 1515 State Street. 803 N. Seventeenth Street. 1713 Forster Street. I 1549 State Street. 2058 Whitehall Street. FOR SALE ' BELL REALTY CO. j URHGNER IICII,DING.