Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 11, 1918, Page 13, Image 13
NO MORE TEGH FOOTBALL; OUT NOW FOR BASKETBALL RECORD; MORAN LOSES HIS JOB Tech's Mighty Basketball Team Out For Records Ono of tlia biggest of disappoint ments, wai the telogram from Scott High of Toledo, that the Buckeye eleven had disbanded for the season. That means that there will bo no contest foe championship honors, Ixcal fans still believe that the Maroon eleven has the punch to trim the Buckeyes. Out in Kane they "think that they have a team,, and question Tech's right to the honor. They have scored 255 points to 50 by their opponents. They also siy that they havo not been scored upon at home. All they •want i 3 60 per cent, of the gate re ceipts to corfle in for Tech to "play with." Then Tech will get the bal ance after several hundred dollars are paid to officials and for the field. But the Tech management is be ginning to feel ashamed of itself to ask the people to come to see a championship contest and then stage a track meet, as has been the case the last two Saturdays. Then there is another team in Rochester, Pa., that wants to take a trip to this city to play Tech. Chances are they want a chance to go through the Capitol, and this is one plan they have in view of coming East. If Kane and Rochester can to gether pick an eleven, the Tech scrubs will play them. Don't forget that the Tech reserves still have to lose a contest. Philadelphia and Pittsburgh papers have become alive to the fact that there is a real cham pion team here in Dauphin county, and those papers are not going to take much account of these little lligh schools, whom Tech could spot 100 points. Whoop Up Basketball With the football season passed, Tech athletes will turn their atten tion to basketball. One champion ship has been annexed and now Tech will try to repeat its cham- Xiionsliip of last season. It is reason able to expect that they will, as the same squad remains. As for track? Well, Tech has always set the pace for the last half dozen years. Throe championships for one High school the same year would be some rec ord. But it would not be surprising to see the Maroon boys do the trick. It would be a great feat. Roster of Battles Following the Alumni game, Tech has an open date for January 3. The remainder of the schedule is as follows: January 10, I,ancaster, at home. January 17, Allentown, at home. January 24, York, away. January 31, Lebanon, away. February 7, Lancaster, away. February 14, McKinley Manual Training, of Washington, pending. February 21, York, at home. February 28, Lebanon, at home. March 7, Reading, away. March 8, Allentown, away. March 14, open. March 15, Steelton, away. March 21, Reading, at home. March 28, open. Out For a Record From the schedule it will be seen that all but one of the regular con tests will be in the Central Penn sylvania Basketball League. The game pending with the Washington team on Valentine Day is the excep tion. At a recent -meeting of the league officials it was decided to give a cup to the runnerup in the league. The Rensselaer Polytechnic cup is for permanent possession to the winner. Then the Reading Times cup has to be won three times for possession. Reading, Central and Tech each have a leg on this trophy. Bearing in mind what Tech did lust year, it looks reasonable to ex pect Tech to repeat. Huston is the only member lost by graduation. To take his place are half a dozen good boys who should make the quintet stronger than ever. "Mikq" Shaffner is the student manager. First Game With Alumni Two weeks from Friday the Tech nical High school basketball squad will open its season playing the initial contest against the Alumni five. It will be a Yuletide affair staged at Chestnut street liali, and the former Maroon students who are home for the holidays will be on hand to see the Central Pennsyl vania champions start the season, and incidentally will enjoy the dance to follow the contest. Powerful Material Tech has practically the same squad left over front last season, that won the honors in the Central Pennsylvania Basketball League. Captain "Goldie" Huston will bo missed as will "Dutch" Miller, a substitute. Huston's place will be hard to fill, as he was one of the best shots Tech has ever had. From the fifteen foot line ho could always be relied upon to add another point. Of the regulars from last season are "Buddie" Linglo at forward; "Doughnuts" Wilsbach at center; Beck, Kohlman and Smith at guard. These live players won their letter as members of the quintet last sea son. In the school are many other players who are of equul caliber with those already mentioned. "Haps" Frank will make a bid for the center, or a forward posi I* Play Safe-- Stick to • • KING r OSCAR CIGARS , Because the quality is as good as ever it was. They will please and satisfy you 7c—wort li It s JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers J - I WEDNESDAY EVENING, tlon. Elmer started the seneon at forward last year, hut won forced ] to stop the game following the con. test with the Carlisle Indian Re serve# because of an attack of diph theria, Coach Miller did not uso "El" nut eft after that time because of (he player's weakened condition. He is*h fast forward. "Vie" Blhl will fit in well at either center or guard, while ho la nlsq a clever shot and should bo placed at Wie forward post. Candidate Host Strong In addition to these candidates are many other players who remain from last year's class teams. "Red" Huston, Weidman, Garrett, Kbert, Ploam, Kcane, F. Beck, "Bill" Hoerncr und a host of others will try'for tho first quintet. "Bud" Bell is another player who can bo. count ed on too, us ono of the most likely players in tho school, us ho lots hud considerable experience on Ma roon teams. "Boo" Miller For Coach "Whilo It has not been definitely settled, the position of coach will fall to C. W. Miller, physical direc tor at the Y. M. C. A. Insufficient time may prevent him from taking the position, but the success of his work last year in giving Tech its first winner, makes him- the logical candidate, and Tech students are "strong" for his retention. He has | done his hardest work in developing j a winner, afld • this year's work j should bo easy for him. SIOO Offered in Prizes For Four Best Slogans Announcement is made on another page of tills paper of a unique slogan contest to be conducted by the Front Market Motor Supply Company of this city, who represent the Willard Bat tery in this district. One hundred dol lars will be distributed in prizes prior to Christmas. Due to the congestion in River | avenue, between Market and Chest ; nut streets, where the present Wil ' lard service station is located, it be came necessary, for the convenience of auto owners, to either find a new location or provide means to over come present conditions. Loathe to leave the present quar ters, some plan was sought to rem edy the consisted condition, with the result that vacant property located in the rear of certain buildings iri Market Square and directly opposite the- batteiy station and charging plant, was secured, which is now be | ing converted into a parking plate j for auto owners seeking battery serv- I ice at tho 3Viilard station. ] This parking space will allow suf ficient room for the convenient park ing of twelve to fifteen cars, and will | make possible the keeping open of j River street, which Is now a une- I way thoroughfare from Market to I Chestnut street It is to clearly direct the auto ! mobile owner seeking battery serv ] ice to the new spacious quarters that I a slogan is sought. For the four j slogans, which, in the opinion of the j Judges, best accomplish this purpose,! one hundred dollars will be paid in prizes. Full particulars regarding the con test may be found in the announce ment on another page of this paper. Gen. Dougherty Stricken; Former Head of N. G. P. ! Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa., Dec. 11.—Major I General C. B. Dougherty, formerly j commander of the National Guard of Pennsylvania, is suffering Yrom a slight stroke of paralysis. General Dougherty went to Philadelphia toj attend a banquet tendered Governor i Brumbaugh and left for New York Sunday night. While In the lobby of! a hotel he complained of feeling | strangely. His condition became j alarming and he directed that Dr. William J. Lewis, a personal friend, be called It was found that he suffered a stroke and members of his family] hurried to his bedside. Word re ceived from them yesterday was that the general shows slight improve- i nient. PASTOR GETS TOURING CAR Gettysburg, Pa., Dec. 11.—The Rev. F. H. Brunstetter, pastor of the Meth odist Church at New Oxford, as well as the church of that denomination here, was made happy to-day by his i congregation at that place when they presented to him a brand new 1918 model Overland touring car. j MRS. \VM. GI'TSIIALL "BURIED B'aln, Pa., Dec. 11.—The funeral services of Mrs. William Gutshall, who died at her home in Jackson township on Sunday night, were held yesterday, with burial in the Union Cemetery. Mrs. Gtitsliall was I 67 years old. SNOODLES By Hungerford 'I . ID ji/Tj | v ELI 'I I I .—, , ~~Z~, Tep and 1 , W tl W fe/ . ( LOOK. AT MY / NATIONAL LEAGUE CHOOSESHEYDLER Unanimously Elected Presi dent-Secretary and Treas urer of Organization Sow York, Dec. 11. —John A. Hey dlcr was elected to the combined of fice of presidetiT-secretary-treasurer of the National League for a three year term at to-day's meeting of the senior baseball organization leaders. The three offices of the league were combined by unanimous vote and Heydler was elected by acclamation, his name being the only one present ed for the office of president. Prior to the regular meeting of the league leaders an informal | discussion was held in which, Hey dler, John Conway Toole, attorney] for the league, and Robert Brown, of j Louisville, were considered, for the i vacancy. A committee which waited on Heydler was informed that he would not care to accept the presi dency -unless he were elected for a term of years. This was agreed to and the election was made for the term of threo years. The presidency and secretary-treas urership had been separate offices sir.ee 1907 when Heydler, then secre tary to the president, was elected to the position of secretary. Heydler was born in La Fargeville, N. Y., in 1869, and his first connection with baseball was as a newspaper correspondent in 1893. From 1894 to 1897 he was a substitute umpire in the National League. In 1898 he was made a member of the regular um pire staff, but resigned in midseason following a dispute on- the Polo grounds. * In 1902 he was placed in chargj of the National League averages and the following year was made secre tary to Harry Pulllam, then presi dent of the league. He became sec retary-treasurer of the Nationnl Lea gue in 1907 and in 1909, following the death of Pulliam, filled out the un expired term of the late president. Following the; election of Governor John K, Tener to the presidency of the league in 1914, Heydler conducted the affairs of the organization until Tener assumed office in 1915. Heydler has been acting president since Gov ernor Tener resigned last summer. The league reduced its board of di rectors from its eight club presi dents to a board of five, with four club presidents and the league presi dent, the latter to serve as president ex-offlcio. The number of members of the board was raised from five to eight two years ago. The ne#v board of directors con sists of Presidents Herrmann, Eb etts, Baker and Hempstead of the Cincinnati, Brooklyn, Philadelphia and New York clubs respectively. The following are in attendance at the meeting: Boston, Arthur Wise and Walter Hapgood; New York, Harry | Hempstead and John Foster; Brook lyn, Charles Ebbetts; Chicago, Wil liam Veech; Pittsburgh, Barney Drey l'uss; Cincinnati, August Herrmann; St. Louis, James C. Jones; Philadel phia, William Baker. The board of directors refused to permit Fred Mitchell, president-man ager of the Chicago Cubs to take a seat at the meeting, he refusing to answer when questioned as to wheth er he would manage the club next year or not. August Herrmann, chairman of the National Commission, is anxious to learn just how far his fellow mag nates mean to go in putting the skids under him as leader of baseball's su preme court. Harry Hempstead, the New York owner, came out to-day with a fiat statement against retain ing Herrmann. He prepared his re marks with a declaration of his rec ognition of Herrmann, as a good fel low, but he believes that a man 1 un connected with either league should be picked as chairman. President Charles Ebbetts, of the Brooklyn Club, announced to-day that he had signed Wilbert Robinson to continue as manager of the team for the season of 1919. This will be Robinson's sixth year with the Brook lyn Club. Shrewd Billiards Bring Big Crowds to Leonards Gordon Drane vanquished John Fertig, 100 to 59, last evening at the city handicap billiard tournament in Leonard's parlors, Drane running out 18 in a stretch against Fertig's 12. The latter had an unlucky night, ] taking a second defeat, this time ] from Ernest Schweimetz. He played ! at 100 scratch and attempted to j beat Schweimetz who played at 80 , scratch. The score was 83 to 80 in j Fertig's favor, but Fertig did not! score high enough to win when ho was playing at 100 handicap. Fer tig's high run was 7 and Schwei metz's was 8. The players stack up like this now. Name Won Lost George Genn 2 0 Gordon Drane 2 0 Earnest Schweimetz ... 3 > Thomas George 2 1 Max Johnson 2 1 Bruce Mingle 1 1 John Fertig 1 3 Thomas pevine 0 2 David Srnouse 0 3 To-night Drane will meet Mingle and Johnson will be matched agulnst Smouse BJLRRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH Kerflump! Pat Moran Drops Out of Phillies Propelled by Owner, Who May Sell Club Talk about the ups and downs qf, an elevator man! He has nothing on the professional ballplayer. With a dull sickening thud, William F. Baker, president of the Philadelphia Na tional League team, suddenly dropped the manager, Pat Moran, yesterday, a blow which echoed all through Pea cock alley In the Waldorf, where the league is holding its annual meeting. When Bill Taft refused to be czar of baseball he kned something. Napoleon and Machteavelli combined could never get along with these mad magnates. President Baker declined to give any reasons for putting Pat on the toboggan and would not discuss why he had fired a man who took a cast olt team in 1915 and won a pennant his first year; likewise, who kept the club up even when Alexander and Killifer had left. Moran is one oS boseball's vet erans, having been a professional catcher for nearly a quarter of a century. His first professional '-n --gagement was with the Lyons Clu'o, of the New York State League, ar.d he broke into fast company with the Boston Braves. Subsequently he became a member of the Chicago Cuba and was instrumental in helping Frank Chance to win more than one pennant. The Phillies secured Moran; in 1911, and he acted as coach to the; young pitchers until October 19. i 1914, when he was signed as manager to succeed Charlie Dooln. In his first season as pilot of the Phillies Moran startled the baseball world by land ing what was considered a misfit ag gregation In the spring at the top of the National League race. His subsc uqent career Is well known to every Philadelphia baseball fan. Moran's contract calls for 9,000, which is pretty steep in these days,' but the real cause appears to be that] the club is about to change owner-- AROUND THE BASES A khaki-clad driver was trying to drive a mule, says Tid-Bits, draw-! ing a load of laundry, through a. hospital gate. The mule would do anything but pass through the gate. "Want any 'clp, chum?" shouted one of the hospital orderlies. "No," I replied the driver, "byt I'd like to know how Noah got two of these blighters into the Ark" Uncle Sam got Denmark's goat at last. Copenhagen paper admits: "What America has achieved is a world record which no European country can match. An army has been created which it has been pos sible to move to France and which has changed the fortunes of the war. A commercial fleet is now being constructed which in a few years will make America the greatest sea power in the world; and, politically, America has gained a leading po sition within the circle of the Allies which will make it indisputably primus inter pares." Memphis, Tenn. St. Frisco, 2:01%, world's champion stallion and harness turf's most noted trot ter, died at the training stable of Ed. F. Oeers at Billings Park track of hemorrhage, the same way as the other champion, Lee Axworthy. No trotter in the entire history of the harness turf has ever raced as hard, long and consistently as the son of San Francisco and surely none has won as many fast heats. The most unique feature of this race trotter has been the fact that he was never raced in any of his heuts as a trailer, but always in the front, nosing every heat right under the wire or what is known in turf par lance, Just nosed out. He hardly ever took a misstep and through his entire racing career of four years was either winner or a nosed out second, being as far back as third only three limes. • Blights tlio Soul "Here is a preacher who announces that the automobile is a menace to relig- j ion." "Maybe the poor fellow bought a j sctond-hand car.", — Charlotte Ob- j server. - New York, Dec. 11. —Intercolleg-' iate basketball will be- resumed this 1 season, and there will be no cham pionship series and no title will be awarded by the Intercollegiate! League, according to an announce ment here to-night by Ilalph Mor gan, secretary of the league. Mr. Morgan explained that tjie ] decision not to award a title was based on the fact that Columbia, Cornell, Pennsylvania and Yale each have two legs on the Happy trophy and that it would be unfair to hold a championship series which-proba bly would result in the winning of the championship by one of these four, as at least two of the teams have lost virtually all of their play ers because of the war. Cornell, he added, probably will not have a team, and the schedule will be made up only of games for Columbia, Yale, Pennsylvania and, Princeton. The series probably will start on January 11. Cincinnati, Dec. 11.—August Herr mann, chairman of the National i AT MORAN, PHILLIEB' MANAGER 1 ship. "I always gave Philadelphia fans my best," Moran said. "And I hate to leave Philadelphia. I asked Mr. Baker whether there was any , thing in my work that he objected to, 'or any department of managership j in which I fell short. He said; 'No, •but I've decided to make a change.'" Baxball Commission, said to-day ! that action would be taken at the j National League meeting in New ; York Tuesday to resume the league i schedule and elect John Heydler as president of the organization. "We are going to start right where i we were when the war stopped us," j said Mr. Herrmann. "We will not | stop until the game is back upon i its old footing. We shall vote to re ! sume the National League schedule and we shall make John Heydler president in name as well as In ! fact." ■ Altout Time, Too—An officer in specting sentrici; guarding the lino 'in Flanders came across a raw j looking yeomaif. "What are you here for?" he ask j ed. "To report anything unusual, | sir." "What would you call unusual?" "1 dunno exactly, sir." i "What would you do if you saw five battleships steaming across that field yonder?" "Sign the pledge, sir."—Tit-Bits. "As long as Germany conducts ' herself properly .... Mr. Hoover i j will keep her stomach full. If she j back jumps, off go the rations. Work ' ( ed properly and with firmness, this i: simply can't lose. Not with a Ger -11 man "After the first train-load of food i ; in each province is well digested, i; then the general scheme for Ger i many should be presented. Full i knowledge that nonacceptunce would mean failure to eat further would do the job. That's a safe bet if ever there was one."—Macon Telegraph. The Dutch castle where W. Ho henzollern is staying is said to house one of the finest collections of an tiques in the world. They sure got a gem there now. "Our prediction is that England • will hang William Hohenzollern, lato Emperor of Germany. And the pre diction is based upon a knowledge of England's record for meting out j justice to criminals. She is the one j nation that does not forget, nor for j give. Also she has a habit of going about things in a perfectly legal way. So we predict that William Ho ] henzollern will be tried in Enlund, | and hanged."—Columbus Dispatch. j TO GIVE S.ILERKKAI'T SIITER IT SACRED HEART Women of the Sacred Heart Catho ; lie Church in South Cameron street. ! will hold a sauerkraut supper to night and to-morrow nighty in the basement of the church edifice. Pro i ceeds will be devoted to the work of i the parish. ________ SHOT TWO DEER Hlnin, Pa., Dec. II. —Arthur D. Garber, Mr. Newcdmer, George L. Mumper, James Borrier and Edwnrd Rheum, of Lancaster coufity, who j were hero on a hunting expedition. I being ramped on the property owned by Edward Rhcam, were suc cessful In kllllnfc two fine deer, which were shot iby James Berrler and Mr. Newcomer. , Middletown Boy Scouts Win Out in Basketball The Middletown Boy Scouts' bas ketball team defeated the Indepen dent team in Luna Rink, on Monday evening by the score of 10-6. Line up: BOY SCOUTS Fd.G. P. Pts. Roth, f 1 0 2 Houser, f. 2 4 8 Rudy, c 0 0 0 D. McCord, g 0 0 0 Hannah, Moore, g... 0 0 0 Totals 3 4 10 INDEPENDENTS Fd.G. F. Pts. McCord, f 2 0 6 Bowman, f 0 0 0 Slttler, c 0 0 0 Schiefer, 0 0 0 Geyer, g 0 0 0 Totals 2 2 6 WITH THE BOWLERS In the Academy League Pershings trimmed Corporals and Lieutenants hooked Majors, as follows: PERSHINGS Bobb 11l 88 125 324 James 136 136 136- 408 Jacobs ....j 131 117 87— 335 Johnson .... 99 96 108—- 303 Hargest .... 11l 128 166 405 Total .... 588 565 622—1775 CORPORALS Martin .... 147 125 122 — 394 Kiersou 123 161 117 —401 M. Demma.. 93 86 117 — 296 Miller 103 109 81— 293 Bentz 136 145 137 428 Total 602 626 574—1812 MAJORS Sol 120 122 122 366 Sible 106 145 104 — 355 Eshelman .. 131 101 135 — 367 Worley .... 113 120 135 — 368 I. Harmon . 114 126 102— 342 Total 586 614 598 —1798 LIEUTENANTS Morrett .... 120 110 148— 378 Beula 108 93 114— 315 R. Harmon . 150 142 98 — 390 Herbein .... 105 138 105 348 Simmons ... 132 126 158 416 Total .... 615 609 624—1847 Two battles took place at the Boyd Memorial alleys, the winners being the McCormick Sunday Schoolers and Bethany: McCORMICK Sible 86 116 126 — 328 Brink 114 135 95 344 Wallower . . 12 2 138 111— 371 Finley 92 120 126 333 Disman .... 140 162 156 458 Total .... 559 671 614—1839 BOYD Lawrence .. 143 139 129 411 Koch 113 118 106— 337 McDonald .. 144 103 100 — 347 Sawyer .... 89 68 108 —■ 265 Strom'er ... 100 100 100 ■ 300 Total .... 589 528 543—1660 BETHANY S. Lego .... 107 115 123 345 Breniser .... 142 99 152 393 'N Lego .... 140 102 113— 355 T. Lego ...: 148 132 132—412 Total .... 637 564 705 —1908 MESSERSMITH E. Wolfe .. 181 101 127 408 Soloman .... 98 95 100—293 Peiffer 108 160 134 402 W. Wolfe .. 105 86 114— 305 Low 142 144 144 430 Total 655 586 619—1838 The Richards and Brnshear's es tablishment of the Bethlehem Steel Company tournament continued with these results: ELECTRICAL Rilev 148 /145 170— 463 Clark 126 \ 151 135 412 Hornberger . 135 130 151— 416 Brown 141 156 204 501 Total 672 705 789—2167 GENERAL OFFICE Harlacher . . 125 178 127 430 Wells 144 138 130— 412 Maurer .... 117 116 110 — 349 Snyder 128 166 149 — 443 Total .... 675 729 663 —2057 On the Leonard alleys last night the Accounting Department defeated the Purchasing Department of the Central Iron and Steel Company. ACCOUNTING Grlssinger . . 132 144 169 445 Easton 169 119 123 — 411 Sheesley ... 207 105 J36 —.448 Hare 148 125 123 396 Lechthaler . 172 151 116— 439 Total 828 644 667 —2139 PURCHASING Drinkwater . 130 140 128— 398 Irwin 158 137 175 470 Snyder 134 110 143 387 Harms 148 139 130— 417 Stouffer 124 152 143 419 Total 694 678 719—2091 The first match of the Lemoyne Bowling League, which hereafter will play on Mondays and Fridays, resulted: CAPTAINS Fickes 94 118 107 — 313 Prowell 96 99 88 — 294 Moser 94 112 104— 310 Atkinson ... 67 131 79 277 Fowler 100 97 103— 300 Total 461 557 482—1500 ENSIGNS Rogers 125 124 142 392 Whitman ... 115 107 125 347 D'Angelo ... 79 125 132 336 Fox 147 148 - 122 417 Clark 90 161 88— 339 Total 656 665 610—1831 DECEMBER IT, 1918. World Champion Basketball Team at Chestnut Street Hall, Saturday The world cfiampion Greystock team of Philadelphia will present exactly the same team that won the championship two years ago (when they defeated the winners of the New York State League) at Chest nut Street Auditorium on Saturday night. Saturday night will be a fea ture at the auditorium; Ike McCord will don an Independent uniform and play with the local lads every Sat urday night and game from now on. Harry Rote, who starred for two sea sons on the Independen' team, may also be seen in a uniform at the game on Saturday. Joe Fogarty, well-known in the basketball world and very popular here, wil be at one of the forward positions, with "Billy" Zuhn, who was a star on the club for two years. Red Cross Concert Was Given to Appreciative Audience at Grace M. E. The Grace Methodist Church Red Cross Auxiliary and the Verbeke School Building Junior Red Cross So ciety are $175 richer to-day as a result of the patriotic entertainment by the Pennsylvania Railroad Young Men's Glee Club, assisted by other artists, in the assembly hall of Grace Methodist Episcopal Church last evening. The affair was under the direction of Miss Ivie M. R. Cook. All numbers presented to the huge audiehce were well received. In ad dition to the Pennsylvania Railroad Men's Glee Club, which has a mem bership of twenty-five mate trained voices; there were special numbers by assisting artists, including: The Updegrove's orchcstrs. Miss Margaret .Vaughn, harpist; Miss Maigaretta Kennedy, violin-cellist; Miss Aldah Kennedy, pianist; Mrs. William K. Bumbaugh, soprano soloist; Mrs. Harry G. Keffer, reader; Miss Jean Get Your Perfection Oil Heater Now , • This year there will be a bigger demand than ever before. With the present coal situation everybody has to make every ton last as long as possible. A Perfection will help you do it. PERFECTION OIL/MEATERS don't know how to do anything but heat. The sins of smoking and smelling have been banished from their make-up long ago. They stand in a corner, out of the way, ready to make any room in the house warm and comfortable whenever you want it so. Your Perfection will be economical to operate be cause it bums kerosene, but don't make the mistake of using any kind of kerosene. For perfect results always use Atlantic Rayolight Oil. It is different from the others—so scientifically refined that it must give its full quota of heat and all without sputter, smoke or smell. > Best of all, a Perfection is safe. You can depend on it. It's impossible to turn the wick too high. And with ordinary care your Perfection will last for many years. Priced $5.65 to SIO.OO. Ask your dealer. The Atlantic Refining Company Everywhere in Penntylvania and Delaware B Rayolicrht Jack Lawrence, one of the most pop ular centers in basketball, and who was out of the game last season with a broken ankle, will jump center fci the visitors. MacGregor and Camp bell, the old reliable guards of the club, will do guard duty for the Grey stock team. The local Independent lineup will be shifted around considerably and with Ike McCord back on the job the locals will make a good account of themselves from now on. Special music has been secured • for this Saturday night between the halves. A local boy who is home from the army and whose name will • • be given out later by the manage ment, will sing between the halves two popular songs written by Harold J Houtz and himself. - Moses, the little girl soprano; Mls9 Moses was the soloist for the chil dien's chorus and other features. Packing Christmas Boxes For Yanks in Home Camps Gratifying results have already been recorded at Red Cross head quarters as the result of an appeal to the. people of Harrlsburg for Christmas gifts to bo sent the boys in camps. A second appeal, serv ing as a follow-up to that ihade public Tuesday, was issued this morning. It has been requested by the Red Cross that the articles in the lists published in Tuesday night's Tele graph bo brought to the headquar ters in the basement of the Harris burg Public Library. Hero the boxes will be packed. They will be uni form in size and the contents wil. cost approximately |1.50. Contri butions of money or articles will bi received at the Red Cross rooms. 13